Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging "Shared space" roads (Preston City Centre)

2017-10-02 Thread Matt Ellery
I agree with the idea that living_street isn't appropriate for the town
centre roads identified here. I did notice that New Road in Brighton
(mentioned in the shared space Wikipedia article) has also been changed to
living_street by Pete Owens, although he has added access tags as well.

East Street in Horsham is another (sort of) example of a shared space and
has been tagged with the pedestrian/access tags method by lakedistrict. In
fact, the OSM wiki example of highway=pedestrian with access tags gets
pretty close to what I think of as a shared space, although there are some
differences in the priorities that are implied.

So I'd be OK with any of highway=* plus access tags; shared_space=yes;
traffic_calming=shared_space; or maybe even go for duck tagging them as


On 2 October 2017 at 12:35, Adam Snape  wrote:

> The photo of Exhibition Rd on Wikipedia makes it look deserted. I guess it
> is sensible to photograph a new road layout at a quiet time.  I actually
> walked along it not so long ago when visiting a museum and it certainly
> seemed to still be used by quite a lot of motor traffic. Not that I think
> traffic volume should necessarily determine tagging, but examples such as
> this, the primary roads in Poynton, anda couple of thoroughfares in
> Preston, do rather weaken the comparison to Home Zones or woonerven. There
> traffic would typically be very light, very slow and almost entirely for
> access. The more I look at the above examples, the more I am convinced that
> the presence of shared use design doesn't make these thoroughfares
> comparable to living_streets
> Adam
> On 2 October 2017 at 08:56, Paul Berry  wrote:
>> One of the most significant shared space street schemes in the country
>> (at least, the one that got the most publicity) is Exhibition Road. Here's
>> part of it: and it's mapped as
>> living street even though it is not residential.
>> Should it be changed also?
>> Regards,
>> *Paul*
>> On 1 October 2017 at 23:17, Colin Smale  wrote:
>>> And here's a road that wants to be a shared space but isn't there yet...
>>> The goal of reducing the traffic speed has been achieved, apparently.
>>> On 2017-10-01 20:16, Richard Mann wrote:
>>> The classic shared space scheme in Haren:
>>> has no tags that I can see.
>>> I'd go for something like shared_space=yes for the moment. It's a
>>> "special" type of traffic calming.
>>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Colin Smale 
>>> wrote:
 Just like in the UK, the councils here make it up as they go along; a
 "shared space" has no special legal status, unlike a "woonerf".

 A general principle which has proved its worth is that to make things
 safer, you remove the safety features. Like white lines and kerbs. Everyone
 moans a bit, but in the mean time you slow down and watch out just that
 little bit more... Hence shared spaces, an apparent free-for-all that works

 On 2017-10-01 18:57, Andy Townsend wrote:

 Not an answer, but a suggestion where there might be a bit more info...

 The Netherlands forum https://forum.openstreetmap.or
 g/viewforum.php?id=12 might be worth a read, since the shared space
 concept was pioneered there; https://forum.openstreetmap.or
 g/viewtopic.php?id=54843 is directly about "shared_space" but a search
 for "woonerf" (aka "home zone") gets a whole bunch more hits.

 Best Regards,


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[Talk-GB] Merse Gateway

2017-10-02 Thread Andy Robinson
Mersey Gateway bridge due to open Sunday.






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Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging "Shared space" roads (Preston City Centre)

2017-10-02 Thread Adam Snape
The photo of Exhibition Rd on Wikipedia makes it look deserted. I guess it
is sensible to photograph a new road layout at a quiet time.  I actually
walked along it not so long ago when visiting a museum and it certainly
seemed to still be used by quite a lot of motor traffic. Not that I think
traffic volume should necessarily determine tagging, but examples such as
this, the primary roads in Poynton, anda couple of thoroughfares in
Preston, do rather weaken the comparison to Home Zones or woonerven. There
traffic would typically be very light, very slow and almost entirely for
access. The more I look at the above examples, the more I am convinced that
the presence of shared use design doesn't make these thoroughfares
comparable to living_streets


On 2 October 2017 at 08:56, Paul Berry  wrote:

> One of the most significant shared space street schemes in the country (at
> least, the one that got the most publicity) is Exhibition Road. Here's part
> of it: and it's mapped as
> living street even though it is not residential.
> Should it be changed also?
> Regards,
> *Paul*
> On 1 October 2017 at 23:17, Colin Smale  wrote:
>> And here's a road that wants to be a shared space but isn't there yet...
>> The goal of reducing the traffic speed has been achieved, apparently.
>> On 2017-10-01 20:16, Richard Mann wrote:
>> The classic shared space scheme in Haren:
>> has no tags that I can see.
>> I'd go for something like shared_space=yes for the moment. It's a
>> "special" type of traffic calming.
>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Colin Smale 
>> wrote:
>>> Just like in the UK, the councils here make it up as they go along; a
>>> "shared space" has no special legal status, unlike a "woonerf".
>>> A general principle which has proved its worth is that to make things
>>> safer, you remove the safety features. Like white lines and kerbs. Everyone
>>> moans a bit, but in the mean time you slow down and watch out just that
>>> little bit more... Hence shared spaces, an apparent free-for-all that works
>>> well.
>>> On 2017-10-01 18:57, Andy Townsend wrote:
>>> Not an answer, but a suggestion where there might be a bit more info...
>>> The Netherlands forum https://forum.openstreetmap.or
>>> g/viewforum.php?id=12 might be worth a read, since the shared space
>>> concept was pioneered there; https://forum.openstreetmap.or
>>> g/viewtopic.php?id=54843 is directly about "shared_space" but a search
>>> for "woonerf" (aka "home zone") gets a whole bunch more hits.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Andy
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Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging "Shared space" roads (Preston City Centre)

2017-10-02 Thread Paul Berry
One of the most significant shared space street schemes in the country (at
least, the one that got the most publicity) is Exhibition Road. Here's part
of it: and it's mapped as living
street even though it is not residential.

Should it be changed also?


On 1 October 2017 at 23:17, Colin Smale  wrote:

> And here's a road that wants to be a shared space but isn't there yet...
> The goal of reducing the traffic speed has been achieved, apparently.
> On 2017-10-01 20:16, Richard Mann wrote:
> The classic shared space scheme in Haren:
> has no tags that I can see.
> I'd go for something like shared_space=yes for the moment. It's a
> "special" type of traffic calming.
> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Colin Smale  wrote:
>> Just like in the UK, the councils here make it up as they go along; a
>> "shared space" has no special legal status, unlike a "woonerf".
>> A general principle which has proved its worth is that to make things
>> safer, you remove the safety features. Like white lines and kerbs. Everyone
>> moans a bit, but in the mean time you slow down and watch out just that
>> little bit more... Hence shared spaces, an apparent free-for-all that works
>> well.
>> On 2017-10-01 18:57, Andy Townsend wrote:
>> Not an answer, but a suggestion where there might be a bit more info...
>> The Netherlands forum
>> might be worth a read, since the shared space concept was pioneered there;
>> is directly about
>> "shared_space" but a search for "woonerf" (aka "home zone") gets a whole
>> bunch more hits.
>> Best Regards,
>> Andy
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