Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass API v0.7.50 almost done

2014-06-08 Thread Simone Cortesi
On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
 Dear all,

 first of all a big thank you to all who have contributed to the SSD funding
 or to the general FOSSGIS funding for Overpass API.

 I will publish before SotM-EU 2014 a new stable Overpass API release, the
 first since about a year. To avoid confusion, I would like to sketch what it
 does and what it doesn't and how this relates to the running service.

 A proper documentation will be written along with the workshop slides for
 the SotM-EU.

thanks for all of you continued work on Overpass, it is an invaluable
resource for most of us.



talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Canadian OSM POI quality

2014-06-08 Thread Paul Norman

I was curious how complete OpenStreetMap shop data was, so decided to
do an analysis for some Canadian chains.

The results were mixed. Starting with a Canada extract, I processed the
data into PostGIS and ran queries against name, brand and franchise for
objects where amenity, office or shop was null. Brands which have recently
changed names (e.g. Zellers/Target) were avoided.

OSM completeness varied from 7% to 81%, with no overwhelming trends. The
four major fast food and restaurants chains considered ranged from 33%
to 51%. Shops opening and closing change the accuracy of these results,
and the accuracy of the external sources for number of shops may be


The geofabrik extract for Canada was imported with osm2pgsql with a
custom .style file containing name, operator, brand, franchise, amenity,
building, office and shop columns. The last four columns caused an object
to be placed in the polygon table. After import, the tables were filtered
to remove rows where there was not an amenity, office, or shop tag.
Appropriate indexes were added. A view was created combining the two
tables and giving lower-case versions of the name, operator, brand and
franchise tags.

Queries of the following form were run
WHERE lname LIKE :'name' OR lbrand LIKE :'name'
  OR lfranchise LIKE :'name';

:'name' was substituted in by psql for what I was searching for. For
example, 'mcdonald%' for McDonald's. The queries used were intended to
catch all possible shops even if it resulted in false positives. Brand
selection was not done in any systematic manner.

Public sources were used for the true number of shops of a particular
chain, generally Wikipedia or public data aggregators.

   OSM   True   Completenmess
Tim Horton's  1480   4304   34%
Subway 849   2563   33%
McDonalds  722   1417   51%
Starbucks  592   1363   43%
Both OSM and Google use both Starbucks and Starbucks Coffee
A  W  292800   37%
Domino's67383   17%
Wendy's224369   61%
Burger King150281   53%
East Side Mario's   46 85   54%
Milestones  32 44   73%
Chili's 10 16   63%

Sears  105   15707%
Rona   122500   24%
The Bay 50421   12%
Walmart265382   69%
Home Depot  95180   53%

Canadian Tire  400491   81%
May be double-counting automative centers.
Chapters47233   20%
Sleep Country   22179   12%
London Drugs54 78   69%
May be double-counting some stores with a pharmacy inside


It took significantly longer to find the true number of stores than
to get results from the OSM data. Part of this is my increased familiarity
with OSM tools, but a large part is that it is not necessary to track
down many different sources to get store counts.

Although no urban/rural analysis was performed, it is generally expected
that OSM is more complete in populated urban areas than low-density rural
areas, and completeness in these urban areas are often more important
for many uses.

No proprietary data sources were available for comparison, but it should
not be assumed that they are any more complete, nor that their name or
similar tagging is any more consistent. As an example, Google's data was
observed to use both Starbucks and Starbucks Coffee for the coffee
chain, sometimes having both for what was really the same location.

The tools used to generate counts could easily be used to extract the
shop data to work with.

Improving the data
Inconsistent tagging was observed with some shops, such as variability
between amenity=restaurant and amenity=fast_food. This should reflect
differences between locations but may not. Inconsistent names were also
observed, such as Walmart, Wal-mart, and Wal Mart. These issues
are not as significant as the large percentage of missing shops.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] gpsbabel and osm ( file)

2014-06-08 Thread Roman Neumüller

Hi folks,

Recently I noticed that gpsbabel still uses version='0.5' string in its (1).
Latest josm for example complains now when it does not find version='0.6'  

I told gpsbabel about it in their mailing list (2).
Today I got a reply (3):

We don't really use the OSM API; we just read and write OSM XML files. 
The doc you cite doesn't appear to be relevant to our use.

If 0.5 and 0.6 are different in some incompatible way, we need  
informationon what to change, sample files, etc. I don't think we  
haveany active OSMusers on our lists, so if you're interested in making  
better, you can advance things. If it's been broken since 2009 and you're 
the first to notice, we should probably drop it as it's received only 
mechanical changes since 2008. The first step will be to identify the  
needed changes.
If you're ready to tackle it, the OSM code is a little grubby, but you  
can see it at

I wrote back

Well, all programs using .osm files understand version='0.6' now but
some programs (like well-known josm) complain now when trying to
open a file with version='0.5' string.

and reply on that

I just committed the change, but I've A) marked OSM for deprecationsince  
you're apparently the only one that's used it in five yeras andB) find  
gratuitous, pointlessly incompatible changes silly.

I use gpsbabel not very often and don't know about other osm users but
there might be some .cc developpers which might want to check their code  



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Edição destrutiva em BH

2014-06-08 Thread Gerson Barcelos
Obrigado Arlindo,eu não tenho como verificar como estava o mapa antes da
minha edição,o que pretendo fazer é acrescentar ao mapa semáforos e
travessias para pedestre,nos cruzamentos onde fiz alterações.
Ob: encontrei a solução para evitar estes problemas, ativei a opção ver
ícones de nós no vespucci.



Não se preocupe. Todos podemos cometer erros, novatos ou experientes. Tenha
certeza que você contribuiu muito mais que eventualmente tenha prejudicado
com esse engano.

Abraços e feliz mapeamento! =)

Em 07/06/2014 13:13, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Antes de mais nada,quero tornar público,o meu pedido de desculpas aos
 mapeadores e usuários do OSM,pelos possiveis transtornos por mim causados
 com edições que fiz,nas quais apaguei linhas e pontos,com a intenção única
 e exclusiva de melhorar o cálculo de rotas para veículos automotores,me
 esquecendo que a proposta do OSM vai muito além disso,porém prometo que me
 empenharei ao máximo para reverter a situação;a descoberta dos erros só foi
 possível graças a uma conversa com o Fernando Trebien para esclarecer
 dúvidas sobre restrição de manobra ,onde constatamos que a imagem captada
 pelo VESPUCCI (ferramenta que uso para editar) não contêm informações
 detalhadas dos pontos que representam as travessia para pedestres e
 semáforos,o que é perfeitamente visível nas imagens geradas pelo JOSM,por
 este motivo é bem provável,que eu tenha exluido do mapa rotas de ônibus,
 faixas de pedestres e semáforos,se alguém tiver disponibilidade de
 colaborar comigo na reversão,as edições em questão estão representas no
 site do OSM por comentários do tipo;corrigindo o traçado da via,apagando
 linhas e nós,corrigindo ou ajustando o cruzamento,no mais gradeço a todos
 pela compreensão.

 Me senti na obrigação de publicar este texto por entender,que se não o
 fizesse estaria traindo a confiança dos membros desta lista que me
 incentivaram e a todos que de uma foma direta ou indireta estão sempre
 contribuíndo com informações sobre edição e uso OSM.

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Edição deformativa

2014-06-08 Thread Erick de Oliveira Leal
Em Valparaíso-GO, estas duas vias:, estão com formas
deformadas. O changeset que possivelmente as deformou foi este:

Alguém poderia ver se é isto mesmo, e se for o caso, fazer uma reversão?

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Edição destrutiva em BH

2014-06-08 Thread Wallace Silva
Gerson, os benefícios que você tem contribuído são maiores que os
problemas. Como você é taxista no local vai poder acrescentar os semáforos
facilmente e atualizados..

Em 8 de junho de 2014 10:25, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Obrigado Arlindo,eu não tenho como verificar como estava o mapa antes da
 minha edição,o que pretendo fazer é acrescentar ao mapa semáforos e
 travessias para pedestre,nos cruzamentos onde fiz alterações.
 Ob: encontrei a solução para evitar estes problemas, ativei a opção ver
 ícones de nós no vespucci.



 Não se preocupe. Todos podemos cometer erros, novatos ou experientes.
 Tenha certeza que você contribuiu muito mais que eventualmente tenha
 prejudicado com esse engano.

 Abraços e feliz mapeamento! =)

 Em 07/06/2014 13:13, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Antes de mais nada,quero tornar público,o meu pedido de desculpas aos
 mapeadores e usuários do OSM,pelos possiveis transtornos por mim causados
 com edições que fiz,nas quais apaguei linhas e pontos,com a intenção única
 e exclusiva de melhorar o cálculo de rotas para veículos automotores,me
 esquecendo que a proposta do OSM vai muito além disso,porém prometo que me
 empenharei ao máximo para reverter a situação;a descoberta dos erros só foi
 possível graças a uma conversa com o Fernando Trebien para esclarecer
 dúvidas sobre restrição de manobra ,onde constatamos que a imagem captada
 pelo VESPUCCI (ferramenta que uso para editar) não contêm informações
 detalhadas dos pontos que representam as travessia para pedestres e
 semáforos,o que é perfeitamente visível nas imagens geradas pelo JOSM,por
 este motivo é bem provável,que eu tenha exluido do mapa rotas de ônibus,
 faixas de pedestres e semáforos,se alguém tiver disponibilidade de
 colaborar comigo na reversão,as edições em questão estão representas no
 site do OSM por comentários do tipo;corrigindo o traçado da via,apagando
 linhas e nós,corrigindo ou ajustando o cruzamento,no mais gradeço a todos
 pela compreensão.

 Me senti na obrigação de publicar este texto por entender,que se não o
 fizesse estaria traindo a confiança dos membros desta lista que me
 incentivaram e a todos que de uma foma direta ou indireta estão sempre
 contribuíndo com informações sobre edição e uso OSM.

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Cordeiro de Deus que tira os pecados do mundo, tenha piedade de nós...
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Edição destrutiva em BH

2014-06-08 Thread Gerson Barcelos
valeu Wallace
Em 08/06/2014 17:16, Wallace Silva escreveu:

 Gerson, os benefícios que você tem contribuído são maiores que os
problemas. Como você é taxista no local vai poder acrescentar os semáforos
facilmente e atualizados..

 Em 8 de junho de 2014 10:25, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Obrigado Arlindo,eu não tenho como verificar como estava o mapa antes da
minha edição,o que pretendo fazer é acrescentar ao mapa semáforos e
travessias para pedestre,nos cruzamentos onde fiz alterações.
 Ob: encontrei a solução para evitar estes problemas, ativei a opção ver
ícones de nós no vespucci.



 Não se preocupe. Todos podemos cometer erros, novatos ou experientes.
Tenha certeza que você contribuiu muito mais que eventualmente tenha
prejudicado com esse engano.

 Abraços e feliz mapeamento! =)


 Em 07/06/2014 13:13, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Antes de mais nada,quero tornar público,o meu pedido de desculpas aos
mapeadores e usuários do OSM,pelos possiveis transtornos por mim causados
com edições que fiz,nas quais apaguei linhas e pontos,com a intenção única
e exclusiva de melhorar o cálculo de rotas para veículos automotores,me
esquecendo que a proposta do OSM vai muito além disso,porém prometo que me
empenharei ao máximo para reverter a situação;a descoberta dos erros só foi
possível graças a uma conversa com o Fernando Trebien para esclarecer
dúvidas sobre restrição de manobra ,onde constatamos que a imagem captada
pelo VESPUCCI (ferramenta que uso para editar) não contêm informações
detalhadas dos pontos que representam as travessia para pedestres e
semáforos,o que é perfeitamente visível nas imagens geradas pelo JOSM,por
este motivo é bem provável,que eu tenha exluido do mapa rotas de ônibus,
faixas de pedestres e semáforos,se alguém tiver disponibilidade de
colaborar comigo na reversão,as edições em questão estão representas no
site do OSM por comentários do tipo;corrigindo o traçado da via,apagando
linhas e nós,corrigindo ou ajustando o cruzamento,no mais gradeço a todos
pela compreensão.

 Me senti na obrigação de publicar este texto por entender,que se não o
fizesse estaria traindo a confiança dos membros desta lista que me
incentivaram e a todos que de uma foma direta ou indireta estão sempre
contribuíndo com informações sobre edição e uso OSM.

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Cordeiro de Deus que tira os pecados do mundo, tenha piedade de nós...

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Novos kits de compilação Garmin

2014-06-08 Thread Paulo Carvalho

Foram disponibilizadas novas versões dos kits de compilação de mapas
Garmin com muitos pedidos de melhorias atendidos:

   - Colocado --link-pois-to-ways como opção de compilação para evitar que
   vias com barreiras sejam usadas no roteamento;
   - Grafia correta do nome do projeto OpenStreetMap no texto do copyright;
   - Corrigida uma ordem de definição de variáveis que estava fazendo
   algumas variáveis ficarem em branco ou com valor incompleto;
   - As opções --country-abbr=BRA e --country-name=Brasil, iguais para
   todos os mapas, estavam sendo redefinidas localmente;
   - Os arquivos gerados não têm mais nomes com espaços em branco;
   - Removida duplicação da biblioteca osmpbf.jar na pasta requisitos;
   - Incluída regra em \requisitos\cocar_style_file\polygons para dar
   suporte a postos formatados como polígonos, para os quais não estavam sendo
   gerados os POIs correspondentes;
   - Os limites administrativos dos níveis 3, 5, 6, 7 e 9 não estão mais
   sendo incluídos. Além de não suportados pelo formato Garmin, eles estavam
   deixando o preprocessamento de limites administrativos mais pesado. Os
   limites aproveitáveis para Garmin são os de níveis 2(país), 4(estado),
   8(município) e 10(bairro);
   - A configuração de arquivo TYP default passa a ser em branco, para usar
   o TYP default provido pelo compilador, que proporciona modo noturo. Os TYPs
   atualmente fornecidos com o kit não têm modo noturno, o que incomoda os
   motoristas usando os mapas à noite com o excesso de brilho na tela do GPS;
   - A product version tal como registrada no IMG segue o padrão AA.MM
   (ano.mês) ao invés de MMDD;
   - O padrão de nome do mapa do Brasil (CR-BR) segue AA.MM ao invés de
   MMDD mais adequado aos conjuntos estaduais;
   - Quando o kit atualiza o mapa-base local brazil-latest.osm.pbf, uma
   cópia da versão antes da atualização passa a ser salva com o nome de
   brazil-anterior.osm.pbf para facilitar os testes;
   - Corrigido o problema de alguns locais constarem SEM ESTADO como
   unidade federativa;
   - Os estados aparecem com suas siglas, nos resultados das buscas;
   - Há agora um .BAT separado, mais simples, somente para compilar o mapa
   do Brasil.


Paulo Carvalho
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-de] Mailinglisten

2014-06-08 Thread Thorsten Alge
*Hallo Liste,

ich würde für mich und andere Mapper der Region Harz gerne eine
Mailingliste nutzen. Ich habe die Wiki-Seite[1] dazu gelesen und die die
Listenverwalter angeschrieben. Leider erhalte ich keine Antwort. Auch
nach einer weiteren Mail zwei Wochen später habe ich wiederholt keine
Antwort erhalten. Ist die E-Mail Adresse
noch aktuell? An wen kann man sich wenden?




Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-in] Societal GIS

2014-06-08 Thread Ravi Kumar
On a summer jaunt at Ooty tried OsmAnd and GpsEssentials for doing some 
societal GIS.
Found the Android apps quite good and accurate. Environmentalists and Osmmers 
alike can chipin
to make tourism more eco-friendly and heritage oriented.
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Civici FVG

2014-06-08 Thread Cristian Consonni
(Semi OT)
Ci sono anche delle belle mappe del 1923, anche georiferite[*].



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] violazione a Pavia

2014-06-08 Thread Simone Cortesi
ho mandato anche questo:

e forse ho trovato una mail.

2014-06-05 10:45 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi
 Nuova violazione OSM a Pavia.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Simone Cortesi
 Date: 2014-06-05 10:41 GMT+02:00
 Subject: violazione

 ho trovato il vostro contatto sul sito [0]

 Scrivo per segnalarvi la violazione da parte vostra del diritto
 d'autore del progetto OpenStreetMap:

 in zona Francana - a Pavia, è stato trovato un cartello informativo su
 cui è raffigurata la seguente mappa copiata
 in maniera inequivocabile da OpenStreetMap, come si può notare qui [1]

 I nostri termini d'uso permettono sì il riutilizzo commerciale, ma
 obblgano a citare la fonte in qualunque visualizzazione pubblica della
 mappa [2], quindi nel caso in esame DEVE essere evidente la
 provenienza dell'immagine.

 Attendo una vostra risposta con proposta di azione correttiva sulla

 Simone Cortesi




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] e-Motion Bike Sharing Trentino

2014-06-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA256

Il 08/06/2014 15:27, Matteo Quatrida ha scritto:
 non c'è verso di fargli adottare OSM [1], vero?
 Buona domenica a tutti.
 PS. Com'è andata a Vervò? Qualcuno c'è stato?
 ​[1]: ​​ *​*
 *Matteo Quatrida*

Hai già mandato una Email?

- -- 
Simone Girardelli
Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

[Talk-ca] Canadian OSM POI quality

2014-06-08 Thread Paul Norman

I was curious how complete OpenStreetMap shop data was, so decided to
do an analysis for some Canadian chains.

The results were mixed. Starting with a Canada extract, I processed the
data into PostGIS and ran queries against name, brand and franchise for
objects where amenity, office or shop was null. Brands which have recently
changed names (e.g. Zellers/Target) were avoided.

OSM completeness varied from 7% to 81%, with no overwhelming trends. The
four major fast food and restaurants chains considered ranged from 33%
to 51%. Shops opening and closing change the accuracy of these results,
and the accuracy of the external sources for number of shops may be


The geofabrik extract for Canada was imported with osm2pgsql with a
custom .style file containing name, operator, brand, franchise, amenity,
building, office and shop columns. The last four columns caused an object
to be placed in the polygon table. After import, the tables were filtered
to remove rows where there was not an amenity, office, or shop tag.
Appropriate indexes were added. A view was created combining the two
tables and giving lower-case versions of the name, operator, brand and
franchise tags.

Queries of the following form were run
WHERE lname LIKE :'name' OR lbrand LIKE :'name'
  OR lfranchise LIKE :'name';

:'name' was substituted in by psql for what I was searching for. For
example, 'mcdonald%' for McDonald's. The queries used were intended to
catch all possible shops even if it resulted in false positives. Brand
selection was not done in any systematic manner.

Public sources were used for the true number of shops of a particular
chain, generally Wikipedia or public data aggregators.

   OSM   True   Completenmess
Tim Horton's  1480   4304   34%
Subway 849   2563   33%
McDonalds  722   1417   51%
Starbucks  592   1363   43%
Both OSM and Google use both Starbucks and Starbucks Coffee
A  W  292800   37%
Domino's67383   17%
Wendy's224369   61%
Burger King150281   53%
East Side Mario's   46 85   54%
Milestones  32 44   73%
Chili's 10 16   63%

Sears  105   15707%
Rona   122500   24%
The Bay 50421   12%
Walmart265382   69%
Home Depot  95180   53%

Canadian Tire  400491   81%
May be double-counting automative centers.
Chapters47233   20%
Sleep Country   22179   12%
London Drugs54 78   69%
May be double-counting some stores with a pharmacy inside


It took significantly longer to find the true number of stores than
to get results from the OSM data. Part of this is my increased familiarity
with OSM tools, but a large part is that it is not necessary to track
down many different sources to get store counts.

Although no urban/rural analysis was performed, it is generally expected
that OSM is more complete in populated urban areas than low-density rural
areas, and completeness in these urban areas are often more important
for many uses.

No proprietary data sources were available for comparison, but it should
not be assumed that they are any more complete, nor that their name or
similar tagging is any more consistent. As an example, Google's data was
observed to use both Starbucks and Starbucks Coffee for the coffee
chain, sometimes having both for what was really the same location.

The tools used to generate counts could easily be used to extract the
shop data to work with.

Improving the data
Inconsistent tagging was observed with some shops, such as variability
between amenity=restaurant and amenity=fast_food. This should reflect
differences between locations but may not. Inconsistent names were also
observed, such as Walmart, Wal-mart, and Wal Mart. These issues
are not as significant as the large percentage of missing shops.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Geoinformatics FCE CTU 2014

2014-06-08 Thread Martin Landa
Mila OSM komunito,

Dne 15. května 2014 14:31 Martin Landa napsal(a):
 timto rad oznamuji, ze i tento rok budeme pokracovat v tradici zapocte
 jiz v roce 2006. Konference Geoinformatics [1] na Fakulte stavebni
 CVUT v Praze se tento rok bude konat

ve dnech 12.6. a 13.6.

 Letosni rocnik neplanujeme zvat zahranicni hosty (vyjma Slovenska),
 jazykem konference tedy bude *cestina*.

sekce RUIAN+OSM vychazi na ctvrtek [1]. Doufam, ze vas program zaujme
a dorazite v hojnem poctu nejen ve ctvrtek :-)

Budu se tesit, Martin


PS: V pripade potreby muzeme zajit i mistnost pro pripadny

Martin Landa *

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Překlad wiki castle_type (a značení tvrze)

2014-06-08 Thread Karel Volný

zdar a sílu,

 přeložil jsem aktualizovanou stránku
 s rozlišením typu hrad/zámek/pevnost atd.

dík moc

 A doplnil jsem tam i kousek o dříve debatovaném značení tvrze.
 Tak si to prosím přečtěte případně vzneste připomínky.

já pořád nevím, jak moc je to srozumitelné pro anglofonní kolegy, a případně 
jak dobře naše realita koresponduje s jejich představou o významu toho pojmu

laicky, resp. tedy po tom zkoumání zdrojů a diskusích, mi fortified_manor 
přijde fajn pro vesnické tvrze, ale pro ty terénní (nebo jak to říci) bych 
raději volil motte(_and_bailey)

jaký je postup, kdybychom to chtěli nějak probrat a zlegalizovat? - koukal 
jsem na stránku o proposals, ale to řeší zavádění nových tagů, nikoli hodnoty 
existujících ... nebo jsem něco přehlídnul?


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WMS mapa

2014-06-08 Thread Petr Holub

 Vidím tam dvakrát service=WMS a taky request. Když to vyhodím, tak se mi to v 
 prohlížeči zobrazí, ale
 JOSM se to pořád nelíbí:
 CHYBA: java.lang.Exception: Inconsistent metadata read from stream
 Image couldn't be fetched:
 55,18.3707243,49.6628456. Přičina: javax.imageio.IIOException: Inconsistent 
 metadata read from stream
 java.lang.Exception: Inconsistent metadata read from stream
 Image couldn't be fetched:
 Co s tím dál netuším, ale dle krátkého googlení to klidně může být i chyba v 
 moji verzi javy a jinde
 to může fungovat.

jednoduchy workaround, na ktery jsem prisel, je FORMAT=image/jpeg
vymenit za FORMAT=image/png. Vypada, ze ta Java ma problem s parsovanim
metadat toho JPEGu, ktery se zda byt jinak OK.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] SotM-EU la semaine prochaine

2014-06-08 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 07/06/2014 14:12, Christian Rogel a écrit :

Le 7 juin 2014 à 13:30, Adrien Caillot a écrit :

On 04/06/2014 19:31, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:
Le SotM-EU à lieu dans une semaine à Karlsruhe en Allemagne (la Mecque de 
l'associatedStreet, ou pas). Christian et moi même y allons. Mais qui d'autres 
compte y aller ?

Vous partez d'où, quand et comment ? Si quelqu'un passe par vers chez moi 
(Besançon), pourquoi pas.

J'y vais aussi, mais en TGV depuis la Bretagne.

Moi j'arrive à Strasbourg en avion le jeudi. Personne ne passe ou ne 
part de Strasbourg en voiture ?

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Trop de place=village

2014-06-08 Thread Stéphane Péneau


J'ai repéré une zone où un grand nombre de hamlet sont taggés en tant 
que village :

Quelqu'un connaitrait une méthode astucieuse pour ne pas y passer des 
lustres à tout corriger ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Trop de place=village

2014-06-08 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 08/06/2014 15:44, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :

J'ai repéré une zone où un grand nombre de hamlet sont taggés en tant
que village :

Quelqu'un connaitrait une méthode astucieuse pour ne pas y passer des
lustres à tout corriger ?

Vu que la correction n'a rien d'automatique (repasser à hamlet voire 
isolated_dwelling, au cas par cas) on peut imaginer un mapcraft découpé 
par commune ? C'est pas à toi que je vais dire comment ça marche :)


ps. les nodes sont dans une grande majorité l'oeuvre de Fred87, je ne 
sais pas s'il lit la liste, sinon ça peut être élégant de le mettre dans 
la boucle

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] SotM-EU la semaine prochaine

2014-06-08 Thread Christine Karch
Jeudi apres-midi et soir il y a un pre-rendez-vous a AKK (regardez

Am 08.06.2014 14:17, schrieb Frédéric Rodrigo:
 Le 07/06/2014 14:12, Christian Rogel a écrit :
 Le 7 juin 2014 à 13:30, Adrien Caillot a écrit :
 On 04/06/2014 19:31, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:
 Le SotM-EU à lieu dans une semaine à Karlsruhe en Allemagne (la
 Mecque de l'associatedStreet, ou pas). Christian et moi même y
 allons. Mais qui d'autres compte y aller ?

 Vous partez d'où, quand et comment ? Si quelqu'un passe par vers chez
 moi (Besançon), pourquoi pas.

 J'y vais aussi, mais en TGV depuis la Bretagne.
 Moi j'arrive à Strasbourg en avion le jeudi. Personne ne passe ou ne
 part de Strasbourg en voiture ?
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 沼津の観光資源&廃線跡

2014-06-08 Thread Satoru Takeuchi

2014年6月8日 10:43 Satoru Takeuchi

 2014年6月7日 11:32 Hiroshi Miura(@osmf)












 Talk-ja mailing list
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] problem with building osrm

2014-06-08 Thread Joseba Bolinaga
Thanks for your answer.

At last i've got to build osrm, with no errors. I see osrm-extract,
osrm-prepare and osrm-routed commands. But I don´t see server.ini file.

Help, please.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Anael Lorimier wrote:

 Is there any errors? Some missing libraries? I installed many libraries
 before successfully building OSRM server.
 On Jun 6, 2014 1:58 PM, Joseba Bolinaga wrote:


 i have tried several times building osrm in my pc, but I can´t. My OS is
 ubuntu 14.04 x64 and i followed the instrucions given in OSRM PROJECT wiki,
 but after finishing I can`t find osrm-extract, osrm-prepare and osrm-routed

 These are the steps I do:

 1. Fetch the source:

 git clone
 2. building 14.04+:

 install build-essential git cmake pkg-config libprotoc-dev libprotobuf8 \
 protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libosmpbf-dev libpng12-dev \
 libbz2-dev libstxxl-dev libstxxl-doc libstxxl1 libxml2-dev \
 libzip-dev libboost-all-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libluabind-dev 
 libluajit-5.1-dev libtbb-dev

 3. build OSRM:

 mkdir -p build; cd build; cmake ..; make

 Any help?

 Thanks in advance.

 OSRM-talk mailing list

 OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Andy Mabbett
A year or so ago, I raised a proposal for a bot to add links from OSM
entities, to the equivalent entities in Wikidata. Details are at:

While there was some interest, things haven't moved very far (I'm not
a coder, so am reliant on others).

To make a more manageable project, we could perhaps run the job just
for the UK (or even a subset of that); and perhaps for a subject of
topics (starting with churches, say, or bridges, or railway stations,
or whatever). Once success is demonstrated, it could then be
replicated for more topics; and in other territories.

Can anyone assist? How can we increase community buy-in?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/08/2014 03:44 PM, Andy Mabbett wrote:
 A year or so ago, I raised a proposal for a bot to add links from OSM
 entities, to the equivalent entities in Wikidata.

This Saturday at SOTM-EU in Karlsruhe there will be a talk with a
similar topic,

If all goes well there will be a live stream as well as a recording
afterwards. No idea if that is a competitor or if both ideas can be
merged somehow.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Dan S
Hi Andy,

I like the idea, and it'd be great if some dabbling happened in
advance of wikimania. I'm not promising to get involved (sorry) since
not sure I'll have time.

But I have no idea how to do a structured search in wikipedia (i.e.
search for items within a category, which have co-ordinates). If you
know any way, or tutorials etc, then sharing those might help OSMers
to think about it?

I've added some quick findings about this, to the discussion:


2014-06-08 14:44 GMT+01:00 Andy Mabbett
 A year or so ago, I raised a proposal for a bot to add links from OSM
 entities, to the equivalent entities in Wikidata. Details are at:

 While there was some interest, things haven't moved very far (I'm not
 a coder, so am reliant on others).

 To make a more manageable project, we could perhaps run the job just
 for the UK (or even a subset of that); and perhaps for a subject of
 topics (starting with churches, say, or bridges, or railway stations,
 or whatever). Once success is demonstrated, it could then be
 replicated for more topics; and in other territories.

 Can anyone assist? How can we increase community buy-in?

 Andy Mabbett

 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Tom Hughes

On 08/06/14 14:44, Andy Mabbett wrote:

To make a more manageable project, we could perhaps run the job just
for the UK (or even a subset of that); and perhaps for a subject of
topics (starting with churches, say, or bridges, or railway stations,
or whatever). Once success is demonstrated, it could then be
replicated for more topics; and in other territories.

What would you consider a demonstration of success exactly?


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Rob Nickerson
What would you consider a demonstration of success exactly?



Measuring the success of a bot can be done in the same way that the success
is measured in a statistical model; Type I and Type II errors. So for
example, if the test is to attach wikidata tags to churches then:

* A type I error would be failing to add the wikidata to the associated
church (we can accept large errors in this case as it represents the
current no-bot situation)
* A type II error would be adding the wrong wikidata to a church. We need
to minimise these. I'll suggest a 1-2% error as this matches the general
quality of public data.

I unfortunately don't have the skills to help with editing, but support
initial trials as a good step to working more closely with wikimedia

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Paul Norman

On 2014-06-08 1:28 PM, Rob Nickerson wrote:

What would you consider a demonstration of success exactly?



Measuring the success of a bot can be done in the same way that the 
success is measured in a statistical model; Type I and Type II errors. 
So for example, if the test is to attach wikidata tags to churches then:

Measured that way, I could code a bot that sets name=foo for all objects 
with a name tag. Assuming I'm decent at coding, I could have zero Type I 
and Type II errors, and by those criteria this mechanical edit would be 
a success.

Success should be measured against the reasons for the mechanical edit. 
Adding wikidata tags isn't the reason, it's what it does.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Tom Hughes

On 08/06/14 21:28, Rob Nickerson wrote:

Measuring the success of a bot can be done in the same way that the
success is measured in a statistical model; Type I and Type II errors.
So for example, if the test is to attach wikidata tags to churches then:

* A type I error would be failing to add the wikidata to the associated
church (we can accept large errors in this case as it represents the
current no-bot situation)
* A type II error would be adding the wrong wikidata to a church. We
need to minimise these. I'll suggest a 1-2% error as this matches the
general quality of public data.

I was taking the question of accuracy as a given.

My point was not whether we can accurately add the right tags, but 
rather whether doing so is actually useful.

There's an almost infinite number of things we could add, but if nobody 
ever uses them, is the time take do so wasted?


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Andy Mabbett
On 8 June 2014 22:49, Tom Hughes wrote:
 I was taking the question of accuracy as a given.

 My point was not whether we can accurately add the right tags, but rather
 whether doing so is actually useful.

I was taking the question of usefulness as a given.

 There's an almost infinite number of things we could add, but if nobody ever
 uses them, is the time take do so wasted?

Why do you (apparently) suppose they will not be used?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Rob Nickerson
Paul, Tom

I interpreted measure of success to mean success of the bot process,
rather than usefulness of doing this in the first place. As with Andy I
took the usefulness as read. Wikidata is growing quickly but nobody can
argue that wikipedia is not an invaluable resource today. Anything we can
do to provide better links between OSM objects and Wikimedia Commons (be
that via wikipedia or wikidata) is a good thing IMHO.

Whether we use a bot to add wikipedia links or wikidata links depends on
whether you think wikidata continue to grow. To me wikidata makes a lot of
sense (as it is a data store and links to the wikipedia articles in all
languages), but I wouldn't complain if more wikipedia tags were added.


name=foo to all objects would be a type 2 fail. In the wikidata example you
would want to add the wikidata reference to object foo only if name=foo
in OSM (and geographic location is correct). Your catch all would falsely
identify all objects in osm as foo and therefore apply the wikidata ref
to all objects - a clear fail!! (my explanation of type 2 errors wasn't
that good, but the wiki article gives a thorough explanation).

On 8 June 2014 22:49, Tom Hughes wrote:

 On 08/06/14 21:28, Rob Nickerson wrote:

  Measuring the success of a bot can be done in the same way that the
 success is measured in a statistical model; Type I and Type II errors.
 So for example, if the test is to attach wikidata tags to churches then:

 * A type I error would be failing to add the wikidata to the associated
 church (we can accept large errors in this case as it represents the
 current no-bot situation)
 * A type II error would be adding the wrong wikidata to a church. We
 need to minimise these. I'll suggest a 1-2% error as this matches the
 general quality of public data.

 I was taking the question of accuracy as a given.

 My point was not whether we can accurately add the right tags, but rather
 whether doing so is actually useful.

 There's an almost infinite number of things we could add, but if nobody
 ever uses them, is the time take do so wasted?


 Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Adding links to Wikidata (and Wikipedia?)

2014-06-08 Thread Tom Hughes

On 08/06/14 23:11, Andy Mabbett wrote:

On 8 June 2014 22:49, Tom Hughes wrote:

There's an almost infinite number of things we could add, but if nobody ever
uses them, is the time take do so wasted?

Why do you (apparently) suppose they will not be used?

I don't suppose one way or the other, that's why I was asking how you 
proposed to measure it.


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list