Re: [Talk-br] Proposta de importação de dados da PBH/Prodabel

2019-09-18 Thread Alexandre Oliveira
Boa noite,

Gostaria de informar que criei uma página na wiki para documentar o
plano e o processo de importação[0].

Também gostaria de pedir a cooperação e a gentileza para aqueles que
forem mapear prédios em BH, que somente adicionem a tag `building` em
geometrias, como é especificado na página da wiki (em inglês)[1]. Em
outras palavras, peço que não usem a tag para demarcar áreas, pois
dificultará o processo de importação.


On 9/9/19, Alexandre Oliveira  wrote:
> Boa noite,
> A Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte (PBH) disponibiliza, através da
> Prodabel, várias camadas de dados georreferenciaados através do portal
> BHMap[0].
> Venho desde abril observando e analisando possíveis camadas e dados
> que poderiam ser importados para o OSM e que beneficiariam os usuários
> do mapa localizados em Belo Horizonte. Entre essas camadas, uma delas
> fornece a geometria das edificações existentes em BH, que é o objetivo
> principal desta proposta.
> Os dados do portal estão disponíveis sob a licença ODbL[1], então
> acredito que não há necessidade de abrir um chamado solicitando
> autorização para uso dos dados.
> Estive conversando com o naoliv e parece que o processo para importar
> estes dados é simples (porém trabalhoso). Ele me alertou sobre
> possíveis conflitos que poderiam acontecer (por exemplo, devido ao uso
> incorreto da tag `building=yes`), e me passou uma query[2] do Overpass
> para corrigir estes problemas para que não houvesse dificuldades na
> hora de importar os prédios. Importei os prédios no QGIS e fui
> arrumando as edificações com maior área que estavam utilizando a tag
> `building` da maneira errada. Como eram mais de 10mil prédios ao todo,
> fui verificando apenas aqueles que tinham maior área. As alterações
> estão no meu usuário do OSM[3] (começa no changeset 70091873).
> O processo, como disse, deve ser simples. Há, mais ou menos, 740mil
> prédios mapeados pela Prodabel/PBH, e no OSM existem, atualmente, uns
> 10mil. A camada parece estar alinhada com a imagem de satélite do
> Bing[4] (inclusive é possível obter a ortofoto utilizada para o
> mapeamento no próprio BHMap, datada de 2015). Como foi sugerido pelo
> naoliv, os passos seriam os seguintes:
> 1. (Re)Verificação do uso da tag `building=yes` nos prédios mapeados no
> OSM;
> 2. Preparação da camada de edificações do BHMap
>   a. Verificar o alinhamento da camada com os dados existentes no OSM;
>   b. Adicionar as tags do OSM necessárias aos prédios (seria feito por
> script)
> - Existem outras camadas com informações essenciais disponíveis no
> BHMap. Por exemplo, há camadas que listam escolas, hospitais, UPAs,
> parques, praças, cemitérios (há também uma camada que lista os
> comércios existentes sob o nome de "Atividades Econômicas")
> - Essas camadas seriam usadas para detalhar as edificações
>   c. Verificar e mesclar as duas camadas (a nova, da PBH, com a
> existente, do OSM)
> - no caso, o que foi mapeado no OSM seria mantido, porém seriam
> feitas algumas correções com base nos dados a serem importados
> 3. Validação e apresentação da proposta de importação na Wiki
> Como disse, o processo é simples, porém trabalhoso. Agradeço a ajuda
> do naoliv e do Sérgio (que fez um processo similar em Porto Alegre) e
> gostaria que a comunidade apresentasse sugestões para o plano.
> Atualmente não fiz nada em relação a camada da prefeitura, estive
> apenas verificando e corrigindo algumas áreas prediais que poderiam
> complicar o processo.
> Em relação ao alinhamento da camada oriunda da PBH, até onde sei não
> existe uma iniciativa similar à Prefeitura de Porto Alegre que
> construiu marcos geodésicos físicos na cidade. Existe a rede do IBGE,
> porém não é tão fácil confirmar a existência das estações sem a ajuda
> de um funcionário do instituto.
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Alexandre Oliveira.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Discussion of state regulation and planing issues for OSM

2019-09-18 Thread Sebastian S.
Hi Herbert, 
Not sure if I get your point.

With regards to the list, my take on it is that this list is the right and good 
place for any of your issues/OSM Australian centric topics.

If traffic on a particular aspect of issues is getting to much this might be an 
indicator that a separate list could make sense.

The fact that not all of the aspects that you are interested in are discussed 
on the list might be a mere reflection of the various interest amongst the list 
participants and their level of expertise.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Discussion of state regulation and planing issues for OSM

2019-09-18 Thread Andrew Davidson

On 19/9/19 09:41, Herbert.Remi via Talk-au wrote:

Are there any suggestions where matter 4 and 5 could be discussed and links 
provided so that the OSM community can communicate, negotiate and formulate a 
direction for these things?

I can't suggest anything as I don't understand your questions. Would it 
be possible to restate what you are asking in a more concrete way? For 
example: how you might be proposing to deviate from what is currently 
thought of as good practice:

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Discussion of state regulation and planing issues for OSM

2019-09-18 Thread Herbert.Remi via Talk-au
Country: Australia, Language: English, Topic: Regulation

This AU email forum is the best there is, but I wish there was something more. 
So, I will bring this topic up here where there may be community support for 
something extra. From the header above this user group is already specific but 
is it specific enough? This group discusses mostly detail, but the details 
revolve around a concept and that is what I am interested in here. The recent 
Wollongong discussion bought this to light. The fundamental assumption is that 
OSM represents the real world.

What is covered?

- Database design: The OpenStreetMap is a database and use is restricted by its 
design, key types and permitted values. There is however much scope in actual 
use that depends on interpretation.

- OSM standards: Some of this ambiguity is resolved in the best practice 
outlined in the OSM Wiki and worth knowing, as it is an attempt at 
standardisation and actively enforced by some members of the community.

- Regional standards: The AU email forum serves as a regional discussion forum 
to get some sort of consensus of how Australia issues are to be dealt with in 
Australia, i.e. adapting OSM to Australian requirements.

- State laws and regulations: Australia is a federation and each state has its 
own laws and regulations. Local government is another level. This autonomy 
shows up in OSM particularly in terms of permissions: who can do what. In this 
context, we need to consider private/public property, military and secure 
zones, and finally nature reserves and national parks with restricted access 
but special rules.

- Planning codes and zoning: This last one has got to do with how land is used 
over time which arises in OSM as life cycles and featured also in the 
Wollongong discussion as “regeneration”. It commonly arises with the rezoning 
of land, release of land for public use, leases on land for grazing and private 
use (parking). I have an interest in greenfield public land developments: 
rezoned or planned. Once it has funding (parliament) the project passes the 
hurdle that something changes in OSM, even though at this stage it may not be 
anything visible. There is community interest to see this on a map. There are 
many examples of this that include nature reserves and new suburbs. End of life 
issues are track regeneration but also track realignment which is common for 
mountain biking single track management. It is not uncommon to hide but keep 
old track realignments.

This AU email forum does not seem the pace for the last two items, but the 
Wollongong discussion shows that awareness of these things is important for the 
OSM maps to make any sense. Particularly if the maps are for navigation 
(autorouting) or when render specialist maps (mountain biking or walking), then 
such information is critical. There may be a discussion for a track or area how 
to best define the permissions on paths and tracks.

There is a lot of information on the web about this sort of thing on government 
and official websites. I have further written to state government departments 
requesting clarification and improvements. Local tensions are not uncommon with 
competing claims. This tension can be seen in the OSM community with certain 
keys toggling between individual preferences. Mappers are people and advocate 
their interests on OSM and sometimes join OSM specifically for this purpose.

Are there any suggestions where matter 4 and 5 could be discussed and links 
provided so that the OSM community can communicate, negotiate and formulate a 
direction for these things?___
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding buildings and addresses

2019-09-18 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB

Could you clarify/give an example of what you mean by 'Community Maps''?


On 16/09/2019 00:02, Luciën Greefkes via Talk-GB wrote:

Hello everyone,
I'm currently working on mapping the neighbourhoods of Welwyn Garden City.
For that I'd like to use an accurate resource, also not to miss out of any 
(parts of) buildings.The standard aerial imagery provided in JOSM is in parts 
not good to work with, too many shadows which make it literally impossible to 
see contours of buildings.
The open data of Ordnance Survey is, as has been pointed out on the forums, too 
global to work with.
On the other hand, there are the Community Maps. They contain very decent 
shapes/contours of buildings. I would like to work with a layer like that to be 
able to compare with aerial imagery.The community map of Welwyn Hatfield gives 
Ordnance Survey as the source. I have sent a request to OS if they'd be willing 
to share the data used for the community maps, because that will be a massive 
aid in my current mapping project.
Has anyone had any experience with this, and what OS's stance on this is?
Luciën aka Lachgast

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire

2019-09-18 Thread Jérôme Amagat
Le mer. 18 sept. 2019 à 15:20, deuzeffe  a écrit :

> On 17/09/2019 02:12, Jérôme Amagat wrote:
> > L'utilisation de landuse=school pour moi est à proscrire, on a déjà
> > amenity=school. (pour donner un nom a un ensemble d'école qui est
> > différent du nom des écoles peut être :/)
> "Ça dépend" cf

C'est différent quand on regarde la page en anglais, qui dit qu'il faut
utiliser amenity=school même sur une surface. Cette mention sur la page en
français devrait être supprimé selon moi, elle dit presque un node c'est
amenity=school et un way fermé c'est landuse=school ce qui est faux.

C'est jamais très clair lorsque l'on utilise le mot "chose" :)
Sur le terrain il n'y a une pas une école maternelle et une école
élémentaire mais juste une école primaire.

Utiliser plusieurs valeur séparer par un ; est vivement déconseillé pour
des tags comme amenity=*

Ne pas utiliser "school" pour une école maternelle et utiliser le même tag
pour une école maternelle et pour une crèche ou une garderie me plaît pas
non plus.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Come aggiungere punti d'interesse

2019-09-18 Thread Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi
Il giorno dom, 15/09/2019 alle 16.35 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer ha
> sent from a phone
> > On 15. Sep 2019, at 10:40, Matteo Bini via Talk-it <
> >
> > 
> > > wrote:
> > 
> > Invece, se all'edificio sono associati più numerici civici,
> > annoto le informazioni relative all'indirizzo solo nel punto
> > d'interesse
> > e lo colloco in prossimità dell'entrata.
> io quando faccio un lavoro “completo” (invece di inserire solo un
> POI) mappo i civici al perimetro dell’edificio (con entrance=yes/no,
> e level=1 quando sono al primo piano (scale esterne)) oppure con
> barrier=gate/entrance quando l’edificio non tocca il confine della
> proprietà al lato strada. In più al punto d’interesse aggiungo
> l’indirizzo che usano loro (lì il civico potrebbe essere anche 35-39, 
> oppure 34/36, etc.), e questo a prescindere dall’elemento
> (nodo/poligono). Quando uso nodi per rappresentare qualcosa cerco di
> metterli al centro di ciò che rappresentano.
> Quando faccio questi rilievi di civici aggiungo normalmente anche il
> numero dei piani con building:levels= e metto un valore building più
> dettagliato.
> Ciao Martin 
> ___

Generalmente cerco di abbinare il poi all'ingresso sull'edificio ma
spesso, se il negozio è abbastanza grande, oppure se dichiarano
ingressi multipli o un ingresso che non è quello reale (per esempio a
volte in realtà è una vetrina), faccio anch'io il "completo" :)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école maternelle

2019-09-18 Thread osm . sanspourriel
> Von:
> Betreff: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire
> Le 18/09/2019 21:36, Romain MEHUT a écrit :
> > Oui cette différenciation de l'école maternelle en kindergarten et
> > non en school m'a toujours posé question mais comme il s'agit de se
> > conformer aux définitions internationales, on en resté là.
> > 
> > Alors on le fait ce changement ? Si oui, il faut que ce soit à
> > l'échelle de toute la France.
Biensûr mais avant il fait voir si un consensus se dégage.
> C'est une très vieille discussion, mais je suis pour également :
> kindergarten n'est pas compatible avec la structure française de 
> l'éducation nationale.
> En toute logique, maternelle, élémentaire et primaire sont trois options 
> d'amenity=school.
> G.
On attend la fin du mois pour voir si ça ĝène quelqu'un ?
Il ne faut changer que les school:FR=maternelle
on fait un PR sur le style français pour que l'icône de kindergarten soit 
appliqué aux school:FR=maternelle ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire

2019-09-18 Thread allegre . guillaume

Le 18/09/2019 21:36, Romain MEHUT a écrit :

Oui cette différenciation de l'école maternelle en kindergarten et
non en school m'a toujours posé question mais comme il s'agit de se
conformer aux définitions internationales, on en resté là.

Alors on le fait ce changement ? Si oui, il faut que ce soit à
l'échelle de toute la France.

C'est une très vieille discussion, mais je suis pour également :
kindergarten n'est pas compatible avec la structure française de 
l'éducation nationale.

En toute logique, maternelle, élémentaire et primaire sont trois options 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire

2019-09-18 Thread Romain MEHUT
Oui cette différenciation de l'école maternelle en kindergarten et non en
school m'a toujours posé question mais comme il s'agit de se conformer aux
définitions internationales, on en resté là.

Alors on le fait ce changement ? Si oui, il faut que ce soit à l'échelle de
toute la France.


Le mer. 18 sept. 2019 à 18:36,  a écrit :

> La solution propre c'est dans doute de ne plus mettre kindergarten pour
> les maternelles en France. Mais pour le moment c'est le cas.
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-bo] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap

2019-09-18 Thread Marco Antonio

En el blog de la fundación  openstreetmap publicaron algunos primeros
resultados de la encuesta de la comunidad mundial de OSM (del mes de
agosto) donde se tiene más de 300 registros:

(en inglés)

hay cosas interesantes sobre la región:

* la cantidad de personas latinoamericanas que respondieron,
* los canales de comunicación que utilizamos, que no usamos mucho el
blog de osm peros si telegram :S,
* respondieron de argentina, brasil, bolivia, colombia, paraguay,
méxico, panamá, perú
* una página de canales de comunicación de comunidades locales y
* la data de resultados en formato ODS (hoja de cálculo):


Marco Antonio

-- Forwarded message -
From: Mikel Maron 
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 at 15:59
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap
To: Talk Openstreetmap , joost schouppe

Some first results from the OSM community survey
Thanks all who submitted! Curious to hear reactions and ideas here and
at SotM

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

On Saturday, August 10, 2019, 11:45:08 AM EDT, joost schouppe


We had a tight schedule for this survey, because we want to be able to
present something by the next SotM. That explains why some questions
aren't exactly worded perfectly. It would have been better to get more
people involved and do more testing. But that inevitably slows things
down. We did ask the science mailing list for feedback, but the only
response was a volunteer to translate to Hungarian (thanks Levente!).
And while I think there are clearly some issues that we missed, the
output will still be quite useful.

I think we would like to get more people involved next time. The first
survey was really last minute, this one is a bit better prepared but
still made a few mistakes. The next one can be built over a bit more
time. Oh

The "remote mapping" was added as a "nice to know" and wasn't even
deeply discussed between the three of us writing the actual survey

We did intend to publish "raw data", and consulted with LWG to get a
proper wording for that. We understood that the "Publicly, aggregated
and anonymously " meant "answers presented together" in whatever form
(spreadsheet etc) and was not referring to a summary. If we
misenterpreted that (unfortunately that feels kind of obvious now),
than we'll make sure the wording is better next time.

And there is also the option to become an OSMF volunteer who has
signed ad NDA, for those who want to work with the raw data.

Joost Schouppe

Talk-bo mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire

2019-09-18 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Tu dis "une chose" mais après tu dis que suivant les endroits c'est une
ou deux choses. Il faudrait savoir car dans les deux cas tu parles de la
même chose^^.

Je pense que les regroupements sont plus liés à la taille des écoles
mais peu importe ici.

> On inscrit bien en évidence sur le wiki que en France amenity=school
avec school:FR=primaire ça veux dire qu'il y a amenity=school et

La solution propre c'est dans doute de ne plus mettre kindergarten pour
les maternelles en France. Mais pour le moment c'est le cas.

Si c'est "et" c'est amenity=school;kindergarten, ce qui est problématique.

oui c'est bien, on trouve toujours ce que l'on veut dans le wiki^^.

> JY, pour ton pb de localisation de quelle école est dans quel(le
partie du) bâtiment, même en allant voir sur place, tu ne peux pas
décider ?

Non pour deux bonnes raisons :
- je ne  suis pas sur place (j'avais fait une modif suite à un
couinement d'Osmose en dehors de ma zone de confort ;-)) et je ne fais
pas la sortie des lycées. Des primaires et maternelles encore moins^^.
- sur GM , on ne
voit qu'une entrée (rien sur Mapillary)


Le 17/09/2019 à 02:12, Jérôme Amagat - a écrit :

On est censé représenter une chose par un seul objet dans osm.
Si on ne peut pas différencier l’école maternelle de l’école primaire
alors ce n'est qu'une seul chose (en français une école primaire) donc
qu'un seul élément dans osm.
Un "bar restaurant", un "hôtel restaurant" un seul objet et soit on
met les 2 valeurs de tag séparé par un ";" soit, mieux, on choisit le
plus approprié.
Pareil pour l'école primaire, le plus adapté pour moi est largement
On inscrit bien en évidence sur le wiki que en France amenity=school
avec school:FR=primaire ça veux dire qu'il y a amenity=school et

Bien sur si les 2 sont séparées alors 2 éléments dans osm mais c'est
surtout si y a 2 cours d'école et 2 bâtiment distincts et donc plus
souvent "en ville" qu'à la campagne.
Il me semble c'est pareil pour les ref:UA il y en a souvent qu'1 pour
l'école primaire à la campagne et plus souvent 2 en ville.

L'utilisation de landuse=school pour moi est à proscrire, on a déjà
amenity=school. (pour donner un nom a un ensemble d'école qui est
différent du nom des écoles peut être :/)
quand on regarde là :
on peut voir que c'est un tag utilisé principalement en France (et en

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap

2019-09-18 Thread Mikel Maron
Some first results from the OSM community survey
 Thanks all who submitted! Curious to hear reactions and ideas here and at SotM

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron 

On Saturday, August 10, 2019, 11:45:08 AM EDT, joost schouppe 
We had a tight schedule for this survey, because we want to be able to present 
something by the next SotM. That explains why some questions aren't exactly 
worded perfectly. It would have been better to get more people involved and do 
more testing. But that inevitably slows things down. We did ask the science 
mailing list for feedback, but the only response was a volunteer to translate 
to Hungarian (thanks Levente!).And while I think there are clearly some issues 
that we missed, the output will still be quite useful.
I think we would like to get more people involved next time. The first survey 
was really last minute, this one is a bit better prepared but still made a few 
mistakes. The next one can be built over a bit more time. Oh

The "remote mapping" was added as a "nice to know" and wasn't even deeply 
discussed between the three of us writing the actual survey questions.
We did intend to publish "raw data", and consulted with LWG to get a proper 
wording for that. We understood that the "Publicly, aggregated and anonymously" 
meant "answers presented together" in whatever form (spreadsheet etc) and was 
not referring to a summary. If we misenterpreted that (unfortunately that feels 
kind of obvious now), than we'll make sure the wording is better next time.
And there is also the option to become an OSMF volunteer who has signed ad NDA, 
for those who want to work with the raw data.
Joost SchouppeOpenStreetMap | Twitter | LinkedIn | 
talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Proposta de revisão da padronização de estradas em PT

2019-09-18 Thread António Madeira via Talk-pt

Olá, Pedro.
Se mais ninguém se manifestar, podemos começar a editar a wiki.
Não tenho experiência de editar wikis, mas podes contactar-me no
Telegram e explicar como se faz para te poder ajudar.

Como data de referência, gostaria de deixar o tema aberto a discussão
até dia 21 e depois implementava-se isto. O que dizes?


Às 09:58 de 16/09/2019, Pedro Lima escreveu:

Bom dia a todos,

duas questões,
1 podemos encerrar este tópico e passar isto para a wiki?
2 ou metemos na mesma na wiki o que se fez até agora e passamos para o
capitulo dos caminhos?

Pedro Lima

Sem vírus.

Em seg, 2 de set de 2019 às 23:30, Pedro Lima>> escreveu:

Boa noite a todos

Concordo no geral com a proposta, no entanto gostaria de
acrescentar uma questão relativamente à classificação para
etiqueta trunk
esta etiqueta deve ser usada apenas em estradas com o sinal H25-
Via reservada a automóveis e motociclos:
Exemplo: Variante Nascente de Famalicão

Pedro Lima

Em qua, 26 de jun de 2019 às 15:07, António Madeira>> escreveu:

Obrigado pela tua resposta, Alexandre.

1. Essa é uma questão técnica que terá de ser resolvida com
pesquisa. Normalmente, os PDM têm essa informação. Não
encontrei informação geral num só documento, apenas em
decretos de lei dispersos na rede. Idealmente, a proposta
contemplaria a existência de mapeadores em todos os concelhos
que pudessem conferir estas alterações.

2. No caso do exemplo que deste, só se marcaria a avenida
principal como primária se tivesse condições equivalentes a
uma cintura interna, deste género (duas pistas, separador,
poucos cruzamentos, etc.):

A descrição das funções hierárquicas que deixei na proposta
visa distinguir o que é uma avenida com escoamento prioritário
dentro da malha urbana ou uma simples avenida/rua que pode ser
uma estrada municipal e, por conseguinte, apenas secundária.


Às 09:31 de 26-06-2019, Alexandre Moleiro escreveu:


Genericamente concordo com a proposta, tenho no entanto duas

1. Enquanto mapeador que se baseia muito no que está no
terreno a questão das Estradas Nacionais desclassificadas é
algo difícil. Se não tiver à mão a legislação respectiva como
vou saber que a EN270 é principal ou secundária? Não haverá
forma de criar scripts que verifiquem a boa etiquetagem das
Estradas Nacionais desclassificadas?

2. A nível urbano penso que que também se devem usar as
terciárias, de forma a hierarquizar as condições de
escoamento dentro do casco urbano. Um exemplo será uma vila
que apenas é servida por estradas secundárias e de menor
importância, faz sentido marcar a avenida principal da vila
como primária ?


On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 at 22:59, António Madeira via Talk-pt>> wrote:

Saudações a todos.

Apesar de o conteúdo de qualquer mapa atual abranger
inúmeros elementos
para outros tantos fins, continua a ser verdade que a sua
função é poder informar qual o melhor caminho e/ou o mais
rápido do
ponto A ao ponto B.
Recentemente, e com base no que tenho visto no mapeamento
do OSM em
Portugal e no terreno, referi no grupo do Telegram que a
rede rodoviária
em Portugal requer uma revisão e uma melhor padronização.
É comum
encontrar estradas secundárias, terciárias e até
primárias desenhadas
sem qualquer critério aparente, seja por desconhecimento
ou engano.
Após uma análise minuciosa do PDM de Leiria, cheguei à
conclusão que,
não raras vezes, a atual padronização não contempla
muitas das situações
que se verificam no terreno, principalmente ao nível de
secundárias e terciárias, mas também ao nível de
mapeamento dentro dos
grandes centros urbanos (talvez o mais problemático).
Transpondo os
critérios que tenho vindo a adotar no concelho de Leiria,
lanço à
discussão a proposta preliminar 

[Talk-de] Abstimmung über OSM Awards 2019 endet heute

2019-09-18 Thread Michael Reichert

heute ist der letzte Tag, um seine Stimmen in der Abstimmungsphase abzugeben. 
Die Preisverleihung ist am Montagnachmittag.

Jeder kann pro Kategorie keine, eine oder mehrere Stimmen abgeben. Der 
Nominierte mot den meisten Stimmen gewinnt jeweils.

Bitte macht von eurem Recht Gebrauch,  ein und gebt eure Stimme ab, denn manch 
einer halt sich nach dem Empfang eines solchen Titels für etwas 
Extrabesonderes.  Jede Stimme zählt.

Viele Grüße


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] école primaire

2019-09-18 Thread deuzeffe

On 17/09/2019 02:12, Jérôme Amagat wrote:

L'utilisation de landuse=school pour moi est à proscrire, on a déjà 
amenity=school. (pour donner un nom a un ensemble d'école qui est 
différent du nom des écoles peut être :/)

"Ça dépend" cf

JY, pour ton pb de localisation de quelle école est dans quel(le partie 
du) bâtiment, même en allant voir sur place, tu ne peux pas décider ?

deuzeffe. Quand faut y aller, faut y aller.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-tr] D300 / D-300 / D.300 ?

2019-09-18 Thread Roman Neumüller


Forumda devlet yolların ref etiketi ilgili bir soru çıktı: D300 mü, D-300  
mü, D.300 mü ?

(ref: )

Levhaların fotoları internette aradığımda sonuçları bile karışık...



Talk-tr mailing list

[Talk-cat] State of the Map 2019

2019-09-18 Thread Wladimir Szczerban
Hola a todos,

Escribo para saber si alguien va al SotM en Heidelberg ?


Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Fwd: Mittersill: gelöschte Schule wiederherstellen

2019-09-18 Thread Andreas via Talk-at
Am 18.09.19 um 08:53 schrieb
> Über das Changeset, welches Andreas genannt hat, findet man heraus, dass
> die beiden Gebäude gelöscht wurden. Über JOSM - Daten - Änderungssatz
> umkehren - 68139322 eingeben
> Kann man die beiden Gebäude wieder herstellen bzw. die Datensätze
> rückgängig machen. Wenn du dich da auskennst würde es sich anbieten, das
> wiederherzustellen und dann alle Daten korrekt einzutragen.

+1 für den Revert.

> Ich habe mir aber gerade alle Sachen von dem User angesehen und da kann
> man wohl alles reverten, ohne Probleme. Sieht aus als wäre das irgendwie
> als Schulprojekt gedacht gewesen, was direkt Live im System getestet
> wurde. Vielleicht kann da jemand Tipps geben, wie die da etwas machen
> können, ohne in den Live-Daten herumzupfuschen.
> Fußballplatz gelöscht, Bäume im Golfplatz, der Zierteich wurde
> "vereinfacht", ...
> Wenn es sonst keine Einwände gibt, würde ich den User
>  in einem Changeset kurz
> informieren, dass solche Tests nicht im Live-System gemacht werden
> sollten und, dass ich seine ganzen Changesets zurücksetzen werde. Wenn
> jemand eine Info hat, wie man solche Tests für eine Schule realisieren
> kann bzw. einen Link dafür hat, würde ich das auch gerne deponieren und
> dann auf das Forum bzw. die Mailingliste hier verweisen für weitere Fragen.
> Sieht für mich nicht so aus, als müsste man da innerhalb der nächsten 2
> Stunden etwas machen, da geht das schon.

Bin grad auf folgende Seite gestoßen, wo es Lernmaterial zu OSM geben

Ich dachte, ich hätte schon mal von einer Testinstanz gelesen, um seine
OSM Skills zu trainieren ohne echt Daten zu verändern.

Sonst gibt es noch die Möglichkeit selber eine OSM Instanz zu erstellen,
Docker-Image hat sogar auf meinem Lenovo X250 recht gut performed.

Andreas (geologist)

>> andreas wecer  hat am 18. September 2019 um
>> 08:26 geschrieben:
>> Am Mi., 18. Sept. 2019 um 07:45 Uhr schrieb <
>> >:
>> Wie kann man in der History eines Ausschnittes sehen was gelöscht
>> wurde?
>> Bzw. wie kann man gelöschte Objekte wieder herstellen? 
>> Wenn man genau weiß, wo und was man sucht, ist das einfachste, was ich
>> kenne, immer noch Potlatch 1: 
>> Du kannst es auch über Tools wie oder 
>> finden und in JOSM per Datei->Objekt
>> wiederherstellen, wenn du die ID des Objekts kennst
>> Die Schule wurde offenbar durch dieses Changeset (oder eines der
>> anderen des Users) gelöscht: 
>> LG
>> Andreas
>> ___
>> Talk-at mailing list
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione

2019-09-18 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
lo screenshot era dell’ app per ios, c’è un link “legal” microscopico in basso 
a sinistra, ma hanno messo la tab bar sopra e non si clicca, in ogni caso 
sembra il link del framework di iOS che viene in automatico quando usi mapkit, 
non è configurabile il contenuto e dice “Here” (poi su una seconda pagina dice 
anche OpenStreetMap), ma non è attivo, quindi posso solo supporre. Se fosse 
come suppongo sarebbe comunque sbagliato perché la mappa che usano adesso è 
solo OpenStreetMap (mapnik / carto).

Ciao Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione

2019-09-18 Thread Ale_Zena_IT via Talk-it

> Il 18 settembre 2019 alle 0.02 Martin Koppenhoefer  
> ha scritto:
> questa è l’app, uscita da poco:
> Roma Mobilità di Roma servizi per la Mobilità
> e questo il sito dello sviluppatore:
> non si trova nessun tipo di attribuzione.
> Ciao Martin 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list


vedo l'attribuzione:


Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] State of the Map 2019

2019-09-18 Thread Wladimir Szczerban
Hola a todos,

Escribo para saber si alguien va al SotM en Heidelberg ?


Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Fwd: Mittersill: gelöschte Schule wiederherstellen

2019-09-18 Thread various
Über das Changeset, welches Andreas genannt hat, findet man heraus, dass die 
beiden Gebäude gelöscht wurden. Über JOSM - Daten - Änderungssatz umkehren - 
68139322 eingeben
Kann man die beiden Gebäude wieder herstellen bzw. die Datensätze rückgängig 
machen. Wenn du dich da auskennst würde es sich anbieten, das 
wiederherzustellen und dann alle Daten korrekt einzutragen.

Ich habe mir aber gerade alle Sachen von dem User angesehen und da kann man 
wohl alles reverten, ohne Probleme. Sieht aus als wäre das irgendwie als 
Schulprojekt gedacht gewesen, was direkt Live im System getestet wurde. 
Vielleicht kann da jemand Tipps geben, wie die da etwas machen können, ohne in 
den Live-Daten herumzupfuschen.
Fußballplatz gelöscht, Bäume im Golfplatz, der Zierteich wurde "vereinfacht", 

Wenn es sonst keine Einwände gibt, würde ich den User  in einem Changeset kurz 
informieren, dass solche Tests nicht im Live-System gemacht werden sollten und, 
dass ich seine ganzen Changesets zurücksetzen werde. Wenn jemand eine Info hat, 
wie man solche Tests für eine Schule realisieren kann bzw. einen Link dafür 
hat, würde ich das auch gerne deponieren und dann auf das Forum bzw. die 
Mailingliste hier verweisen für weitere Fragen.
Sieht für mich nicht so aus, als müsste man da innerhalb der nächsten 2 Stunden 
etwas machen, da geht das schon.

> andreas wecer  hat am 18. September 2019 um 08:26 
> geschrieben:
> Am Mi., 18. Sept. 2019 um 07:45 Uhr schrieb < 
> >:
> > > Wie kann man in der History eines Ausschnittes sehen was gelöscht 
> wurde?
> > Bzw. wie kann man gelöschte Objekte wieder herstellen?
> > 
> > > 
> Wenn man genau weiß, wo und was man sucht, ist das einfachste, was ich 
> kenne, immer noch Potlatch 1:  
> Du kannst es auch über Tools wie oder  
> finden und in JOSM per Datei->Objekt 
> wiederherstellen, wenn du die ID des Objekts kennst
> Die Schule wurde offenbar durch dieses Changeset (oder eines der anderen 
> des Users) gelöscht:
> LG
> Andreas
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Fwd: Mittersill: gelöschte Schule wiederherstellen

2019-09-18 Thread andreas wecer
Am Mi., 18. Sept. 2019 um 07:45 Uhr schrieb :

> Wie kann man in der History eines Ausschnittes sehen was gelöscht wurde?
> Bzw. wie kann man gelöschte Objekte wieder herstellen?

Wenn man genau weiß, wo und was man sucht, ist das einfachste, was ich
kenne, immer noch Potlatch 1:

Du kannst es auch über Tools wie oder finden und in JOSM per Datei->Objekt
wiederherstellen, wenn du die ID des Objekts kennst

Die Schule wurde offenbar durch dieses Changeset (oder eines der anderen
des Users) gelöscht:

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Newcastle to Ballina Pacific Highway classification

2019-09-18 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 at 07:23, Aleksandar Matejevic (E-Search) via Talk-au <> wrote:

> I came across section of Pacific Highway between Balina and Newcastle
> which is currently under upgrade until 2020. (

I drove the length of this road just a little while ago, & can tell you
that the map on the page you linked to is pretty well spot-on - apart from
Coffs Harbour (which should probably be downgraded to =primary :-() all the
road marked green on that map is of motorway standard, regardless of
whether it's officially called a Motorway or a Highway, or if the signs say
M or A.

The yellow stretch, where the upgrades are still under construction, could
stay at =trunk for now, except for where it passes through those few towns
not yet bypassed, where it should probably also be =primary?

I wanted to ask for some more opinions before changing this section of
> Pacific Highway to trunk.

I wouldn't!


Talk-au mailing list