Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-09 Thread Nick Hocking
t seems that the Emergency shelter situation for Hurricane Irma is very
dynamic with over 200 new shelters being opened in just one day.

Apparently the Red Cross have released an app (using Google  Maps) that
tracks the emergency shelters and also indicates which ones can't accept
new evacuees because they are full.

Therefore I think we do need a tag for "status" which would have values of
"closed" "open" and "full".

PS , I haven't seem the Red Cross app but the reviews are not good, with
one review describing it as "half baked", which, if true, would make it, in
my opinion, worse than useless.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-08 Thread Nick Hocking
Eric wrote

"  This is an open database and we all "garden" the data to make sure that
information is correct."

I think that information critical to safety needs a higher level of
verification than just peer review.
So the argument comes down to what is critical information.

I normal times, road geometry on maps should not be critical to drivers
because we expect them to use eyes/brain ahead of navigation prompts.(and
yes I know this doesn't always happen)

In times of emergency, certain information just must be correct and can not
be allowed to be tampered with.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-07 Thread Nick Hocking
Eric wrote   "Why would you delete data that is still valid and useful?"

My concern is that if these are permanent features, then people will say
"ooh - they'll be the same as last time" and of course they probably won't
be the same as last time and we may route people to a wrong place, with
possible tragic results.

I agree that this information should be left in place, but marked ,
unusable, until specifically activated by authorities, which I agree should
be well ahead of time, so long as people know that they will not be usable
until a state of emergency is declared.

Activation should be on a center by centre basis so that authorities will
be more likely to ensure the list of centers is accurate and up-to-date.

I also think that this information should NOT be edited, in any way by
anyone other than the authorities. This brings back the old arguments about
read only data in OSM.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Evacuation Route

2017-09-07 Thread Nick Hocking
Hi Eric,

I noticed that in one of the briefings , the Govoner of Florida mentioned
that Goggle was going to dynamically change their "evacuation routes",
should one become unavailable.

Will this proposal contain alternate evacuation routes, and an indication
by whom and when they would be activated?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-07 Thread Nick Hocking
Marc wrote

"*open=yes/no *except this one. what do you mean ?"

Yes, I agree , this one is silly and means nothing. They are always open,
and if closed will be  just deleted from the map.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-07 Thread Nick Hocking
The list of emergency centers would be very much dependent on where the
threat is and what the nature of the threat is.

Therefore I see these as being loaded (by the relevant authorities) only
when a state of emergency is declared and only for the areas affected.

These locations would therefore be available (on OSM) online, immediately,
and available for download shortly after. Since the areas are relatively
small the downloads would not be a big issue.

Once the state of emergency is rescinded, the data could be deleted.

Since these tags would only be used by the authorities, I believe that they
should be unique to them.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-07 Thread Nick Hocking
Marc wrote
"The social facility shelter
mentions emergency shelter."

Yes it does, although I would think that these would usually be of limited
capacity and meant for use at all times.

I think we need  tagging for large scale relief centres that would be open
(and known to be open) if, and only if, a state of emergency has been
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-06 Thread Nick Hocking
Gerd wrote

"I think amenity=shelter is well established  "

Yes, I read that but saw that it said  "a small place", so it doesn't seem
appropriate for disaster relief situations.
Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Emergency shelters

2017-09-06 Thread Nick Hocking
Do we have a tagging scheme for emergency shelters to be used in times of
natural disasters?

Off the top of my head I could see tags such as

  radiation/nuclear fallout
  bomb blast
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] More no_u_turn

2016-09-06 Thread Nick Hocking
My suggestion is only for intersections.
U_turns along a road are a whole new ball-game and are dependant on inter
carriageway markings  that are not normally tagged. I think these turns are
best left to the driver, the map-data and the router should ignore them.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] More no_u_turn

2016-09-05 Thread Nick Hocking
What would be really easy and flexible would be to tag u_turn=no on a node.

This would mean that this node is not allowed to take part in a u_turn
manouver either as part of a from a to or a via. Since most traffic light
intersections seem to be all 4 way no u_turn, all we need is one tage on
each entry nodes to an intersection.
Intersection that differ from this would be tagged on an individual basis.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] More no_u_turn

2016-09-04 Thread Nick Hocking
Hans wrote

"I had the same question

On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 9:57 PM, Nick Hocking>> wrote:

>* A car travelling westbound on an undivided road is about to cross a *>*
north/south divided road at traffic lights. *> >* We wish to prevent the
car from doing a U-turn at this intersection. *>* Do we have to put in two
no_u_turn restrictions, one for each of the *>* north/south carriageways. *>
>* If we only need one, where do we tag this - on the left carriageway or *>*
the right one? "*

*I'll ask the question over on the routing list.  It does beg the more
basic question of...*

*Do we make the routing software smart, which has the risk of the software
making a wrong assumption/decision and giving the user an incorrect or
dangerous directive or do we make the routing software really dumb which
entails micro mapping every intersection to a ridiculous degree, which in
turn makes it  very hard to keep the map complete up-to-date and accurate.*

*A third option would be to ban all u-turns world wide :-)*

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] More no_u_turn

2016-09-03 Thread Nick Hocking
A car travelling westbound on an undivided road is about to cross a
north/south divided road at traffic lights.

We wish to prevent the car from doing a U-turn at this intersection.
Do we have to put in  two no_u_turn restrictions, one for each of the
north/south carriageways.

If we only need one, where do we tag this - on the left carriageway or
the right one?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Permissive turn restrictions

2016-09-03 Thread Nick Hocking
Would it be a reasonable solution to have area defaults tagged into the
boundary relation/polygon that defines that area. (e.g an administrative

For example, we could have values similar to

"unsigned residential ways"  - maxspeed 50
U-turn at traffic signals   yes/no
unsigned motorway  maxspeed 130
school hours 08:00-09:30;14:30-16:00
school days mo-fr
public holidays 1/1;

Then we only have to tag the exceptions.  It would however, mean that we
have to define permissive restrictions.
Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Permissive turn restrictions

2016-09-01 Thread Nick Hocking

Apparently, in Australia the default rule at traffic lights is that u-turns
are not permitted.

At some ,there are signs saying " U Turn permitted".  How do we tag this.

Turn restriction seem to be either mandatory (only) or prohibitive (no)
but I think we need a permissive one, maybe (allowed)

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