Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Thread Marc Gemis
On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Yves bxl-forever
> Perhaps one day someone will want an app to search where they serve one 
> particular kind of beverage—let alone a rare beer—and that will come in handy.

O, you mean something like OpenBeerMap ?


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Thread Yves bxl-forever
Thanks to both of you for helping.

Indeed, despite the awkward grammar to the "drink" key—and the current lack of 
consensus about its use—it might be the way to go.
Perhaps one day someone will want an app to search where they serve one 
particular kind of beverage—let alone a rare beer—and that will come in handy.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 16:32:19 +0100
joost schouppe  wrote:

> While that allows to tag the availability of drinks, it doesn't allow to
> map the focus on wine. The values used in the fair trade or diet tag (
> ) seem more useful, though
> drink:wine=only would be rather strange. Maybe an extra value like
> drink:*=specialty would do?
> 2016-12-31 13:54 GMT+01:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
> >
> >
> >
> > Guy Vanvuchelen
> >
> > -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> > Van: Yves bxl-forever []
> > Verzonden: zaterdag 31 december 2016 13:34
> > Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
> > Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars
> >
> > Hello folks,
> >
> > This case has been puzzling me for a while.
> > A few establishments in Brussels specialize in serving only one type of
> > drinks: champagne, wine, beer…
> >
> > amenity=bar seems appropriate but does anyone know what tags one could use
> > to inform about the kind of beverages being served?
> > There are a few taginfo entries with cuisine=wine or cuisine=wine_bar but
> > I wouldn’t advise this.
> > As a last resort, the description key can contain the information, but
> > perhaps there are more useful ways to convey it.
> > Any suggestion or hint?
> >
> > A few selected nodes here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers.
> > Yves

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Thread joost schouppe
While that allows to tag the availability of drinks, it doesn't allow to
map the focus on wine. The values used in the fair trade or diet tag ( ) seem more useful, though
drink:wine=only would be rather strange. Maybe an extra value like
drink:*=specialty would do?

2016-12-31 13:54 GMT+01:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

> Guy Vanvuchelen
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Yves bxl-forever []
> Verzonden: zaterdag 31 december 2016 13:34
> Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
> Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars
> Hello folks,
> This case has been puzzling me for a while.
> A few establishments in Brussels specialize in serving only one type of
> drinks: champagne, wine, beer…
> amenity=bar seems appropriate but does anyone know what tags one could use
> to inform about the kind of beverages being served?
> There are a few taginfo entries with cuisine=wine or cuisine=wine_bar but
> I wouldn’t advise this.
> As a last resort, the description key can contain the information, but
> perhaps there are more useful ways to convey it.
> Any suggestion or hint?
> A few selected nodes here:
> Cheers.
> Yves
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Joost Schouppe
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[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Thread joost schouppe

I never knew this existed, but apparently you can use place=square to mark
squares (NL: plein, FR: place). As explained below, current mapping
practice make for some ambiguous situations, which can be avoided using
this tag. Use is rising very quickly since mid 2015.
Any reason for not using this in Belgium? (only a few are mapped, in

-- Forwarded message --
From: mbranco 
Date: 2017-01-02 13:16 GMT+01:00
Subject: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

Following are personal thoughts, I'd like to discuss them and discover if it
could be a general issue (not only for my country, Italy).


 -  Squares are urban areas, whose perimeter is drawable with a single
closed way.
 -  These areas have an official name.
 -  The old and very basic paper maps show always at least two elements, for
towns/cities: streets and squares (and related names, if they are big enough
to show them too).
 -  Inside square areas there could be a lot of different things: highways,
monuments, buildings, flowerbeds, … : attributes of the square must refer to
all the area, not only a part (relevant or not) of it.
 -  I prefer think that practicability could be one of the (optional)
attribute of a square, not the opposite: square is not an (optional)
attribute of the practicability --> i.e. highway=pedestrian + area=yes .
 -  highway=pedestrian + area=yes could not mean “square”: there are a lot
of pedestrian areas, for example in parks, that are not squares.
 -  Practicability inside a square is fully described by all the highways
inside it, the two kind of information (for square and for practicability)
can be fully disjointed (for the square with nothing inside and fully
pedestrian,  the square area and the pedestrian area coincide).


Please render the place=square tag (or a new tag, whatever you prefer).
“Place” is already widely used (and rendered) for urban areas: borough ,
suburb, quarter, neighbourhood, city_block, ... ; it’s not widely used for
squares because it’s not rendered!/


 - Maybe rendering could use a semi-transparent color and square name could
be evidenced, as it’s already done e.g. for landuse=military [1] (a common
landuse in urban areas).
 -  Names of the highways inside the square which are identical to the name
of the square could be omitted [2] (just only in the rendering, of course).
 -  Another example of possible rendering is here [3] .


 -  Mappers could avoid to put highway=pedestrian + area=yes in squares like
this one [4] .
 -  Mappers which don’t like the previous solution but nevertheless think
that it’s useful to read the square name in the rendering, could stop to
assign arbitrarily the square name to the marketplace, or to the parking
area, or to the flowerbed, or to any other item inside the square [5].
 - Extraction tools as Osmfilter or Overpass could do selections related to
squares, street-guide tools as MapOSMatic could produce better outputs.

Thank you for your attention, cheers and Happy New Year!



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Joost Schouppe
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] ter info Voor de mappers in regio Antwerpen lage emissiezone LEZ

2017-01-02 Thread joost schouppe
Ik heb in die wikipagina een tabel aangemaakt voor Antwerpen:

Download links ook toegevoegd. De licentie van Antwerpse open data is
volgens mij compatibel met OSM, dus kan overgenomen worden in OSM (en dat
is ook wat de stad graag zou hebben) Het is wel een multipolygoon geworden,
om gemakkelijk om te kunnen gaan met uitgezonderde wegen (vooral de Ring)

Ik heb overigens zelf wat finetuning aan die polygoon gedaan, dus als je
rare dingen zou spotten, laat het mij zeker weten!

Joost Schouppe
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