Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-04-09 Thread Matt Riggott
> On 28 Mar 2019, at 10:24, Svavar Kjarrval  wrote:
> Er einhver möguleiki til að komast að aldri hverrar myndar þannig að
> fólk geti sýnt aðgát þegar kemur að upplýsingum sem eru sérstaklega
> líklegri til þess að vera úreldar eftir því sem tíminn líður?

Aldur hverrar myndar er alltaf í hægra horni neðanverðu á myndinni. Oftast eru 
myndirnar frá júlí/águst 2017, en stundum júlí 2013 eða júli 2015.


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Thread Matt Riggott
> On 21 Feb 2019, at 14:40, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson  wrote:
> Can you document this on the wiki under 


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list

[Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Thread Matt Riggott
Sæl öll,

Ég skrifa á ensku svo allir sem nota OpenStreetMap geti lesið hann.

I'm happy to announce that Já hf has given permission for OpenStreetMap 
contributors to reference Já 360 street-level photographs when editing the map.

Just as an example, you could use the photo at the link below to survey which 
companies are located in the building, the number of floors in the building, 
and the street names shown on street signs. That sort of thing.


This permission covers our street-level photographs but not the satellite 
images nor the tiled web map. We would ask that if you do use the images when 
editing OpenStreetMap, please add a "source=Já 360" tag to the changeset.

Happy mapping!

Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2019-01-17 Thread Matt Riggott
Hi Jóhannes,

> On 8 Jan 2019, at 11:54, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson  wrote:
> This sounds very useful Matt.
> I have previously approached about the 360 imagery on behalf of 
> OpenStreetMap á Íslandi and a permission to use it as a data source. The 
> reply in 2018 was "not for now - maybe later" so if this is later then it 
> would be great.

Yep, I think now is a good time. Our aim is to give OpenStreetMap permission to 
use the Já 360 images for reference. Nothing official yet, but when we have it 
we'll post it here.

> The GPS traces would be very nice too.

While we won't be able to release the historical traces we would like to 
provide data in the future. Next time we drive the car around Iceland we aim to 
donate some interesting data to OSM. Again, I'll post to the list when it's 


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2019-01-17 Thread Matt Riggott
Hi Morten,

> On 9 Jan 2019, at 11:18, Morten Lange  wrote:
> I agree with Jóhannes that what you propose sounds useul.
> Additionally perhaps OSM editors could be granted permission to copy paths by 
> hand from   
> Paths that are on the maps of, but are missing on OSM.

All the data shown on the Já map tiles is Samsýn's, it's not Já's to give away 
unfortunately. You could try asking Samsýn for permission if you haven't 

But the Já maps — all of Samsýn's maps, as far as I know — use the ISN 93 
projection whereas OpenStreetMap uses WGS 84, so the maps aren't directly 
comparable. If you had permission you could use it for reference but using it 
for tracing would only introduce errors.


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2019-01-08 Thread Matt Riggott
> On 5 Jan 2019, at 11:14, Morten Lange  wrote:
> It would be great if paths found on maps could be freely used on 
> OpenStreetMap, and the other way around. I guess that depends on licensing 
> clauses. 

Hi Morten,

I agree, it'd be really nice to have that, but you're right to think the 
licence is too prohibitive. The map tiles are produced by Samsýn and they're 
quite strict on what we can do with them. Besides that, the tiles are projected 
using ISN 93, so using them as an OpenStreetMap layer would cause alignment 

But I can think of some ways Já could help OpenStreetMap. First, I could ask 
for Já to give OpenStreetMap explicit permission to use the Já 360 street view 
photos as a data source. Second, we have GPS coordinates from the car that 
drove around the country taking the Já 360 photos; I could ask to be able to 
publish the GPS data under a permissive licence.

If any of that sounds useful, let me know.


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2019-01-03 Thread Matt Riggott
Hi Andrew,

This is good news. I work for Já (based in Reykjavík) and we also have an 
interest in improving OpenStreetMap data in Iceland, although our changes have 
been ad hoc rather than structured.

The OSM data we've used so far has focused on the road network and building 
geometries. As you say, from this perspective the data is mostly complete, but 
there are some things that could be fixed. Roughly, if we split the country 
into three parts we have Reykjavík and its surrounding municipalities, the 
rural areas and smaller towns that ring the coast, and the uninhabited central 
highlands. The data for Reykjavík is generally excellent, so I would think it's 
the rural/uninhabited areas where most improvements could be made. (Even this 
data is very good though.)

One example we've seen in the small towns and rural areas are misaligned roads. 
They might only be a few metres from their real position, but when you have 
parallel roads in close proximity to one another this can cause GPS coordinates 
to place you on the wrong road. Likewise with misaligned or inaccurate building 
outlines — important to us since we use them to decide which points along the 
road network are visible from a given location.

Then there's the central highlands. The gravel road network here is only 
accessible during the summer and many roads require a four-wheel drive if 
you're driving. I haven't looked much into the data here, but I have an inkling 
that very useful improvements could be made — surface tags especially, but also 
additional routes, accessibility, and road numbers. I'd love to see more detail 
added here.

As for external data, up-to-date imports from the Staðfangaskrá and LUKR 
datasets would be great. The latter is the land information system for 
Reykjavík and surrounding municipalities, and it's extraordinarily detailed 
(down to the road markings painted on roads). Both datasets were imported into 
OSM a long time ago and I don't think they've been revisited since.

I've tried and failed to keep this short, but if you want more information 
please get in touch via email or on this list.


PS. While you're here, there's an error in the Reykjavík coastline in Apple 
Maps that's always irritated me. Compare these:


> On 23 Dec 2018, at 02:52, Andrew Wiseman   wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I’m Andrew with Apple’s Maps team. We’re interested in doing some a few 
> improvements to the OSM data in Iceland, specifically adding some missing 
> buildings, making road network fixes like adding missing roads, making sure 
> intersections are correct, and the like, and some coastline fixes. It looks 
> like the data is mostly complete but I wanted to see if you had any 
> suggestions for places where things might be out of date or inaccurate, or 
> other suggestions or feedback. I also saw that some addresses had been 
> imported from a government dataset 
> (ðfangaskrá_Import), is that still 
> going on?
> Here’s more information about our project: 
> Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Also if there is a 
> forum, Telegram or WhatsApp group the community uses, I’d be happy to join 
> and talk there.
> Thank you,
> Andrew

Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list