[OSM-talk-be] Osmose error Tag amenity is deprecated: shop, Tag:shop=jewelry

2014-11-17 Per discussione Jakka


Osmose tells me:
Wiki gives two spellings? first jewelry error second I am waiting for 
résults jewellery not quit understanding.

3727 4010 1 2 4010 4010 niet meer gebruikt E 3.19 50.80 n 3100431601 (j) 
Tag amenity is deprecated: shop



Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] License Working Group news

2014-11-17 Per discussione Michael Collinson
The License Working Group is undermanned and has only met twice this 
year, most recently on 28th October. [1]

This is due in great part to my lack of time, enthusiasm and attention 
in calling meetings.  I am therefore stepping down as below and welcome 
volunteers to join as full members and indeed, subject to the agreement 
of other LWG members and board endorsement, take over the chair role.

I would also like to highlight that we also now welcome associate 
members who can help us occassionally or want to work on a specific 
topic that fires you up. This involves no specific formalities nor 
duties.   It has been brought to my attention that this might therefore 
suit legal practioners who would otherwise have a conflict of interest.  
We would certainly welcome involvement from real lawyers!

Lastly, Satoshi Iida, an extremely active member of the OSM Japan 
community has asked to participate in LWG and I welcome him 
enthusiastically. It is important to broaden our scope beyond Western 
Europe/US thinking.


[1] http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Group_Minutes

=== Slightly edited copy of email sent to LWG ==

Dear LWG,  and CC Board for their information,

I feel that I do not, and will be unable to give, LWG the time and 
attention it needs.  I have also been in the position for at least 6 
years and it is time for a new and more enthusiastic face.   I am 
therefore formally resigning as Chair and invite the LWG to consider a 
replacement.  I would prefer that this was not a member of the current 
board, and therein lies a problem.  I am asking Simon now his current 
status, but apart from him, all other current members are also board 
members.  I have also one piece of good news in that Satoshi Iida, an 
extremely active member of the OSM Japan community has asked to 
participate and I welcome him enthusiastically.

I regret adding even more to the current board's starting load, but 
think it best to just face facts. I am therefore happy to stay in a 
caretaker role until that person is in place, but emphasise that this 
will be less than ideal.

The issues that LWG should ideally be dealing with are:

 * Assisting end-users by developing clarificatory community guidelines
   for providing OSM-based data services (rather than maps) in a mixed
   data environment.
 * License compatibility with CC 4 and the general issue of license
 * Diligently answering now frequent license enquiries.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-15 22:24 GMT+01:00 Bryce Nesbitt bry...@obviously.com:

  Should this not be under proposal name space ?

 I'm not proposing the tag,
 just promoting it.

it should be under the proposal name space, because it is not an
established tag, it has only 28 uses as of now.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM

2014-11-17 Per discussione TheWeeklyOSM
... giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap

## Manfred Reiter - mobile - please excuse typos and brevity
Am 16.11.2014 21:57 schrieb Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com:

 Hey! You mention the import of 14,000 places in Liberia for the Ébola
 fight! Thanks to give publicity!


 El 16/11/2014 22:20, Madalina Ionescu madalinaionesc...@gmail.com

 The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 225, is now availalbe online in
 English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
 openstreetmap world: http://www.weeklyosm.eu


 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Unelected OSMF advisers

2014-11-17 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing 
OSMF, which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is being 
made still harder by people in mysterious unelected roles offering their 

I know of at least two: Mike Collinson is chair of the (AIUI moribund) 
'Management Team'. Steve Coast is 'chairman emeritus' - I'm not sure 
whether Simon Poole has also been offered this title. I believe (but 
don't know) there may be others who receive copies of, and can send, 
management emails but aren't elected in any way.

Two requests:

First, for the sake of openness, it would be good to see these 
relationships documented on the OSMF website.

Second, while the new board decides on its direction, a period of 
self-imposed silence by these people would be considerate. Frederik, 
Kathleen and Paul have been newly elected to do a difficult job. Their 
work will be made all the more difficult by a cacophony of advice from 
those without a mandate.

This isn't personal - I like Mike very much, while I think it's fairly 
comprehensively documented that Steve and I don't get on - but it seems, 
to me, common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, you give them 
the time and space to do it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unelected OSMF advisers

2014-11-17 Per discussione Steve Coast
The only advice to the board I offered was to ask Fred to limit the quantity 
and length of his essays as we couldn't keep up. But that's not new or unique 

I think Mike's been pretty helpful personally.

I'd stay away from the elected/unelected thing, since almost all of the 
important roles in osm are unelected?


 On Nov 17, 2014, at 7:41 AM, Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.net wrote:
 I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing OSMF, 
 which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is being made still 
 harder by people in mysterious unelected roles offering their advice.
 I know of at least two: Mike Collinson is chair of the (AIUI moribund) 
 'Management Team'. Steve Coast is 'chairman emeritus' - I'm not sure whether 
 Simon Poole has also been offered this title. I believe (but don't know) 
 there may be others who receive copies of, and can send, management emails 
 but aren't elected in any way.
 Two requests:
 First, for the sake of openness, it would be good to see these relationships 
 documented on the OSMF website.
 Second, while the new board decides on its direction, a period of 
 self-imposed silence by these people would be considerate. Frederik, Kathleen 
 and Paul have been newly elected to do a difficult job. Their work will be 
 made all the more difficult by a cacophony of advice from those without a 
 This isn't personal - I like Mike very much, while I think it's fairly 
 comprehensively documented that Steve and I don't get on - but it seems, to 
 me, common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, you give them the 
 time and space to do it.
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unelected OSMF advisers

2014-11-17 Per discussione Michael Collinson

On 17/11/2014 15:41, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing 
OSMF, which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is 
being made still harder by people in mysterious unelected roles 
offering their advice.

I know of at least two: Mike Collinson is chair of the (AIUI moribund) 
'Management Team'. Steve Coast is 'chairman emeritus' - I'm not sure 
whether Simon Poole has also been offered this title. I believe (but 
don't know) there may be others who receive copies of, and can send, 
management emails but aren't elected in any way.
Steve and I are the only persons receiving board CCs. Steve as Chaiman 
Emeritus and I as Management Team chair.  Neither are mysterious, but 
they are unelected so I respectfully take Richard's point. We are also 
invited to attend board meetings.

Two requests:

First, for the sake of openness, it would be good to see these 
relationships documented on the OSMF website.

I have now documented the Management Team relationship: 

For the Chairman Emeritus role, there is not is not a page on the 
website and, yes, it would be a good idea to have one. I would prefer to 
wait until after Thursday's meeting. Meanwhile, the general relationship 
is documented here:


Second, while the new board decides on its direction, a period of 
self-imposed silence by these people would be considerate. Frederik, 
Kathleen and Paul have been newly elected to do a difficult job. Their 
work will be made all the more difficult by a cacophony of advice from 
those without a mandate.

This isn't personal - I like Mike very much, while I think it's fairly 
comprehensively documented that Steve and I don't get on - but it 
seems, to me, common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, you 
give them the time and space to do it.
For transparency, I have attended about one year of board meetings now I 
think (it is minuted). I took the approach that I should simply listen 
and pick up items that the MT could handle. I was however encouraged to 
take a more participatory role provided that I do not take part in 
voting. On board email, I answer questions that are asked and 
occassionally make reports or specific requests from the Management Team 
or License Working Group.  Else, the value is that I am generally aware 
of issues and do not need to be briefed. I cannot make comment on board 
meeting or email detail, but I do not think it breaching confidentiality 
to say that Steve's participation is overwhelming passive ... he makes 
his engagement through public, open channels to my knowledge.

During the approximately the past three weeks, and only then, I have 
certainly been aggressive in giving advice ... and asking it.  Yes, it 
is possible that I have over-stepped bounds.  I feel that it is also 
common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, then you should 
provide briefing and also get their opinions in order to support them. I 
have therefore had telephone conversations with 3 board members and may 
do with a 4th. I have sent two emails of definitely unsolicited advice, 
one 2014-10-27 and one today.  I have requested that the Management Team 
be put on the Thursday board meeting agenda and published a document 
that may have prompted Richard's mailing. I feel it silly that the board 
should not be briefed on an issue that they might, if they want, decide 
is a major cause of this whole hoo-ha.  A board member then commented, 
(but made no specific request), that the document made little 
recommendation on what the board could actually do. I took that as an 
invitation and am doing a second pass through the document, (which I 
shall now stop).  Good, bad? Well, now I really don't know. On Thursday, 
I shall make a short preamble, offer to quit and then let the board take 
it from there. Whatever they decide,  I wish them luck in a difficult 
but not insurmountable phase.

I hope that better meets your concerns? Likewise I like Richard and 
greatly respect his opinions.



talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unelected OSMF advisers

2014-11-17 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst

Michael Collinson wrote:

For transparency, I have attended about one year of board meetings now I
think (it is minuted). I took the approach that I should simply listen
and pick up items that the MT could handle. I was however encouraged to
take a more participatory role provided that I do not take part in
voting. On board email, I answer questions that are asked and
occassionally make reports or specific requests from the Management Team
or License Working Group.  Else, the value is that I am generally aware
of issues and do not need to be briefed. I cannot make comment on board
meeting or email detail, but I do not think it breaching confidentiality
to say that Steve's participation is overwhelming passive ... he makes
his engagement through public, open channels to my knowledge.

During the approximately the past three weeks, and only then, I have
certainly been aggressive in giving advice ... and asking it.  Yes, it
is possible that I have over-stepped bounds.

I find it difficult to imagine our mild-mannered Mike Collinson being 

The new board members have been elected because the electorate believe 
they are the people best placed to make OSMF better; because the 
electorate likes their vision for change.

When a benevolent long-timer offers advice and briefings, there is an 
implicit invitation to the newcomers to go native - for future 
activities to tend towards business as usual. No document is neutral, 
no matter how well-intentioned; it is written within a particular 
worldview, with its own assumptions and backdrop.

But sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is exactly what's needed, without 
preconceptions about we tried that once and it didn't work, without 
we always have to think about this important matter. If the more 
long-standing board members choose to resist change, they do at least 
have a mandate. Advisers don't, and should bear their privileged 
position responsibly.

By all means you, and Steve, and others can be on hand to offer advice 
if asked. Your newly published document is interesting - very much so - 
but it's written with the experience and from the perspective of us old 
farts. Newcomers to the board should have fresh perspectives, fresh 
ideas. Let the new board form their first thoughts free of external 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unelected OSMF advisers

2014-11-17 Per discussione Oleksiy Muzalyev
There is a good Chinese proverb, Wisdom begins with acceptance of
reality. If it is the reality, it makes sense to accept it and create a
transparent explicit OSM Meritocracy Technical Council (MTC), the second
branch of authority, in addition to the OSMF Board.

Merits could be clearly defined. For example, if a user has got more
than twenty thousand meaningful edits, or published say three articles
in main stream media  about the OSM recently, or works on significant
hardware or software OSM projects, etc. she/ he could apply for the
Meritocracy Technical Council membership.

Representative democracy (indirect democracy) is much better than a
tyranny, not doubt about it, but it is, probably, not the end of the
history yet. There are readily available tools nowadays to verify the
achievements (merits) directly and unambiguously (number of edits,
articles' URLs, projects' URL, etc.)

Both branches could be mutually reinforcing, especially if the roles are
clearly defined and harmonized. Not Meritocracy vs. Democracy (1), but 
Meritocracy and Democracy.

Best regards,

(1) http://tildehash.com/?article=meritocracy-vs-democracy

On 17.11.2014 16:58, Steve Coast wrote:
 ... since almost all of the important roles in osm are unelected...

 On Nov 17, 2014, at 7:41 AM, Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.net wrote:

 I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing OSMF, 
 which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is being made 
 still harder by people in mysterious unelected roles offering their advice.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Future Group

2014-11-17 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
After SotM in Birmingham, I was invited to join the OSM Future Group:

   (page includes a list of members, and a timetable.)

and agreed to do so (Indeed, I paid a subscription solely in order to
be eligible to do so).

That group has not met nor communicated since then.

Should we presume the group is defunct, and mark the age accordingly?

Andy Mabbett

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Project #OSMselfie

2014-11-17 Per discussione Richard Weait
Let's put a human face on our data contributions.

If you are surveying, and or mapping.  Document it with an #OSMselfie.

I tried one.


Can you help me make a better presentation slide deck?

Best regards and happy mapping,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Future Group

2014-11-17 Per discussione marekskleciak
Dear Andy,

I join to the future working group. 
I´m sad about this stagnation.
I invite you to the next telco after 27.nov.2014

Skype iD: marekOSMPolska 


Dnia 17 listopada 2014 20:11 Andy Mabbett a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk 

 After SotM in Birmingham, I was invited to join the OSM Future Group: 
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Future(page includes a list of 
 members, and a timetable.)  and agreed to do so (Indeed, I paid a 
 subscription solely in order to be eligible to do so).  That group has not 
 met nor communicated since then.  Should we presume the group is defunct, 
 and mark the age accordingly?  --  Andy Mabbett @pigsonthewing 
 ___ talk mailing list 
 talk@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Future Group

2014-11-17 Per discussione Johan C
You're right on that Andy, as it was I that asked you to join the FG, I
very much liked the contact with other FG members, the creation of the
SWOT, the interview and the SOTM workshop on dreams for 2020:

There were enough people involved in the FG. Main challenge was keeping the
fire burning. So it's good to see new enthousiasm coming in. I can't recall
if I invited you on the Hangout at March 2nd this year. If not: excuses for
that. I'm however sure I included you in the invitation mail which I send a
few weeks before that Hangout, see below. Result of that meeting (no notes
available) was that the participants wanted to go on (I also said yes
although I was a bit reluctant) and that Dermot would take care of some
procedures to turn FG into the FWG. Since then -till now- it has become
very silent.

Invitation mail of February 2014 below:

Hi everyone

on Sunday 2 March 2014 21:00 Amsterdam time (20:00 London, 12:00 Seattle)
I'll invite you to a Hangout on the future of the future group.

There has been inactivity lately within the Future Group. Therefore I see
the following options for the Future Group:
1. quit because of the inactivity
2. go on as as FG or as a FWG, but only with the people who show interest
in proceeding

If we go on, maybe we should be focussing more on practical issues such as
our major weaknesses. Like the one I've been involved in for the last four
months: address and building imports.

One other practical thing I'm thinking about, if we go on, is increasing
cooperation between OSM and professional parties like Telenav.

A third practical one is thinking about the way (smartphone?) editors could
become friendly enough to newcomers, especially when the data density in
OSM rises (for example beacuse of imports or because of micromapping).

See you on the 2nd of March!

Cheers, Johan

2014-11-17 20:49 GMT+01:00 marekskleciak mareksklec...@o2.pl:

 Dear Andy,

 I join to the future working group.
 I´m sad about this stagnation.
 I invite you to the next telco after 27.nov.2014

 Skype iD: marekOSMPolska


 Dnia 17 listopada 2014 20:11 Andy Mabbett a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk

  After SotM in Birmingham, I was invited to join the OSM Future Group:
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Future(page includes a list
 of members, and a timetable.)  and agreed to do so (Indeed, I paid a
 subscription solely in order to be eligible to do so).  That group has
 not met nor communicated since then.  Should we presume the group is
 defunct, and mark the age accordingly?  --  Andy Mabbett
 @pigsonthewing http://pigsonthewing.org.uk 
 ___ talk mailing list
 talk@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2014-11-17 Per discussione Richard Weait
Here's one more for ya, Bryce.  :-)


These are cool.  Thanks!

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Project #OSMselfie

2014-11-17 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Nice idea. Too often our communications are faceless and I wonder if this
in any way has an effect on the tone of the discussions (that is, would we
be more polite if we could 'see' the person we are talking too)?


p.s. The more time I spend on the mailing lists, the more I see them as a
tool that suits software developers* rather than a diverse community of
people we aim to grow.

* By which I mean software developers like a communication channel that is
very terse and to the point (as it is efficient for their workload) and
they know this so don't see short replies as negative like others may. Face
to face hack events provide a chance to speak at greater length.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Minko
Ik heb inmiddels antwoord van Vistaus. Is allemaal in onwetendheid gebeurt dus 
terugdraaien van al zijn edits lijkt me niet aan de orde en vrijwel niet te 
M.a.w. de community zal eea tzt weer moeten fiksen vrees ik. Ik heb de 
fietsroutes weer gerepareerd en ook de toegang van fiets/voetganger op de 
meeste secundaire wegen.

Zijn antwoord:

Excuses dat het zo gelopen is. Een hoop wegen/paden/etc. waren juist totaal 
verkeerd uitgetekend of zelfs uitgetekend waar dat in real-life helemaal niet 
bestaat. Daarom dat ik ze opnieuw heb uitgetekend. Ik heb wel e.e.a. aan tags 
hersteld zover ik weet, met name op de busbanen, maar wellicht niet overal. Dat 
spijt mij en ik zal er proberen op te letten vanaf nu.

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Familie Nouws
Hopelijk gaat zijn tomeloze energie niet verloren voor OSM. Kan er niet een
kaart gemaakt worden met real-time informatie over verdachte

2014-11-17 14:18 GMT+01:00 Minko ligfiet...@online.nl:

 Ik heb inmiddels antwoord van Vistaus. Is allemaal in onwetendheid gebeurt
 dus terugdraaien van al zijn edits lijkt me niet aan de orde en vrijwel
 niet te doen.
 M.a.w. de community zal eea tzt weer moeten fiksen vrees ik. Ik heb de
 fietsroutes weer gerepareerd en ook de toegang van fiets/voetganger op de
 meeste secundaire wegen.

 Zijn antwoord:

 Excuses dat het zo gelopen is. Een hoop wegen/paden/etc. waren juist
 totaal verkeerd uitgetekend of zelfs uitgetekend waar dat in real-life
 helemaal niet bestaat. Daarom dat ik ze opnieuw heb uitgetekend. Ik heb wel
 e.e.a. aan tags hersteld zover ik weet, met name op de busbanen, maar
 wellicht niet overal. Dat spijt mij en ik zal er proberen op te letten
 vanaf nu.

 Talk-nl mailing list


Henk Nouws
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Minko
Mogelijk heb je wat aan deze site? 

 Hopelijk gaat zijn tomeloze energie niet verloren voor OSM. Kan er
 niet een kaart gemaakt worden met real-time informatie over verdachte

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Jonathan van Tuijl
Minko schreef:
 Deze bijvoorbeeld:

Hmm. Ik zou graag een wat grotere diff zien van vele objecten en changesets 
tegelijk. Anders is er geen beginnen aan.

 Ok, mocht die route gewoon begaanbaar zijn dan mogen de XXX jes weg.

Done! http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26845964

Ik heb ook meteen een ander gebied waar ik wist dat dingen zijn veranderd 
gecheckt. Dat komt later. Ik word nog eens een mapper.

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Wikipedia

2014-11-17 Per discussione Hans Spaans

Jo schreef op 2014-11-17 00:20: 

 Oei, ik bedoelde natuurlijk: maak een link naar wikidata. Er is geen probleem 
 om zowel wikpedia, als wikipedia:xx en wikidata tags toe te voegen.
 Probeer wel om de juiste subject:wikidata / architect:wikidata / 
 artist:wikidata / name:etymology:wikidata e.d. toe te voegen als het niet 
 over het item zelf gaat, maar over, door of vernoemd naar iets of iemand.

Dan heb ik goed tussen je woorden gelezen ;-) Het voorstel is nog in
draft, maar het is beter dan beschreven dan bij wikipedia. Ik zag ook
dat de wikidata keydata wordt gebruikt voor mapjes op wikipedia en dat
is voor de bruikbaarheid wel een voordeel. 

Over het gebruik van de specialisaties. Ik ben er zelf niet z'n
voorstander van gezien het te herleiden is bij het volgen van de q-code
bij wikidata en we dus eigenlijk een gedeelte van wikidata aan het
overzetten zijn naar OSM. Maar dat is imho voor nu offtopic en nu de
winter komt eerst wat andere dingen oppakken voor regio hier. 

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Milo van der Linden
Niet alleen NL wordt gesloopt. Ook op Curacao heeft de bot natural:bay
terug gezet op het Schottegat waardoor ik nu zonder water zit

Op 17 november 2014 16:42 schreef Jonathan van Tuijl jonatha...@gmail.com:

 Minko schreef:
  Deze bijvoorbeeld:

 Hmm. Ik zou graag een wat grotere diff zien van vele objecten en
 changesets tegelijk. Anders is er geen beginnen aan.

  Ok, mocht die route gewoon begaanbaar zijn dan mogen de XXX jes weg.

 Done! http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26845964

 Ik heb ook meteen een ander gebied waar ik wist dat dingen zijn veranderd
 gecheckt. Dat komt later. Ik word nog eens een mapper.

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Almere wordt gesloopt

2014-11-17 Per discussione Jonathan van Tuijl
Ik schreef:
 Ik heb ook meteen een ander gebied waar ik wist dat dingen zijn veranderd 
 gecheckt. Dat komt later. Ik word nog eens een mapper.

Achteraf blijken de verschillen groter dan ik dacht. Ik ben er nog niet uit hoe 
ik de beperkte informatie die ik heb verzameld moet verenigen met de kaart. Hoe 
doe je dat, als je geen complete informatie hebt maar delen wel duidelijk fout 
zijn? Er zijn grote stukken afgebakend waar ik onmogelijk kan zien wat er nog 
heel is, of wat er nog heel zal zijn na de werkzaamheden (het gaat over 
maanden/jaren). Wat doe je dan? Weghalen of access=no o.i.d.? Lomp de nieuwe 
weg over alles heen plotten? Ik wil in ieder geval de begaanbare routes 
beschikbaar maken, en de onbegaanbare juist niet.

Maar eerst neem ik rust.

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Situação das Traduções - Edição 9

2014-11-17 Per discussione John Packer
O Mapillary agora possibilita traduções.
Vejam https://github.com/mapillary/mapillary_localization

Em 13 de novembro de 2014 10:26, John Packer john.pack...@gmail.com

 O Nelson (naoliv) revisou a tradução do TTS do OsmAnd para português do


 Em 12 de novembro de 2014 21:07, Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros 
 alexandre@gmail.com escreveu:

 Existe uma URL de tela cheia

 2014-11-12 15:49 GMT-03:00 Vitor George vitor.geo...@gmail.com:

 Adicionei um diff para a tradução do Taginfo, já que não existe um
 indicador direto do percentual de tradução, como informou o John.

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Schwarzwald bei Ludwigsburg ?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 16. November 2014 23:45 schrieb Florian Schäfer flor...@schaeferban.de:

 Ich habe mal „Schworzwald“ statt „Schwarzwold“ probiert. Das Label
 taucht immernoch bei Ludwigsburg auf und lautet nun „Schworzwald“ ;-).

bitte nicht mit den live Daten testen. Das Problem liegt evtl. bei
osm2pgsql beim Einspielen von diffs und Löschen / Ändern von MP Relationen
*), hat also ziemlich sicher nichts mit dem Carto Mapnikrenderingstil zu


*) das vermutet zumindest Paul Norman so auf osm-dev und verweist auf
diesen, mittlerweile gefixten Bug:
Auch wenn es nicht dieser Bug sondern ein anderer ist, in den gegenwärtigen
Daten und beim Renderstil ist das Problem ziemlich sicher nicht verortet.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche OSM-Vertretung sinnvoll?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

   ich würde dieses Thema in seiner Originalversion gerne noch einmal
aufgreifen. Johann hat da schon ein gutes Bild gezeichnet:

On 10/27/2014 01:51 AM, Johann H. Addicks wrote:
 Ich würde die Frage in 3 Abteilungen splitten:
 a) Man hat Leute, die unbedingt inhaltliche Arbeit leisten möchten und
 nicht so viel Lust auf Verwaltungsoverhead, Geschäftsordnung,
 Rechenschaftsberichte haben: - ständige Arbeitsgruppe im FOSGIS
 b) Man hat Leute, die gern einen Verein betreiben möchten und es toll
 finden, dass sie mit OSM ein Satzungsziel verfolgen können, welches gut
 vermittelbar ist und das potentiell viele Mitglieder und viel
 Community-Orga perspektivisch ermöglichst. (Aufkleber, Stammtischorga,
 Messestände, Jahreshauptversammlungen, Schulungen, Jährliche
 Preisverleihungen, Stipendien, Mitglieder-Rabattaktionen bei
 c) Man hat Leute, die sagen, sie würden sich nicht trauen, für OSM die
 Werbetrommel zu rühren, ohne dass sie offizielle OSM-Vereinsvertreter seien.
 d) Eine Arbeitsgruppe im FOSGIS ist gescheitert, weil die inhaltlichen
 Differenzen zwischen den OSMlern und den FOSGISlern nicht überbrückbar
 sind in welcher Art auch immer und daher ein eigener Trägerverein solche
 Konflikte sinnvoll vermeidet.

Also meine Sicht der Dinge ist die:

Von a) und b) ist sicherlich genug vorhanden. Ein paar Leute denken
vielleicht c), aber offizielle OSM-Vereinsvertreter wollen wir nach
Möglichkeit gar nicht, denn dass führt dann zu dem, was Markus in einem
Followup angedeutet hat - plötzlich denken die, die nicht offiziell
sind, sie müssten erstmal um Erlaubnis fragen, bevor sie etwas machen!

Und von d) kann überhaupt keine Rede sein, weil es über
Interessensbekundungen nie hinausgegangen ist.

Denjenigen von Euch, die den FOSSGIS nicht von innen kennen, sei gesagt:
Das ist ein ganz kleiner Laden mit ein paar Aktiven, von denen jeder so
ein bisschen an seinem Steckenpferd herumwurschtelt und die im Verein
halt einen gewissen gemeinsamen Nenner finden, aber gross anders als bei
uns ist das auch nicht. Und von irgendwelchen Differenzen zwischen
FOSSGISlern und OSMlern habe ich auch noch nichts mitbekommen, im

Ich selber bin als Schatzmeister im FOSSGIS-Vorstand. Der Grund dafür
ist hauptsächlich, dass wir bei uns in Karlsruhe ja die SOTM-EU gemacht
haben und der FOSSGIS sich als Träger dafür angeboten hat, und ich hatte
ein schlechtes Gewissen dabei, den FOSSGIS-Ehrenamtlichen jetzt noch die
Finanzverwaltung einer kompletten weiteren Konferenz aufzubürden. Also
habe ich mich freiwillig als Schatzmeister gemeldet ;)

Ich habe nicht die Energie, selbst eine Arbeitsgruppe OSM im FOSSGIS
e.V. auf die Beine zu stellen, und ich habe vorallem auch keine Lust,
ständig irgendjemand irgendwie erinnern zu müssen, dass er doch mal was
machen wollte. Aber ich kann Euch auf jeden Fall zusagen, dass, *wenn*
ein paar von Euch das machen woll, ihr auf jeden Fall vom FOSSGIS die
Rückendeckung kriegt, die ihr braucht. Inklusive Briefpapier und
Visitenkarten und einem Bereich auf der Webseite und was ihr halt sonst
noch so braucht. Der FOSSGIS sammelt heute schon zweckgebundene Spenden
für OSM, d.h. die landen zwar auf unserem Bankkonto, sind in der
Buchhaltung aber separat gelistet - und ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass
wir da einen Modus finden, wie die Arbeitsgruppe relativ frei über diese
Mittel verfügen kann. Also da ist der FOSSGIS ganz bestimmt für alles
offen, es müsste nur mal jemand kommen und sagen: Ok, wir haben uns
jetzt dies und das überlegt, so und so machen wir das. Es wäre zum
Beispiel auch möglich, dass Mitglieder im FOSSGIS explizit noch
zusätzlich eine Mitgliedschaft in der Arbeitsgruppe ankreuzen können und
man ihnen dadurch dann irgendwelche Extra Stimmrechte einräumt, oder
ihnen extra Beiträge abbucht (die Gesellschaft für Informatik macht das
z.B. so - es gibt nur einen Verein, aber Du zahlst unterschiedlich, je
nachdem, in welchen Fachgruppen Du bist). Das könnten sich die Leute,
die das machen, alles selber überlegen.

Das einzige, was nicht passieren darf, ist, dass Streit und
Postenschieberei in der Community ausbrechen. Also wenn jetzt die
Arbeitsgruppe plötzlich anfangen würde, sich selbst als die einzig
offiziellen OSMer hinzustellen und die Arbeit von anderen in der
deutschen OSM-Community sabotiert (so nach dem Motto kann ja sein,
Dietmar, dass Du diese Strassenliste machst, aber wir machen jetzt
unsere eigene und die ist dann OFFIZIELL), dann müsste man da natürlich
die Bremse ziehen. *Diese* Art von Vereinsleben würde der FOSSGIS nicht
unterstützen ;)

Mein Vorschlag wäre, dass sich die, die sich dafür interessieren und
etwas aufbauen wollen, zusammentun (vielleicht bietet sich da mal so ein
Hack-Weekend an - oder der FOSSGIS würde auch helfen, ein
Planungswochenende im Linux-Hotel zu organisieren) und es einfach mal
machen. Man kann ja klein anfangen, und wenn's gut läuft, dann langsam

Sollte es wirklich mal dahin kommen, 

Re: [Talk-de] Schwarzwald bei Ludwigsburg ?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Florian Schäfer
Hash: SHA1

Am 17.11.2014 um 11:04 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
 Am 16. November 2014 23:45 schrieb Florian Schäfer
 Ich habe mal „Schworzwald“ statt „Schwarzwold“ probiert. Das
 Label taucht immernoch bei Ludwigsburg auf und lautet nun
 „Schworzwald“ ;-).
 bitte nicht mit den live Daten testen. Das Problem liegt evtl. bei 
 osm2pgsql beim Einspielen von diffs und Löschen / Ändern von MP
 Relationen *), hat also ziemlich sicher nichts mit dem Carto
 Mapnikrenderingstil zu tun.
Ich wollte nur zeigen, dass es das Label der Relation 1395820 ist.
Dazu schien mir das (geringfügige) Ändern des Labels in den Live-Daten
das einfachste Mittel. Habe die Änderung auch inzwischen reverted.

Dass es ein Problem mit der Mapnik-Software oder osm2pgsql ist, habe
ich auch vermutet. Da ich aber nicht wusste, in welcher Software der
Fehler am wahrscheinlichsten liegt, habe ich mich mal an osm-carto
gewendet, da ich mir von dort einen Hinweis auf die Ursache erhofft hatte.
 Gruß, Martin
 *) das vermutet zumindest Paul Norman so auf osm-dev und verweist
 auf diesen, mittlerweile gefixten Bug: 
 https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql/issues/67 Auch wenn es
 nicht dieser Bug sondern ein anderer ist, in den gegenwärtigen 
 Daten und beim Renderstil ist das Problem ziemlich sicher nicht
Danke für den Hinweis, dort lese ich normalerweise nicht mit, habe
aber inzwischen auf den Thread dort geantwortet und unter anderem
angemerkt, dass ich nicht glaube, dass der genannte Fehler für den
Schwarzwald bei Ludwigsburg verantwortlich ist.

Viele Grüße,
Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Schwarzwald bei Ludwigsburg ?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 17. November 2014 14:03 schrieb Florian Schäfer flor...@schaeferban.de:

  *) das vermutet zumindest Paul Norman so auf osm-dev und verweist
  auf diesen, mittlerweile gefixten Bug:
  https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql/issues/67 Auch wenn es
  nicht dieser Bug sondern ein anderer ist, in den gegenwärtigen
  Daten und beim Renderstil ist das Problem ziemlich sicher nicht
 Danke für den Hinweis, dort lese ich normalerweise nicht mit, habe
 aber inzwischen auf den Thread dort geantwortet und unter anderem
 angemerkt, dass ich nicht glaube, dass der genannte Fehler für den
 Schwarzwald bei Ludwigsburg verantwortlich ist.

ja, finde auch, dass dieser spezifische Fehler eher nicht passt, aber so
was in der Art könnte es gut sein ;-)

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Erstellung kml-Dateien mit Markern

2014-11-17 Per discussione Wolfgang Wienke

gibt es eine OSM-Seite mit einem Straßenkarte, auf der man - ähnlich wie 
mit GoogleEarth  über einem Luftbild - Marker eintragen kann, diese mit 
Namen und Beschreibung erweitern kann und letztendlich alles in einer 
kml-Datei speichern kann?

   mit freundlichen Grüssen

 Wolfgang Wienke

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Erstellung kml-Dateien mit Markern

2014-11-17 Per discussione simson.gert...@gmail.com

Am 17.11.2014 21:42, schrieb Wolfgang Wienke:

gibt es eine OSM-Seite mit einem Straßenkarte, auf der man - ähnlich 
wie mit GoogleEarth  über einem Luftbild - Marker eintragen kann, 
diese mit Namen und Beschreibung erweitern kann und letztendlich alles 
in einer kml-Datei speichern kann?

uMap z.B.: http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Erstellung kml-Dateien mit Markern

2014-11-17 Per discussione tshrub

Am 17.11.2014 21:48, schrieb simson.gert...@gmail.com:

Am 17.11.2014 21:42, schrieb Wolfgang Wienke:

gibt es eine OSM-Seite mit einem Straßenkarte, auf der man - ähnlich
wie mit GoogleEarth  über einem Luftbild - Marker eintragen kann,
diese mit Namen und Beschreibung erweitern kann und letztendlich alles
in einer kml-Datei speichern kann?

uMap z.B.: http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/

interessant. Die kannte ich noch nicht.

Ich habe bisher mit staticmap etwas gemacht:
die schein aber momentan nicht zu funktionieren, bzw. der wizzard nicht?

kml-Export glaube ich nicht.
Ich habe die Karten als hardcopy in eine Seite eingebunden.



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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mobile Apps

2014-11-17 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-11-16 22:02 GMT+01:00 Pratosmart pratosm...@gmail.com:
 Ciao a tutti


 allo stato attuale quali sono le migliori app mobile (android e iOS) per
 fare GPS tracking su OSM?

prova anche geopaparazzi (attualmente lo strumento per osm ha un bug e
non riesce a caricare i dati sul db, ma per fare tracking va




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Io non mapperei un edificio leggero e provvisorio che è lì solo per cinque

Poi, opening_hours è il tag sbagliato per indicare che qualcosa non c'è per
certi periodi. Indica solo che è chiuso o aperto, ma non indica che quando
è off sparisce.
Poi c'è un altro punto: probabilmente non saranno nello stesso preciso
punto ogni anno.


Il giorno 16 novembre 2014 08:17, Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com
ha scritto:

 Il 14/11/2014 18:34, Giuseppe Bilotta ha scritto:

 2014-11-14 16:49 GMT+01:00 Mauro Costantini 

 Il 11 novembre 2014 12:20, Martin Koppenhoefer
 dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 un kiosk è un building type ben definito,

 Il 13 novembre 2014 10:17, Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com ha

 Credo intendesse building=kiosk,

 Il valore kiosk per la chiave building non ha alcuna documentazione.
 La proposta di questo nuovo tag è sicuramente interessante; prima però
 mi guarderei un po' attorno:
 Su taginfo ci sono un migliaio di occorrenze di quel tag in tutto il
 mondo; overpass-turbo ci dice che un terzo di esse sono in Italia.
 Che caratteristiche dovrebbe avere un edificio per essere kiosk?

 Esattamente quelle che in italiano avrebbe per essere definito
 chiosco: piccolo edificio, in genere autonomo, per la vendita di


  I miei pensieri sulla questione:

 Dovresti esporli in lista Tag internazionale. Credo troveresti molti

 Paolo M

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import Civici Biella

2014-11-17 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane

2014-11-16 23:58 GMT+01:00 Leonardo kinetocor...@gmail.com:

 Ciao Andrea,

 sto tentando di usare il tuo script con i nomi delle vie della Toscana ma
 sembra esserci qualche problema. Ho trasformato il dbf in csv in QGIS
 (grazie sabas per il suggerimento!) e ho modificato il tuo script py in
 questo modo:


 Non capisco dove possa essere il problema. Suggerimenti?

Per capirci qualcosa mi servirebbe anche il file csv. Metti entrambi da
qualche parte su internet.

Dato che ci sto prendendo gusto sugli import dei civici ho iniziato ad
analizzare qualche altro comune. Ad esempio, Anzola dell'Emilia e Vicenza
pubblicano gli shp dei civici.

Credo che il sistema più facile da usare per normalizzare i nomi delle vie
1. usare ogr2osm e fare la conversione shp-osm
2. estrarre i nomi dall'shp (avendo cura di evitare di estrarre duplicati),
normalizzarli e metterli in un file csv [con script]
3. correggere i nomi a mano sul csv
4. correggere i nomi nel file osm prendendoli dal csv [con script]

In questo modo si evita di dover processare file shp che usano chiavi
sempre differenti e si rende il processo standard. Per il momento è quasi
tutto nella mia testa, dopo l'import di Biella, magari mi applico
concretamente :)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import Civici Biella

2014-11-17 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 16/11/2014 09:43, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

Non conosco le zone di cui si parla, ma in provincia di Lecce i
confini ISTAT sono paurosamente imprecisi.

I dati che si trovano in quella fonte (ARPA Piemonte) non sono i confini 
ISTAT ma quelli della CTR Piemonte.

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utilizzo di OSM all'interno di programmi di grafica vettoriale

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-13 20:02 GMT+01:00 sabas88 saba...@gmail.com:

 Quindi praticamente c'è sempre un coso in mezzo per trasformare i dati
 OSM in un qualcosa di digeribile da Illustrator o altri programmi di
 grafica vettoriale

no, come ti scrivevo sopra: osm2ai di Richard F. non ha bisogno di altri
cosi. D'altro canto se usi un tool troppo basilare non avrai
multipoligoni, route relations ecc.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Matteo Quatrida
Ciao Volker,

 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 at 9:16 AM
 From: Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com
 Io non mapperei un edificio leggero e provvisorio che è lì solo per cinque 

Capisco l'inutilità di mappare per esempio i Mercatini di Natale, che rimangono 
da fine novembre a fine dicembre (1 mese, giorno più, giorno meno), ma qualcosa 
che rimanga per quasi metà dell'anno penso debba essere mappato.
La differenza, secondo me, è che, mentre i Mercatini sono legati ad un preciso 
evento (il Natale) e quindi sono delle installazioni temporanee a tutti gli 
effetti, le casette di legno, che vorrei mappare, sono semi-permanenti.

 Poi, opening_hours è il tag sbagliato per indicare che qualcosa non c'è per 
 certi periodi. Indica solo che è chiuso o aperto, ma non indica che quando è 
 off sparisce.Poi c'è un altro punto: probabilmente non saranno nello stesso 
 preciso punto ogni anno.

Ti do ragione sul tag opening_hours, che anche secondo me non è adatto a 
indicare la presenza effettiva del building per cinque mesi, ma hai torto 
sull'ultima parte della frase. Sono ormai alcuni anni che le casette di legno 
vengono posizionate sempre negli stessi identici punti.


Matteo Quatrida
GNU/Linux User #498939
OpenStreetMap Contributor since 2009
«Be GREEN and keep it on your SCREEN!»

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-17 10:09 GMT+01:00 Matteo Quatrida matteo.quatr...@linuxmail.org:

 Ciao Volker,

  Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 at 9:16 AM
  From: Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com
  Io non mapperei un edificio leggero e provvisorio che è lì solo per
 cinque mesi.


+1, mappiamo delle cose molto più efemere di un edificio leggero ;-)

Capisco l'inutilità di mappare per esempio i Mercatini di Natale, che
 rimangono da fine novembre a fine dicembre (1 mese, giorno più, giorno

e comunque è prassi in Germania di farlo (lo vedo anch'io un po' con
ambiguità), come anche gli alberi di maggio (Maibaum
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maibaum )

 ma qualcosa che rimanga per quasi metà dell'anno penso debba essere


 La differenza, secondo me, è che, mentre i Mercatini sono legati ad un
 preciso evento (il Natale) e quindi sono delle installazioni temporanee a
 tutti gli effetti, le casette di legno, che vorrei mappare, sono

o forse si potrebbe dire stagionali?
Per esempio si mappano anche le piste da sci, ma non sono presenti per
tutto l'anno (al meno per la maggiorparte non sono utilizzabili durante
tutto l'anno).

Concordo che opening_hours non è il massimo di tagging per indicare che

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Un commento a caldo:

Il fatto che in Germania mappano tutto e con ottima precisione, anche se
molto delle cose sono molto effimeri, come dice Martin, per me non è un
buon argomento. Non vedo perché dobbiamo seguire questo cattivo esempio. Da
noi tanta roba di base non è ancora mappata o è mappata male.
Concentriamoci su questo.
So che mi ripeto, ma c'è sempre da considerare che siamo in pochi per la
mole di dati che mettiamo nella mappa, col risultato che i dati marciscono
rapidamente e con questo, la qualità e reputazione della mappa.

Anche se non c'entra direttamente con le casette di legno, date un occhiata
alla mia presentazione OSMIT 2014 Cicloturista nel paese delle meraviglie
di OSM : http://conf.openstreetmap.it/materiale-da-osmit14/

Buon divertimento!


Il giorno 17 novembre 2014 10:36, Martin Koppenhoefer 
dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 2014-11-17 10:09 GMT+01:00 Matteo Quatrida matteo.quatr...@linuxmail.org

 Ciao Volker,

  Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 at 9:16 AM
  From: Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com
  Io non mapperei un edificio leggero e provvisorio che è lì solo per
 cinque mesi.


 +1, mappiamo delle cose molto più efemere di un edificio leggero ;-)

 Capisco l'inutilità di mappare per esempio i Mercatini di Natale, che
 rimangono da fine novembre a fine dicembre (1 mese, giorno più, giorno

 e comunque è prassi in Germania di farlo (lo vedo anch'io un po' con
 ambiguità), come anche gli alberi di maggio (Maibaum
 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maibaum )

 ma qualcosa che rimanga per quasi metà dell'anno penso debba essere


 La differenza, secondo me, è che, mentre i Mercatini sono legati ad un
 preciso evento (il Natale) e quindi sono delle installazioni temporanee a
 tutti gli effetti, le casette di legno, che vorrei mappare, sono

 o forse si potrebbe dire stagionali?
 Per esempio si mappano anche le piste da sci, ma non sono presenti per
 tutto l'anno (al meno per la maggiorparte non sono utilizzabili durante
 tutto l'anno).

 Concordo che opening_hours non è il massimo di tagging per indicare che


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-17 11:04 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com:

 Un commento a caldo:

 Il fatto che in Germania mappano tutto e con ottima precisione, anche se
 molto delle cose sono molto effimeri, come dice Martin, per me non è un
 buon argomento.


 ... Da noi tanta roba di base non è ancora mappata o è mappata male.
 Concentriamoci su questo.
 So che mi ripeto, ma c'è sempre da considerare che siamo in pochi per la
 mole di dati che mettiamo nella mappa, col risultato che i dati marciscono
 rapidamente e con questo, la qualità e reputazione della mappa.

si, però non parliamo di una cosa che oggi c'è e domani la smontano,
parliamo di edifici leggeri per la vendità di prodotti che ci stanno per
quasi la metà dell'anno. Non vedo alcun problema di mappare questi con dei
tags adatti. Poi come sempre vale che ciascuno mappa ciò che vuole/che lo
interessa. Non abbiamo mai seguite regole del tipo: non puoi mappare il
sentiero perché accanto manca ancora l'autostrada.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] [ERA]: mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-11-17 11:04 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com:

 Anche se non c'entra direttamente con le casette di legno, date un occhiata
 alla mia presentazione OSMIT 2014 Cicloturista nel paese delle meraviglie
 di OSM : http://conf.openstreetmap.it/materiale-da-osmit14/

 Buon divertimento!

che piacere leggerla! ce ne vorrebbero di persone che la pensino come
noi, avremo una mappa più scarna ma sicuramente più affidabile.




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [ERA]: mappare casette di legno per la vendita di prodotti locali

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-17 11:22 GMT+01:00 Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com:

  di OSM : http://conf.openstreetmap.it/materiale-da-osmit14/
  Buon divertimento!

 che piacere leggerla! ce ne vorrebbero di persone che la pensino come
 noi, avremo una mappa più scarna ma sicuramente più affidabile.

per le tracce GPX strane: probabilmente derivano da semplificazioni oppure
da registrazioni con pochi punti per tempo / percorso oppure da ricevitori
non buoni o non ancora configurati (senza fix GPS). La mia soluzione
personale è quella di visualizzare conessioni tra i punti GPX soltanto per
tracce locali e di ingrandire i punti di GPX (doppia grandezza con un
colore verde acceso). Se un utente ha registrato in maniera regolare (ogni
secondo per esempio) vedrai comunque la continuità della sua traccia (al
meno che non ci sono talmente tanti che non importa comunque) ed altrimenti
(solo pochi punti per traccia) non ti cambia niente perché con pochi punti
non ci fai comunque niente (al meno in un setting urbano come quello del
tuo screenshot).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mobile Apps

2014-11-17 Per discussione mircozorzo
OsmAnd anch'io.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mobile Apps

2014-11-17 Per discussione sabas88
Il giorno 17 novembre 2014 09:00, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha

 2014-11-16 22:02 GMT+01:00 Pratosmart pratosm...@gmail.com:
  Ciao a tutti


  allo stato attuale quali sono le migliori app mobile (android e iOS) per
  fare GPS tracking su OSM?

 prova anche geopaparazzi (attualmente lo strumento per osm ha un bug e
 non riesce a caricare i dati sul db, ma per fare tracking va

+1 Io uso solo Geopaparazzi quando mappo




 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import Civici Biella

2014-11-17 Per discussione cascafico
Andrea Musuruane wrote
 Credo che il sistema più facile da usare per normalizzare i nomi delle vie
 1. usare ogr2osm e fare la conversione shp-osm
 2. estrarre i nomi dall'shp (avendo cura di evitare di estrarre
 normalizzarli e metterli in un file csv [con script]
 3. correggere i nomi a mano sul csv
 4. correggere i nomi nel file osm prendendoli dal csv [con script]

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, stiamo lavorando in mysql:

- importato la tabellona di circa 433.000 record dello shp regionale in un
database ispezionabile qui [1]
- costruito una query con nomi problematici (numeri romani, abbreviazioni,
accenti...) eliminando i duplicati (select distinct)
- pubblicato la tabella risultante [2] (1.600 record) per il crowd editing

al momento mancano circa 250 record , prevalentemente personaggi che le
amministrazioni hanno registrato abbreviando il nome proprio.
Il passo successivo sarà reinserire nel tabellone intero le modifiche ed
iniziare i vari ogr2osm dove di si cureranno in modo automatico
supervisionato i maiuscoli/minuscoli e la conflation.

Credo che creare a migliorare la query dei civici problematici possa
essere utile per eventuali nuove release regionali (a meno che non
recepiscano i consigli ISTAT, in tal caso problema risolto per tutti). Poi
c'è il fatto che si può lavorare in più persone senza lock reciproci o
sovrapposizioni, rispetto a modificare un csv condiviso.

[1] http://lampone.ddns.net:8064/index.php/numeri-civici
[2] http://lampone.ddns.net/index.php/rafvg-distinct


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] internet_access:wlan:key=type_here_your_password

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-14 17:47 GMT+01:00 Matteo Quatrida matteo.quatr...@linuxmail.org:

 Mi sono quindi domandato se anche OpenStreetMap riporti le password delle
 reti Wi-Fi che si conoscono (legalmente o illegalmente) in maniera simile
 ed eventuali controindicazioni nel introdurle nel database OSM con un tag
 La mia ricerca si è fermata alla key internet_access:wlan:key=... che ha
 ben 15 occorrenze in tutto il mondo, ma mi sembra strano che non vi siano
 altri tag con occorrenze maggiori.
 Cosa ne pensate?

Sia del tag, sia del discorso liceità o meno: è OSM responsabile
 dell'inserimento di una password di una rete Wi-Fi, senza il preventivo
 consenso del titolare, o la responsabilità ricade integralmente sul

penso che lo scopo della password è quello di non far accedere chiunque (al
meno che non si tratta di una password creata per pretendere di aver
cercato di non far accedere chiunque, vuol dire aggirare qualche legge), e
quindi pubblicarla non dovrebbe essere nel interesse di chi ha messo la

 Sbaglio a dire che anche su Foursquare la responsabilità ricade su chi le
 inserisce, per l'inserimento, e su chi le usa, per mancanza di

questo credo dipende dalla giurisdizione in quale si trova il servizio
(=Londra per OSM) e forse anche quella dove si trova l'utente che inserisce
il dato. In generale sei risponsabile te, quando inserisci una cosa in OSM,
però potrebbe essere che la diffussione (i.e. OSMF) crea ulteriori
risponsabilità. IANAL, ma credo che per la OSMF dovrebbe essere sufficiente
di reagire quando qualcuno fa presente un problema, non credo che devono
andare loro a cercare i problemi nei loro dati, ma visto alcune sentenze
strane del passato (chi ha un web blog è responsabile dei commenti sul suo
blog e li deve controllare _prima_ di pubblicarli, al meno in Germania) non
mi stupirebbe troppo se non fosse così.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] SplashMaps: esempio interessante di OSS e riuso OSM e altri opendata

2014-11-17 Per discussione Piergiorgio Cipriano

Lo stack tecnologico (non so se tutto o parte) è stato sviluppato da Arnulf
​ [1]​ [2]
I dati sono OSM e open Ordance
​ ​

​[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Arnulf_Christl​


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2014-11-17 Per discussione Marco_T
Utilizzo con entusiasmo il tool
e per questo ringrazio gli sviluppatori per l'ottimo lavoro messo a
Una domanda: cosa vuol dire quando leggo per esempio il NOV 16 Tag totali
- che si son persi 36 link da osm verso wikipedia causa modifiche del titolo
in wikipedia;
- che qualcuno ha cancellato 36 link verso wikipedia.
Chiedo cio' perche' mi sembra strano un calo del genere in un giorno solo, e
di recente e' gia' successo il NOV 11 con una diff di -21...


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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] acequia

2014-11-17 Per discussione Miguel Sevilla-Callejo

Estoy editando algunas acequias en los alrededores de Zaragoza y aún no
tengo muy claro si debo usar waterway=canal ó waterway=ditch

¿Se llegó a algún consenso en ocasiones anteriores?

¿Alguien podría ayudarme?

En este momento una rivera del Gállego aparece con canal y la otra con
ditch... y estoy penando en homogeneizarlo.


Miguel msevilla00

2012-04-05 10:50 GMT+02:00 Agustin Diez Castillo agustind...@gmail.com:

 Creo que lo suyo sería proponer acequia en osm. Es una palabra que se usa
 en inglés para referirse a una acequia [1], las demás propuestas las
 encuentro misleading y no se acercan a los que es una acequia. Ditch [2]
 podría servir pero también se usa para otras cosas, acequia es mucho más
 bonito; drain [3] una alcantarilla y ningún anglófono entenderá por ellas
 irrigation channel.
 [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acequia
 [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ditch
 [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drain

 Am 05/04/2012 um 10:21 schrieb Jan Esquerra jan.esque...@gmail.com:

 pues precisamente 'ditch' es un canal de drenaje

 yo uso:


 y si es el caso se le pueden añadir mas atributos (tunnel=culvert,
 intermittent=yes, surface=concrete, etc)

 El 5 d’abril de 2012 9:23, Benjamín Valero Espinosa benjaval...@gmail.com
  ha escrit:

 El 4 de abril de 2012 22:02, sergio sevillano 
 sergiosevillano.m...@gmail.com escribió:



 yo voto por drain

 Parece que aquí la clave está en el uso de la acequia y no en sus
 características físicas.

 En mi zona (sudeste español) casi todas las acequias son para regadío y
 la mayoría están recubiertas por cemento o algo parecido, no sólo tierra.
 Aún así las etiqueto con ditch. De hecho, la wiki dice generalmente sin
 recubrimiento, así que creo que cumple la descripción.

 En cambio, drain es para drenaje. Creo que esto se refiere a muchas
 vías que van paralelas a carreteras (algunas realmente anchas o profundas)
 cuya finalidad es exclusivamente la recogida del agua de las lluvias.

 Yo al menos lo hago así: drain para recogida de aguas fluviales,
 ditch para acequias de regadío y canal para acequias más anchas (que no
 se puedan saltar, jeje).

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-at] LUGT/OSM-Stammtisch Innsbruck am 20. November 2014

2014-11-17 Per discussione Simon Legner

Wir möchten zum nächsten gemeinsamen LUGT-/OSM-Stammtisch einladen:

am Donnerstag, 20. November 2014 um 19:00 Uhr
im Restaurant Kastanie
Innsbrucker Straße 4, 6176 Völs

Wir freuen uns auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen!

Die Einladung ist wie immer auch auf der LUGT-Webseite und im OSM-Wiki
zu finden:


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] appuntamento mensile?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-11-17 9:25 GMT+01:00 pietro marzani piem...@yahoo.it:
 Quindi, che si fa?
 Io sinceramente - non me ne voglia Marco - propenderei per tener fisso 
 dato che avevamo già un po' di adesioni...


 In caso bisognerebbe trovare una sede e magari fare una piccola scaletta?

per questo possiamo di nuovo utilizzare un bar e poi dalla prossima
trovare una vera location..

 Ciao ciao




Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] appuntamento mensile?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2014-11-17 11:08 GMT+01:00 Maurizio Napolitano napoo...@gmail.com:
 il terzo mercoledì di novembre è domani. Visto che l'ultimo incontro
 è stato il secondo mercoledì di novembre, forse si può proporre
 il secondo mercoledì di ogni mese invece che il terzo.

quindi dopodomani non ci si vede?

...allora ne approfitto per andare a conoscere linuxtrent e GAS cadine...


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] appuntamento mensile?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-11-17 14:06 GMT+01:00 Matteo Quatrida matteo.quatr...@linuxmail.org:

 Ciao Dario,

 certo che è possibile, tuttavia penso sia prima necessario che il gruppo più 
 numeroso (credo Trento e dintorni), si conosca e si organizzi in città.

non credo si corretto ciò, se Dario (come ha già fatto in precedenza)
vuole organizzare qualcosa ben venga, abbiamo organizzato diversi
eventi anche quando non ci riunivamo costantemente

 Poi sarà sicuramente più facile trovare chi è disposto a raggiungere le 
 valli, diffondere il progetto, mostrare presentazioni, organizzare attività e 
 ampliare la rete di Contributors OSM.

Lo faccio (così come altri in questa lista) da 8 anni senza che
esistesse un gruppo formale di mappatori trentini/liguri/italiani

 Se c'è la disponibilità da parte di qualcuno a iniziare una programmazione in 
 questo senso, ben venga già da adesso!

Cosa intendi per programmazione?



Talk-it-trentino mailing list

[Talk-pt] Dados da CAOP e import

2014-11-17 Per discussione f . dos . santos
Olá Marcos, olá a todos,

Não gosto de fazer este tipo de email, e gosto ainda menos fazer-lo numa lista 

Percebo que queres que os limites administrativos de Portugal estejam no OSM, 
muito bem e não posso impedir-te.

Se estás a colocar alguns limites com metodologia e precaução com os dados 
existentes, tudo bem.
Pelo contrario se quiseres importar *tudo* diria que isto tem que ser discutido 
nesta lista e quando digo discutir não é só dizer que vais o fazer mais 
*como* vais o fazer e só *depois* de ter o teu plano definido é que podes o 

Infelizmente não partilhaste o teu plano com o resto da comunidade, é por isso 
que faço este email e vou fazer um resumo dos pontos que me parece importante 
do teu trabalho com a tua conta de import :


1) Temos aqui um apagamento *sistemático* das relações existentes : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26660086 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26757923 

2) Os ways da fronteira espanhola também foram apagadas :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26662574 
E novos ways com o desenho da CAOP só para mudar a fronteira neste changeset :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26665216 

Também outra fronteira alterada aqui :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26822965 
E fica para os outros (obrigado fx99) corrigir os teus erros no lado espanhol : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/348988/history 

Penso que, no mínimo, era normal ter uma discussão antes de alterar a fronteira 
em larga escala e envolver também o nosso vizinho.
Não fizeste nenhuma concertação, nem em Portugal, nem em Espanha.
A fronteira pode não estar certa, más não tens o direito de apagar e colocar o 
que te agrada mais.

3) Parece também que não te agrada pessoas que usam área com tag place=hamlet :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/224542874/history (no changeset 26665576) 

Ou aldeias em nó como por exemplo Alturas do Barroso (apagado e criado de novo) 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/434451714/history 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3178200762/history 
Corresponde ao changeset :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26678692 
e criado de novo com :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26678954 

4) Tenho que fazer um assunto separado porque é um tema importante, várias 
aldeias (place=hamlet ou place=village) apagadas :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764149 
Só para poder colocar de novo aqui :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764456 

Ainda mais aldeias apagadas :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26761877 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764149 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26778739 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26801619 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26834569 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26831663 

Outro caso com o exemplo de Vila Boas, apagado no changeset :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26768293 
e recolocado em :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26769042 
Nem guardaste o nome em russo : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1236321258/history 
Nem colocaste o link wikipedia correto : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3185651505 

5) Também os parque naturais não escaparam.
O parque natural do douro :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4200729/history
Que foi criado no changeset : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26827136

Sabendo que já existia uma relação : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2669734/history
Que apagaste antes em :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26826549) 

O parque natural do Alvão que transformaste numa relação más nao quiseste
guardar nem o way nem os nós originais : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26037048 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/24456425/history 

O Parque Natural do Litoral Norte, apagaste no changeset :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26827502 
Para ser colocado de novo com uma relaçao :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26827560 

Pior no parque Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês : 
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26031660 
Apagar a relação :
- http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2383411 
Para colocar a relação :
Isto tudo no mesmo changeset ! 

Sabendo que escreveste-me uma mensagem a 2 semanas a perguntar-me se o trabalho 
que estou a desenvolver para fazer a conflation dos dados CAOP com os dados 
OSM ia por em risco os dados já importados, é **inaceitável** a maneira como 
apagaste os dados já existentes e por isso considero isto como vandalismo.

Faço o contacto com o Data Working Group já a seguir.


Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Dados da CAOP e import

2014-11-17 Per discussione Rui Oliveira
Concordo totalmente com o que o Francisco referiu, e gostaria de salientar
a importância que temos sempre dado a esta lista, de modo a ser um meio de
comunicação de alterações significativas na minha opinião de excelência.
Não é o único, mas quem quer fazer alterações  em massa (como imports), tem
que catalizar o apoio dentro do possível dos meios existentes para contacto
com a comunidade.

Gostava de aproveitar esta situação para alertar de forma pedagógica  que é
preciso ter muito cuidado com os imports. Se bem se lembram já há
relativamente pouco tempo reportei uma situação que, embora não exactamente
igual, envolvia um utilizador do lado de espanha fez uma importação de
pontos de interesse e as chatices que deu (ficando POI replicados e fora do

Gostava salientar, que acho talvez mais crítico os eventuais deletes de
Hamlets. Marcos, eu até compreendia, que se tivesses informação
privilegiada de um ponto do mapa não ser hamlet e ser uma village, chegares
e mudar. Mas apagar é remover detalhe precioso do mapa, que por vezes é a
única forma de certas aldeia (esquecidas por provedores proprietários) têm
de aparecer num mapa e terem visibilidade. Lembra-te também que estás a
eliminar trabalho que pessoas que no seu tempo livre e por vezes com tempo
limitado, tiraram para tornar o mapa melhor.

Espero que interpretes este email como pedagógico (é o seu intuito). Afinal
somos uma comunidade, e apesar de todos sermos diferentes, no final todos
temos que nos entender.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:32 AM, f.dos.san...@free.fr wrote:

 Olá Marcos, olá a todos,

 Não gosto de fazer este tipo de email, e gosto ainda menos fazer-lo numa
 lista publica.

 Percebo que queres que os limites administrativos de Portugal estejam no
 OSM, muito bem e não posso impedir-te.

 Se estás a colocar alguns limites com metodologia e precaução com os dados
 existentes, tudo bem.
 Pelo contrario se quiseres importar *tudo* diria que isto tem que ser
 discutido nesta lista e quando digo discutir não é só dizer que vais o
 fazer mais *como* vais o fazer e só *depois* de ter o teu plano definido é
 que podes o fazer.

 Infelizmente não partilhaste o teu plano com o resto da comunidade, é por
 isso que faço este email e vou fazer um resumo dos pontos que me parece
 importante do teu trabalho com a tua conta de import :


 1) Temos aqui um apagamento *sistemático* das relações existentes :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26660086
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26757923

 2) Os ways da fronteira espanhola também foram apagadas :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26662574
 E novos ways com o desenho da CAOP só para mudar a fronteira neste
 changeset :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26665216

 Também outra fronteira alterada aqui :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26822965
 E fica para os outros (obrigado fx99) corrigir os teus erros no lado
 espanhol :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/348988/history

 Penso que, no mínimo, era normal ter uma discussão antes de alterar a
 fronteira em larga escala e envolver também o nosso vizinho.
 Não fizeste nenhuma concertação, nem em Portugal, nem em Espanha.
 A fronteira pode não estar certa, más não tens o direito de apagar e
 colocar o que te agrada mais.

 3) Parece também que não te agrada pessoas que usam área com tag
 place=hamlet :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/224542874/history (no changeset

 Ou aldeias em nó como por exemplo Alturas do Barroso (apagado e criado de
 novo) :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/434451714/history
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3178200762/history
 Corresponde ao changeset :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26678692
 e criado de novo com :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26678954

 4) Tenho que fazer um assunto separado porque é um tema importante, várias
 aldeias (place=hamlet ou place=village) apagadas :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764149
 Só para poder colocar de novo aqui :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764456

 Ainda mais aldeias apagadas :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26761877
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26764149
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26778739
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26801619
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26834569
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26831663

 Outro caso com o exemplo de Vila Boas, apagado no changeset :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26768293
 e recolocado em :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26769042
 Nem guardaste o nome em russo :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1236321258/history
 Nem colocaste o link wikipedia correto :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3185651505

 5) Também os parque naturais não escaparam.
 O parque natural do douro :
 - http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4200729/history
 Que foi criado no changeset :

Re: [Talk-pt] Dados da CAOP e import

2014-11-17 Per discussione Marcos Oliveira
Francisco, Rui e a todos os restantes membros da talk-pt,

Admito desde já a minha total e plena culpa por tudo que me foi dito pelo
Francisco, tudo que ele reporta é verídico tal como podem comprovar pelas
changesets da minha conta de importação.

Peço só que me deixem argumentar um pouco em minha defesa, não para me
declarar inocente, mas sim para vos mostrar, com a total e máxima
transparência, a razão pela qual cometi tal vandalismo involuntário.
Responderei a cada ponto apresentado pelo Francisco, assim como dar à
comunidade formas que eu faria para reparar a maior quantidade de
vandalismo feita por mim.

1. Relativamente ao apagamento de relações existentes assim como os parque

Quando comecei a importar os limites administrativos, a 12 de setembro,
tentei sempre usar os limites existentes pelo que apenas adicionava ao
trabalho de outras pessoas. O que aconteceu foi que, depois de validado
tudo o que estava presente, apareciam, sempre, uma imensidão de conflitos,
por vezes na ordem das centenas de conflitos.

Eu não queria danificar elementos que não fossem os limites, por isso
optei, e *sem primeiro falar com a comunidade*, por apagar os limites e
relações presentes, anteriormente colocadas por outros contribuidores.
Desta maneira evitei (a meu ver) causar qualquer conflito com quaisquer
outro tipos de elementos e, desta forma, apagar elementos que eu mais tarde
nunca poderia arranjar.

Só há pouco tempo é que tomei conhecimento da ferramenta replace geometry
do plugin *utilsplugin2*, pelo que agora nunca mais irei apagar quaisquer
relações/ways presentes

Tinha planeado, depois de completa a importação dos limites, fazer a
limpeza da mesma ao atribuir a ways como, por exemplo: rios, estradas,
etc. que fossem comuns ao limite administrativo.

2. Relativamente à modificação/apagamento das ways que faziam fronteira com

Enquanto importava em regiões raianos, não deixei de reparar que havia
vários sítios onde a fronteira estava exageradamente deformada, por vezes
com território que devia ser nosso (ou deles) a centenas de metros de onde
deveriam estar.

O que fiz foi então (novamente, não queria causar conflitos com elementos
existentes) apagar as ways e trocar-las por novas que seguem os dados da
CAOP 2014 assim como todos os *dados que a way tinha antes de ser apagada*.

Outra vez, na minha ignorância, não achei que fosse importante falar com a
comunidade porque estava com a certeza assumida que tinha verificado as
relações de Portugal e Espanha à procura se causei ou não algum erro.

O incidente que o Francisco apontou e que o fx99 felizmente arranjou, o do
limite da Peneda-Gerês com Espanha, foi culpa técnica. Quando usei o
overpass-turbo para descarregar a relação de Portugal, utilizando-a para
substituir o way fronteiriço do Parque Nacional (que estava sobreposto à
fronteira), aquilo não descarregou as relações de Espanha, pelo que depois
quando fui validar não apontava erro.

3. Relativamente às aldeias apagadas:

Apaguei as aldeias, não porque não gostava delas, mas porque tinha a
suspeita de que eram dados retirados do gpspostcode (licença não compatível
com OSM) ou do Google já que vários hamlets batiam certo, à coordenada, a
localização das mesmas e, outra vez, não falei com a comunidade portuguesa
sobre esta situação. Eu tenho familiares em Vila Real, portanto para
futuramente colmatar a situação pedi-lhes se sabiam o nome dos lugares da
Murça, eles mais tarde deram-me e eu prontamente registrei-os novamente no
OSM https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26834569?node_page=6.

Tendo argumentado em minha defesa, deixo também explicito o que eu posso
fazer para arranjar esta situação, já que considero que o vandalismo não
devia ser corrigido por outra pessoa que não o mesmo.

- Posso reverter as limpezas feitas nas aldeias, limites e relações ou
com o JOSM ou com a função do Potlatch 1 de ver elementos apagados. Por
mais tempo que demore eu restaurarei tudo.

- Posso também parar de importar, reverter tudo o que a minha conta fez e
nunca mais importar como castigo pelo vandalismo que fiz, se a comunidade
assim decidir.

Concluindo, quero deixar bem claro que o que mais quero *é ajudar, não
prejudicar*. Rogo-vos que me perdoem pelo vandalismo que eu causei e que me
dêem outra oportunidade para me integrar na comunidade. Eu adoraria ajudar
na importação dos limites administrativos, ainda mais depois do diário
sobre como Portugal é um dos países onde existe mais falta deles
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/diary/26259, mas se a
comunidade assim desejar, aceito as consequências do vandalismo de reverter
tudo o que fiz.

Peço desculpa a todos, nunca mais voltará a repetir-se.

No dia 18 de Novembro de 2014 às 02:15, Rui Oliveira racoqs...@gmail.com

 Concordo totalmente com o que o Francisco referiu, e gostaria de salientar
 a importância que temos sempre dado a esta lista, de modo a ser um meio de
 comunicação de alterações significativas na 

[Talk-lv] shkjiibs terplaans ?

2014-11-17 Per discussione Rich
saliidzinaam shiis 4 eekas ar binga foto :

taadas tur nav, un arii liidziigaa izmeeraa netaalu nekaa nav.

tas ir vienkaarshi kljuudains terplaans vai ir kaadi citi mineejumi ?
varbuut vienkaarshi jaanes nost ?

(bish zemaak arii dazhas diivainas un neatbilst foto)

Talk-lv mailing list

[Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Ga Delap
Il y a actuellement un peu de bruit sur talk.ca pour faire renaître les
importations CanVec.
Il ne faut pas.

Les importations CanVec (et les importateurs CanVec) sont responsables de
plusieurs problèmes:
- ils ont fait fuir plusieurs contributeurs OSM (explications plus loin).
- des données désuètes ont remplacé des données à jour.
- des données imprécises ont remplacé des données précises.
- CanVec a introduit des erreurs de modélisation en imposant dans OSM le
concept de tuile plutôt qu'en respectant celui de l'objet.
- CanVec a un mauvais traitement des objets chemin (ou rue). Il n'y a pas de
nom (du moins au Québec) et il y a un segment pour chaque pâté de maison. Cela
n'a pas de sens dans plus de 90% des cas.

Les importateurs CanVec n'ont pas suivi les guidelines OSM et ont agi en
solitaire. Ils ont agi en utilisant la stratégie tabula rasa et ont effacé
tout un territoire pour faire place à leur importation. Des dizaines
(centaines, milliers?) de contributeurs en ont été frustrés et ont cessé de
collaborer à OSM.

Les importateurs qui n'ont pas fait tabula rasa ont créé un problème de
duplicata. Des lacs existants ont maintenant un doublon dont la qualité est
douteuse. On n'a qu'à regarder dans les Laurentides.

Un lac situé sur une fontière de tuiles se verra découpé en 2, 3 ou 4 parties.
Ce lac sera défini pas les zones inner de plusieurs relations et il devient
difficile de fusionner ces entités volumineuses. Deux cas possibles:
- on ne fait rien et on laisse la carte dans un piteux état.
- on détruit les méga-relations de CanVec et on recommence.
Dans les 2 cas, la valeur ajoutée par CanVec est discutable.

Mon intention n'est pas d'affirmer que CanVec n'a que des torts. Grâce à CanVec,
nous avons:
- plus de rues
- les adresses (addr:interpolation)
- la forêt (natural:wood)

- la façon dont CanVec traite les rues demande beaucoup de travail aux
contributeurs qui veulent fusionner tous les segments de rues.
- les lacs ne devraient pas faire partie des relations de forêt car les
renderer d'OSM ont pour règle que les lacs sont au-dessus de la couche de

Mes recommandations aux importateurs CanVec (si CanVec renaît):
- n'importer que dans les zones où il n'y a pas de contributeur (Nunavut par
- impliquer les contributeurs s'il y en a
- laisser les rues et routes aux contributeurs OSM
- bravo pour les adresses
- ne pas tenir compte des lacs ou des chemins dans les contours de tuiles
- ne pas importer un lac s'il existe déjà dans OSM. Il est probable qu'il a
été dessiné à partir d'un imagerie (Bing, Yahoo, ...) qui est plus précise que
que les données CanVec faites à partir des données d'un satellite désuet.

Pour le dynamisme et la pérennité d'OSM


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Dan Charrois

 On 2014-Nov-17, at 1:53 PM, Ga Delap gade...@gmail.com wrote:
 Il y a actuellement un peu de bruit sur talk.ca pour faire renaître les
 importations CanVec.
 Il ne faut pas.

Unfortunately, though I can read French, I can only speak or write English 
properly, but wanted to weigh in on this discussion.

As someone who has imported a fair bit of Canvec data, I wanted to weigh in on 

Though Canvec data has some issues involved in importing into OSM that people 
should be aware of, I think that it does far more good than harm if treated 
properly.  All data from Canvec (or any source for that matter) should be 
inspected carefully before importing into OSM - using satellite imagery for 
verification, for instance.  And in particular, any data from Canvec that is 
replacing existing data in OSM should be considered very carefully and with a 
high degree of suspicion, as in most cases (though not all), our existing OSM 
data is superior.

But with that said, there are a lot of pieces of data from Canvec that we don't 
have in OSM and should be added - more streets, addresses, and forest areas, as 
you mentioned - especially if they're verified by overlaying satellite imagery. 
 I'd add to that list hydrography.  In particular, smaller streams and lakes in 
my part of Canada tend not to exist at all in OSM, and adding them from Canvec 
adds data where there otherwise was none.  It's usually best to leave the 
larger lakes and rivers that already exist alone, though perhaps adding a bit 
more detail to their shorelines.

In my experience, probably about 90% of the data in Canvec (particularly non 
man-made features) that is not already in OSM may be worth importing.  And 
similarly, about 90% of the data that is common between the two is best left 

Some areas of the map in more remote areas don't have any data at all in OSM - 
in those cases, importing Canvec data particularly adds a huge amount of value. 
 In places like downtown Toronto, probably not so much.  I think Canvec data is 
very valuable for OSM and very strongly support its continued importation, 
under the condition that whomever is doing it knows some of the issues as you 
pointed out to ensure they are always making things better instead of worse.

Dan Charrois
President, Syzygy Research  Technology
Phone: 780-961-2213

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Alan Trick
I don't think the two of you are actually disagreeing at all. Ga Delap just
said that the past importers of CanVec data were too haphazard and that
there was not enough community consulting. It seems like the quality of the
data in Quebec might have been worse than in other places too.

(Désolé, je ne parle pas francais bien.) Je ne pense pas que vous differez.
Ga Delap a dit seulment que les ancients importateurs de donne CanVec etiez
trop négligé est ils n'agissent pas avec la communauté. Il me semble aussi
que la qualite de donne quebequois est pire que les autres.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Dan Charrois d...@syz.com wrote:

  On 2014-Nov-17, at 1:53 PM, Ga Delap gade...@gmail.com wrote:
  Il y a actuellement un peu de bruit sur talk.ca pour faire renaître les
  importations CanVec.
  Il ne faut pas.

 Unfortunately, though I can read French, I can only speak or write English
 properly, but wanted to weigh in on this discussion.

 As someone who has imported a fair bit of Canvec data, I wanted to weigh
 in on this.

 Though Canvec data has some issues involved in importing into OSM that
 people should be aware of, I think that it does far more good than harm if
 treated properly.  All data from Canvec (or any source for that matter)
 should be inspected carefully before importing into OSM - using satellite
 imagery for verification, for instance.  And in particular, any data from
 Canvec that is replacing existing data in OSM should be considered very
 carefully and with a high degree of suspicion, as in most cases (though not
 all), our existing OSM data is superior.

 But with that said, there are a lot of pieces of data from Canvec that we
 don't have in OSM and should be added - more streets, addresses, and forest
 areas, as you mentioned - especially if they're verified by overlaying
 satellite imagery.  I'd add to that list hydrography.  In particular,
 smaller streams and lakes in my part of Canada tend not to exist at all in
 OSM, and adding them from Canvec adds data where there otherwise was none.
 It's usually best to leave the larger lakes and rivers that already exist
 alone, though perhaps adding a bit more detail to their shorelines.

 In my experience, probably about 90% of the data in Canvec (particularly
 non man-made features) that is not already in OSM may be worth importing.
 And similarly, about 90% of the data that is common between the two is best
 left alone.

 Some areas of the map in more remote areas don't have any data at all in
 OSM - in those cases, importing Canvec data particularly adds a huge amount
 of value.  In places like downtown Toronto, probably not so much.  I think
 Canvec data is very valuable for OSM and very strongly support its
 continued importation, under the condition that whomever is doing it knows
 some of the issues as you pointed out to ensure they are always making
 things better instead of worse.

 Dan Charrois
 President, Syzygy Research  Technology
 Phone: 780-961-2213

 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Fwd: RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Adam Martin
Oops, meant to reply to the list, not an individual. :)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Adam Martin s.adam.mar...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec
To: Alan Trick alantr...@gmail.com

I have had some experience regarding the use of Canvec data. I have not
tried to import this data myself nor would I try - it is complex enough
that I think it is better that I keep my fingers out of it. My experience
with Canvec has been limited to correcting the data in areas that I am
editing in.

I echo the statements of Ga Delep in part - the data, in some areas, has
been haphazardly imported with features out of alignment and possible
destruction of user contributed data. But on the balance, I think it has
been a good information source in the hands of experienced importers. Land
features, such as local hills, groves, open landscapes, reefs ... these are
excellent pieces of information for the map. It has it's issues - the tiled
nature of the data is one problem. Another is the enormous multipolygon
relations that result from imports of these areas - they are difficult to
modify and correct because of the large size. They might be inaccurate when
one compares them to the fine details, but they serve the purpose when
there is no other data available. Honestly, I destroy these polygons when I
encounter them AND I am in the process of correcting the data where they

Ensuring the data remains available to these handful of skilled individuals
is a good idea, as is ensuring that the community is consulted with the
data is being imported.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Alan Trick alantr...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think the two of you are actually disagreeing at all. Ga Delap
 just said that the past importers of CanVec data were too haphazard and
 that there was not enough community consulting. It seems like the quality
 of the data in Quebec might have been worse than in other places too.

 (Désolé, je ne parle pas francais bien.) Je ne pense pas que vous
 differez. Ga Delap a dit seulment que les ancients importateurs de donne
 CanVec etiez trop négligé est ils n'agissent pas avec la communauté. Il me
 semble aussi que la qualite de donne quebequois est pire que les autres.

 On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Dan Charrois d...@syz.com wrote:

  On 2014-Nov-17, at 1:53 PM, Ga Delap gade...@gmail.com wrote:
  Il y a actuellement un peu de bruit sur talk.ca pour faire renaître les
  importations CanVec.
  Il ne faut pas.

 Unfortunately, though I can read French, I can only speak or write
 English properly, but wanted to weigh in on this discussion.

 As someone who has imported a fair bit of Canvec data, I wanted to weigh
 in on this.

 Though Canvec data has some issues involved in importing into OSM that
 people should be aware of, I think that it does far more good than harm if
 treated properly.  All data from Canvec (or any source for that matter)
 should be inspected carefully before importing into OSM - using satellite
 imagery for verification, for instance.  And in particular, any data from
 Canvec that is replacing existing data in OSM should be considered very
 carefully and with a high degree of suspicion, as in most cases (though not
 all), our existing OSM data is superior.

 But with that said, there are a lot of pieces of data from Canvec that we
 don't have in OSM and should be added - more streets, addresses, and forest
 areas, as you mentioned - especially if they're verified by overlaying
 satellite imagery.  I'd add to that list hydrography.  In particular,
 smaller streams and lakes in my part of Canada tend not to exist at all in
 OSM, and adding them from Canvec adds data where there otherwise was none.
 It's usually best to leave the larger lakes and rivers that already exist
 alone, though perhaps adding a bit more detail to their shorelines.

 In my experience, probably about 90% of the data in Canvec (particularly
 non man-made features) that is not already in OSM may be worth importing.
 And similarly, about 90% of the data that is common between the two is best
 left alone.

 Some areas of the map in more remote areas don't have any data at all in
 OSM - in those cases, importing Canvec data particularly adds a huge amount
 of value.  In places like downtown Toronto, probably not so much.  I think
 Canvec data is very valuable for OSM and very strongly support its
 continued importation, under the condition that whomever is doing it knows
 some of the issues as you pointed out to ensure they are always making
 things better instead of worse.

 Dan Charrois
 President, Syzygy Research  Technology
 Phone: 780-961-2213

 Talk-ca mailing list

 Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Stewart C. Russell
On 14-11-17 03:53 PM, Ga Delap wrote:
 - CanVec a introduit des erreurs de modélisation en imposant dans OSM le
 concept de tuile plutôt qu'en respectant celui de l'objet.

Amen to that.

Is there any way to de-tile the data? I realise that most of Canada is
one giant water relation, but is there a data processing pipeline that
can recognize and join up split entities?

I'd also be up for running a simplification routine on every way
imported (or reimported). While ways can have a maximum number of nodes,
they all don't need to have that number, and the original CanVec points
aren't sacrosanct.

Unless these issues can be carefully addressed, I'm firmly in the “Il ne
faut pas” camp.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Darren Wiebe
I'm near Lloydminster, Alberta and there is lots of data missing in the
area that we use OSM for.I use Canvec to fill in missing data in my

Canvec data should not be used to override more precise data but there are
Geobase imports in my area that are a complete wreck.  Some of the roads
are so bad that it's significantly less time consuming to just erase the
road and reimport versus trying to fix it.

I do spend some time with my gps and look for corrections while out driving
but in our area we'd have significantly less use for OSM without the Canvec

Darren Wiebe

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Stewart C. Russell scr...@gmail.com

 On 14-11-17 03:53 PM, Ga Delap wrote:
  - CanVec a introduit des erreurs de modélisation en imposant dans OSM le
  concept de tuile plutôt qu'en respectant celui de l'objet.

 Amen to that.

 Is there any way to de-tile the data? I realise that most of Canada is
 one giant water relation, but is there a data processing pipeline that
 can recognize and join up split entities?

 I'd also be up for running a simplification routine on every way
 imported (or reimported). While ways can have a maximum number of nodes,
 they all don't need to have that number, and the original CanVec points
 aren't sacrosanct.

 Unless these issues can be carefully addressed, I'm firmly in the “Il ne
 faut pas” camp.


 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] RIP CanVec

2014-11-17 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 11/17/2014 5:50 PM, Stewart C. Russell wrote:

Is there any way to de-tile the data? I realise that most of Canada is
one giant water relation, but is there a data processing pipeline that
can recognize and join up split entities?
I looked at this, but it's better to go back to the original sources, 
particularly now that CanVec is no longer being updated.

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-bf] Test 356251F

2014-11-17 Per discussione Regina
test message.

Investigations into the Jewish Freedom Movement in the Period from Herod I 
until 70 A. His work and stances on anarchism are very relevant to this 
particular section of the article.
Norman Jewison's final episode as producer. His family attends weekly Mass at 
Saint Aloysius Parish in Baton Rouge.

Talk-bf mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nová fíčura - kde chybí natrasovat budovy

2014-11-17 Per discussione Petr Vejsada

Dne Čt 13. listopadu 2014 06:39:28, Tomáš Tichý napsal(a):

 Nedal by se na autentizaci proti OSM serveru použít OAuth?
 Sice to není přímo identity provider, ale na ověření, zda má uživatel
 platný OSM login by to IMHO stačilo.

jo, šlo by to, strávil jsem sice nad tím prakticky všechny tyto 3 volné dny, 
což jsem docela přehnal, ale funguje. Díky za tip!

Otestujte na http://poloha.net OSM login v rámečku pro přihlášení.

Také je hotovo vykreslování neplatných budov šedivě, teď tam jsou jen 4 ode 
mě, http://ruian.poloha.net/neplatne-budovy/ (zase jedna ošklivá tabulka).

Zbývá dodělat nějaké inteligentní vkládání, hezčí seznam a výstup pro ČÚZK ;-)


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nová fíčura - kde chybí natrasovat budovy

2014-11-17 Per discussione Radek Kuznik
Super, login funguje. Tak uz dodelat rozumny vkladani a muze se na tom
pracovat. Dobra prace!

Dne 17. listopadu 2014 18:45 Petr Vejsada o...@propsychology.cz napsal(a):


 Dne Čt 13. listopadu 2014 06:39:28, Tomáš Tichý napsal(a):

  Nedal by se na autentizaci proti OSM serveru použít OAuth?
  Sice to není přímo identity provider, ale na ověření, zda má uživatel
  platný OSM login by to IMHO stačilo.

 jo, šlo by to, strávil jsem sice nad tím prakticky všechny tyto 3 volné
 což jsem docela přehnal, ale funguje. Díky za tip!

 Otestujte na http://poloha.net OSM login v rámečku pro přihlášení.

 Také je hotovo vykreslování neplatných budov šedivě, teď tam jsou jen 4 ode
 mě, http://ruian.poloha.net/neplatne-budovy/ (zase jedna ošklivá tabulka).

 Zbývá dodělat nějaké inteligentní vkládání, hezčí seznam a výstup pro ČÚZK


 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nová fíčura - kde chybí natrasovat budovy

2014-11-17 Per discussione Marián Kyral
V první fázi by myslím stačil nějaký jednoduchý formulář, který by se
dal zavolat s RUIAN ID. Do PointInfa bych doplnil nějakou ikonku, která
by ten link otevřela v prohlížeči.
Následně by se to mohlo dále vylepšovat a na konci by pak třeba byla
samostatná vrstva s RUIAN problémy v JOSM - alá OSM notes.


Dne 17.11.2014 20:14, Radek Kuznik napsal(a):
 Super, login funguje. Tak uz dodelat rozumny vkladani a muze se na tom
 pracovat. Dobra prace!

 Dne 17. listopadu 2014 18:45 Petr Vejsada o...@propsychology.cz
 mailto:o...@propsychology.cz napsal(a):


 Dne Čt 13. listopadu 2014 06:39:28, Tomáš Tichý napsal(a):

  Nedal by se na autentizaci proti OSM serveru použít OAuth?
  Sice to není přímo identity provider, ale na ověření, zda má
  platný OSM login by to IMHO stačilo.

 jo, šlo by to, strávil jsem sice nad tím prakticky všechny tyto 3
 volné dny,
 což jsem docela přehnal, ale funguje. Díky za tip!

 Otestujte na http://poloha.net OSM login v rámečku pro přihlášení.

 Také je hotovo vykreslování neplatných budov šedivě, teď tam jsou
 jen 4 ode
 mě, http://ruian.poloha.net/neplatne-budovy/ (zase jedna ošklivá

 Zbývá dodělat nějaké inteligentní vkládání, hezčí seznam a výstup
 pro ČÚZK ;-)


 Talk-cz mailing list
 Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org mailto:Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org

 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Miases à jour BANO interrompues

2014-11-17 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Salut Vincent,

Ici, je n'ai plus de couche BANO du tout.


Le dimanche 16 novembre 2014 09:59:46, Vincent de Château-Thierry a 
écrit :

les mises à jour de la base qui alimente BANO en données OSM ont été
arrêtées hier à mi-journée, pour cause d'espace disque saturé. La
conséquence pour aujourd'hui (et sûrement quelques jours à venir) est
que les tuiles du rendu BANO et les listes Fantoir, tout en restant
accessibles, ne seront pas rafraîchies.


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Non respect des conditions d'utilisation d'OSM

2014-11-17 Per discussione Arnaud Vandecasteele
Bonjour à tous,

Sauf erreur de ma part, il me semble que ce site :
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/ ne respecte pas les conditions d'utilisation

Avez-vous une procédure type pour ce genre de cas ?

Merci d'avance.



Arnaud Vandecasteele
SIG - WebMapping - Spatial Ontology - GeoCollaboration

Web Site
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Mises à jour BANO interrompues

2014-11-17 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry

 De: Stéphane Péneau stephane.pen...@wanadoo.fr
 Ici, je n'ai plus de couche BANO du tout.

De chez moi à l'instant ça fonctionne. Je vois par exemple la très belle 
densité de points verts sur Dunkerque et autour :
annoncée ici : http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Pichasso/diary/26251


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione david . crochet

- Mail original -
De: Christian Quest cqu...@openstreetmap.fr
À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Envoyé: Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 22:17:07
Objet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr]Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de 

Le mapping indoor est complexe vu qu'on n'a ni GPS ni image aérienne pour 
s'aider, c'est donc assez pifométrique à moins d'avoir accès à des plans 
précis. Pour la RATP, des plans (trop) détaillés des stations existent mais ne 
sont pas communicables car ils contiennent beaucoup d'informations sur des 
zones non accessibles au public. 

Il y aurait un très gros travail à faire pour ne diffuser que ce qui est 
diffusable... et donc on sort de l'opendata classique. 

De plus la modélisation dans OSM n'est pas évidente du tout. On est dans du 
indoor qui plus est multi-niveaux... j'y ait un peu goûté sur le mapping des 
stations parisiennes de la ligne C du RER. C'est pas du gâteau. Je me suis 
parfois aidé d'un télémètre laser pour mesurer la longueur d'un couloir et 
connaitre surtout celle des quais. 

Rien d'impossible bien sûr, mais rien d'évident non plus ! 

- Mail original -

En effet, actuellement en travaillant sur une même station, OSM peut produire a 
peu près ceci :

Demain, en faisant du indoor mapping simple, on pourrait certainement arriver à 
ceci :

Enfin, après demain, on pourra probablement arriver à ceci :

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Mises à jour BANO interrompues

2014-11-17 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Mais si tu zoomes un peu, pouf ! plus rien !

Il n'y a pas une histoire de paramètre qui fait que les dalles des 
zooms les plus élevés sont considérées comme has been au delà d'une 
certaine durée ?


Le lundi 17 novembre 2014 15:02:22, Vincent de Château-Thierry a écrit :


De: Stéphane Péneau stephane.pen...@wanadoo.fr

Ici, je n'ai plus de couche BANO du tout.

De chez moi à l'instant ça fonctionne. Je vois par exemple la très belle 
densité de points verts sur Dunkerque et autour :
annoncée ici : http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Pichasso/diary/26251


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
Bonjour tout le monde

Il existe différents logiciels de visualisation de plan intérieur en se basant 
sur la norme IndoorOSM dont notamment le très bon logiciel de Clément Lagrange.
En s'appuyant sur cette norme, il est possible de cartographier des chateaux, 
des écoles, des monuments touristiques alors pourquoi pas des gares?
Je suis en tout cas volontaire pour le faire! (j'adore faire ce type de carto)

Cependant, différents points:
- Qui dispose de cartes suffisamment détayées?
-Cquest:serait il possible de négocier des partenariats à ce niveau avec la 
ratp/sncf? Par exemple avec une version jpeg des plans de cartes du nord (ceux 
avec les données magasins and co) ou même les plans incendie?
- que penser de site comme celui là? Plans des stations de Métro : Les Petits 
Plus du Métropolitain | Cartes Postales Anciennes sur CPArama


Plans des stations de Métro : Les Petits Plus du Métropo...
Bonjour, Aux débuts du Métropolitain, les Services Techniques du Métropolitain 
de la Ville de Paris imprimaient des plans statistiques au 1/1000 ème des 
lignes du   
Afficher sur www.cparama.com Aperçu par Yahoo  

Le Lundi 17 novembre 2014 15h44, david.croc...@online.fr 
david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :


- Mail original -
De: Christian Quest cqu...@openstreetmap.fr
À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Envoyé: Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 22:17:07
Objet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr]Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de 

Le mapping indoor est complexe vu qu'on n'a ni GPS ni image aérienne pour 
s'aider, c'est donc assez pifométrique à moins d'avoir accès à des plans 
précis. Pour la RATP, des plans (trop) détaillés des stations existent mais ne 
sont pas communicables car ils contiennent beaucoup d'informations sur des 
zones non accessibles au public. 

Il y aurait un très gros travail à faire pour ne diffuser que ce qui est 
diffusable... et donc on sort de l'opendata classique. 

De plus la modélisation dans OSM n'est pas évidente du tout. On est dans du 
indoor qui plus est multi-niveaux... j'y ait un peu goûté sur le mapping des 
stations parisiennes de la ligne C du RER. C'est pas du gâteau. Je me suis 
parfois aidé d'un télémètre laser pour mesurer la longueur d'un couloir et 
connaitre surtout celle des quais. 

Rien d'impossible bien sûr, mais rien d'évident non plus ! 

- Mail original -

En effet, actuellement en travaillant sur une même station, OSM peut produire a 
peu près ceci :

Demain, en faisant du indoor mapping simple, on pourrait certainement arriver à 
ceci :

Enfin, après demain, on pourra probablement arriver à ceci :

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione david . crochet

- Mail original -
De: dHuy Pierre dh...@yahoo.fr
À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 16:41:12

ou même les plans incendie? 

- Mail original -

C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour 


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
Hors-SujetJe n'ai pas une bonne connection là mais il ne me semble pas avoir 
vu ces deux bâtiments apparaitre sur la liste Indoor?/Hors-Sujet
Sinon je sais j'ai réalisé le plan de l'ECE-Paris indoor (avec l'accord de 
l'école) en me basant sur des plans incendies.
Les plans d'architecte sont assez pratique aussi: château de Talcy (avec un peu 
d'aide du conservateur) et de Chenonceau.

Le Lundi 17 novembre 2014 17h06, david.croc...@online.fr 
david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :


- Mail original -
De: dHuy Pierre dh...@yahoo.fr
À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 16:41:12

ou même les plans incendie? 

- Mail original -

C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour 


David Crochet

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione François Lacombe
C'est intéressant en tout cas :)

Pour le métro ça peut en effet être vite le bazar, mais c'est loin d'être
le seul réseau présent sous terre

Un exemple sur la Place de la République à Paris :)

En voici des visualisation plus claires, spécifiques au métro pour la
plupart, à partir de la page 54

Il y a matière à s'en inspirer, à condition que la licence le permette

*François Lacombe*

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com
@InfosReseaux http://www.twitter.com/InfosReseaux

Le 17 novembre 2014 17:05, david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :


 - Mail original -
 De: dHuy Pierre dh...@yahoo.fr
 À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
 Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 16:41:12

 ou même les plans incendie?

 - Mail original -

 C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour


 David Crochet

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
HSMerci pour le pdf, je vais l'utiliser pour faire du start_date sur le 
La visualisation indoor n'est justement pas visible sur le layer principal 
(utilisation de buildingpart et de room). Ce qui donne des avantages. les 
problèmes peuvent être sur les escaliers (ex ECE-Paris) et les toilettes 
(idem). qui risquent de charger. Il est possible d'utiliser 
buildingpart:verticalpassage mais ça poserait problème sur les tapis roulant 
verticaux (je ne me souvient plus si osm les visualise, faudrait vérifier sur 
la gare de massy mais ma connexion lague là)
D'ailleurs est ce que tu pourrais me donner la page exacte sur le deuxième 
lien... le chargement est long par page

Le Lundi 17 novembre 2014 17h30, François Lacombe fl.infosrese...@gmail.com a 
écrit :

C'est intéressant en tout cas :)

Pour le métro ça peut en effet être vite le bazar, mais c'est loin d'être le 
seul réseau présent sous terre

Un exemple sur la Place de la République à Paris :)

En voici des visualisation plus claires, spécifiques au métro pour la plupart, 
à partir de la page 54

Il y a matière à s'en inspirer, à condition que la licence le permette

François Lacombe

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

Le 17 novembre 2014 17:05, david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :


- Mail original -
De: dHuy Pierre dh...@yahoo.fr
À: Discussions sur OSM en français talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 16:41:12

ou même les plans incendie?

- Mail original -

C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione yvecai

On 16.11.2014 22:17, Christian Quest wrote:
Il y aurait un très gros travail à faire pour ne diffuser que ce qui 
est diffusable... et donc on sort de l'opendata classique.

Bon, à coté du travail nécessaire pour rendre les stations parisiennes 
accessibles aux handicap physique, c'est vraiment pas grand chose.
Sous réserve d'une manière de mapper qui donne de bon résultats, cela 
vaudrait le coup de demander à la RATP.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 17/11/2014 17:05, david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :

C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour

Autre exemple :


C'est 3 exemples sont ceux que j'ai fait seul ( deux derniers	) ou en 
cartopartie (premier)

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Wikimap'Projets, l'aménagement en Ile-de-France

2014-11-17 Per discussione Gwen

J'ai repéré cette info publiée le 7 novembre sur Localtis :

Lancement de la wikimap'Projets, une carte collaborative sur
l'aménagement en Ile-de-France

Le projet

la carte


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-17 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Indoor_Mapping#France  David, tu suis les 
recommandations concernant l'indorr sur OSM ou tu dessines juste les voies 
empruntables? (btw j'avais oublié les centres commerciaux aussi ça marche 

Autrement, je vais réaliser un travail sur quelques stations, je vous enverrais 
visualisation et travail station par station. 


Le Lundi 17 novembre 2014 20h48, David Crochet david.croc...@free.fr a écrit :


Le 17/11/2014 17:05, david.croc...@online.fr a écrit :

 C'est ce qui a été utilisé pour

Autre exemple :


C'est 3 exemples sont ceux que j'ai fait seul ( deux derniers) ou en 
cartopartie (premier)

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Retour sur la véloroute Véloscénie dans OSM

2014-11-17 Per discussione George Kaplan
Le 16 nov. 2014 à 11:27, Stéphane Péneau stephane.pen...@wanadoo.fr a écrit :

 Ce n'est pas utile dans l'immédiat puisque ça ne couvre pas la France, mais 
 je suis tombé par hasard sur cet outil de vérification des itinéraires 
 cyclables qui a l'air assez complet :

Ça couvre effectivement le principe de routage vélo utilisé en Belgique et 
Pays-Bas : le fietsknooppuntennetwerk. Principalement utilisé sur les pistes 
cyclables en site propre, chaque carrefour d'un itinéraire vélo est affecté 
d'un numéro et de panneaux indiquant la direction à prendre pour rejoindre les 
autres carrefours, où se croisent d'autres itinéraires vélo. Avec une carte de 
ce réseau, on peut ainsi se repérer et composer son propre itinéraire en allant 
de numéro en numéro, pratique quand on a peu de points de repère. 

Si j'ai bien compris, cet outil permet de vérifier la validité de ces 
itinéraires et numéros de carrefour associés.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Retour sur la véloroute Véloscénie dans OSM

2014-11-17 Per discussione George Kaplan
Bonsoir Vu Do,
Le 16 nov. 2014 à 05:08, Quynh Vu Do vdqu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Dernièrement j'ai fait un parcours de plus de 2000 km de Paris jusqu'à Caen 
 en empruntant le canal du Loing, le canal de Briare, Loire à Vélo (en suivant 
 strictement le fléchage, sauf à Tours où je me suis perdu et ai manqué 28 km 
 de voie officielle, canal de Nantes à Brest, plusieurs voies vertes, etc.
 J'enregistre systématiquement les traces journalières de mes parcours. Le 
 résumé avec le lien vers les traces gpx à télécharger et les articles 
 connexes est ici:
 J'ai pas encore eu le temps d'aller reporter d'éventuelles modifications sur 
 OSM sur la base de mes parcours. Si qq1 veut exploiter les traces c'est libre 
 et c'est ici: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/vdquynh/traces

Super, une belle masse d'information. Je n'ai pas encore tout regardé mais ça a 
l'air très prometteur. Au delà des traces GPS, c'est surtout les métadatas 
associées qui sont intéressantes : notes sur la voie empruntée, des photos de 
la voie, des panneaux, des aménagements, etc...
Yapluka transcrire tout ça dans OSM pour mettre à jour ces itinéraires vélo :-)

Je vais m'atteler à le faire dans l'ordre de ton parcours dès que j'aurai un 
peu de temps libre. Le partage du boulot que ça représente serait aussi 
l'occasion d'apprendre à utiliser l'outil de partage de tâches OSM.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base d’adresse : union de raison entre l’IGN et OpenStreetMap

2014-11-17 Per discussione Yves Pratter
 Base d’adresse : union de raison entre l’IGN et OpenStreetMap
Merci pour cet article :-)

Il renvoie à un autre article dans La gazette des communes, les deux permettant 
de comprendre les enjeux au sujet de la BAN :
Données géographiques : ils se fiancèrent et eurent beaucoup d’adresses libres 

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Mapillary

2014-11-17 Per discussione Yves Pratter

Je tombe par hasard sur la page de Mapillary consacrée à OSM : 
http://www.mapillary.com/osm.html http://www.mapillary.com/osm.html

Et du coup, je ressort ces messages de Christian et Florian qui n’ont pas eu de 
réactions ;-)

 Le 17 mars 2014 à 23:47, Christian Quest cqu...@openstreetmap.fr 
 mailto:cqu...@openstreetmap.fr a écrit :
 Ils ont annoncé aujourd'hui que les photos collectées sont en CC-by-NC: 
 Qu'en pensez-vous ?
 Le 4 mars 2014 14:36, Otourly Wiki otou...@yahoo.fr 
 mailto:otou...@yahoo.fr a écrit :
 À oublier d'urgence ?
 http://www.mapillary.com/osm.html http://www.mapillary.com/osm.html

J’en pense qu’avec GoogleStreetView, pas moyen de légalement d’extraire une 
adresse ou un nom de rue à partir d'une plaque, d’un panneau.
Pas moyen légale pour ajouter des magasins, et autres édifices…
Pas de possibilité d’ajouter des photos en attendant le passage de la voiture, 
sans parler ruelles étroites, des chemins piétons… ou villages en Guinée à 
cartographier pour HOT/MSF
Pas d’intégration souhaitée avec OSM et ses outils.

Et Mapillary permet d’utiliser une photo facilement dans iD et JOSM…
Il a une API qui permettrait d’afficher automatiquement dans JOSM lors des 
zooms, déplacement de la carte
Il existe aussi ce projet http://osm.lyrk.de/mapillary2JOSM/ 

Les données sont gratuites pour un projet non commercial — c’est le cas d’OSM 

Bref, je m’interroge sur le fait le fait que la communauté (France ?) n’en 
parle pas, ne l’utilise pas ?

Pour faire un lien avec les récentes discussions sur le vélo, je me 
questionnait sur la façon de réutiliser les données (photos, vidéos, traces) 
dans JOSM de l’excellent site http://www.sortirdeparisavelo.fr 
Une solution serait que son auteur (et nous autres contributeurs) partagions 
nos photos dans Mapillary.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Mapillary

2014-11-17 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Le mardi 18 novembre 2014 08:15:01, Yves Pratter a écrit :

Bref, je m’interroge sur le fait le fait que la communauté (France ?)
n’en parle pas, ne l’utilise pas ?

Si si, je l'utilise, et en ai parlé plusieurs fois ici-même.

Ce n'est pas parfait, mais a le mérite d'exister, et d'évoluer.

J'ai été plusieurs fois surpris de voir le nombre d'infos qu'on pouvait 
ressortir des photos, des infos que je n'avais pas vues lorsque j'étais 
sur place.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] site web openstreetmap.fr et sa page comment contribuer

2014-11-17 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau


Le dimanche 16 novembre 2014 21:23:57, Félix Marty a écrit :

Il serait à mon sens plus intéressant et plus simple que la page
comment contribuer en création remplace celle-ci :

Pour quelle raison ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ghost Towns

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-14 21:44 GMT+01:00 tshrub my-email-confirmat...@online.de:

 Am 14.11.2014 19:15, schrieb Jack Burke:

 What about submerged ones? Do we bother with those?

 if we stumble over them, why not

 and it sounds for my as if those
 towns are still structures of reality

yes, another example is this one in Tuscany, It, which is normally
submerged in a lake, but will come to light every 10 years or so when the
lake is dried out for maintenance of the dam:

Situations like this:
 are very different, in that nothing of the original landscape (or village)
remains (this is open pit mining of lignite in Saxony, Germany, or more
precisely a place called Heuersdorf close to the mine Vereinigtes
Schleenhain pic taken 09-02-2009). Another image here:

The latter example shouldn't probably be mapped in OSM, as there is
literally nothing left now, while the former is still there, it is simply
degraded by the water and not visible most of the time due to the lake.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ghost Towns

2014-11-17 Per discussione tshrub


Am 17.11.2014 14:21, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

2014-11-14 21:44 GMT+01:00 tshrub my-email-confirmat...@online.de

Am 14.11.2014 19:15, schrieb Jack Burke:

What about submerged ones? Do we bother with those?

if we stumble over them, why not

and it sounds for my as if those
towns are still structures of reality

yes, another example is this one in Tuscany, It, which is normally
submerged in a lake, but will come to light every 10 years or so when
the lake is dried out for maintenance of the dam:

whow! What a crasy morbid scenery.

Situations like this:
  are very different, in that nothing of the original landscape (or
village) remains (this is open pit mining of lignite in Saxony, Germany,
or more precisely a place called Heuersdorf close to the mine
Vereinigtes Schleenhain pic taken 09-02-2009). Another image here:

The latter example shouldn't probably be mapped in OSM, as there is
literally nothing left now, while the former is still there, it is
simply degraded by the water and not visible most of the time due to the

as long as it exists. It could be a *barrier* for navigation. And (any 
kind of) navigation is, where maps are for.

May be it emerges on the map every 10 years ;) No.

Here you might add an altitude-tag 'below', notice, etc.?

Generally if a structure is gone, I would delete it.
But (I think) the data alloyed into OSM's mind.
So may be in *future*, you can see a landscape-animation. That would be 

best, t.


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Re: [Talk-us] Can not upload a change set‏

2014-11-17 Per discussione Mike Henson
Thank you, I can once again upload change sets this morning. Last night
(about 11 hours ago) I logged into osm.org and revoked all Authorized


On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Greg Morgan dr.kludge...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Mike Henson mikehen...@hotmail.com

 Last night I was editing Stillwater, OK with JOSM and everything was
 working great. I was uploading change sets with out issue. My wife
 pulled me away from the computer for a while. I came back made some
 edits and tried to upload them. JOSM timed out and locked up while
 trying to upload the change.

 I am sure about the editor issues but I have a suggestion for JOSM.  I
 wonder if what you are experiencing is garbage collection of the Java JVM.
 Sometimes it helps to return to the JOSM session and be patient.  I am
 guessing that Java fights to regain some memory to work again.

 One of the things that I have done to protect against the interruptions or
 other failure issues is timed backups. Menu  Edit  Preferences  Map
 looking grid/Map Settings or the third button down. Click on the File
 Backup tab. Click on the Auto save enable box and enter the seconds
 between saves.  I lowered my tolerance to 15 seconds.  The laid on power
 strip button several times.  ;-)


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ghost Towns

2014-11-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-11-17 15:27 GMT+01:00 tshrub my-email-confirmat...@online.de:

 Generally if a structure is gone, I would delete it.

yes, but it is mostly difficult to say it is gone, because most cases
aren't that absolute then this. If you search for Heuersdorf in osm,
you'll only get a hit by geonames (SCNR).

But (I think) the data alloyed into OSM's mind.
 So may be in *future*, you can see a landscape-animation. That would be

yes, this is what I am also interested in. Have a look at OHM (open history
map), a branch of OSM. Unfortunately, as it stands now, you can't tell if
something is added to osm because
a) there was an error that got corrected
b) something was missing (in OSM) and now got inserted
c) the object is new in the real world and OSM caught up.

this could be modelled with changeset tags of course, but to make sense it
would require a lot of people using these tags and being disciplined in
structuring their edits into changesets.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ghost Towns

2014-11-17 Per discussione Hans De Kryger


On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com

 2014-11-14 21:44 GMT+01:00 tshrub my-email-confirmat...@online.de:

 Am 14.11.2014 19:15, schrieb Jack Burke:

 What about submerged ones? Do we bother with those?

 if we stumble over them, why not

 and it sounds for my as if those
 towns are still structures of reality

 yes, another example is this one in Tuscany, It, which is normally
 submerged in a lake, but will come to light every 10 years or so when the
 lake is dried out for maintenance of the dam:

  ​That is awesome! Thanks for sharing Martin!​
​ ​

Situations like this:
  are very different, in that nothing of the original landscape (or
 village) remains (this is open pit mining of lignite in Saxony, Germany, or
 more precisely a place called Heuersdorf close to the mine Vereinigtes
 Schleenhain pic taken 09-02-2009). Another image here:

 The latter example shouldn't probably be mapped in OSM, as there is
 literally nothing left now, while the former is still there, it is simply
 degraded by the water and not visible most of the time due to the lake.


 Talk-us mailing list

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