Re: Tomcat Concurrency and Hit Rate Issue

2004-03-04 Thread Peter Lin
from a pracitcal perspective, chances are at any given time there will only be 1 
person submitting the completed form. 400 seems like a very low number to me.
Now if you're talking about a survey that is sent out to 10K people with a window of 5 
hours to submit it, it probably won't be a problem. Most people ignore surveys to 
begin with. Unless you know the users absolutely will fill it out, I wouldn't really 
worry about it.
sql server 2K is ok as long as you don't have more than 50+ concurrent queries. The 
reason for that is the sql server worker thread to CPU ratio is:
2 worker thread: 1 cpu
also, the kind of query has a tremendous impact on performance. if you really have to 
support a large number of concurrent insert/updates, you're going to have to dig 
around the various sql server community sites and use COM+/DAL. Your bottleneck won't 
be the webserver. whether you use IIS, resin or tomcat, the database will the 
peter lin

Thomas McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm not sure if this is the right list to post this
quesiton too, but here goes:

I am doing a web survey on Tomcat 5.0.19 hooked to a
SQL Server 2000 backend I am trying to figure out what
sort of hit rate it can take.

I'll send an email to 400 people inviting them to take
the survey. They all won't show up at once (and I
don't necessarily have to invite them all at the same
time--I can spread it out over 3/4 hours), but I don't
know if Tomcat can take the load of say, 50 people
using the site at once.

Any suggestions on how I can figure this out?

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Re: Tomcat Concurrency and Hit Rate Issue

2004-03-04 Thread Peter Lin
I would try sql server forums first to see what kind of load your server can handle. 
You can load test some sample queries using JMeter. this will tell you the upper limit 
for your particular server.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - if you have questions.
If you're using a single CPU server, you should be able to handle 10 active sessions 
without any problems. assuming you've taken care to write stored procedures and you're 
not doing funky joins. Reads won't be any problem for you, it's really the writes.
peter lin

Thomas McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks. Actually all the people will take it. It is
an internal survey and they are being told by their
managers that they must take it. 

That said, I would expect about 12-25 people hiting
the site at any one time (If I send out all 400
invitations at one time).

Also, it isn't a one shot survey submission. It is a 
3-4 question at a time kind of survey and about
200-300 questions total. So there will be lots of
reads/writes. Some of the initial queries are complex
(lots of joins, etc.) so I am a little worried about
SQL performance.

Anyway, I'll take this to the the list mentioned by
J.Petersen: [EMAIL PROTECTED], but if
anyone has anymore useful comments I would welcome

--- Peter Lin wrote:
 from a pracitcal perspective, chances are at any
 given time there will only be 1 person submitting
 the completed form. 400 seems like a very low number
 to me.
 Now if you're talking about a survey that is sent
 out to 10K people with a window of 5 hours to submit
 it, it probably won't be a problem. Most people
 ignore surveys to begin with. Unless you know the
 users absolutely will fill it out, I wouldn't really
 worry about it.
 sql server 2K is ok as long as you don't have more
 than 50+ concurrent queries. The reason for that is
 the sql server worker thread to CPU ratio is:
 2 worker thread: 1 cpu
 also, the kind of query has a tremendous impact on
 performance. if you really have to support a large
 number of concurrent insert/updates, you're going to
 have to dig around the various sql server community
 sites and use COM+/DAL. Your bottleneck won't be the
 webserver. whether you use IIS, resin or tomcat, the
 database will the bottleneck.
 peter lin
 Thomas McDonald wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is the right list to post this
 quesiton too, but here goes:
 I am doing a web survey on Tomcat 5.0.19 hooked to a
 SQL Server 2000 backend I am trying to figure out
 sort of hit rate it can take.
 I'll send an email to 400 people inviting them to
 the survey. They all won't show up at once (and I
 don't necessarily have to invite them all at the
 time--I can spread it out over 3/4 hours), but I
 know if Tomcat can take the load of say, 50 people
 using the site at once.
 Any suggestions on how I can figure this out?
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Re: Seeing poor JSTL performance

2003-12-05 Thread Peter Lin
if you do a search on taglibs-user for 2002, you'll lots of benchmarks I ran using 
JSTL. The long and short of it is this.
1. JSP tags use quite a bit more memory than scriptlet (i.e. pure java embedded in 
jsp). Many people consider scriptlet evil.
2. if you're using more than 150 tags per page, you should consider turning on tag 
pooling if you're using tomcat. If you're not using tomcat, see if your webserver 
supports tag pooling.
3. are your beans efficient. things like doing search may be cpu/time intensive.
4. what is the expected concurrent load?
tomcat5 just went stable and it supports page level tag pooling. If you can, run 
OptimizeIt on your pages to see exactly why it's not performing well. JSTL may not be 
the cause, but you won't know until you get real data.

Jim Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been reading some developers comments that the JSTL does not perform very well. 
I'm am experiencing poor performance that I attribute to the use of the JSTL. Here is 
something typical I do:


 [input]  name=

Description:  [input]  ${search[?des_key?]}? size=20 class=textbox 

Model Number:  [input]  ${search[?mn_key?]}? size=20 class=textbox

Serial Number:  [input]  ${search[?sn_key?]}? size=20 class=textbox 

PO Number:  [input]  ${search[?po_key?]}? size=30 class=textbox

Location:  Select a location  test=${['asset_locationcode']} 



Is there something I'm doing in the code that I could avoid to enhance the 
performance. This is only a code fragment. Assume that variables are defined in 

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Peter Lin

From past experience there are alot of people who like
the cold fusion style of page authoring. If you've
ever looked at cold fusion tags and page syntax, JSTL
is very similar.

Even though tag like syntax has been around for a
while, many people are still unconfortable with them.
There's several reasons for this from personal
experience. Page authors who use WYSIWYG editors and
don't understand the difference between p and div
abhore looking at tags. You don't want these people
working on pages anyway.

On the otherhand, experience HTML coders who write
html by hand find it a nice environment that allows
them to do some simple markup logic w/o learning java.
I had to train junior developer in the past that
primarily used WYSIWYG editors. Once they got used to
hand coding html, using tag was preferable to writing

Power comes a cost of learning, so if people find
their page authors are unwilling to put forth the
effort, then there's not much you can do.  I won't
mention companies, but there are other BIG players
that are moving towards tag syntax in their product
line for webservices.


--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pierre Delisle wrote:
  Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the
 type of
  environment you work in for the development of
  web applications. That should help us understand
 as a community
  the usage profiles and their bias :-)
  -- Pierre
 All of the discussion so far on this topic has made
 the assumption
 that those using this technology are part of a
 development team.
 A team that may include graphic designers, web
 designers, programmers,
 dba's, and architects where design concepts like MVC
 can be implemented.
 This assumption holds up for the most part for
 businesses which use
 this technology for web enabling the enterprise.
 For our own inhouse development we follow this model
 also, although
 our team is very small (3-4 people), and most of the
 team can fulfill
 multiple roles.
 My organization provides email and web site hosting
 for non profit organizations
 and schools. The types of organizations which can't
 afford to hire a development
 team or hire expensive consultants to design complex
 applications.  But these
 customers often have a need to add some sort of
 simple dynamic content to their
 web sites.  Generally those who maintain these web
 sites are not programmers.
 A better term to describe them would be page
 authors.  Technologies such as
 JSP pages with custom tags, especially the Standard
 Taglib, can lower the
 technology barrier to a point where some adventurous
 page authors can invest
 the time to learn enough about these technologies to
 create simple applications
 which adds dynamic content to their web site.

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Peter Lin

Here is an example off the top of my head. It will be
grossly over generalized, but it is still useful. 
Asssuming you have three individuals with specialized

1. page designer - ie the graphics guy who makes
things look great

2. html coder - knows every nook and cranny of
browsers, what renders, what breaks and how to get
around it. doesn't care to know Java or other OOP

3. developer

In past jobs, good designers will know some HTML. The
best page designers know HTML pretty well. Pure
graphic designer tend to do a terrible job and their
designs don't translate well. The likelihood of
finding an awesome designer that doesn't know a lick
of html, but can create great webpages is unlikely.

The html coders I've worked with like tag syntax and
are fine with javascript, so jstl is fine for them.
Some of the best HTML coders are decent graphic

Unfortunately not all companies can afford to have
these specialized individuals, so if you're in that
situation, buy the person a book and spend a couple
hours a week during lunch to cross train. JSTL and
tags in general are designed to solve a human problem,
but it's half the picture.

You still have to work hard to make development work
smoothly. Shawn Bayern's book JSTL in action is a good
book, so new designers should consider getting the
book. When ever I have to work with people who don't
know HTML or javascripting, I create a blank template
with just the title and a marker for where logic goes.
Like !-- list results here, don't touch-- and walk
through it with the designer. That allows the page
designer to work around that, which allows you to keep
working and plugin your piece later on. Some markup
logic can be encapsulated in a very specific tag,
which a page designer can use without worrying about
correct usage.

if all else fails, dreamweaver does provide support
for jsp tags


--- Vinay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a very interesting discussion , at this
 point I would like to join
 this discussion and express my concerns and
 I am basically a Java  programmer, using struts for
 our software
 development. Even though I am right now doing both
 design work using JSTL-EL
 and development I can't really make the web pages
 beautiful. I don't use any
 IDE or any tools though for any of the stuff.
 So we may have a designer soon and the concern is
 that most designers I
 think will not have knowledge of JSTL .I don't know
 how difficult it is to
 make the designer knowledgeable about JSTL tags
 ,Java Objects or Java beans
 and  even if we may allow the designer to do the web
 page design using some
 tool like dreamweaver , still there be lot of 
 burden upon  the programmer
 to embed the JSTL-EL tags into the JSP pages. It
 also requires the developer
 to use a tool such as Dreamweaver to edit the web
 designer's code,which may
 cause some discrepancies in the design(this might
 not be true,just my
 guess). But I still think that JSTL-EL is the way to
 go as it really helps
 define a view logic (user interface)without any

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Re: Whitespace generated by JSTL tags

2002-11-14 Thread peter lin

there were discussions a while back on this topic. I submitted a
suggestion to the expert group for JSP requarding this issue for JSP
compile filters.  Using compression is one fix, but it doesn't really
address the heart of the problem. If you look at the generated source
file, you will see tons of out.write for all those blank lines.  It's a
bit wasteful to have all blank lines, so there should be a clear
specification on how JSP page compiler should remove extra spaces if
application desires.

I had several discussions with the developers of Jasper2. The current
spec states the whitespace and blank lines have to be preserved. I'm
hoping the JSP spec after 2.0 will address this issue and make it a


Wolfgang Röckelein wrote:
 Hans Bergsten wrote:
  Anyway, the best way to handle it is probably to use a filter that
  compresses the response (most browsers supports compressed responses
  today) since that would reduce the space needed for both whitespace
  and repeated tags. See this article for an example of the implementation
  of such a filter:
 Has anybody used this filer with a recent tomcat Version?
 I mostly get 0 length files from this filter (Tomcat 4.1.12) ...
 Thank you for any hints,
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Re: might have found a bug in jslt 1.0.2

2002-10-18 Thread peter lin

I will dig deeper and post my findings.



Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, peter lin wrote:
  we did verify acookie exists. I should have been more clear in my
  original email.
 That's not really the issue; the question is what's causing the error
 logs that you're suggesting are indicative of a bug.  Since the Standard
 Taglib simply results 'acookie.value' into a call to getValue() of your
 Cookie, it seems unlikely that the problem lies with the Standard Taglib,
 unless I'm misunderstanding your report.
  shouldn't JSTL throw an exception, since acookie is wrapped, so
  using c:out value=${}/ is the correct syntax.
  Using c:out value=${}/ should throw an exception,
  rather than go into an infinite loop and generate megs of error logs?
 No, the tag should simply result in a call to
 acookie.getName().toString().  That's why I'm suggesting you throw
 correspondent code in a scriptlet and see if it fails in the same way.
 Shawn Bayern
 JSTL in Action
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Re: might have found a bug in jslt 1.0.2

2002-10-18 Thread peter lin

I wrote a basic test page and this is the result I get.


print out the classname


print out the cookie


The source is below:
% taglib prefix=c uri=; %

print out the classnamep
c:forEach var=acookie items=${cookie}
  Object ck = pageContext.getAttribute(acookie);
print out the cookiep
c:forEach var=acookie items=${cookie}
c:out value=${}/=c:out

It looks like using c:out value=${}/ won't retrieve the
value, since acookie is a hashentry, it can't do
acookie.getName().toString().  I'm guessing that is correct
functionality right?


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Re: might have found a bug in jslt 1.0.2

2002-10-18 Thread peter lin

It causes tomcat 4.1.12 to generate logs continuously. If I don't hit
stop in the browser, it will continue to generate logs. After a couple
of minutes, the log is tens of megs.

I don't know if it's the responsibility of the EL to throw an exception
or if jasper should be responsible. with is why the subject says maybe

if you think it's a jasper bug, I will consult tomcat-dev and
investigate further. thanks.


Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, peter lin wrote:
  It looks like using c:out value=${}/ won't retrieve
  the value, since acookie is a hashentry, it can't do
  acookie.getName().toString().  I'm guessing that is correct
  functionality right?
 Right, for ${cookie} is a Map of all cookie names to Cookie instances.
 So, in the context of the test page, where does the bug come up?
 Shawn Bayern
 JSTL in Action
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Re: might have found a bug in jslt 1.0.2

2002-10-18 Thread peter lin

without EL it works fine.  I've tried with scriplet code and it works
fine. I've tried it with the correct syntax and it works fine.

it's only when the syntax is incorrect that it doesn't throw an
exception like symbol cannot be resolved, clascastexception or some
other exception.  Right or wrong, I expect the EL to realize duh,
that's the wrong syntax silly pete. I'm throwing an exception.

when I have time, I'll try to verify jstl 1.0.2 with 4.0.6 and see if
has the same effect. If it doesn't cause continuous logging, it's
probably a bug in tomcat. The funny thing is the page compiles just


Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, peter lin wrote:
  It causes tomcat 4.1.12 to generate logs continuously. If I don't hit
  stop in the browser, it will continue to generate logs. After a couple
  of minutes, the log is tens of megs.
  I don't know if it's the responsibility of the EL to throw an
  exception or if jasper should be responsible. with is why the subject
  says maybe :)
  if you think it's a jasper bug, I will consult tomcat-dev and
  investigate further. thanks.
 Again, I'm not sure of the specific action that you're saying causes this
 looping.  Is there something in the EL that you're saying causes a loop?
 Is it the iteration over 'cookie'?  Can you replicate it without using the
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Re: might have found a bug in jslt 1.0.2

2002-10-18 Thread peter lin

I'm glad your just as confused as I am, since I honestly don't know
either :)

I was hoping you'd have the magic answer, but looks like I'll have to
dig around this weekend to figure what the exact cause is.  thanks for
responding to my obtuse questions, since I'm confused as to why this
behavior happens at all.  I'll post what ever I find, hopefully detailed
information about how to reproduce or track it down.


Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, peter lin wrote:
  it's only when the syntax is incorrect that it doesn't throw an
  exception like symbol cannot be resolved, clascastexception or
  some other exception.  Right or wrong, I expect the EL to realize
  duh, that's the wrong syntax silly pete. I'm throwing an exception.
 Which EL expression causes this?  If the syntax of an expression isn't
 parseable, the EL should throw an exception.  If the property is simply
 unknown, the behavior can depend on whether we're dealing with a Map or
 JavaBean; it's all defined by the spec.
 Since our JSTL implementation doesn't directly produce logs, I'm just
 trying to figure out *exactly* what you're doing that does produce logs,
 and then trace it back to the code that ultimately causes them to be
 created.  Ideally, you'd have a minimal pair of two *identical* fragments,
 one of which uses the EL and produces the erroneous logs, and one of which
 Sorry if I'm being obtuse; I'm just not understanding the problem reports,
 or I'm missing some information.
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Re: What sucks about c:import!

2002-08-21 Thread peter lin

I'm assuming you want to get at things like cookies, user-agent and
other http header data.

you may want to make a request to the expert group, so that it is
included in the next version of JSTL. I believe the current
importsupport class just uses standard url  httpurlconnection classes. 
shawn will know more about the current implementation and where it might
go in the future.


Mark R. Diggory wrote:
 Now that I have your attention. We are continually working with managing
 headers in our URL object requests to get resources from different
 locations. Is there really any way I can set the request Header info on
 the URL object being created by c:import? Right now I have my own custom
 implementations to aquire such resources. I'd rather be able to use the
 Standard Taglib.
 -Mark Diggory
 Harvard-MIT Data Center
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Re: What sucks about c:import!

2002-08-21 Thread peter lin

in the interest of discussion. I find it useful to have cookie,
user-agent and other advanced capabilities in a web services context. 
As web services becomes more common place, supporting those features
might become very important.

peter lin

Henri Yandell wrote:
 Isn't this the kind of thing that Jakarta Commons HttpClient specialises
 in? In which case a taglib for that would be a pretty nice affair...
 [I assume there's not one already..]
 On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Shawn Bayern wrote:
  Indeed - JSTL 1.0 does not support advanced HTTP operations from within
  JSP pages using c:import (e.g., basic authentication, free modification
  of headers), but a future version of JSTL could if there were enough
  perceived need.  As Peter says, it's a good idea to inform the expert
  group if you'd like to see this feature; the address is

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Re: What sucks about c:import!

2002-08-21 Thread peter lin

I'm not sure where it should reside to be honest. I can see argument for
both sides. If I wanted to access data that resides on an IIS machine
that has challenge/response turned on, it would be good to have
cookie/auth support in jstl c:import but one could easily argue it
should be in a bean to provide more advanced capabilities like caching
or other RPC protocols.

For an enterprise solution with high loads, it might make more sense to
create a custom solution, but I've seen situations where data comes from
third parties. Trying to get data providers to build a custom RPC
mechanism often is more trouble than it's worth, so a simple c:import
mechanism that supports cookies  authentication would be a simpler

I'm glad the decision isn't up to me because either way you go, some one
is going to complain.


Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, peter lin wrote:
  in the interest of discussion. I find it useful to have cookie,
  user-agent and other advanced capabilities in a web services context.
  As web services becomes more common place, supporting those features
  might become very important.
 But is it important to support this from within JSP pages, instead of
 Java-based components?
 Shawn Bayern
 JSTL in Action
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Re: JSTL in Action: first few chapters

2002-08-04 Thread Peter Lin

Now if only I learned to proof read or type :P
I skimmed through expression language portion of the book and found it easier to read 
than the official spec.
 David M. Karr wrote: Dave == Dave Newton writes:

Dave Peter Lin wrote:
 reading the spec isn't always as simple as one would
 like. For example, the use of hashmap was totally
 clear to me, until I read the section in shawn's book.

Dave Er... :D

Dave Dave

Yeah, yeah, we know what he meant :) .

David M. Karr ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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Re: JSTL in Action: first few chapters

2002-08-03 Thread Peter Lin

Someone at work bought an electronic version and
ordered a few copies. If you are serious about using
JSTL, I would recommend it.

reading the spec isn't always as simple as one would
like. For example, the use of hashmap was totally
clear to me, until I read the section in shawn's book.

I must have read the spec a dozen times, but for some
reason I just did get it. Once i saw shawn's example
it was totally clear.


--- Shawn Bayern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In case anyone's interested, I just found out that
 the first four chapters
 of JSTL in Action have been posted for free at
 These early chapters are ideal for novice page
 authors; if you're a
 developer, you might want to forward them to page
 authors you work with.
 The chapters cover the principles of web
 development, the JSTL expression
 language, and the JSTL conditional tags.
 Shawn Bayern
 JSTL in Action
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Re: No more than 88 i18n:message tags in one page?

2002-07-26 Thread peter lin

Vernon Wu wrote:
 7/26/2002 5:48:15 AM, peter lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 search the list for past discussions about this.
 a short summary is this.  if you're using a jsp compiler that makes one
 huge service method, it will rapidly exceed 64K per method limitation in
 java. As well, there's a bug in jdk1.4 with deeply nested try/catch
 statements, which would only be a problem if you coded scriptlets that
 try jasper2 which is in the latest 4.1.8 beta. it should improve
 performance, if you're using tomcat. If you're using some other server,
 you should talk to the company and get them to fix it.
 If the cause is in jdk1.4, why replace components in TC?

the reason is jasper2 doesn't use to compile
jsp pages. Instead it uses ANT and native javac to compile.  There's
been a lot of discussion on this in jstl and tomcat-user forum.  These
are known problems and are already being addressed.


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Re: ! Unbearable memory consumption

2002-07-25 Thread peter lin

You have a couple different options that will scale much better if the
data in the resource files are static and do not change dynamically.

1. use the cache tag, which uses fmt tag
2. write a custom tag which caches it as someone else mentioned
3. write a custom tag that extends the fmt tag
4. patch fmt tag to cache it and submit the patch to shawn
5. you can write a custom extension to the resource bundle that does the
caching. that will allow you to use fmt tag as is and have your resource
extension do the caching

I hope that helps


Vernon Wu wrote:
 I use the jstl-fmt port of jstl in my current project. I have three resource files: 
default, en, and zh. About 440 entries in
 each file. When I open a page with about 250 items in the resource file, the memory 
consumption increases
 dramatically. To save the memory usage, I delete one of the three resource files. 
The initial memory usage is about 20m.
 During the translation process, the memory consumption glows to over 160m and 
exceeds the machine limit. And the
 session dies and server crashes.
 Any solution for this problem?
 The web container I use is TC 4.0.4.
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Re: ! Unbearable memory consumption

2002-07-25 Thread peter lin

Vernon Wu wrote:
 Thanks for your suggestion.
 Can you clarify the statement: the data in the resource files are static?
 In regarding of the five options you mentioned:
 1. use the cache tag, which uses fmt tag
 2. write a custom tag which caches it as someone else mentioned
 The caching mechanism only works when at least portion of data has be retrieved 
 In my case, only a small among data, if there is any, has be retrieved before the 
page from the resource file. So these
 two approaches might not solve the problem

hmm, if I am reading you correctly, from request to request, the cached
data from the resouce files may be limited. Caching wouldn't really
help, unless it doesn't expire any loaded data. If that is the case, you
might be better off loading all the stuff statically when tomcat starts
up and register file events on the resouce files to get dynamic updates.

 3. write a custom tag that extends the fmt tag
 What is the goal of this extension? Is it to refine the fmt tag implemention so that 
it will not eat up the much memory? Or
 to have the caching mechanism on?

You have several different ways of doing this right.  If the default
properties/resourcebundle class is too slow, you could write a custom
bean that takes advantage of nbio to improve the performance. 

 4. patch fmt tag to cache it and submit the patch to shawn
 I would like to do that once I am free from current project.
 5. you can write a custom extension to the resource bundle that does the
 caching. that will allow you to use fmt tag as is and have your resource
 extension do the caching
 For a set of large size resource files, this approache also comsumes a lot of memory 
and it will hold the memory during
 the life time of the application.
 Please point out if I am in any above statements.
 BTW, the reason of more than 200 items in the resource files is man sets of check 
boxes and pull down lists in the
 page. Is any way I can cut short the items in resource file?

Another option is you can break your resource files into smaller chunks
based on most-to-least used. The nvpair used 80% of the time can be
cached and loaded at startup. you could then write a custom tag that
first looks at the cache before getting it from the appropriate resource

I hope that helps.


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Re: Tomcat crashes on too many custom tags in a jsp

2002-07-09 Thread peter lin

Jasper2 does split tag calls to methods.  Kinman, denis and remmy are
the ones who worked on it.  The way it works is if the tag body does not
contain any scriptlet, it will make it into a method.  Of course the
catch is if your page uses scriplets in the body ie c:set...% some
java code %/c:set, it won't break it out into it's own method.

jasper2 is significantly different in many ways and implements tag
pooling.  You can read through all the posts on tomcat-dev if you care
to know all the details.


Martin Cooper wrote:
 Does Jasper2 actually split the JSP generated code into multiple methods,
 rather than one large service() method? If so, do you have any information
 on how it can do this? I'm curious, because I don't see how this could be
 done without a huge amount of work (unless there's an I swear there are no
 scriptlets in my pages mode :).
 Martin Cooper
  -Original Message-
  From: peter lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:16 AM
  To: Tag Libraries Users List
  Subject: Re: Tomcat crashes on too many custom tags in a jsp
  If tomcat is crashing because of out of memory it is a known problem
  with tomcat 4.0.1-4.0.3 as well as 3.3.x.  The problem you
  are seeing is
  related to how jasper compiles the page.  Jasper makes one
  huge service
  method, which causes several memory related problems. There is a new
  jasper called Jasper2 in 4.1.7 beta.  Copy ant.jar, jasper-runtime.jar
  and jasper-compiler.jar into your tomcat/lib directory. See if that
  fixes your problems. If that isn't your problem, it may be your custom
  tag has a memory leak somewhere which only appears in certain
  if that's the case, use OptimizeIt to profile your web app.
  Karthikeyan A wrote:
   I am working with tomcat 4.0.1  We have our own custom tag
  library. We
   display all the data using custom tags.
   We have noticed that when the number of custom tags for a
  jsp page is too
   large, our tomcat crashes. Our JSP has more than 125
  bean:message key.../
   tag apart from other custom tags. If we comment out some of
  the custom tags,
   tomcat does not crash.
   We hunted for the solution in mailing lists. We found a
  suggestion. As per
   suggestion, we should split the JSP into multiple JSPs and
  include the
   pieces by using jsp:include directive. We have split the
  JSPs but the
   problem persists.
   Can anybody suggest a work around?
   Thanks and Regards
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stripping extra line feeds in choose tag

2002-07-09 Thread Peter Lin

hey shawn,

I was looking into different ways of stripping extra
\r\n from the final output.  I thought of a way,
which is definitely non-compliant, but as an exercise
I thought I'd post it.  I don't actually plan on
implementing it, but it might generate discussion
about how JSTL 2.0 spec might handle this.

From my understanding, c:choose  x:choose both do
not push out.write() to bodyContent. c:set on the
other does set out = bodycontent when needed. Example
from Jasper2 generated source below:

javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent _bc =
  out = _bc;

Therefore if one were to modify c:when and x:when
to strip out extra line feeds, the output would have
to pushBody in order to call .trim() within the tag.

There are several issues I can see with this method of
handling unwanted whitespace  control line feed.

1. doesn't solve the real problem
2. it really should be addressed in JSP specification,
not JSTL specification
3. it's better to not have dozens of extra
out.write(\r\n); litering the compiled jsp class.
4. There should be a way to easily plug in filters for
JSP page compilation. In the same way the latest
servlet spec defines request filters, page compilation
should have filters.
5. leaving the extra out.write() makes pages with lots
of tag (100+) less scalable as seen with jasper1 on
tomcat 4.0.3 and 3.3.x. 
6. even though jasper2 now breaks tags without
scriplet code into it's own method, pages that use
both tag and scriplets will run into the 64K per
method limitation in java.

Even though some servlet containers uses jasper, and
likely jasper2 once it is released, leaving in
unwanted whitespace and control line feed make tag
pages less portable across different servlet
containers. There's no gaurantee a server will compile
pages the way jasper2 does it.  Of course there is
always the option of writing a deployment tool that
parses the JSP to a temp directory stripping out
unwanted stuff and compile it to the server's working


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Re: How to split results over multiple pages with DBtags ?

2002-05-01 Thread peter lin

The proper way to do this is to only return n number of rows.  Typically
this is done with scrollable cursors.  The driver you're using has to
support the feature. I don't see support for it in dbtags, so your other
option is to use stored procedures or prepared statements that handle
the cursor yourself.

fetching tons of rows to only display 20 will limit the scalability of
your web application under load. Especially if your database server
isn't beefy :)

hope that helps.

peter lin

Soefara Redzuan wrote:
 If you have hundreds of records in your ResultSet, too many to show on one
 JSP, how do you split these over multiple pages. I mean, list a subset of
 these on one page, so that the user can go forward to the next results and
 back to the previous listings, or even jump to the n'th listing, like you
 see on many websites including search engine results ?
 I think it is unefficient to store a counter so you loop through the
 ResultSet but I can not find any batch-like attributes in the DBtags
 documentation. Am I missing it ? A simple example would be very useful.
 Thank you so much, Soefara.
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Re: JSTL: sql

2002-05-01 Thread peter lin

this might not be the answer you're looking for, but in high end
databases, the recommended method of doing incremental unique ID is to
use a stored procedure which gets the next id and uses it in an insert
statement. The stored procedure then passes the unique id back.

autoincrement is typically used in low and medium level databases.
Managing ID in RDBMS is a large part of what DBA's handle.  The reason
high end databases do this is because the data model is typically
complex where a simple transaction requires updates and inserts in
multiple tables.

Your other option is to get the last ID and increment it in a bean or
jsp.  Of course this means changing the property of the ID column in
your table.

peter lin

Carole E. Mah wrote:
 Does anyone know if the JSTL database tags (sql) provide any method for
 retrieving the unique ID of the row that was inserted last (when you set
 up you mySQL database table to AUTO_INCREMENT the unique id).
 This is how I do it using PHP, which provides the mysql_insert_id()
 function for just this purpose:
   $query = INSERT INTO foo (name, phone) VALUES ('Jane Doe','555-1212');
   $LINK = mysql_pconnect ($DB_SERVER, $DB_LOGIN, $DB_PASSWORD);
   $result = mysql_db_query ($DB, $query);
   $my_id = mysql_insert_id($LINK);
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Re: JSTL x:parse problems

2002-04-18 Thread peter lin

I think you're problem is that xmlText expects String.  Have you tried
xmlURL, isntead of xmlText.  here is the way I use parse, which works

c:set var=xmlurlsample.xml/c:set

x:parse var=dom
  c:import url=${xmlurl}/

peter lin

Steve Appling wrote:
 I am having problems using the standard tag library x:parse tag using a
 reader.  The JSTL spec says that the xmlText attribute can take either a
 String or a Reader.  I am trying the following:
 InputStream is = application.getResourceAsStream(/test.xml);
 InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
 x:parse xmlText=${reader} var=doc/
 This results in the following exception:
 javax.servlet.ServletException: The xmlText attribute illegally
 evaluated to null or  in parse
 Does anyone know how to do this?
 If anyone from the expert group is monitoring this, it would be really nice
 if there were usage examples for each of the tags.  Also in the 1.0 Public
 Draft ALL of the examples provided for x:parse are wrong, they use an older
 syntax with a source attribute which is not allowed now.

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Re: JSTL x:parse problems

2002-04-18 Thread peter lin

The code that handles it does perform type checking, so it should work.
the code below is taken from the parsesupport.

if (xmlUrl != null)
d = parseURLWithFilter(xmlUrl, filter);
else {
if (xmlText instanceof String)
d = parseStringWithFilter((String) xmlText, filter);
else if (xmlText instanceof Reader)
d = parseReaderWithFilter((Reader) xmlText, filter);
throw new JspTagException(

can you post and example of the XML, it could be the XML isn't valid.


Steve Appling wrote:
 In section 11.2 of the JSTL 1.0 public draft specification it says that
 xmlText can take a String or a Reader.  I can't use xmlUrl (or body content
 of the parse tag) because my xml is in a section of the web application that
 is in a restricted security domain.  I can't provide authentication
 information in the url to use xmlUrl.  I probably can read the entire
 document into a single String myself, then use that in xmlText, but that
 seems somewhat silly.  If it really can take a Reader as the documentation
 states, then I would rather use that approach - I was hoping there was
 something simple I was missing that was keeping this from working.
 - Original Message -
 From: peter lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: JSTL x:parse problems
  I think you're problem is that xmlText expects String.  Have you tried
  xmlURL, isntead of xmlText.  here is the way I use parse, which works
  c:set var=xmlurlsample.xml/c:set
  x:parse var=dom
c:import url=${xmlurl}/
  peter lin
  Steve Appling wrote:
   I am having problems using the standard tag library x:parse tag using a
   reader.  The JSTL spec says that the xmlText attribute can take either a
   String or a Reader.  I am trying the following:
   InputStream is = application.getResourceAsStream(/test.xml);
   InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
   x:parse xmlText=${reader} var=doc/
   This results in the following exception:
   javax.servlet.ServletException: The xmlText attribute illegally
   evaluated to null or  in parse
   Does anyone know how to do this?
   If anyone from the expert group is monitoring this, it would be really
   if there were usage examples for each of the tags.  Also in the 1.0
   Draft ALL of the examples provided for x:parse are wrong, they use an
   syntax with a source attribute which is not allowed now.
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JSP tag limit on solaris with jdk1.4

2002-04-17 Thread peter lin

I recently discovered that JSP Tags on Solaris 8 with jdk1.4 has a tag
limit of 50. In case others encounter this bug, it's specific to 1.4 and
isn't present with jdk1.3.1 or jdk1.4 for windows.


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Re: code too large for try statement

2002-04-15 Thread peter lin

You're reaching the 64K compiled class file limit. You're choices are to
break the page up into different files, or restructure so the compiled
class files are smaller than 64K


Andrea Grittini wrote:
 Have you ever heard about this problem??
 I'm using JSTL standard tag library together with HP_AS to build a dinamic web site 
from a DB.
 I have developed my page with about 300 lines of html tags and jsp tag from 5 tag 
libraries.(JSTL + string + request + datetime)
 When I compile my file from the browser I got this incledible error: code too large for try statement
catch( Throwable thr )
 How can I do??
 The page has to format a simple recordset.
 thank you in advance.
 Andrea Grittini
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Re: testing on empty string or null with jstl

2002-04-02 Thread peter lin

according to the specs, I believe EL will evaulate null value to zero
length string.

if you treat zero length string and null as the same condition, does
that work for your situation? 

I'm a little confused by the example you provide. the first when checks
to make sure name and email are not null or zero length. the otherwise
is supposed to send an email. but who is it suppose to send it to? the
friend's email address?

if you use request.getParameter(string), you're going to get null
pointer error if no value was given. shouldn't the page display an error
message, since it doesn't have the email address to send a message. is
the friend's email a gauranteed value that is always present?

a bit more information would make it easier to diagnose.


Wim Bervoets wrote:
 I have the following code:
 c:when test=(${param.yourName} != '') and (${param.yourEmail} != '') and
 (${param.friendsEmail1} != '')
 email something
 [c:out value=${param.yourName}/]
 [c:out value=${param.yourEmail}/]
 [c:out value=${param.friendsEmail1}/]
 If the request paramaters are not empty I would like to send a mail - eg.
 execute the when.
 - otherwise execute the otherwise.
 Problem I have is that c:otherwise is always executed - even when the
 parameters are set (I can see they are set because of the c:out's)
 So how can I check for an empty string or null ? ${param.yourName} != null
 or ${param.yourName} != '' doesn't work !
 I'm using resin 2.0.5  - maybe it has something todo with the forEach
 problem that was fixed recently in resin 2.1.0 ?
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plans for include

2002-04-01 Thread peter lin

Does anyone know if there are plans to improve jsp:include or create a
new include in jstl?  The reason I ask is because jsp:include
page={url | %=expr%} / will only take simple strings. it would be
nice if one could dynamically build the appropriate include
path/filename and pass it to the include.

this way, it would reduce the need to use
c:choosec:when./c:otherwise/c:choose to determine what files
to include. It would also decrease the maintenance, as a person could
just add the html for their personal template and pass the value in the
request parameters.

peter lin

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Re: plans for include

2002-04-01 Thread peter lin

thanks for reminding. I totally forgot about that.


Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, peter lin wrote:
  Does anyone know if there are plans to improve jsp:include or create a
  new include in jstl?
 Yes, JSTL introduces c:import, which (as I think I say in my book) you
 can think of as jsp:include: the next generation.   :-)
 Shawn Bayern
 Author, JSP Standard Tag Library
 (coming this summer from Manning Publications)
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performance benchmarks of JSTL on Tomcat 4.0.3

2002-03-29 Thread Peter Lin

I got side tracked for a few days, but I finally got
time to run some benchmarks with JProbe, as well as
repeat a few of my original tests to verify the

The tests were ran on the following systems.

System I - 450mhz PIII, Win2K, 512mb RAM
programs running - mcafee, aim
Server - tomcat 4.0.3
additional connector - coyote beta 3

System II - 600mhz PIII, win2k, 256mb RAM
programs running - none
Server - tomcat 4.0.3
additional connector - coyote beta 3

load testing application
Latest JMeter from jakarta

Network - LAN

JProbe 30 -
added settings for Tomcat 4.0.3
test run - 2 threads 100 iterations
The results below is the total number of Tag objects
garbage collected for the entire duration of the test.
Garbage collection was trigger right before and
immediately after the run. The GC filter was set to
taglibs*. The system used was #2 with 600mhz cpu and
no other apps running besides JProbe and Tomcat.

JProbe GC results

include directive 
IfTag - 11,200
WhenTag - 4,200
ExprTag - 2,800
SetTag - 1,400
OtherwiseTag - 1,200
ChooseTag - 1,200
Logger - 16,600

Total - 38,600

General memory/GC behavior - GC spiked much more
frequently than pages using action include. The
duration between GC was approximately half that of
action include.

action include

IfTag - 11,00
WhenTag - 2,800
ExprTag - 2,600
Logger - 16,600

Total - 33,000

General memory/GC behavior - GC frequency was less and
the interval between GC was twice as long as pages
using include directive. It generally took 2-4x more
page hits to reach the heap max.

scriptlet page

no tags were garbage collected, since none were used.
for the duration of the test, GC was trigger twice. In
comparison, include directive for the duration of the
test was called on average 30 times. action include
called GC approximately 15 times.

The results below were average from 3 runs of each
setting. The machine running JMeter was a separate
system. Only the HTML was retrieved. No images or
other files were included in the calculation of the
response times. Test performed on system #2 (600mhz,
256ram) were not heap optimized, since it is pointless
with 256mb of ram. All times are in milliseconds.

include directive - 1 thread 1000
httpconnector ave - 32
cpu usage - 45-80%
coyote connector ave - 107
cpu-usage - 30-100%

include directive - 2 threads 500
httpconnector ave - 403
cpu usage - 50-100%
coyote connector ave - 378
cpu usage - 40-100%

include directive - 4 threads 250
httpconnector ave - 974
cpu usage - 70-100%
coyote connector - 474
cpu usage - 50-100%

include directive - 8 threads 125
httpconnector ave - 2802
cpu usage - 100%
coyote connector ave - 1660
cpu usage - 60-100%

include directive - 16 threads 65
httpconnector ave - could not finish
cpu usage - 100%
coyote connector ave - 2994
cpu usage - 80-100%

action include - 1 thread 1000
httpconnector ave - 48
cpu usage - 40-70%
coyote connector ave - 49
cpu usage - 40-60%

action include - 2 threads 500
httpconnector ave - 84
cpu usage - 55-95%
coyote connector ave - 86
cpu usage - 40-80%

action include - 4 threads 250
httpconnector ave - 190
cpu usage - 70-90%
coyote connector ave - 175
cpu usage - 50-90%

action include - 8 threads 125
httpconnector ave - 508
cpu usage - 70-100%
coyote connector ave - 372
cpu usage - 60-95%

action include - 16 threads 65
httpconnector ave - 1056
cpu usage - 90-100%
coyote connector ave - 808
cpu usage - 70-100%

action include - 32 threads 63
httpconnector ave - 2646
cpu usage - 100%
coyote connector ave - 1036
cpu usage - 80-100%

scriptlet page - 1 thread 1000
httpconnector ave - 22
cpu usage - 0-20%
coyote connector ave - 21
cpu usage - 0-16%

scriptlet page - 2 threads 500
httpconnector ave - 30
cpu usage - 20-40%
coyote connector ave - 28
cpu usage - 0-25%

scriptlet page - 4 threads 250
httpconnector ave - 49
cpu usage - 20-40%
coyote connector ave - 47
cpu usage - 20-35%

scriptlet page - 8 threads 125
httpconnector ave - 97
cpu usage - 20-40%
coyote connector ave - 97
cpu usage - 20-40%

scriptlet page - 16 threads 65
httpconnector ave - 179
cpu usage - 20-45%
coyote connector ave - 171
cpu usage - 20-40%

scriptlet page - 32 threads 63
httpconnector ave - 250
cpu usage - 30-60%
coyote connector ave - 257
cpu usage - 

Re: JSTL EL parser pool?

2002-03-22 Thread peter lin

Here are some thoughts

Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, peter lin wrote:
 Interesting thought, Peter.
 Given that instantiating an Evaluator object involves no specific logic on
 construction, the only cost of not having a pool is that of object
 creation itself, which should be exceptionally well optimized under any
 JIT.  As a general rule, I strongly hesitate to pool objects unless
 there's a demonstrated reason it'll help.  (Most products pool objects WAY
 too much, which leads to unnecessary complexity and -- indeed -- potential
 performance problems.)  The performance you're experiencing doesn't sound
 too good, but do you have any reason to think that the logic within
 ExpressionEvaluatorManager (in particular) is to blame?

actually I don't think ExpressionEvaluationManger by itself is the
blame. I think it's the combination of a lot of little things that add
up to a problem. I have no conclusive proof, but right now my guess is
my test pages are using lots of local variables. Since the test system
only has 256ram on win2K, at 4 concurrent requests it might be reaching
the limit for local variables causing GC to start. The reason I suspect
this is the dramatic CPU usage. The performance degrades as CPU usage
increases from what I see.  For minimal load, I seriously doubt there
will be any benefit. In fact there's probably going to be decreased
performance for 1-2 concurrent connections. 

 The evaluator keeps a static cache of values, so literally the only
 benefit of pooling our interpreter instances would be to save the
 instantiation itself, which should take about ten low-level instructions
 on a modern JIT.  (That is, the evaluator has an empty constructor, and
 all its work is done on the stack -- with the aid of a few static caches.)
 Thanks very much for the suggestion, though; I'd be curious if you have
 any data that does implicate one part of the JSTL RI over another.

I doubt instantiation is the cause. The first candidate for improvemnet
with the test pages I've written is recycling tag objects. For example
the test page is broken up into 20-24 pages. When I count the number of
times a new Tag is created I get:

when - 22
otherwise - 7
if - 55
expr - 23
choose - 7
Total 114

Since the evalutor caches the values, I was thinking after all the other
steps were done, it might be a candidate for pooling, though not by
default. It wouldn't make sense to have the default expression manager
to be pooled. Very few installation need to support 8-13million hits a
day. In my mind, extreme performance requirements might benefit in
stability and reduced GC from pooling the parsers. Another interesting
fact is the source generated by jasper is 4320 lines long when using
JSTL with include directive %@ include ..% :).

If you look at the numbers I posted on tomcat-user, you'll see that
using JSTL with action include performs better than JSTL with include
directive. Once I get numbers with JProbe, I will post them for further
discussion :)

again thanks for taking time to read and respond.

peter lin

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Re: Grouped Output

2002-03-21 Thread peter lin

If you use c:set var= to set a variable to the name and then have it
check against it before printing out the name should work. ie,

c:set var=thenamefirst time it's zero length/c:set
c:if test=${oldname != newname}
  c:set var=thenamethe name value/c:set
  c:out value=${thename}/


Zvolensky, Thomas J {PDBI~Nutley} wrote:
 I need to generate a report that looks something like this:
 NameDates Visited
 --- -
 Anderau, Eoma   2002-03-07
 Andersson, Lisa 2002-02-04
 Aylott, Bridget 2002-01-31
 Is it possible to generate a grouped report using taglibs without
 resorting to using scriptlet logic to determine when the column Name has
 changed in the record set?

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JSTL EL support for header?

2002-03-20 Thread peter lin

I read through the JSTL spec and grepped org.apachelang.jstl to
see if it has any calls to request.getHeader(string) and noticed JSTL EL
does not support request header.

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Re: JSTL EL support for header?

2002-03-20 Thread peter lin

The closest thing I can think of to access request header values is
c:out value=${request.headers[host]}/, but [] are used to access
maps. Request.getHeaders() returns an Emueration, so it fails like it's
supposed to.

Thanks to shawn's fix yesterday to JSTL XML tags, i can use x:out
select=$header:user-agent/ to do browser detection. It would be nice
if JSTL EL also supports headers like parameters.

c:out value=${header.user-agent}/

when I use the example above, I get 0 as the output. Is that a bug
maybe or not supported as specified. I'm using nightly 3-18.



peter lin wrote:
 I read through the JSTL spec and grepped org.apachelang.jstl to
 see if it has any calls to request.getHeader(string) and noticed JSTL EL
 does not support request header.
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xml bug?

2002-03-19 Thread peter lin

has anyone tried the nightly 3-18 xml tags in jstl?  I'm experiencing a
problem accessing request parameters and http headers. Here is the test
page I used.

%@ taglib prefix=x uri=; %

br$header:host = x:out select=$header:host/br
brS param = x:out select=$param:S/br

java.util.Enumeration enum = request.getHeaderNames();
while ( enum.hasMoreElements() ) {

According to the JSTL spec, it states in 11.1.2:

expression | mapping
$param:foo | request.getParameter(foo)
$header:foo| request.getHeader(foo)

I took a quick look at tag.common.xml package and noticed all of the
support tags use XPathUtil to access the context. Within XPathUtil is a
inner class JstlVariableContext, which contains the call
hsr.getHeader(localName) in JstlVariableContext.getVariableValue().

when I tried to debug getVariableValue method, it appears it never gets
to hsr.getHeader(localname). In fact, valueOf(node,string) never
instantiates JstlVariableContext, instead getLocalContext(node) is the
only method that instantiates that class.

Should valueOf(node,string) check the result of
xp.valueOf(getLocalContext(n)) and call getLocalContext?  I'm don't
completely understand XPathUtil.  Any tips are greatly appreciated.

peter lin

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Re: xml bug?

2002-03-19 Thread peter lin

reading over my last paragraph, it's not clear what I meant, so here's a
second attempt. The current 3-19 nightly of XPathUtil.valueOf is below:

public String valueOf(Node n, String xpath) throws SAXPathException
XPath xp = new XPath(xpath);
return xp.valueOf(getLocalContext(n));

when it calls return, it the result of getLocalContext(node) to
XPath.valueOf(). when I output that result, I get zero length string.
the source for getLocalContext(node) is below.

private Context getLocalContext(Node n) {
// set up instance-specific contexts
VariableContext vc = new JstlVariableContext();
ContextSupport cs = new ContextSupport(nc, fc, vc, dn);
Context c = new Context(cs);
List l = new ArrayList(1);
return c;

an instance of JstlVariableContext is passed to the constructor of
ContextSupport, but I don't see where
JstlVariableContext.getVariableValue() is called. Within
getLocalContext, should it check to make sure context was created
correctly when it does Context c = new Context(cs)?

when I output the result of the hsr.getHeader(localName), it never
reaches that chunk of code in getVariableValue().

else if (namespace.equals(HEADER_NS_URL)) {
HttpServletRequest hsr =
(HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
return hsr.getHeader(localName);


peter lin

peter lin

 Should valueOf(node,string) check the result of
 xp.valueOf(getLocalContext(n)) and call getLocalContext?  I'm don't
 completely understand XPathUtil.  Any tips are greatly appreciated.
 peter lin
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