Re: [talk-au] OSM Client for Symbian?

2009-10-01 Thread Jason Stirk
I've been using Mobile Trail Explorer on my E71.*

*It's far from polished, crashes occasionally, and has a flakey UI, but it
records traces to KML and GPX, and can load OSM map tiles if you have a
Internet connection.

I believe you can also download the map tiles to a cache so as that you can
use them without Internet, but I've not tried it.*

*But, save your trace frequently, and don't dare interrupt saving a trace,
lest it eat all your hard work and crash...

Hope this helps,
2009/10/2 Cosmic Charade

 I have a Nokia N95.  I want to go walkabout north side Canberra this
 weekend to get some fresh air.  I'm ready to go with a stack of
 batteries and plenty of music.

 a) Is there a Symbian / Nokia client to access OSM on the go like I can
 do with Google Maps?
 b) Can I record a track with say Nokia Sports Tracker that can export
 tracks to kml format to contribute if I find any bike or walking tracks
 or POIs along the way?

 My wife stole the netbook so I can't use that with my GPS dongle :-(


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Re: [talk-au] Slowly spreading the word - Scouts and OSM

2009-09-20 Thread Jason Stirk
Hi Jeff,

That's awesome. As a Scout Leader myself, I'd be very interested to hear the
kinds of things that you are getting your venturers to do.

I've been thinking for a while about getting our troop involved in mapping
some of the less popular walking tracks and trails in nearby national parks,
and the POIs that they come across (shelters, water towers, comms towers,

Jason Stirk

2009/9/21 Jeff Price

 Looks like I've managed to get OSM integrated into our Venturer Scouts
 badge program by doing a rolling program of
 train-survey-map-survey-map-handover between each member for badge
 activity.  While they'll probably not complete significant amounts of
 mapping at a minimum they'll learn some new skills and help spread the OSM


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Re: [talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] How to tag giant acorn?

2009-08-24 Thread Jason Stirk
2009/8/23 David Clarke

 That's cutting in to our big attractions. So what're we left with, the
 potato, merino, trout and oyster?

Big gallah in SA somewhere too (around Kimba? I don't remember...)
Big lobster *somewhere*. I know I've seen it, but buggered if I know where.

Does the Golden Guitar or whatever in Tamworth count?

I'm sure there are a heap of others too. I don't think we're running out of
big things just yet.
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Re: [talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] How to tag giant acorn?

2009-08-12 Thread Jason Stirk
2009/8/12 John Smith

 big prawn somewhere else along the pacific highway

At Ballina, and it's been announced in the last week or so that it will be
demolished some time soon, as it's in really bad nick.

Not sure when though.
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Re: [talk-au] Pacific and New England Highway interchange area

2009-08-05 Thread Jason Stirk
Just had a quick look, and it looks correct to me?

Do you have a link to the area marked as under construction?

I was up and along there a lot last month, but didn't bother to survey as I
thought it was all done.


2009/8/5 John Smith

 I forgot to mention, the Tugan bypass actually needs surveying, it's still
 listed as being constructed.

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Re: [talk-au] General mapping question :)

2009-06-25 Thread Jason Stirk
(To the list this time...)

Not sure if this applies, but in many rural areas you'll find that public
roads may be through gates marked as private property.

For instance, the road I live on passes through private property, has an
(open) gate marked as private property, but this road is the only access to
a few other properties behind it.

I've also run into a few instances quite literally out the back of Bourke...
150Km along the 300Km Wilcannia-Bourke track to see a fence warning it's
private property and trespassers will be shot at. It's still the main public
road though...

That said, none of that helps your tagging quandary...

2009/6/25 John Smith

 Ok, I'm stumped how to show this effectively.

 Basically Google maps are showing a road which no longer or never existed,
 on one end it goes through a gate to private property, the other end it
 looks like a car port and the road/track ends.,135.745076sspn=55.047272,114.082031ie=UTF8ll=-26.15826,152.645245spn=0.006885,0.013926z=17

 Marked as Horswood Rd on gmaps... I've marked the parts of the road that
 exists presently on OSM from a GPS survey, but I'm not sure how to mark the
 road explicitly that it isn't a through fare.

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