Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Greg Morgan
On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 3:52 AM, Dave F  wrote:

> There's an irony in these latest communication channels (loomio?) being
> called 'collaborative'. The more that are used within OSM the more
> fractured the communication becomes.
> It wouldn't be so bad if any conclusions were broadcast, but increasingly
> they're not.
> IRC, due to its exclusiveness does nothing to promote a "community" which
> many wish to attain.

HaHaHaHaHaHa  No I am not laughing at you or please I am not attacking
you.  I love history.  The problem is that most of this discussion lacks
the perspective of protocol wars waged over the years.  This is just World
War 25. (You and others may not even get that reference.  It is from an
Airplane Movie.)

I am not attacking the board.  If this problem is really messed up and as
usual, there are more directors than actors for a number of reasons[1],
then my recommendation earlier is that the Board needs another elected
volunteer member that handles all these channels of communication.  That
solution was looking at the problem with my business analyst hat on. In the
corporate world, this person on the C-Suite level is called the Public
Information Officer, PIO.  This person guards and coordinates the public
image of the corporation up to an including the logo and its placement on

In the early days of the Internet, a person could use the talk
protocol...blah, blah, blah under the webserver port 80.[2] One of these
protocols under port 80 was finger.  You could use the finger command to
see what office hours a person was keeping.  Then the bad guys came along.
In the Matrix movies somewhere there is a picture of good people using Nmap
to break into the bad people's computers.  Exactly,  Nmap was used to check
all these lower than port 80 numbers.  Just like your finger print, Nmap
could be used to figure out the type of computer as an attack vector.  All
those protocols and ports had to be turned off.

Irc rocked the world based on these other problems. If you are a touch
typist, there is no problem.  Yeah they taught typing on IBM typewriters
back then.  Enter mIRC[3].  Some kid imagined a world where we all could
Then there was ICQ and the cool kids on ICQ had a lower number than others.

Mush Mush Mush!--Means I don't recall all the details nor does the order of
existence of the protocol matter in these descriptions matter.  It all
happened in the big old Internet.

It seemed like there were three companies fighting a war.  These companies
would constantly touch protocols to break communication and trap customers
on platform. Pidgin and the like tried to bridge all these warring
protocols.  There was such madness that plugins were developed to manage
the changes.[4]

Mush Mush Mush!

Excite[4a] or what not created a protocol with an Icon.  I don't recall if
this cool new shinny hotness road on the back of the Irc protocol or not.
The use of IRC and mIRC raced to bottom feeder levels of today. Irc and
mIRC were the new hotness that ruled the worl.  There were none of these
questions of exclusiveness.  You were not promoting topic X without an IRC
presence of some kind.
Yahoo had other goodness.

Mush Mush Mush!

Some where in there world of communications Wikis rocked the world.  The
hate from encyclopedias was incredible.  LOL Expert data HaHaHaHa!  Note
the parallel to authoritative data and OSM data.  HaHaHaHa!  Britannica
what?  Encarta what?  Wikipedia smoked 'em all!

Mush Mush Mush!

Now the fans of new hotness protocol x, y, and z are at World War 25 with
statements like Google X is dead; Facebook fans say that Twitter is dead.
Then there is the next new hotness and the fans start a new round including
slack.  I am jaded enough that I think most of these new hotness tools are
a battle for lock in and not real open communication.  There are people on
this list that are passionate about this.  The message that I understand
from the anti closed hotness x is based on the brief history of time above.
How can we as OSM promoters scream about open data and then smack our
friends in the open source world by using a closed protocol?

My prior example [5] was trying to show how I saw one of our board members
running ragged.  I asked permission to do something because it solved a
problem for me and possibly others that may use the conference videos.
Here is the business problem. Each year when a new US conference is posted.
the old conference videos go missing so to speak.  I am working on
resolving the problem for 2015 with their permission. In addition, I
created the 2016 wiki page set.[6]  All of a sudden the committee and
Martijn have one less thing to worry about.  They are my boss.  If they
want to take the page set in a different direction, then I will assist
them.  They are the PIO with an important message to publish.  Oh! In this
case, Martijn drew the short straw. He was the first board member to 

[Talk-it] Problemi nel creare punti di interesse

2016-04-02 Per discussione Silvano
Salve, sono nuovo (nick Silvan87) e volevo mappare i PDI del mio paese,
visto che quasi nulla è mappato. Però, sono andato incontro a dei problemi
che racconto sulla mailing list. Perdonatemi se non è il posto piú
indicato, ma spero di imparare presto le giuste prassi.

*1. Rettangolo grigio anomalo*

C'è un errore grafico che mi chiedo se sia noto, visto che è piuttosto
evidente e mi è comparso piú volte. Passando da un livello di zoom ad un
altro, può comparire un rettangolo dello stesso colore dello sfondo che
copre PDI e aree disegnate. Ecco qualche screenshot:

Faccio un leggero zoom e un rettangolo grigio copre parte del centro
commerciale che prima si vedeva:

Questa anomalia sul centro commerciale la vedo solo su Firefox 45.0.1 su
Windows 8.1 Pro. Mentre Chrome 49.0.2623.119 ed Explorer 11.0.3 lo
visualizzano bene.

Anche su un campetto da calcio da me inserito:

Facendo uno zoom si vede comparire l'anomalo rettangolo grigio:

E al massimo zoom addirittura scompare del tutto:

Questo errore sul campetto accade in tutti e 3 i browser che possiedo e che
ho prima nominato con la relativa versione.

*2. Alcune categorie non vengono rappresentate*

Nelle prime immagini del centro commerciale, si possono notare alcuni
numeri civici 73 E, 71 G, ecc. Quelli sono punti di interesse creati con
l'editor iD tramite browser. Il 71 E è un negozio di abbigliamento di cui
ho scelto la categoria e c'è anche la figura di una maglietta, però alcune
categorie funzionano (parrucchiere, dentista, panificio...) ed altre no,
eppure dovrebbero esistere. Come mai succede questo?

*3. Creare nuove categorie*

Ho avuto l'esigenza di creare un PDI per un centro estetico o centro di
bellezza o centro abbronzatura o solarium. Purtroppo, nessuna di queste
categorie esiste ancora, se volessi crearla come posso fare? È anche comune
avere un centro estetico.

*4. Leggere tutti i dati dei PDI*

Ho visto che l'editor è avanzato e consente di specificare tantissimi dati.
Però, se non entro in modalità di modifica, quindi navigando normalmente la
mappa, posso vedere solo l'icona e il nome. Esiste una possibilità veloce e
semplice per vedere anche la descrizione e altre informazioni generali?

*5. Avere l'elenco di tutti i PDI di un paese*

Sarebbe molto utile poter scegliere una città: Pesaro, Urbino... e avere
l'elenco di tutti i PDI inseriti. Esiste già questa funzione per caso?

Questi sono i 5 problemi/quesiti che mi si sono posti cercando di mappare
il mio paese. Ho letto che la mailing list è preferita al forum e spero di
poter risolvere tutto con voi. Grazie!
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] SOTM-US Scholarships

2016-04-02 Per discussione Clifford Snow
OpenStreetMap US Blog post on Apr 02 2016 by Alex Barth and Arielle
Our annual State of the Map US [1] conference is about many things, but one
of the most important things it is about is building community. In fact,
that's why it is our theme for this year's conference! Increasing community
participation starts with increasing accessibility, and that is why this
year we are working hard to increase our scholarship offerings and decrease
participation costs for all of those are interested in attending. So if you
are interested in hanging out in Seattle from July 23rd to 25th - keep
reading, because we have some great plans on how to make it happen for you.

Apply for a Scholarship

Who doesn't love free money? If you’re contributing to the OpenStreetMap
community – whether that’s by organizing meetups, making maps, adding data,
writing code or documentation, or something else – and financial help will
make the difference in whether you can come to State of the Map US, apply
for a scholarship! No matter where you live, what your interests, or how
long you have been involved: we welcome your application.

What type of scholarships are we offering?

Travel stipend + accommodation : This scholarship covers a $300 travel
stipend and four nights of accommodation at Seattle University (nights:
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th of July).

50 % of funds reserved just for female scholars

Female participation at State of the Map US has increased steadily from
12.5 % in Portland 2012 to 30 % at last year's conference at the United
Nations in New York. We still have a long way to go friends, so this year
we're again dedicating 50 % of the scholarship program to female applicants!

Everyone has a chance

In the OpenStreetMap community - there is room for us all! Diversity means
everyone, and we don't want a single person to miss out on this exciting
event. So please consider joining us. It takes millions of edits to make
OpenStreetMap a resource for us all, but it only takes you to make our
community unique and special.

We value every member, and look forward to receiving your application!

Deadline: April 24th 2016

Apply for a Scholarship [2] to State of the Map US.

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-ca] SOTM-US Scholarship Program

2016-04-02 Per discussione Clifford Snow
OpenStreetMap US Blog post on Apr 02 2016 by Alex Barth and Arielle
Our annual State of the Map US [1] conference is about many things, but one
of the most important things it is about is building community. In fact,
that's why it is our theme for this year's conference! Increasing community
participation starts with increasing accessibility, and that is why this
year we are working hard to increase our scholarship offerings and decrease
participation costs for all of those are interested in attending. So if you
are interested in hanging out in Seattle from July 23rd to 25th - keep
reading, because we have some great plans on how to make it happen for you.

Apply for a Scholarship

Who doesn't love free money? If you’re contributing to the OpenStreetMap
community – whether that’s by organizing meetups, making maps, adding data,
writing code or documentation, or something else – and financial help will
make the difference in whether you can come to State of the Map US, apply
for a scholarship! No matter where you live, what your interests, or how
long you have been involved: we welcome your application.

What type of scholarships are we offering?

Travel stipend + accommodation : This scholarship covers a $300 travel
stipend and four nights of accommodation at Seattle University (nights:
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th of July).

50 % of funds reserved just for female scholars

Female participation at State of the Map US has increased steadily from
12.5 % in Portland 2012 to 30 % at last year's conference at the United
Nations in New York. We still have a long way to go friends, so this year
we're again dedicating 50 % of the scholarship program to female applicants!

Everyone has a chance

In the OpenStreetMap community - there is room for us all! Diversity means
everyone, and we don't want a single person to miss out on this exciting
event. So please consider joining us. It takes millions of edits to make
OpenStreetMap a resource for us all, but it only takes you to make our
community unique and special.

We value every member, and look forward to receiving your application!

Deadline: April 24th 2016

Apply for a Scholarship [2] to State of the Map US.

Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk] (no subject)

2016-04-02 Per discussione Clifford Snow
OpenStreetMap US Blog post on Apr 02 2016 by Alex Barth and Arielle
Our annual State of the Map US [1] conference is about many things, but one
of the most important things it is about is building community. In fact,
that's why it is our theme for this year's conference! Increasing community
participation starts with increasing accessibility, and that is why this
year we are working hard to increase our scholarship offerings and decrease
participation costs for all of those are interested in attending. So if you
are interested in hanging out in Seattle from July 23rd to 25th - keep
reading, because we have some great plans on how to make it happen for you.

Apply for a Scholarship

Who doesn't love free money? If you’re contributing to the OpenStreetMap
community – whether that’s by organizing meetups, making maps, adding data,
writing code or documentation, or something else – and financial help will
make the difference in whether you can come to State of the Map US, apply
for a scholarship! No matter where you live, what your interests, or how
long you have been involved: we welcome your application.

What type of scholarships are we offering?

Travel stipend + accommodation : This scholarship covers a $300 travel
stipend and four nights of accommodation at Seattle University (nights:
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th of July).

50 % of funds reserved just for female scholars

Female participation at State of the Map US has increased steadily from
12.5 % in Portland 2012 to 30 % at last year's conference at the United
Nations in New York. We still have a long way to go friends, so this year
we're again dedicating 50 % of the scholarship program to female applicants!

Everyone has a chance

In the OpenStreetMap community - there is room for us all! Diversity means
everyone, and we don't want a single person to miss out on this exciting
event. So please consider joining us. It takes millions of edits to make
OpenStreetMap a resource for us all, but it only takes you to make our
community unique and special.

We value every member, and look forward to receiving your application!

Deadline: April 24th 2016

Apply for a Scholarship [2] to State of the Map US.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Incorrect spelling of "cemetery"

2016-04-02 Per discussione Dave F
I noticed if 'cem' is typed in the wiki's search box it displays 
Cemetary as the option.

Amending that /might/ help reduce the mistakes

On 24/03/2016 11:14, Stuart Reynolds wrote:

Hi all,

A user of our site alerted me to an incorrect spelling of “cemetery” in one 
location. I corrected it, and then readily found and corrected three more. 
However, after a very brief further search (using “cemetery uk”) I’ve easily 
found another 10. I could correct these manually, but I suspect that it is the 
tip of an iceberg.

Can I propose that someone who is more knowledgeable than me does a mechanical 
edit within the UK to correct “Cemetary” to “Cemetery”?

Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-04-02 Per discussione

Am 02.04.2016 um 21:54 schrieb Tim Teulings:

Hallo Uwe,

du scheinst ja ein richtiger Spätaufsteher zu sein.
In der Zeit vom 10. - 16.03.2016 haben hier einige in der Liste an 
der Diskussion teilgenommen.

Richtig. Habe ich auch gelesen. Allerdings hatte mir mein Mailclient 
vorgegaukelt, dass die referenzierte Nachricht neu wäre :-/ War nicht 
so, mein Fehler...ich jetzt aber auch nicht sooo lange her.

Die Seite 
hast du wohl auch noch nicht gelesen, sonst hättest du dir einiges an 
Text ersparen können.

Nein habe ich nicht. Beantwortet aber jetzt auch nicht gerade 
detailliert meine Fragen, oder?

Für ein LKW-Routing ist erst einmal nötig dass die Daten dafür 
bereitgestellt werden, das fängt bei Tonnagebegrenzungen an und hört 
bei Gefahrgutrouten auf.

Na ja, mann kann auch vorher LKW-Routing machen, aber mit mehr 
Informationen wird es besser, da bin ich vollkommen bei dir :-) ich 
sehe da aber auch keinerlei Widerspruch zu meinem Kommentar? Außerdem 
hatte ich nicht den Eindruck, als wenn es nur um das Mappen von 
zusätzlichen Daten in OSM geht, ich hatte das Gefühl, dass der Plan 
des Autor ein anderer - vielleicht weniger sinnvoller - gewesen wäre.

Wie oft hast du denn schon ein priority_road=designated oder 
hazmat=designated  gemappt ?

Noch nie. Muss ich das? Wie viele Router hast du schon geschrieben 
oder LKWs gefahren ;-)?
LKW bin ich schon oft gefahren und ich konnte es mir auch erlauben vor 3 
Jahren nicht mehr zur Tauglichkeitsuntersuchung zu gehen.
Wer bisher nicht für die Brummifahrer mit gemappt hat sollte sich erst 
mal mit der Materie vertraut machen, LKW-Routing ohne Höhen- und 
Tonnagebegrenzung gibt es nicht
und die hohe Schule ist dann der Gefahrguttransport oder Transport 
wassergefährdenter Stoffe.
Lies dir bitte erst die Beiträge zum Thema und die Informationen von 
"Mobil im Rheinland" durch.

Das es nicht einfach zu einem Import kommen wird wurde schon abgeklärt.
Alles was die Leute von "Mobil im Rheinland" bereitstellen wollen ist 
mit derzeitig verwendeten Key´s möglich, da muß nichts neu erfunden werden.

Ach so, Router habe ich noch nicht geschrieben, da käme wohl so ein Mist 
wie bei deinem Mailclient raus ;-) :-D 8-) .


PS. Lass dich nie mit 21 kg NaCl im Kofferaum erwischen behaupte immer 
es ist Kochsalz.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione John F. Eldredge
One thing I find annoying about most wikis is that conversation threads are 
listed in order of which thread most recently received a reply, not by 
subject. In wikis with large numbers of threads, this means having to guess 
which search terns to use. Sorting by what message replied to what makes 
sense within a thread, but means that you can't scroll through a list of 
subjects to locate a thread already discussing a particular topic.

On April 2, 2016 10:54:19 AM malenki  wrote:

On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 12:23:29 +0100,
Dave F wrote:

> Do really want to read the full log of a chat room?
If there were a record, many IRC discussions wouldn't occur.

Is that so?
Despite OSM forum, wiki and help there are a lot of people who ask
questions which are already answered.
It doesn't depend on the medium that some people cannot or don't want
to RTFM.
And in IRC it is not unfriendly just to paste a matching link to the
question asked, no need to be overly verbose, log into any forum or
format the text.

It's often used by the weak/arrogant who are too
scared/self-important to have their opinions verified & countered.

I am curious (but don't really want to know) in which IRC regions you
The people I do meet in IRC regularly a friendly, helpful and skillful
and more often than not quite non-boasting.
Just some names for the record (no weight in completeness and order) I
read regularly: woodpeck, Pascal N, katpatuka, Harry Wood, Richard F,
pnorman, SK53, Firefishy, Lonvia, Simon Poole.

self important
[with questionable opinions]

Well, consider it yourself.

And not-so-humble I do consider myself also quite skilled regarding OSM
and mostly a nice person.

The trolls or idiots which pass by now and then occur in every medium.
They consume only so much time and energy you really spend on them –
and in IRC they often don't have much patience. :P


(Originally I did not want to respond to this nonsense but since I
finally reply to another mail of your I thought: Whatever)

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Sistemare waterway=riverbank

2016-04-02 Per discussione Lorenzo "Beba" Beltrami
Ciao a tutti,
vorrei sottoporvi una questione riguardo un waterway=riverbank un po'

La relazione "Lama"[1] è una multipolygon con waterway=riverbank.

È errata per svariati motivi:
1. Comprende anche canali che non sono il Cavo Lama
2. È frutto di un import grezzo dell'uso del suolo della regione Emilia -
Romagna (il suo membro outer[2] ha source=
3. Non è nemmeno aderente alla realtà in quanto le geometrie sono parecchio
imprecise (a causa anche del fatto che si tratta un import del dataset
4. In tutti i punti che ho controllato io gli elementi sono dei doppioni di
quelli adiacenti (punti in comune, appartenenti a diversi percorsi)

Gli errori si notano in particolare nella zona in cui due canali abbastanza
importanti (la Fiuma e il Cavo C.A.B.R.) corrono al pari[3]: argini,
canali, terreno compreso, edifici, strade e ponti finiscono tutti nel
riverbank indistintamente.

Come mi comporto?
Forse la soluzione più corretta sarebbe rimuovere tutti gli elementi (sia
la relazione sia i percorsi che lo compongono) e, se proprio si vuole usare
un waterway=riverbank, ridisegnare tutto partendo dalle foto aeree.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-04-02 Per discussione Tim Teulings

Hallo Uwe,

du scheinst ja ein richtiger Spätaufsteher zu sein.
In der Zeit vom 10. - 16.03.2016 haben hier einige in der Liste an  
der Diskussion teilgenommen.

Richtig. Habe ich auch gelesen. Allerdings hatte mir mein Mailclient  
vorgegaukelt, dass die referenzierte Nachricht neu wäre :-/ War nicht  
so, mein Fehler...ich jetzt aber auch nicht sooo lange her.

Die Seite  
hast du wohl auch noch nicht gelesen, sonst hättest du dir einiges  
an Text ersparen können.

Nein habe ich nicht. Beantwortet aber jetzt auch nicht gerade  
detailliert meine Fragen, oder?

Für ein LKW-Routing ist erst einmal nötig dass die Daten dafür  
bereitgestellt werden, das fängt bei Tonnagebegrenzungen an und hört  
bei Gefahrgutrouten auf.

Na ja, mann kann auch vorher LKW-Routing machen, aber mit mehr  
Informationen wird es besser, da bin ich vollkommen bei dir :-) ich  
sehe da aber auch keinerlei Widerspruch zu meinem Kommentar? Außerdem  
hatte ich nicht den Eindruck, als wenn es nur um das Mappen von  
zusätzlichen Daten in OSM geht, ich hatte das Gefühl, dass der Plan  
des Autor ein anderer - vielleicht weniger sinnvoller - gewesen wäre.

Wie oft hast du denn schon ein priority_road=designated oder  
hazmat=designated  gemappt ?

Noch nie. Muss ich das? Wie viele Router hast du schon geschrieben  
oder LKWs gefahren ;-)?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione H Albrecht
Hallo Eike,
deine Sorge in Ehren, aber entspann dich ruhig. Im Klartext lässt sich
meine Einstellung so zusammen fassen:

Risiken wegen illegaler Tätigkeiten werde ich nicht eingehen,
schließlich bin ich dort als Tourist und will schöne Tage erleben. Ich
frage ja extra aus diesem Grund offiziell beim Auswärtigen Amt an und
werde ein Verbot dann genau so offiziell befolgen. Darum verwende ich
Klarnamen, sehe keinen Grund konspirativ tätig zu sein und werde nicht
versteckt Daten erheben.
btw: Falls ich das anders vorgehabt hätte, wäre eine Anfrage auf einer
Mailingliste tatsächlich ziemlich dumm. Mr. Kaspersky hat vor kurzem zum
Besten gegeben: Nur wer in puncto Internetsicherheit paranoid ist,
handelt vernünftig. Auch wenn der Mann sein Geld damit verdient, ich
denke er hat im Prinzip recht.
Für den Fall, dass es mir (nach Abwägen der verschiedenen Infos) möglich
erscheint ein gps zu nutzen (mit allen dann erforderlichen Maßnahmen um
sich an die Sitten im Land anzupassen, wie dezente Zurückhaltung, )
nehme ich das Gerät mit und probiere vor Ort aus, was geht. Restrisiken,
wie an einen mürrischen Zöllner oder Polizisten zu geraten, sind ok.
Mein unten zitierter Text war noch nicht die Entscheidung was ich tun
werde, sondern meine bisherigen Vorstellungen was ich gerne machen möchte.
Vielleicht hat auch der ironische Ton über OSM-Märtyrertum und das
Gedankenspiel zu Subversion und Diktatur zu diesem Missverständnis
beigetragen? Wie auch immer, ich bin froh um deine und eure Meinungen.
Viele Grüße

Am 02.04.2016 um 20:28 schrieb Rolf Eike Beer:
>> Wahrscheinlich wird es bei meiner Reise kaum Probleme geben, wenn ich
>> die Zoll- bzw. Sicherheitskontrollen passieren kann. Wir haben eine
>> private, familiäre Einladung. Damit fällt der obligatorische Aufpasser
>> bei Gruppenreisen weg und wir können uns freier bewegen. In der Stadt
>> werde ich mir wohl hauptsächlich Wegpunkte setzen um wieder heim zu
>> finden. Mappen möchte ich vor allem im Gebirge.
> Sie wissen jetzt, dass du kommst…
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] openstationmap

2016-04-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
anche qui:
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] openstationmap

2016-04-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Segnalo la OpenStationMap, che fa vedere le stazioni delle ferrovie. Dalle
stazioni italiane ho guardato solo Roma e Milano, e mi sembrava che non
avevamo ancora molto dettaglio, ma se volete vedere dove si può arrivare,
guardate per esempio i 5 piani di Berlino Hbf:
(mi avevo sempre chiesto, vedendo questi dati in josm, se un giorno sarebbe
arrivata un app per capire che cos'era mappato ;-) ).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione john whelan
I think we are talking different things and they are best suited to
different needs.

Personnally I hate being interupted, so Slack or something like it that
waves at me and says look at this pretty picture doesn't work well for me.
Neither does IRC to be honest.  It is reasonably complex to set up, and yes
I know any 10 year old can do it I just don't have one on hand.  Many of
the channel discussions don't seem that focused.  However they do work for

Should we worry about communications being carried on away from the public
spotlight?  I personally don't think so.  I have raised a concern before
now by using Skype one on one that was dealt with quietly.  If it hadn't
been I would have raised it un general terms in a mailing list.  There are
some matters that can be best dealt with out of the public spotlight.

I do have a concern that different parts of OSM do things without
consulting other parts to see if it will have an impact but to be honest I
can't see a way round this.  For example yes but how many mappers
even know it exists?

If you read the wiki you'll find statements in different sections that if
they don't contradict each other come very close to it.

My prefered communication channel are the mailing lists and email.  I like
to be able to think and consider before I send something off rather than
just doing it but that is just me.

Cheerio John

On 2 April 2016 at 12:48, Blake Girardot  wrote:

> IRC is open, public and transparent.
> It is very easy to log, anyone can do it, there is no secret anything. If
> you have a machine that is always on, like my desktop, you just log in and
> you have the transcript/log of whatever goes on. There are literally 100's
> of people that do that in the #OSM channel (222 at the moment).
> Many channels intentionally log their traffic to the web for transparency
> and easy to catch up for not always connected people. Individuals and
> services can do the same thing if they want.
> For example, here you can relive 2009-2010 in #OSM channel here:
> The OSM IRC channel is primarily a support channel in practice, with many
> experienced and knowledgeable folks answering questions. There is not a ton
> of off topic chit-chat because excess traffic gets annoying, but often
> people share interesting OSM or mapping related items there as well.
> If you would like a log of the last 2 years or so of the #osm channel (or
> #hot, #osm-dev, #oftc, #debian-gis) let me know, I'll email you mine.
> The idea that people have discussions they would not otherwise have on IRC
> because it is not logged or secret really shows a fundamental
> misunderstanding of IRC and its common usage.
> Cheers,
> Blake
> On 4/2/2016 1:21 AM, Dave F wrote:
>> On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:
>>> I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.
>> This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record,
>> unless you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used for,
>> or when.
>> On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision
>> about OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all
>> the 'noise'. (paraphrased)
>> On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD
>> editor are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging forum.
>> Dave F.
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione Rolf Eike Beer
> Wahrscheinlich wird es bei meiner Reise kaum Probleme geben, wenn ich
> die Zoll- bzw. Sicherheitskontrollen passieren kann. Wir haben eine
> private, familiäre Einladung. Damit fällt der obligatorische Aufpasser
> bei Gruppenreisen weg und wir können uns freier bewegen. In der Stadt
> werde ich mir wohl hauptsächlich Wegpunkte setzen um wieder heim zu
> finden. Mappen möchte ich vor allem im Gebirge.

Sie wissen jetzt, dass du kommst…

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Nicolás Alvarez

> El 2 abr 2016, a las 13:48, Blake Girardot  escribió:
> It is very easy to log, anyone can do it, there is no secret anything. If you 
> have a machine that is always on, like my desktop, you just log in and you 
> have the transcript/log of whatever goes on. There are literally 100's of 
> people that do that in the #OSM channel (222 at the moment).
> Many channels intentionally log their traffic to the web for transparency and 
> easy to catch up for not always connected people. Individuals and services 
> can do the same thing if they want.

I don't know about OFTC, but in freenode it is network policy that public IRC 
logging (such as publishing logs on a website) must be clearly stated for 
anyone who joins, for example by saying it in the channel topic. Public logging 
is okay, but people have to know if it's happening.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione H Albrecht
Am 01.04.2016 um 23:26 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> sent from a phone
>> Am 01.04.2016 um 22:26 schrieb H Albrecht :
>> Neben Subversion ist mir persönliches Wohlbefinden und nicht zu stark
>> getrübter Reisegenuss schon auch noch wichtig
> ach komm, für die Freiheit?
> Gruß 
> Martin 

Gute Frage ;-)
Wie sieht das bei OSM-Märtyrern eigentlich aus? Kann ich mit Jungfrauen
rechnen? Oder einem virtuellen Denkmal in der Karte?

> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione Max
On 2016년 04월 03일 01:52, H Albrecht wrote:
> Hallo Max,
> vielen Dank für den Tipp mit den Akkus, da werde ich bei meiner
> Fluggesellschaft recherchieren. Falls die Lithium-Akkus nicht gehen,
> kann ich beim Montana immer noch auf alkalische Batterien oder
> NiMH-Akkus umsteigen. Damit wären wir beim ersten Mehrwert.

Je nach dem wie viel Kapazität die Batterien haben, müssen sie im
Handgepäck transportiert werden, nicht im aufgegebenen Gepäck. Von Extra
batterien max. 2 und mit abgeklebten Kontakten.
Mitnehmen kann man sie schon. Nur ist die Menge und Kapazität begrenzt.

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] WeeklyOSM 297

2016-04-02 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #297, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Want to know how Mapbox uses server statistics to decide which parts
   of the world need new satellite imagery most...
   - The US SotM conference will be held in Seattle from the 23rd to the
   25th of July.
   - Look in to know how to use Mapbox GL to generate a vector based and
   interactive map of cycleways in Berlin...
   - Thinking about your next vacation? Here are OSM maps for Crete
   available in Garmin formats
   - Alex Bulankou
   - Mapzen describes their new elevation tilesets, how they were created,
   which data sources were involved,  read more to know more about it...


Jinal Foflia 
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] WeeklyOSM 297

2016-04-02 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #297, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Want to know how Mapbox uses server statistics to decide which parts
   of the world need new satellite imagery most...
   - The US SotM conference will be held in Seattle from the 23rd to the
   25th of July.
   - Look in to know how to use Mapbox GL to generate a vector based and
   interactive map of cycleways in Berlin...
   - Thinking about your next vacation? Here are OSM maps for Crete
   available in Garmin formats
   - Alex Bulankou
   - Mapzen describes their new elevation tilesets, how they were created,
   which data sources were involved,  read more to know more about it...


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] WeeklyOSM 297

2016-04-02 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #297, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Want to know how Mapbox uses server statistics to decide which parts
   of the world need new satellite imagery most...
   - The US SotM conference will be held in Seattle from the 23rd to the
   25th of July.
   - Look in to know how to use Mapbox GL to generate a vector based and
   interactive map of cycleways in Berlin...
   - Thinking about your next vacation? Here are OSM maps for Crete
   available in Garmin formats
   - Alex Bulankou
   - Mapzen describes their new elevation tilesets, how they were created,
   which data sources were involved,  read more to know more about it...


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-us] WeeklyOSM 297

2016-04-02 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #297, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Want to know how Mapbox uses server statistics to decide which parts
   of the world need new satellite imagery most...
   - The US SotM conference will be held in Seattle from the 23rd to the
   25th of July.
   - Look in to know how to use Mapbox GL to generate a vector based and
   interactive map of cycleways in Berlin...
   - Thinking about your next vacation? Here are OSM maps for Crete
   available in Garmin formats
   - Alex Bulankou explains how to host OpenStreetMap services in Azure.
   - Mapzen describes their new elevation tilesets, how they were created,
   which data sources were involved,  read more to know more about it...


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione H Albrecht
Hallo Max,
vielen Dank für den Tipp mit den Akkus, da werde ich bei meiner
Fluggesellschaft recherchieren. Falls die Lithium-Akkus nicht gehen,
kann ich beim Montana immer noch auf alkalische Batterien oder
NiMH-Akkus umsteigen. Damit wären wir beim ersten Mehrwert.

Am 02.04.2016 um 17:34 schrieb Max:
>  OSMand auf
> dem Smartphone wäre bestimmt diskreter. Was ist der mehrwert des montana?

Der Unterschied für mich: Haben und nicht haben. Ich hab ein Montana,
aber kein Smartphone (ja, so was gibts heute auch noch ;-) ) Das Montana
verwende ich als Dauerbegleitung im Auto, am Liegerad und auf dem Berg,
also ist schlichte Gewöhnung auch noch ein Grund.

Wahrscheinlich wird es bei meiner Reise kaum Probleme geben, wenn ich
die Zoll- bzw. Sicherheitskontrollen passieren kann. Wir haben eine
private, familiäre Einladung. Damit fällt der obligatorische Aufpasser
bei Gruppenreisen weg und wir können uns freier bewegen. In der Stadt
werde ich mir wohl hauptsächlich Wegpunkte setzen um wieder heim zu
finden. Mappen möchte ich vor allem im Gebirge.

Wegen der Mitnahme und Benutzung eines gps habe ich übrigens eine
Anfrage an das Auswärtige Amt gestellt:

> Betreff: VR China, Mitführen von Navigationsgeräten
> Guten Tag,
> in den Einreisebestimmungen für China fand ich keine Aussage zum
> Mitführen von Navigationsgeräten (in meinem Fall: amerikanisches gps von
> Kann ich mein Gerät bedenkenlos mitnehmen und in China mit OSM
> (Openstreetmap-Karten) nutzen?
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Hansjörg Albrecht

Falls ich Antwort erhalte, werde ich hier berichten.
Viele Grüße

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Blake Girardot

IRC is open, public and transparent.

It is very easy to log, anyone can do it, there is no secret anything. 
If you have a machine that is always on, like my desktop, you just log 
in and you have the transcript/log of whatever goes on. There are 
literally 100's of people that do that in the #OSM channel (222 at the 

Many channels intentionally log their traffic to the web for 
transparency and easy to catch up for not always connected people. 
Individuals and services can do the same thing if they want.

For example, here you can relive 2009-2010 in #OSM channel here:

The OSM IRC channel is primarily a support channel in practice, with 
many experienced and knowledgeable folks answering questions. There is 
not a ton of off topic chit-chat because excess traffic gets annoying, 
but often people share interesting OSM or mapping related items there as 

If you would like a log of the last 2 years or so of the #osm channel 
(or #hot, #osm-dev, #oftc, #debian-gis) let me know, I'll email you mine.

The idea that people have discussions they would not otherwise have on 
IRC because it is not logged or secret really shows a fundamental 
misunderstanding of IRC and its common usage.


On 4/2/2016 1:21 AM, Dave F wrote:

On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:

I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.

This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record,
unless you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used for,
or when.

On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision
about OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all
the 'noise'. (paraphrased)

On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD
editor are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging forum.

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione malenki
On Sat, 02 Apr 2016 11:52:36 +0100,
Dave F wrote:

> IRC, due to its exclusiveness does nothing to promote a "community" 
> which many wish to attain.

Mainly due to IRC I met several high profile quality mappers and have a
chat with them now and then which I never would have on any other

Where else could you easily see people talk about this and that
topic, add your two cents and ask something completely different?

Even in a personal emergency IRC was the medium of choice to get nearly
immediate help from a (/the/ :)) well known London mapper.

Since you seem to have a lot of negative IRC experiences: How long and
how much did/do you use it?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione malenki
On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 12:23:29 +0100,
Dave F wrote:

> > Do really want to read the full log of a chat room?  
> If there were a record, many IRC discussions wouldn't occur. 

Is that so?
Despite OSM forum, wiki and help there are a lot of people who ask
questions which are already answered.
It doesn't depend on the medium that some people cannot or don't want
to RTFM.
And in IRC it is not unfriendly just to paste a matching link to the
question asked, no need to be overly verbose, log into any forum or
format the text.

> It's often used by the weak/arrogant who are too
> scared/self-important to have their opinions verified & countered.

I am curious (but don't really want to know) in which IRC regions you
The people I do meet in IRC regularly a friendly, helpful and skillful
and more often than not quite non-boasting.
Just some names for the record (no weight in completeness and order) I
read regularly: woodpeck, Pascal N, katpatuka, Harry Wood, Richard F,
pnorman, SK53, Firefishy, Lonvia, Simon Poole.

self important
[with questionable opinions]

Well, consider it yourself.

And not-so-humble I do consider myself also quite skilled regarding OSM
and mostly a nice person.

The trolls or idiots which pass by now and then occur in every medium.
They consume only so much time and energy you really spend on them –
and in IRC they often don't have much patience. :P


(Originally I did not want to respond to this nonsense but since I
finally reply to another mail of your I thought: Whatever)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Communications manager

2016-04-02 Per discussione Luis Villa
To be clear, I am not volunteering myself- besides giving time to the LWG,
I have a baby coming in less than a month, so I'm trying to have fewer
projects, not more. I'm just trying to help defend the board :)

(And yes, I know all about cat herding. If the phrase translated well it
would have been on my last business card.)


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016, 9:31 PM Greg Morgan  wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Luis Villa  wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:55 AM Steve Coast  wrote:
>>> > On Apr 1, 2016, at 12:42 AM, Paul Norman  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On 4/1/2016 12:22 AM, Greg Morgan wrote:
>>> >> I would think that the US Board should add another board member to be
>>> a communications manager.  I now understand why corporations have paid
>>> staff that do nothing but manage all these communication options.
>>> >
>>> > Why would this need to be a board member as opposed to another
>>> volunteer managing communications without being a board member?
>>> Because volunteers tend to be terrible at doing work that isn’t fun.
>> Good thing board members are paid, then! Oh, wait ;)
>> Seriously, I'm with Paul- a designated group of volunteers who actually
>> enjoys and wants to do this would create a lot of value. (Casually engaged
>> people like me would get a lot out of it.)
>> But making the board *more* of a working board is not a healthy trend.
>> Except in a few very, very key areas (finance, mostly) the board should be
>> about identifying issues and encouraging people to work on them, not doing
>> things themselves.
> Luis, I am one hundred percent behind you.  Just like with Martijn, I
> helped out with a starting wiki page. A blank page is no fun.  Here you
> go.[1]  Go man Go!  If you have the secret sauce to grease the wheels, then
> document away.  You would answer the problem for US OSM and many other
> volunteer organizations. Please remember, the US Board is still the owner
> and would require approval when you have an implementation plan with your
> "casually engaged people."  I've been around enough people from Missouri to
> say, "Show Me!"  Well then there is Linus Torvalds: “Talk is cheap. Show me
> the code.”  I also found two links that provide you with another
> perspective on Steve's statement, "Because volunteers tend to be terrible
> at doing work that isn’t fun." [2], [3]
> As always we'll be watching and supporting you.  I've have a watch marked
> on the wiki page so that I can cheer for you.
> I hope this helps,
> Greg
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione Max
On 2016년 04월 02일 05:17, H Albrecht wrote:
>> Vielleicht triffst Du ja unterwegs Menschen, die gern mehr über OSM
>> erfahren möchten und kannst ihnen fundiert erzählen?
> Hehe, ja, kann schon sein. Ob die allerdings überhaupt verstehen was ich
> in schlechtem Englisch von mir gebe und ob es fundiert ist, was ich
> bisher über OSM weiß ... da hab ich so meine Zweifel ;-)
> Vor Missionsreisen bin ich erst mal bemüht mich selbst besser
> einzuarbeiten. 

Davon würde ich in der Tat in China abraten. Als Langnase hat man
gewisse Freiheiten und man wird nicht weiter behelligt wenn man keinen
Stress macht. Aber Leute vor Ort zu etwas anstiften was vor Ort illegal
ist, das ist eine Nummer ernster. Gerade wenn du jemanden nicht wirklich
kennst würde ich OSM nicht erwähnen.

Das montana 600 ist glaube ich kein großes problem wenn du das auf dem
trail verwendest und damit nicht in der Stadt herumfuchtelst. OSMand auf
dem Smartphone wäre bestimmt diskreter. Was ist der mehrwert des montana?
Habe mit dem Check in kein problem bei meinen Geräten gehabt, Allerdings
gibt es restriktionen was Batterien angeht. Infos Z.B. hier:

Das Smartphones plötzlich in China kein GPS mehr empfangen habe ich noch
nicht vorher gehört. Meins hat gut funktioniert. Die Datenlage ist
derart desolat, dass du keine schwierigkeiten haben wirst sinnvolle
informationen zu sammeln die man beitragen kann. Fotos machen und mappen
wenn du wieder zuhause bist.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] China, Provinz Sechuan

2016-04-02 Per discussione Michael Kugelmann

Am 01.04.2016 um 18:53 schrieb dktue:
Das ist spannnend! Ich habe leider auf die schnelle nichts hierzu 
finden können. Hast Du eine Quelle in der ich mehr Informationen dazu 
Eigene Erfahrung im beruflichen Umfeld von Firmen welche 
Navigationssystem gerstellen => die sind sicher sehr gut informiert und 
werden sich sicher nicht mit den Chinesischen Behörden anlegen... Ich 
habe allerdings jetzt keinen Wikilink oder Gesetztestext greifbar als 
Beleg greifbar.


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Radar stop

2016-04-02 Per discussione olivier delaune

depuis le début de l'année, la ville de Yerres, dans l'Essonne, a fait installé 
un radar qui détecte le non-arrêt à un stop

D'après l'article ci-dessus, le radar semble se trouver au croisement de la rue 
Marc Sangnier et de la rue de l'Abbé Moreau 

Comment taggue-t-on ce genre de radar ?

Merci d'avance

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
You want to ban meetups and irl friendships too?


Skickat från min iPhone

> 2 apr. 2016 kl. 12:52 skrev Dave F :
> There's an irony in these latest communication channels (loomio?) being 
> called 'collaborative'. The more that are used within OSM the more fractured 
> the communication becomes.
> It wouldn't be so bad if any conclusions were broadcast, but increasingly 
> they're not.
> IRC, due to its exclusiveness does nothing to promote a "community" which 
> many wish to attain.
> Dave F.
>> On 02/04/2016 00:21, Dave F wrote:
>>> On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:
>>> I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.
>> This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record, unless 
>> you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used for, or when.
>> On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision about 
>> OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all the 'noise'. 
>> (paraphrased)
>> On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD editor 
>> are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging forum.
>> Dave F.
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Experimental C and Python Bindings for OSRM v5

2016-04-02 Per discussione Daniel Hofmann
Yesterday I started some experimental C bindings for the upcoming OSRM v5

Here is the C example:

Today I had a look at how hard it would be to interface with the C bindings
through Python's FFI. Turns out not that hard. Here's the same example in

This is still in its early stage, but you can already get distances and
durations out of it.

I would love to hear from you if this is something you're interested in
(and specific use-cases in particular) or if the C++ libosrm library is
good enough for all of your use-cases.

Daniel J H
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Secondo voi questo cos'è?

2016-04-02 Per discussione Marco Predicatori
Questo sito lo confermerebbe:

Max1234Ita wrote on 31/03/2016 19:47:
> É vero! Mi sono lasciato distrarre dal graffito sul box e mi sono
> subito i 2 fori proprio a filo del guard rail!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project April-June 2016

2016-04-02 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 1 April 2016 at 23:55, Dave F  wrote:
> If healthcare is chosen, could any validating/completion/geojson websites
> created be based around local authority boundaries rather than post-code
> areas. Any databases would be LA based.

I think the Health datasets are more likely to be categorised by
Health Authority (or CCG or whatever they're called these days)
boundaries, which probably don't correspond with Local Government
boundaries. Personally, I think postcode areas/districts are good,
since we can use them for anything that has an address, and they tend
to lead to nice sized areas based on population (and hence amenity)

> For the schools project I found the post code list awkward to compare
> against other datasets, such as the LA defined food hygiene. Also quite a
> few missing schools were well outside the boundary, I couldn't work out why:

What were you trying to do with the Food Hygiene data? Presumably you
can search by postcode too can't you? Or are you using the downloads
and the files are just by LA district areas? Would it be helpful if
someone compiled all the data and made postal area extracts? Are there
any other reasons to use LA boundaries rather than postcodes?

The presence of the red markers (OSM objects not matched to something
in the official data) outside the postal area on e.g. is because I've jut
used a simple rectangular bounding box around the postal area to
extract the OSM objects from my working database. It could be made
more sophisticated, but there didn't seem much point, as those red
markers don't contribute to the "matching percentage" stats, and it's
easy enough to visually exclude them when looking at how much of an
area has been fixed.


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Increase Zoom Level up to 20 or 21 in OSM local tile server

2016-04-02 Per discussione Davinder Kaur
On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Davinder Kaur  wrote:
> I built a local tile server using Switch2osm tutorials. Now, I'm
> trying to increase it's zoom level from 19 to 20 or 21. I edited the

> http://localhost/osm_tiles/18/186312/107428.png I doesn't move to data
> in 19 zoom level. So, not stored in /osm_tiles or mod_tiles.
> What should I do? I need your valuable suggestions, I'm stuck here.

Done, minor mistake it was. Syntax Error.

Thanks & Regards

Davinder Kaur
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-04-02 Per discussione

Hallo Tim,

du scheinst ja ein richtiger Spätaufsteher zu sein.
In der Zeit vom 10. - 16.03.2016 haben hier einige in der Liste an der 
Diskussion teilgenommen.
Die Seite 
hast du wohl auch noch nicht gelesen, sonst hättest du dir einiges an 
Text ersparen können.
Für ein LKW-Routing ist erst einmal nötig dass die Daten dafür 
bereitgestellt werden, das fängt bei Tonnagebegrenzungen an und hört bei 
Gefahrgutrouten auf.
Wie oft hast du denn schon ein priority_road=designated oder 
hazmat=designated  gemappt ?

Schönes Wochenende


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Dave F
There's an irony in these latest communication channels (loomio?) being 
called 'collaborative'. The more that are used within OSM the more 
fractured the communication becomes.

It wouldn't be so bad if any conclusions were broadcast, but 
increasingly they're not.

IRC, due to its exclusiveness does nothing to promote a "community" 
which many wish to attain.

Dave F.

On 02/04/2016 00:21, Dave F wrote:

On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:

I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.

This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record, 
unless you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used 
for, or when.

On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision 
about OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all 
the 'noise'. (paraphrased)

On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD 
editor are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging 

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

[Talk-in] Increase Zoom Level up to 20 or 21 in OSM local tile server

2016-04-02 Per discussione Davinder Kaur
Hello everyone

I built a local tile server using Switch2osm tutorials. Now, I'm
trying to increase it's zoom level from 19 to 20 or 21. I edited the
renderd.conf file with numZoomLevel=20, and re-renderd this using
command renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf

But it is displaying pink tiles at zoom level 20 and if I try to set
server resolution in slippymap.html file then at all levels above 18
it shows it tiles only.
http://localhost/osm_tiles/18/186312/107428.png I doesn't move to data
in 19 zoom level. So, not stored in /osm_tiles or mod_tiles.

What should I do? I need your valuable suggestions, I'm stuck here.

Thanks & Regards

Davinder Kaur

Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-hr] DORS/CLUC 2016 OSM radionica

2016-04-02 Per discussione hbogner

Postoji mogućnost održavanja OSM radionice na DORS/CLUC konferenciji.
Radionica bi trajala otprilike 90 minuta.

Ima li dobrovoljaca koji bi htjeli održati radionicu za početnike o 
osnovama unosa podataka?


Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Digital Roadmap Austria

2016-04-02 Per discussione Stefan Kasberger
ja, da ist viel marketing sprech und ja ich bin auch skeptisch, aber ich
glaube man muss es probieren. mehr kann man ja nicht machen, aber nichts
tun macht halt auch nichts besser.

sonja stessl ist übrigens am barcamp graz am Freitag zu gast und steht
dabei rede und antwort zur roadmap.

grüße, stefan

On 2016-03-30 15:33, eest9 wrote:
> Am 30. März 2016 um 15:22 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann :
>> Meiner Meinung nach fällt diese sogenannte "Konsultation" genauso unter
>> Scheindemokratie wie die Volksbegehren, Volksbefragungen und Petitionen, wo
>> man die Leute glauben lässt mitbestimmen zu können. In Wahrheit kümmern sich
>> die Entscheidungsträger einen Kehricht darum, was bei diesen Befragungen
>> herausgekommen ist.
> Ja es fällt in diese Kategorie. Punkt 1 wurde auch genutzt um das zu
> kritisieren. Man wird eben nur auf wenige Punkte einen Einfluss haben
> können, aber IMHO ist es trotzdem wichtig sich hier einzubringen um
> bei jedem späteren aufkommen der Diskussion sagen zu können: "Da haben
> wir das schon gesagt und da und da und dort wiederholt."
> Ich beschäftige mich sehr viel mit solchen Prozessen also würde es zu
> weit führen das hier weiter zu erklären. Wenn wer aufs BarCamp Graz
> kommt halte ich dort vl. eine Session dazu.
> Wenn man aber aufgibt und nichts macht ist klar, dass sich das
> Dokument nur in die Richtung der Gegenseite (In unserem Fall Google
> und Offlinekartenanbieter) verändern wird.
> Und das Dokument leidet nicht nur daran, dass es eine Marketingschrift
> ist, sondern auch dass unsere Regierung keinen Dunst von der digitalen
> Agenda hat.
> lg Erwin Ernst 'eest9' Steinhammer
>> --
>> Friedrich K. Volkmann
>> Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria
>> ___
>> Talk-at mailing list
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list

*Stefan Kasberger*
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Source=Google

2016-04-02 Per discussione Aury88
Federico Cortese wrote
> Si, ho contattato l'utente ma non è cambiato nulla, tutte le
> occorrenze che avevo riscontrato ci sono ancora.

Ops. temo di aver fatto la ricerca con la G di Google in minuscolo :-/

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Re: [Talk-lt] Talk-lt Digest, Vol 85, Issue 6

2016-04-02 Per discussione Ričardas

Ne(be?)galima atsisiųsti:
Sorry! This content is not available in your country yet.


2016-03-23 20:54 GMT+02:00 :

> Send Talk-lt mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Talk-lt digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: Android lietuviškas TTS (Saulius Kaukenas)
>2. Re: Android lietuviškas TTS (Eduardas Kriščiūnas)
> -- Persiųstas laiškas --
> From: Saulius Kaukenas 
> To: "Paulius Masiliūnas" , OSM Talk LT <
>>, Tomas Straupis 
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 18:40:23 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Talk-lt] Android lietuviškas TTS
> Sveiki,
> Turiu gerų naujienų. Lietuviškai kalbančią navigaciją NaviJaz jau galima
> atsisiųsti iš Google Play:
> Dar daugiau - maršrutą galite planuoti ne tik navigacijoje, bet ir (su
> kiek norite tarpinių sustojimų) susiplanuoti portale
> ir atsiusiųsti maršrutą į savo telefoną. Tą patį maršrutą galite pasharinti
> kiek norite įrenginių (pvz. draugams kaip nuvykti į sodybą ir t.t.). Vienam
> įrenginiui galite sukurti neribotą maršrutų skaičių, tereikia tik
> užsiregistruoti ir išbandyti beta versiją.
> Lauksiu atsiliepimų ir komentarų tiek apie įgarsinimą tiek apie Jetty
> portalą.
> Pagarbiai,
> 2016 m. vasario 28 d. 22:20, Paulius Masiliūnas 
> rašė:
>> Sveikas Sauliau,
>> Kaip ten su OsmAnd lietuviškų įgarsinimu? Ar yra kur nors galimybę
>> atsiųsti?
>> On Monday, 20 July 2015, Saulius Kaukenas 
>> wrote:
>>> Taip. Mes kuriame navigacijos produktą verslui OsmAnd pagrindu - NaviJazz
>>> Am 20.07.2015 17:24 schrieb "Paulius Masiliūnas" :
 Wow, geros žinios. O įgarsinimas būtent OsmAnd?

 2015-07-20 18:22 GMT+03:00 Saulius Kaukenas 

> Sveiki,
> Jau turime profesionaliai įgarsintą versiją su linksniais ir t.t.
> investavome į tai apie 3000 eurų. Vasaros gale pabandysiu pasharinti. 
> Antrą
> kart siūlau to paties darbo nedaryti :)
> Linkėjimai
> Am 20.07.2015 14:47 schrieb "Paulius Masiliūnas"  >:
>> Bandysiu pasižaisti su
>> Tik galvoju ar nereiks ir įgarsinti, nes pvz en turi voice katalogą,
>> kuriame yra daug .ogg failų, bet pvz lv neturi tokios direktorijos, tai
>> įdomu kaip jiems sako posukius.
>> 2015-07-20 14:32 GMT+03:00 Paulius Masiliūnas :
>>> Sveikas,
>>> Pabandyk pasižiūrėti šią tema:
>>> 2015-07-20 13:13 GMT+03:00 Tomas Straupis :

   Gal kas domėjotės/bandėte į androidą įdėti lietuvišką TTS, kad
 OsmAnd'as prabiltų lietuviškai?


 Talk-lt mailing list

>> ___
>> Talk-lt mailing list

> --
> saulius kaukėnas
> direktorius/ceo
> tel.: + 370 37 211351, fax: +370 37 211352
> gsm: +370-687-81204
> email:
> skype: slsslssls
> uab agmis,
> europos pr 121-301 (mtp technopolis)
> lt-46339, kaunas, lithuania
> agmis - the best company for Your innovations
> -- Persiųstas laiškas --
> From: "Eduardas Kriščiūnas" 
> To: OSM Talk LT , Tomas Straupis <
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:54:19 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Talk-lt] Android lietuviškas TTS
> Nelabai yra kaip pratestuoti, kai būtinai reikia 5.0 Androido. Kas ten
> tokio, kad ant senesnių versijų neveikia?
> 2016.03.23 18:40, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:
> Sveiki,
> Turiu gerų naujienų. Lietuviškai kalbančią navigaciją NaviJaz jau galima
> atsisiųsti iš Google Play:
> Dar 

Re: [Talk-it] Source=Google

2016-04-02 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2016-04-02 9:42 GMT+02:00 Aury88 :
> ciao federico ,
> hai er caso contattato l'utente o apportato direttamente tu le modifiche? su
> overpass vedo che in italia non ci sono più occorenze
Si, ho contattato l'utente ma non è cambiato nulla, tutte le
occorrenze che avevo riscontrato ci sono ancora.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Source=Google

2016-04-02 Per discussione Aury88
Federico Cortese wrote
> Mi sono posto il problema perchè un utente ha cominciato a mappare strade
> e
> nomi con source=Google.
> Ciao

ciao federico , 
hai er caso contattato l'utente o apportato direttamente tu le modifiche? su
overpass vedo che in italia non ci sono più occorenze 


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