Re: [OSM-talk] SoC 2009 - static maps API - prototype version

2009-07-16 Thread Andy Deakin
Hi Paweł,

Looks great! Just a few comments:
1) Perhaps add shadow to attribution or background opacity to 
attribution area, as it can be hard to read when on top of country names.
2) For small images (e.g. 200x200) the OSM image is quite large in 
relation to the image. Perhaps it could be smaller for smaller images.
3) An optional scale bar could be useful.
4) I know lat  long/lon/lng has already been mentioned rather than 
center=, google choose to use ll=... for coordinates. It's short and sweet.
5) It would be nice to specify what logo/url is used for each point.
6) It would be nice to change the thickness of paths.
7) It would be nice to specify different colours for each point/path?
8) I am sure you have this in mind, but caching output images would be 
very useful. Some users are likely to hardcode a static image into their 
website, and exactly the same image may be requested many times.

Keep up the good work!


Paweł Niechoda wrote:
 Hi all

 My name is Paweł Niechoda and I am a student who is involved in Google 
 SoC 2009.
 I am working on project: OSM static maps API.
 I know that asking end-users for feedback is always the best way to 
 improve application. So I am doing it.
 Here you can find the description of the prototype version of the API:
 and examples how API works.
 Please feel to send me any comments or sugestions for new features.
 By doing this you would help me a lot with my work.

 Paweł Niechoda


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Re: [OSM-talk] putting GPS units in taxis

2009-06-15 Thread Andy Deakin
Hi All,

 Another option is not having the GPRS and just dump the GPX data
 once you get back the device.


 That would be my personal recommendation. I once made a small research 
 on the availability of GPRS enabled devices (out f personal interest) 
 and came to the conclusion that they tend to be very expensive for 
 what they do.
We write fleet management and tracking software, so have tested many 
units. The cost is coming down, both for hardware and the GPRS data 
transfer costs. The cheapest packages out there at the moment cost 
around £400 over a three year period (includes hardware, data transfer, 
software etc). Compared to a cheap GPS data logger, this will look 
expensive! But for businesses who want to improve efficiency, save fuel, 
help logistics etc., it is certainly worth it.

Even the fastest trackers can only send data every 3 seconds, Any faster 
and an intermittent GPRS signal can cause a backlog, which falls short 
of the every 1 second suggested for osm data. Even then the data sent 
often does not have all the meta data attached (e.g. HDOP etc) which a 
gpx file or other formats may have and could potentially be useful to osm.


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Re: [OSM-talk] zones for motorway/in town/outof town?

2009-05-21 Thread Andy Deakin

 * The question of querying node within a polygon or line withing a
   polygon. So far it seems that such query is doable using PostGis.
   Nevertheless this needs to be confirmed.
 postgis or other similar software.
 a lot of overhead that could be avoided. not good for developing software 
 running on small devices with limited resources.
 a very complex for developers who can't rely on gis systems.
I think that maxspeed is a property of a way, not an area, but to run on 
limited resource devices, you could always pre-process the data by 
looking at all the eligible ways within that polygon and add the 
maxspeed tag. I guess you might also have to split the way on the area 
boundary too.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Wrong scale in slippy map

2009-04-23 Thread Andy Deakin

 If you want it done right, then your scale bar has detatchable end
 points. You drag one end of the scale bar to one end of the feature,
 the other to the other, and then the scale bar warps itself into a
 great-circle curve and tells you how long it is.

 Which would actually be an incredibly cool feature to have, it is 
 essentially a measuring device between two points on the map - any 
 javascript experts out there willing to code this up?
Measuring point to point on a map is already in openlayers:

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Re: [OSM-talk] drat of proposal

2009-04-01 Thread Andy Deakin

You could investigate the Map24 MGI (e.g. [1]) information in case it 
stimulates any further thoughts. (there are lost of other documents on 
the navteq developer site, just search for MapTP MGI). I'm not condoning 
copying their api!

Of particular interest, they allow markers, polylines etc to be added to 
the static map. Also, each map has a 'session', so that you can simply 
request to move north, and all the other features which you just 
requested on the map will still be visible if you pass that session key.
Using a session also allows very long GET requests because in theory the 
requests could be split up.

Also, they allow soap requests. Is this something worth considering?

Finally, It is sometimes useful to get back information with the image 
about its location. (e.g. lat,lon of top left and bottom right, and 
zoom, or meters per pixel etc) so that another layer could be overlaid, 
or extra markers placed on top with another script etc. Could this data 
be set in headers, or if sessions are supported with another request.



Paweł Niechoda wrote:
 Hi OSM community

 I am participating in Google SoC 2009 and now I am working on proposal for
 one of OSM projects: Static Maps Api -

 I wrote down draft of application:
 Please look at it and comment it. I would be grateful for any feedback.

 Paweł Niechoda

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Re: [OSM-talk] GPS track precision (was GPS track upload working?)

2009-03-20 Thread Andy Deakin
Tom Hughes wrote:
 Yann Coupin wrote:

 You know what to do in version 2 of the track download API, right ? ;)

 Well only if we want to reparse several hundred thousand tracks, and 
 provide storage space for hundreds of millions of hdop values in the 
 database and we believe that the benefit from doing do (which is 
 marginal in my opinion) outweighs the costs.
If the hdop values run between 0-50, in mysql you would only need a 
tinyint (1 Byte) so to store this for all 727425591 trackpoints would 
take up less than a GB. I don't think it is worth reparsing all the 
files, but just because something is not done in the past does not mean 
that it shouldn't be considered for the future.

While the hdop is added, perhaps you could also add a few more flags 
(now is when the storage space gets silly!) :-P
As time increases, there will be an increasing number of trackpoints. 
When using JOSM, these are all downloaded for the bbox that you specify, 
and over time the number of batches of 5000 will increase. It would be 
useful to 'depreciate' tracks or points which have already been mapped 
(lie directly on a road). We do this naturally ourselves when using our 
own gpx files, in that we do not load files again which we have already 

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Re: [OSM-talk] immutable=yes Fwd: DEC Lands

2009-03-16 Thread Andy Deakin
Would it be ok to edit the data without moving it? i.e. add extra tags 
to the data.

If so, I think that it makes sense to import it - as there would be no 
reason to move a node that is already correct.

If no extra tags can be added and the data can not be edited in any way, 
then perhaps this is better in separate shape file. When setting up 
mapnik there are some shapefiles anyway (e.g. world boundaries) so would 
it make much difference if there were are few more?

 If you can't edit it it shouldn't be in the OSM db. It's easy enough  
 to set up your own map render with any external data you want.

 Bzzzr, wrong.  There is substantial value to renderers to only have to  
 work off one API for map data.  If the data is in OSM, then  
 immediately every map renderer has access to it.  If, say, someone  
 finds a new data source but declines to dd it to OSM, then EVERY  
 RENDERER needs to add support for that file format and metadata in  
 order to use it.

 Sorry, Ted, but you're being driven by ideology here, not by good  
 programming practise.  Ideology is for ideots.


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Re: [OSM-talk] immutable=yes Fwd: DEC Lands

2009-03-16 Thread Andy Deakin

 I exaggerate to make a point, obviously.  As far as I can see, there  
 is no reputation mechanism whereby experienced editors stand out from  
 the noob editors, and the latter are reluctant to change the former's  
 edits.  And by definition if I don't know about it, it doesn't exist.   
 In hindsight, I think that I proposed immutable=yes as a primitive  
 and binary reputation mechanism.  If anybody has any better ideas, I'd  
 love to hear them.
It was mentioned before, and I think that it is a possible way forward:
tag some kind of quality mark with the data. This could be made up of 
HDOP, VDOP, PDOP, TDOP and Number of satellites.
This could be automatic tags if the gpx data allowed it (some GPX specs 
do allow for quality) but AFAIK most gps loggers don't save this data.

The vehicle tracking application that I manage simply uses the number of 
satellites as a rough indication of the health of the position, where 4 
bad, 5/6 ok 6+ is good. People understand 'number of satellites' where 
DOP confuses, and ±100m makes it look really bad.

A bit like the 'fuzzy' tag with translation using gettext tools, if 
there is high quality data it could me marked as fuzzy=nope_this_is_spot_on

Or simply some kind of quality tag, which could be the max distortion of 
the point in meters. That way, when the whole world is mapped and we all 
have nothing left to do, we can filter out all the nodes where quality  
10m and go and make them better :-)

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[OSM-talk] Mapping the sea

2009-03-09 Thread Andy Deakin
Hi all,

I know this is hardly street data, but is there any undersea data in osm 
at the moment?
* Ferry routes for routing between islands
* POI's for locations of wrecks for diving
* Navigation whilst at sea (naval charts)
* Fishing routes, etc.

Is there any PD(ish) elevation data for undersea to be able to mark 

Kind regards,


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Re: [OSM-talk] proposal navaid (was re: mapping the sea)

2009-03-09 Thread Andy Deakin
I think that it is a natural progression in osm to include information 
like this, and so to (eventually) make ENC maps freely available.  The 
certification may be a problem though. I do not know enough about it to 

I am not sure if the majority of people would want this information in 
the planet downloads, using the same reasoning as the SRTM data. So what 
is the best way/place to store this data?

How could underwater relief data be collected? Data feeds from vessel sonar?

Google earth now goes underwater! I wonder how long until their maps 
also have an underwater relief.


Sam Vekemans wrote:
 I added a proposal idea, i just wanted to get some feedback.
 The proposal for 
 doesn't quite cover for navigational aids.
 I would like to include all type of navigational aids under this tag, 
 as a man_made=buoy' is something that floats, and a 
 man_made=lighthouse is something that is on the ground.
 For navigational aids that do not float but have special 
 colours/markings/numbers to tell water users where to go.  The current 
 proposal seems to limit navigation on 'lakes  rivers ... if i am 
 working on A lake area and wanting to mark it, i wouldn't think of 
 'sea_mark' .. as im not on a 'sea' :-)

 So navaid=lighhouse  navaid=buoy .. navaid=IHO where IHO is the 
 technical reference for the Image id.  ... and navaid=seamark (might 
 be the official term)??

 This opens up a whole new can of worms, as its possible to make public 
 the ENC maps. ... so then all boaters can freely access the maps, 
 rather than having to purchase them... and an expensive cost, and 
 holding a monopoly on the information that should be made available 
 for free.  As this information benefits all water traffic.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM on The Reg

2009-02-11 Thread Andy Deakin
For very simple editing, would it not be possible to use the vector
features in openlayers?

Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 February 2009 18:10:32 Jonas Svensson wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 yes. OSM. And there is a limit to the extent that we can dumb down 
 interface without compromising usefulness. How would 'add a road'
 work? I cannot even begin to dream of how to code such a thing.
 Just guessing:
 That kind of user might be looking for something like a wizard:
 click button add road - show instruction click start of road - 
 instruction click end of road - show instruction enter name of 

 what about the rest of the road between the start and end?

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Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki: chriscf vandalism

2009-01-31 Thread Andy Deakin
Hi Guys,

I would love to start mapping, and have used both both the JOSM editor 
and Potlatch a small amount, and found the tags the most complicated 
feature. I can cope with nodes, open  closed ways etc no problem, but 
understanding the difference between all the tags and using the right 
tags in the right place requires either remembering all the tags, or 
looking them up each time.

I find this hard, and having some central place I can go to see all the 
different tags is essential. (Although I think that the Map_Features 
page would benefit from being split up a bit, it is huge!)

Anyway, back to the topic.
29 votes on a feature is pretty poor, when the stats on OSM state that 
there are 88994 users. How do we engage people like me? I would like to 
but have never voted on anything on OSM. It is no wonder 'hard-core' 
osmers ignore the results of a vote consisting of 0.03% of the community.

Is there (or could there be) a weekly or monthly newsletter informing of 
changes that week/month and proposing any new tags?
This talk mailing list gets far too many emails to expect everyone to 
monitor, but a monthly mailshot with bare bones of what is happening 
(current stats, perhaps special thanks to major contributors that month 
etc) together with proposed tags, closing dates, bullet points arguments 
for and against each tag, with links to more details etc would help to 
keep me informed anyway.

Finally, people who use the tags are more likely to have a better 
understanding of how the should be used, and so perhaps should have a 
greater say in matters. How about multiplying their vote by their 
contribution in the last year? If someone wants a dictatorship, you 
better get mapping!

My 2 cents.


Sven Rautenberg wrote:
 Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
 With smoothness that's gone out of the window. As far as I'm  
 concerned, with the approval of smoothness=very_horrible (come  
 _on_!), all bets are off. The voting system has just voted itself  
 into irrelevance.

 I take it that you oppose this tag. Why haven't you said so in the
 voting section until now?



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