Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-26 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

> Am 26.04.2015 um 00:24 schrieb Andreas Goss :
> Vorher war da der Text aus dem proposal:
> "Vending machines do appear more and more in very different kinds. As they 
> are increasingly a part of everybody’s life, there is also a need to bring 
> them on maps or in to routing devices. In most cases there should also be 
> given a hint to the type of goods the machine offers. "

das ist eine extrem schlechte Definition weil gar nichts gesagt wird. Klingt 
eher nach einem "Reasoning"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-26 Diskussionsfäden Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 26/04/2015 12:40, Simon Poole a écrit :

Am 26.04.2015 um 11:50 schrieb Frédéric Rodrigo:


We have finish the coverage of Germany by Osmose QA.

Osmose QA is a Quality Assurance tool. It detects and reports errors
based on more than 200 rulesets.

The major issue with osmose is that it invokes the notion of being
authoritative when it is not, and by that motivates mappers to fix
things (well actually break them) which are simply false positives.

This is mainly a language issue in that you keep on using "error" all
over the place instead of "potential issue" or whatever that is not such
an absolute.

It's the first time I hear this argument. But we can evol on this, it's 
not a problem for me.

Nevertheless we try to only show issues when there is no problem with 
the definition of what it may be. We already remove rules cause of this, 
or disable some specifically for country of different local mapping usage.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-26 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 26.04.2015 um 11:50 schrieb Frédéric Rodrigo:
> Hi,
> We have finish the coverage of Germany by Osmose QA.
> Osmose QA is a Quality Assurance tool. It detects and reports errors
> based on more than 200 rulesets.

The major issue with osmose is that it invokes the notion of being
authoritative when it is not, and by that motivates mappers to fix
things (well actually break them) which are simply false positives.

This is mainly a language issue in that you keep on using "error" all
over the place instead of "potential issue" or whatever that is not such
an absolute.


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Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-26 Diskussionsfäden Frédéric Rodrigo


We have finish the coverage of Germany by Osmose QA.

Osmose QA is a Quality Assurance tool. It detects and reports errors 
based on more than 200 rulesets.

Germany coverage was done by split the country in two parts. One is 
checked by the Osmose Czech server and the other by the USA server 
sponsored by Mapbox. If some one is interested in running a specific 
server for Germany it will be much appreciated and save the other 
servers to support other areas.

Fell free to report over checked errors or check rules no adapted to 
your country. We also take ideas (and code) for new rules.

The Osmose QA team.

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