Re: [Talk-GB] Hampshire Vandalization - No Bere Forest?

2012-04-19 Thread monxton

On 14/04/2012 21:46, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

Maybe we should organize an East Hampshire OSM people (maybe for a pub walk / or 
mapping party ) get together some time this>>summer - it would be great to meet 
AndyS, NickW and any other like minded individuals.

I'm up for it. Finding enough to sustain a mapping party might be
difficult (South Hants is more or less road and footpath complete) but
we could make it a social. Anyone else interested?


Yes, I'd be interested. Robert - I'm aware of you via 'robbieonsea' edits 
(usually in the exact same type of areas I tend to go!) so would be great to 
meet up with you. Anyone else - Caroline? 'Sailor Steve' ?

Sure. Also I bumped into jjrscott last night, he might be interested too.

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Re: [Talk-GB] Hampshire Vandalization - No Bere Forest?

2012-04-04 Thread monxton

On 29/03/2012 21:38, Andy Street wrote:

Yes, there were some rather over zealous remappers in this area.
Swanmore, the Forest of Bere and the surrounding area was left in a
right old mess which I'll have to fix. Sadly with the number of
overlapping changesets it's not going to be a simple revert job so this
weekend I'll probably end up going "scorched earth" on the whole area
followed by a proper on the ground re-survey.

Andy, some large sections of the outline of the South Downs NP have also 
gone for  walk. Do you have the data to repair them too?

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Re: [Talk-GB] Hampshire Vandalization - No Bere Forest?

2012-03-29 Thread monxton

On 29/03/2012 19:30, Robert Norris wrote:

I've just noticed Bere Forest (and trails) has been wiped from the map:

It's literally empty space!

Probably most where Andy Steets initial trials, but he's agreed so was
there some over zealous deletion by some one?

Unfortunately the history service contains to many world edits to be of
use, and the general OSM history is quit slow at the moment.
I think user monxton has tried to repair stuff.

If it helps, I don't mind if you revert my changesets to get back to a 
better place. I reinstated the roads, but clearly there's a lot more 
that went missing too.

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Re: [Talk-GB] South Downs National Park

2011-05-20 Thread monxton

On 20/05/2011 01:12, Andy Street wrote:

The boundary for the South Downs National Park[0] has recently been
added (more precisely it has been made to render) but is in need of some
TLC. With the exception of a small section at the western end it is
generally of very poor quality.

It is therefore my intention to delete all but the western end and
import the rest from OS OpenData which, while less than perfect, is a
vast improvement over what is currently there.

I know this is a drop in the ocean as far as imports go but as this
affects mappers in three counties I thought I'd err on the side of
caution and post here first. Anyone have any objections?

Good plan.

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Re: [Talk-GB] On footpaths

2011-05-05 Thread monxton

On 04/05/2011 15:57, Peter Miller wrote:

Here is a global map view showing highway=footway in blue and
highway=path in brown.

There is indeed something like an 80/20 split in the UK with noticeable
enthusiasm for 'path' in some parts of the country and a noticable
preference for its use in the countryside over the town. In Germany the
preference is stronger.

This map will remain viewable but will not appear in the pull-down list
of standard views so do please bookmark it if you want to come back to it.

To me, the most significant thing about that map is that it demonstrates 
how vast swathes of the UK have almost no footpath data at all.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-21 Thread monxton

On 21/04/2011 13:42, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

If I were someone wanting the National Byway to render right now, I'd tag it
as rcn, not ncn, because I believe "if it quacks like a duck, tag it like a
duck" and the quality and design of the National Byway is much more akin to
an old-style county cycleway (now generally Regional Routes) than to our
National Cycle Network.

I agree it feel more like an RCN. I'll retag my local section and see 
what emerges.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-20 Thread monxton

On 20/04/2011 12:31, Peter Miller wrote:

I have created a new ITO Map overlay showing highway=byway in red and
designation=restricted_byway in blue. It would also show ways with
route=bicycle and name=National Byway as a thick green line, however
there aren't any that I can see as yet.

You can try it here:

That's an interesting map, but it's not what we're discussing here.

Often the ways officially designated as byway or restricted_byway are 
not cyclable. Cyclists are entitled to use them, but in practice usually 
cannot. More often they are usable by MTBs.

The National Byway is currently tagged as :
  name=National Byway ()

but the proposal being discussed here is to change to network=ncn

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-20 Thread monxton

On 20/04/2011 12:11, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

Peter Miller wrote:

What tagging would you expect us to use within OSM to identify
something as being part of this network?

Just route=bicycle, name=National Byway should be enough IMO. I wouldn't
really call the National Byway a network - it's a circular route with the
odd spur - but I guess that's in the eye of the beholder.

People seem to find this an important distinction, but it's a little 
opaque to me. I mean, I understand that mathematically a network is a 
collection of connected points (so that you can always navigate between 
any two), and that a route is one way between two nodes. But that 
doesn't help me distinguish between the NB and the Sustrans NCN - just 
that the Sustrans network is bigger. If I am planning a cycling trip 
(oops nearly used the word route there) then I will choose whatever 
works best, which is likely to be a collection of segments from several 
different routes.

(Bear in mind that, though I wouldn't go so far as to call the NB
"vapourware", its ambition has thus far exceeded its reach. It's a lovely
project but I think the completion date has slipped by about 10 years so
far. It's a bit like standing at a station when the departure board always
says it'll be here 3 minutes from now... and does so for an hour. We
should be fairly careful to tag what the NB is, not what it wants to be.
Even the 'National Map' on the NB website overstates its existence: there
is no signage in Gloucestershire, and only intermittent signage in
Oxfordshire where it coincides with the NCN, even though it claims both
were completed in 2009.)

I completely agree about only tagging what's on the ground. But I've had 
the opposite experience of the NB from you - in the south west I have 
found signs in places where I had not expected them. (Mind you it's hard 
to know what to expect as the NB south-west map is out of date and out 
of print too.) That's one reason I am keen to get them rendered on the OCM.

Oh, absolutely. The National Byway is not made up of byways - in fact,
it's expressly meant to be more an "on-road" network than (say) the NCN,
which is why touring cyclists like it.

I think there's an older meaning of the word "byway" to mean any minor / 
unclassified / back road. Perhaps that meaning has been eclipsed since 
the (relatively) recent reclassification of RUPPs and BOATs, but I guess 
it was what the NB people intended.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-20 Thread monxton

On 20/04/2011 11:24, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

This raises an important point that cropped up last week in Brum where Brian
had tagged a serious of routes that the local campaign group, Pushbikes, are
promoting. The issue was that these routes don't exist on the ground. Like a
bus route there is nothing really to tell you a route exists though there is
clearly information around (paper map etc) that confirms they do and shows
you where they go, a bus route map would be similar. So for me whether it is
part of a network or not is immaterial. As far as I'm concerned using
ncn/lcn/lcn is the best way of tagging a signed logical route whether its
part of a bigger network or not. For routes that are not signed perhaps
another layer is needed so that you can print the route and follow it but it
doesn't clutter the signed physical network version of the cycle map.

Bus routes do have a physical manifestation inasmuch as they usually 
have physical stops which usually list the routes which stop there.

This is pretty much like a bicycle route which has signs only at the 

But yes, I would only tag a bicycle route which is signed on the ground. 
Though the OCM does support "proposed" routes, using dashed lines.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-19 Thread monxton

On 19/04/2011 17:05, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

  monxton [] wrote:

These, and other threads I haven't listed, tend to end with Andy saying that he 
will render the National Byway tags in their own colour some time in the future.

I guess we need to be patient with Andy. Yes it would be nice to see it
rendered as a brown line or whatever with little shields instead of the
Sustrans NCN numbering. But I'm sure it will happen eventually.

It would be nice to see it rendered anyhow. I really, really, don't want 
to annoy Andy, because if we didn't love the cycle map so much we 
wouldn't care what it rendered. So I hope his sense of humour is robust 
enough for me to mention that it's 3.5 years since since the schedule 
for rendering the National Byway was "this week".

I'll get my coat.

I know not everyone here cares for the National Byway. For me, it hits the
spot for route planning much better than the Sustrans routes, which tend to
be just too slow for long journeys.

The two are trying to do very different things, each to their own.

That's something that's said a few times on this list, but IMHO it's 
only partly true. I'd rather say that the Sustrans routes are trying to 
do about three different things, and the National Byway does only one of 
those three.

If that were not so, there would not be so many places where the NB 
takes the same route as a Sustrans route.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] National Byway rendering on OpenCycleMap

2011-04-19 Thread monxton
Lately I've been doing some tagging of the South-West region of the 
National Byway, and I'm finding it quite disappointing that it is not 
rendered on the cycle map.

I've rummaged around in the history of this issue and located what I 
think are the most relevant thread starters:

also Richard's summary on the forum:

These, and other threads I haven't listed, tend to end with Andy saying 
that he will render the National Byway tags in their own colour some 
time in the future.

Is there any likelihood that that time is nigh? I know this sounds like 
a nag, so if there anything that can be done (style files?) to help get 
to that point, I'm happy to volunteer.

(I know not everyone here cares for the National Byway. For me, it hits 
the spot for route planning much better than the Sustrans routes, which 
tend to be just too slow for long journeys.)

-- digression --
FWIW, I don't really agree with the view that the regional cycle route 
tags should be exclusively reserved in the UK for Sustrans regional 
routes. The National Byway regions fit pretty well as regional routes.

There exist other regional routes which are not Sustrans routes; for 
example the Wiltshire Cycleway is a signed route which is too extensive 
to be categorised as an LCN. So if I start tagging it as an RCN, will 
that be allowed to stand? I can't see it would be sustainable to have 
distinct tagging / cycle map rendering for every RCN as is required for 
the National Byway regions.

And I understand that Sustrans is doing away with its regional route 
numbering anyway, so will the RCN tags eventually fall out of use in the UK?

-- end digression --

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Maxspeed tagging for the UK

2011-04-14 Thread monxton
Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'd like to emphasise the point that 
others have made that the NationalSpeedLimitApplies sign should not be 
tagged the same as a 60mph sign. Apart from the fact that it means 
different things for different types of vehicle, it may not even mean 
60mph for cars. Between 1973 and 1977 (which I remember well, though I 
was not a driver!) the NSL was modified in various ways, including 
reducing the max speed on single-carriageway roads to 50mph. This was an 
energy-saving initiative, and perhaps it could happen again.

We should tag what we see on the ground, not convert it to whatever is 
the current meaning of NSL.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging areas with paid access

2011-04-10 Thread monxton

On 10/04/2011 09:22, Nick Whitelegg wrote:


Near me there are a couple of areas with paid access only - Marwell Zoo
and Exbury Gardens. Original tagging for the latter is foot=permissive
which seems inappropriate as you have to pay to get in, and
foot=permissive suggests completely open access.

What would others do in this situation? access=private is probably more
appropriate than foot=permissive but still doesn't 100% convey the
situation on the ground. access=paid or foot=paid?

amenity=parking has the tag access=customers. This seems similar.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Wiki - United_Kingdom_Tagging_Guidelines

2011-03-02 Thread monxton

On 01/03/2011 17:55, Andrew wrote:

The great strength of OSM is that it can be a platform for many (and hopefully
more to come) applications written by people all round the world.
Country-specific tagging guidelines make it more difficult to share applications
with the rest of the world.

"Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do".

Only there are, and in England & Wales we have footpaths, bridleways, 
restricted byways, byways and maybe some other weird stuff. It's 
important to collect those details and render them for UK maps. Hence 
it's necessary to have country-specific guidelines to specify how to 
capture that information.

What we should be striving for is a basic set of tags which are 
understood internationality, plus a local set of guidelines which allow 
us to add our country-specific details.

Isn't that one of the things the "new" guidelines are trying to achieve, 
by separating the physical information from the access rules?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Wiki - United_Kingdom_Tagging_Guidelines

2011-03-02 Thread monxton

On 01/03/2011 13:31, Richard Mann wrote:

A new page seems to have appeared on the wiki:

This states a preference for highway=path+foot=designated over
highway=footway (etc).

I don't remember this being discussed or agreed, but my memory could
be failing me.

I think the article should probably state existing usage (based on
tagwatch), rather than promote minority alternatives.


It wasn't exactly a new page. It was created as a merge of (at least) 
two predecessor pages:

 UK Countryside mapping:


Public rights of way in England and Wales:

(The links are to the most recent versions of those pages before they 
were reduced to redirect pages.)

Although I was pleased when Bobious merged these two pages, as I had to 
keep consulting them both, there was a lot of good information in the 
old pages, including the arguments by NickW and others for the "new" 
scheme, which may have been lost when the combined page was created.

To avoid simply rehearsing old arguments, it would be good if everyone 
taking part in this discussion would go back and review these pages, and 
their discussion pages:

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