Would it be ok to edit the data without moving it? i.e. add extra tags 
to the data.

If so, I think that it makes sense to import it - as there would be no 
reason to move a node that is already correct.

If no extra tags can be added and the data can not be edited in any way, 
then perhaps this is better in separate shape file. When setting up 
mapnik there are some shapefiles anyway (e.g. world boundaries) so would 
it make much difference if there were are few more?

>> If you can't edit it it shouldn't be in the OSM db. It's easy enough  
>> to set up your own map render with any external data you want.
> Bzzzr, wrong.  There is substantial value to renderers to only have to  
> work off one API for map data.  If the data is in OSM, then  
> immediately every map renderer has access to it.  If, say, someone  
> finds a new data source but declines to dd it to OSM, then EVERY  
> RENDERER needs to add support for that file format and metadata in  
> order to use it.
> Sorry, Ted, but you're being driven by ideology here, not by good  
> programming practise.  Ideology is for ideots.

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