Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-17 Thread Ken Guest
Email addresses for most school principals are available off the Dept. of
Education website (more specifically from ) - though I don't know if
contacting each school individually would be worthwhile.

I'd imagine it'd be rather time-consuming.


On 17 December 2016 at 18:56, Rory McCann  wrote:

> On 17/12/16 00:45, Dave Corley wrote:
> > Those tools look great. I'm especially interested in the map roulette
> > aspect as I see it being very useful in terms of us consuming government
> > data,  in particular where there has been a lot of mapping done already
> > i.e. Schools, Fire stations, libraries etc etc.
> MapRoulette is definitively something I can see us using.
> There used to be a web service designed for
> "merging" an external data source into OSM. It's from the people who
> make wheelmap. There's a short video from SoTM-EU 2014[1]. It's designed
> for these "imports" where there is already some mapped data.
> But it looks broken now and doesn't work. Shame
> [1]
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-17 Thread Rory McCann
On 17/12/16 00:45, Dave Corley wrote:
> Those tools look great. I'm especially interested in the map roulette
> aspect as I see it being very useful in terms of us consuming government
> data,  in particular where there has been a lot of mapping done already
> i.e. Schools, Fire stations, libraries etc etc.

MapRoulette is definitively something I can see us using.

There used to be a web service designed for
"merging" an external data source into OSM. It's from the people who
make wheelmap. There's a short video from SoTM-EU 2014[1]. It's designed
for these "imports" where there is already some mapped data.

But it looks broken now and doesn't work. Shame


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-17 Thread Rob Nickerson
>Would there be any meas in communicating with the schools to get them to
map themselves?

Comms and outreach is hard work. I did a lot on twitter and the blog
and found that this saps your time.

We had planned to do outreach to schools but I'm not sure anyone
managed this in the end. Maybe try to reach the education department.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Colm Donoghue
Would there be any meas in communicating with the schools to get them to
map themselves?

On 17 Dec 2016 12:35 a.m., "Rob Nickerson" 

> Hi Dave,
> I have the start/end numbers for Robert W's tool - these show that schools
> mapped as polygons increased from 62% to 75%.
> I also run a script that pulls back data from taginfo every day. The stats
> show periods when we appeared to go backwards - in reality this was because
> we were removing duplicates where schools had been mapped as both a way and
> a node. Quite amazingly Christian has done as much work post the project as
> the whole UK community did during the project. His tool enables the swift
> import of polygons (each one is checked manually) - perhaps showing that
> when you make it easy to bring in third party data you get more done! Here
> are the stats:
> XB_fi5ko2pM5Kc/edit#gid=1336142515
> p.s. Christian's tool is very much like MapRoulette but when you click edit
> it bring the geometry into the editor for you. All you need to do is
> confirm it and click save/upload. If you can get polygons, I'd suggest
> working with Christian to get a instance of his tool up and running. Use
> Robert W's tool as a progress tracker :-D
> p.p.s. Let me know if you want a script set up to get daily stats from
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Dave,

I have the start/end numbers for Robert W's tool - these show that schools
mapped as polygons increased from 62% to 75%.

I also run a script that pulls back data from taginfo every day. The stats
show periods when we appeared to go backwards - in reality this was because
we were removing duplicates where schools had been mapped as both a way and
a node. Quite amazingly Christian has done as much work post the project as
the whole UK community did during the project. His tool enables the swift
import of polygons (each one is checked manually) - perhaps showing that
when you make it easy to bring in third party data you get more done! Here
are the stats:

p.s. Christian's tool is very much like MapRoulette but when you click edit
it bring the geometry into the editor for you. All you need to do is
confirm it and click save/upload. If you can get polygons, I'd suggest
working with Christian to get a instance of his tool up and running. Use
Robert W's tool as a progress tracker :-D

p.p.s. Let me know if you want a script set up to get daily stats from

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Dave Corley

Thanks for that. I follow the gb mailing list too so watched your progress
with jealousy ;)

Those tools look great. I'm especially interested in the map roulette
aspect as I see it being very useful in terms of us consuming government
data,  in particular where there has been a lot of mapping done already
i.e. Schools, Fire stations, libraries etc etc.

Off the top of your head, do you know your start/end numbers and did any
tool account for a big jump in the numbers?


On 16 Dec 2016 18:11, "Rob Nickerson"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just spotted you are discussing mapping schools. Here in the UK we ran a
> quarterly project on schools which was very successful in terms of the
> number of people involved and the tools developed.
> As a starting point, check out the wiki page:
> Some notes:
>- We collected gov data for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
>Ireland - all point data.
>- Few mappers for Northern Ireland so there remains a lot to do there.
>- Some great tools to track progress were developed including Robert W's
>progress tool [1] Harry W's edits tracker [2]. Both, I'm sure would be
>happy to help in Ireland too.
>- Martijn helped us set up a MapRoulette challenge. It was a bit late in
>the quarter so most people had already found their prefered way of
> working.
>- Christian L developed a great tool [3], just a bit too late for our
>project. This used polygon data from the OS OpenData series.
> Give me a shout if you have any questions.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Rob Nickerson

I just spotted you are discussing mapping schools. Here in the UK we ran a
quarterly project on schools which was very successful in terms of the
number of people involved and the tools developed.

As a starting point, check out the wiki page:

Some notes:

   - We collected gov data for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
   Ireland - all point data.
   - Few mappers for Northern Ireland so there remains a lot to do there.
   - Some great tools to track progress were developed including Robert W's
   progress tool [1] Harry W's edits tracker [2]. Both, I'm sure would be
   happy to help in Ireland too.
   - Martijn helped us set up a MapRoulette challenge. It was a bit late in
   the quarter so most people had already found their prefered way of working.
   - Christian L developed a great tool [3], just a bit too late for our
   project. This used polygon data from the OS OpenData series.

Give me a shout if you have any questions.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools

2016-12-13 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

On 10/12/16 18:17, Cormac O Murchú wrote:
> Problem is they are centroids like Logaimn data and not polygons.
> They are also in ITM 75 format  which is not open data. Open data
> should come in an open format. Bulk converting these is trivial but
> that is not the point.
> Schools should be mapped as multipolygon areas as they have yards
> and pitches and parking attached.

Yep. We shouldn't just convert the points to nodes, and upload to JOSM.

However we can look at OSM where that point is, and see if there is a
school in OSM there, and if not, add it.

We can also use the data to add other data, like school names,
education level, religion etc.
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Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools

2016-12-10 Thread Cormac O Murchú
Problem is they are centroids like Logaimn data and not polygons. 


They are also in ITM 75 format  which is not open data. Open data should
come in an open format. Bulk converting these is trivial but that is not the


Schools should be mapped as multipolygon areas as they have yards and
pitches and parking attached. 


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools

2016-12-06 Thread Dave Corley
Hi all,

These might fill the need

If there are folks here with the skills, a schools mapping task could be
coordinated through maproulette.


On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Rory McCann  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/12/16 05:44, Colm Moore wrote:
> > Someone, it might have been Rory looked at geocoding all schools,
> > but the data available was, err, of poor quality.
> Yep, that was me. In February this year I looked into it[1]. I tried
> to geocode the addresses. But Irish addresses are very hard to
> geocode. Especially when the address is "St. Whatever School, Sneem,
> Co. Kerry".
> > have issues their (post-primary) schools report:
> > using data
> > from the Department of Education, so someone seems to have gone to
> > the effort of mapping them properly.
> The Dept of Education already has a webpage which has the location of
> schools[2]. I suspect Daft are using that. It's just that that page
> has no copyright information, which means it's "all rights reserved",
> and not usable for us in OSM. It's possible the location of the school
> is based off OSi maps or something.
> If someone wants to ask the Dept. Ed. to open that data, please go
> ahead! :)
> [1]
> [2]
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> csFJm6jmIljMwRlZy9ESRs4wj8OQywhvDQjNr6EIX9uCS5UQrJh4mdR370/cX/5C
> DkDO5w4tW5cuIV5E2wzG/J/dkEAqxqztyfZb/kZBAYF4wed+zwAvggtpnvl1UTKf
> 8RsclB+ljY7x0K1hpx+M/c2TEE778ADyx2mlnu52gwjs4n0IsVFoAI/mmrvXjWJU
> DlIiQeZMFxnrbUpWLC2SMS7zHETz6wjqQ6Yj3ASt5mrk7tKPyp+feAA4m/9IEsE5
> bHVKv64vuywV4+RtEb5ecRtxew/RKzRPJEljF9MRRIzX0TMnFkicYVK/bakhOFY=
> =BP8r
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools

2016-12-06 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

On 06/12/16 05:44, Colm Moore wrote:
> Someone, it might have been Rory looked at geocoding all schools,
> but the data available was, err, of poor quality.

Yep, that was me. In February this year I looked into it[1]. I tried
to geocode the addresses. But Irish addresses are very hard to
geocode. Especially when the address is "St. Whatever School, Sneem,
Co. Kerry".

> have issues their (post-primary) schools report:
> using data
> from the Department of Education, so someone seems to have gone to 
> the effort of mapping them properly.

The Dept of Education already has a webpage which has the location of
schools[2]. I suspect Daft are using that. It's just that that page
has no copyright information, which means it's "all rights reserved",
and not usable for us in OSM. It's possible the location of the school
is based off OSi maps or something.

If someone wants to ask the Dept. Ed. to open that data, please go
ahead! :)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools

2016-12-05 Thread Colm Moore

Someone, it might have been Rory looked at geocoding all schools, but the data 
available was, err, of poor quality. have issues their (post-primary) schools report: using data from the 
Department of Education, so someone seems to have gone to the effort of mapping 
them properly.

Ronan Lyons can be contacted at @ronanlyons or - 
I presume he would be able to point people in the right direction of a 
Department of Education person.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools mapping project: Update number ?

2016-02-22 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi all,

I've lost track of which update number we are on, but here are the latest
things from the UK Quarterly Project to map schools:

1. "Night School" event
To coincide with Open Data Day we are looking to hold an evening mapping
event. The aim being to get as many people involved for one evening as
possible. Date will most likely be Tuesday 1st March. It will be an online
event but if your local group wants to get together then go for it! Follow
the discussion at or post to

2. MapRoulette challenge
Martijn is woking on getting a maproulette challenge up online. I've
suggested we focus on our least mapped postcode regions. So that's BT
(Northern Ireland), NP, CF, SA, LD, SY, TF, OL, M, BL, WN, PR and BB.

3. 10,000 edits (and other stats)
Wow! We are getting close to 10,000 edits to amenity=school features.
Hopefully this will happen by Wednesday if we have a good few days. We're
also at over 250 mappers, 72.5% completeness (schools mapped as ways), and
around 2000 amenity=school ways have been added.

Happy mapping,
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update 3

2016-01-27 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

The Dept. of Education & Skills has a website where they have all the
schools location specified (
), but that lat/long data is not included in the downloadable schools
list and the copyright on it is not specified (i.e. it's 'all rights

So close!


On 27/01/16 01:23, Dave Corley wrote:
> I've been following the project with great interest but there's a
> number of limiting factors preventing us doing the same at the
> moment, specifically addressing (townland project fixes that) and
> location of the schools.
> The dept of ed here releases a monthly file with all schools info
> for the country but lacks location information.
> However, with the onset of open data in the government, there are a
> few options that will allow for combining datasets to get what we
> need.
> For example add * Dept of Education schools file (school data) To *
> Polling stations datasets (location data)
> Gives a combination of school info and location together.
> Sadly the polling station datasets are done at County council level
> and so far I've found only 2 released under cc-by.
> More will follow, but right now that's what is holding back
> something like this in the south.
> I've contacted the dept of education to ask for location data and
> was told no, with no elaboration. But that was a long while back.
> It might be worth chasing them up again
> Dave On 26 Jan 2016 23:55, "Rob Nickerson"
>  wrote:
>> Yes, it's a "quarterly project" to map schools. Just a bit of fun
>> started by the Mappa Mercia community in England. The aim is to
>> inspire a few people to map by giving them an idea of what to
>> help with. Hopefully we will inspire new mappers as well. I'm
>> sharing on talk-ie in case anyone wants to get involved either as
>> a mapper or by running an initiative to help attract new mappers
>> in your area. Many of our tools can also be generalised to
>> include Republic of Ireland if there is a desire for this.
>> The project is listed at 
>> And the progress tracker I was referring to is at 
>> Happy mapping *Rob* 
>> ___ Talk-ie mailing
>> list 
> ___ Talk-ie mailing
> list 
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update 3

2016-01-26 Thread Dave Corley
I've been following the project with great interest but there's a number of
limiting factors preventing us doing the same at the moment, specifically
addressing (townland project fixes that) and location of the schools.

The dept of ed here releases a monthly file with all schools info for the
country but lacks location information.

However, with the onset of open data in the government, there are a few
options that will allow for combining datasets to get what we need.

For example add
* Dept of Education schools file (school data)
* Polling stations datasets (location data)

Gives a combination of school info and location together.

Sadly the polling station datasets are done at County council level and so
far I've found only 2 released under cc-by.

More will follow, but right now that's what is holding back something like
this in the south.

I've contacted the dept of education to ask for location data and was told
no, with no elaboration. But that was a long while back. It might be worth
chasing them up again

On 26 Jan 2016 23:55, "Rob Nickerson"  wrote:

> Yes, it's a "quarterly project" to map schools. Just a bit of fun started
> by the Mappa Mercia community in England. The aim is to inspire a few
> people to map by giving them an idea of what to help with. Hopefully we
> will inspire new mappers as well. I'm sharing on talk-ie in case anyone
> wants to get involved either as a mapper or by running an initiative to
> help attract new mappers in your area. Many of our tools can also be
> generalised to include Republic of Ireland if there is a desire for this.
> The project is listed at
> And the progress tracker I was referring to is at
> Happy mapping
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update 3

2016-01-26 Thread Rob Nickerson
Yes, it's a "quarterly project" to map schools. Just a bit of fun started
by the Mappa Mercia community in England. The aim is to inspire a few
people to map by giving them an idea of what to help with. Hopefully we
will inspire new mappers as well. I'm sharing on talk-ie in case anyone
wants to get involved either as a mapper or by running an initiative to
help attract new mappers in your area. Many of our tools can also be
generalised to include Republic of Ireland if there is a desire for this.

The project is listed at

And the progress tracker I was referring to is at

Happy mapping
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update 3

2016-01-26 Thread Killyfole and District Development Association
On Tuesday 26 January 2016 19:38:36 Rob Nickerson wrote:
> 6. Northern Ireland still needs some work
> If you map in Northern Ireland and want to get involved please do. Each
> extra school mapped there will help lift it off the bottom of the tracker.
> We can also look at doing some initiatives in NI if the local community
> want this. Let us know

Hi Rob,

Its this some kind of project?

Lift it off the bottom of what tracker?

Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update 3

2016-01-26 Thread Rob Nickerson
A third update on the quarterly project.

0. The what project?

1. Open Data Manchester
Following a tweet Open Data Manchester have asked whether anyone can go and
show them how to map. Looks like their next meeting is Monday February 1st,
6.30 – 8.30pm. Any volunteers?

2. Edits continue at pace.
For those adding #OSMSchools to their changeset comments (sorry no way to
go back and add it if you forget) we reached a high of 258 changesets on
18th Jan. The map is starting to look well covered (although some gaps
missingso please continue to use this in your changesets). See

3. 175 people have done 5351 edits
Amazing numbers measured by Harry's tracker. Looks like Uganda has joined
the project too. It would be great if someone could turn the CSV linked
data at the bottom of the tracker into a daily chart. See

4. HS and ZE are 100% complete!
Wow! The HS (Outer Hebrides) and ZE (Lerwick) postcodes are complete.
Thanks go to OpenStreetMapper seumas. Many other postcodes (with more
schools within them ;-) ) are close to this now too

5. Nodes converted to ways
Following lot's of data clean up we are nearing 80% of schools mapped as
land areas rather than simple points. We should hit this in the next couple
of days.

6. Northern Ireland still needs some work
If you map in Northern Ireland and want to get involved please do. Each
extra school mapped there will help lift it off the bottom of the tracker.
We can also look at doing some initiatives in NI if the local community
want this. Let us know :-)

7. Blogs and video
Please keep up the blogging and tweeting. It would be great if we could
attract some new mappers (a how to map schools video would be great if you
have time to do this). If you don't run a blog then I can let you post to

Happy mapping
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update

2016-01-12 Thread Rob Nickerson

Robert W's comparison tool now includes schools in Northern Ireland. Looks
like it could do with some work as current progress is at 18.8%.

Comparison tool:
More info:
Tag for including official reference numbers: ref:deniirn=* (note the
double i - stands for Department for Education Northern Ireland -
Institution Ref Number).


On 12 January 2016 at 22:01, Rob Nickerson 

> Hi all,
> > Cross post to talk-ie (we are working on a quarterly project to map
> schools - feel free to join (see item 3 below).
> A few updates for the schools mapping project. As always there is also the
> page on the wiki for quick reference (
> ).

> 3. Northern Ireland data
> I have downloaded a snapshot of Northern Ireland "schools plus" data from
> 2016-01-12 and asked Robert to add it to his comparison tool.
> Source: (go to the schools
> plus site, click the "All institutions" button followed by the export link
> on the left). It includes items in "schools" and "non-schools" grouping as
> set out at If
> you want a copy of my pre-processed data then let me know.
> Happy mapping
> *Rob*
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Schools project - update

2016-01-12 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi all,

> Cross post to talk-ie (we are working on a quarterly project to map
schools - feel free to join (see item 3 below).

A few updates for the schools mapping project. As always there is also the
page on the wiki for quick reference ( ).

0. Changeset comments
Don't forget to add #OSMschools to your changeset comments. I will ask
Pascal Neis for an updated "Who's contributing" dataset next week.

1. Calling all video tutorial experts
I've put out a call on Mappa Mercia's twitter (and now here) asking for
someone to create a very short "How to map schools in iD" video. I think
this will help with engaging new communities so if you feel up to the task
give me a shout :-)

2. Robert's data by postcode.
Robert W has updated his comparison site to enable you to download the
schools by postcode data as a geojson. Example download URL is:

Once downloaded, open the file, delete the first line ("var matched = ")
and save.

3. Northern Ireland data
I have downloaded a snapshot of Northern Ireland "schools plus" data from
2016-01-12 and asked Robert to add it to his comparison tool.

Source: (go to the schools
plus site, click the "All institutions" button followed by the export link
on the left). It includes items in "schools" and "non-schools" grouping as
set out at If
you want a copy of my pre-processed data then let me know.

4. Isle of Man data
This is online if anyone wants it. Given it is a smaller community I would
prefer to encourage them to add it to the map. The video tutorial will help
here :-) Data at:

5. ITO World map of schools
This map is mainly useful for OpenStreetMap contributors who want to ensure
that they collect names for all schools in an area. View it at

Happy mapping
Talk-ie mailing list