Re: [OSM-talk] Path vs footway vs cycleway vs...

2009-11-28 Thread Lesi
The footway/cycleway/path choas is the one of the biggest drawbacks of OSM.

Here's my approach:
- A footway is a mostly paved way in a city. It's a way which was mostly 
built by an authority. You can walk on it safely in high heels.
- A path is a narrow way, which is mostly not paved and was not built by 
somebody. This can be short cuts in cities, ways in a forest which are to 
narrow to be tagged as tracks or hiking trails in the mountains. If it's 
raining you could get dirty shoes.
You can indicate that the path is (not) suitable for bikes with 
You can ride with your bike everywhere in my area, so I do not use cycleway.


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Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting-(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-20 Thread Lesi
The feature is now approved. So let's start mapping mineshafts.


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Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-18 Thread Lesi
 So let's start voting:


It is planed to close the voting tomorrow. So vote now.
Preliminary result: 7 times approved, 1 time opposed, one fun vote.

Due to David mds we now also have a really great resource list, which can be 
used for other features too:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal -Voting- (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-07 Thread Lesi
 What negative result do you fear would occur if somebody used[1] an
 unapproved feature?

 [1] That is, they tagged something as documented in the wiki, even if
 the documentation is to be found in Proposed Features?  I'm not a big
 fan of chaotic mapping, where people apply tags randomly without
 understanding how they're documented in the wiki, or apply tags
 without documenting their meaning in the wiki.

 IMHO, everything underneath Proposed_features should be moved into the
 real wiki
 should be moved to and
 the feature should be labelled with 1) its current level of usage and
 2) a measure of its controversiality (red / yellow / green).

 That would make it easier for OSM editors to point people to

I do not fear anything. I have nothing against another system of 
But at the moment approving by voting is described as the way to go. If 
there would be a consensus about another procedure I would be quite happy 
about that. But at the moment only some guys on talk said voting is silly, 
but that is not enough. If you think voting is silly, why do you not change 
the procedure of approving new features in the wiki? But it is not enough to 
say, that you want to abolish voting. Based on what facts a feature will be 
approved then. Or do you want to abolish proposed features completely?
BTW the role of talk is too important. Why should new features be discussed 
on talk, IMO they should be discussed in the forum, a place which is much 
more accessible and modern and not so outdated like a mailing list. Some of 
the people here can not even handle it. Most discussion get completely off 
topic after 3 posts. A moderated forum with an integrated voting mechanism 
would be the best to introduce new features.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-05 Thread Lesi
In the last days no further problems appeared and it seems that all helpful 
suggestions are included now.

So let's start voting:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-05 Thread Lesi
 In the last days no further problems appeared and it seems that all 
 suggestions are included now.

 So let's start voting:


It would be nice if further votes would be more serious.
If you do not like voting, do not take part in them.
There are people, who do not think that total anarchy is the way to go.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal -Voting - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-11-05 Thread Lesi
 You already have a consensus that no further need for changes is
 needed.  What more do you want?  A pony?  A lollipop?  A vote?  How is
 voting once the document has been approved by everyone going to change

 Don't vote.  Just start using the tag.  Do we really need to revisit
 this discussion again so soon?

I do not know which discussion you mean?
According to the wiki voting is still neccessary to approve a new feature. 
If there have been any changes to this, they are not documented in the wiki.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Illegal activity

2009-10-29 Thread Lesi
 If google or any other company comes after him then they would probably
 have to delete all data that has also been derived from his work, or no?
 If it comes to that then work of much more people is wasted :(

I think that also the derived work has to be deleted because it is based on 
illegal content.
So IMO such contributions should be immediately deleted. If the users 
uploads them again, he should be banned.

Using Google is also really unfair towards those people who map with their 
GPS devices and invest so much time and energy into this project. It is 
really demotivating.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-27 Thread Lesi
 2009/10/24 Lesi

 - In the forum somebody has suggested to add a tag for the name of the 
 the mineshaft belongs to. At first I thought this would be the same as
 operator, but actually it is not. So which tag would be appropriate?

 to associate the mineshaft to the mine I'd not recommend to do it with
 tags but either with a polygon, or with a relation (e.g.
 site-relation) or both.


I do not see a possibility to express it with a polygon. Mineshaft are often 
outside of the main area of the mine.
I already thought about a relation. But AFAIK the site-relation is also just 
a proposal at the moment.
Besides it is quite easy to map a mineshaft, but difficult to map the rest 
of the mine, if there are no satellite pictures. And it would be senseless 
to make a relation which contains only the mineshaft.
So IMO there should be tag with the name of the mine. This does not prevent 
to add the mineshaft to a site-relation as well.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-27 Thread Lesi
 Some questions:

 - Do you think it is better to use a namespaced tag (mineshaft:type) or a
 normal tag (mineshaft_type)? In the current proposal the first one is 
 But looking at other features i think that in this case a normal tag would
 be better. It's also bunker_type for example:

 - In the forum somebody has suggested to add a tag for the name of the 
 the mineshaft belongs to. At first I thought this would be the same as
 operator, but actually it is not. So which tag would be appropriate?

There were no further comments, so I've changed mineshaft:type to 
I've also added the mine-tag.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-27 Thread Lesi
 how do you define main area?
 Aren't the shafts vertical access / ventilation shafts that
 lead to the inner mine? IMHO that defines them as
 part of the mine (and indicates that they should be comprised).

The main area is the area where all the bigger buildings of the mine are. An 
airshaft could be a single node outside of this area and that's why a 
polygon can not express that the mineshaft is part of the mine.
But perhaps you meant something different with polygon.

 or the company provides you the information,
 or you work there. That's anyway not a problem to discuss:
 either you have the info and put it or you don't and will
 most likely not put it.

You almost always know the name of the mine. But it is too complicated to 
create a relation for the mineshaft, to assosiate it with that mine - 
escpecially when only the mineshaft is mapped.

 sure, just put name=name_of_the_mine like for
 any other feature. A problem might arise if the
 mineshaft has a name itself and/or if there is more
 than one mineshaft. In these cases I'd still opt for the relation.

All mineshafts i know have their own name. That's why you cannot use the 
name-tag for the name of the mine.

So at the moment there are:
name - name of the mineshaft itself
mine - name of the mine which the mineshaft is part of
operator - name of the operator of the mine


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-23 Thread Lesi
Some questions:

- Do you think it is better to use a namespaced tag (mineshaft:type) or a 
normal tag (mineshaft_type)? In the current proposal the first one is used. 
But looking at other features i think that in this case a normal tag would 
be better. It's also bunker_type for example:

- In the forum somebody has suggested to add a tag for the name of the mine 
the mineshaft belongs to. At first I thought this would be the same as 
operator, but actually it is not. So which tag would be appropriate? 


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi

based on an old (abandoned) proposal and on a discussion in the German board 
I have created a new proposal for tagging mineshafts:

In addition to this proposal I would like to discuss the tag resource. In my 
proposal resource is used to describe what is mined for with the mineshaft. 
These resources are the same that can be used in a power plant, but there 
they are tagged as power source. It's the same with pumping_rig and 
pipelines, where this resources are tagged as type. What do you think about 
standardizing this and replacing all this different tags with one: resource?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 there are mineshafts and BIG mineshafts and open cut mines
 and mining in english has its own language to describe the parts of the

For open cut mines there is another draft. IMO they are something completly

The intention of this proposal is to tag the most important and most visible
part of a mine - not the other parts, which are just normal buildings. The
area of the mine can be tagged with landuse=industrial.

 and some mineshafts have winding gear on headframes
 and lots of other things

Having winding gears is the main purpose of a headframe IMO.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 how will you tag unmined deposits in such a scheme?

If there is a unmined deposit, the mineshaft is not in use anymore
- disused=yes


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 It would be helpful to know what people are mapping these features as 
 currently - looking in the UK I can see one man-made=mineshaft and no 
 references to surface_mining.  Do you know what people are using 

In the area I map the mineshafts are currently not mapped at all. Also 
looking at mineshafts in other parts of the world they are very often not 
mapped. Sometimes they are tagged with tourism=attraction (especially when 
they can be visited), sometimes with historic=mine (if they are disused), 
sometimes there is only a note, that there is a mineshaft. But it seems 
mostly they are not mapped because people do not know how to tag them.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 and no references to surface_mining

There is also landuse=quarry which can be used for surface mines.
But actually they are not part of my proposal - it refers only to 
underground mining.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 There is probably a good reason only tourist attractions are mapped
 because you wouldn't be allowed to go near one unless you worked
 there, there is a mine shaft on the other side of town but I wouldn't
 get anywhere near it.

I know mineshaft you can get very close to (2-3m). With your argument half 
of the features of OSM should not be mapped e.g. historic=wreck or streets 
within the ground of a factory. And once again: mineshafts which have a 
headframe are very good points of reference. Often names of mineshafts are 
also used to describe where something is (e.g. somebody could say: You will 
not know the street, but it's near the Foobar Mineshaft.). Mineshafts and 
mines are also mapped on many commercial maps. 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 On 20 Oct 2009, at 12:05, Lesi wrote:

 how will you tag unmined deposits in such a scheme?

 If there is a unmined deposit, the mineshaft is not in use anymore
 - disused=yes

 Do NOT use something like disused=yes as a modifier, you instead need  to 
 add an extra level of indirection, so that you don't end up having disused 
 or closed things being confused with things that are still in operation.


Could you explain this further, I do not understand what you mean.
disused=yes is quite popular and used in combination with many other things.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 1. Mineshaft may exist but we are going to be mapping
 the location mine entrances, not the tunnel leading away from
 the mineentrance. In the future someone may want to map the 'way'
 that the mineshaft follows especially if its a horizontal tunnel going 
 into a hillside
 2. What we want to locate, or map, are mine entrances. Mine entrances to
 are mostly small and most go horizontally into hillsides.
  I assume most are too small to map as an area in OSM. They would have
 to be mapped as a node.

I think you are mixing up audits and mineshafts. Mineshafts always go 
verticaly or almost-verticaly into the ground. You are talking about adits, 
that is something completly different and should be dealed with in another 
proposal. See Wikipedia for definitions of these terms.

 3. There are plans to supply info on structures associated with mines
 as part of the tag, notably the Pit Head. I think this could be confusing
 and people would map the outline of the Pit Head structure and tag it as
 a 'mineshaft'. The Pit Head should be mapped separately as a building and
 this should be made clear.

I am not sure what you mean here. The pit head is always above the 
mineshaft, so it makes no sense to map the mineshaft and the pithead 

4. The term Headframe is used to describe a Pit Head, which is confusing.
 More problems with language use. Pit Head appears to be the correct term
 for the building or structure.

Headframe is the more correct term. A headframe is the structural frame 
above an underground mine shaft (see Wikipedia). Usually winding shafts have 
such a headframe, air shafts do not. A pit head could also be a building 
with an enclosed headframe. But the intention of this tag is to express if 
the headframe is visible, because it is a prominent point of reference. Look 
at the examples in the wiki.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC-(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 I think you are mixing up audits and mineshafts. Mineshafts always go
 verticaly or almost-verticaly into the ground. You are talking about
 that is something completly different and should be dealed with in another
 proposal. See Wikipedia for definitions of these terms.

Of course I meant adit and not audit. Some people would call it a gallery.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC-(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
 If you just add a disused=yes, pretty much nothing that works with the
 OSM data will recognise that it is no longer a cafe. Instead you
 should use something like old_amenity=cafe, or
 amenity=closed;closed=cafe, that way there won't be any confusion.

I agree with you, but at the moment disused=yes is widely used and not 
deprecated. So there is no reason to use a different system with mineshafts. 
I would recommend to start a proposal to deprecate disused=yes and replace 
it with =closed;closed=.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi

 but when the mine shaft is disused the winding gear is removed 

I can not confirm this. All disused mineshafts I know still have their 
winding gear, only the cables are removed.
But even if the winding gear is removed you can tag with headframe=yes. Of 
courde, if the whole headframe is removed the mineshaft should be tagged 
with disused=yes;headframe=no. 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
  how will you tag unmined deposits in such a scheme?

 If there is a unmined deposit, the mineshaft is not in use anymore -

 I wasn't thinking of disused, i was thinking of still there, with or 
 without a

Perhaps, my English is too bad, but I do not really understand what you 
With unmined deposit you mean the resource, but what has the resource to do 
with the existence of a mineshaft. Underground resources can not be mapped.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Lesi
  Underground resources can not be mapped.
 why not?
 isn't that what a geology map does?

 I was commenting on the resource proposal really

Now I get your point.
The resource-tag describes for which resource the mineshaft was built.
If the mineshaft is disused, it is irrelevant if the deposits are mined or 

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