Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Using CC-BY datasets on for OSM - Good to go :)

2016-12-08 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

On 07/12/16 10:05, Rory McCann wrote:
> On 07/12/16 03:33, Dave Corley wrote:
>> I've received clarification that while the CC-BY 4.0 license is 
>> not suitable for merging with OSM
> Not quite. The problem is that CC-BY 4.0 on it's own is vague and
> may or may not be suitable for OSM.

I might have jumped the gun here. Dave is right. There are possible
concerns with CC-BY 4.0 What I wrote about attribution is relevant for
CC-BY 1, 2, 3 and 4. But 4 has some additional, possible problems.

You can read more on the legal-talk@ thread here:
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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Using CC-BY datasets on for OSM - Good to go :)

2016-12-07 Thread Donal Diamond
Thats fantastic - thanks for working on this.

I have a viewer of OS and OSNI boundary data here:


On 7 December 2016 at 09:05, Rory McCann  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Dave!
> Some great work there!
> On 07/12/16 03:33, Dave Corley wrote:
> > I've received clarification that while the CC-BY 4.0 license is
> > not suitable for merging with OSM
> Not quite. The problem is that CC-BY 4.0 on it's own is vague and may
> or may not be suitable for OSM.
> It's the "attribution" requirement. Section 3(a)(1)(A) of the CC-BY
> 4.0 licence[1] covers that and says that you need to attribute them
> "in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor". So the Licensor
> is allowed pick how you attribute them.
> If someone were to say "You have to put my/our name on every map you
> make based on that" that would be a problem for OSM. (a) It's wildly
> impractical because there's be thousands of them on every little map
> and (b) the OSM licence doesn't/can't require that users-of-OSM have
> to do that, so it's not even something "we" can require.
> If someone were to say "Yeah, the OSM Contributors wikipage[2] is
> totally fine for the BY requirement!" then we'd be all set for OSM usage!
> In a way, just saying "It's CC-BY!" isn't really open data, since it
> leaves some important conditions unset. However most users of CC data
> (e.g. films, art) don't have this problem.
> However, I think we're golden, because the licence page[3]
> says if using data from many people you can link to a page which lists
> the attribution. OSM has ~1 million contributiors (so
> that's the "multiple sources" covered), and you have to link to the
> OSM copyright page[4] which links to the OSM Contributors page[2].
> So according to the, and OSM licence, we can import
> CC-BY 4.0 stuff into OSM! \o/
> Now if OSM were to change it's licence again, we might be in problem.
> But no-one wants to go through that again. But that hasn't stopped
> anyone before.
> So thanks Dave, but looks like it was all OK from the start. Ah
> well, at least they know about us.
> > the granting of explicit permission to use CC-BY 4.0 datasets by
> > the relevant owner is allowed.
> In theory, this is true of any closed dataset. Anyone can say "100%
> closed copyright, all rights reserved, except OSM, yous can trace".
> Just like the Bing aerial imagery.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJYR9D0AAoJEOrWdmeZivv2JYcH/ikirdyJPmd8EDmzM0OoI0yD
> TphjnQlZYTSmi7k1TgMIBebbgKSSOn3HPVulPnFZiDGyK7w0WrCQJ+gXken4OZMy
> RKSpl/2m+vNv7atXXIH0Q76ErnMb2l9fz9vJGK13Sydweuuu5my3Uc1v+cskL5CV
> bZXGbY3ZtWQkK/i8iOUnY8l5lICrW8WH42YI04j7DS/z8ovIKNcO7gX6tB8EHQ2G
> al9bLNwyP2NwTyJe5iEeI3G1G4Fh7LQBR+7DFZvJeSJluA1ARqjh+GXHJ4owpzU8
> 2ioJN7Bv6xGdnQZM3lhn9HD3vSUs1GAg+W+kTLV/hv16FfoO1OKXjNYT/MpqBTc=
> =IrDX
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Using CC-BY datasets on for OSM - Good to go :)

2016-12-07 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

Hi Dave!

Some great work there!

On 07/12/16 03:33, Dave Corley wrote:
> I've received clarification that while the CC-BY 4.0 license is
> not suitable for merging with OSM

Not quite. The problem is that CC-BY 4.0 on it's own is vague and may
or may not be suitable for OSM.

It's the "attribution" requirement. Section 3(a)(1)(A) of the CC-BY
4.0 licence[1] covers that and says that you need to attribute them
"in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor". So the Licensor
is allowed pick how you attribute them.

If someone were to say "You have to put my/our name on every map you
make based on that" that would be a problem for OSM. (a) It's wildly
impractical because there's be thousands of them on every little map
and (b) the OSM licence doesn't/can't require that users-of-OSM have
to do that, so it's not even something "we" can require.

If someone were to say "Yeah, the OSM Contributors wikipage[2] is
totally fine for the BY requirement!" then we'd be all set for OSM usage!

In a way, just saying "It's CC-BY!" isn't really open data, since it
leaves some important conditions unset. However most users of CC data
(e.g. films, art) don't have this problem.

However, I think we're golden, because the licence page[3]
says if using data from many people you can link to a page which lists
the attribution. OSM has ~1 million contributiors (so
that's the "multiple sources" covered), and you have to link to the
OSM copyright page[4] which links to the OSM Contributors page[2].

So according to the, and OSM licence, we can import CC-BY 4.0 stuff into OSM! \o/

Now if OSM were to change it's licence again, we might be in problem.
But no-one wants to go through that again. But that hasn't stopped
anyone before.

So thanks Dave, but looks like it was all OK from the start. Ah
well, at least they know about us.

> the granting of explicit permission to use CC-BY 4.0 datasets by
> the relevant owner is allowed.

In theory, this is true of any closed dataset. Anyone can say "100%
closed copyright, all rights reserved, except OSM, yous can trace".
Just like the Bing aerial imagery.


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Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Using CC-BY datasets on for OSM - Good to go :)

2016-12-06 Thread Dave Corley

I've received clarification that while the CC-BY 4.0 license is not
suitable for merging with OSM, the granting of explicit permission to use
CC-BY 4.0 datasets by the relevant owner is allowed.

I have gotten that explicit permission for all datasets contained on (over 4,500 datasets). A PDF of the email permission will be
saved on the wiki later this evening.

Note, this ONLY covers datasets under CC-BY 4.0. There are a handful of
datasets under other licences on that site so be aware of this when
selecting a dataset.

So, whats next?

Basically, everyone is free to start trawling through that site for any
datasets that might be of use to us, however, there are some existing
guidelines and requirements if anyone is looking to do any imports [1].

With this in mind, and to ensure some kind of coordination and logical
approach (agreed tagging etc), I threw together a wiki page [2] as a
central spot to list any datasets that are potential options. I've tried to
keep it simple on that page so there should not be much of a burden on any
one person while gathering a min amount of info about each dataset. Any
dataset that looks like it might be useful to us should get put up onto
that page. I've thrown up a good few as a start to give an idea of what is
available. If anyone is interested in reviewing these, how I'm doing it is
going in alphabetical order of the publishers (link at the top of the site)
and reviewing everything under a publisher before moving on to the next
one. You can see the last one I checked (at the moment Cork City Council)
on the wiki page as its the most recent dataset listed.

When reviewing potential datasets, something to keep in mind is that while
one dataset might look midly interesting, it may contain a goldmine of
additional data as part of additional attribute info. One example of this
is where a dataset containing locations of street lamps might seem a bit
over the top to import, the raw data may also contain street names and
other valuable data so be sure to dig into the attribute data before
dismissing a potential source.

From that page, we can discuss each dataset as we work through them i.e.
some may be suitable for doing automated style imports, others may be
purely manual while others still might involve a hybrid approach e.g.
maproulette/layers etc. Once agreed, each will get its own import page, see
[3] as an example. Once completed, each one will also get listed under the
Ireland section of the contributors page [4].

As regards issues that may come up, please feed them back to the mailing
list. This includes data quality, licencing, data errors, formats, corrupt
sources etc etc. The reason I want to collect this particular information
is, after speaking with Denis Parfenov, a board member of the Open Data
Governance Board, the board is looking for OSM Ireland to come and present
to the ODGB in early 2017 on our experiences in using the data, what more
we want and anything else that may seem relevant. [5]  Once its closer to
the time I'll be putting together a presentation and looking for feedback
from this list.

Looking forward to seeing what opportunities this brings.


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