There is also a umap at
which displays townlands without a logainm:ref tag.  This might be useful
in helping to locate townlands with typos.  Bear in mind that it only
displays data above zoom 11 (to try to reduce browser slowdowns).


On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 10:42 Dave Corley <> wrote:

> That sounds like a good idea.
> If possible, it would be useful if it would link to the townland relation
> to allow easy editing.
> Once that smaller list is compiled its a matter of going through them one
> by one and identifying the correct name whether that be in OSM, OSi,
> Loganim or the map sheet
> On 16 Feb 2017 12:37, "Rory McCann" <> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On 15/02/17 16:36, Brian Tuffy wrote:
> > > just to follow up on my own post, another way to tackle this is to
> take a
> > > look at Rory's Loganim import page on which I highly
> > recommend
> > > you take a look at.
> > >
> > >
> > > Each red x on these pages means that the loganim irish names tags are
> not
> > > in OSM for that place.
> > > As far as I know, they were automatically added for the places where
> the
> > > names in Loganim list matched those in OSM (or at least id's matched?).
> > So
> > > a red x can indicate that there is a spelling mismatch or the place is
> > > missing.
> > > It's a good place to start if you want to correct typo's in place
> names.
> >
> >
> > Minor point, that page doesn't look at the name, but at the
> > "logainm:ref" tag. If there's a "logainm:ref" tag, then it gets a green
> > tick, red X means no logainm:ref. That page is updated every morning.
> >
> > The (ongoing) Logainm data match up and import (wiki page[1], script
> > source code[2]), looks at the logainm:ref tag and added the name:ga tags
> > from logainm if needed. That script will also look at the name (or
> > name:en) tag and try to match it up to what's in logainm and set the
> > logainm:ref tag as appropriate. If there is a typo in the name (or OSM
> > and Logainm disagree about the name), then it won't be able to set the
> > logainm:ref tag, and hence there'll be a red X there.
> >
> > I'm going to run that script again this weekend at the Karlsruhe Hack
> > Weekend. Perhaps I will look at that OSi open data and try to find
> > places where OSM & OSi (and maybe Logainm!) disagree. We have ~60,000
> > townlands, maybe filtering that list down to smaller list of "possible
> > problems" will be easier.
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
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