[ANNOUNCE] JSP 2.1 and Faces 1.2 Public Review

2005-04-14 Thread Pierre Delisle
We are pleased to announce the availability of the Public Review
of the next versions of the specification for JavaServer Pages (JSP)
and JavaServer Faces (Faces).  JSP 2.1 is developed under JSR-245 and
Faces 1.2 is developed under JSR-252.  The two expert groups are working 
ogether to improve the alignment between these two powerful web presentation 

Building on the work that was accomplished with the Early Draft
Review, this Public Review covers two additional areas that required 
better integration between JSP and Faces:

- Tree Creation and Content Interweaving
- Deferred expressions nested within iteration tags

Please see Appendix E of the JSP spec and the
Preface of the Faces spec to see details of what's changed.

To access the specifications:

   JSP 2.1 PR (JSR-245)

   Faces 1.2 PR (JSR-252)


The JSR-245 and JSR-252 Expert Groups

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[ANNOUNCE] JSP 2.1 and Faces 1.2 Early Draft Review

2004-12-08 Thread Pierre Delisle
We're pleased to announce the availability of the Early Draft Review
of the next versions of the specification for JavaServer Pages and
Faces.  JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.1 is developed under JSR-245 and
JavaServer Faces (Faces) 1.2 is developed under JSR-252.  The two
expert groups are working together to improve the alignment between 
these two powerful web presentation technologies. The foremost such 
alignment issue is the Expression Language, as stated in both JSRs.

JSP 2.1 exports the Expression Language (EL) into its own separate
document; technically a sub-document of the JSP specification.  The
Unified EL spec defines a new top level java package, javax.el.  This
package is completely independent of the technology using it and
allows the using technology to plug itself into the EL resolution
process.  The bulk of the changes in the JSP spec itself follow from
how it uses the Unified EL.

As mentioned in the original JSR-252, this spec is not a new feature
release.  Faces 1.2 contains the work for it to leverage the new
Unified EL, as well as a few spec related bug fixes.

The alignment of Faces and JSP in these JSRs enables some new
capabilities and provides a solid foundation for future growth.  For
example, in a web application that uses both Faces and JSP, it is
possible for pages that only use JSP (without any faces content) to
access managed beans.  Please see Appendix E of the JSP spec and the
preface of the Faces spec to see details of what's changed!

To access the specifications:

   JSP 2.1 EDR (JSR-245)
   Faces 1.2 EDR (JSR-252)


Ed Burns, Pierre Delisle, Roger Kitain, Mark Roth and the JSR-245 and
JSR-252 Expert Groups.

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Re: problem with fmt:formatDate

2004-11-30 Thread Pierre Delisle
I'm going through a long backlog of emails, sorry for jumping in 
so late...

This relates to quite a few postings where people had 'issues' with
the way the JSTL specification currently defines certain behaviors.

As Felipe already mentioned, the JSP, JSTL, and JSF Expert Groups
(those who write the specifications) are trying hard to be as
transparent as possible so the public knows what they are working on,
and to engage the community in helping define the future of these

To achieve this goal of transparency, these Expert Groups have the
following projects at java.net:

JSP:   https://jsp-spec-public.dev.java.net/
JSTL:  https://jstl-spec-public.dev.java.net/
FACES: https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/

These projects provide information on the work being performed on the
specs, as well as provide mailing lists to comment and discuss spec
related issues. There is also an "issue tracker" tool in each one of
these projects to track the various issues associated with the specs.

So... if you have an itch with any of these specs, you can definitely
scratch it and make sure the EG pays attention. Providing well
documented use cases underlying the issues being submitted will
definitely ensure a higher probability of success for the issue
to be addressed promptly by the Expert Groups.

So don't be shy, please leverage the tools offered by the Expert
Groups to voice your opinion.

-- Pierre (co-spec lead of JSP and JSTL)

Felipe Leme wrote:

> Flavio,
> You're free to add suggest such improvements for the next JSTL specs at:
> https://jstl-spec-public.dev.java.net/
> -- Felipe
> On Thu, 2004-10-14 at 10:04, Flavio Tordini wrote:
>>posting. Ok,  it's 100% spec compliant... let's hope the spec will be changed 
>>in the future. It would also be backwards-compatible since noone relies on 
> -
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Re: JSTL 1.0 URI vs. JSTL 1.1 URI

2004-11-30 Thread Pierre Delisle

Make sure your deployment descriptor (web.xml) is servlet 2.4 based,
as follows:



For an explanation of why this should solve your problem, please
see Appendix A of the JSTL spec (Compatibility and Migration).

-- Pierre

Jason Pincin wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm fairly new to JSP and the java paradigm in general, and am trying to get 
> my feet wet with some simple pages.  I'm starting with tomcat-5.0.27 and 
> jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2.  I've followed the documentation at 
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.0-doc/appdev/processes.html on 
> putting together an initial application tree, I've put one page (index.jsp) 
> in ./web, I've put together build.xml, web.xml, and I've placed standard.jar 
> and jstl.jar from the taglibs package in my WEB-INF/lib dir.  
> I'm pretty certain I've got the basic structure down, but could be wrong.  
> The problem I'm having is this:
>>From what I've read, Tomcat 5.x utilizes JSP 2.0 & JSTL 1.1.  It's my 
> understanding that with JSTL 1.1, the taglib uri for JSTL Core change from 
> http://java.sun.com/jstl/core to http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core.
> Here is my index.jsp:
> <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>
> First JSP Page Ever
> Following number SHOULD be six: 
> Following SHOULD be 'hello': 
> I don't think you can get much simpler.  However, with that page as it is, 
> the out put looks like this:
> Following number SHOULD be six: ${1 + 2 + 3}
> Following SHOULD be 'hello': ${test}
> Now... If I change the taglib uri from http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core to 
> http://java.sun.com/jstl/core, the output looks like this:
> Following number SHOULD be six: 6
> Following SHOULD be 'hello': hello
> This has me perplexed.  Was wondering if anyone out there could shed some 
> light on this behavior for me?  Thanks in advance for your time and 
> thoughts.
> Jason Pincin
> -
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Re: Problems with JSTL stuff

2004-08-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
This alias is for comments on the JSTL specification.

For support or usage questions, please use JSTL related lists such

Nath, Vikram wrote:

> Hello Folks,
>I am facing problems with the JSTL stuff.  As soon as i include the
> following script to import JSTL I get error
> both shown below. I wish to know what I could do to rectify it. I badly need
> your advice and urgently, as it has held up my major stuff. I have used it
> before with a different server was5.1 but did not face problem. Right now I
> am using TomCat 5  is what i am using. pls advise
>   <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>
> the error is 
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Validation error messages from
> TagLibraryValidator for cnull: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
> can't declare any more prefixes in this context
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(DefaultErrorHandler.
> java:94)
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch(ErrorDispatcher.java:404
> )
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.jspError(ErrorDispatcher.java:112
> ) org.apache.jasper.compiler.Validator.validateXmlView(Validator.java:1578)
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Validator.validate(Validator.java:1524)
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(Compiler.java:247)
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:456)
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:439)
> org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(JspCompilationContext.java:5
> 53)
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:2
> 91) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:301)
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:248)
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
> org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(RequestProcessor.java:10
> 69)
> org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.doForward(TilesRequestProcesso
> r.java:274)
> org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(RequestProces
> sor.java:455)
> org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(TilesRequ
> estProcessor.java:320)
> org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:279)
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482)
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:525)
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:763)
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)

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Re: Using HTML tags inside scoped variable

2004-06-04 Thread Pierre Delisle

Simply use:


-- Pierre


> Hello,
> Is it possible to keep a string with HTML tags inside a scoped variable.
> I am trying to do something like:
> Message text... 
> Unfortunately when I try to insert the ErrorMessage into the page body
> using:
> I get something like:
> "
> Message text... Customer
> "
> Is it possible to make c:out not to escape HTML tags,
> or maybe the whole approach is incorrect and there is other way to solve
> it?
> Thanks for help,
> regards,
> Lukasz
> -
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Re: Adding attributes to an XML element in JSTL

2004-05-12 Thread Pierre Delisle

Are you saying that if I want to get user input (from a ) into XML 
for a back-end system then JSP is not suitable?. I can't accept that.

I could use Struts (which seems like overkill), or write a tag library 
that took all of the  values and spat out w3c.dom.Document, but 
any changes to the input options would then require that a bean and its 
JAR be recompiled and  re-deployed. Using a generic XML Tag library to 
put the values into an XML tree would be more maintainable.
I'm always interested in hearing more about XML-related use cases.

If I understand you well, you want a JSP page (that is the target of a
form submission) to create an XML document out of all the request
parameters it receives. Correct?
Where I don't follow is when you say that 
"any changes to the input options would then require that a bean and its 
JAR be recompiled and  re-deployed."

Could you provide more specific details on your use-case?
I'd like to dig a little more and see how best your use-case should
be handled (given the constraints of your environment).
This thread has already generated some great feedback from Mark and Kris,
and I'm sure we can milk even more interesting comments from it...
   -- Pierre 

Murray Lang wrote:

Are you saying that if I want to get user input (from a ) into XML 
for a back-end system then JSP is not suitable?. I can't accept that.

I could use Struts (which seems like overkill), or write a tag library 
that took all of the  values and spat out w3c.dom.Document, but 
any changes to the input options would then require that a bean and its 
JAR be recompiled and  re-deployed. Using a generic XML Tag library to 
put the values into an XML tree would be more maintainable.

OK, so I can settle (grudgingly) for writing/finding another XML tag 
library that can actually manipulate XML. The shame of it is that if I 
want to also use the JSTL tags (which I like very much) then I'll have 
to duplicate all of my XPath expressions and context variables for the 
new tags because the only JSTL tag that exposes a standard 
w3c.dom.Document is . If only  and  had a 
"varDom" attribute, then the JSTL could be easily complemented by other 
(naughty) XML-based tag libraries.


At 04:24 PM 7/05/2004, you wrote:

hey, come on, this is just a jsp - you would not really want to litter 
your presentation layer with all sorts of business-logic: if jstl goes 
down this path, it will end up being a crippled version of cfml or 
even worse asp...

Murray Lang wrote:

Actually, what the Sun JSTL web page says is:
"JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and 
conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, 
internationalization tags, and SQL tags."
Anyway, I take your point that it is outside the scope of the JSTL 
XML tags at the moment. It seems to me a rather arbitrary limitation 
though. As the JSTL documentation says: "...when companies cooperate 
over the web, XML is the data format of choice for exchanging 
information.". IMHO being unable to manipulate XML is odd for a 
technology that has such language in it's documentation. An exchange 
of information involves two parties, one at least of which has 
created some XML.
Thanks for the JXPath link. What worries me about it though is that 
it won't necessarily use the same DOM implementation as JSTL 
implementation, meaning that they won't work with each other. It 
seems a shame if this is the case. I'll look at it though - it might 
not be that bad.

At 01:33 AM 7/05/2004, you wrote:

This is outside the scope of the taglibrary, JSTL xml taglibrary is 
for presentation of xml content, not for its manipulation. I 
recommend looking into a package such as JXPath to accomplish 
manipulation of the content of a DOM object. the nice thing is that 
JXPath can be scripted into a JSP, Servlet or Struts Action, which 
gives you the fredom to move it out of the Presentation layer (where 
you probibly shouldn't be placing such logic).


Good Luck
Murray Lang wrote:

I've been using the XML tags in JSTL and found them very useful, 
however now I need to add an attribute to an XML element and have 
hit a brick wall.

I've tried using  and EL, treating a DOM object as a bean, 
but the DOM interface is implementation-dependent and my 
implementation (xerces) doesn't lend itself to adding attributes 
with the simple EL view of bean properties.

It seems to me that  needs to have a "target"attribute along 
the same lines as , but accepting an XPath expression.

- select can be either an XPath expression or an immediate value.
- if @myAttribute doesn't currently exist in the element then 
it is created.

Does this make sense?
Is there a simple, portable, way of achieving this using JSTL as it 
stands? (Using  is not portable due to DOM being 
implementation dependent).


Re: Adding attributes to an XML element in JSTL

2004-05-12 Thread Pierre Delisle

OK, so I can settle (grudgingly) for writing/finding another XML tag
library that can actually manipulate XML. The shame of it is that if
I want to also use the JSTL tags (which I like very much) then I'll
have to duplicate all of my XPath expressions and context variables
for the new tags because the only JSTL tag that exposes a standard
w3c.dom.Document is . If only  and  had a
"varDom" attribute, then the JSTL could be easily complemented by
other (naughty) XML-based tag libraries.
When an XPath expression is evaluated, the result is mapped to
a Java type according to the following rules:
XPath   Java
boolean  -> java.lang.Boolean
number   -> java.lang.Number
string   -> java.lang.String
node-set -> Type usable by JSTL XML-manipulation
   tags in the same JSTL implementation. The
   specific Java type representing node-sets
   may thus vary by implementation.
If I understand you correctly, given that the  only mapping that's not
specified is 'node-set',  you'd want the  capability  to  force  the
mapping  of an  XPath node-set to  be  of a  specific  type, e.g.
org.w3c.dom.NodeList. Correct?
   -- Pierre

Murray Lang wrote:

Are you saying that if I want to get user input (from a ) into XML 
for a back-end system then JSP is not suitable?. I can't accept that.

I could use Struts (which seems like overkill), or write a tag library 
that took all of the  values and spat out w3c.dom.Document, but 
any changes to the input options would then require that a bean and its 
JAR be recompiled and  re-deployed. Using a generic XML Tag library to 
put the values into an XML tree would be more maintainable.

OK, so I can settle (grudgingly) for writing/finding another XML tag 
library that can actually manipulate XML. The shame of it is that if I 
want to also use the JSTL tags (which I like very much) then I'll have 
to duplicate all of my XPath expressions and context variables for the 
new tags because the only JSTL tag that exposes a standard 
w3c.dom.Document is . If only  and  had a 
"varDom" attribute, then the JSTL could be easily complemented by other 
(naughty) XML-based tag libraries.


At 04:24 PM 7/05/2004, you wrote:

hey, come on, this is just a jsp - you would not really want to litter 
your presentation layer with all sorts of business-logic: if jstl goes 
down this path, it will end up being a crippled version of cfml or 
even worse asp...

Murray Lang wrote:

Actually, what the Sun JSTL web page says is:
"JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and 
conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, 
internationalization tags, and SQL tags."
Anyway, I take your point that it is outside the scope of the JSTL 
XML tags at the moment. It seems to me a rather arbitrary limitation 
though. As the JSTL documentation says: "...when companies cooperate 
over the web, XML is the data format of choice for exchanging 
information.". IMHO being unable to manipulate XML is odd for a 
technology that has such language in it's documentation. An exchange 
of information involves two parties, one at least of which has 
created some XML.
Thanks for the JXPath link. What worries me about it though is that 
it won't necessarily use the same DOM implementation as JSTL 
implementation, meaning that they won't work with each other. It 
seems a shame if this is the case. I'll look at it though - it might 
not be that bad.

At 01:33 AM 7/05/2004, you wrote:

This is outside the scope of the taglibrary, JSTL xml taglibrary is 
for presentation of xml content, not for its manipulation. I 
recommend looking into a package such as JXPath to accomplish 
manipulation of the content of a DOM object. the nice thing is that 
JXPath can be scripted into a JSP, Servlet or Struts Action, which 
gives you the fredom to move it out of the Presentation layer (where 
you probibly shouldn't be placing such logic).


Good Luck
Murray Lang wrote:

I've been using the XML tags in JSTL and found them very useful, 
however now I need to add an attribute to an XML element and have 
hit a brick wall.

I've tried using  and EL, treating a DOM object as a bean, 
but the DOM interface is implementation-dependent and my 
implementation (xerces) doesn't lend itself to adding attributes 
with the simple EL view of bean properties.

It seems to me that  needs to have a "target"attribute along 
the same lines as , but accepting an XPath expression.

- select can be either an XPath expression or an immediate value.
- if @myAttribute doesn't currently exist in the element then 
it is created.

Does this make sense?
Is there a simple, portable, way of achieving this using JSTL as it 
stands? (Using  is not portable due to DOM being 
implementation dependent).

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Re: Replacing returns with

2004-04-13 Thread Pierre Delisle
Not very intuitive, but the following should work:


  -- Pierre

Keith wrote:

I have a column in a database that is used to store a comments section. It's just a large 
string (VARCHAR2(4000) in Oracle), and the information is entered into it via a 
 form field. If I output that data to another  I can see that the 
return characters are preserved in the database.

I was trying to output this column's data as normal text in HTML, but need to preserve 
the returns somehow. I was thinking I could use the  action to turn them into 
's, but I'm not sure how it sees the return characters in the string. I tried this:

But get this error back:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /filename.jsp(281,2) "${fn:replace
(row.comments, '\n', '')}" contains invalid expression(s): 
javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: Encountered "'\n", expected one of [, 
, , "true", "false", "null", "(", "-
", "not", "!", "empty", ]

Anyone help with how I can go about doing this? Thanks!


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Re: Standard-example

2004-04-13 Thread Pierre Delisle
My question is: where is "${customers}" decalerade or
got the values!!!
This is explained at the bottom of the home page for standard-examples:


The source code for the JSTL examples includes class startup.Init to initilialize the objects used in the examples. This allows us to mimic the environment that would normally be used within an MVC architecture: the Controller invokes the business logic, saves the objects required by the web application into JSP scoped attributes (usually request), and then invokes the proper JSP page. For the sake of this "examples" webapp, all objects are saved in the application scope.

The application attributes are:

   * customers
 A collection of Customer objects
   * intArray
 An array of int's
   * stringArray
 An array of Strings
   * numberMap
 A Map instance associating Integer objects with their Spanish names
   * enumeration
 An enumeration on numberMap from above.
The classes of interest that hold the information manipulated by the JSP pages are:

   * Customer
 o int key
 o String lastName
 o String firstName
 o Date birthDate
 o Address address
   * Address
 o String line1
 o String line2
 o String city
 o String state
 o String country

khashayar sad wrote:


I have installed the jslt-standard and look at the
I couldnt undrestand what happend with jslt-exaples:
for example you have this exapmle:
<%@ taglib prefix="c"
uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>

  JSTL: Expression Language Support -- Expr


My question is: where is "${customers}" decalerade or
got the values!!!
Any help?


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Re: ANN: JSTL Quick Reference

2004-03-19 Thread Pierre Delisle

Great job! Thanks for the contribution.

All feedback is most appreciated...
The URIs you provide are the ones for JSTL 1.0. 
You may want to clarify that the URI is different
depending on whether you use JSTL 1.0 or 1.1.
[The URI specified for EL functions should only be the
1.1 flavor since functions were only introduced in JSTL 1.1].

Thanks again,

   -- Pierre


I noticed that there seems to be demand for a JSTL Quick Reference.  When I was learning JSTL a couple of months ago I put together such a document and I thought others might find it of use.  It can be downloaded from http://www.jadecove.com/jstl-quick-reference.pdf.  The only downside about the document is that you have to make a book out of it yourself.  I call this "self-binding" :)  All feedback is most appreciated and if anyone would like to assist in publishing this document I will be glad to talk about it.

Bill Siggelkow
Jade Cove Solutions
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Re: JSTL 1.1 jaxp problem (under tomcat 5.0.19/java 1.4.2_03)

2004-03-16 Thread Pierre Delisle
Yes, as Kris mentioned, please file a bug report with proper test
cases. We'll have a look into it.
   -- Pierre

Kris Schneider wrote:

You're posting to the right place to make people aware of the problem. To
formalize the issue, a bug report should probably get submitted:

As part of the report, it would be helpful to include a simplified test case
(XML and JSP files) that reproduces the problem. If you have any questions
about the bug submission process just let me (us) know. At this point, the
problem seems to be either the way JSTL is using Xalan or Xalan itself.
Quoting "Johnson, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

That gets rid of the xalan file search, but the performance is still
awful.  For now I guess I'll try to look into xslt, but this looks like
a bug that needs to be fixed or something.  Who else needs to know about
this to get it either fixed, or to tell me what else I might be doing
wrong (if anything).  Here's more of what truss is spitting out if that
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E7F8, 0x0002E7E0, 0xEC681B08) = 0
lwp_cond_signal(0x0002E7F8) = 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E7E0)  = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E7E0)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E710)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E728, 0x0002E710, 0x) = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E728)  = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E778)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E778)  = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E860)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E860, 0x0002E848, 0x) = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E848)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E848)  = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E7F8, 0x0002E7E0, 0xEC681B08) = 0
lwp_cond_signal(0x0002E7F8) = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E860)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E860, 0x0002E848, 0x) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E7F8, 0x0002E7E0, 0xEC681B08) = 0
lwp_cond_signal(0x0002E7F8) = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E860)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E860, 0x0002E848, 0x) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E7F8, 0x0002E7E0, 0xEC681B08) = 0
lwp_cond_signal(0x0002E7F8) = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E860)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E860, 0x0002E848, 0x) = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E848)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E848)  = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E7F8, 0x0002E7E0, 0xEC681B08) = 0
lwp_cond_signal(0x0002E7F8) = 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E7E0)  = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E7E0)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E710)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E728, 0x0002E710, 0x) = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E728)  = 0
lwp_mutex_unlock(0x0002E778)= 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E778)  = 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0x0002E848)  = 0
lwp_cond_broadcast(0x0002E860)  = 0
lwp_cond_wait(0x0002E860, 0x0002E848, 0x) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
poll(0xE997FBC0, 0, 50) = 0
It looks like a lot of locking, unlocking and waiting to me, but what do
I know?
Any help you can get me in escalating this would be much appreciated.

Thanks again, 

-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 3:37 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: JSTL 1.1 jaxp problem (under tomcat 5.0.19/java 1.4.2_03)

Try adding
Quoting "Johnson, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks, Kris.

I did all that you suggested (setting the system properties and 
installing new jars), and indeed tomcat doesn't seem to be searching 
for the jaxp.properties file any longer.  But, the performance is 
still just about as bad as before.  So, I did truss again and now 
tomcat is looking for xalan.properties 
(stat64("/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_03/jre/lib/xalan.properties", 0xDF47F850) 
Err#2 ENOENT), just about as much, if not more, than it was for 
jaxp.properties.  So how can I fix this?


-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 2:32 PM
To: Tag Libraries 

Re: maven repository

2004-02-27 Thread Pierre Delisle
Taglibrary developers: This is an excellent example of how to take 
advantage of the new Apache Maven Repository. Taglibs Developers, how 
about publishing your taglibrary jars into the Maven Repository under 
/dist/java-repository. They'll get updated onto ibiblio.org/maven within 
4 hours for Maven users to have accessibility to.

Sounds like a great idea, but I'm in the dark wrt Maven. Can you guide us?

  -- Pierre


Daniel Draws wrote:

In the last days I've tested the realy nice maven. But for the 
applications web-tier I need the jakarta-taglibs And I can't find any 
remote repository including them.

Is there anybody who knows a remote repository including the 
jakarta-taglibs. Or knows anybody another solution How to simply 
declare the dependencies and resolve them in the build process.



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2004-02-26 Thread Pierre Delisle

But would this work?

I'm using both rt and EL in the same tag ?
No. It is one or the other. Cannot mix within the same action.

However, you can mix both EL- and RT- based actions as follows:
(from the spec)


   -- Pierre

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2004-02-25 Thread Pierre Delisle
Riaan Oberholzer wrote:


timeZone="<%= Constants.TIMEZONE %>" 
pattern="dd-MM- 'at' HH:mm"/>

does not work

pattern="dd-MM- 'at' HH:mm"/>

does !!!
( Constants.TIMEZONE  = ="Europe/London")
So the java scriplet <%= xxx %> is not allowed?
It depends. If you're on a JSP 2.0 container (JSTL 1.1), then this works.
It won't on a JSP 1.2 container (JSTL 1.0). 

In JSTL 1.0, you need to use the RT libraries to 
use rtexprvalues. See the spec for details.

   -- Pierre

--- Martin van Dijken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



It might be that this actually changes something.
Personally I've found
the whole Locale business very confusing and
illogical to work with, but
that's just my personal frustration.

-Original Message-
From: Riaan Oberholzer

Sent: woensdag 25 februari 2004 10:48
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: JSTL 
I'm a bit lost here can you give me an example

what I should give to jstl to print the time as
"Europe/London" ?


--- Martin van Dijken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Riaan,

Try fiddling around with setting the locale in

In your example
code you create a SimpleDateFormat with a
pattern as argument. JSTL 

uses the constructor with a Locale as additional


-Original Message-
From: Riaan Oberholzer

Sent: woensdag 25 februari 2004 8:18
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: JSTL 

Could you post the code to manually format


I can easily compare that to what is being


the JSTL implementation and give you some

on that.
Something to the extend of:

SimpleDateFormatter sdf = new
SimpleDateFormatter("-MM-dd HH:mm"); 



user inputs time in above format in jsp, then


sdf.parseDate(inputtedDate) and do a getTime


create a java.sql.Timestamp with the long


put that in the DB. Mysql displays is as one

later, the Dutch time, which is expected.

When displaying it manually, I use the same


and do something like:


Not 100% sure, as I do not have the code with


somthing to this extend. The sdf is a static
in a

singleton utility class.

And, as I said, it only gets messed up after


in. Maybe "Europe/London" is somehow (wrongly)
interpreted as GMT?

PS Thanks for hosting your application in


little country:)
I live here, but I'm not Dutch.  :)

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Re: how to use methods with parameters

2004-02-05 Thread Pierre Delisle

is it possible to use JSTL for an expression like
<%=calculateDays(startDate, endDate) %> ???
probably not, but I am too new to JSTL to figure it out by myself. Could
someone advise me?
This could be possible through an EL function (introduced in JSP 2.0).
The syntax would be as follows:
 ${acme:calculateDays(startDate, endDate)}

You'd have to define in one of your classes a static method "calculateDays" with the 
signature (Date, Date). The name, class, and signature would then have to be defined
within a  element in a TLD.
Here is a snapshot of 'fn.tld' for the standardized functions 
in JSTL 1.1:


 xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"
 JSTL 1.1 functions library
 JSTL functions

 Tests if an input string contains the specified substring.
   boolean contains(java.lang.String, 
   -- Pierre

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Re: Problems with JSTL 1.1 and Tomcat 5 : UnresolvableException: $prefix:javax.servlet.include.query_string

2004-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle
To make things easier, make sure you run Tomcat using J2SE 1.4.2.
You can find the details at:

   -- Pierre

Aadi Deshpande wrote:

Hi, I'm tryin to use Tomcat 5 and the newly released JSTL 1.1 and I get 
the following error whenever I try to do a x:anything?

I've gotten this same error under the Beta 1 running under Tomcat 5.

Does anyone have any insight into why I would be getting this error?
I thought the JSTL was tested under Tomcat 5, so I'm not sure what I am 
doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help,


javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport.doStartTag(Unknown Source)




















Announcing standard-1.1.0 and standard-1.0.5

2004-01-30 Thread Pierre Delisle
The Jakarta-Taglibs team is proud to announce two new releases of the
"standard" tag library, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).
  First official release of our implementation of the 
  JSTL 1.1 specification (JSR-052). 
  Requires a minimum of a JSP 2.0 container, such as Tomcat 5.x.

  Implements the JSTL 1.0 specification (JSR-052).
  Requires a minimum of a JSP 1.2 container, such as Tomcat 4.x.
For more information on the standard taglib, please see:
   standard 1.1.0: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-doc/intro.html
   standard 1.0.5: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-1.0-doc/intro.html
For more information on Tomcat, please see:

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Re: XML processing with target namespace documents

2004-01-08 Thread Pierre Delisle
That should tell you why this does not work.


And no, the expert group did not come to a concensus on this
for JSTL 1.1 and this will have to be tackled in JSTL.next.
   -- Pierre

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:


We've been using JSTL 1.0, with success, to process some web services within
our software.
When processing an XML document which has a target namespace, i.e.:


With the following code snippet:


No value is returned on x:out.  If the XML document has no target namespace,
all works as expected.
Any suggestions here?  We are starting to deal with alot of XML which is
designed in this fashion.  We also run into the same issue for XML document
with elements which have namespaces, i.e. tom.
Thanks much


Tom Kralidis
Systems Scientist
Environment Canada
Tel: +01-905-336-4409

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Re: Getting web app context?

2004-01-08 Thread Pierre Delisle
Since you tried , and said it did not
It would also work with the following:

Your URL has to start with "/" to have the context
path prepended.
From the spec, section 7.5:
 The URL must be either an absolute URL starting with a scheme
 (e.g. "http:// server/context/page.jsp") or a relative URL as
 defined by JSP 1.2 in JSP.2.2.1 "Relative URL Specification". As a
 consequence, an implementation must prepend the context path to a
 URL that starts with a slash (e.g. "/page2.jsp") so that such URLs
 can be properly interpreted by a client browser.
   -- Pierre

otisg wrote:

Thank you, that does it.  I just found it in Sun's JSTL
tutorial.  I hate when this happens :)

Get your own "800" number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more
 On Thu,  8 Jan, Kris Schneider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


Quoting otisg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I am trying to do something like this in a JSP:

That /MYAPP part is hard-coded, and I would like ot replace

with a piece of JSTL that would always put the name of the
current web application context there.
Is there a way to do this in JSTL?

I am looking at the JSTL reference (Appendix from JSTL in
Action), but see nothing that will do that but I

that I'm just not seeing it, and that there is a nice,

way of doing this using JSTL.

I've tried using the following in place of MYAPP above:

 , but that didn't work :(

I actually couldn't even get this to work:


Kris Schneider 


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Re: Serialising javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultImpl

2003-12-17 Thread Pierre Delisle
I checked with the gurus, and the conclusion is as expected:
while having ResultImpl implement interface Serializable exposes a 
portability issue, it shouldn't be a spec violation.

I therefore suggest we fix ResultImpl to implement interface Serializable,
and insert a comment in the Release Notes stating that relying on the
serializability of Result objects might not be portable across
different implementations of the JSTL spec.
Please let me know if there is any other related issue.

   -- Pierre

[Shawn, thanks for dropping the law books a few minutes to 
come help us out :-)]

Shawn Bayern wrote:

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Kris Schneider wrote:

Thanks for looking into it. To be honest, I'm surprised it took this
long to surface ;-). As for whether Result should actually extend
Serializable, I'm usually of the mind that an interface shouldn't extend
Serializable and that it's an "implementation detail". Consider the core
collection interfaces and classes: neither Map nor SortedMap extend
Serializable and AbstractMap doesn't implement it. TreeMap, however,
does implement it. Another example would be the ResultSet and RowSet
interfaces, neither of which extend Serializable.

The important distinction here isn't between "interface" and
"implementation" but between "specification" and "implementation."
Regardless whether an interface should typically be extended by an
interface or implemented by a class (which I'll address in a moment),
Pierre's concern here is that the enhancement request shouldn't be
addressed by an implementation of the JSTL specification on its own.
While I don't think it would strictly violate the JSTL specification for a
JSTL implementation to have one of its classes (which implements a
specified interface) implement another arbitrary interface, it would
certainly be poor practice for users to rely on this nonstandard behavior
(and thus probably irresponsible for an implementation to promote it).
As for the specific point about whether interfaces should extend or
implementations should implement, I don't think the analogies you raise
are apposite:  Map indeed doesn't extend Serializable, but this is only
because there's no call for all implementations of Map to be Serializable.
The JSTL specification could conceivable require that all implementations
of a standard interface also implement Serializable, but the most elegant
way for it to accomplish this is to have the standard interface extend
Serializable itself.  Indeed, this approach is very common:  note the
number of subinterfaces to Serializable (i.e., the number of interfaces
that extend Serializable) in the J2SDK 1.4 API.

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Re: Serialising javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultImpl

2003-12-16 Thread Pierre Delisle
Ideally, javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result should be spec'ed as
implementing the Serializable interface, so serialization is not left
up to the implementor of the spec but is consistently applied across
all implementations of the spec. We'll make sure this is fixed in
the next rev of the spec.
In the meantime, is it a spec violation to have an implementation of
the Result interface (in our case ResultImpl) implement the
Serializable interface?  Maybe it is not, as Kris argues. However, the
danger here is that if one vendor does support Serializable and the
other does not, then a webapp would not be portable. And the specs
are very strict on compatibility/portability issues...
I'll consult with a few spec gurus and report back...


   -- Pierre

Kris Schneider wrote:
A couple of other points to consider. According to the Serialization Spec,
adding Serializable to a class is a compatible change. In addition, a
serializable class must have access to the no-arg constructor of its first
nonserializable superclass. Since ResultImpl extends Object, it meets that
requirement as well.
Quoting Kris Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Here's a comment from ResultImpl.java:

It is not part of the JSTL API; it serves merely as a back-end to
ResultSupport's static methods.
Also, the 1.0 spec only references Result and ResultSupport. I don't see
it's a spec issue if ResultImpl is changed to implement Serializable. It
be a spec issue for Result to extend Serializable, but that doesn't seem
necessary. Is it just because the class is packaged in
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql as opposed to org.apache.taglibs.standard?
Quoting Felipe Leme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


There was already a bug opened for this issue (can't find which one 
while bugzilla is down) and it was marked as RESOLVE LATER because the 
problem is in the JSTL specification, not at Jakarta's implementation 
itself. As JSTL 1.1 specification has reached its final status, this bug 
can't be fixed now, only on the next specification.


Kris Schneider wrote:

While it could be argued it's not a bug, it certainly would be a nice
enhancement to have ResultImpl implement Serializable. There are,


couple of things you can do in the meantime. Depending on your needs,


just store the SortedMap[] returned by getRows in the session. Or you

create your own Result implementation that is serializable - the code in
ResultImpl isn't really all that complex. Unfortunately, Bugzilla appears


unreachable or I'd see about submitting an enhancement request...
Kris Schneider 

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Re: iterator problem

2003-10-20 Thread Pierre Delisle
David Liles wrote:

I am trying to use the iterator tag and am unclear on a couple items. I have been using the following example as a template:




Question 1: the value show for items="${athletes}". 
is this the reference name for the ArrayList, Collection, etc 
given to the object to be iterated?
${athletes} refers to a collection to be iterated over.

In the code I'm trying to work with, when I add a "body" 
element I get a javax/servlet/jsp/JspContext error
This is what I'm trying to work with:

Folders To Be Displayed

Can someone please educate me as to what I might be doing wrong?
Give us more details and we might be able to help.
Ideally, a small snippet of code that shows your problem and that
we can reproduce. That should be easy.
   -- Pierre


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Re: Simple question, taglibs on eclipse-specific

2003-10-20 Thread Pierre Delisle

What you're doing seems correct. To make sure there is no typo
anywhere, why don't you just try a simple webapp with tomcat 5 only.
If it works, then there's definitely a problem with eclipse and I'd
suggest you try an eclipse support list.
   -- Pierre

Manos Papantoniou wrote:

I have a relatively basic question, and I expect someone who has been using
taglibs with eclipse to be able to answer it. I have very recently started
using eclipse, JSP and taglibs so please excuse me if you find this question
trivial. I have looked in the archives and couldn't find the answer, I
suppose this is too basic for most people to ask, but since I can't solve it
for a few hours... here is the problem:
I am using eclipse 2.1, with tomcat 5.0.12beta and the Lomboz plugin on a
windows machine. Java version is
java version "1.4.2_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_01-b06, mixed mode)
I created a Lomboz J2EE project, and then a web module inside the project.
Simple JSP pages created in the module are deployed fine (when I say simple
I mean without taglibs). Also, the JSP 2.0 Expresion Language works fine (I
had to change the web.xml definition for that, since the one that is
automatically created by lomboz refers to the older style 2.3 but we want
2.4 for the EL to work), so my web.xml starts like that:

xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee web-app_2_4.xsd">
Now I have tried to add a taglib statement in the first line of the jsp page
and the eclipse editor flags it as an error. The statement is:
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>

as the taglibs readme states:


To use this distribution with your own web applications, simply copy the JAR
files in the 'lib' directory (jstl.jar and standard.jar) to your
WEB-INF/lib directory (add the other dependencies as well if your runtime
does not already provide them). Then, import JSTL into your pages with the
following directives:
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>
I have followed the readme instructions that come with taglibs (the precise
taglibs file I downloaded is jakarta-taglibs-20031006.zip). I copied the 2
libraries from the
jakarta-taglibs-20031006\jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.0-B1\lib folder,
jstl.jar and standard.jar to the WEB-INF\lib folder of my project, but still
the error is there. I have tried changing the uri to all variations,
removing the "/jsp" part, including the _rt in the end and everything. I
have tried adding the required libraries (.jar files) to the eclipse Project
Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries, since I think this is probably
some internal eclipse configuration issue, and by doing it through the IDE
it would generate the required dependencied internally, but the error is
still there.
Can anyone who uses taglibs with eclipse tell me how do you configure the
libraries? I cannot use the taglibs at all if I don't solve this, I have
spend several hours looking on the net, on the eclipse site, and the taglibs
archive but I cannot find this anywhere, everybody refers to more complex
problems. Can someone please help?

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Re: is this link correct?

2003-10-20 Thread Pierre Delisle
David Liles wrote:

I had the tld in the web.xml file but I had the wrong path ops... 
I corrected the path and now I'm getting the following:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: XML parsing error on file /WEB-INF/tld/c.tld: Invalid PUBLIC ID:
To develop locally I am using Tomcat 4.0.3 and jstl 1.1
JSTL 1.1 requires a JSP 2.0 container. This means Tomcat 5.x.

   -- Pierre


	-Original Message- 
	From: Felipe Leme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 11:21 AM 
	To: Tag Libraries Users List 
	Subject: Re: is this link correct?

On Monday 20 October 2003 01:39 pm, David Liles wrote:
> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %>
> Is this link even valid?

The link is correct and valid, but you need to map the URI to a .tld file:

- if you are using a JSP 1.2 container, that mapping is done automatically
when the container reads the standard.jar from WEB-INF/lib
- if you are using a JSP 1.1 container, that mapping must be explicitly
defined at WEB-INF/web.xml. But that wouldn't matter, as JSTL requires a JSP
1.2 or 2.0 container.

Also, if you're using JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.1, the URIs have been changed.

So, which web container are you using?


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Re: Having trouble with Multiple namespaces reading XML source

2003-10-07 Thread Pierre Delisle

I cannot talk for the xtags taglib, but for the xml tags of the standard taglib (implementation of JSTL), you have to make sure you access properly a specific node by referring to its namespace using the name() and namespace-uri() functions in XPath.

You may want to check that thread in the archive:
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=4049
The deferred section of the JSTL 1.1 change log (http://java.sun.com/jstl), says the following:

Deferred Changes

Provide adequate XML Namespace support for the XML actions

JSTL 1.0 does not currently provide adequate support for XML namespaces in XPath expressions. Collaboration between the JSP, JAXP, and JSTL specs is necessary to come up with the proper solution. This will therefore be addressed in the next major revision of JSTL.


   -- Pierre

Mach, Gavin wrote:

Hello everybody,
I am new to this group but have been developing a JSP page which reads in an
xml source file. I am also using Xtags taglib for XML parsing and
processing. A snippet of the xml source looks like below:...


Joe Bloggs


The problem I am having is the xml file is only successfully read when the
xmlns attribute of the Task element is removed however the application that
creates this xml file cannot allow this so the xmlns attribute has to stay.
The JSP file that reads it has the following structure in the head ...(very

<%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/xtags-1.0"; prefix="xtags"

String TXNfile = "INPUT.XML";

  I am aware this has to do with a namespace clash and have looked into
various resources but to no avail. Could someone please shed some light on
this issue. Thanks a bundle in advance. 


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Re: : relative links inside WEB-INF don't work

2003-10-07 Thread Pierre Delisle
Manolo Ramirez T. wrote:


I'm using jsp's outside WEB-INF to include prueba and prueba1, I forget 
to say that.
In that case, you'd want the following:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>

   -- Pierre

Manolo Ramirez T.
Serge Knystautas wrote:

You shouldn't be able to execute JSPs within your WEB-INF, so all 3 of 
your examples should be forbidden.

I think you might want to submit a bug report to whatever servlet 
engine you're using.

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Re: Feature request in ?

2003-10-07 Thread Pierre Delisle

This issue was first raised by Andreas in bug #23319.
I've brought it up to the expert group and it will, as mentioned
by Martin, require a change to the spec. 

I've just added a comment to that bug stating that 
unfortunately the JSTL 1.1 Maintenance Release spec is now frozen,
and the fix will have to wait for the next release.

The change that the expert group has agreed on so far is to add
one new attribute, 'escapeAmp', to escape the ampersand character.
Default value will be false (to be backwards compatible).

   -- Pierre

Martin van Dijken wrote:

Hey Jeroen,

Sounds sensible, considering the fact that it is even a requirement of standard HTML 4.01. However, this is a modification of the spec I think. You might want to get in touch with them, or try the taglib-dev dept.


Martin van Dijken

-Original Message-
From: Vianen, Jeroen van [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: dinsdag 7 oktober 2003 11:25
Subject: Feature request in ?
To be able to write correct XHTML &'s in the querystring need 
to be escaped.
To do so, I use the following code:


">Link to 

This will return a correctly XML / XHTML escaped URL:


Would it be possible in a future version of the JSTL to 
combine these two
tags as follows:

What do you think?


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Re: difference between Standard and standard 1.0

2003-10-02 Thread Pierre Delisle
deepaksawdekar wrote:

On apache site there are two down loads for standard tag libs .
standad and standard 1.0 whats the difference between these two .
If you click on each one of those links, the answer is right there.
And to understand the difference between JSTL 1.0 and JSTL 1.1,
please check the JSTL page at http://java.sun.com/jstl.
Standard Taglib
1.0 Release
This directory containts the final 1.0 release of the Standard Taglib, Jakara Taglibs's open-source implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). JSTL is a standard under the Java Community Process.

Standard Taglib
1.1.x Releases
This directory contains releases for the 1.1.x versions of the Standard Tag Library, Jakarta Taglibs's open-source implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.1. JSTL is a standard under the Java Community Process.

Standard-1.1.x requires a JSP 2.0 container, while Standard-1.0.x requires a JSP 1.2 container. For more information about JSTL, see Sun's JSTL page (http://java.sun.com/jstl)

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Re: JSTL & character encoding

2003-09-29 Thread Pierre Delisle
Hans Bergsten wrote:

Adam Hardy wrote:

Hi Robb,
good solution. I suppose this is why it is called 'bleeding edge'!
I see tomcat 5 implements servlet spec 2.4 - that is a relief.

I checked out the servlet spec 2.4, as you said, there is the 
following element-list in web.xml specified as 1 or more:


I shall try it out.

Guess I have to learn to be even more bleeding edge and then I won't 
spend hours wondering what's up!

Actually, if you use a Servlet 2.3, JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.1 combo, the
Just to make sure there is no confusion, this should read Servlet 2.4.
charset you specify with the page directive will be used for the
response, no matter how many times setLocale() is called by the JSTL
actions. No need to mess with the locale/charset mappings.
To make a long story short, the whole i18n area was underspecified in
the older specifications, especially the order of precedence between
setContentType() and setLocale(). In Servlet 2.4, the charset set by
setContentType() is required to win over an implicit charset set by
setLocale() (and it's mappings between locales and charsets), and JSP
2.0 is required to call setContentType() with the value defined by the
page directive before processing the page.
BTW, Hans was instrumental in getting all the spec leads together to
sort out the whole issue. You can drink his words :-) (if there's such
an expression in English...)
   -- Pierre

So if you still run into this problem with this in TC 5, it's a bug.


On 09/29/2003 12:40 PM Nedwick, Robert wrote:

I don't really understand why the behavior that is described in the
specification is desirable, especially since the JSTL is overriding 
page directives that set the response character set, and you don't 
have a
clue that it is doing it unless you're aware of this side effect of the
 tag library. I never got a response to a similar question that 
I had
posted on one of the tag lib mailing lists, but based on the fact 
that its
so well documented in the spec, I believe that someone must have had a
reason for this behavior. I think that part of the problem is that 
the next
servlet specification (2.4) provides a standard method of mapping of a
Locale to a character encoding via web.xml, and therefore the JSTL could
perform the setLocale() method in such a way that your page encoding 
was not
messed up.

Anyway, the solution that I came up with was to use a ServletFilter that
intercepted all calls to our presentation tier.  The filter would set 
request encoding and the response charset to UTF-8.  It would also 
pass a
custom subclass of HttpServletResponseWrapper named UTF8Response to 
the next
item in the chain.  UTF8Response basically just any method that could 
the response character set to be an empty operation.  It also would 
return UTF-8 for the response character set.

By using the custom response class, in conjunction with the 
we managed to get everything to work fine in Tomcat 4.1, Oracle 9iAS 
and Weblogic 6.1 (service pack 5 is required for Weblogic 6.1 due to 
bugs in
the ServletFilter implementation 6.1).  FYI, Oracle 9iAS still has some
other character encoding issues with JSP tags that use BodyContent so 
Oracle container still doesn't work 100% even after using the
filter/response wrapper.

Let me know if you have need any more details than this.

Good Luck, Robb

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Re: not working as expected...

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Delisle
From bug #14590:

 This is not a bug in JSTL, but a peculiarity of how a single
 quote is interpreted by java.text.MessageFormat.
 For more details, you may want to check bug
 reports 4293229 and 4321513 in the java bug database
 The simple rule is as follows:
 If there is a {0} placeholder in a message string, 
 single quotes have to be doubled.

   -- Pierre

Billy Bacon wrote:

Nope, I'm not using Resin. I did however get it to work with someone else's
suggestion... For those who are interested
In my Messages.properties file I needed to escape the single qoute in the
word "Can't"... Notice the 2 single quotes ''
md.tree.label.feedback1=Can''t find the {0}? Mail

Then in my JSP I did the following...

Thanks to those who offered suggestions!

- Billy -

On 9/26/03 12:31 PM, "Karr, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're not using Resin, are you?  Resin has their own JSTL
implementation, which might be different from the Jakarta

-Original Message-
From: Billy Bacon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tried this after your suggestion and I still get the same
result. Are you
doing something differently?


On 9/26/03 3:54 AM, "Martin van Dijken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Billy,

I've got your example working with one little difference,
though it may not be

significant. I've got the value within the param tags
instead of as value.



-Original Message-
From: Billy Bacon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I searched the archives and didn't see any issues like this
listed. Can
anyone help me out here?
I original had all struts tags and in my messages.properties
file where all
my localized content is stored I had the following entry...
md.tree.label.feedback1=Can't find the {0}? Mail

Notice the {0} which is a place holder for an argument/parameter...

This was working fine with Struts but the following is not
working in JSTL..


For some reason it's printing out "Can't find the {0}?
Mail" and not

replacing {0} with 'xyz'...
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Re: standard-1.0.4 and standard-1.1.0-B1 now available

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Delisle
Since a few people have asked...

You can get a link to the JSTL 1.1 Maintenance Release spec
at http://java.sun.com/jstl.
Scroll to the 'Specification' section and you will see
a link to the JSTL 1.1 Maintenance release spec.
   -- Pierre

Andreas Schildbach wrote:

Hello everyone,

I just saw that there is now an early access of the JSTL 1.1 
implementation. Where can I get the specification? I could not find it 



Pierre Delisle wrote:

The Jakarta-Taglibs team is proud to announce two new releases of the
standard tag library, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library 

  Implements the JSTL 1.0 specification (JSR-052).
  Requires a minimum of a JSP 1.2 container, such as Tomcat 4.x.
  Early access (not yet Final) of an implementation of the   
JSTL 1.1 specification (JSR-052).   Requires a minimum of a JSP 2.0 
container, such as Tomcat 5.x.

For more information on the standard taglib, please see:
   standard 1.1.0-B1: 
   standard 1.0.4:

For more information on Tomcat, please see:
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standard-1.0.4 and standard-1.1.0-B1 now available

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Delisle
The Jakarta-Taglibs team is proud to announce two new releases of the
standard tag library, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).
  Implements the JSTL 1.0 specification (JSR-052).
  Requires a minimum of a JSP 1.2 container, such as Tomcat 4.x.
  Early access (not yet Final) of an implementation of the 
  JSTL 1.1 specification (JSR-052). 
  Requires a minimum of a JSP 2.0 container, such as Tomcat 5.x.

For more information on the standard taglib, please see:
   standard 1.1.0-B1: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-doc/intro.html
   standard 1.0.4:http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-1.0-doc/intro.html
For more information on Tomcat, please see:
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Re: Issue with formatDate tags

2003-09-10 Thread Pierre Delisle
[Please note this has also been added as a comment to bug 22892.]

The behavior of the formatting tags is in accordance with the
JSTL spec. 

With respect to the following exception:
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response is already committed!"
the spec clearly states in section 8.4 that:

"This assumes that the response is buffered with a big enough buffer size, since
ServletResponse.setLocale() and ServletResponse.setContentType()
must be called before ServletResponse.getWriter() in order for the specified
locale or charset to affect the construction of the writer.(1)
(1). It also assumes that the JSP container doesn't call getWriter() until it's 
about to flush the buffer. An errata has been published for the JSP 1.2
to clarify this."

As you mentioned, you have to make sure that you have a big enough
buffer, as well as verify that your container vendor complies with 
this errata of the JSP spec.

Finally, the language regarding this whole issue as been clarified 
in JSTL 1.1 as follows:

Response Encoding
The way formatting actions influence the encoding of the response has been
clarified in sections 8.4 and 8.10. Repeated calls to
ServletResponse.setLocale() will affect the character encoding of the
response only if it has not already been set explicitely.
Please check the JSTL 1.1 spec for more details
Hope this helps,

   -- Pierre

MEIN, Christopher, FM wrote:


We have been having trouble with the formatDate and formatNumber tags. I
have outlined in some detail an issue in the bug tracker (22892) but in
brief every time a format tag runs if no Locale is set it creates a default
Locale and then calls ServletResponse.setLocale(). Reading the JavaDoc for
Sets the locale of the response, setting the headers (including the
Content-Type's charset) as appropriate. This method should be called before
a call to getWriter().
What happens on our large pages is that, running under OC4J, we get a
IllegalStateException response already committed error. Removing the
formatDate tag corrects the problem. the same occurs with formatNumber.
My main question is why is the code in
static void setResponseLocale(PageContext pc, Locale locale) {
// set response locale
ServletResponse response = pc.getResponse();
// get response character encoding and store it in session attribute
if (pc.getSession() != null) {
written like it is? The Locale value gets set every time the tag runs so it
isn't being cached properly in any case.  I am wondering if anybody else is
getting this type of error?
We have worked around the problem by commenting out the offending line. I
think the caching of the Locale needs to be looked at as the Locale is
always calculated as well.
Chris Mein

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Re: According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute test does not accept any expression

2003-09-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
Hi Rick,

Hummm, a JSTL 1.0 based webapp should run unchanged on a JSP 2.0 container.

All details on backwards compatibility are provided in the 
new JSTL 1.1 spec, appendix A (see http://java.sun.com/jstl).

Please have a look, and send me simple war files that reproduce
your problem(s). The migration to JSP 2.0 and/or
JSTL 1.1 should definitely be smoother than the one 
you've experienced ;-) 

   -- Pierre

Rick Ross wrote:

That is the error I kept getting with the simplest of JSTL in a page now 
that I converted over to Tomcat 5.0.9 from 4.1.24

After a wee bit of trial and error, I realized that the _rt libraries 
are required with JSP 2.   Perhaps others will have known this off the 
bat, but it didn't occur to me until I got slapped by it (my wife can 
vouch for that as my standard learning style).

So, as with Tomcat 4.1.x, you don't need anything in your web.xml nor 
any TLDs explicitly hanging around (so long as they are in the jar)
However, you will need to reference the "rt" versions of all of the 
functionality.  So every:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>

Needs to be replaced with

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt"; prefix="c" %>

or better yet with the explicit xmlns: declaration (which I haven't 
bothered with yet.)


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Re: writing a custom tag that can use EL

2003-09-03 Thread Pierre Delisle
Felipe Leme wrote:

Now that you mention it, is there any plans to officially include it on 
JSTL 1.1 is bundled with the J2EE 1.4 RI (Reference Implementation),
but it is not part of the J2EE platform per se.
I think JSTL is not in the current J2EE 1.4 specification, even 
though its implementation is included on j2sdkee1.4.

   -- Pierre

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Re: writing a custom tag that can use EL

2003-09-03 Thread Pierre Delisle
Adam Hardy wrote:

Does J2EE 1.4 include JSP2.0? 

Is JSTL part of JSP2.0?

JSTL 1.1 is the version that synchronizes with JSP 2.0.

JSTL 1.0 requires at least a JSP 1.2 container.
JSTL 1.1 requires at least a JSP 2.0 container.
JSTL is not currently part of the J2EE platform.

   -- Pierre

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Re: a question about jstl1.1

2003-08-28 Thread Pierre Delisle
lieutenant wrote:
i want to synchronize the source(in development) of jstl1.1 RI ,Is the cvs
address this:
CVS_HOME: :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic

jstl_dir: jakarta-taglibs/standard

   -- Pierre

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Pre-FCS version of the JSTL 1.1 spec

2003-08-04 Thread Pierre Delisle
For the JSP 2.0 crowd:

 Please note that a Pre-FCS version of the JSTL 1.1 specification 
 is now available at the JSTL website:


  -- Pierre

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Re: Need Help Getting Taglibs Working

2003-07-15 Thread Pierre Delisle
Did you download the nightly for the 1.0 branch, or the HEAD?
Please note there is both 'standard-1.0' and 'standard'
at http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-taglibs/nightly/projects/.
If you run on tomcat-4.1.24, you want to use the nightly under
  -- Pierre

C F wrote:
I tried for many hours to get Taglibs working with Tomcat.  I'm at my wit's end!  Hopefully someone here can help.
I'm using Tomcat tomcat-4.1.24 and jakarta-taglibs-20030713 nightly build.  I'm trying to get the standard JSTL 1.0 tags working.  
When I copy the jars from standard-1.0\lib into my WEB-INF\lib.  I get a bunch of errors starting up when Tomcat (partial stack trace at the bottom of this message).
When I don't do the jars and I just copy the tld files from standard-1.0\tld into my WEB-INF directory and put the  entries into the web.xml I don't get any errors at Tomcat startup but when I try to use the JSTL tags such as , I get a message saying that it can't find the "out" class!
I've seen about 3 or 4 different versions of installations directions floating around for TagLibs and I think I've tried every combination of all of them.  I'm out of ideas. Help!  Thanks!!!
Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\tomcat\temp
Using JAVA_HOME:   C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02
Jul 14, 2003 11:55:10 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry loadRegistry
INFO: Loading registry information
Jul 14, 2003 11:55:11 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry getRegistry
INFO: Creating new Registry instance
Jul 14, 2003 11:55:12 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry getServer
INFO: Creating MBeanServer
Jul 14, 2003 11:55:15 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.1.24
Jul 14, 2003 11:55:31 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 6 column 19: Document root element "taglib", must match DOCTYPE root "null".
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element "taglib", must match DOCTYPE root "null".
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.error(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.rootElementSpecified(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.handleStartElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.startElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl$ContentDispatcher.scanRootElementHook(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1618)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanStream(ContextConfig.java:977)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanJar(ContextConfig.java:921)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScan(ContextConfig.java:868)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(ContextConfig.java:647)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.lifecycleEvent(ContextConfig.java:243)
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(LifecycleSupport.java:166)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3567)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:738)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:347)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(StandardService.java:497)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(StandardServer.java:2190)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:512)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(Catalina.java:400)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(Catalina.java:180)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodA

Re: forTokens problem

2003-06-10 Thread Pierre Delisle
Howard Lin wrote:
Thanks, Pierre, I have another question. According to JSTL, the delims is mandatory but 
in Java, when StringToken created, if delimiter is not there, then the default delimiter 
is used. Is it possible for JSTL remove mandatory requirement for delims attribute 
for forToken tag (so it works like in Java)?

I agree this would make more sense (and it is not clear to me why we did not do
it this way in the first place). At any rate, I've added this to the TODO list 
for JSTL.next.


   -- Pierre


-Original Message-
From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 9:30 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: forTokens problem
Howard Lin wrote:

I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" 
as the delimiter and it seems it doesn't work. The jsp code 
is like this:


"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the 
token. but if I use StringTokenizer to parse the string in a 
script, I got the individual token. So I suspect c:forTokens 
might be the problem. Thanks,

Howard Lin wrote:

I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" 
as the delimiter and it seems it doesn't work. The jsp code 
is like this:


"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the 
token. but if I use StringTokenizer to parse the string in a 
script, I got the individual token. So I suspect c:forTokens 
might be the problem. Thanks,


It is not a problem with c:forTokens, but rather the fact that 
there is no way to pass special Java characters as String literals
in an attribute value.

The "\n" is being interpreted as the two characters '\' and
One way to get the behavior you want is to make sure the
"\n" is really passed as a Java String.
For example:

  JSTL 1.1 (assuming myString is a scoped variable)


  JSTL 1.0 (assuming myString is a scripting variable)



 String lf = "\n"; 
 pageContext.setAttribute("lf", lf);


   -- Pierre 

[and yes, maybe the EL should recognize these special character
sequences... passed the issue to the JSP spec leads]
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Re: Accessing scope attributes with dotted names using JSTL

2003-06-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
Serge Knystautas wrote:
Steve Raeburn wrote:

Thanks, but that's not what I'm trying to accomplish.

It's very common to place beans into session or application scopes with
names such as "org.apache.struts.action.ACTION_MESSAGE". This is 
similar to
the Java package naming convention and accomplishes the same purpose of
avoiding name collisions.

In order to access the bean, you need to be able to specify a dotted 
but you might not always know in which scope it will be found. Hence the
need to be able to specify a dotted bean name in EL.

The problem is that either EL interprets the string as a path to a nested
property or, if you escape the string, as a literal string.
Ultimately, I need to be able to access the
PageContext.findAttribute(java.lang.String name) method using EL, but as
this method does not meet bean property naming conventions I can't 
even do
something like ${pageContext["dotted.name"]}.

It's true you can't do find attribute with a dotted-name.  If you want 
to jury rig something, do this...

static class AttributeFascade extends HashMap {
PageContext context;
public AttributeFascade(PageContext context) {
this.context = context;
public Object get(Object key) {
return context.findAttribute(key);
pageContext.setAttribute("finder", new AttributeFascade(pageContext));

You can flesh out AttributeFascade if you want to implement more methods 
on Map, maybe make it a regular class, maybe have a taglib that sets 
this for you, e.g.,

Anyway, just a thought on how to do this if you must.  As you can see, 
you start bending the brain in on itself, so that's part of why it was 
left off of the spec. ;)
As shown by all emails on the topic, accessing scoped variables with a
dotted name is not as easy as it should be right out of the box.
I'll submit the issue to the JSP spec leads to see if maybe they'd be
willing to amend the EL syntax to make this easier.
[Either adding an extra implicit object such as 'allScopes'
to allow ${allScopes['my.dottted.scoped.var']},
or even maybe allowing something like ${['my.dotted.scoped.var']}).
   -- Pierre

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Re: Accessing scope attributes with dotted names using JSTL

2003-06-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
Serge Knystautas wrote:
Steve Raeburn wrote:

Thanks, but that's not what I'm trying to accomplish.

It's very common to place beans into session or application scopes with
names such as "org.apache.struts.action.ACTION_MESSAGE". This is 
similar to
the Java package naming convention and accomplishes the same purpose of
avoiding name collisions.

In order to access the bean, you need to be able to specify a dotted 
but you might not always know in which scope it will be found. Hence the
need to be able to specify a dotted bean name in EL.

The problem is that either EL interprets the string as a path to a nested
property or, if you escape the string, as a literal string.
Ultimately, I need to be able to access the
PageContext.findAttribute(java.lang.String name) method using EL, but as
this method does not meet bean property naming conventions I can't 
even do
something like ${pageContext["dotted.name"]}.

It's true you can't do find attribute with a dotted-name.  If you want 
to jury rig something, do this...

static class AttributeFascade extends HashMap {
PageContext context;
public AttributeFascade(PageContext context) {
this.context = context;
public Object get(Object key) {
return context.findAttribute(key);
pageContext.setAttribute("finder", new AttributeFascade(pageContext));

You can flesh out AttributeFascade if you want to implement more methods 
on Map, maybe make it a regular class, maybe have a taglib that sets 
this for you, e.g.,

Anyway, just a thought on how to do this if you must.  As you can see, 
you start bending the brain in on itself, so that's part of why it was 
left off of the spec. ;)
As shown by all emails on the topic, accessing scoped variables with a
dotted name is not as easy as it should be right out of the box.
I'll submit the issue to the JSP spec leads to see if maybe they'd be
willing to amend the EL syntax to make this easier.
[Either adding an extra implicit object such as 'allScopes'
to allow ${allScopes['my.dottted.scoped.var']},
or even maybe allowing something like ${['my.dotted.scoped.var']}).
   -- Pierre

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Re: forTokens problem

2003-06-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
Howard Lin wrote:
I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" as the delimiter and it 
seems it doesn't work. The jsp code is like this:

"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the token. but if I use 
StringTokenizer to parse the string in a script, I got the individual token. So I suspect 
c:forTokens might be the problem. Thanks,
Howard Lin wrote:
I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" as the delimiter and it 
seems it doesn't work. The jsp code is like this:

"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the token. but if I use 
StringTokenizer to parse the string in a script, I got the individual token. So I suspect 
c:forTokens might be the problem. Thanks,

It is not a problem with c:forTokens, but rather the fact that 
there is no way to pass special Java characters as String literals
in an attribute value.

The "\n" is being interpreted as the two characters '\' and
One way to get the behavior you want is to make sure the
"\n" is really passed as a Java String.
For example:

  JSTL 1.1 (assuming myString is a scoped variable)


  JSTL 1.0 (assuming myString is a scripting variable)


 String lf = "\n"; 
 pageContext.setAttribute("lf", lf);


   -- Pierre 

[and yes, maybe the EL should recognize these special character
sequences... passed the issue to the JSP spec leads]
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Re: forTokens problem

2003-06-06 Thread Pierre Delisle
Howard Lin wrote:
I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" as the delimiter and it 
seems it doesn't work. The jsp code is like this:

"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the token. but if I use 
StringTokenizer to parse the string in a script, I got the individual token. So I suspect 
c:forTokens might be the problem. Thanks,
Howard Lin wrote:
I'm trying to use c:forTokens to parse a string, using "\n" as the delimiter and it 
seems it doesn't work. The jsp code is like this:

"${foo}" shows the whole entire string instead of the token. but if I use 
StringTokenizer to parse the string in a script, I got the individual token. So I suspect 
c:forTokens might be the problem. Thanks,

It is not a problem with c:forTokens, but rather the fact that 
there is no way to pass special Java characters as String literals
in an attribute value.

The "\n" is being interpreted as the two characters '\' and
One way to get the behavior you want is to make sure the
"\n" is really passed as a Java String.
For example:

  JSTL 1.1 (assuming myString is a scoped variable)


  JSTL 1.0 (assuming myString is a scripting variable)


 String lf = "\n"; 
 pageContext.setAttribute("lf", lf);


   -- Pierre 

[and yes, maybe the EL should recognize these special character
sequences... passed the issue to the JSP spec leads]
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Re: JSTL Defined Methods

2003-05-31 Thread Pierre Delisle
 Removes white space from both ends of a string according to the semantics 
 of method trim() of the Java class java.lang.String.

I should hopefully be able to have an early access of the JSTL 1.1 
spec posted soon.

   -- Pierre

Chen, Gin wrote:
Thanks Pierre :)
Is there usage examples of these?
For example does trim work just like trim in java?

-Original Message-
From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:29 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: JSTL Defined Methods
Chen, Gin wrote:

Sorry this was posted not too long ago but I can't find it in the

What are the JSTL 1.0 defined functions? (for trimming etc)

See below. Please note that these
EL functions are only available in JSTL 1.1.
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Rif: Re: float to int conversion using EL; also how we can use
ceil(), floor(), ...
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 11:06:04 -0700
From: Pierre Delisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mark R. Diggory wrote:

On another side Note:

Wouldn't it be good as well to provide a standard set of "static" 
methods available in "java.lang" / "java.util" in general including 
things like String concatenation, substrings, comparision, math and 
dates? Sounds like the start of a "Standard EL functions" library?

JSTL 1.1 includes 16 standardized functions.

Length function:
 - To get the length of a collection or string (length)
String manipulation functions:
 - Change the capitalization of a string (toLowerCase, toUpperCase)
 - Get a subset of a string (substring, substringAfter, substringBefore)
 - Trim a string (trim)
 - Replace characters in a string (replace)
 - Check if a string contains another string (indexOf, startsWith, endsWith,
 - split a string (split) into an array, and join an array into a string
 - Escape XML characters in the string (escapeXml) 

The JSTL Expert Group did not go overboard with functions in JSTL 1.1
because it 
is not clear yet how the EL will evolve in the future. If the EL ever allows
invocation, then many of the above functions would not be required.

   -- Pierre

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Re: Inline if

2003-05-31 Thread Pierre Delisle

The conditional operator is very useful, not just in obscure
uses :-).
It has been added to the EL in JSP 2.0.

   -- Pierre

Jon Archer wrote:
Am I right in thinking there's no way to condense:




to (something like):

It would be rather handy for an obscure use am I putting the EL to work
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Re: JSTL Defined Methods

2003-05-31 Thread Pierre Delisle
Chen, Gin wrote:
Sorry this was posted not too long ago but I can't find it in the archives.
What are the JSTL 1.0 defined functions? (for trimming etc)
See below. Please note that these
EL functions are only available in JSTL 1.1.
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Rif: Re: float to int conversion using EL; also how we can use ceil(), 
floor(), ...
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 11:06:04 -0700
From: Pierre Delisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
On another side Note:

Wouldn't it be good as well to provide a standard set of "static" 
methods available in "java.lang" / "java.util" in general including 
things like String concatenation, substrings, comparision, math and 
dates? Sounds like the start of a "Standard EL functions" library?
JSTL 1.1 includes 16 standardized functions.

Length function:
- To get the length of a collection or string (length)
String manipulation functions:
- Change the capitalization of a string (toLowerCase, toUpperCase)
- Get a subset of a string (substring, substringAfter, substringBefore)
- Trim a string (trim)
- Replace characters in a string (replace)
- Check if a string contains another string (indexOf, startsWith, endsWith, contains,
- split a string (split) into an array, and join an array into a string (join)
- Escape XML characters in the string (escapeXml) 

The JSTL Expert Group did not go overboard with functions in JSTL 1.1 because it 
is not clear yet how the EL will evolve in the future. If the EL ever allows method 
invocation, then many of the above functions would not be required.

  -- Pierre

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Re: breaking out of c:forEach

2003-04-12 Thread Pierre Delisle

You may want to check the archive of this list at
Do a search on "break" and you'll get a lot of information
on the topic.
   -- Pierre

Carole Mah wrote:
How would one break out of a ?

For example, in a regular programming language, you might do this
kind of thing:
for (int i=0; i < someMaxValue; i++) {
  if (someCondition) {
// So we don't have to bother going through rest of loop:
i = someMaxValue;
How would this be done in a  ??


Carole E. Mah
Senior Programmer/Analyst
  Brown University Computing & Information Services
  Academic Technology Services
  Scholarly Technology Group
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Re: Unable to load class

2003-04-12 Thread Pierre Delisle
Try with the following taglib directives instead:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql"; %>
   -- Pierre

Mike Steigerwald wrote:
Hi, all,

I'm new to taglibs, and relatively new to java, so maybe this really isn't
the stumper it seems to me. I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I have started with, IMHO, a simple sql jsp. However, I'm having a devil of
a time correctly implementing the sql taglibs. My current quandary is this
compiler error:
Unable to load class org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.sql.SetDataSourceTag

This is the offending jsp code:

<%@ taglib uri="/web-inf/tld/c.tld"   prefix="c"   %>
<%@ taglib uri="/web-inf/tld/sql.tld" prefix="sql" %>


I've looked at the sql.tld file. It looks complete and uncorrupted, but I'm
no expert. Would that be a likely source of error?

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Re: why the jstl didn't work :(

2003-03-31 Thread Pierre Delisle
If you've downloaded the nightly recently, the URI for 
core (and all other taglibs) in JSTL 1.1 has changed to:

Sorry for the inconvenience...

   -- Pierre

joni santoso wrote:

I have downloaded jakartataglib and tried to deploy it on tomcat 4118 
and 4124. i even have tried running the examples. but still no avail. 
can anyone tell me :(.

this is the error message:

I have added the taglib in web.xml like this :

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report

description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This absolute uri 
(http://java.sun.com/jstl-el/core) cannot be resolved in either web.xml 
or the jar files deployed with this application



at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseDirective(Parser.java:381)
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(Parser.java:795)
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(Parser.java:122)


at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(Compiler.java:227)
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:369)


at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:241)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
















at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)

Re: JSTL error

2003-03-14 Thread Pierre Delisle

mailinglist wrote:

I installed Sun jwsdp-1_1 and copied jstl-examples.war in Tomcat 4.1.18
webapps (not the one shipped with Sun jwsdp) but I get an error when I try
the examples:
HTTP 500
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot inherit from final class
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:249)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
Is there a problem with jstl-1.0.3 and Tomcat 4.1.x ?
No. It is xerces that's causing the problem.

Simply replace xercesImpl.jar located in /common/endorsed with
xercesImpl.jar found in /jaxp-1.2.2/lib/endorsed.
Everything should then be back to normal.
-- Pierre

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Re: Help with JSTL/fmt-rt parameter substitution

2003-03-11 Thread Pierre Delisle
Check bug #14590 for some explanations on this.
From a comment on that bug report:
  This is not a bug in JSTL, but a peculiarity of how a single
  quote is interpreted by java.text.MessageFormat.
  For more details, you may want to check bug
  reports 4293229 and 4321513 in the java bug database
  The simple rule is as follows:
  If there is a {0} placeholder in a message string,
  single quotes have to be doubled.
-- Pierre

Gary Roberts wrote:
I have a problem with a parameter not getting subtituted, using 
JSTL/fmt-rt. Here is the jstl:

This is what the resulting string in the rendered page looks like:

  Your download should begin momentarily.
  If the download doesn't start, {0} click here {1}.
The begin and end anchor tags are not sub'd in.

Here is the key/string from the bundle:

   thankYou.yourDownloadShouldBeginText=Your download should begin 
   If the download doesn't start, {0} click here {1}.

If you remove the single quote the replacement works fine. It seems that 
single quotes break parameter substitution. I have several strings that 
use single quotes without parameter substitution and they work.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Tag libraries that use ExpressionEvaluator depend on Jakartaimplementation

2003-03-10 Thread Pierre Delisle
David M. Karr wrote:
This is probably obvious, but it is the case that any tag libraries that use
the ExpressionEvaluator class in the Jakarta JSTL implementation are actually
dependent on the Jakarta implementation, as opposed to the specification,
Yes this is correct, as mentioned also by Tim.

Since only the JSP api is described in the specification, and not the
Java api, 
Sorry, I don't quite get the distinction you're making here.

then another JSTL implementation could use a completely different
class.  I'm not complaining, I just want to make sure I'm clear on that point.
If you are talking JSTL 1.0 URIs, then this is correct.
With JSTL 1.1 URIs, the EL is provided by the JSP container and an
API is exposed in the JSP 2.0 spec for whoever wants direct access.
-- Pierre

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Re: Date value "now"

2003-03-03 Thread Pierre Delisle

David Goodenough wrote:
In an early version of JSTL (one prior to proper release) I seem to recall
that leaving the value out of a fmt:formatDate tag defaulted to using the
value of "now" as the time/date to format.  This seems to have vanished
from the released version.  Firstly why the change, and secondly what is
the approved method, preferably without resorting to Java, of formatting
the current time.  The best I have found is to jsp:useBean with class
java.util.Date, which will default to now, and format that.
Thanks in advance

Can't remember exactly why it was dropped, but I'm sure there was
a good reason :-). We had then added the following text
in the spec (Section 9.9) to make sure questions like yours would
be answered in the spec itself:
  In order to format the current date and time, a 
  action may be used as follows:
-- Pierre

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Re: fmt:parseNumber

2003-02-24 Thread Pierre Delisle

Eddie Barna wrote:
I thought it would be fun to use JSTL for some form validation instead of Javascript. I am trying to make sure a user only enters numbers in a field called AcctNum. Also i decided to use  to test my field. Here's the code:

Now here's where i run into problems. if i input a string followed by numbers such as iu789 then my catch statement catches the error and stores the following statement in in my variable:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: In , value attribute can not be parsed: "iu789"

This good. Thats what i am trying to do.

Now if i input something like this: 45678uy78 or number followed by a string such as this: 89087yht then the whole page craps out on me and i get this error from the server:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "test" with value "${Gotcha == param.AcctNum}": An exception occured trying to convert String "45678uy78" to type "java.lang.Long" (null) at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:248) 

My understanding is that my catch statement is supposed to catch this also but it doesn't. Am I missing something here guys? Please be gentle since i am a novice. TIA

Here is what happens:

- The parsing of "45678uy78" yields the number 45678.
  I agree this is weird, but that's the behavior of NumberFormat.parse().
  [Sorry haven't had the time to dig further in the javadocs to explain why it 
  would not
   throw an exception if you have digits followed by non-digits, but that's
   the way it is if no pattern is specified :-(]

- The expression  45678 != "45678uy78" triggers the conversion of
  "45678uy78" to a Long and fails (see section A.3.6.2 of the spec).
You'd therefore want to insert your conditional tag inside the c:catch.


   invalid input

-- Pierre

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Re: Problem with "empty" key word on a collection.

2003-02-13 Thread Pierre Delisle

Henri Yandell wrote:

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Schnitzer, Jeff wrote:

From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Why not implement the empty keyword on all collections?  The method
isEmpty is available in the Collection interface.  Was there some


of argument against that when the spec was defined?

I believe so; I don't remember the details of the debate, but I think


justification is that the EL doesn't deal with Collections in general


any other situation.

??  I'm pretty sure I can do a forEach across a Collection.

This seems entirely inane.  Would someone patch the Jakarta
implementation to allow the empty operator on Collection?  We don't use
specifications, we use software.

For Tomcat, I imagine the answer would be a flat no, but Jeff has a point
here. Standard Taglib isn't the RI anymore is it? Doesn't that come from
For Tomcat, I imagine the answer would be a flat no, but Jeff has a point
here. Standard Taglib isn't the RI anymore is it? Doesn't that come from

Correct. 'standard' is the basis for the RI shipped by Sun.

So can't Standard Taglib add patches like this that are natural and

What is important to note is that 'standard' also ships as an
implementation of the JSTL specification. Because of this,
'standard' must therefore pass the TCK.

The change that Jeff is proposing, although of interest, would
unfortunately break compatibility with the spec.
(sorry guys, but the Expert Group ain't perfect)

Given that the EL is now moving from the JSTL spec to the
JSP spec, the best way to handle this would be for Jeff
to submit a comment to the JSP spec comments alias at

Hope this helps,

-- Pierre

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Re: and boolean value

2003-02-05 Thread Pierre Delisle
Try the following:


[What Timothy suggested would also work, but there is no need
to test against true, since you already have a boolean expression 
for your test.]

-- Pierre

Timothy Kettering wrote:
> offhand, id say you should be doing this.  (enclose the entire
> evaluation in the curly braces)
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 08:23 PM, John C Cartwright wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I have a isRunning() method in my bean that returns a boolean.  I'm
> > try to test against that value with something like the following:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > The problem is that even though the bean's getter method is properly
> > returning the true value (I can print it into the HTML page), the
> > above conditional always fails.  Can someone point out what I'm doing
> > wrong?
> >
> > JSTL v.1.2, core library.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -- john
> >
> > =
> > John Cartwright
> > Associate Scientist
> > Geospatial Data Services Group
> > CIRES, National Geophysical Data Center/NOAA
> > (303) 497-6284
> > =
> >
> >
> >
> > -
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Re: accessing static fields/methods from a static class using jstlel

2003-02-05 Thread Pierre Delisle

> Not being able to use static properties is a bit crappy. Who do we go kick
> to get them? JSTL JSR? Shawn? JSP JSR?

As of JSP 2.0/JSTL 1.1, the Expression Language is owned by the JSP spec.
The above issue as well as support for method invocation in the EL has been 
the center of hot debates in JSR-152 (JSP 2.0).

The tradeoff for JSP 2.0 has been to extend the EL to support declared
functions. See JSP 2.0 Proposed Final Draft 
for more details, and send your comments
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you'd like to voice your opinion.

-- Pierre

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Re: problems with fmt:setLocale

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle
Before I look more deeply into bug 16751 submitted by Pere
that seems to be related to what Alberto and Pablo
have been experimenting in the past, 
could someone translate the important points of the email sent
by Pablo on that topic.

I'd think that "funcionaba correctamente" means that it works
properly. But I'd need to know if indeed there is a bug to be fixed
or not.

And if a bug needs to be fixed, a sample JSP page that triggers it
would be most welcome.


-- El Pedro

Pablo Benito wrote:
> Yo lo resolví , cambiando la configuración del tomcat, para q no cacheara
> las tag-libs,
> aunque aun así no funcionaba correctamente.
> Un problema que detecté es que había cierta "interacción" con otras
> tag-libs, pq
> haciendo dos jsp's q sólo tuvieran los tags de , y funcionaba
> correctamente.
> Así que lo primero que haría sería probar eso(jsps aislados), y luego
> intentar arreglar el resto de la aplicación
> (Haciendo cosas, en principio, sin sentido, como cambiar el orden de
> importación de los tlds al
> principio de los jsps..)
> Suerte
> Pablo
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alberto Tomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 6:40 PM
> Subject: problems with fmt:setLocale
> > Hy all,
> > I have the same problem that Pablo Benito has:
> >
> >
> "http://www.mail-archive.com/taglibs-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg04074.html";
> >
> > I'm using jboss-3.0.3_tomcat-4.1.12. Now I'm using the nightly build.
> > How can I solve this problem?
> > Thank you in advance,
> > Alberto.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _
> >
> >
> >
> > -
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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle

"Renick, Garrel" wrote:
> This is an interesting topic, and people obviously have
> strong opinions about successes and failures at using
> this technology within their work environments.
> My viewpoint is that JSTL provides a nice set of
> features that most page designers with some programming
> experience will be able to use, especially
> if they spend the time to learn about the web
> application environment (request/response, scope, etc.)
> and get a good reference like Manning's "JSTL in Action".
> Many work environments need web applications for simple
> tasks of presenting dynamic data, and JSTL is
> perfect for that. As the designers become more familiar
> with the technology, they can move on to more sophisticated
> projects that use frameworks such as Struts.
> I think part of the problem with this discussion is the notion
> that team members fit nicely in roles such as developer,
> page designer, and graphics artist. Jeez, the original poster
> even differentiated himself (the 'developer') from programmers and
> that distinction baffles me. I would guess that few shops have staff
> that fit so nicely into these roles, but instead there is a blending
> of disciplines and each staff member has one or more specialties.
> I have programming experience in other languages and web design experience,
> but I don't have the entire Java API under my belt (yet). For people
> like me that constantly deal with the view aspect of a project but
> also have some programming experience, JSTL offers a nice standards-based
> middle-ground where I can contribute. Conversely, if I was a pure graphics
> artist without programming experience, then I would have no interest in
> learning JSTL, even if it does look like HTML, and you'd be a fool to
> think that voila!, I could instantly understand the techniques for
> using JSTL to accomplish some tasks.

However, what would be, in your opinion, the best approach in a situation where 
a company requires a "Philippe" (graphics-artist/page-designer) to design 
a dynamic web site that is appealing and easy to use? Something, Mike, 
the server-side engineer is definitely not qualified to do even though he
can crank html very quickly (we're talking usability here ;-)

How much of a stretch is it to get Philippe (assuming typical knowledge of 
JavaScript a designer would have) to use JSTL so he can have full control
over the pages of the website?

Or is it simply easier to just forget about training Philippe, and
have Mike integrate the dynamic portions with the static designs
of Philippe, and go back and forth between the two.

Is it a tool issue?

Just curious... Trying to get as many data points as possible...

-- Pierre

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle

> Hello-
> Forgive my comments as they are not technical.  Just observations I have made on a 
>few projects over the past couple months.
> Since there are very few java programmers who are designers, and vice versa - there 
>must be a comfortable zone where designers/developers can integrate their works 
>without battles.  I have found that there is little place for a WYSIWYG design team 
>outside of prototyping, this becomes even more evident as applications evolve.  In a 
>recent project we migrated JSP 1.1 code and old ratty HTML code to jsp1.2/struts, 
>with XHTML and CSS-P on the client side.  I have found that having good designers 
>that write good XHTML code and use CSS have the foundation to understand the MVC 
>approach - After all they are doing the same thing with the style and layout that 
>java developers try to do with the model, view and controller.
> All the java developers I work with understand the view layer, and all the designers 
>understand how the model and controller fits into their design.  I think XHTML helps 
>out a lot. And I have seen it.  I sit on both sides of the fence; I do some view 
>design but mostly backend.  Some days I am in Jdeveloper some days I am in 
>dreamweaver validating XHTML pages.  I have a lot of people like me on my team and it 
>just works.
> If you are stuck with crummy designers that don't get the backend at all, giving 
>them a set of tags to use won't help the situation.  Educating them will.  If they 
>don't want to learn, send them back to the marketing department to work on the new 
>web designers business cards.  Just because their designers doesn't mean they 
>shouldn't understand the backend, and vice versa.
> Sorry for the long message.
> -chris


Actually, it is not long enough, I'd like to hear more :-)

Could you give some specifics on how XHTML did help. What are
the typical interactions between the designers and the developers?
How much back and forth happens between the two groups? Anyone
has ownership of the page at the end of the day?


-- Pierre

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle
This is an interesting discussion. As the spec lead for JSTL,
I'm always interested in hearing about the practical experiences 
people have with the technology.

Lyndon mentioned the following:
> Nonetheless I dont see the average "web designer" 
> using jstl. Maybe jstl 2.0 will offer easier integration.

Actually, much of what is discussed on this alias and developed
on jakarta-taglibs influences the direction taken by JSTL.
Never underestimate the power of your comments! JSTL.next
will pretty much be the reflection of the needs expressed by 
the community.

The JSR-052 (JSTL) expert group will be wrapping a maintenance
release shortly (JSTL 1.1 -- some fixes + synchonize with JSP 2.0).
This will eventually be followed by the formation of a new
JSR to tackle JSTL.next.

I was going to ask for community input in a month or so,
but since we're already pretty much in the heart of it
with this discussion, I'd encourage anyone to voice their 
opinion on what the priorities should be for JSTL.next.

Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the type of
environment you work in for the development of dynamic
web applications. That should help us understand as a community
the usage profiles and their bias :-)


-- Pierre

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Re: FW: BUg in forEach tag of JSTL

2003-01-23 Thread Pierre Delisle

Many people in this community are willing to help you, 
but there are a few things you should know that will 
make it easier to get the support you are looking for.

1. Send questions to the proper alias

   Please post your questions/comments related to jakarta-taglibs

2. Provide pertinent information

   - Clear description of the problem
   - What specific error do you get
   - What version of the taglib and what platform
   - Sample code that shows the problem

Also, in the case of 'standard', it is always a good idea
to first try to run the standard-examples webapp that ships
with the release.

-- Pierre

Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> Not acked.
> Pier
> -- Forwarded Message
> Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:36:05 +0530
> Subject: BUg in forEach tag of JSTL
> Hi,
> i am using Standard1.0 library in my project.  i have included both
> (jstl.jar & standard.jar) jar files in my applications WEB-INF directory..
> but when i use 'forEach' tag in myh jsp.. it gives compile time error..
> Also when i use 'Out' tag..it is not showing any output on the screen ..
> (its not showing any compiletime/ runtime error)
> Please let me know if there is any solution to these bugs.ASAP
> regards,
> vishal
> -- End of Forwarded Message
> --
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Re: fmt:message texts does not change when changing browser language?

2003-01-22 Thread Pierre Delisle

Fredrik Westermarck wrote:
> Johan Ekman wrote:
> > However this does not seem a plausible solution. Has anyone else encountered
> > this problem ?
> If you are using Tomcat 4.1.x disable the tagpooling in
> $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml by setting enablePooling to false for the
> JspServlet.

... or download the nightly. Bugs related to tag pooling have been fixed
in 'standard' since 1.0.2. Shawn will be releasing 1.0.3 shortly.

-- Pierre

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Re: JSTL and boolean Attributes ???

2003-01-22 Thread Pierre Delisle
This should work. 
Do you get an exception? What is it?

Are you sure checker refers to a scoped variable that exists?

-- Pierre

Leif Hanack wrote:
> Hello,
> i want to access a boolean attribute through JSTL.
> If my class looks like:
> class Checker {
> private boolean m_isValid = false;
> public void setValid( boolean p_isValid ) {
> m_isValid = p_isValid;
> }
> public boolean isValid() {
> return m_isValid;
> }
> }
> it seems that JSTL can not access my field:
> Correct? If so, why can't JSTL handle that?
> Thanks in advance, Leif
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Re: JSTL : ForEach Iterating over XML

2003-01-08 Thread Pierre Delisle
Thanks for the report. This has now been fixed at jakarta-taglibs (apache).

In the future, please report bug for the JSTL Reference Implementation
via bugzilla, the bug tracking system for the jakarta projects.
See http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/


-- Pierre

Christian Avril wrote:
> Hi,
> In the example standard taglib • implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library
> and with the example ForEach Iterating over XML nodes from  XML Examples
> I Can see :
> Parse / ForEach
> -> foo 1
> -> bar 2
> -> bar 3
> -> foo 4
> --
> ->
> ->
> ->  element present
> ->  element present
> I think there is a problem with  
> Chris

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Re: Tag Instantiation With JSP 1.2

2003-01-08 Thread Pierre Delisle
Tag reuse is the default behavior for Jasper2 used
in Tomcat 4.1.x.

Check the docs at 

Configuration parameter "enablePooling" determines whether tag 
handler pooling is enabled. It defaults to true.

The following references will give you better insight
into "tag-reuse" and should help you fix the implementation
of your tags so they can behave properly in containers
that support tag-reuse.

JSP 1.2: Great News for the JSP Community, Part 2
[Written by Hans Bergsten. Check the section on
"Tag handler life cycle and instance reuse"]


Taglib Developer Guidelines
[Written by Shawn Bayern. You won't have any more problems
with tag reuse if you follow these guidelines]


-- Pierre

Tony Colson wrote:
> I have read various email trails and looked at the JSP
> 1.2 spec and am still unclear on something regarding
> custom tags:
> I recently upgraded to tomcat 4.1.18 which uses the
> JSP 1.2 spec and in the case
> where TagA re-evaluates the body several times, it
> seems that TagB only gets instantiated once and
> re-used.  This doesn't seem right to me (even after
> reading the specs) especially since it worked with
> previous versions os tomcat using JSP 1.1.  I would
> think that after the TagB.doEndTag() function the
> container would release() it and thus neccessitate the
> creation of a new TagB object on the next iteration.
> This is important to me because I have underlying data
> structures which are not behaving correctly because of
> this.
> Is this a bug?  Are there ways to "force" it to always
> instantiate a new TagB?  Are there alternate
> containers we can use?
> Thanks
> Tony
> __
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Re: org.apache.jasper.JasperException when moving TLD

2003-01-07 Thread Pierre Delisle
> ...
> As soon as I put the  definitions back into
> /webapps/standard-examples/WEB-INF/web.xml, everything works
> fine again. Now, from my understanding, either a tag library works or 
> it doesn't... does anyone have a clue what might be the problem?

This does not work because Tomcat (more specifically Jasper, the JSP engine
in Tomcat) does not process the taglib directives that are included in 

It could be argued that this is a bug in tomcat, since /conf/web.xml
states the following:


According to this, one could assume (as you did) that TLD mappings
in /conf/web.xml augment the ones defined in the web.xml
of the webapp.

But it is not currently done this way in Tomcat, and this is why it failed to 
work for you.

Being able to share tag libraries globally is definitely of interest.
But as you have experimented, the way to do it properly is not as straightforward
as it should be.

I have discussed the topic with people involved with Tomcat development, 
and following these discussions I have filed an RFE to help simplify the
process of sharing tag libraries globally in Tomcat. The RFE may be viewed 
at http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=15875

-- Pierre

> Hi
> I've installed Tomcat 4.1.18 now and the first thing I usually do is test
> the tag libraries. Since I don't want to have a web.xml file for each and
> every webapp, I put the taglib definitions into /conf/web.xml
> and also strip out anything I don't want.
> Specifically it looks like this (including the String taglib):
> ...
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/string-1.0
> /WEB-INF/string.tld
> http://java.sun.com/jstl/core
> /WEB-INF/c.tld
> http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt
> /WEB-INF/fmt.tld
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/standard/scriptfree i>
> /WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld
> ...
> So I downloaded JSTL 1.0.2, put the JAR files into /shared/lib
> and then unpacked standard-examples.jar, deleting the
> /webapps/standard-examples/WEB-INF/lib at the same time.
> Everything worked fine. Next I deleted the TLDs that I didn't want, also
> removing them from /webapps/standard-examples/WEB-INF/web.xml -
> everything still worked fine.
> Next I removed all the taglib definitions from
> /webapps/standard-examples/WEB-INF/web.xml, since the ones I
> wanted were defined anyway (see above), and just a couple of TLDs remained
> in /webapps/standard-examples/WEB-INF:
> c.tld
> fmt.tld
> scriptfree.tld
> string.tld
> Now the strange part starts: Some of the example pages don't work, they give
> me
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This absolute uri
> (http://java.sun.com/jstl/core) cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the
> jar files deployed with this application
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(DefaultErrorHandler.
> java:105)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch(ErrorDispatcher.java:430
> )
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.jspError(ErrorDispatcher.java:154
> )
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.(TagLibraryInfoImpl.java:159)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseTaglibDirective(Parser.java:354)
> at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseDirective(Parser.java:381)
> at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(Parser.java:800)
> at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(Parser.java:122)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.parse(ParserController.java:199)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.parse(ParserController.java:153)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(Compiler.java:223)
> at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:351)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(JspCompilationContext.java:4
> 74)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:1
> 84)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:295)
> at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:241)
> ...
> This happens for the following examples (I installed Tomcat on port 80):
> - http://localhost/standard-examples/import/Absolute.jsp (Ok, since it uses
> a non-defined taglib (jstl-examples-taglib), this should probably crash...
> but why on jstl/core?)
> - http://localhost/standard-examples/import/Relative.jsp
> - http://localhost/standard-examples/import/Encode.jsp
> - http://localhost/standard-examples/import/ExposeString.jsp
> The same happens for the fmt tags:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This absolute uri
> (http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt) cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the
> jar files deployed with this application
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compil

Re: problems with fmt:setLocale

2003-01-03 Thread Pierre Delisle
Pablo, Paul,

There were a few bugs related to tag-reuse and the formatting
tags. I'd suggest using the nightly build and see if the problems

Please do let us know whatever the outcome is; we really want
to fix these problems.


-- Pierre

Paul Campbell wrote:
> Hola Pablo,
> I am not certain that I understand completly.
> This is what I do to take the language that the browser
> has and use that for the user.
> I had one problem.
> I needed to set enablePooling=false in conf/web.xml
> for the jsp servlet.
> When I took the default, the lang first used by the
> browser was the only language it would display.
> Let me know if you still have problems or if I misunderstood
> your question.
> At 09:26 PM 12/21/2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi all:
> >
> >I'm trying to i18n a web app using jstl and jakarta tomcat 4.1.12.
> >
> >I'm trying to keep the same language for all a user session,
> >existing the possibility that the user change the language calling to
> >index.jsp?lang=es.
> >
> >
> >
> >This is the index.jsp file (called with index.jsp?lang=en to change to
> >English language...
> >-
> ><%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt"; %>
> ><%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %>
> >
> >..
> >...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >..
> >..
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >The rest of the files are supossed to share the Locale and Bundle, so
> >jsp's might look like this:
> >
> ><%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt"; %>
> >..
> >
> >..
> >
> >
> >The problem is that the language doesn't change. It just changes the first
> >time is called:
> >i.e: If the first call is index.jsp?lang=fr, the language will be french
> >for all the time the session lasts.
> >
> >I've take a look at previous posts and changed the conf/web.xml
> >enablePooling to false, but nothings change.
> >
> >Have any of you heard or experienced similar problems?
> >
> >Best regards, and Merry Christmas!
> >
> >PaBLo!
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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Re: c:set can't set JavaBean property

2002-12-18 Thread Pierre Delisle

This NullPointerException is caused by the fact that a write method does not exist
in your bean for property 'day'. 

For example, this would happen if you had a getDay() method, but not
a setDay() method on your bean.

However, from the code snippet you've sent, it looks like that property
is defined... but the VM says it is not. In these situations I tend
to trust the VM rather than the programmer :-)

So... Why don't you isolate your problem in a single JSP file that you
could send to this alias. If we have the full story, it will be easier
to help you debug this problem.

I've included below the test I ran and which worked for me.

-- Pierre

[I'll file a bug so that a proper error message is returned when
this situation occurs (rather than the NPE)]


<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %>

public class Foo {
  Date date = new Date();

  public void setDay(int day) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
int max = cal.getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
day = (day > max) ? max : day;
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
date = cal.getTime();

  public Date getDate() {
return date;

Foo foo = new Foo();
pageContext.setAttribute("foo", foo);


Mike Cantrell wrote:
> I'm seeing some really strange problems while trying to use JSTL's
>  action to set a property of a JavaBean. It's throwing a
> NullPointerException (see below for stackTrace).
> It doesn't like to set my property "day". If I create a setter method
> with a different name (day2 for instance), which simply calls the
> original setter method (day), everything works fine (code included below).
> I'm a bit stumped. Maybe I'm missing something obvious here but I'm just
> not seeing what the problem is. Can anyone offer any advice?
> JSP:
> ===
><%--   --%>
><%--  --%>
> JavaBean:
> ===
>public void setDay(int day) {
>  GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
>  cal.setTime(date);
>  int max = cal.getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
>  day = (day > max) ? max : day;
>  cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
>  date = cal.getTime();
>public void setDay2(int day) {
>  this.setDay(day);
> Exception:
> ===
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.SetSupport.doEndTag(SetSupport.java:172)
> at
> jrun__push__caseSummary2ejsp15._jspService(jrun__push__caseSummary2ejsp15.java:188)
> at jrun.jsp.runtime.HttpJSPServlet.service(HttpJSPServlet.java:43)
> at jrun.jsp.JSPServlet.service(JSPServlet.java:106)
> at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:106)
> at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
> at
> jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(JRunRequestDispatcher.java:241)
> at
> jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(ServletEngineService.java:527)
> at
> jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(JRunProxyService.java:198)
> at
> jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:348)
> at
> jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:451)
> at
> jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:294)
> at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)
> --
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Re: Dynamically generating the xpath for

2002-12-16 Thread Pierre Delisle
See section 11.1.2 of the spec, and try the following:


Remember that in a 'select' attribute, the language used is XPath,
not the EL.

-- Pierre

Mike Bowler wrote:
>   Jakarta Standard Taglib version 1.0.2
> I have the following statement which works fine on the xml document that
> I've loaded.
> The problem is that I need to dynamicallly generate this xpath
> statement.  When I hard code it as above, it works fine.  When I try to
> generate it dynamically, I never get any matches.  I've tried a variety
> of different syntax's but basically what I would expect to do is the
> following
> I'm trying to take the value from ${param.article} and put it in where
> the string "removespaces" was in the first xpath.  I've been reading
> through the JSTL spec but I can't find the answer to this one.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Mike Bowler
> Principal, Gargoyle Software Inc.
> Voice: (416) 822-0973 | Email  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Fax  : (416) 822-0975 | Website: http://www.GargoyleSoftware.com
> --
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2002-12-11 Thread Pierre Delisle
The JSP Standard Tag Library was first called JSPTL when it was in
Early Access. The name was later changed to be JSTL. This is the
same JSP spec.
(see JSR-052 at www.jcp.org, or see http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl)

-- Pierre

Christian Avril wrote:
> In my question , there is no confusion
> JSTL and JSP TL use both the tags ( c...core, xml, database )
> But why two names for the same Tag Library ?
> Christian Avril a écrit :
> > Hi ,
> >
> > Can You tell me what's the difference between
> > JSTL andJSP Standard Tag Library
> > I Just use Struts and I use the tag ( html , logic ...bean )
> >
> > I see information about JSTL . ( c for core ...etc )
> > But , please what's  difference with JSP Tag Library.
> >
> > Let's see...
> > perhaps JSTL is for Apache jakarta and JSP TL for Sun ?
> > or JSP Standard Tag Library  when  JSTL ( core, xml,database )  is not
> > enough  ?
> >
> > I know, when we don't know , It's confused
> >
> > Thank's
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > --
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Re: fmt:setLocale Revisited

2002-12-05 Thread Pierre Delisle

John Sessler wrote:
> Hello All,
>  I am experiencing the same problem described by someone else in Oct.
>  however, the solutions suggested do not work for me. When compiling a page
>  with the fmt:setLocale tag the compiler reports the following error
> message:
>  error:null(-1,-1) jsp.error.tlv.invalid.page8: Illegal scope
>  attribute without var in "fmt:setLocale" tag.

Hummm... This error says that a dangling "scope" is not allowed for 
"setLocale" (i.e. having "scope" without "var"). However, I just checked the 
code for standard-1.0.2 and it *is* allowed (as the spec says).

Could you try the following simple JSP and tell us if you get the error
or not.

  <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt"; %>
  It works!

-- Pierre

>  Environment: jdk1.4.0_01-b03, Jakarta-Tomcat 4.1.12-LE-jdk1.4,
>  jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.0.2 (JSTL), jakarta-struts-1.0.2, JBuilder6,
>  Win2k
>  The jsp is a minor variation of the struts example program (index.jsp). The
>  minor variation is from
> http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/MultilingualJ
>  SP/  (watch out for the typos in the code) and allows the user to set the
>  language for the web page. Here is the relevant part of jsp page:
>  <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
>  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
>  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
>  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
>  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jstl-core.tld" prefix="c" %>
>  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jstl-fmt.tld" prefix="fmt" %>
>  ERROR:  User database not loaded -- check servlet container logs
>  for error messages.
>  ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container
>  logs for error messages.
>  <%-- Interpret user's locale choice --%>
>  <%-- Offer locale choice to user --%>
>  English -
>  Castellano -
>  Francais
>  Here is the relevant portion of web-xml (struts taglibs not shown):
>  /WEB-INF/jstl-core.tld
>  /WEB-INF/c.tld
>  /WEB-INF/jstl-fmt.tld
>  /WEB-INF/fmt.tld
>  The page works (displays internationalized content) using bean:message but
> I
>  want to use fmt:message because the latter accepts objects from the
>  expression language as the value for the key while bean:message accepts
> only
>  hardcoded strings, as I understand.
>  I have tried the suggestion of using http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt in the
>  taglib directive but the compiler reports a NullPointerException (no
>  indication of where). Curiously, my environment disallows running the page
>  with the "Illegal scope attribute without var in "fmt:setLocale" tag" error
>  but does allow the page to run with the NullPointerException. Even though
>  the page runs after the NullPointerException messages are not
>  internationalized.
>  Both reported errors are exclusive to the statement   value="${param['locale']}" scope="session" />. If removed the page compiles
>  and runs, without the user selected locale of course.
>  I have tried many variations of the taglib directive but this doesn't solve
>  the problem. I have checked the libraries available during compilation but
>  have yet to discover a missing library (obviously).
>  Can someone:
>  Point out a simple but complete working example (other than the reference
> at  Sun already mentioned) which uses the fmt:setLocale tag?
>  Give me some insight on why the setLocale tag looks for a var attribute
> when  var is not an acceptable attribute for the setLocale tag?
>  Suggest something else to to try?
>  Thank you in advance,
>  John
> --
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Re: Questions on JSTL...

2002-11-27 Thread Pierre Delisle

John Engilis wrote:
> I've attempted to use 2 tags that appear as though they were suppose to be
> included in the core tld's (c.tld or c-rt.tld) that don't seem to be present
> in my current version:
> These are the versions we're currently using:
> TOMCAT 4.1.12
> JSTL (Standard Tag Library) 1.0.2

These two tags existed only when JSTL was in Early Access.
They have been deprecated since.

--> use  instead
--> use 

You should get the final version of the JSTL spec at
http://java.sun.com/products/jstl. Or better, consider getting
a book on the topic. There are excellent ones out there.

> These are the url's that referrence these tags:
> http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/ea2/tutorials/docs/JSTL5.html
> http://onjava.com/lpt/a/1600

These papers covered early access releases of JSTL.

> Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if you
> have any information or know of any resources on doing connection pooling
> using taglibs.

The JSTL 'sql' tags have been designed to work with DataSource objects. 
The DataSource objects provide the connection pooling behavior to keep it 
transparent to a page author.

Setting up a DataSource with connection pooling is a task normally handled
by a "back-end" developer. You may want to check the DBCP component in 
the commons project at jakarta (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp.html).
It provides connection pooling.

-- Pierre

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Re: Taglibs to provide an abstraction for mobile device guis

2002-11-22 Thread Pierre Delisle
> Are there any taglibs out there that provide an abstraction layer for PDA device 
>displays? An example of such would be the Microsoft ASP.NET mobile controls. The 
>controls will properly render the gui widgets on about 200 devices ...

JavaServer Faces, currently being defined in JSR-127, should help with this.
See http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=127

-- Pierre

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Re: Transactions with dbTags

2002-11-22 Thread Pierre Delisle

You might want to check the 'sql' tags in JSTL. They provide
transaction support.

JSTL is implemented in the 'standard' project. See

-- Pierre

Xose Ramon Sousa Vazquez wrote:
> I am working with dbTags and PostgreSQL. I'd like to perform TRANSACTIONS
> with dbTags. How can i do it?.
> I have tried to send a several queries like BEGIN insert.. COMMENT, but
> it performs an error before the first insert.
> Is it posible to make a transaction using only dbtags  con="b">?
> Thanks in advance
> Xosé Ramón Sousa Vázquez
> Optare Solutions S.L.
> --
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ApacheCon US 2002

2002-11-13 Thread Pierre Delisle
I will be at ApacheCon next week in Las Vegas.

Besides providing great technical sessions and bofs, ApacheCon is a 
great opportunity to meet members of our community.

So if you are going to be there, please let me know. I'd like to 
organize a small gathering if there is interest within the taglibs
folks that will attend.


-- Pierre

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Re: namespaces in x:parse

2002-11-13 Thread Pierre Delisle
Unfortunately, JSTL does not currently do a good job at handling
namespaces within XPath expressions.

Have a look at the following thread for the details:

The Expert Group is currently looking at a solution for this
for JSTL 1.1.

In the meantime, you'll have to resort to using namespace-uri()
in your XPath expressions to be able to select elements
whose QName includes a namespace prefix.

-- Pierre

Gisella Saavedra wrote:
> Hello,
> can anyone offer any help on what follows:
> I have the following file, colors.xsl, which I read as xml input although it is a 
> http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
> ciao
> hola
> I basically need to set background colors for a JSP-based application.
> What I do is to set application variables containing the color values.
> This file is read once, at application login.
> I have the following piece of code WHICH WORKS when I remove the namespace
> prefixes from colors.xsl:
>select="string($colorsXml//stylesheet/variable[@name='medium']/@select)" />
> ...
> Does somebody know how I can handle the namespace prefix "xls" in the
> "select" attribute of x:set?
> I tried:
>select="string($colorsXml//@*[local-name() = 'dark']/@select)" />
> but it does not retrieve anything
> ??
> Gisella
> --
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Re: Tag for uploading

2002-11-06 Thread Pierre Delisle

Stefan wrote:
> Is there a tag for uploading of files in JSTL?


You may want to check the  tag in struts.

-- Pierre

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Re: sql, choose and scope

2002-11-01 Thread Pierre Delisle
I suspect the body of the when clause is not executed
because its condition evaluates to false.

You should print the value of param.sqlRequest prior
to the  to make sure it has the value "1".

-- Pierre

Lorenzo Sicilia wrote:
> A problem about scope:
> my script
> SELECT  ID_news,data,
> titolo_it as titolo,
> abstract_it as abstract,
> testo_it as testo
> FROM tb_news
> Result rs = (Result)pageContext.findAttribute("flashRecordSet");
> I can't find flashRecordSet. If SQL tag is out the tags Choose and When
> all work fine.
> Some one can explain me why? I need just the path to get flashRecordSet
> thanks Lorenzo Sicilia
> --
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Re: JSTL and sort ordering of the item in the Result object.

2002-10-09 Thread Pierre Delisle

Stefan wrote:
> My previous email was a little too vague so I will try again.
> I am populating a JSTL Result object with a cached Rowset derived from a bean method 
>like so:
> Result r = ResultSupport.toResult(dataBase.getAllUsers());
> pageContext.setAttribute("r", r);
> I then loop though the records with a forEach tag:
> Is there a way (within the Result object) to set the order of the records displayed 
>by the forEach tag? I basically like to imitate an SQL ' order by ' without having to 
>go back to the database.

No. See below for a reply that Shawn sent a few months
ago on a similar question.

-- Pierre

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: jstl sort
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 08:46:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Shawn Bayern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tag Libraries Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Þorgils Völundarson wrote:

> Is it possible to sort information from jstl x:forEach?

JSTL's  tag always uses the order of the node-set returned from
the XPath 'select' attribute.  JSTL's  always returns the items
in collection order.  In JSTL 1.0, there isn't a way to modify this
behavior.  The best thing to do is to sort the collection or node-set
outside of your JSP page (e.g., in a servlet) and then expose the sorted
collection to your page.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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Re: using ${...} in custom taglib

2002-05-31 Thread Pierre Delisle


In JSTL 1.0, the EL must be invoked explicitely by a tag that wants to support it.
This is what all the tags in the EL-based versions of the JSTL taglibs do,
and this is why it does not work by default with your custom tag.

When the EL is officially supported by the JSP spec (JSP 1.3), this will then
be handled transparently by the container.

In the meantime, if you really need to support the EL with your custom tags,
see the source code of the RI for examples, as well as class

-- Pierre

Amarant Merah wrote:
> Hi,
> How to use the ${...} expression in our own taglib?
> I have this code:
> Cambridge
> London
>  to="${data2}"/>
> The problem is that within mycustomtaglib, the "from"
> attribute gets the value of String "${data1}" instead
> of "Cambridge". The same thing with data2.
> It works fine if it is used without ${...}
>  to="London"/>
> Regards,
> Amarant
> =
> Amarant Merah - survive, and fighting.
> http://www.sold.com.au - The Sold.com.au Big Brand Sale
> - New PCs, notebooks, digital cameras, phones and more ... Sale ends June 12
> --
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Re: release date (fwd)

2002-05-16 Thread Pierre Delisle

You should expect an official FCS release around mid-june. 

-- Pierre

> Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 20:46:23 +0400
> From: Roman Kapshevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: release date
> Hello!
> Someone know proposed release date of JSTL tags?
> ---
> Best regards,
> Roman Kapshevich

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Re: standard tag library: resultset problems

2002-01-03 Thread Pierre Delisle

Hi Wim,

> At
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-doc/standard-ea3/DB_Functiona
> lDescription_1_EA3.html
> I read the following is legal:
>   SELECT * FROM customers
>   WHERE country = 'China'
>ORDER BY lastname

It is legal as long as the expression language you use 
supports the following mapping (as shown in section
4.1 use case 1 of the SQl actions functional description):

 $a.prop -> a.get("prop")

Currently we do not have any experimental Expression Language
that supports the above mapping.

As you mention, the EcmaScript EL allows you to do 

The issue of an Expression Language is currently being
discussed within the JSR-152 (JSP1.3) expert group with strong
input from key members of the JSR-052 Expert Group (JSTL).

The current release of JSTL allows for experimentation with various
ELs to help us define what's really important in an EL.

Apologies if the documentation was not clear... this is still
work in progress ;-)

-- Pierre

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Re: Capturing Outputted Content

2001-08-09 Thread Pierre Delisle

> Stacy Young wrote:
> Hi All !
> I'm a newbie!
> Would like to know if there's a tag that can capture any JSP generated content 
>within it's borders and make a variable available with the result of this content for 
>use somewhere else on the page ?!

One should be available soon (within 3-4 weeks) in the JSPTL taglib. We are currently 
designing a set of IO and transformation tags that should provide this kind of 

For example:


-- Pierre

[Disclaimer: JSPTL is work in progress...]

Re: hi

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Delisle

There is an excellent book dedicated to Tag Libraries that just came out:

   JSP Tag Libraries 
   Gal Shachor, Adam Chace, Magnus Rydin

   May 2001, Softbound, 656 pages
   ISBN 193011009X

You can get the details at

-- Pierre

Lou Caudell wrote:
> Your right,
>  most are weak in this area, and inaccurate too.
> Try "Web Development with Java Server Pages" by Duane K. Fields and Mark A.
> Kolb".
> Lou Caudell
> inflightonline.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Vikramjit Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:04 AM
> Subject: RE: hi
> thanks Lou for your help.
> but i could not find any jsp books in which Tag Libraries are given in
> detail.
> if u could suggest them then it would be of great help.
> and thanks for ur help. that article is quite informative.
> vikramjit singh
> Systems engg.
> www.gtl.co.in
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Lou Caudell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:07 PM
> > Subject:  RE: hi
> >
> > Well there are lots of books out there. You will probably need them to
> > learn
> > about writing tag handlers. But to put it all simply read Reuven Lerner's
> > article in Linux Journal called
> > "Custom JSP Actions". I believe it's the Jun. or July 01 edition.
> > - Lou Caudell
> > inflightonline.com
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Vikramjit Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 3:18 AM
> > Subject: hi
> >
> >
> > hi everybody,
> > please could anybody help me in how to use and deploy jakarta-taglibs. in
> > the documentation it is not given in so detail.
> > if anybody could help me it would be really helpful. since i have to
> > implement it in a project.
> >
> > vikram

Re: exposing script variables

2001-04-24 Thread Pierre Delisle


Do you have a tagExtraInfo class associated with your tag?
This is required to expose a scripting variable.

For example, for the import tag (under xsl):

public final class ImportTei extends TagExtraInfo {
 * Return information about the scripting variables to be created.
public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data) {
return new VariableInfo[] {
  new VariableInfo(data.getAttributeString("id"),

Peter Alfors wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is probably a simple question (hopefully) for you all.
> I am writing a tag that is similar to jsp:useBean.
> This new tag needs to be able to make an object available as a scripting
> variable.
> example:
> <% String organizationId = (String)
> organizationsBean.getColumn("ORGANIZATIONID"); %>
> The DefineTag class retrieves the object and places the it in the
> pageContext (I've tried APPLICATION, PAGE and REQUEST scope), but when I
> run this, I get the following error:
> "... Undefined variable or class name: organizationsBean
>  String organizationId = (String)
> organizationsBean.getColumn("ORGANIZATIONID"); "
> However, when using jsp:useBean, this works:
>  type="com.organizations.OrganizationsBean" scope="session"/>
> <% String organizationId = (String)
> organizationsBean.getColumn("ORGANIZATIONID"); %>
> What does jsp:useBean do behind the scenes to make the variable
> accessible??
> Thanks,
> Pete

Re: misc JDBC tags notes (was: Re: colName should be case insensitive?)

2001-04-23 Thread Pierre Delisle

> Pierre, how is the dashboard proposal coming?

Slow. Thought I'd have some time last week, but focus is really on
JSR-052 (so standard taglibs come out one day :-)).

Can't promise anything until JavaOne :-(

-- Pierre

Re: Taglibs Plans?

2001-04-10 Thread Pierre Delisle

[cc'ing the struts-dev community since this relates to them as well]

Dana Kaufman wrote:
> Hi,
> I just came across the Taglibs project and was wondering if someone could
> answer questions about Taglibs and plan with other initiatives.  I think
> Custom Tag Libraries are an important technology but I am confused as
> to how the various projects relate.
> 1)  How does Taglibs relate to Struts?  I noticed there was some overlap
> in functionality.  Will these project be combined or synchronized at
> some point?

There has been "informal" talks about this. Getting the two
communities to work more closely together is definitely a goal. While
not all tags in struts are candidates for taglibs (because they have
dependencies on the underlying struts framework), some of them are
general enough to fit very well within taglibs and might reach a wider
audience because of that. Once Struts is done with its first final
release, and that standard taglibs hit the road, it should be
easier to sync everyone up. 

> 2)  What about Taglibs and the Standard Tag Libraries for Java Server
> Pages project being worked on by Sun for inclusion in the JSP reference
> environment.  Are the Taglib developers involved in that project in any
> way?

There are quite a few developers involved in jakarta-taglibs as well as struts
that are also members of the expert group for JSR-052. I am myself a 
co-lead of that JSR.

> 3)  Will the Taglibs project be included in future version of Tomcat
> like I beleive the Standard Tag Libraries will be?

This is a question that would should be directed to the tomcat-dev 
community. However, I am not sure this would be a good idea since
this could make a web-application non-portable to other containers.
Also, since it is quite easy to include tag libraries in web-applications,
not sure there would be a real benefit there.

> Thank you in advance for helping me understand the Custom Tag Library
> landscape :-)
> Dana Scott Kaufman

-- Pierre

Re: Parameters in include tag

2001-03-28 Thread Pierre Delisle

> Manuel Alzola wrote:
> Hello. I´m using the include tag to put the output of a servlet into a jsp
> page. It works fine but I also need to put some parameters in the request. Is
> there a nested tag to let me do this? Is there any other way to accomplish it?

You may use:

  {  }*

-- Pierre

Re: including servlets in a customed tag

2001-03-28 Thread Pierre Delisle

> David Treves wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to include a servlet while processing a tag I wrote, I don't
> need specifically the request and response of the pageContext of that tag. I
> tried to include the servlet with new and with the existing request/response,
> both way the servlet simply was not included. it looks like it simply skips
> the including line.
> the tag code is:
> try{
>   ServletRequest request = pageContext.getRequest();
>   request.setAttribute("recipientId",userId); // add an attribute to be passed
> to the included file
>   ServletResponse response = pageContext.getResponse();
>   System.out.println("in tag");
>   javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher rd =
> pageContext.getRequest().getRequestDispatcher("/courses/servlet/cacheUsers");
>   rd.include(request, response);
>   System.out.println("after including (in tag)");
> }
> catch(javax.servlet.ServletException e){
>   System.out.println("ServletException: " + e.getMessage());
> }
> As you can see there are System outs and both of them printed. (the code was
> taken from the doEndTag())
> Any idea whats wrong here?



instead of 


  -- Pierre

Re: [PATCH] building too hard!

2001-03-07 Thread Pierre Delisle

Jeff Turner wrote:

> How about using the preset CLASSPATH as a fallback, to be relied on only after
> printing a dire warning? Eg, one could have the following system (taking Ant as
> an example):
> if $ANT_JAR set && `$ANT_JAR` exists:
> use it
> elseif $ANT_HOME set && `$ANT_HOME/lib/ant.jar` exists:
>  use $ANT_HOME/lib/ant.jar
> else:
> print dire warning
> if sensible default (../jakarta-ant/lib/ant.jar) exists:
> append it to user-specified classpath
> else:
> print even direr warning
> use user-specified classpath and hope they included ant.jar
> This makes clear to the user that setting an env variable is preferable, but
> doesn't *force* them to. In truth, this involves just 3 additions to the
> current system:

I see your point that some developers might be annoyed with having to set
these env variables. However I bet the majority of them would
eventually set these environment variables just to get rid of the
*even direr warning* that would show up everytime they build :-)

> 1) Introduces a new variable, $_JAR (eg $ANT_JAR). Why bother? Because
>notice that how we get from the more general $_HOME to the jar is
>hardcoded ("/lib/"), and therefore possibly wrong (eg, between source and binary
> 2) Prints a warning each time an expectation is violated.
> 3) Checks whether jars exist before using them (using "exists" keyword for
>.bat, and "-e" test in .sh)
> Does this seem sensible?


> Anyway, I'll modify build.(sh|bat) again to reflect the above scheme, and post
> here so people can review the real thing.
> > We should also probably movfe to ANT 1.3 now that it is released, so that we
> > can make use of its ability to get environment variables directly out of the
> > environment, and then we can do away with the build.sh and build.bat files
> > -- and use ANT directly!
> No build scripts would be *very* cool :)


And from the latest posting from Tim, it looks like this is doable.

Tim Dawson wrote:
> I'd be happy to do the revisions to the build.xml files, but
> I'll have to mail it to someone with checkin capability. I'd probably update
> one and send it out to see if people agreed with the direction.

This would be awesome. I'll be happy to review (as many others I'm sure).
Please post to the list.

> how hard would it be on the community to do the upgrade?  everybody would
> have to upgrade or they woudln't be able to build.

We could coordinate this as follows:
- Agree on a new build standard (following discussions on build.xml
  to be submitted by Tim)
- Assign a coordinator for the new build procedure
  (if Tim is interested, we could vote him as a committer. If no one
   else volunteers, I could do it)
- have each taglib owner update their build.xml locally
  (coordinator and other committers could pickup the ones that won't 
   be done by their owners)
- have all build.xml sent to the coordinator by a specific date
- coordinator tests the full build procedure and makes required changes
- coordinator commits to the tree.

[Or if coordinator does not mind, he could handle all modifications to the
taglibs himself]

Looking forward to the new build.xml!

-- Pierre

Re: [PATCH] building too hard!

2001-02-27 Thread Pierre Delisle


Totally agree with you regarding the complexity of the build process
of jakarta-taglibs. Thanks for documenting what you went through
to make the community aware of the current flaws.

Here is my .02 on how I believe we could fix the issues
you raised in a clean and consistent way. 

Comments please...

-- Pierre

I think that the major issue in the current build process
is that we have three different types of assumptions regarding
how 'required' jar files are accessed so that the build
process can be successfull:

1) Library already in the developer's classpath 

   This is the current assumption for a JAXP compliant parser.

2) Environment variable can *optionally* be set to access the 
   jar file. If it is not set, a default value is used which assumes
   that the 'taglibs' build directory structure includes this 
   other apache project.

   This is the current assumption for:

 BSF_JAR ../xml-xalan/bsf.jar
 BSFENGINES_JAR  ../xml-xalan/bsfengines.jar
 SERVLET_JAR ../jakarta-servletapi/lib/servlet.jar
 XALAN_JAR   ../xml-xalan/xalan.jar
 XERCES_JAR  ./.xml-xalan/xerces.jar

3) Environment variable *must* be set to access the library.

   This is the case for JAVA_HOME to get access to tools.jar.

   Please note that execution of ant is done using 'java' (and
   not $JAVA_HOME/bin/java).

To make it much easier for "off the shelf" builds to succeed
for everyone (whithout event having to read the README), 
I would personally like to see us enforce access
to 'core' jar files with 3).

I.e. environment variables must be set to access the 'core' jar files.
[No assumptions on the developer's classpath (*not* 1), as well as
no assumptions on a build directory structure (*not 2)].

If the env variable associated with a required jar file is not
specified, then the build stops with an explicit error message
telling the user how to get access to the 'missing' project.
For example:

   ERROR: You must set ANT_HOME to point at your 'ant' installation directory.
   The library $ANT_HOME/dist/ant.jar will be added to the classpath
   of the build process. You may download a binary distribution of
   'ant' at the following url: ..."

With respect to 'non-core' jar files, i.e. jar files that are only required
for specific taglibs, I'd suggest a warning message telling the developer
that specific taglibraries won't be built because the specific environment
variable is not set. For example:

   WARNING: Tag libraries 'x', 'y', and 'z' require access to the 
   'REGEXP' installation directory. Since environment variable 
   'REGEXP_HOME' is not specified, these tag-libararies will not
   be built. You may download a binary distribution of
   'regexp' at the following url: ..."

This would allow us to have a clean "self-documented" build process.

Re: binary download for all taglibs

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Delisle

The nightly has now been pushed. Thanks to Justy for getting things
back to normal.

-- Pierre

Pierre Delisle wrote:
> There's been a little problem with the nightly build. This will
> be fixed for tonight.
> Sorry for the inconvenience.
> -- Pierre
> "Fickes, Vic" wrote:
> >
> > I saw an earlier posting from Kirk Walker asking about downloading the
> > nightly binary taglibs from
> > http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-taglibs/nightly/ and not getting
> > what he expected (ie. no jar files or apps, etc).  I've got the same
> > question.  Maya Muchnik said to try "jakarta-taglibs/dist/taglibs/...".  I'm
> > not sure what URL is really needed here.  I've tried some different
> > combinations, such as http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/dist but haven't
> > found a hit yet.
> >
> > Does anybody know how to get a binary for the latest combined taglibs
> > without having to download each taglib individually?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > ===
> > Victor Fickes   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Northrop Grumman PRB Systems   www.prb.net
> > 43865 Airport View Drive301-373-2388 x106 (voice mail)
> > Hollywood, MD 20636 301-373-2360 (receptionist)
> > ===

Re: binary download for all taglibs

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Delisle

There's been a little problem with the nightly build. This will
be fixed for tonight.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

-- Pierre

"Fickes, Vic" wrote:
> I saw an earlier posting from Kirk Walker asking about downloading the
> nightly binary taglibs from
> http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-taglibs/nightly/ and not getting
> what he expected (ie. no jar files or apps, etc).  I've got the same
> question.  Maya Muchnik said to try "jakarta-taglibs/dist/taglibs/...".  I'm
> not sure what URL is really needed here.  I've tried some different
> combinations, such as http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/dist but haven't
> found a hit yet.
> Does anybody know how to get a binary for the latest combined taglibs
> without having to download each taglib individually?
> Thanks,
> ===
> Victor Fickes   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Northrop Grumman PRB Systems   www.prb.net
> 43865 Airport View Drive301-373-2388 x106 (voice mail)
> Hollywood, MD 20636 301-373-2360 (receptionist)
> ===

Re: TEI to get info from a outer tag

2001-02-09 Thread Pierre Delisle


As you realized, TagExtraInfo only comes to life
at translation time. Achieving what you describe
therefore goes against the flow...

However, it could be done (at least I can think
of one way to do it).
The bad news is that the solution I could think of is 
so contrived and ugly that you should not use it...
Stick with the more conventional approach.

At any rate, here it is (since you asked for 'any idea...')

Essentially, instead of having the inner tag export the scripting
variable, you could have the outer tag export it
(since it knows its name). You'd initialize
that scripting variable (in outertag.doStartTag()) with an 
instance of the "item" bean that gets manipulated in the
inner tag.

The trick is for the inner tag to change the content of the object
associated with the scripting variable, not to change its
value in pageContext. 

inner.doStartTag() therefore gets the object from the pageContext
 item = (OuterBean)pageContext.getAttribute("outerItem");
and simply modifies its content by calling a method such as:
[your Bean classes (e.g. Company) need to implement an 
interface (e.g. OuterBean) that would define a method like 'set']

And the following would then work:

  <%= company.getName() %>

Hope it makes sense... [and I warned you it'd be ugly :-)]

-- Pierre

Tim Squires wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following tags in my taglib:
> do something with results
> e.g. <%=parent.getId()%>
> The parent goes off and gets a collection of bean's that the generic results
> tag iterates round.  The parent tag name is the same as the bean name to
> make it easier for the jsp programmer to use.
> The parentTag attribute of the results tag is used by the resultsTEI class
> to generate the variable info (see code snip below).
> What I have on my wish list is a way of getting the parentTag name from the
> actual parent tag.  E.g. for the tag , the parentTag
> attribute of results would have to be "company".  The TEI class cannot get
> anything from the parent tag because it seems to be parsed at compile time,
> not runtime.  Therefore the results tag can go get the details of it's
> parent but those details can never be passed on to the TEIclass, it always
> receives the defaults for the required values.
> Any ideas would be great,
> Tim.
> --
>   public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo( TagData data )
>   {
> String name = data.getAttributeString( "parentTag" );
> String type = "com.example.beans."+name;
> String alias = data.getAttributeString( "alias" );
> if ( alias != null )
>name = alias;
> //System.out.println( "class = "+type );
> return new VariableInfo[]
> {
>   new VariableInfo( name,
> type,
> true,
> VariableInfo.NESTED
> ),
> };
>   }
> ---
> Tim Squires
> Wireless Data Services
> It's not what you know, it's who you tell.

Re: newbie: why isn't jsp variable initialized?

2001-02-08 Thread Pierre Delisle

  <%! int myline = 1; %>  [declaration]
  <% int myline = 1; %>   [scriptlet]

-- Pierre

Robert Karen wrote:
> I've been experimenting with  taglib and a
> taglib I created to parse results. I found that
> when I call the jsp file again (from an html form)
> that a new database connection is opened (I want
> this), but the line numbers (scriptlet variable
> myline)
> start counting from where they remained
> the last time I ran saw the page. Why isn't it being
> initialized again in each page? I'm using Tomcat 3.2.
> Thanks for any help.
> Robert Karen
> Here is the file:
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/sql.tld" prefix="sql" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/bldinserttag.tld"
> prefix="trackerSansDb"%>
> Examples of JSPSPEC SQL Tag Library Tag
> Usage
>   <%= request.getParameter("dburl")
> %>
>   <%= request.getParameter("driver")
> %>
>   <%= request.getParameter("userid")
> %>
>   <%= request.getParameter("password")
> %>
> select userid || '|' ||
>   pageid || '|' ||
>   to_char (timeviewed, 'MON DD,  HH:MI:SS') ||
> '|' ||
>   client_address || '|' ||
>   sessionid
>   from user_pages_viewed
>   order by userid , timeviewed
> <%--
>   -- close the connection or it doesn't get closed
> until oracle times it out.
>   --%>
> <%@ page import="java.io.IOException, java.sql.*" %>
> <% try {conn1.close();%>
> <%  } catch (SQLException e) {%>
>   <% }  %>
> <%-- showAllLoop gets data from mydata (ArrayList page
> attribute) --%>
> <%! int myline = 1; %>
>  <%-- showCols gets 1 row from
> findAncestorWithClass().getCurrentRow --%>
><% myline++; %>
> <% try {conn1.close();%>
> <%  } catch (SQLException e) {%>
>   <% }  %>
> <%-- showAllLoop gets data from mydata (ArrayList page
> attribute) --%>
> <%! int myline = 1; %>
>  <%-- showCols gets 1 row from
> findAncestorWithClass().getCurrentRow --%>
><% myline++; %>
> property="currentCol"/>
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
> a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

Re: Is it legal to have multiple taglib setter methods for the same property

2001-02-07 Thread Pierre Delisle


Until the expert group rules on this, one workaround (that will always work)
is to simply do the following (assuming a property of type Object):

instead of:


Another way is to define a PropertyEditor associated with your
property of type Object.

As Craig mentioned, this problem has been the subject of numerous
discussions. Here are some pointers that may help you and others
understand the issue.


-- Pierre

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> Alex Tang wrote:
> > Thanks for the quick reply Craig.
> >
> > A followup question.  In tomcat 3.1, I was able to do
> >
> >  public setIndex ( Object o )
> >
> > If this is legal, I can do my own internal checking to see if the object "o" is a 
>String or an
> > int.  However in Tomcat 4.0, I get an error when I try to do this.  I saw some 
>talk about this
> > on the tomcat archives, however it wasn't clear whether this is an error on my 
>side or an error
> > in tomcat.
> >
> This has been the subject of no small discussion on the expert group for JSP 1.2.  A 
>final decision
> is still pending AFAIK, at which time Tomcat 4.0 will change if it needs to.
> >
> > Thanks again.
> >
> > ...alex...
> >
> Craig
> >
> > "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> >
> > > IIRC, having two setters with different argument types violates the JavaBeans
> > > specification.  In addition, it seems to cause the Java reflection APIs to think 
>that there
> > > is no setter method at all, so you will get complaints about a read-only 
>property from any
> > > JSP implementation that uses this technique.
> > >
> > > Craig McClanahan
> > >
> > > Alex Tang wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi folks.  (My apologies for crossposting, I wasn't sure if this is a
> > > > taglib question or a tomcat question/problem)
> > > >
> > > > I'm writing a taglib using the JSP 1.1 spec (currently Tomcat 3.x). I'm
> > > > having a problem with a property "set" method.
> > > >
> > > > I have a taglib tag which takes one parameter: "index".  This index can
> > > > be either the string "all" or a number representing which CLE object to
> > > > show.
> > > >
> > > > I have the following defined in my tld file:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > displayCLE
> > > > com.funkware.DisplayCLETag
> > > > com.funkware.DisplayCLEExtraInfo
> > > > Display a CLE
> > > > 
> > > > index
> > > > true
> > > > true
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > In my "DisplayCLETag.java" file, I have the following:
> > > >
> > > > /**
> > > >  * 
> > > >  *
> > > >  *Called when the taglib encounters an int for the index field...
> > > >  *This form takes an int which happens when a jsp expression is
> > > >  *evaluated on the right side of the "index=".
> > > >  *
> > > >  * @param nIndex
> > > >  *The index
> > > >  */
> > > > public void setIndex ( int nIndex ) {
> > > > m_nIndex = nIndex;
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > /**
> > > >  * 
> > > >  *
> > > >  *Called when the taglib encounters the "index" parameter.  This
> > > >  *form takes an object.  We try to convert and Integer and a
> > > >  *String.  Anything else we barf on.
> > > >  *
> > > >  * @param o
> > > >  *An object which we'll try to convert.
> > > >  */
> > > > public void setIndex ( String s ) {
> > > > if ( SHOWELEMENT_ALL_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase ( s ) ) {
> > > > m_nIndex = SHOWELEMENT_ALL;
> > > > return;
> > > > }
> > > > try {
> > > > m_nIndex = Integer.parseInt ( s );
> > > > } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
> > > > Dispatcher.log ( Log.NOTICE, "DisplayListElementTag.setElement",
> > > > "The element: '" + s +
> > > > "' is invalid, it should be a number" );
> > > > m_nIndex = SHOWELEMENT_UNDEF;
> > > > }
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > The reason I have two setter methods for Index is that doing:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > is different than
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > > Is this a legal way of doing this?
> > > >
> > > > I ask because when I run tomcat using the SunJDK1.3, it works fine,
> > > > however when I run tomcat with the SunJDK1.3 with Hotspot, it fails with
> > > >
> > > >  java.lang.NumberFormatException: all
> > > >  at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:405)
> > > >  at java.lang.Integer.(Integer.java:540)
> > > >  at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.convert \
> > > > (JspRuntimeLibrary.java:125)
> > > >  at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.i

Re: Using a jsp:include action (JSP 1.1) within a BodyTag taglib tag

2001-01-30 Thread Pierre Delisle

> I've looked through the JSP 1.2 spec (although not completely), and I
> did not see any mention of this type of restriction.  Is this correct?
> I realize that this is somewhat contanier specific, but does anyone know
> if Tomcat 4.x allow for jsp:include actions within a BodyTag?

Using JSP1.2 (i.e. Tomcat-4.0), you can have the behavior
you're looking for.

For example, I have a JSP page with the following:
(my filter tag in that case simply copies the tag's body content 
to the page's output (pageContext().getOut()))

  BodyContent Line (included below)
  BodyContent Line (included above)

And the output is:

BodyContent Line (included below)
Included Line 1
Included Line 2
BodyContent Line (included above)

Prior to JSP1.2, the buffer of the JSP page had to be flushed
before the include could take place (that's why flush="true"
was then mandatory). This is no more the case in JSP1.2.

-- Pierre

"Ward, Jeff" wrote:
>   Yup, it's part of the spec to do that. The include writes directly to the
> request while the tag writes to the body. (which is buffered until the end
> in which case it is written to it's parent or if no parent then the
> request.) The only way I have found to get around this is to write my own
> include and included page tags.
>   My include stuffs the current out into the request and then calls the
> included page. The included page tag grabs the out from the request and
> writes to it instead of the request, the result is an inline include.
>   Another way is to have an include that uses a URL and writes the result
> inline. The upside is you don't need the included page tags but the down
> side is it isn't an include in the JSP since anymore (it has a different
> request) and it takes more resources (it is another hit to your site).
>   This is just an ugliness in the spec because they didn't think about
> nested tags that deeply.
>   Hope this helps.
>   -Jeff Ward
>  -Original Message-
> From:   Alex Tang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Tuesday, January 30, 2001 10:16 AM
> Subject:Using a jsp:include action (JSP 1.1) within a BodyTag taglib
> tag
> hi folks.  (Sorry for the wide distribution, this question seems to span
> both the JSP and taglib realm).
> I'm having a problem with the interaction of a taglib BodyTag and a
> jsp:include action (or an equivalent taglib tag that uses a
> pageContext.forward()).  For example, if I have:
>Blah Blah...
> The output from the jsp:include action always appears BEFORE the output
> from the myBodyTag taglib tag.
> (BTW, I'm using Tomcat 3.1)
> In reading the JSP 1.1 spec, section 5.4.5 says
>  The BodyContent Class
>  The BodyContent is a subclass of JspWriter that can be used to
>  process body evaluations so they can retrieved later on. The
>  class has methods to convert its contents into a String, to
>  read its contents, and to clear the contents.
>  The buffer size of a BodyContent object is "unbounded". A
>  BodyContent object cannot be in autoFlush mode. It is not
>  possible to invoke flush on a BodyContent object, as there is
>  no backing stream. This means that it is not legal to do a
>  jsp:include when out is not bound to the top-level JspWriter.
>  ...
> >From the last sentence, does this mean that it is illegal to use a
> jsp:include action (or an equivalent taglib tag that performs a
> pageContext.include()) within a BodyTag?
> Is there a way to get around this in JSP 1.1 (Specifically Tomcat 3.x)?
> Would setting the page buffer to none help?  (If so, what problems or
> drawbacks are there for settign the page buffer to none?)
> I've looked through the JSP 1.2 spec (although not completely), and I
> did not see any mention of this type of restriction.  Is this correct?
> I realize that this is somewhat contanier specific, but does anyone know
> if Tomcat 4.x allow for jsp:include actions within a BodyTag?
> Thank you for your time.
> ...alex...

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