Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-13 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Wednesday 13 April 2011 20:24:36 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 I wonder if it would not be better to map really big lakes as
 coastline. This is done somewhere, e.g. here
 (Baikal lake)
 but it is not done here:
 (Lake Onega)
 This results in bad rendering for low zoom tiles, with the lake
 showing up on zoom6 but not on zoom5 (in Mapnik).
 A few similar cases (quite big lakes modeled as water and not as
 coastline) can be found all over the world, e.g.
 (Vänern in Sweden, which by the way has a warning attached that
 suggests it once was a coastline ;-) )
 (Lago de Nicaragua)
 - some lakes in Canada, ...
 Modelling these as multipolygons also might slower the rendering speed
 the more complex the polygons get by adding further detail.

I converted a few of the biggest lakes in Finland a few years ago to 
coastlines, and they worked fine, until last year some other user converted 
them to multipolygons with natural=water -tags. He also splitted the biggest 
lake (Päijänne) in pieces, which created arbitrary lines across the lakes at 
random where the lake was divided to different polygons.

The biggest lakes in Finland have tens of thousands (or even hundreds of 
thousands) nodes and a LOT of islands, so it's not practical to represent them 
as (multi)polygons IMO.

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What do you wish you'd known?

2010-03-20 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 00:45:56 +0200, SteveC wrote:

 What are the thing or things you know know that you wish you'd known  
 when you started with OpenStreetMap?

I wish I had known that the Yahoo aerial images are not rectified, as I  
blindly went and corrected all the roads in my neighborhood by moving  
them to coincide with the aerial images. In reality they already were in  
the correct position as they were drawn from more accurate gps-traces.

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What do you wish you'd known?

2010-03-20 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 11:50:13 +0200, John Smith  

 On 20 March 2010 19:42, Teemu Koskinen wrote:
 I wish I had known that the Yahoo aerial images are not rectified, as I
 blindly went and corrected all the roads in my neighborhood by moving
 them to coincide with the aerial images. In reality they already were in
 the correct position as they were drawn from more accurate gps-traces.

 Someone mentioned this a while back, in terms of editors storing
 corrected image positions centrally.

That only helps if the images are just offset by some amount, it doesn't  
help at all if they are warped, rotated etc.
See eg. the centre of Helsinki:
All the red lines are completely straight in reality. The whole Helsinki  
area is full of similar errors in the Yahoo aerial images.

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping everything as areas

2009-11-29 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 19:03:46 +0200, John Smith  

 A thought occurred to me, that people are only planning to use areas
 because editors don't easily allow for widths to be entered

 I wonder how much work it would be if you could draw the way and then
 stretch it sideways to fill out the extact area you wanted covered and
 then the editor simply attaches the width of the way as a tag etc.

With areas you can explicitly map how neighboring ways are connected to  
each other, this is useful for sidewalks, lanes etc. If we were to map the  
ways with only simple way with a width, a relation would be needed to tell  
that you can hop from one way to the other, which is pretty cumbersome.  
Also the width of a way can sometimes be so variable, that you would have  
to split it in hundreds of pieces, which makes handling it very hard.

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping everything as areas

2009-11-25 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 02:40:53 +0200, Roy Wallace  

 On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Anthony wrote:

 Now, how are you going to indicate a direction of travel on an area?
 I guess you could come up with some way to do it, but you'd basically
 be defining a way.

 Good point. Anyone got ideas on this? Maybe it is indeed necessary to
 map each highway as a way (to indicate a logical path of travel) as
 well as an area (to reflect reality!).

A while ago I had an idea of lane type for osm, which is a directed  
area. I think a picture will explain it better: (also includes an area type).

The lane type would consist of an ordered list of node pairs. Optionally  
the first and last pair could contain a null node, to allow mapping a  
lane that branches off from another. Also maybe other pairs could contain  
nulls, to avoid unnecessary nodes.

That way the area would have a direction, and it would be unnecessary to  
use ways to indicate the direction in addition to the area.

This of course would need pretty major reworking of the database, editors  
and renderers...

Regards Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-19 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:26:29 +0300, Erik Johansson wrote:

 Since this version can't be trained to handle white background signs,
 I wonder what color are streetname signs around the world?

 Netherlands white on blue
 Sweden black on white

In Finland: Black on white

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Revert a changeset

2009-08-18 Thread Teemu Koskinen
Could somebody please revert this changeset:

The moving of the nodes across the Atlantic is obviously wrong.

Regards Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Revert a changeset

2009-08-18 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 20:48:03 +0300, andrzej zaborowski  

 2009/8/18 Peter Miller
 On 18 Aug 2009, at 14:57, Teemu Koskinen wrote:
 Could somebody please revert this changeset:

 The moving of the nodes across the Atlantic is obviously wrong.

 Do check out this page for guidance and the email address for requests
 to the data working group.

I don't think this case was deliberate vandalism, other edits from the  
user seems to be good.

 Note that I have been working on this page today and have added a
 section for 'speedy response' in cases where a failure to respond
 within hours could lead to highly visible damage to the rendered maps
 or changes in sensitive areas (for example Washington - particularly
 sensitive given the support and visibility given to OSM by the

 Note that most incorrect edits spanning more than a few nodes need a
 speedy response because soon people start making edits on top of the
 unwanted changeset and reverting it becomes more difficult.

What we need, as has been previously discussed on the list, is a similar  
mechanism that wikipedia has that will revert an edit easily, maybe even  
 from the website ui.

 Since I had the setup for this ready, I reverted the changeset 2168210
 in my changeset
 but I had to make a couple of edits before uploading it:

 * xybot had helpfully made an edit on top of some of the nodes
 removing a spurious tag and causing conflicts.
 * I did not revert the creation of node 469327157 (a parking) which
 seems genuine.
 * Something really strange: node is edited
 two times inside the same changesets and didn't deal
 correctly with this.

There still seems to be some problem, the way still goes across the  
Atlantic, but it looks different than before.

 Personally I think we need a huge effort to be ready for damaging
 vandalism and much better tools to spot potential errors in a much
 more sophisticated way.


I spotted this with the Geofabriks OSM Inspector, but that's still a bit  
too slow to update, it would be much better if it updated at least hourly  
or even from the minute diffs.

The revert tools should also be made to look what exactly was modified in  
the changeset. Eg. if a node was moved, but tags were left untouched, and  
after that someone else modified only the tags but didn't move the node,  
reverting the first change should only move the node back to it's original  
position and not change the tags back as those were changed by someone  

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions

2009-05-26 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Tue, 26 May 2009 08:44:54 +0300, Maarten Deen wrote:

 I've searched the wiki and I have used the tag myself, but there seems  
 to be
 no documentation for restriction= ?

 How do you tag a restriction on a crossing between a major and a minor  
 where the major road is only allowed to go straight on and the minor  
 road has
 no restrictions?

 Or in general: where the two roads do not have the same restriction.

Split the major road at the crossing, then add two relations. Both  
relations will have the two parts of the major road and the node at the  
crossing. Both will have restriction=only_straigh_on, and the major road's  
parts will have roles to and from.

The first relation would look like this:


 from : major road part 1
via  : node at the crossing
to   : major road part 2

And the other would be:


 from : major road part 2
via  : node at the crossing
to   : major road part 1

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Re vert a changeset

2009-05-26 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Tue, 26 May 2009 12:55:25 +0300, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

 Teemu Koskinen wrote:
 Could somebody revert the node changes in changeset 1315063,
 someone accidentally moved big part of Hämeentie (a major street
 in Helsinki). There are over a hundred moved nodes, and they are in
 middle of hundreds of unmoved nodes, so it would be hard to try to
 move them back by hand.

 You can revert a way to an earlier version yourself, using Potlatch's
 history ('H') function. This will take care of all the constituent nodes.

I know, but Hämeentie is splitted to tens of ways because of speedlimit  
and lane changes, bus routes, turn restrictions etc. and there are tons of  
other features nearby, so it would have taken ages to fix, even if using  
potlatch's undo ;-)

But the problem seems to be corrected, user woodpeck reverted the  

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] zones for motorway/in town/outof town?

2009-05-20 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Thu, 21 May 2009 03:13:06 +0300, Radomir Cernoch wrote:
 Lennard píše v Čt 21. 05. 2009 v 01:51 +0200:
 Radomir Cernoch wrote:
 No, 'maxspeed' tag on a road does not imply a polygon with zone!
 There can be both in one place. Tag 'maxspeed' on a road is dominant  
 overrides any zonal restriction.

 And what if the crossing way in the above example is part of another
 zone? Don't say it can never happen. City planners are loopy.

 Ok, if you don't allow me to say that this will never happen, can you
 give me an example, where it could happen? I am really afraid we are
 solving a purely theoretical problem.

 We are seeking a situation, where two large areas with road networks
 overlap each other on a map. All streets in one area must have a
 different speed limit from streets in the second area. In such a
 situation, using maxspeed=* tag on any street must be inappropriate.
Sturenkatu is in 40 km/h zone, the zone continues over the bridge.
Teollisuuskatu is in 50 km/h zone that is signed with the city sign.

Both zones also include large amount of other roads. IIRC the 50 km/h zone  
can be followed from that point many kilometers, and the 40 km/h zone  
extends tens of roads. There also might be other overlaps between them, or  
with other zones.

Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions ambiguity

2009-04-24 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:01:20 +0300, Ed Loach wrote:

 What is your problem with having way sections between each
 instead of one long way?

 I don't have a problem with splitting ways, as that is what I've
 always done to add the relevant tags to the relevant section. But I
 can understand that there is a bit of an issue with doing such a
 thing. By so doing it isn't possible, currently, as far as I know,
 to work out at any given junction which road has priority (if any).
 If we didn't have to split ways, then a way could run as far as it
 has priority. Ways crossing it that had to give way (yield for our
 American readers) could end at the way to indicate they have lower
 priority at that junction. At a 4 way stop (American again), you
 could have 4 ways ending at the same node.

That wouldn't work, as the name or the type of the way that has priority  
at the junction could change. In those cases the way must be split.  
There's also other possibilities when the way must be split and it would  
be then impossible to tell which of the ways has priority (or even cases  
when it would seem that a way has priority while it doesn't really have).

 But we do have to split ways for many reasons and I don't know how
 routing engines work out when one way at a junction has priority
 over another (or whether they even bother - I guess the best
 available at present is to compare names and/or refs).

 I did read something about road relations somewhere. I felt at the
 time that these, used carefully, could be used to indicate
 priorities at junction - so if a road crossed a road which had
 priority the lower priority would need a relation for either side
 for example. But this is complex and road relations I feel currently
 are probably unnecessary in most cases (I wouldn't want to create
 one for each residential road, though having said that I (Karlsruhe)
 tagged my first house numbers the other day and did an
 associatedStreet thing, so perhaps such relations will come with

I'd use relations, but we would need a good scheme for it. Maybe it could  
be done with a relation that groups the pieces of the road, and  
additionally the junction nodes where you must give way (and maybe other  
properties too). The name, ref and all the other constant properties would  
be then part of the relation. That way the renderers could be happy as  
they could just use the relation to draw the name, ref etc. of the road  
while the data was split because of some other property changes, while  
still have the ability to fine grain control for the routers.


Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions ambiguity

2009-04-23 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:34:05 +0300, SteveC wrote:

 I don't see a clear explanation as to why there is ambiguity if you
 don't do turn restrictions at the end of ways on the wiki. There is
 some stuff in the talk page

 Anyone care to provide an explanation?

 The reason I ask is that I've come across some roads where there is a
 restriction every  other turn in both directions... and splitting a
 mile long road in to 30 pieces seems nuts. As a follow up, I can
 guess, but what will the renderer do in that situation? I'm guessing
 mapnik will give up trying to put 30 names on a one mile road and
 won't notice they're the same name?

If both from and to ways continue after the via point and neither is  
one-way, there's two possible ways to interpret it: the restriction could  
apply when coming from either of the ends of the from-way. This of course  
doesn't matter if there is similar restriction coming from both  
directions, but that's not nearly always the case. And even if there is  
symmetry in the real life restrictions, it's not appropriate in my opinion  
to map those with just one restriction.

About the splitting, it's already necessary to split the way if some other  
property changes, eg. speed limit or number of lanes (which does change  
more often in some places than there are restrictions), it's either the  
renderer's job to figure out that the pieces belong together or we could  
use some relation to group the pieces together but that too would require  
support from the renderers.



Regards Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions ambiguity

2009-04-23 Thread Teemu Koskinen
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 22:25:36 +0300, SteveC wrote:

 On 23 Apr 2009, at 12:17, Teemu Koskinen wrote:

 On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:34:05 +0300, SteveC wrote:

 I don't see a clear explanation as to why there is ambiguity if you
 don't do turn restrictions at the end of ways on the wiki. There is
 some stuff in the talk page

 Anyone care to provide an explanation?

 The reason I ask is that I've come across some roads where there is a
 restriction every  other turn in both directions... and splitting a
 mile long road in to 30 pieces seems nuts. As a follow up, I can
 guess, but what will the renderer do in that situation? I'm guessing
 mapnik will give up trying to put 30 names on a one mile road and
 won't notice they're the same name?

 If both from and to ways continue after the via point and neither is  
 one-way, there's two possible ways to interpret it: the restriction  
 could apply when coming from either of the ends of the from-way. This  
 of course doesn't matter if there is similar restriction coming from  
 both directions, but that's not nearly always the case. And even if  
 there is symmetry in the real life restrictions, it's not appropriate  
 in my opinion to map those with just one restriction.

 eh? don't you assign direction by saying 'from' and 'to' ?

Yes in the sense of which of the two ways you are coming from, but if the  
way is not one-way and it doesn't end at the via-node, there's two  
possible directions from where you can come to the via-node using the way.

Regards Teemu Koskinen

talk mailing list