[Talk-cat] Petición de permiso uso datos ICGC

2017-11-29 Per discussione Wladimir Szczerban
Hola a todos,

Con la ayuda de Raf he traducido el template de la carta de petición de
permiso uso de datos.(Aunque el template tiene el warning de contenido
desactualizado me parece que está bien)

Aquí pueden ver la carta.

Ya que el día 14 de diciembre se realizará el forum TIGSIG que este año va
sobre openData y que se realizará en el ICGC podemos aprovechar y enviar la
carta al ICGC. Ya sé que esto se ha intentado en otras oportunidades pero
ahora parace que están más receptivos. Si alguien está interesado en enviar
la carta al ICGC que me lo comente y le digo a quien se debe enviar. (Yo lo
haría pero trabajando en el ICGC queda un poco raro).

También podemos aprovechar el forum TIGSIG para pedir la colaboración de
otros organismos como Ayuntamientos, C Comarcals, etc...

Estaría bien tener también un template de formato de respuesta donde se da
permiso de usar los datos en OSM para así facilitar el trabajo.


Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS Altitude vs Pressure Altitude article, Tool for measuring elevation above sea level

2017-11-29 Per discussione Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 29.11.17 23:39, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 28. Nov 2017, at 06:10, Oleksiy Muzalyev  wrote:

Besides the number of the satellites increased lately, and the quality of the 
GPS receivers is also improving. And everyone who has got a modern smartphone 
has got a GPS altimeter.

Some smartphones and some consumer gps units also feature barometric 
altimeters. Our consumer GPS units, especially those in smartphones with their 
suboptimal antennas, are unsuitable for measuring elevation precisely, the 
accuracy in the z-direction, from what emerged from previous discussions about 
this, is about 10 times inferior with respect to x/y.


It seems the global sources of elevation are not precise either. For 
example, the OSM shows correctly that the elevation in this part of the 
New Orleans is below sea level: 

However, the Google Map Elevation API shows 0 meters for the same area: 
http://www.enetplanet.com/ . It means the elevation data which was 
entered by the local mappers is more correct. And this is essential 
information for such flood risk zones.

Certainly, one should calibrate an altimeter. For example, measuring the 
elevation at a location with the known elevation. I think it would be 
even better to have both the GPS and the barometric altimeter, and both 
calibrated on the day of actual measurements.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Fire Hydrant Extensions (part 2))

2017-11-29 Per discussione Aury88
Alberto-2 wrote
> La proposta sugli idranti [1] è stata approvata all'unanimità.
> Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ed hanno contribuito a
> migliorare questa proposta.
> Appena possibile aggiorneremo la pagina wiki sugli idranti.
> [1] 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Fire_Hydrant_Extensions_(part_2)

Mannaggia, mi ero perso la comunicazione! 
Complimenti per la proposta; molto ben fatta e completa ;-)

Sent from: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Italy-General-f5324174.html

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-de] Geospatial devroom @ FOSDEM: 4/2 in Brussels - Call for participation

2017-11-29 Per discussione Astrid Emde (FOSSGIS e.V.)


die FOSDEM findet am 3.-4. Februar 2018 in Brüssel statt. Für den  
Geospatial devroom werden noch Vorträge gesucht. Einreichungen noch bis 
zum 1.12.2017


Mehr im folgenden Text:

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event bringing together about 8000
developers in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open source
software developers and communities a place to meet and share
thoughts. The participation is free of charge, although donations are
welcome. The next edition will take place on 3 - 4 February 2018. For
the fourth time there will be a Geospatial devroom and will be
happening on Sunday *4/2/2018*!

Geospatial technologies and mapping used to be specialist work, but
nowadays location and maps are becoming part of many
projects/applications, which usually use only a small subset of the
possibilities the data and software offer.

The geospatial devroom is the place to talk about open, geo-related
data and software and their ecosystem. This includes standards and
tools, e.g. for spatial databases, and online mapping, geospatial
services, used for collecting, storing, delivering, analysing, and
visualizing purposes.

We welcome submissions about:
* Web and desktop GIS applications;
* Collaborative editing / versioning of geodata and metadata;
* Interoperable geospatial web services and specifications;
* Collection of data using sensors / UAVs / satellites;
* Geo-analytic algorithms / libraries;
* Geospatial extensions for classical databases (indexes, operations)
and dedicated databases;
* Big geodata, distributed and scalable GIS applications;
* Volunteered Geographic information - Crowdsourced geodata.


Are you thrilled to present your work to other open source developers?
Would you like to run a discussion? Any other ideas? Please submit
your proposal at:


Make sure to select the 'Geospatial devroom' as 'Track'. If you have
an account from previous years, you should be using the same.

Please specify in the notes if you prefer for your presentation either
a short timeslot (lightning talks ~10 minutes) or a long timeslot (20
minutes presentation + discussion). However, note that time slots are
indicative and will be assigned according to the timing of the

The DEADLINE for submissions is Thursday **1st December 2017**.

Notification of acceptance will be sent to the Authors by 11/12/2017
at the latest.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with the organisers of the devroom at fosdem-geospatial at gisky.be!

Want to know what FOSDEM geospatial is like? Check out the videos and
the presentations of our previous editions.

The organizers
Johan Van de Wauw
Margherita Di Leo
Anne Ghisla
Martin Hammitzsch
Marc Vloemans

[1] https://archive.fosdem.org/2015/schedule/track/geospatial/
[2] https://archive.fosdem.org/2016/schedule/track/geospatial/
[3] https://archive.fosdem.org/2017/schedule/track/geospatial/
Astrid Emde

Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] note to armchair mappers about NYS routes & ref tags

2017-11-29 Per discussione Richard Welty
On 11/29/17 10:36 PM, Evin Fairchild wrote:
> These unsigned reference route numbers probably should use the
> unsigned_ref=* tag. Seems like the best compromise.

that's what i intend to do if i need to go in and clean this up.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] note to armchair mappers about NYS routes & ref tags

2017-11-29 Per discussione Evin Fairchild
These unsigned reference route numbers probably should use the
unsigned_ref=* tag. Seems like the best compromise.

-Evin (compdude)

On Nov 29, 2017 6:24 PM, "Richard Welty"  wrote:

> i have spotted what appears to be an armchair mapper making an
> inappropriate
> set of edits to some NYS routes this past summer; i have sent the mapper
> a note
> through the OSM message system but thought this could use a broader
> audience,
> so that certain inappropriate ref tag settings _don't_ get made.
> NY state has a not-quite-secret route numbering system called reference
> routes.
> these routes have numbers in the 900 range, and have a single character
> suffix.
> Examples are 910F, 914V and so forth and so on.
> these route numbers never, with 4 well documented exceptions, _never_
> appear on
> conventional highway signage (the exceptions are 961F, 962J, 990L and
> 990V).
> an example of incorrectly setting a ref tag to 910F is here:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/68519517
> there are no black-and-white NYS route signs carrying the number 910F, so
> convention dictates that if these designations are to be tagged at all, it
> should be in unsigned_ref or other similar tag.
> i haven't heard back from the mapper who added these yet, but am giving it
> a little more time before i go and fix this up myself.
> so anyway, it's fun to learn about things like this numbering system, but
> please don't screw up the map by putting these numbers in the ref tags.
> they don't belong there.
> for anyone who cares, the entire list of these numbers appears here:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reference_routes_in_New_York
> richard
> --
> rwe...@averillpark.net
>  Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
>  OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
>  Java - Web Applications - Search
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> Talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] note to armchair mappers about NYS routes & ref tags

2017-11-29 Per discussione Richard Welty
i have spotted what appears to be an armchair mapper making an inappropriate
set of edits to some NYS routes this past summer; i have sent the mapper
a note
through the OSM message system but thought this could use a broader
so that certain inappropriate ref tag settings _don't_ get made.

NY state has a not-quite-secret route numbering system called reference
these routes have numbers in the 900 range, and have a single character
Examples are 910F, 914V and so forth and so on.

these route numbers never, with 4 well documented exceptions, _never_
appear on
conventional highway signage (the exceptions are 961F, 962J, 990L and 990V).

an example of incorrectly setting a ref tag to 910F is here:


there are no black-and-white NYS route signs carrying the number 910F, so
convention dictates that if these designations are to be tagged at all, it
should be in unsigned_ref or other similar tag.

i haven't heard back from the mapper who added these yet, but am giving it
a little more time before i go and fix this up myself.

so anyway, it's fun to learn about things like this numbering system, but
please don't screw up the map by putting these numbers in the ref tags.
they don't belong there.

for anyone who cares, the entire list of these numbers appears here:



 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] Permanent IDs RFC (was part_of:wikidata)

2017-11-29 Per discussione Yuri Astrakhan
Permanent IDs has been brought up several times, especially as part of the
Wikidata ID discussion. I started a wiki page to outline the requirements
and goals, but it might be incomplete, feel free to add / correct / comment.


Once we reach the agreement on the goals, we can figure out the
implementation strategy.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Andy Mabbett 

> On 28 November 2017 at 16:40, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
> > The problem is OSM is a map of the physical world, not a map of the
> > world's databases.  If Wikidata wants to create links between OSM and
> > other databases that is great but so far i think no one has made a good
> > case why this linking information should be stored in OSM rather than
> > Wikidata.
> Then you are not paying attention. OSM IDs are volatile - far more
> volatile than Wikipedia IDs, let alone Wikidata IDs.
> > Again my suggestion: Working on better ways to address features in OSM
> > in a stable way from the outside would be much more productive
> Great! Let us know when you have a working solution, consensus to
> implement it, and tools that work with it.
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> Tagging mailing list
> tagg...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carto Party à l'IGN

2017-11-29 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Désolé pour l'orthographe du précédent message ci-dessous (taper sur
smartphone est très pénible et autocorrige n'importe comment).
On peut être bénévole, oui, mais pour une association, une activité non
lucrative rendant un service public direct auprès d'une population et où le
membre de l'asso dispose d'un droit équitable...

Pas pour une société (même publique) ayant une claire vocation commerciale.
Tout travail mérite salaire, mais de tout façon ce qui est choquant c'est
l'usage du terme "contrat": un contrat est nécessairement réciproque et ne
peut pas donner tous les droits à l'un et toutes les obligations à l'autre,
c'est totalement déloyal, immoral, et sanctionné : le contrat est donc nul
et peut être requalifié en travail effectif : l'IGN fait effectuer du
travail au noir (non déclaré) mais comme il n'y a non plus aucune
rémunération mais des sanctions à la clé prévues unilatéralement dans ce
"contrat", cela porte un nom : c'est de l'esclavage. C'est pour ça qu'il
faudrait en parler aux organisations syndicales du personnel de
l'entreprise (ce type de contrat menace directement leurs propres emplois :
comment vont-ils défendre leur propre rémunération et leur protection
sociale, face à une armée d'esclaves qui travaillent gratuitement et sans
aucune protection sociale et qui ne coute strictement rien à l'IGN qui le
leur fournit même pas l'outil de travail et ne participe pas non plus aux
frais d'accès des "contributeurs").

Normal qu'on ne sait pas quelle est la licence puisque justement il n y en
> a aucune et que l'IGN revendique la pleine et entière propriété des droits.
> Le contributeur est immédiatement désaisi de son travail et ne dispose de
> strictement aucun droit meme a titre personnel. Il ny a aucune contrepartie
> a ce contrat ce qui est tout bonnement illégal.

En l’occurrence ce n'est pas un contrat, c'est une "libéralité" (le régime
des dons, mais qui pourtant n'abstient pas le receveur de ses obligations
soit envers le donateur ou envers la communauté publique, et la loi, dont
le droit d'auteur dont l'IGN ne peut se prévaloir car elle n'en a pas fait
un contrat de travail nécessairement bilatéral et équilibré: le receveur
obtient ici un avantage exclusif et massif en considérant qu'il va cumuler
de nombreuses libéralités à son seul avantage: le bénéfice est
disproportionné, et il l'obtient par tromperie des donateurs sur la nature
réelle de ce transfert). C'est un contrat sans "cause" qu'un juge
requalifiera en contrat de travail et qui exposera l'IGN a des sanctions,
et à des réparations envers ses esclaves ou envers la communauté publique
(au pire une lourde amende, ou mieux un obligation d'ouvrir les données
improprement collectées par ce travail).

Mêmes les dons exposent les destinataires à les déclarer comme un bénéfice
et sont imposables passé un certain seuil (pour les individus) mais dès le
premier euro (pour les personnes morales), et à payer la TVA (il y a bien
valeur ajoutée, qui se mesure aux économies de personnel et de charges
sociales réalisées sur les heures de travail collectées) et aussi à verser
au bénéfice des donateurs des cotisations sociales (qui assure le travail
et la santé des travailleurs pendant leur activité?). Et l'IGN n'est pas
habilitée à recevoir des dons exonérés (ce n'est pas une oeuvre caritative
reconnue d'utilité publique) et en quantité ici illimitée.

> Le 28 nov. 2017 22:13,  a écrit :
>> Pour être positif : l'IGN te fait signer un contrat montrant clairement
>> que tout ce que tu fais bénévolement c'est pour leur pomme.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Highway exit renumbering

2017-11-29 Per discussione Bill Ricker
"unless it’s somehow still used on signage"

I would expect that to be the case.

​With the US DOT/FHA quasi-mandatory (compliance conditional greenmail)
renumberings to the revised national standard (exits keyed to mile marker,
border-to-border S-N or W-E, following US Interstate route number -- some
routes had exit #s based on State routes before achieving interstate
numbers and so are doubly non-compliant, e.g. Mass. Rt 128 which spans I-95
& I-93 (in opposite alignments!)), there is usually a temporary add-on e.g.
"Formerly Exit 8" attached to the most important signs mentioning ​"Exit
48" for a transitional period of  year or two so that people with old maps
/ directions / GPS aren't totally confused.

The physical "formerly" bits look like they're designed to be easy to
remove later.

As long as the signage says formerly, we should tag Formerly (and the
routers should consider whether to include it in prompts).

For anyone doing research with Mid/Late-20thC sources, having a record of
the historical signage at an exit will be useful -- where was Exit 8 in the
1970's? Not where it is now by a long shot on many interstates!   A
GIS-friendly form of this history will be ever-more important as it recedes
into deep history. Wikipedia attempts to capture the history, but not in a
GIS-friendly / geo-queriable form.

Whether the main OSM DB is the right long-term repository or whether a
side-schema for historical overlays is the more appropriate GIS-friendly
perpetual record of exit history is a separate question. (History for an
exit or ramp would include opened date, re-numbered date, closed date,
reconfigured date?)

(As I am old as dirt, i will continue to refer to Westbrook/Portland Exit
48 as Exit 8, much as we still turn off Blackstrap Rd at the house that
*used to be* white. To confuse matters, for a while it was indeed "white on
this side" (only). (Thank-you, Anne, you may take off your cloak now.) B-D)
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS Altitude vs Pressure Altitude article, Tool for measuring elevation above sea level

2017-11-29 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28. Nov 2017, at 06:10, Oleksiy Muzalyev  
> wrote:
> Besides the number of the satellites increased lately, and the quality of the 
> GPS receivers is also improving. And everyone who has got a modern smartphone 
> has got a GPS altimeter.

Some smartphones and some consumer gps units also feature barometric 
altimeters. Our consumer GPS units, especially those in smartphones with their 
suboptimal antennas, are unsuitable for measuring elevation precisely, the 
accuracy in the z-direction, from what emerged from previous discussions about 
this, is about 10 times inferior with respect to x/y.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Fire Hydrant Extensions (part 2))

2017-11-29 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 29. Nov 2017, at 22:30, Alberto  wrote:
> La proposta sugli idranti [1] è stata approvata all'unanimità.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Fire Hydrant Extensions (part 2))

2017-11-29 Per discussione paolo bubici
Bravi! Ma venerdì iniziamo la votazione per gli attacchi di mandata?


Il 29/nov/2017 22:30, "Alberto"  ha scritto:

> La proposta sugli idranti [1] è stata approvata all'unanimità.
> Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ed hanno contribuito a
> migliorare questa proposta.
> Appena possibile aggiorneremo la pagina wiki sugli idranti.
> [1]  https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/
> Fire_Hydrant_Extensions_(part_2)
> Ciao
> Alberto
> ---
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> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Fire Hydrant Extensions (part 2))

2017-11-29 Per discussione Alberto
La proposta sugli idranti [1] è stata approvata all'unanimità.
Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ed hanno contribuito a migliorare 
questa proposta.
Appena possibile aggiorneremo la pagina wiki sugli idranti.



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carto Party à l'IGN

2017-11-29 Per discussione Antoine Riche

Le 28/11/2017 à 22:44, Christian Quest a écrit :

Bref, ne cherchez pas à comparer avec ce que nous pratiquons au 
quotidien, ça n'a rien à voir même si le vocabulaire est repris (ou 

C'est bien une question de vocabulaire. Il y a une vraie différence 
entre collaboratif et participatif : dans le participatif on fait 
participer des personnes à un projet décidé en amont et souvent bien 
figé, alors que dans le collaboratif les personnes décident ensemble ce 
qu'elles font, comment elles le font et comment elles font évoluer le 
projet. L'IGN devrait donc utiliser le terme participatif et non 

Le détournement du terme cartopartie m'agace aussi régulièrement. Une 
cartopartie qui n'est pas une cartopartie OSM n'est pas une vraie 
cartopartie. Mais bon on va quand même pas déposer une marque à l'INPI ;-)


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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] STARS4ALL - Mapathon sull'inquinamento luminoso

2017-11-29 Per discussione Aury88
Alessandro Sarretta wrote
> Ciao,
> On 29/11/2017 07:48, Aury88 wrote:
>> questa sera cercherò di tradurre il più possibile la pagina wiki dedicata
>> a
>> questo sistema di tagging[1]
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:light_source
> se posso essere utile, mi aggancio anch'io. Aspetto una tua prima 
> versione su cui lavorare?
> Riguardo alla pagina wiki, mi sembra che consiglino di usare il nuovo 
> tag light_source=lantern per i lampioni stradali, invece di 
> highway=street_lamp. E' così?
> Nel mapathon invece si dice di usare il preset highway=street_lamp
> Tanto per regolarmi se riuscirò ad aggiungerne un po' anch'io...
> Ale

 Ciao Alessandro, purtroppo mi sono reso conto che la pagina è su una
"Proposed features" e per queste pagine non saprei proprio come ci si
comporta per le traduzioni... vedo che nella lista degli articoli trattanti
"Proposed features"  quelli tradotti in altra lingua dall'inglese si contano
sulle dita di una mano...temo si cerchi di mantenere una sola discussione
per evitare di disperdere eventuali commenti o suggerimenti :-/.
c'è qualcuno di esperto qui che potrebbe dirci se ci ono delle linee guida
al riguardo?

Ciao, Aury

Sent from: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Italy-General-f5324174.html

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] Unterstützung für "Einsteiger"

2017-11-29 Per discussione norbert baldia
Ich hätte einige Aktualisierungen an Straßen+Wirtschaftswegen/Forststraßen zum Einzeichnen zur Verfügung.


Welcher OSM-Kollege im Raum Bz. Lilienfeld kann praktische Unterstützung anbieten?


Mit Dank im Voraus



Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Monter son serveur de tuiles vectorielles

2017-11-29 Per discussione PanierAvide


Pour la question des performances, un article récent en parle :


Le 29/11/2017 à 16:24, François Lacombe a écrit :


Merci pour les retours.
Je note que le principal point à regarder c'est les performances. 
Postgis pourrait donc être moins véloce qu'un autre backend.

Aurait-on des éléments sur ces perfs ?

Par ailleurs, pour faire de l'authentification sur une application 
utilisant ces tuiles, avoir un serveur dédié aux tuiles me pose un soucis

Comment on gère l'authentification, qui bien souvent n'est pas prévue ?

Jean-Yvon, je n'ai pas testé Tessera
Il y a pas mal de solutions sur le marché aujourd'hui

Bonne après-midi


Talk-fr mailing list

Géomaticien & développeur

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Feed OSRM with Postgis

2017-11-29 Per discussione Daniel Hofmann
Yes, if all your data comes from a database the best way to get it into
OSRM is to map your data to the OpenStreetMap tagging schema.

You can either create an .osm.xml or even an .osm.pbf if you need the
compression and compactness; you can use e.g. libosmium to write both

Good luck,
Daniel J H

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 4:28 PM, François Lacombe  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was recently asked to feed OSRM with other data than OSM files which are
> stored in a PgSQL db.
> Is this even possible ?
> The data we want to process doesn't come from OSM db, should we produce an
> osm xml file with those data prior to use osrm-extract ?
> I know OSRM can query a postgis DB to adapt its results but this doesn't
> seem to prevent it to load a base graph out of OSM data.
> Many thanks for any answer
> François
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list
> OSRM-talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osrm-talk
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Feed OSRM with Postgis

2017-11-29 Per discussione François Lacombe
Hi all,

I was recently asked to feed OSRM with other data than OSM files which are
stored in a PgSQL db.
Is this even possible ?

The data we want to process doesn't come from OSM db, should we produce an
osm xml file with those data prior to use osrm-extract ?

I know OSRM can query a postgis DB to adapt its results but this doesn't
seem to prevent it to load a base graph out of OSM data.

Many thanks for any answer

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Monter son serveur de tuiles vectorielles

2017-11-29 Per discussione François Lacombe

Merci pour les retours.
Je note que le principal point à regarder c'est les performances. Postgis
pourrait donc être moins véloce qu'un autre backend.
Aurait-on des éléments sur ces perfs ?

Par ailleurs, pour faire de l'authentification sur une application
utilisant ces tuiles, avoir un serveur dédié aux tuiles me pose un soucis
Comment on gère l'authentification, qui bien souvent n'est pas prévue ?

Jean-Yvon, je n'ai pas testé Tessera
Il y a pas mal de solutions sur le marché aujourd'hui

Bonne après-midi

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Importing Shell fuel stations

2017-11-29 Per discussione Ilya Zverev
Hi Phil,

I had a few free hours today, so I added the table view:


Though I'm not sure a fuel station cannot close at 16:00 — for example, a small 
one that serves agricultural needs.


> 26 нояб. 2017 г., в 17:52, Philip Barnes  написал(а):
> On Sun, 2017-11-26 at 16:46 +0300, Ilya Zverev wrote:
>> Hi Rob, thanks for looking at the website.
>> Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. That is a working tool for validating
>> an import. Please open http://audit.osmz.ru/project/shell , click
>> "Validate the import" and check at least a hundred points. You can
>> move a point when it's off, and you can choose which tags go on an
>> object.
>> If you remember writing me about some of the fuel stations, please
>> find these on the "browse points" screen, click "edit this" and put
>> changes there.
>> I'll plan to do the import when at least a half of the points have
>> been looked at — depending on a speed. I will check a few hundred
>> myself, but me being not in UK, I doubt it would help increase the
>> quality.
> Would it be possible to display this import in a table form, a line for
> each object and a column for each tag?
> This would make obvious errors easier to spot, one example I found was
> a closing time of 16:00 which is an obvious error that does not need
> local knowledge.
> Thanks 
> Phil (trigpoint)
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Cena

2017-11-29 Per discussione Pavel Zbytovský
Pěkné. Ač pozdě, hodil jsem to teď na twitter - kvalita obrázku myslím
nevadí :)


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:55 PM Petr Vejsada  wrote:

> Dne St 22. listopadu 2017 22:44:06, Mikoláš Štrajt napsal(a):
> > Kvartální pivo pravděpodobně bude - už se tam napsal další účastník
> > (Milancer).
> OK, napsal jsem se taky.
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-lazio] Digest di Talk-it-lazio, Volume 62, Numero 8

2017-11-29 Per discussione Ubaldo Musco
Grazie Flaminia per il report, l’idea mi pare buona.
Contraccambio gli auguri e li rinvio a tutti :)



> Il giorno 29 nov 2017, alle ore 13:00, 
> talk-it-lazio-requ...@openstreetmap.org 
>  ha scritto:
> Invia le richieste di iscrizione alla lista Talk-it-lazio
> all'indirizzo
>   talk-it-lazio@openstreetmap.org 
> Per iscriverti o cancellarti attraverso il web, visita
>   https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio
> oppure, via email, manda un messaggio con oggetto `help' all'indirizzo
>   talk-it-lazio-requ...@openstreetmap.org
> Puoi contattare la persona che gestisce la lista all'indirizzo
>   talk-it-lazio-ow...@openstreetmap.org
> Se rispondi a questo messaggio, per favore edita la linea dell'oggetto
> in modo che sia più utile di un semplice "Re: Contenuti del digest
> della lista Talk-it-lazio..."
> Argomenti del Giorno:
>   1. Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017 (Flaminia Tumino)
>   2. Re: Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017
>  (Martin Koppenhoefer)
>   3. Re: Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017
>  (Flaminia Tumino)
> Da: Flaminia Tumino 
> Oggetto: [Talk-it-lazio] Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017
> Data: 28 novembre 2017 13:12:41 CET
> A: "Talk-it-lazio@openstreetmap.org" 
> Cari tutti,
> scrivo qui sotto un breve resoconto di quello che ci siamo detti ieri. 
> Ovviamente suggerimenti/modifiche/miglioramenti sono benvenuti!
> Il 28 Novembre 2017 ci siamo incontrati zona Monti al Finnegann pub. Eravamo 
> in 3. Di seguito un breve riassunto di quello che ci siamo detti:
> Iniziative per il futuro: abbiamo discusso della possibilità di inserirci in 
> percorsi scolastici di formazione come quello introdotto dalla recente 
> riforma "Alternanza Scuola-lavoro". Abbiamo valutato insieme le possibilità e 
> l'impegno in termini di tempo ed energie che questo richiederebbe, e valutato 
> che il prossimo anno però potrebbe essere interessante fare dei mapping party 
> con le scuole. Naturalmente tale attività è da considerarsi possibile solo 
> nel 2018 poiché bisogna presentare le proposte alle scuole a partire dalla 
> primavera del prossimo anno e attenderne l'approvazione da parte degli 
> Istituti. Questo punto necessiterebbe di maggiore riflessione e di uno sforzo 
> in termini progettuali per concretizzare un documento da presentare alle 
> scuole. Si è deciso di raccogliere maggiori informazioni sulle modalità di 
> partecipazione a questo tipo di iniziative e di continuare la discussione al 
> prossimo incontro. Il tipo di istituti individuati come "target" sarebbero 
> quella indirizzo "Ragioneria",  visto che è la topografia è tra le materie di 
> studio. 
> Prossimi passi: si è deciso di proseguire con la proposta di mappare/inserire 
> tags sull'accessibilità di bar/pub/ristoranti alle persone diversamente 
> abili. Al prossimo incontro, prima di entrare al pub, si farà un breve giro 
> di perlustrazione nelle vie attigue dove sono presenti vari 
> ristoranti/pub/bar e si controllerà se hanno o meno la caratteristica di 
> essere accessibili a persone diversamente abili. Successivamente si entrerà 
> al pub e si procederà con l'inserimento dei dati. Dato che il prossimo 
> incontro cadrebbe di lunedì 25 dicembre, abbiamo deciso di saltare l'incontro 
> di dicembre. Ci vedremo lunedì 29 gennaio 2018.
> Buon anno nuovo a tutti!!
> Flaminia
> Mail priva di virus. www.avast.com 
> Da: Martin Koppenhoefer 
> Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it-lazio] Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017
> Data: 29 novembre 2017 03:13:47 CET
> A: "Talk-it-lazio@openstreetmap.org" 
> Grazie Flaminia,
> ho copiato tutto nel wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro/27Novembre2017
> Ciao,
> Martin
> Da: Flaminia Tumino 
> Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it-lazio] Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017
> Data: 29 novembre 2017 09:54:40 CET
> A: Martin Koppenhoefer 
> Cc: "Talk-it-lazio@openstreetmap.org" 
> Grazie a te!
> Flaminia
> Mail priva di virus. www.avast.com 
> 2017-11-29 3:13 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer  >:
> Grazie Flaminia,
> ho copiato tutto nel wiki:

Re: [talk-ph] OSM contributions - some basics for a newby

2017-11-29 Per discussione Erwin Olario
I wouldn't recommend contacting anyone directly as it might be considered
an imposition, but there are many ways public channels to try getting in
touch with fellow mappers, and where others can pitch in to respond:

   - the official mailing list (this one) - talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
   - if you're on FB, check out: fb.com/OSMph/group
   - OSMph has a Slack channel - https://osmph-chat.herokuapp.com/
   - and then, there's the international forum at
   - discussions can also happen at the changeset level.


On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 12:36 PM Glen Scott  wrote:

> Thanks Erwin, all noted.
> I'm sure I'll have further questions on conventions or even basic editing
> queries - is it best to ask here or via personal email, and if the latter,
> who should I ask?
> I've seen the PH conventions page, and finding it useful (e.g. tagging
> fish farm pond "water") but one example where I'm not 100% clear would be
> the pond dividers, where I see there are a few techniques in use, well at
> least two (a) leaving some land between the ponds, and (b) making one large
> pond and dividing it with lines tagged as embankments.  I see both in use;
> my attempts so far have been to leave strips of land, though the embankment
> line approach would be quicker.
> Cheers
> Glen
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Erwin Olario  wrote:
>> Hi Glen. Thank you for your edits. We're happy to have you.
>> Google's StreetView, unfortunately, shares a similar restriction to its
>> Map service, and also not a valid source of information. I recently [0] had
>> to redact data that was added from the map, that used this source for their
>> edits.
>> MapCentral, and any other copyright restricted sources, cannot also be
>> used. Either you collection this information yourself (an excellent
>> opportunity to stretch the legs, and get to know the neighborhood better),
>> or convince the data owners to re-publish this data on OSM.
>> In lieu of StreetView, you might like to try out Mapillary[1] or
>> OpenStreetCam [2] to capture street-level imagery yourself.
>> /Erwin
>> [0]: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/35
>> [1]:
>> https://www.mapillary.com/app/?focus=map=15.91667=120.3=10
>> [2]: http://openstreetcam.org/map/
>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 10:42 AM Glen Scott  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm making some contributions to NW Pangasinan (I'm from Australia, my
>>> wife is from Alaminos) and would like to discuss some "rules" and seek some
>>> advice...
>>> I think I may have already broken one rule re road tagging, but not
>>> using the tag "service road" since that has a different use here.  But
>>> having found the Philippines conventions page I promise to fix those
>>> indiscretions in time...
>>> One question is around legitimate information sources - I understand
>>> Google Maps can't be used - but can street view be used (great for seeing
>>> the name of auditoriums etc.)?
>>> Can Mapcentral be used for Barangay names and borders or is there a
>>> better source?  I see the Mapcentral borders differ considerably to the
>>> Google Maps borders.
>>> I've sent one email to Alaminos City town hall re street names - no
>>> response to date but will give them a call of I don't hear from them over
>>> the next week.  Any other sources of street names?  Post office?  I'll be
>>> there next March and can always ask people on the street, though some of
>>> the streets in new sub-divisions don't appear to have houses yet
>>> Regards
>>> Glen
>>> ___
>>> talk-ph mailing list
>>> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph
>> --
>> /Erwin Olario
>> e: er...@ngnuity.xyz | v/m: https://t.me/GOwin | s:
>> https://mstdn.io/@GOwin
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph

/Erwin Olario

e: er...@ngnuity.xyz | v/m: https://t.me/GOwin | s: https://mstdn.io/@GOwin
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Poslední letošní kvartální pivo Q4/2017

2017-11-29 Per discussione Jethro
já se za Prahu taky přidám.

2017-11-23 19:59 GMT+01:00 Petr Schönmann :
> Neboj Mikoláši, zkusím dorazit po práci. Zkuste vybrat nějakou restauraci na
> Béčku :) Výběr nechám na Vás, minule bylo hlučno, ale zase nevařili špatně.
> st 22. 11. 2017 v 17:48 odesílatel Jan Macura  napsal:
>> Ahoj,
>> 2017-11-22 7:13 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
>>> Přece nás nenecháte vyhrát ;-)
>> co Plzeň? Já bych zašel, zatím to vypadá, že bych i měl čas. Zapsal jsem
>> to do tabulky, tak se neváhejte připsat ;-)
>> H.
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
>> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> --
> S pozdravem
> Petr Schönmann
> https://www.facebook.com/klikklakcz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] STARS4ALL - Mapathon sull'inquinamento luminoso

2017-11-29 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta


On 29/11/2017 07:48, Aury88 wrote:

questa sera cercherò di tradurre il più possibile la pagina wiki dedicata a
questo sistema di tagging[1] 

se posso essere utile, mi aggancio anch'io. Aspetto una tua prima 
versione su cui lavorare?
Riguardo alla pagina wiki, mi sembra che consiglino di usare il nuovo 
tag light_source=lantern per i lampioni stradali, invece di 
highway=street_lamp. E' così?

Nel mapathon invece si dice di usare il preset highway=street_lamp
Tanto per regolarmi se riuscirò ad aggiungerne un po' anch'io...



Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett
Web: ilsarrett.wordpress.com 

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Injection of new Streets data

2017-11-29 Per discussione Daniel Hofmann
You should map the streets in OpenStreetMap directly


zoom in, click the edit button. Then trace streets and add tags.

Daniel J H

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 7:51 AM, Mazen Mrad  wrote:

> Greetings;
> I have a new village in my country that not included in Lebanon Data
> downloaded from OSRM data, is there any way to inject those new streets in
> Lebanon data in order to perform route task on those streets,
> Your help is highly appreciated.
> Mazen
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list
> OSRM-talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osrm-talk
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carto Party à l'IGN

2017-11-29 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Normal quon ne sait oas quelle est ka licence ouisque justement il n y en a
aucune et que l IGN revenduque la oleine et entiere propriété des droits.
Le contributeur est immediatement desaisi de son travail et ne dispose de
strictement aucun droit meme a titre personnel. Il ny a aucune contrepartie
a ce contrat ce qui est tout bonnement illegal.

Le 28 nov. 2017 22:13,  a écrit :

> Pour être positif : l'IGN te fait signer un contrat montrant clairement
> que tout ce que tu fais bénévolement c'est pour leur pomme.
> À comparer à un Alphabet qui a inventé l'alpha et l'oméga du servage
> librement consenti.
> Qui n'a pas été obligé, pour valider un formulaire, de dire à Google
> comment reconnaître une voiture, un magasin ou un panneau de signalisation ?
> Et ce gratuitement, sans contrat de travail.
> Et librement imposé par celui qui veut simplement lutter contre les
> remplissages robotisés de formulaires.
> On n'a pas un développeur tenté par une application qui pourrait nous
> rendre service et qui aurait le même intérêt pour nous. Style OpenSolarMap
> pour revalider ce que des humains ont librement indiqué ?
> Ceci dit, on est en droit d'espérer mieux de l'IGN et oui cette pratique
> est assez scandaleuse puisqu'on ne sait pas à quelle license est attachée
> son travail. Ca pourrait être ODbL. Non, je déconne.
> Jean-Yvon
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 28. November 2017 um 13:06 Uhr
> *Von:* "Philippe Verdy - verd...@wanadoo.fr"  verdy_p#talk-fr@openstreetmap.org>
> *An:* "Discussions sur OSM en français" 
> *Betreff:* Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carto Party à l'IGN
> Je pense que même au plan légal ce type de "contrat" ne l'est pas du tout.
> Il est totalement unilatéral (la totalité des droits pour l'IGN, aucun
> service ni aucune rémunération rendue, un déni complet de responsabilité de
> l'IGN, et la totalité des obligations uniquement pour les inconscients qui
> n'ont pas compris qu'ils acceptaient un contrat d'esclavage, avec sanctions
> à la clé en plus).
> On peut se demander quel département juridique de l'IGN a pondu ces
> conditions, visiblement ils feraient mieux d'engager des avocats compétents
> et consulter les services officiels de contrôle de l'Etat. D'ailleurs aucun
> syndicat ou représentant du personnel de l'IGN pour se plaindre de ce type
> de pratique? C'est pire qu'un contrat de chauffeur chez Uber, aucune
> reconnaissance du travail rendu !
> Le 28 novembre 2017 à 09:51, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> L'IGN voit que le collaboratif fonctionne bien dans le monde de
>> l'information géographique, mais comme ils n'ont toujours rien compris à ce
>> qui motivent les contributeurs de ce genre de projets, ils s'imaginent
>> qu'ils vont pouvoir récupérer ce mode de fonctionnement pour faire bosser
>> gratuitement des gens qui vont servir leurs propres intérêts (commerciaux
>> bien entendu). L'idée de collaborer avec OSM n'a même pas dû effleurer les
>> grands décideurs de l'IGN : de la donnée libre bah c'est nul, ça peut pas
>> nous rapporter des sous... Déprimant !
>> Nicolas
>> Le 28/11/2017 à 07:22, Jean-Christophe Becquet a écrit :
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Le 16 novembre dernier, l'IGN organisait une Carto Party
>>> http://www.ign.fr/institut/actus/journee-utilisateurs-collaboratif-vous
>>> Mais ils n'ont pas l'air de s'appuyer sur OSM :
>>> « La Carto Party : manipulez l'application mobile de l'Espace
>>> collaboratif pour collecter des données et visualisez les résultats sur
>>> une carte. »
>>> Et sauf si j'ai mal compris, les données issues de ce travail
>>> collaboratif ne sont pas partagées sous licence libre
>>> https://espacecollaboratif.ign.fr/cgu/
>>> « Par ailleurs, le Cocontractant accepte que ses Signalements et/ou
>>> données puissent être librement réutilisées par l’IGN pour les besoins
>>> de mise à jour de ses bases de données, ainsi que pour la diffusion au
>>> public sous la licence au choix de l’IGN, payante ou gratuite. »
>>> Bonne journée
>>> JC
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___ Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OpenStreetMap Serbia] Talk-rs Digest, Vol 48, Issue 1

2017-11-29 Per discussione Milos Glisovic
pratim prepisku i podržavam.
Da li postoji u Srbiji registrovano udruženje sa ciljem razvoja

Miloš Zlatiborski

2017-11-28 11:38 GMT+01:00 Немања Паунић :

> Dragi svi,
> Da li imamo neke nove informacije?
> Pozdrav,
> Nemanja
> 2017-11-21 23:34 GMT+01:00 Немања Паунић :
>> Dragi Peđa, hvala ti najepše na dostavljenim komentarima.
>> Za konačni sledeći korak su nam potrebne tehničke informacije, ali
>> prilično sam optimističan.
>> Jedino pitanje, je pitanje vremena. U zavisnosti od tajminga kako se šta
>> pogodi ova priča ide ka tome da bude realizovana.
>> Dobro je da pouzdane informacije obezbedim što pre.
>> Dalke, kao razultat naše prepiske uskoro bi trebalo da izložim konkretno
>> koji su resursi neophodni za početak, koja komponenta ima koju ulogu, koji
>> su konkretni koraci, dinamika i šta je konačni rezultat u smislu šta smo
>> dodeljenim resursima resursima postigli u ovom momentu. Ukoliko to
>> funkcioniše, onda idemo na plan skalacije.
>> Iskreno se nadam da će se ljudi uključiti, ako se ne varam ovo pitanje je
>> pokrenuto još 2012. godine.
>> U nastavku naše već nepregledne prepiske, dodao sam svoje komentare. :)
>> Pozdrav,
>> Nemanja
>> 2017-11-21 13:00 GMT+01:00 :
>>> Send Talk-rs mailing list submissions to
>>> talk-rs@openstreetmap.org
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-rs
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> talk-rs-requ...@openstreetmap.org
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> talk-rs-ow...@openstreetmap.org
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of Talk-rs digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>1. Re: Talk-rs Digest, Vol 47, Issue 9 (Predrag Supurovic)
>>>2. Re: Talk-rs Digest, Vol 47, Issue 9 (Pedja Supurovic)
>>> ---Прослеђена порука--
>>> From: Predrag Supurovic 
>>> To: talk-rs@openstreetmap.org
>>> Cc:
>>> Bcc:
>>> Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2017 13:37:44 +0100
>>> Subject: Re: [OpenStreetMap Serbia] Talk-rs Digest, Vol 47, Issue 9
>>> On 18.11.2017. 22:44, Немања Паунић wrote:
 - Preuzimanje mape sa OSM i prilagođavanje našim potrebama. Ovo bi
 moglo da se obavi poptuno automatizvoano i povremeno. Dakle ne mora da se
 radi u stvarnom vremenu svaki put kad korsinik zeli da preuzme ili pogleda
 mapu vec ond kada je to zgodno.

 NP: Na ovome sam radio pre par meseci. Nisam siguran da li sam uključio
 sve prikupljene slojeve i mislim da je ta baza bila oko 2.5GB što nije
 ništa strašno.
 (Molim da me ispravite sa preciznim podatkom.)

>>> Pretpostovljam da je to ta veličina.
>>> Time se omogućava da se i dalje sve izmene u mapu unose u OSM -
 koristeći sve već postojeće alate. Time bi se praktično korsitili već
 dostupni resursi OSM, a kod nas bi bio potreban računar na kome bi se
 vršilo automatsko preuzimanje i dopunjavanje mape. Taj računar ne bi morao
 da bude nešto megalomansko, baš naprotiv, osim dosta prostora na disku z
 amanipulaciju podacima, drugi resursi nisu kritični.

 NP: Ovaj deo verovatno nisam razumeo a bitan je. Ako je ideja
 preuzimanje seta podataka sa zvaničnih servera OSMa na dnevnom nivou, zar
 onda nećemo ponovo imati problem sa Kosovom? Koliko sam razumeo, bilo kakav
 pokušaj rada na Kosovu se karakteriše kao vandalizovanje. Kako da
 prikupljamo Kosovo sa OMS arhitekturom a da se čuva u lokalnoj bazi?

>>> Nama su zabranili da menjamo sve ono što Šiptari unose i da unosimo
>>> podatke koji nisu uskladu s anjihovom politikom. S obziromda se radi o
>>> geografski egzaktnim podacima, najveći deose pokalapa. Problem su samo
>>> statusi i nazivi.
>>> Na primer, problem je status granice i problem je što su Šiptari sve
>>> prebacili na šištarski jezik.
>>> Mi možemo i dalje da unosimo podatke, čak i da unosimo na srpskom samo
>>> što podrazumevani jezik mora da bude šiptarski. Strukura baze je takva da
>>> možemo da unosimo i neke naše podatke koje niko neće ni dirati ako se ne
>>> vide na default mapi.
>>> Licenca OSM nam doyvoljava d ami preuzmemo bazu, perpravimo je, što u
>>> našem slučaju znači, ispravimo status granice i prebacimo da default jezik
>>> bude srpski i da tako izmenjenu bazu objavimo. Te izmene ne smemo da
>>> uradimo na glavnojbazi ali nam niko ne brani da napravimo kopiju i izmene
>>> unesemo u našu kopiju. Tako kopija, opet, prema licenci, mora da bude javno
>>> dostupna na isti način ko i glavna.
>>> Dakle, sa te strane nemamo problem i odatle i potiče ideja da napravimo
>>> sopstveni map server.
>> NP2111: Odlično. Dakle nemamo problem sa editovanjem i nisu potrebni

Re: [Talk-it] Una quest al giorno per il mese di dicembre

2017-11-29 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Il 29/11/2017 09:58, Francesco Frassinelli ha scritto:

Buongiorno a tutti,

vi scrivo in quanto abbiamo pensato, come PoliMappers[1], di proporre
una serie di piccole attività da fare su OpenStreetMap 


Di conseguenza, volevo chiedervi:
1. Cosa pensate della lista che abbiamo creato[2]?
2. Conviene creare una pagina relativa all'iniziativa sulla wiki di
OSM ? Nel caso, sarebbe corretto inserirla come evento che dura dall'1
al 31 dicembre?
3. È possibile collaborare con il resto della comunità Italiana, magari
sfruttando il canale Twitter @OpenStreetMapIt e la pagina Facebook
4. Avete qualche altro suggerimento, proposta o critica?

Ciao Francesco,
ben vengano le iniziative su OSM.

2 - se c'è un minimo di continuità come mi pare sia vostra intenzione sì

3 - ti contatteremo a breve


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Una quest al giorno per il mese di dicembre

2017-11-29 Per discussione Francesco Frassinelli
Buongiorno a tutti,

vi scrivo in quanto abbiamo pensato, come PoliMappers[1], di proporre
una serie di piccole attività da fare su OpenStreetMap (o legata ad
esso); una al giorno per tutto il mese di dicembre (l'idea è partita
dal desiderio di avere una sorta di calendario dell'avvento per OSM).
Se l'iniziativa riscuotesse interesse, si potrebbe ipotizzare di
sviluppare un piccolo sito web che propone una attività differente ogni
settimana ed assegnare dei badge virtuali, cercando di rendere il tutto
un po' divertente ispirandosi al sito web di Missing Maps[3].

Di conseguenza, volevo chiedervi:
1. Cosa pensate della lista che abbiamo creato[2]?
2. Conviene creare una pagina relativa all'iniziativa sulla wiki di
OSM ? Nel caso, sarebbe corretto inserirla come evento che dura dall'1
al 31 dicembre?
3. È possibile collaborare con il resto della comunità Italiana, magari
sfruttando il canale Twitter @OpenStreetMapIt e la pagina Facebook
4. Avete qualche altro suggerimento, proposta o critica?

Tra l'altro, vi ringrazio in anticipo per ogni consiglio e suggerimento
 vogliate darci riguardante l'aggiunta di eventi su OSM, in quanto
vorremmo iniziare ad utilizzare la wiki per segnalare le attività che
facciamo aperte a tutti, anche per tenere traccia di quanto fatto e
condividere i risultati ottenuti: ad esempio, PoliMappers, sebbene
operi prevalentemente a Milano, fa anche iniziative in altre città,
quindi mi chiedevo se fosse meglio creare pagine aventi per nome
"PoliMappers/Evento", oppure utilizzare il formato "Milano/Evento" e
creare una categoria e/o pagina "PoliMappers".

Grazie per l'attenzione,

[1] https://polimappers.github.io/
[2] http://www.missingmaps.org/users/#/
[3] https://gist.github.com/frafra/cc0bcd6e9c78a06dbfd90db87fe710ff

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-lazio] Incontro locale /Roma/ lunedì 27 novembre 2017

2017-11-29 Per discussione Flaminia Tumino
Grazie a te!

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2017-11-29 3:13 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> Grazie Flaminia,
> ho copiato tutto nel wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro/27Novembre2017
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it-lazio mailing list
> Talk-it-lazio@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio
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