[Talk-ca] Building Canada 2020

2018-11-22 Thread john whelan
The wiki page currently has a very wide range of information which might be
too much for a casual mapper to digest.


There are two parts mapping the building outlines and enriching the data.

Since the project has started many things have changed.  Stats has managed
to make a slew of building outlines available under the federal
government's Open Data license.

Microsoft has released a large number of building outlines in the US and I
think it's a fair assumption that they will be doing the same for Canada
within a reasonable time frame.

These are both high quality data sets but will need verifying when imported.

My personal view is it is probably better to use these sources first than
to have mapathons with inexperienced mappers tracing buildings using iD.

In Ottawa we managed to enrich the tags on the buildings.



and we have an average of 3 to 4 associated tags on each building such as
building:levels etc.


and I think its this enrichment of the data where we can best use local

It would be fairly simple to have a graph showing how many buildings have
been mapped and tagged for a particular region.  Would this be useful?
There are some CSVs in the zip file above if anyone wants to experiment.

Should we try to tailor the information on Building 2020 towards
inexperienced mappers to make it easier for schools etc to get involved?

What would be most useful?

Thoughts please

Thanks John
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[Talk-ca] Citizen to Government data partnerships

2018-11-22 Thread Javier Carranza
I hereby share with you guys , expecting also for comments, the publication
that Eurostat published us on Citizen to Government data partnerships with
especial enfasis on gesopatial communities that are working out data
complementation with governments
One of the mentioned good practices here is the Stat Can / OSM community
pilot in Ottawa. Would really appreciate your feedback! All best
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*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO*

*, GeoCensos@geocensos*Skype: javiercarranza


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Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Citizen to Government data partnerships

2018-11-22 Thread john whelan
Based on my own experience Government Open Data and OpenStreetMap have very
different cultures and work in different time frames.  Licensing has been
an issue, it only took five years to get the license for the GTFS local bus
stops changed so we could import them but I think we are moving forward.

I think the difficulty with mapathons is finding things that add value and
the quality of the data.  Local mappers enriching the tags from
building=yes to other values is helpful.

Some Government Open Data is less accurate or recent than one might like
but overall hopefully we should be able to come up with something that
smaller municipalities or municipalities in locations where cost is a major
factor for GIS will find useful.

Cheerio John

On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 15:10, Javier Carranza 

> I hereby share with you guys , expecting also for comments, the
> publication that Eurostat published us on Citizen to Government data
> partnerships with especial enfasis on gesopatial communities that are
> working out data complementation with governments
> https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-statistical-working-papers/-/KS-TC-18-007?inheritRedirect=true
> One of the mentioned good practices here is the Stat Can / OSM community
> pilot in Ottawa. Would really appreciate your feedback! All best
> [image: geocensos]
> *Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO*
> *, GeoCensos@geocensos*Skype: javiercarranza
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7TKVurhKoU
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cfdYdQHZVY
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJQzhM52Zp0 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrGIA5Zzpc0 
> Colombia  (57) 1 4595159
> Mexico:(52) 1 55 35436613
> Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
> www.geocensos.com
> *Lets map together a better world*
>  [image: Twitter]
>  [image: LinkedIn]
> "La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
> entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
> descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
> el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues
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> contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
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> contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
> el autor de la misma."
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> Talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca
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Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread Jonathan Brown
“Should we try to tailor the information on Building 2020 towards inexperienced 
mappers to make it easier for schools etc to get involved?”

Good idea, John. We need a process similar to HOT for local beginners and maybe 
a way of connecting the mapping to a sustainable development challenge in the 


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread john whelan
So what do we need?

A hook of some type to build on?

An inventory of buildings for climate change planning?  I understand in
many cities some 80% of apartment buildings are forty years old now and
identifying them and upgrading them would help with climate change
emissions.  Unfortunately they tend to be privately owned and coaxing
landlords to invest money is not easy.

An introduction to basic stats?

I'm not a teacher but I'm sure we can sort something out.

We do have a tasking manager that covers Canada so tiles can be set up for
a local area.

I suggest an import first then something after that.


Thanks John

On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 5:22 pm Jonathan Brown  “Should we try to tailor the information on Building 2020 towards
> inexperienced mappers to make it easier for schools etc to get involved?”
> Good idea, John. We need a process similar to HOT for local beginners and
> maybe a way of connecting the mapping to a sustainable development
> challenge in the community.
> Jonathan
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> Talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread Pierre Béland
Peut-être commencer par proposer aux écoles, universités etc. des informations 
leur permettant de s'initier à la cartographie numérique actuelle. Éditer, cela 
est très pointu comme initiation et la très grande majorité quittent après 
quelques heures laissant des données de mauvaise qualité
De fait, ne s'intéressent-ils pas d'abord à ce fameux Web 2.0, OpenSource, 
OpenData avec internet, ordinateurs, téléphones et tabletes, et les nouveaux 
modes sociaux de collaboration?  Il y a aussi les outils d'analyse tel QGIS, 
les outils de requête, toutes les thématiques préssentes sur OSM. Ce domaine 
évolue rapidement et les contributeurs OSM et développeurs collaborent avec 
gouvernements, organismes internationaux etc.
Il est aussi possible d'initier avec des journées thématiques où on visite un 
quartier ou village pour mieux le documenter. De telles journées sont aussi 
l'occasion d'initier par des discussions au monde de la cartographie numérique. 

Les projets cartographiques devraient venir ensuite et être mieux planifiés, en 
proposant du matériel et démarche pour un minimum de formation avant de 
cartographier.  Beaucoup de contributeurs OSM sont réticents aux opérations 
marketing de HOT où on invite tous et chacun à venir tracer sur la carte.  De 
grands chiffres de conribution. Mais quelle qualité ?
Les organisateurs de mapathons ne devraient pas avoir des connaissances 
limitées d'OSM. Ils devraient aussi avoir un plan de formation. Le risque comme 
on l'a vu trop souvent est que de nouveaux contributeurs s'initient à OSM en 
démarrant immédiatement la cartographie sans aucune connaissance et quittent 
après quelques heures, laissant souvent un nombre élevé d'erreurs. Avez-vous vu 
l'Analyse Qualité de la géométrie que j'ai produite à partir de 25 projets 
cartographiques HOT  ? 
Habituellement dans une municipalité, on ne retrouve qu'un faible pourcentage, 
nettement moins de 10% d'immeubles avec formes irrégulières (angles autres que 
90°). Beaucoup de projets avaient des taux supérieurs à 10%.



Le jeudi 22 novembre 2018 17 h 21 min 27 s HNE, Jonathan Brown 
 a écrit :  
“Should we try to tailor the information on Building 2020 towards inexperienced 
mappers to make it easier for schools etc to get involved?”


Good idea, John. We need a process similar to HOT for local beginners and maybe 
a way of connecting the mapping to a sustainable development challenge in the 



Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread Jonathan Brown
Climate change planning would be good. That topic could be linked to the UN 
sustainable development goals. Also, in Ontario there is a big need to 
incorporate math skills into learning by doing (e.g., 
http://www.barbareeduke.com/ccmath/mathactivities.htm (adapted for OSM), or for 
postsecondary GIS and programming for computer science courses.
At CivicTech Toronto Meetup last Tuesday someone pointed out David MacKay’s 
book Sustainable Energy: Without Hot Air https://withouthotair.com/ 

From: john whelan
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2018 5:46 PM
To: Jonathan Brown
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

So what do we need?

A hook of some type to build on?

An inventory of buildings for climate change planning?  I understand in many 
cities some 80% of apartment buildings are forty years old now and identifying 
them and upgrading them would help with climate change emissions.  
Unfortunately they tend to be privately owned and coaxing landlords to invest 
money is not easy.

An introduction to basic stats?

I'm not a teacher but I'm sure we can sort something out.

We do have a tasking manager that covers Canada so tiles can be set up for a 
local area.

I suggest an import first then something after that.


Thanks John

On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 5:22 pm Jonathan Brown https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread John Whelan

I hadn't thought about the programming side but C# certainly can be useful.


It needs visual studio 2017 but it has a sample program from which other 
programs looking for other things could be written.

I think that would be high school level though.

There has been some work in creating activities for schools in OSM but 
they would need chasing down.

Cheerio John

Jonathan Brown wrote on 2018-11-22 6:33 PM:

Climate change planning would be good. That topic could be linked to 
the UN sustainable development goals. Also, in Ontario there is a big 
need to incorporate math skills into learning by doing (e.g., 
http://www.barbareeduke.com/ccmath/mathactivities.htm (adapted for 
OSM), or for postsecondary GIS and programming 
 for computer 
science courses.

At CivicTech Toronto Meetup last Tuesday someone pointed out David 
MacKay’s book Sustainable Energy: Without Hot Air 


*From: *john whelan 
*Sent: *Thursday, November 22, 2018 5:46 PM
*To: *Jonathan Brown 
*Cc: *Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
*Subject: *Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

So what do we need?

A hook of some type to build on?

An inventory of buildings for climate change planning?  I understand 
in many cities some 80% of apartment buildings are forty years old now 
and identifying them and upgrading them would help with climate change 
emissions.  Unfortunately they tend to be privately owned and coaxing 
landlords to invest money is not easy.

An introduction to basic stats?

I'm not a teacher but I'm sure we can sort something out.

We do have a tasking manager that covers Canada so tiles can be set up 
for a local area.

I suggest an import first then something after that.


Thanks John

On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 5:22 pm Jonathan Brown  wrote:

“Should we try to tailor the information on Building 2020 towards
inexperienced mappers to make it easier for schools etc to get

Good idea, John. We need a process similar to HOT for local
beginners and maybe a way of connecting the mapping to a
sustainable development challenge in the community.


Talk-ca mailing list

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Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers

2018-11-22 Thread Jonathan Brown
Alessandro had some engineering profs from the University of Rome working with 
a local high school for testing the mobile app used for BC2020. 

Here’s a Comenius program for Life Long Learning of the European Union EU. The 
official title of the project is: "To boost local and international tourism 
with OpenStreetMap". The project's acronym is: "BoostOSM" 


From: John Whelan
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2018 7:08 PM
To: Jonathan Brown
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: BC2020 and School Mappers

I hadn't thought about the programming side but C# certainly can be useful.


It needs visual studio 2017 but it has a sample program from which other 
programs looking for other things could be written.

I think that would be high school level though.

There has been some work in creating activities for schools in OSM but they 
would need chasing down.

Cheerio John

Jonathan Brown wrote on 2018-11-22 6:33 PM:

Climate change planning would be good. That topic could be linked to the UN 
sustainable development goals. Also, in Ontario there is a big need to 
incorporate math skills into learning by doing (e.g., 
http://www.barbareeduke.com/ccmath/mathactivities.htm (adapted for OSM), or for 
postsecondary GIS and programming for computer science courses.
At CivicTech Toronto Meetup last Tuesday someone pointed out David MacKay’s 
book Sustainable Energy: Without Hot Air https://withouthotair.com/ 
From: john whelan
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2018 5:46 PM
To: Jonathan Brown
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] BC2020 and School Mappers
So what do we need?
A hook of some type to build on?
An inventory of buildings for climate change planning?  I understand in many 
cities some 80% of apartment buildings are forty years old now and identifying 
them and upgrading them would help with climate change emissions.  
Unfortunately they tend to be privately owned and coaxing landlords to invest 
money is not easy.
An introduction to basic stats?
I'm not a teacher but I'm sure we can sort something out.
We do have a tasking manager that covers Canada so tiles can be set up for a 
local area.

I suggest an import first then something after that.
Thanks John
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 5:22 pm Jonathan Brown https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca

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