Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-09 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Paul,

I hope you are well.

As you have seen my responses at [1] and [2], it will come as no surprise
that I oppose this move. I have set out my reasoning below:

== Reason 1: Open Historical Maps (OHM) is not an entirely separate project
to OSM ==

I will start by providing a bit of background for those on the talk-gb list
who may not be aware. The editor-imagery-index is a list of background
layers that appear in the main OSM editors (for example the bing aerial
imagery). It is designed to be a single list that can be used by all
editors (Potlatch, JOSM, iD, etc..), that is the purpose of
editor-imagery-index is to make it easer to share new background layers. In
my opinion creating a second version of this list (called
historic-imagery-index) was silly as it will lead to confusion (more on
that later).

When you created the historic-imagery-index it was because some of the
background imagery that has been licensed for use in OpenStreetMap has not
been approved for use in Open Historic Map (which in your view is entirely
separate from OSM). My proposal to add a OHM-Approved field to the
existing editor-imagery-index was rejected on the basis that:

Adding project-specific stuff to another project's documents doesn't
really make sense. It's kind of like saying there should be a flag in the
XLSX format specifying if the document can be opened by LibreOffice.

This comparison seems over the top to me. Yes, OHM is currently not an
official OpenStreetMap Foundation project, but many people in our community
do see it as a sister project. After all, much of what is in OSM in town
centres now, will become historic data in 50 years time.

As such we should make more effort to be inclusive of Open Historic Maps.

== Reason 2: What is historic? Who decides? ==

This point stands on its own, by which I mean, ignore that Open Historic
Maps even exists. The point here is that who decides what counts as
Historic and of no value to current day mapping. In my opinion all the
layers you have proposed to remove are of current value. They include names
of hills, valleys, rivers, etc that may be difficult to survey elsewhere.
They also show us where Rights of Way may exist (note that due to the odd
legal situation in the UK, a right of way may exist but not have been
recorded by the Local Authority on current maps).

Lets look at another example. Is a 1:5000 Town Plan from 1960 historic? It
has 1960 in the title, so does that mean I should add it to your
historic-imagery-index? Hang on, it contains detailed building outlines,
many of which will still exist. Okay then we put this 1960's map in the
current editor-imagery-index. But then what about a 1950s map, a 1940's map
etc.. Where is the cut off? And why does the power to decide this lie with
the very few people who can accept new contributions to
editor-imagery-index and historic-imagery-index?

Oh and lets be clear. At the moment this is a removal as the editors only
pick up those background layers listed in editor-imagery-index.

== Reason 3: It damages our community ==

We have been working hard to build up a relationship with our Archives and
Libraries here in the UK. The current relationship with National Library of
Scotland (NLS) is quite good. They even spoke at State of the Map Scotland
2013 [3]. The Bartholomew Half Inch layer is a new one only just added, and
I know that (NLS) are delighted that we have made it available to OSM

Removal of historic layers, sends a negative message to these wider OSM
community members and suggests that we do not appreciate their work. You
may not like the current layers very much, but many of these Archives hold
some really detailed maps (e.g. Town Plans that have only just fallen out
of copyright) and we need to work with them to make those layers available
(for the joint benefit of OSM and OHM).

In a related note, we are aiming to attract a more diverse community to
OSM. As OHM and OSM use exactly the same tools, it is not beyond belief
that someone who starts in OHM can also edit in OSM. We should work
together, not apart.


I hope some of this makes sense, and you can see that the drawbacks far
outweigh any benefits.

To answer your original question: Yes, I still use these layers when I am
mapping the countryside. I tend to flick back and forth between them and
believe that I can make better maps if they are all available to me.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-09 Thread Andy Townsend

On 09/11/13 11:58, Rob Nickerson wrote:

As you have seen my responses at [1] and [2], it will come as no 
surprise that I oppose this move. I have set out my reasoning below:

Hi Rob, hi Paul,

I'll not venture into the how of this only the what...

Let's think about it from the perspective of the new mapper.  Let's 
imagine that they've decided to add something to OSM and they've 
ventured into iD for the first time.  There's a nice walkthrough, but if 
I recall it doesn't mention much about background imagery, but there's 
an entry on the help that says there's some imagery in addition to the 
default Bing layer.

When the new mapper clicks the imagery button at the right they 
currently see ALL of the geographically available layers from (currently the bottom of 
the menu is cut off - see - 
but that issue is fixed pending release).

Let's not kid ourselves - not all of those layers are like the others.  
In GB, the Bing imagery layer, Local GPX file, GPS traces and OS 
OpenData StreetView are likely to be the most useful, and probably in 
that order.  A Bartholomew 1/2 inch from the Victorian era is likely to 
be ... less so.  We need to provide new mappers with relevant 
information, sometimes even if that means less information.

No-one's proposing restricting what mappers can choose as a background 
in JOSM, and the background layers in Potlatch 2 aren't going to change 
any time soon, but in the instance of iD that new mappers see when they 
select edit from the menu on it does make sense NOT to offer 
them an OS 7th series that isn't even available everywhere in GB as the 
top option in the menu.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-09 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Andy,

We are mixing up two issues here. One is as to whether historic layers
should be removed from the default menus (and determining what counts as
historic of no value to current mapping) and the second issue of how iD
presents the list.

Please do not let an iD bug direct the future direction of these image
indexes. ID can be improved. Damage to the community is harder to repair.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-09 Thread Andy Robinson

Are there any *non*-historical uses for NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch,
1897-1907; NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61; or OS New Popular Edition

Of course there are. Historical maps are a huge source of meta data for the
landscape, much of which cannot be obtained in any other way. The whole
purpose of making the OOC OS maps available is because they contain
information that is entirely relevant for today's map. Having spent many
many hours scanning and rectifying OOC OS mapping for OSM (not any other
project such as OHM) I hope that my efforts and those of the others who have
gone before with NPE etc have not be wasted.

Of course like all sources its necessary to understand the context. When
referring to old data sources you need to take a view on whether the
information is still likely to be relevant or indeed if it's still present
on the ground, but using old sources with modern BING and other open data
means that we can enrich OSM mapping.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-09 Thread SomeoneElse

On 09/11/2013 13:14, Rob Nickerson wrote:

We are mixing up two issues here. One is as to whether historic layers 
should be removed from the default menus

What exactly do you mean by the default menus here?  There are no 
default menus in OSM, only menus in different instances of different 

Please do not let an iD bug direct the future direction of these image 
indexes. ID can be improved. Damage to the community is harder to repair.

In what way exactly with the default instance of iD on NOT 
providing a victorian map that is, being polite, less relevant than 
e.g. Bing or OSSV damaging the community?  No-one is suggesting that 
we make historic imagery layers unavailable and plenty of people have 
said that they use them - but in all cases they are likely to be not the 
target market for the iD edit option on or capable of using the 
custom option.

What would absolutely be damaging to the community would be to make 
the default edit option on not suitable for new users until 
they've learnt a whole bunch of arcane unwritten stuff about the 
relevance of various sources.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-08 Thread Paul Norman
 From: Paul Norman []
 Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 3:03 PM
 To: 'SomeoneElse';
 Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD
 It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list.
 It inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at, which is for
 OpenStreetMap editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all
 possible imagery.

There is now, an imagery
index that takes its own list of historic layers and combines it with the 
layers in editor-imagery-index.

To use it in JOSM all you need to do is modify imagery.layers.sites in
advanced preferences to add

I've added some layers that appear have value purely for historical 
mapping to it and opened the pull request to remove them 
from editor-imagery-index.

Are there any *non*-historical uses for NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 
1897-1907; NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61; or OS New Popular 
Edition historic.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-02 Thread Paul Norman
 From: SomeoneElse []
 Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 4:44 AM
 To: Paul Norman;
 Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD
 Paul Norman wrote:
  It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list.
  It inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at, which is for
  OpenStreetMap editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all
  possible imagery.
 Thanks Paul - that's something that I hadn't realised.  From the
 comments above, presumably the open historical map people are using
 the same list rather than one tailored to historical mapping though?

They shouldn't be. The editor-imagery-index project is targeted at the 
needs of OpenStreetMap, not of other projects. With how the index is setup
with each layer being its own file it is trivial to automatically copy in
additional files before running make.

In fact, there are layers in editor-imagery-index which can't be used 
outside of OSM.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-02 Thread Lester Caine

Paul Norman wrote:

Paul Norman wrote:

 It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list.
 It inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at, which is for
 OpenStreetMap editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all
 possible imagery.

Thanks Paul - that's something that I hadn't realised.  From the
comments above, presumably the open historical map people are using
the same list rather than one tailored to historical mapping though?

They shouldn't be. The editor-imagery-index project is targeted at the
needs of OpenStreetMap, not of other projects. With how the index is setup
with each layer being its own file it is trivial to automatically copy in
additional files before running make.

In fact, there are layers in editor-imagery-index which can't be used
outside of OSM.

Well since OHM is simply a part of OSM created to placate the complaints of a 
few, it IS part of OSM ... but making background layers locally selectable is a 
facility that many of us would benefit from. More and more material is becoming 
available which while not relevent to a 'current' map is essential in completing 
the historic development of the maps. In 50 years time the current view of the 
map will be 'historic' and we need to design for that fact today rather than 
simply hiding the data in the change logs :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-11-01 Thread SomeoneElse

Paul Norman wrote:
It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list. 
It inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at, which is for 
OpenStreetMap editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all 
possible imagery. 

Thanks Paul - that's something that I hadn't realised.  From the 
comments above, presumably the open historical map people are using 
the same list rather than one tailored to historical mapping though?

Dealing with it from a UI perspective is difficult, and I get the 
impression that's the main issue, not the coding once the UI is 
figured out. 
Happy to make suggestions there, but that's a bit beyond the scope of 
the issue that I was originally trying to raise (that a menu started 
half-way down a screen and finished below it), and well into suggested 
enhancement rather than bug territory.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread SomeoneElse

Andrew Hain wrote:

Is there a useful distinction between the two 1:25000 layers?

In the area that I was looking at (just south of Kirk Ireton in 
Derbyshire) they appear to be different original maps, and it appears 
that coverage of each layer is slightly different.

On the subject of the other layers, has anyone ever used e.g. 
Bartholomew 1/2 inch as a background layer?



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread SomeoneElse

Rob Nickerson wrote:

2). iD is a general purpose editor. It can be used for 
OpenHistoricalMap too.

Indeed - perhaps I should have been clearer that I'm talking about the 
instance in use on the OSM site used to edit the OSM map, not any other 
instance which presumably could feature any layers that it liked.

So how do we deal with an overload of map layers? I think it's a tool 

Indeed - and I'm sure that the iD developers would say patches welcome 
at this point!

So to conclude, I wouldn't remove any layers right now. We know that 
the Mapbox layer is likely to improve as they acquire and process more 
data (see their blog), but similarly the old OS layers hosted by OSM 
provide an alternate to the NLS versions (they may use different year 
sheets in some places) and keepping them online will help motivate 
people to scan more historic sheets in. We are thinking of having a 
scanning party here in the West Midlands!

I don't think anyone's suggesting removing them altogether, but it seems 
senseless to me to feature old inaccuate maps in an editor instance 
targeted at new users above GPS traces.

When I select edit in iD on the main site (on a laptop PC with a 
larger than average number of vertical pixels) I don't se any options 
below custom - so I don't see that I can add a GPS layer, and I don't 
see that I can align imagery where it is misplaced, but I am invited to 
use the e.g. Bartholomew 1/2 inch from 189x as a source!

Do you actually use e.g. the Bartholomew 1/2 inch layer as a source for 
updating non-historical information in OSM?



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread Michael Collinson

On 28/10/2013 19:28, SomeoneElse wrote:
series, Mapbox Satellite or Mapquest Open Aerial, and if anyone's 
using NPE, Bartholomew 1/2 inch or OS 1 inch as backgrounds they 
probably shouldn't be using iD to do it (if for no other reason due to 
alignment issues).  Am I maligning these sources and is there actually 
a valid reason why someone might want to trace from, say, NPE when 
more recent better aligned data is now available?

NPE was great in its day, and a big thank you  to all involved in 
providing it, it was a fantastic help in getting a rural map of 
Wharfedale up.

Now, for OSM mapping per se, I never use it. Bing for GPS adjusted 
tracing and the OS 25K layers are almost completely a superset when it 
comes to looking for names, such as farm houses. As posters later in 
this thread point out, there is still some separate value for historic 
use, a number of mineral lines, for example, appear on NPE but not on 
either of the 25K layers due to survey dates. I have no strong views, 
but there may be value in removing it from editing OSM per se.  I really 
wish that person who traced all those streams (me) hadn't because the 
alignment is terrible and a lot of the footpaths are way off even if 
they actually exist now.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Andy,

I get all of your points on this one, but just as we generally don't go and
remove other peoples custom tags, I think it would be a shame if we remove
available layers. Having historical background layers can attract people to
other projects (Open Historical Map). I've even used historic layers to
apply for new rights of way.

As noted it's a problem with the tool (iD in this instance) and hopefully
any fix will include ability to filter by date. This would be the perfect
solution, as it would be of huge benefit to the Open Historical Map team. I
encourage you to add this to your bug entry.

I'll end by noting that the introduction to OSM on the wiki home page does
not make any distinction between current and historic geographic data:

Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the project that creates and distributes free
geographic data for the world. We started it because most maps you think of
as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding
back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.

Best wishes,
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread Paul Norman
 From: SomeoneElse []
 Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD
 Rob Nickerson wrote:
  2). iD is a general purpose editor. It can be used for
  OpenHistoricalMap too.
 Indeed - perhaps I should have been clearer that I'm talking about the
 instance in use on the OSM site used to edit the OSM map, not any other
 instance which presumably could feature any layers that it liked.

It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list. It
inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at, which is for OpenStreetMap
editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all possible imagery.

  So how do we deal with an overload of map layers? I think it's a tool
 Indeed - and I'm sure that the iD developers would say patches welcome
 at this point!

Dealing with it from a UI perspective is difficult, and I get the 
impression that's the main issue, not the coding once the UI is figured 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-30 Thread Rob Nickerson
Dealing with it from a UI perspective is difficult, and I get the
impression that's the main issue, not the coding once the UI is figured

I'm not a UI designer, but I'll have a go at sketching a few ideas over the
next 7 days. It would be a shame to drop background layers where they are
useful for wider geographical data (be that in historical mapping, or
picking up names of land features that may have been forgotten over the
course of time) and have acted as a good way for us to build up a wider


p.s. I cannot hep with the coding as that is way beyond my limited skills.
I am however happy to add any additional tags to the background layer .json
files on the github page you linked to.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-28 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Andy,

I would like to see as many layers as possible in iD and other editors. The
issue, in my opinion, is one of how best to present the available layers
(more on that later). So why more layers:

1). More layers = more choice and more potential sources for confirming the
presence or absence of something.
2). iD is a general purpose editor. It can be used for OpenHistoricalMap
3). We are working to build strong relationships with Local Authorities,
and GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). Often this starts
with a simple map layer and builds into something more (for example one
local authority has just informed me that they have collected new aerial
imagery and it is their hope to make this available to the OSM community).

So how do we deal with an overload of map layers? I think it's a tool

A). If historic map layer's include a date in their json file, then we can
filter by date range.
B). Similarly we can highlight the most popular layers.
C). We could link in with the wikimaps database of geo-referenced maps so
that it is really easy to view those map sheets in the main map editors.

So to conclude, I wouldn't remove any layers right now. We know that the
Mapbox layer is likely to improve as they acquire and process more data
(see their blog), but similarly the old OS layers hosted by OSM provide an
alternate to the NLS versions (they may use different year sheets in some
places) and keepping them online will help motivate people to scan more
historic sheets in. We are thinking of having a scanning party here in the
West Midlands!

Best wishes,

p.s. I'm about to drop 76 OS TownPlans for Scotland into the joint editor
github page. I've included a date in their descriptive json files to make
(A) above possible in the future. They all include bounding boxes so should
only appear if you are editing in those towns.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-28 Thread Andrew Hain
SomeoneElse lists@... writes:

 I logged a bug with iD regarding the non-visibility of some items in
 the background layer
 The issue that I actually logged is actually being addressed as part
 of a different bug, but another question span out of it.  Of the
 available background layers:
 are there any that can be omitted entirely?

Is there a useful distinction between the two 1:25000 layers?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD

2013-10-28 Thread Rob Nickerson
Is there a useful distinction between the two 1:25000 layers?


At face value, no. They both show map sheets from the Ordnance Survey 1:25k
series (although the dates may differ slightly).

However if we look at the hosting of these tiles we find that one of these
is provided by the National Library of Scotland, the other is a result of
OSM community members scanning and geo-rectifying maps that they own. The
NLS version is complete so you may suggest that we drop the community
version. I would caution against this as it may put other community members
of buying, scanning and rectifying other useful historic map series.

It would be nice to see the 1:25k tiles on and combined in some way.

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