Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-26 Per discussione Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2015-09-25 at 21:48:22 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > Am 25.09.2015 um 15:54 schrieb Carlo Stemberger 
> > :
> > ad un sistema che si considera sicuro ma che magari non lo è.
> tanto non ci sono sistemi sicuri, ci sono solo sistemi più o meno sicuri ;-)

ci sono sistemi ragionevolmente sicuri per gli scopi usati e sistemi 
che si spacciano per molto più sicuri di quanto non siano in realtà, 
ostacolando un'analisi corretta dei rischi: telegram è il secondo caso.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-ja] 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:第7回仁和寺

2015-09-26 Per discussione yasunari


次回は二週間後 10/10(土)に、仁和寺(にんなじ)です。

// 仁和寺は広いので開始時間を 12:00 としています。
// お間違えのないようにお願いします。


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ottawa Missing Map Event In November Planning

2015-09-26 Per discussione john whelan
Do you have a confirmed venue with lots of wifi bandwidth?  If its
preinstalled JOSM its not too bad but going by other maperthons iD seems to
be more demanding.

Thanks John

On 25 September 2015 at 23:40, Heather Leson  wrote:

> Hi Richard and OSM friends in Canada
> I just wanted to say thank you. I'll it widely. Perhaps consider posting
> on the HOT list too?
> Heather
> On 26 Sep 2015 3:24 am, "Richard Burcher" 
> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> OSM Ottawa is putting on a Missing Maps event [1] up here in Ottawa.
>> Still some details to work out but we're aiming for November 14th from 9am
>> - 3pm.
>> So if you're interested, drop us a line and get involved:)
>> [1]
>> Cheers,
>> Richard
>> --
>> Please note:
>> I only check email a few times during business hours.
>> Richard Burcher
>> Twitter:   @richardburcher
>> Blog:
>> LinkedIn:
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] restauranter og fødevarekontrollen (smileyordningen)

2015-09-26 Per discussione Jens Winbladh
God ide, kan dog se at der også er undertagelser, de ikke tages med,
f.eks. kantiner etc. Måske de kan filtrers ud.


25. september 2015 kl. 21.16 skrev Niels Elgaard Larsen :
> Jeg er begyndt at interessere mig for restauranter.
> Først åbningstider.
> Men nu ville jeg undersøge, hvor mange vi egentlig har med.
> Fødevarestyrelsen har nu positioner på de fleste af deres
> kontrolrapporter, så jeg har lavet en webside, der viser restauranter og
> lignende på OpenStreetmap:
> *Advarsel*, den indlæser alle 14000 restauranter, så det er ret hårdt
> ved browseren, hvis man ikke har en kraftig maskine.
> Men det er ret nemt at finde restauranter, der mangler på OSM, har
> skiftet navn, eller formodentlig er gået nedemom og hjem uden at vi har
> fået dem slettet.
> Det ville også være ret nemt at lave en liste af smiley-restauranter,
> som ikke har en OSM-restaurant indenfor en kort radius. Dvs, der hvor de
> mangler i OSM.
> Fødevarestyrelsen bruger et løbenummer, "navnelbnr" som unikt ID.
> (
> Jeg ville gerne tagge restauranter i OSM med det nummer.
> Hvad skal det hedde i OSM?
> Det ville nemlig betyde, at vi i fremtiden kunne generere lister over
> nye restauranter, som mangler i OSM og lister over restauranter i OSM,
> som ikke er fødevarekontrolleret i over et år og derfor formodentlig er
> permanent lukkede eller solgt.
> --
> Niels Elgaard Larsen
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ottawa Missing Map Event In November Planning

2015-09-26 Per discussione Heather Leson
Good point.

How about a university? I have had great luck with those. I think that
someone from Norman Patterson (Carleton) has been writing about HOT and
OSM. Let us know

John/Richard, is there a list that folks have on tech specs setting up
Missing Maps? I know that Pete has been doing them often in London UK and
could help if needed.


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson

On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 3:23 PM, john whelan  wrote:

> Do you have a confirmed venue with lots of wifi bandwidth?  If its
> preinstalled JOSM its not too bad but going by other maperthons iD seems to
> be more demanding.
> Thanks John
> On 25 September 2015 at 23:40, Heather Leson 
> wrote:
>> Hi Richard and OSM friends in Canada
>> I just wanted to say thank you. I'll it widely. Perhaps consider posting
>> on the HOT list too?
>> Heather
>> On 26 Sep 2015 3:24 am, "Richard Burcher" 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey folks,
>>> OSM Ottawa is putting on a Missing Maps event [1] up here in Ottawa.
>>> Still some details to work out but we're aiming for November 14th from 9am
>>> - 3pm.
>>> So if you're interested, drop us a line and get involved:)
>>> [1]
>>> Cheers,
>>> Richard
>>> --
>>> Please note:
>>> I only check email a few times during business hours.
>>> Richard Burcher
>>> Twitter:   @richardburcher
>>> Blog:
>>> LinkedIn:
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ottawa Missing Map Event In November Planning

2015-09-26 Per discussione john whelan
IDRC as well might have some ideas perhaps? especially
as follow up to their open data conference in Ottawa this year.  Pete might
well have some ideas of what the logistical requirements are.

Does HOT have a mapathon planning guide that could be used?  I know a lot
of work has gone into training guides recently, trying to make them simpler
and more relevant.

Note to Richard if you have a lot of newcomers the difficulty is they want
to get started right away, and experienced OSM mappers don't always read
the project instructions to see what the HOT conventions are.  Highways for
example tend to use a subset of the OSM possibilities.  Also iD is fairly
new so many experienced OSM mappers such as myself don't know their way
round it to assist newcomers.


Cheerio John

On 26 September 2015 at 08:30, Heather Leson  wrote:

> Good point.
> How about a university? I have had great luck with those. I think that
> someone from Norman Patterson (Carleton) has been writing about HOT and
> OSM. Let us know
> John/Richard, is there a list that folks have on tech specs setting up
> Missing Maps? I know that Pete has been doing them often in London UK and
> could help if needed.
> Heather
> Heather Leson
> Twitter: HeatherLeson
> Blog:
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 3:23 PM, john whelan 
> wrote:
>> Do you have a confirmed venue with lots of wifi bandwidth?  If its
>> preinstalled JOSM its not too bad but going by other maperthons iD seems to
>> be more demanding.
>> Thanks John
>> On 25 September 2015 at 23:40, Heather Leson 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard and OSM friends in Canada
>>> I just wanted to say thank you. I'll it widely. Perhaps consider posting
>>> on the HOT list too?
>>> Heather
>>> On 26 Sep 2015 3:24 am, "Richard Burcher" 
>>> wrote:
 Hey folks,

 OSM Ottawa is putting on a Missing Maps event [1] up here in Ottawa.
 Still some details to work out but we're aiming for November 14th from 9am
 - 3pm.

 So if you're interested, drop us a line and get involved:)




 Please note:
 I only check email a few times during business hours.

 Richard Burcher

 Twitter:   @richardburcher

 Talk-ca mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-cz] konference OpenAlt (7.-8.11.) - OSM & obce/instituce

2015-09-26 Per discussione Ladislav Nesnera

Transformací LinuxAlt na OpenAlt (=open source v obecném pojetí) se
snažíme dostat na akci nejen ajťáky (SW, HW), ale i širší veřejnost,
lidi z institucí, škol, obcí..
Nejen pro ně bych rád, aby zazněla přednáška s

  * ochutnávkou toho co pěkného lze s OSM dělat (např. 3D - o tom jsem
slyšel, ale dosud neviděl :-(, vizualizace MHD

tisk informačních tabulí, humanitární tým, .. )
  * vysvětlením, proč se neorientovat na Googlu a jak to jde jinak
(třeba na Hejbej Brnem  mě ten G podklad
fakt mrzí, Staré mapy  mi
přijdou naopak super)
  * jak může být OSM užitečné pro obce/instituce a naopak jak ony mohou
přispět k jejich rozvoji
  * možná, co jsou hlavní překážky/výzvy pro OSM, co by pomohlo

Pokud by se někdo našel, koukněte na web konfery
 (a termín uzávěrky ignorujte ;-))
Z vystoupení zveřejňujeme záznamy, tudíž odprezentované půjde využít pro
přesvědčování a další propagaci (moje oblíbené o tahání a využití dat z
brněnského MHD ) 

A mimochodem - Miroslavovi Suchému dík za nabídku workshopu - "Jak
vytvářet mapu v OpenStreetMap". Pokud by se objevil i jiný zajímavý
nápad/téma, tak se mu asi moc bránit nebudeme. Rozhodně jej probereme

OSM zdar! ;?)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-26 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 25.09.2015 um 23:55 schrieb Marco Ciampa :
> È il
> "sistema centralizzato" alla Skipe per intenderci

del "nuovo" Skype della M$, inizialmente (il "vero" sKype) Skype era p2p

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-26 Per discussione Marco Bodrato

Non scrivo spesso su questa lista, perché in realtà la rappresentazione
geografica non è proprio tra le mie competenze più forti.
Ma uso e promuovo il software libero dalla seconda metà degli anni '90 e
ho fatto una tesi in crittografia... diciamo che su questi temi mi sento
più ferrato. Ma visto che questa discussione su questa lista rischia di
essere fuori luogo, manderò quest'unico messaggio.

Il Ven, 25 Settembre 2015 11:41 pm, Luigi Toscano ha scritto:
> Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:
>> combattere contro un mostro in termini di milioni di utenti? Io non so
>> analizzare il codice, ma credo che se ci fosse una backdoor per i soliti
>> spioni istutuzionali, sarebbe venuta fuori in un paio di giorni dalla
>> pubblicazione del SW.

Io agli inizi del 2014 ho letto il protocollo, non il codice. È pessimo,
attaccabilissimo. La cosa, come ti aspettavi, è venuta fuori subito,
infatti, si veda ad esempio questo articolo di fine 2013:
La propaganda di Telegram però è piuttosto potente, abbastanza da fare in
modo che gli utenti non ne sappiano nulla, sembrerebbe...

Parte della propaganda sono le "sfide" che Telegram pubblica sul suo sito;
tecnicamente non rispondono alle critiche del blog di cui sopra. Le prime
critiche mosse dicevano che la porta non sembrava tanto sicura, ma che il
vero problema era il fatto che si può entrare dalla finestra. Le "sfide"
di Telegram dicono, "centomila dollari a chi entra dalla porta", poi
"trecentomila a chi entra dalla porta ora che abbiamo abbassato il ponte
levatoio", domani annunceranno di aver anche riempito il fossato... ma
continueranno a non spiegare perché (o per chi) hanno deciso di lasciare
la finestra aperta.

> Nessuno può analizzare il codice del server, perché è chiuso. Non è
> diverso da un client come Kopete o Pidgin che si collega(va)no a Yahoo

La differenza è che nello scenario da te descritto l'utente non veniva
ingannato spacciandogli per sicuro il canale, l'utente accorto poteva
installarsi un plug-in per la comunicazione sicura (pidgin-otr, ad

> Messenger; l'unica differenza è che sono contenti di client di terze parti

Pidgin era di terze parti, la differenza è che su Telegram sarebbe
difficile far prendere piede ad un client che usi davvero crittografia a
prova dei server, gli utenti vengono ingannati e credono di non averne

> che le comunicazioni dirette tra utenti possono cifrate direttamente,
> senza che il server possa decifrarle.

No, questo è falso. La propaganda sul sito di Telegram lo dice, ma il
protocollo è scritto in modo tale da non garantire l'utente dal
comportamento malevolo del server.

Concordo quindi pienamente con Marco Ciampa e con Carlo Stemberger,
pregerei d'altro canto i qualunquisti del "tanto non ci sono sistemi
sicuri" a evitare di lanciare commenti inutili. Ci sono sistemi più e meno
sicuri, è vero. Un sistema che si spaccia per sicuro, pubblicando
informazioni fuorvianti e argomentazioni tecnicamente false, è certamente
poco, anzi pochissimo sicuro, ed è bene che gli utenti ne vengano messi al



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] nefunkční RUIAN

2015-09-26 Per discussione Marián Kyral
koukám, že Ruian je zpátky.


Dne 23.9.2015 v 21:14 Petr Vejsada napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> děkuju :-) mašinka už běží, (možná DNS ještě 
> neprobublalo). 
> Teď upgradnu nástroje (postgis, geos atd.) nad Mapnikem váhám, ale asi taky, 
> pak začnu krmit DB a pak mi řeknou, že si mám objednat fyzický server ;-).
> Až to bude hotové, tak změním aliasy atd. Snad to nebude tak 
> dlouho, no, SSD se zdají zatím velmi svižné. TransIP má v podmínkách cosi o 
> přetěžování, hmm.
> Dne St 23. září 2015 21:03:39, Marián Kyral napsal(a):
>> Ahoj,
>> můžeme nějak pomoct?
>> Marián
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Petr Vejsada 
>> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Datum: 23. 9. 2015 20:52:36
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] nefunkční RUIAN
>> "Ahoj,
>> už se to nedá, stěhuji se k TransIP. Mrzí mě, že tak narychlo, špatný odhad.
>> Petr
>> Dne St 23. září 2015 20:00:32, Zdeněk Pražák napsal(a):
>>> Dobrý večer,
>>> aktualizoval jsem JOSM na poslední verzi a zjistil jsem, že nefunguje
>>> stahování dlaždic RUIAN
>>> v okně se místo RUIANU objeví chyba stahování dlaždic
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] restauranter og fødevarekontrollen (smileyordningen)

2015-09-26 Per discussione Niels Elgaard Larsen
Jens Winbladh:
> God ide, kan dog se at der også er undertagelser, de ikke tages med,
> f.eks. kantiner etc. Måske de kan filtrers ud.

Ja, eller de skal i alt fald tagges som noget andet. Jeg ved ikke helt
hvad. Og der er gråzoner. Der er jo fx kantiner på universiteter, hvor
alle kan gå ind og købe et måltid. Og jeg har været på store
virksomheder, hvor man kan have brug for hjælp til at finde kantinen som

Det gælder også fx forsamlingshuse og selskabslokaler.
Jeg har tilføjet en masse åbningstider og så finder man dem fordi de
ikke har nogen åbningstider. Jeg har så tagget dem som event_venue.

> Jens
> 25. september 2015 kl. 21.16 skrev Niels Elgaard Larsen :
>> Jeg er begyndt at interessere mig for restauranter.
>> Først åbningstider.
>> Men nu ville jeg undersøge, hvor mange vi egentlig har med.
>> Fødevarestyrelsen har nu positioner på de fleste af deres
>> kontrolrapporter, så jeg har lavet en webside, der viser restauranter og
>> lignende på OpenStreetmap:
>> *Advarsel*, den indlæser alle 14000 restauranter, så det er ret hårdt
>> ved browseren, hvis man ikke har en kraftig maskine.
>> Men det er ret nemt at finde restauranter, der mangler på OSM, har
>> skiftet navn, eller formodentlig er gået nedemom og hjem uden at vi har
>> fået dem slettet.
>> Det ville også være ret nemt at lave en liste af smiley-restauranter,
>> som ikke har en OSM-restaurant indenfor en kort radius. Dvs, der hvor de
>> mangler i OSM.
>> Fødevarestyrelsen bruger et løbenummer, "navnelbnr" som unikt ID.
>> (
>> Jeg ville gerne tagge restauranter i OSM med det nummer.
>> Hvad skal det hedde i OSM?
>> Det ville nemlig betyde, at vi i fremtiden kunne generere lister over
>> nye restauranter, som mangler i OSM og lister over restauranter i OSM,
>> som ikke er fødevarekontrolleret i over et år og derfor formodentlig er
>> permanent lukkede eller solgt.
>> --
>> Niels Elgaard Larsen
>> ___
>> Talk-dk mailing list
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-26 Per discussione Richard
On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 06:52:00PM +0200, Simon Poole wrote:
> IMHO you are approaching this -slightly- wrong.
> In general the play store will not offer you apps that will not run on
> your system, so there is on the one hand either something wrong with the
> play store configuration if the version intentionally doesn't work with
> 2.3.6 -> you should be talking to the OsmAnd devs, or, on the other
> hand, you are running in to an unfixed issue with OsmAnd and -> you
> should be talking to the OsmAnd devs.

the issue is a bug in the slightly antiqued Andoid version installed on his
phone. OsmAnd is just one app which happens to trigger it.

If he could hook the phone on a PC via cable and get the output of 
"adb logcat" before it reboots it might give hints at some way to 
workaround the problem.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] M'appare il Lagorai Cima d'Asta - proposta di mapping party a Vignola Falesina

2015-09-26 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Ehm, programmino di massima, fatto? :)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] What is "The Smart Box" ?

2015-09-26 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Correct in fact.  I've got a neighbour and only reason it's there is to
secure delivery of personal packages.  Instead of leaving boxes worth
10K euro on the porch ;-)


On 26-09-15 11:41, Marc Gemis wrote:
> thanks
> since it is a "personal" device there is no need to map it imho.
> m
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Gerard Vanderveken  > wrote:
> __
> This 
> Regards,
> Gerard
> Marc Gemis wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> Anyone knows what a "The Smart Box" is ?
>> pictures [1], [2]
>> and how do you map one ?
>> regards
>> [1] 
>> [2] 
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] nefunkční RUIAN

2015-09-26 Per discussione Petr Vejsada

no ono snad prakticky všechno, jen se nevykreslují ulice. To jsem blázen. V DB 
jsou, Q-gis je ukáže, Mapnik spokojeně vykreslí dlaždice, ale na dlaždicích 
nic není.

Dne So 26. září 2015 15:10:15, Marián Kyral napsal(a):

> Ahoj,
> koukám, že Ruian je zpátky.
> Díky,
> Marián
> Dne 23.9.2015 v 21:14 Petr Vejsada napsal(a):
> > Ahoj,
> > 
> > děkuju :-) mašinka už běží, (možná DNS ještě
> > neprobublalo). Teď upgradnu nástroje (postgis, geos atd.) nad Mapnikem
> > váhám, ale asi taky, pak začnu krmit DB a pak mi řeknou, že si mám
> > objednat fyzický server ;-).
> > 
> > Až to bude hotové, tak změním aliasy atd. Snad to nebude
> > tak dlouho, no, SSD se zdají zatím velmi svižné. TransIP má v podmínkách
> > cosi o přetěžování, hmm.
> > 
> > Dne St 23. září 2015 21:03:39, Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> >> Ahoj,
> >> můžeme nějak pomoct?
> >> 
> >> Marián
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -- Původní zpráva --
> >> Od: Petr Vejsada 
> >> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> >> Datum: 23. 9. 2015 20:52:36
> >> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] nefunkční RUIAN
> >> 
> >> "Ahoj,
> >> 
> >> už se to nedá, stěhuji se k TransIP. Mrzí mě, že tak narychlo, špatný
> >> odhad.
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> Petr
> >> 
> >> Dne St 23. září 2015 20:00:32, Zdeněk Pražák napsal(a):
> >>> Dobrý večer,
> >>> aktualizoval jsem JOSM na poslední verzi a zjistil jsem, že nefunguje
> >>> stahování dlaždic RUIAN
> >>> 
> >>> v okně se místo RUIANU objeví chyba stahování dlaždic
> >> 
> >> ___
> >> Talk-cz mailing list
> >>
> >>;
> > 
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] sloupové otočné hodiny & vlastnictví stromů

2015-09-26 Per discussione Ladislav Nesnera
Chci se zeptat, zda a případně jak se do OSM zanáší hodiny. Narazil jsem
na vlákno zabývající se nepřesným časem a v něm ve výpisu majetkového
odboru je seznam pouze těch, které stojí na pozemcích města, ale má jich
být víc a všechny v rukou SGR Jižní Morava v.o.s.
jejich web jsem nenatrefil..)

Seznam pozemků SMB, na kterých jsou umístěné sloupové otočné hodiny:
- p.č. 359/36 ostatní plocha, zeleň
- p.č. 286/42 ostatní plocha, dráha
- p.č. 280/1 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace
- p.č. 270 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace
-p.č. 94 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace
-p.č. 7/1 ostatní plocha, zeleň
- p.č. 803/1 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace

vše v k.ú. Město Brno,
-p.č. 1390/1 ostatní plocha, zeleň
- p.č. 1681/1 ostatní plocha, zeleň
- p.č. 813/1 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace

vše v k.ú. Staré Brno,
- p.č. 79/19 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace v k.ú. Štýřice,
- p.č. 914/10 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace v k.ú. Trnitá,
- p.č. 974 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace v k.ú. Veveří,
- p.č. 757/2 ostatní plocha, ostatní komunikace v k.ú. Zábrdovice

A v té souvislosti mě napadá, jak u stromů značit vlastnictví (koukal
jsem na nedávno probírané, ale tam řeší jen druh a
ještě mimo OSM). Vím, že bývá problém vlastníka dohledat. V nás typicky
Veřejná zeleň města Brna, nebo místní část a třetí si nevybavuji. Možná
statutární město. Rozhodně rádi posílají k tomu "druhému".. :-D  Tohle
by bylo fajn zatrhnout ;-)  (narazil jsem na to při aférce se záměrnou
likvidací stromů, ale nakonec byl na vině "jen" parazit)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-dk] Husk turn restrictions ved veje rundt om heller mm

2015-09-26 Per discussione Niels Elgaard Larsen
Jeg var ude at køre i det gode vejr i dag. Osmand foreslog denne rute
fra Helsingørvej mod Hornbæk:

ORSM finder samme rute. Grashopper finder den også for cyklister.

Og den var (jeg har nu tilføjet turn restrictions) jo sådan set tilladt
ifølge OSM. I den virkelige verden går den ikke. Og jeg opdagede det for
sent til, at jeg kunne gøre andet end at køre videre til Skindersøvej.

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] sloupové otočné hodiny & vlastnictví stromů

2015-09-26 Per discussione Ladislav Nesnera
Díky (y)
Nevidím tam sice parametry pro vlastníka/správce, ale předpokládám, že
to je rozšiřitelné

On 26/09/15 18:05, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dne 26.9.2015 v 17:45 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
>> Chci se zeptat, zda a případně jak se do OSM zanáší hodiny
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] sloupové otočné hodiny & vlastnictví stromů

2015-09-26 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 26.9.2015 v 19:10 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
> Nevidím tam sice parametry pro vlastníka/správce, ale předpokládám, že
> to je rozšiřitelné

To asi s hodinami a stromy neni obvykle. Ale treba s budovami (hotely)
se myslim pouziva:


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-09-26 Per discussione
X entrambi ho osservato
Non resta che crearsela...

>Messaggio originale
>Data: 26/09/2015 19.17
>Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia
>hai la versione a pagamento o gratuita?
>View this message in context:
>Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
>Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now available

2015-09-26 Per discussione tony wroblewski
Hi Chris

Would it be possible to somehow use this data with the building
outlines from OS OpenMap?. I know that data is somewhat
simplified/generalised, but maybe combined together we could get an
idea of how the simplified shapes from OS OpenData are terraced and
even get their heights. I'm not talking about an import, but an
imagery layer with both combined somehow.

I've used OS and OSM data combined to produce free scenery for flight
simulators (I've
used OpenStreetMap for other countries for great effect, but the UK
data lacks detail). Despite the simplified data, I've used various
simple algorithms and rules to try and terrace the buildings
automatically (It doesn't need to be 100% accurate for the
flight-sim), and the results have given realistic looking UK towns and
cities. For my next version of the scenery, I'm going to use this data
to also get the correct building heights (my subtracting the height
from the land mesh underneath). Perhaps this effort could be useful
for OSM in some way.



On 25 September 2015 at 23:03, Chris Hill  wrote:
> I've had a go at extracting the height of buildings from the Environment
> Agency LIDAR, and it seems possible.
> I loaded the EA data into a database and found all the height points within
> the polygon of an existing building outline. The highest value is the height
> of the building. From that I could (haven't yet) create a file of changes to
> add the height to each building. One thing that causes a problem is a tree
> near a house as it can create a higher point than the house.
> Using this would be an import and would need to go through the import
> declaration process IMO. I have also thought about creating an editor
> overlay to show the heights so they can be added manually. It's more work
> and I think it's still really an import, but checking each height as it gets
> added should spot anomalies.
> I'm going to tidy up the process and write it up in detail as a blog post
> over the next few days so anyone else can try it out too.
> --
> Cheers, Chris
> user: chillly
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] What is "The Smart Box" ?

2015-09-26 Per discussione Marc Gemis

since it is a "personal" device there is no need to map it imho.


On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Gerard Vanderveken  wrote:

> This 
> Regards,
> Gerard
> Marc Gemis wrote:
> Hallo,
> Anyone knows what a "The Smart Box" is ?
> pictures [1], [2]
> and how do you map one ?
> regards
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> ___
> Talk-be mailing 
> listTalk-be@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now available

2015-09-26 Per discussione Chris Hill

Hi Tony,
As OS OpenMap is vector data, finding the height for any building 
outline would be similar to using OSM building outlines. Using the DTM 
data would also give the base height AMSL of the building.

I have used DEM data in Blender ( to create a 
landscape to match a real place. Creating realistic building shapes 
would be great, having building height is a useful part of that.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

On 26/09/15 10:05, tony wroblewski wrote:

Hi Chris

Would it be possible to somehow use this data with the building
outlines from OS OpenMap?. I know that data is somewhat
simplified/generalised, but maybe combined together we could get an
idea of how the simplified shapes from OS OpenData are terraced and
even get their heights. I'm not talking about an import, but an
imagery layer with both combined somehow.

I've used OS and OSM data combined to produce free scenery for flight
simulators (I've
used OpenStreetMap for other countries for great effect, but the UK
data lacks detail). Despite the simplified data, I've used various
simple algorithms and rules to try and terrace the buildings
automatically (It doesn't need to be 100% accurate for the
flight-sim), and the results have given realistic looking UK towns and
cities. For my next version of the scenery, I'm going to use this data
to also get the correct building heights (my subtracting the height
from the land mesh underneath). Perhaps this effort could be useful
for OSM in some way.



On 25 September 2015 at 23:03, Chris Hill  wrote:

I've had a go at extracting the height of buildings from the Environment
Agency LIDAR, and it seems possible.

I loaded the EA data into a database and found all the height points within
the polygon of an existing building outline. The highest value is the height
of the building. From that I could (haven't yet) create a file of changes to
add the height to each building. One thing that causes a problem is a tree
near a house as it can create a higher point than the house.

Using this would be an import and would need to go through the import
declaration process IMO. I have also thought about creating an editor
overlay to show the heights so they can be added manually. It's more work
and I think it's still really an import, but checking each height as it gets
added should spot anomalies.

I'm going to tidy up the process and write it up in detail as a blog post
over the next few days so anyone else can try it out too.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Somebody should offer planet file postgis dump files

2015-09-26 Per discussione Stephen Knox
On Thu 17th Sep 2015 at 10:51 +0100
Badita Florin  wrote:

>Now, to import the planet it will take around 6-20 days with osmosis

>Other tools behave in the same way ...

>What i think it is missing, is a monthly postgis dump of the planet. Or
weekly, whatever

>To have loaded in postgis the whole planet, and once a
week/day/hour/minute ( what works best ) to apply just the changefiles

>The dump to be as concise as possible, having just the bare necessities,
without the index, etc

>In this way, people that are interested in doing some statistics out of
OSM can >do it in a simple way, without spending 1-2 weeks only downloading
the 29 >osm.pbf file, waiting 6 days for osmosis to load the file, if it
will not crush, , >having 1500 GB to do that, just to revert back to
200-700 GB

>I cannot say how much it will take the database, because i was never able
to >load the entire planet, all the time i had to revert to filtering,
clipping, calculate >for each separate continent, amenity or type of POI,
and then combine it all >back.

>A dump of a planet file would make the osm data more accessible to
scientist, .>researchers and the general osm community

>I would be able to try and find a server where the planet file would lay ,
with the >osmosis script that would update the script and the psql script
that will generate >once per month a dump file for the whole planet, if
somebody can help me .
>create such a setup, if possible

>Have a good day,
>Florin Badita

Does it really take this long to import a planet file these days? I would
be interested to know if anyone else has imported one recently. I may
import one myself at some point, but if it takes 6 days I probably won't

> On a side note, this is for a piece of work looking at using big data
tools to look at using OSM data. More info is available here

Just as a comparative benchmark I was able to import Europe (roughly half
the size of the whole DB) into a suitable spatial form in around 4 hours
using 8 nodes with a combined 104GB of RAM (OK, I know that's a lot but
this is Big Data!). Indexing takes a little longer and I'm not sure the
querying is as quick as PostGIS but it certainly won't take you days to get
up and running.

I'll write up some more about this in due course.

talk mailing list

[Talk-es] Mapping party en Burlada

2015-09-26 Per discussione correo

Buenas noches a todos,

Hoy hemos efectuado la primera mapping party conocida hasta el momento  
en Burlada (Navarra). Estaba previsto que asistieramos tres personas  
pero al final solo hemos podido reunirnos k1wi y yo (BasaBuru se  
encontraba indispuesto y no ha podido asistir)
A pesar de ser solo dos, la mañana nos ha cundido ya que hemos  
recorrido todo Burlada y hemos obtenido la mayoría de los datos que  
teníamos previsto.
Personalmente he pasado una buena mañana en compañia de K1wi y creo  
que esta experiencia nos servirá de cara a la organización de una  
futura mapping party mas ambiciosa en Pamplona en los próximos meses  
(esperemos que con mas asistencia que la de hoy)
Al final de la mañana hemos subido los datos por JOSM, aqui os dejo un  
resumen de los cambios que hemos realizado:

BasaBuru recuperate, y el próximo día esperamos contar contigo.

Jose Luis

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Husk turn restrictions ved veje rundt om heller mm

2015-09-26 Per discussione Niels Elgaard Larsen

Jørgen Elgaard Larsen:
> Niels Elgaard Larsen skrev:
>> Og den var (jeg har nu tilføjet turn restrictions) jo sådan set tilladt
>> ifølge OSM. I den virkelige verden går den ikke.
> Det ser jeg mest som et problem med renderen. Selv om du sætter en turn
> restriction er der jo ikke noget i vejen for, at den foreslår en
> u-vending længere fremme, hvor vejen er blevet til én way.

Jo i det her tilfælde. For ruteberegner har jo kun "sparet" få meter i
forhold til at bruge den rigtige vej under broen.

> Osmand har f.x. længe foreslået mig at komme omkring et
> venstresvingsforbud ved at lave en u-vending på Nørrebrogade. Det er som
> sådan ikke ulovligt, men i praksis en dårlig idé.

Ja, der er noget lignende på Østerbrogade. Men Taxachauffører bruger det
i praksis.

Ruteberegnere har ikke noget rigtig god måde at afgøre, hvor det er
forsvarligt at lave U-vendinger. Og som regel er de ret konservative og
undgår U-vendinger, så længe man altså følger anvisninger.

Men når man samler tre veje i en knude så er det naturligt for en
ruteberegner at bruge de veje som er tilladt mht til ensretning og turn

> - Jørgen
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Previous planet dump sizes

2015-09-26 Per discussione Stephen Knox
On Tue, 22nd Sep 2015 19:05:21 +0200

Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:

>>* Am 22.09.2015 um 20:38 schrieb Michael Reichert >>:
*>> >>* You can even get planet files – back until the first ODbL planet on
*>>* 2012-09-12.
*>> >>*


>the older files (down to 2006) are still available here:

>There are also some stats and graphs available here:


Many thanks for this - I hadn't seen the CC-BY-SA ones.

talk mailing list

[osm-ve] Fwd: [talk-latam] Semanario 263-264-265-266-267 – Agosto

2015-09-26 Per discussione J . Hernán Ramírez R .

-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Rubén López Mendoza 
Fecha: 12/09/2015 15:13
Asunto: [talk-latam] Semanario 263-264-265-266-267 – Agosto
Para: OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica 

> Hola a todos, 
> El semanario 263-264-265-266-267 – Agosto, el resumen de todo lo que está 
> pasando en el mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español
> ¡Disfrutenlo! :-)
> Saludos,
> Ruben
Talk-ve mailing list

[osm-ve] Mapeo Humanitario en la Frontera Colombo-Venezolana

2015-09-26 Per discussione Artesano
Compañeros maperos, para todos es conocido que en la frontera entre
Colombia y Venezuela se viene desarrollando una crisis humanitaria
como efecto de la declaratoria del estado de excepción para los
estados y los departamentos fronterizos, en virtud de ésto, la Oficina
de coordinación para asuntos humanitarioc de las Naciones Unidas ha
solicitado la ayuda del HOT Colombia para implementar una instancia de
mapeo de crisis en la frontera con el fin de localizar información que
les permita hacer la atención a las personas en situación de Crisis.

Hacemos extensivo este llamado a ustedes compañeros Venezolanos a
unirsen desde sus habilidades como maperos...

Compartimos la carta de solicitud de OCHA-Colombia

Estaremos en contacto.


Panorama de la situación

En el marco del Estado de Excepción Constitucional declarado por el
Gobierno de Venezuela desde el 21 de agosto, en diez municipios del
estado Táchira, 1.482 ciudadanos colombianos han sido deportados hacia
Norte de Santander, Arauca, La Guajira y Vichada (ver tabla 1).
Mientras que hacia Norte de Santander no se han reportado nuevas
deportaciones desde el 26 de agosto, las cifras siguen aumentando en
otros departamentos fronterizos, y se reciben reportes de llegadas en
otros municipios y ciudades capitales.
El departamento más afectado continúa siendo Norte de Santander, donde
15.176 personas ya han sido caracterizadas oficialmente como
retornadas y se encuentran en vías de ser incluidas en el Registro
Único de Damnificados (RUD) administrado por la Unidad Nacional para
la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (UNGRD). Solo el 28% de esta
población se encuentra albergada o ha retornado a su lugar de destino,
mientras el 72% restante se encuentra alojado con redes de apoyo, lo
que implica un acceso limitado a la oferta institucional de respuesta,
así como presión extra en la población receptora con economías
domésticas ya vulnerables.

Envió el AOI en este link con varios poligonos a lo largo de la
frontera. Estos en su mayoria son pasos informales entre colombia y
venezuela, ubicados principalmente en La Guajira. Nte de Santander y

De estos pasos envió la coordenadas  de los pasos en  Arauca:

-Puerto Contreras,Savavena  7.053754, -71.824480
-Arauquita-Paso informal la victoria,Arauquita 7.030703, -71.432067 y
7.034972, -71.416349

Pasos informales en el Municipio de Saravena:

La Playa:7.060862, -71.792919
Remolino: 7.062412, -71.774589
Puerto Lleras:7.033199, -71.695768

Lo que necesitariamos de estas zonas son las vias y los principales
equipamientos que posiblemente se puedan convertir en albergues como
coliseos, colegios, iglesias. etc.

Tambien te envio la capa que tenemos en Geonode con lo albergues que
hasta el momento nos han confirmado.

Talk-ve mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] konference OpenAlt (7.-8.11.) - OSM & obce/instituce

2015-09-26 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 26.9.2015 v 10:41 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
> # ochutnávkou toho co pěkného lze s OSM dělat (např. 3D - o tom jsem
> slyšel, ale dosud neviděl :-(, vizualizace MHD
> ,
> tisk informačních tabulí, humanitární tým, .. )

O humanitarnim OSM se chci letmo zminit na mem workshopu, ale na tom nic
neni. To je IMO tema max na pet minut. Pokud se to bere z uzivatelskeho
Tisk OSM je pekne tema, ale spise tak pro vyvojare, kteri by to udelali.
Nevidel jsem zadne reseni ktere bych se nestydel odprezentovat laikovi.

> # vysvětlením, proč se neorientovat na Googlu a jak to jde jinak (třeba na
> Hejbej Brnem  mě ten G podklad fakt mrzí, Staré
> mapy  mi přijdou naopak super)

Ano, to by bylo super tema. O tom jak pouzivat Leaflet, pripadna jina
reseni, jak delat overlaye. Z toho by mohl byt hezky workshop (ale na to
ja nemam, to jsem nikdy nedelal).

> # jak může být OSM užitečné pro obce/instituce a naopak jak ony mohou
> přispět k jejich rozvoji

Jak? IMHO nijak (krome otevreneho poskytovani dat). Mozna
zprostredkovane skrz firmy jako je CleverAnalytics, ale primo?

To spise pro ruzne sportovni organizace. Napr. u nas v obci chteji
poradat orientacni zavod a ocenili ze OSM ma zmapovane vsechny lesni
cesty (coz nema ani Seznam, ani Google). A pripadne pokud tam chybi tak
je otazka par hodin je tam pridat.

> # možná, co jsou hlavní překážky/výzvy pro OSM, co by pomohlo

To je zajimava otazka. Nejsem si jist zda je to otazka na konferenci
IMO ma OSM jeste spoustu nevyhod pro laickou verejnost. Podle me stale
neexistuje aplikace ktera by mela tohle vsechno dohromady:
 * hezky render
 * pouzitelnou webovou aplikaci
 * pouzitelnou mobilni aplikaci
A idealne jeste aby mela ruzne vrstvy. Za tohohle stavu si nehodlam
stoupnout pred poslucharnu a premlouvat je at pouzivaji OSM. -- Ted
nechci shazovat OSM, jde kupredu milovymi kroky a nepochybuji ze jednou
bude dominovat svetu map, tak jako Wikipedie ted dominuje svetu

Co bych ja uvital za workshopy je neco orientovane na vyvojare:
 * jak si udelat vlastni styl
 * jak si rozchodit testovaci OSM na sve pracovni workstation
 * jak ziskavat data z OSM
bez toho nevznikne ta spousta aplikaci, z nichz dve nebo tri budou
opravu perly, ktere budou obecne pouzitelne.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-09-26 Per discussione Aury88
hai la versione a pagamento o gratuita?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-09-26 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il 25/set/2015 10:32 PM, ""  ha
> Qualcuno sa perché non viene più aggiornata la mappa dell'Italia?

Hai ragione, non ci avevo fatto caso.
Il file Italia è fermo alla versione di luglio, mentre quelli regionali
sono tutti aggiornati a settembre.

Uso OsmAnd+.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-09-26 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Si nemmeno io l'avevo notato perchè scarico solo le regioni che mi servono.
Non ho idea del perchè sia fermo a luglio.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] sloupové otočné hodiny & vlastnictví stromů

2015-09-26 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 26.9.2015 v 17:45 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
> Chci se zeptat, zda a případně jak se do OSM zanáší hodiny


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] What is "The Smart Box" ?

2015-09-26 Per discussione André Pirard
On 26-09-15 11:41, Marc Gemis wrote:
> thanks
> since it is a "personal" device there is no need to map it imho.
No more than "personal" houses and their surrounding ;-)
In fact, it is a a kind of private letterbox.
BTW, it must be fun to use a 40×40 red letterbox (without a horn) as
one's own and watch what's dropped in it ;-)

Smile here.


> m
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Gerard Vanderveken  > wrote:
> __
> This 
> Regards,
> Gerard
> Marc Gemis wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> Anyone knows what a "The Smart Box" is ?
>> pictures [1], [2]
>> and how do you map one ?
>> regards
>> [1] 
>> [2] 
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Husk turn restrictions ved veje rundt om heller mm

2015-09-26 Per discussione Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
Niels Elgaard Larsen skrev:
> Og den var (jeg har nu tilføjet turn restrictions) jo sådan set tilladt
> ifølge OSM. I den virkelige verden går den ikke.

Det ser jeg mest som et problem med renderen. Selv om du sætter en turn
restriction er der jo ikke noget i vejen for, at den foreslår en
u-vending længere fremme, hvor vejen er blevet til én way.

Osmand har f.x. længe foreslået mig at komme omkring et
venstresvingsforbud ved at lave en u-vending på Nørrebrogade. Det er som
sådan ikke ulovligt, men i praksis en dårlig idé.

- Jørgen

Talk-dk mailing list