Re: [Talk-ca] Stats Canada building project

2017-09-27 Thread Stewart Russell
But they can't use OGL-CA v2 cos municipalities aren't federal. And
anything but the actual few already approved licences need a multi-month


On Sep 27, 2017 18:28, "James"  wrote:

> other then have them change their license from say ogl-ca v1 to ogl-cav2
> theres not much we can do from a legal stand point. ogl-ca v1 puts too
> many restrictions
> On Sep 27, 2017 6:21 PM, "Matthew Darwin"  wrote:
>> How do we want to move this discussion forward?  Do we need to set up a
>> time to talk on the phone? I am willing to help coordinate logistics.
>> On 2017-09-17 10:55 AM, Stewart C. Russell wrote:
>>> On 2017-09-17 10:40 AM, john whelan wrote:
 They'd like to extend it across Canada so now might be the time to think
 about the project.

>>> That sounds good. Despite some prodding, the Licence Working Group (LWG)
>>> hasn't got back to me with any updates on how they want to handle the
>>> Toronto or Ontario licences. I first contacted them in March, so if it
>>> takes them six months or more to look at the licence, then this import
>>> is a multi year (if not multi-decade) project. Remember, LWG has decided
>>> that *every* Canadian licence variant needs their sign-off.
>>> Denis Carr (open data lead) from Toronto has been on board since the
>>> spring, and I hope hasn't forgotten us.
>>> Toronto has nice building outlines (embedded in the 3D Massing data set,
>>> so we can pull out base elevation and height). We also have address
>>> points already in the middle of buildings.
>>> It also is of great help that the Esri Community Imagery includes some
>>> very nice municipal air photos for verification.
>>>   Stewart
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
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Re: [Talk-ca] OGL licenses

2017-06-02 Thread Stewart Russell
On Jun 2, 2017 6:40 PM, "john whelan"  wrote:

Treasury Board Canada's Open Data License 2.0 has been reviewed by the
legal working group and deemed OK.  The City of Ottawa's license which was
derived from the TB one has been accepted.

Yes, the whole Federal licence has passed LWG muster. Ottawa and a select
few other places like Vancouver have too.

TB is coming out with a tool kit for open data for the municipalities which
includes the suggested licence.

We don't know what this will look like yet, and if munis have any latitude
to change it, they likely will and thus break it.

Licences which are not based not the TB license such as Toronto and Ontario
are going through LWG at the moment.

But this review is only of Ontario and Toronto. There are hundreds of tiny
variations across the country, so there can be no blanket approval. Even
differences in punctuation matter.

Even if we got Toronto approval, that wouldn't cover the Toronto Public
Library data, for example. That's under a different licence still.

So for the moment I would suggest you help yourself to City of Ottawa Open
Data and that available through the TB portal

Not just TB, but all of is under the federal OGL-CA 2.0. This
includes NRCan, Industry Canada, and many others. But not the federal
shipping charts or aviation data: those are still vigorously protected.

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] In progress: Clearances for Ontario and Toronto Open Data Licences

2017-04-03 Thread Stewart Russell
Just so folks know, there are a few initiatives going on that could lead us
to using Ontario and Toronto open data.

I requested the LWG review the licences last month. This will take a few
months to rattle through the system.

Also last month on Open Data Day, there were useful contacts made at the
Ontario Treasury Board. I will be back in touch with them once the LWG
result comes through.

Just last week, Brian Bancroft made a great contact at the city of Toronto,
and discussions are just starting.

So it's a start, at least ...

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Wikidata in OpenStreetMap

2016-11-11 Thread Stewart Russell
On Nov 11, 2016 6:04 AM, "James"  wrote:
> The other tags are precisions (instead of doing massive spatial joins)
> you will know that say Ottawa is in Ontario

I disagree that these need to be added. is_in* seems to be deprecated, and
we have (or should have) robust boundary=administrative data for Canada.

My main complaints about is_in are:
* it's freeform, so you can't reliably create a relation to the parent
entity from the text;
* it's language sensitive, so you could in theory have no end of localized

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ottawa has changed its Open Data licence.

2016-09-15 Thread Stewart Russell
On Sep 15, 2016 08:08, "Kevin Farrugia"  wrote:
> I think Stewart means make sure that the City has the rights to
distribute it if the data is created by some third party.

Thanks, Kevin. That's exactly what I meant.

As was mentioned on the thread I linked to, a UK open address group found
that one of their datasets was derived from a Google Maps geolocation
service. This meant that the data org couldn't use it, even though the data
had a nominal OGL licence. This open data org had government funding and
support at a very senior level, yet couldn't get past this hurdle.

So it's not a question of who owns the facilities, but rather if some third
party has rights lurking in the data. And this would be something we'd have
to ask about.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Licence compatibility: Open Data Licence for The Regional Municipality of Peel (Version 1.0)

2016-09-09 Thread Stewart Russell
On 9 September 2016 at 11:22, Simon Poole  wrote:
> I believe it was one of the major issues that ran in
> to,  see
> page 48 and following.

Uh oh, so does that mean the UK Postcode database is back closed/was never
really open? This is a little troubling for us in Canada, as Canada Post
has been pulling stunts like threatening a crowdsourced postal code (as we
call 'em) database with legal action. This suit has been withdrawn, but
leaves a whole mess of unanswered questions.

But back to the Region of Peel. I've cc'd Kevin, who is Peel's open data
champion and active as a mapper and on talk-ca. He asked me if there were
example requests you could maybe point to that have been used in the past.
I was thinking something roughly along the lines of:

OSM volunteers in Ontario wish to incorporate the following data sets
kindly provided by Region of Peel under the [full_name_of_Peel_licence]

1) building outlines for Caledon;
2) address points.

We seek permission to republish these data under the ODbL, as used by OSM.
We would like to have clarification that:

a) the licence termination on breach clause can be relaxed regarding
unlawful use. Once data are in OSM, we have no control over users'
application of the data; and
b) that Region of Peel can confirm that all rights to the open data sets
are held by the Region, and that no third party databases have been used to
derive the data sets.

Is that roughly what a request looks like? I know that the address points
are very likely developed internally by Peel (and there are no Postal Codes
included) but the building outlines may have been derived from third-party
LIDAR or orthophotos.

Best Wishes,
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Import] Local community approval building & addresses in Peel region

2016-09-09 Thread Stewart Russell
Hi James,

> If you are asking if we are going to just dump a whole lot of data as is in a 
> region, the answer is no.

No, I knew you weren't just planning to do that. I was asking if the
import was going to be done through dedicated accounts, as it should

These address points, once we get the licence sorted out, should add
to previous work from Metrolinx and others to really help with
geolocation in the GTHA. So, thanks for thinking of us!


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Import] Local community approval building & addresses in Peel region

2016-09-08 Thread Stewart Russell
Hi Dennis - thanks for getting back to me.

> We will be using the Tasking Manager to import small chunks of data that
can be downloaded via each individual tasks.

So these could possibly be carried out by regular user accounts, not the
dedicated import accounts as required by the guidelines?

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Fwd: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Licence compatibility: Open Data Licence for The Regional Municipality of Peel (Version 1.0)

2016-09-08 Thread Stewart Russell
I checked on OSM-legal. Would probably work if we had a statement from Peel
agreeing to inclusion. As is, it's likely not compatible.


-- Forwarded message --
From: "Simon Poole" 
Date: Sep 8, 2016 13:57
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Licence compatibility: Open Data Licence for
The Regional Municipality of Peel (Version 1.0)

> The additional terms are "a bit of" a problem, however might be
surmountable if they are willing to give us a statement specifically for
the inclusion in OSM (along the lines of that they agree that the inclusion
of the data in OpenStreetMap and distribution on terms of an open and free
licence fulfils the conditions).
> All variants of the OGL have a further issue in that you actually have to
verify that the Licensor has the necessary rights to licence -all- the
material in their dataset to you on these terms. This might seem like a
theoretical hurdle invented by me, alas it is not, as some of our UK
colleagues can testify.
> Simon
Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Licence compatibility: Open Data Licence for The Regional Municipality of Peel (Version 1.0)

2016-09-08 Thread Stewart Russell
Hi - this came up on talk-ca, and I want to make sure I'm not being too

Licence is a near clone of the UK OGL 1.0. Full text is here:
Like many Canadian municipalities, they've added their own secret sauce,
unfortunately. In the "You must" section, they added:

[You must] ensure that Your Use of the Information does not breach or
infringe upon any applicable laws

The OGL has automatic termination on breach, and most versions don't
include this clause.

Would this term potentially add complications for anyone downstream using
the data - say to plan a public protest that authorities deem illegal?

The Regional Municipality of Peel's open data person is an active OSM
participant, and they say that it might take time for permission to use the
data under a more OSM-friendly library.

Your advice greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes,

-- - 73 de VA3PID
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Import] Local community approval building & addresses in Peel region

2016-09-08 Thread Stewart Russell
Hi James:

As per the import guide lines I wish to seek approval for importing
> building outlines and addresses in the region of Peel.
> Documentation is available here:

Seems like a decent outline, though I have questions:

   1. Is the Region of Peel licence compatible? I see that it has automatic
   termination on breech (like many OGL clones) but it also adds "ensure that
   Your Use of the Information does not breach or infringe upon any applicable
   laws". This may add usage implications for those downstream.
   (Some folks from Peel came to a Toronto Mappy Hour a few years back.
   They might be willing to give permission to use the data under an
   ODbL-compatible licence.)
   2. How will you be handling overlapping existing buildings?
   3. Will you be posting these notes to the OSM wiki? It's a requirement
   of the guidelines (,
   and given the recent visibility than Canada imports have gained, might help
   avoid a procedural reversion.

cheers from Portland, OR

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Triplinx import

2016-02-01 Thread Stewart Russell
Import user is:

Several 50K node imports today.

On Feb 1, 2016 7:14 PM, "john whelan" <> wrote:

> I had a skype call with Mojgan where we discussed some of the issues and
> there was an email sent to talk-ca on Jan 12th 2016.
> To me a couple of issues first are that the Stats Canada data was designed
> for Stats Canada use, probably for the labour force survey and as such
> provided the interviewer can see the address from where it is marked on the
> map this is sufficent accuracy.  My concern would be about the accuracy of
> the data.
> Another issue is do we end up with duplicate addresses?  My concern would
> be do we end up with the same address in two different locations?
> I think a better solution would be to take a copy of the OSM database,
> strip out the existing address data and drop in the stats data and use the
> copy for their purposes.
> Cheerio John
> On 1 February 2016 at 18:36, Stewart Russell <> wrote:
>> It seems that this import has started with no discussion. Here's the wiki
>> page:
>> Stewart
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

2016-01-26 Thread Stewart Russell
A trunk road is not necessarily divided. The limited access part means that
it's not residential. It has to go from a town or city to another town or
city. It predates or has lesser capacity than a motorway.

It's one of these maddening "know one when I see one" definitions that
makes perfect sense in the UK but is difficult elsewhere.

Much of the Trans-Canada, f'rinstance, would be considered a trunk road.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Advice on Addressing

2013-05-27 Thread Stewart Russell
I was pretty disappointed with the results I got from (mapquest's)
Nominatim when I tried to geocode Doors Open Toronto's data. I found about
a third of the results were clearly wrong, and haven't eyeballed the rest
on a map to see how far off they are. Toronto's got pretty good address
range entry, too.

Sure, I hadn't cleaned up the data in any way (so there was some random
noise about unit number formatting, and I don't think there was a single
instance of the One True Canadian Address format in the whole list) but the
results were disheartening.

So, no answer from me, but I'm interested in hearing how this goes.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] New OpenStreetMap web editing option now available, call for funding

2013-05-08 Thread Stewart Russell
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Fabian Rodriguez magic...@member.fsf.orgwrote:

All I get is a blank white screen with iD on Firefox 20.0.1 (aka current
release). That might be a bit of a hurdle for new editors ...

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] is up!

2013-04-22 Thread Stewart Russell
Being returned to the last edited thing is the best! If I saw all of Canada
every time I went to the website I'd be pulling lots of tiles and queries
to get where I want to go.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] USGS Orthos in Canada

2012-08-09 Thread Stewart Russell
On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Harald Kliems wrote:
 That's indeed some nice imagery. In the area I looked at, the QC/NY
 border south of Montreal, it doesn't extend all that far into Canada
 but it's nice nonetheless.

It looks like some of the stuff in Canada is Public Domain:
- but it doesn't tell you the boundaries.

It's newer than the Bing imagery where I live; looks like late summer
2009 or summer 2010, by the fresh(ish) paint on my deck. You can even
make out someone in my back garden; might even be me ...

  If you look at the list linked from the
 wiki page (
 ) there don't seem to be any non-PD regions -- so I guess we can use

But that list is not exhaustive; not every US county is on it.
F'rinstance, in Missouri, Andrew, Buchanan, Bates, Benton, Pettis 
Cooper counties aren't listed - so that could mean that any imagery
there is not Public Domain.


-- - 73 de VA3PID

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] How did you start in OSM?

2012-07-06 Thread Stewart Russell
You know, I haven't a clue. I signed up in May 2007, but didn't
actually start mapping until July 2010.


-- - 73 de VA3PID

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