Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-16 Per discussione Zolt Egete


I will check that, thanks for the suggestion

On 6/15/2011 6:45 PM, Walter Nordmann wrote:

check the existance and/or access right to system table schema_info - has
nothing to do with osmosis.


Wenn du den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht siehst, fälle die Bäume und du wirst 
sehen, dass da kein Wald ist.
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Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-16 Per discussione Zolt Egete


I have actually created a simple postGIS template and have created the 
database from it (using the postgis template), I have done this in order 
to be compatible with GeoServer
I have not done any additional configurations as well as the database is 

At the moment I am running the import with osm2pgsql and is running from 
yesterday, I expect to run for a long time since cause of the memory 
limitation I have used the -s option
As soon as this import process is done (successful or unsuccessful) I 
will give a go with the proposal you have gave me


On 6/15/2011 6:51 PM, Walter Nordmann wrote:

did you create the schema?  A schema creation script is available in the
osmosis script directory. 
runnig this:

pgsnapshot_schema_0.6.sql - Builds the minimal schema.
pgsnapshot_schema_0.6_action.sql - Adds the optional action table which
allows derivative tables to be kept up to date when diffs are applied.
pgsnapshot_schema_0.6_bbox.sql - Adds the optional bbox column to the way
pgsnapshot_schema_0.6_linestring.sql - Adds the optional linestring column
to the way table.

may be thats the problem.

Wenn du den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht siehst, fälle die Bäume und du wirst 
sehen, dass da kein Wald ist.
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Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-15 Per discussione Zolt Egete
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(


The database is postGIS.
Are we missing something ?

On 6/14/2011 12:55 AM, Jon Burgess wrote:

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 12:04 +0200, Zolt Egete wrote:

As far as other map files are concerned I have downloaded a few ones
but this is the only one which I could unpack (have used pbzunzip2,
bzip2, bunzip2) but all the time I have got corrupt archive messages.
Also the MD5 sum of the downloaded file where not consistent with the
md5 hash sum from the servers (I do not yet know the reason why)

I think this is where your problem is.

With the recurring checksum issues you are seeing I would suspect that
something in your system is causing random data to be corruption. This
could be one of a thousand different things: a faulty RAM module, hard
drive cable, bad PSU, an over clocked or over heating CPU, bad PCI card
etc. Or it could be a software issue, such as a bad driver in the kernel
or X11. It can be really hard to identify the real cause but you could
try running memtest86+ or swapping around pieces of hardware.

I do not believe the files on the server are at fault. If they were then
I would expect to see many more complaints.

Until you can resolve the underlying data corruption issue then I don't
believe it is worth you trying different combinations of options with


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[OSM-talk] server configuration

2011-06-14 Per discussione Zolt Egete


A quick question
I have the following HW configuration
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz

If I succeed to import the planet file to the posgGIS database I have on 
the mentioned machine, will it be sufficient for map rendering using 
GeoServer (I only need the WMS to server the base layer -- the planet), 
or will I need a better HW configuration for that ?
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[OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-13 Per discussione Zolt Egete


I have issues with importing large (planet) OSM files my postGIS 
database using the osm2pgsql tool.
The smaller files like some of the continents I could easily import but 
with large files I have problems.

The hardware configuration is the following
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz

CentOS 5.6 32 bit
Postgres 8.4
PostGIS 1.5.2
Geoserver 2.1.0
Java 1.6 update 25
osm2pgsql - latest from the SVN

For the import I use the following command
./osm2pgsql -U postgres -s -u -S -d gisa -C 2500 
The -C parameter I have altered several time and I have tried to lower 
the values for it but I have had no success

The error I get with this particular file is the following

Reading in file: /home/zsolt/tmp/planet-100127.osm
Processing: Node(225520k) Way(0k) Relation(0)Entity: line 316029280: 
parser error : Specification mandate value for attribute version5
253 lat=33.5848027 lon=35.4919974 timestamp=2008-04-22T17:21:36Z 

Entity: line 316029280: parser error : attributes construct error
253 lat=33.5848027 lon=35.4919974 timestamp=2008-04-22T17:21:36Z 

Entity: line 316029280: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag node
253 lat=33.5848027 lon=35.4919974 timestamp=2008-04-22T17:21:36Z 

/home/zsolt/tmp/planet-100127.osm : failed to parse
Error occurred, cleaning up

Since I have seen on several places that messages about faulty XML can 
be cause the memory I have expanded the swap space
I have added a swap file to my system to extend the swap space so now I 
have 14GB of swap space but I still get the same error.

What am I doing wrong ?
Are there any alternatives to osm2pgsql maybe something that ?
Is my HW configuration to low ?
Should I go with a 64 bit system ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-13 Per discussione Zolt Egete


Thank you for the quick reply
I will give it a try without the -u option not to use the UTF-8 sanitize 
and will let you know the results as soon as I have some

As far as other map files are concerned I have downloaded a few ones but 
this is the only one which I could unpack (have used pbzunzip2, bzip2, 
bunzip2) but all the time I have got corrupt archive messages.
Also the MD5 sum of the downloaded file where not consistent with the 
md5 hash sum from the servers (I do not yet know the reason why)

I have downloaded the other day the latest planet file which is almost 
17GB large and have started to unpack this morning with the following 

 pbunzip2 -d -k planet-latest.osm.bz2
pbzip2: *ERROR during decompression: -4

and the error have shown after 200GB is unpacked, but I can still see 
the process going on, despite for the error and now it is on 227 GB

Do you think this can impose a problem with the unpacked OSM file ?

On 6/13/2011 11:49 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2011/6/13 Zolt

Are there any alternatives to osm2pgsql maybe something that ?

There are alternatives to osm2pgsql (e.g. imposm, osmosis) but they do
not do the same thing so it depends what you want to do with your
database (which scheme you want to have) which you should choose.

Actually osm2pgsql should work nonetheless, have you tried another
version of the planet or extract? Did you run md5 sum on your data
prior to importing it to verify if your file is OK?

./osm2pgsql -U postgres -s -u -S -d gisa -C 2500

Maybe the reason is the -u option? Looking at the help this should
not be needed since 2007 and maybe even can cause some harm:
-u|--utf8-sanitizeRepair bad UTF8 input data (present in planet
dumps prior to August 2007). Adds about 10% overhead.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-13 Per discussione Zolt Egete


Will give it a try and will let you know about the results I have got
thanks one more for the quick reply

On 6/13/2011 12:07 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2011/6/13 Zolt


Thank you for the quick reply
I will give it a try without the -u option not to use the UTF-8 sanitize and
will let you know the results as soon as I have some

As far as other map files are concerned I have downloaded a few ones but
this is the only one which I could unpack (have used pbzunzip2, bzip2,
bunzip2) but all the time I have got corrupt archive messages.
Also the MD5 sum of the downloaded file where not consistent with the md5
hash sum from the servers (I do not yet know the reason why)

I have downloaded the other day the latest planet file which is almost 17GB
large and have started to unpack this morning with the following command
  pbunzip2 -d -k planet-latest.osm.bz2
pbzip2: *ERROR during decompression: -4

and the error have shown after 200GB is unpacked, but I can still see the
process going on, despite for the error and now it is on 227 GB
Do you think this can impose a problem with the unpacked OSM file ?

yes, the md5 check should pass OK, otherwise I suspect there is a
problem with your download. I suggest you try first a smaller extract
to test your setup, e.g. one of geofabrik. You also don't have to
unpack the file, you can pipe it with bzcat to osm2pgsql. See the wiki
for details. Another option is using pbf files (binary), see the wiki.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Issues with OSM import to postgis

2011-06-13 Per discussione Zolt Egete


As I have promised I have tried to import  the old file without the -u 
option so not to use utf sanitize and I still got a problem
 ./osm2pgsql -U postgres -v -s -S -d gisa -C 2500 

osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5

Using projection SRS 900913 (Spherical Mercator)
Setting up table: planet_osm_point
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_point does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_point_tmp does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_line
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_line does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_line_tmp does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_polygon
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_polygon does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_polygon_tmp does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_roads
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_roads does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_roads_tmp does not exist, skipping
Mid: pgsql, scale=100, cache=2500MB, maxblocks=320001*8192
Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_nodes does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 
planet_osm_nodes_pkey for table planet_osm_nodes

Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_ways does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 
planet_osm_ways_pkey for table planet_osm_ways

Setting up table: planet_osm_rels
NOTICE:  table planet_osm_rels does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 
planet_osm_rels_pkey for table planet_osm_rels

Reading in file: /home/zsolt/tmp/planet-100127.osm
Processing: Node(3670k) Way(0k) Relation(0)Entity: line 21837637: parser 
error : Unescaped '' not allowed in attributes values
750 lon=10.4204140 timestamp=2006-12-31T06:28:45Z version=1 

Entity: line 21837637: parser error : attributes construct error
750 lon=10.4204140 timestamp=2006-12-31T06:28:45Z version=1 

Entity: line 21837637: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag node
750 lon=10.4204140 timestamp=2006-12-31T06:28:45Z version=1 

/home/zsolt/tmp/planet-100127.osm : failed to parse
Error occurred, cleaning up

The newest file I have downloaded I could not unpack since there is an 
archive error
I really need help cause I am on a project and I need to set the server 
up, I am already over my time which was planned for this task.

From where can I download a good planet file ? I have tried from the 
links which are provided from the openstreetmap site but since now only 
one file have worked for me, only one I could unpack

On 6/13/2011 12:07 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2011/6/13 Zolt


Thank you for the quick reply
I will give it a try without the -u option not to use the UTF-8 sanitize and
will let you know the results as soon as I have some

As far as other map files are concerned I have downloaded a few ones but
this is the only one which I could unpack (have used pbzunzip2, bzip2,
bunzip2) but all the time I have got corrupt archive messages.
Also the MD5 sum of the downloaded file where not consistent with the md5
hash sum from the servers (I do not yet know the reason why)

I have downloaded the other day the latest planet file which is almost 17GB
large and have started to unpack this morning with the following command
  pbunzip2 -d -k planet-latest.osm.bz2
pbzip2: *ERROR during decompression: -4

and the error have shown after 200GB is unpacked, but I can still see the
process going on, despite for the error and now it is on 227 GB
Do you think this can impose a problem with the unpacked OSM file ?

yes, the md5 check should pass OK, otherwise I suspect there is a
problem with your download. I suggest you try first a smaller extract
to test your setup, e.g. one of geofabrik. You also don't have to
unpack the file, you can pipe it with bzcat to osm2pgsql. See the wiki
for details. Another option is using pbf files (binary), see the wiki.


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