On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 11:50:13 +0200, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>  

> On 20 March 2010 19:42, Teemu Koskinen <teemu.koski...@mbnet.fi> wrote:
>> I wish I had known that the Yahoo aerial images are not rectified, as I
>> blindly went and "corrected" all the roads in my neighborhood by moving
>> them to coincide with the aerial images. In reality they already were in
>> the correct position as they were drawn from more accurate gps-traces.
> Someone mentioned this a while back, in terms of editors storing
> corrected image positions centrally.

That only helps if the images are just offset by some amount, it doesn't  
help at all if they are warped, rotated etc.
See eg. the centre of Helsinki: http://elanor.mine.nu/daeron/wavy.jpg
All the red lines are completely straight in reality. The whole Helsinki  
area is full of similar errors in the Yahoo aerial images.

Teemu Koskinen

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