30. May 2018 07:23 by osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au 
> intermittent=summer
> In summer: explicit state = intermittent
> Otherwise: default state = not present

I strongly oppose bolting on additional unclear values to tag where 99.99% 
values are yes/no.

See https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/intermittent#values 
<https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/intermittent#values> 98.68% for yes, 
1.31% for no,

all other values together 0.01%.

Especially as intermittent=summer may easily mean:

"intermittent during summer, water present otherwise"

"intermittent during summer, no water otherwise"

Intermittent is nice, clean tag without overly complicated syntax and it should 
stay this way.

One may easily invent new tags to properly tag such detail.

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