Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Using to count features

2019-11-06 Thread Mark Tully
Hi Brian,

Regarding your overpass issue, there's some optimizing of the query that
could help you if all you need is to count the number of relations.  The
overpass wizard, by default, requests the tags, ids and geometry of the
objects which match the query.   However, there are other options.

These three lines are at the bottom of the default wizard queries:
out body;
out skel qt;

They basically mean "send back all the details of the selected objects and
the geometry of their child objects" (the elements of the relations in most
cases)  This allows them to be displayed on the map.  We can request that
overpass sends us less data by changing these 3 lines.  If you remove them,
then you're requesting overpass to send you nothing, as you found out.

There's 3 main useful options
1: Replace the 3 lines with "out center qt;" - This will display the centre
of each townland rather than its boundaries
2: Replace the 3 lines with "out tags qt;" - This will show only the tags
of the results, so they won't show up on the map.  However, the map will
still show how many objects were loaded, even though they don't appear.
3: Replace the 3 lines with "out ids qt;" - This will only show the ids of
the results.  As with 2, they won't show up on the map, but it will still
show how many objects were loaded.

Obviously, each approach has less and less data being transferred to the
browser, making it easier to display it (and saving some network traffic).
For example, using approach 3 on the query for Munster, the data is reduced
from ~100Mb to <1 Mb, which is significant if you don't need to actually
see the geometries of the queried items.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 6:13 PM Brian Hollinshead 

> I often use this to count features, say locality=townland in Louth.
> Works fine but I tried it for Munster and 100mB was rather too much to
> display. I removed the last three lines to avoid a display but then it does
> not count.
> Perhaps one of you has a way around this please?
> I am also looking for a textual description of what constitutes traditional
> Connamara, based perhaps on DEDs or Civil parishes etc. Does it correspond
> with the new Connemara Municipal District?
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Ringforts

2017-03-10 Thread Mark Tully
According to the wiki (, the
recommended tagging for ring forts is:

- historic =

- site_type =

- *fortification_type*

Looking at (, there are
76 items tagged as fortification_type=ringfort and 2 as

Wikipedia suggests that ringforts and raths are interchangeably used, so I
would be inclined to follow the recommended tagging strategy if possible.


On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 08:52 Rory McCann  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi.
> I've been mapping ringforts myself. However I've been using a tagging
> suggested by brianh, and I've mapped about 1,600 of them.
>  historic=earthworks
>  earthworks=rath
> You can sorta see here that I've bee working through Clare & Kerry:
> or on histosm:
> I've been using Bing & the GSGS sheets, and I map them if they are
> visible on the Bing maps (which IME is nearly always). I think
> ringforts are worth mapping. They meet all the requirements for
> mapping on OSM.
> The National Monuments Service *have* released all of the
> Archaeological Survey of Ireland as (a form of) Open Data, however the
> licence is CC-BY 4.0, which is not *yet* compatible with OSM. The OSM
> Licensing Working Group should reply Real Soon Now™ with how we can
> use it. Once they do, we can speed up the mapping of them a lot.
> On 08/03/17 19:06, Brian Tuffy wrote:
> > Hi Keith, There were some already mapped in my area and so I
> > started mapping some myself here,
> >
> >
> > HistOSM gives a clearer picture of these kinds of things, the more
> >  historical things get, the less relevant they are for OSM though.
> > I wonder is it possible to add to HistOSM but not to OSM???
> >
> > I have used the following tagging, which I adapted from somewhere
> > else in Ireland. I also try to add the names if possible. historic
> > = archaeological_site site_type= fortification fortification_type
> > = ringfort
> >
> > But I have seen other tagging schemes such as:
> >
> > - historic=archaeological_site - type=ringfort
> >
> >
> >
> > - archaeological_site=fort - historic=archaeological_site -
> > name=Abbey Grey Fort - source=GSGS 3906
> >
> >
> >
> > - archaeological_site=cashel - historic=archaeological_site -
> > man_made=embankment
> >
> >
> >
> > Some might argue that ringforts are not important to map, and I
> > suppose they are insignificant if there is no trace of them
> > visible (possibly good to map them for though!).  In
> > rural areas, ringforts can be important landmarks and also townland
> > names are sometimes named after ringforts and it's rewarding to see
> > a ringfort in a certain townland in that case. Note that the
> > rings/ways don't appear in the OSM standard view, just a
> > archaeological symbol.
> >
> > I stopped mapping ringforts for a few reasons. (1) There is just
> > way to many of them around (2) not sure of the tagging scheme to
> > use myself (3) Somehow hoping that the National Monuments Service
> > will provide their open data at some point in the future (4) Not
> > sure how useful this data is for OSM.
> >
> >
> > As far as I can see there is no "standard" for mapping ringforts
> > in Ireland and no way to distinguish Carn/ringforts etc. Hopefully
> > we can decide on some standard way of tagging ringforts in this
> > discussion and I would be happy to add them again too.
> >
> > Brian T
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Keith  wrote:
> >
> >> Helo,
> >>
> >> Just wondering if there is any common tags used to tag
> >> ringforts/rath/lios's etc., and if many have been mapped to date
> >> ?
> >>
> >> Keith
> >>
> >>
> >> ___ Talk-ie mailing
> >> list
> >>
> >>
> > ___ Talk-ie mailing
> > list
> >
> >
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Typos in Townland names

2017-02-16 Thread Mark Tully
I believe it doesn't work over https because
(which is being used for the querying) doesn't support https, though I'm
open to correction on that.  The server does support it,
but I've found it to be a little slower for this map.


On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 15:55 Rory McCann <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 16/02/17 16:40, Mark Tully wrote:
> > There is also a umap at
> >
> 33
> >
> >
> which displays townlands without a logainm:ref tag.  This might be usefu
> l
> > in helping to locate townlands with typos.  Bear in mind that it
> > only displays data above zoom 11 (to try to reduce browser
> > slowdowns).
> >
> > Mark
> That's pretty cool! I've done overpass queries to find CPs/etc which
> don't have a logainm:ref, but not umap like that.
> Yes you can add/change the name tag on OSM, but if you manage to find
> the townland on logainm, you can directly add the logainm:ref tag
> yourself.
> The loganm match up code looks at counties, then baronies, then civil
> parishes, then townlands. So if it cannot match up a CP in OSM with
> Logainm, it's not able to match up any of those townlands in the CP.
> It's look at the name, but if there's a logainm:ref, it'll use that
> instead.
> If you add logainm:ref tags to civil parishes, then it might be able
> to add logainm details to more townlands.
> (BTW it doesn't work over https, and if you have the HTTPS Everywhere
> extension like I do :) )
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJYpctKAAoJEOrWdmeZivv2ImAH/1xnRM+3wm0/pGuZ5osbajjD
> GmH7j9Derka6VShOktDBhPAllYoKbfaz/5E/Zxnuix5AiuMZvTcMq9AWtYHktlU2
> YfCdPMgrr7qmCxuz3uiVyY7DxsFeFiGnqGPCGythLDImAa8zprPGCzTfrJkv8fSa
> 2QXkcXYXfpHOotZeh8scG9nzUhw6goDfh3TeA0FY2HAmrNR+l9AKaKe1yzsiGkUm
> rKrB2z6yf+pibIhtOp4iBal76tPfhxhGTUe56ve0qQ5sgJ4ytuElwgRb2WlPOFfc
> HyWnq6Ye/iPDn/+x0bcq0jpYh59cZbEPQ1NGUZvoEiMKuTUGcrY0av1IM878iUs=
> =hmDW
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Typos in Townland names

2017-02-16 Thread Mark Tully
There is also a umap at
which displays townlands without a logainm:ref tag.  This might be useful
in helping to locate townlands with typos.  Bear in mind that it only
displays data above zoom 11 (to try to reduce browser slowdowns).


On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 10:42 Dave Corley  wrote:

> That sounds like a good idea.
> If possible, it would be useful if it would link to the townland relation
> to allow easy editing.
> Once that smaller list is compiled its a matter of going through them one
> by one and identifying the correct name whether that be in OSM, OSi,
> Loganim or the map sheet
> On 16 Feb 2017 12:37, "Rory McCann"  wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On 15/02/17 16:36, Brian Tuffy wrote:
> > > just to follow up on my own post, another way to tackle this is to
> take a
> > > look at Rory's Loganim import page on which I highly
> > recommend
> > > you take a look at.
> > >
> > >
> > > Each red x on these pages means that the loganim irish names tags are
> not
> > > in OSM for that place.
> > > As far as I know, they were automatically added for the places where
> the
> > > names in Loganim list matched those in OSM (or at least id's matched?).
> > So
> > > a red x can indicate that there is a spelling mismatch or the place is
> > > missing.
> > > It's a good place to start if you want to correct typo's in place
> names.
> >
> >
> > Minor point, that page doesn't look at the name, but at the
> > "logainm:ref" tag. If there's a "logainm:ref" tag, then it gets a green
> > tick, red X means no logainm:ref. That page is updated every morning.
> >
> > The (ongoing) Logainm data match up and import (wiki page[1], script
> > source code[2]), looks at the logainm:ref tag and added the name:ga tags
> > from logainm if needed. That script will also look at the name (or
> > name:en) tag and try to match it up to what's in logainm and set the
> > logainm:ref tag as appropriate. If there is a typo in the name (or OSM
> > and Logainm disagree about the name), then it won't be able to set the
> > logainm:ref tag, and hence there'll be a red X there.
> >
> > I'm going to run that script again this weekend at the Karlsruhe Hack
> > Weekend. Perhaps I will look at that OSi open data and try to find
> > places where OSM & OSi (and maybe Logainm!) disagree. We have ~60,000
> > townlands, maybe filtering that list down to smaller list of "possible
> > problems" will be easier.
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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[OSM-talk-ie] Request for map sheets 17/13

2015-10-22 Thread Mark Tully
Could I please get the following sheets uploaded:

   - 17/13 NW
   - 17/13 SW
   - 17/13 SE
   - 17/13 NE


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[OSM-talk-ie] Request for map sheets 20/13

2015-09-18 Thread Mark Tully
Could I please get the following sheets uploaded:

   - 20/13 NW
   - 20/13 SW
   - 20/13 SE


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[OSM-talk-ie] Sheet request 23/15

2015-04-02 Thread Mark Tully

Could I please get the following sheets uploaded:

   - 23/15 NE
   - 23/15 NW
   - 23/15 SW


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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Sheet request 26/17

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Tully
Thanks Donal.

I note on the Mapcraft job, these sheets are marked as green (9/9).  Should
the Mapcraft status these sheets be reclassified once they have been
rectified or just leave it as it is?


On Fri, 27 Feb 2015 at 14:33 Donal Diamond wrote:



 On 27 February 2015 at 10:19, Mark Tully wrote:

  Can I request that 26/17 NW and SW be uploaded, please.
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[OSM-talk-ie] Sheet request 26/17

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Tully

Can I request that 26/17 NW and SW be uploaded, please.

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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] One townland spread across two different areas

2014-10-27 Thread Mark Tully
I had a similar issue with Ballyboughlin in Offaly.  See

I elected to put both parts into the same relation, ensuring that each part
formed a complete loop in JOSM and marking them all as outers.  The second
section of Ballyboughlin (the Part of... section) was entirely surrounded
by Raheen (, so I marked that
section as an inner in Raheen's relation.

I did it like this as it seemed like the most sensible method to me, but
maybe there's a better way to do it.


On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 12:35 AM, Conor Jones wrote:

 Hi folks,

 First off, great to be back on the mailing list and to see a very active,
 committed community alive and kicking

 I've started mapping townlands in SW Donegal - and while I went at it with
 all guns blazing... it's damn hard work!

 I've encountered a few strange occurrence last-night on my maps where the
 one townland is spilt across 2 dis-joined areas


 Cappagh townland (OSM):

 Cappagh townland  (OSI 25):,558685,876576,7,9

 I shouldn't use the OSI link but I can't find a method for linking to an
 area on the TCD sheets

 You'll see that that small townlands of Cappagh and the bordering townland
 of Croaghlin are marked as part of ... the larger townlands of the same
 name just off to the West

 For now, I have simply created a seperate relation / townland for each
 section and named them the same, which OSM seems to be handling OK... but
 Nominatim will only see one instance it appears. However, I believe that to
 do this correctly, I should use a master relation or somehow merge the
 boundaries of each townland section into one relation

 Has anyone encountered similar to this? It seems to be common in the area
 I'm mapping in SW Donegal

 Any advice?


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