Re: [Talk-it] Your experience with Wikimedia Italia being a local OSMF chapter

2018-12-14 Per discussione Aury88
I can answer from a simple mapper and wiki* contributor POV:

I don't know what part of WMI expenses are related to OSM but I can say that
from after Wikimedia Italia  became a local chapter of the OSMF I saw an
increase in the number of events and talks OSM related.

Also I think companies and government institutions prefer to talk with a
well know organized/structured , and preferably local, entity like WMI
rather than a single or group of "simple" volunteers or an unknown
international foreign entity like OSMF (think about the convenience of be
able to speak with a secretary or make an appointment in your own language
and possibly near your city)

Last point is that I think the joining between OSM and WM is the natural
evolution of both projects (they both have the goal of share free crowd
sourced knowledge and you can't obtain this without dealing with both atlas
and encyclopedic knowledge)... for me it's strange that one project was born
outside the other. 

Even without advantages in terms of funds and visibility given by WMI I
would have greatly wanted and encouraged the WMI local chapter of OSM.

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Re: [Talk-it] Your experience with Wikimedia Italia being a local OSMF chapter

2018-12-13 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
Hi Micheal
to what was said in the other answers I add some considerations:
- if the supporters of OpenStreetMap decide to be recognized by the
Wikimedia chapter, then they must also be active inside the chapter,
otherwise the results will be poor
- the Wikimedia chapters are very focused on the Wikimedia Foundation
products (wikipedia, wikidata, commons ...) so the energies should be
divided into measures proportional to the various objectives (and OSM
must be one of these)
- it is very difficult to focus activities effectively if you do not
have the support of an active community
- it is very important to create actions of dissemination and
contamination among the members so as to know all the products that
the association promotes

I was one of the promoters of the approach of the Italian OSM
community in Wikimedia Italia.
The association has always shown itself to support the initiative.
However, I think it is crucial that openstreetmap activists feel they
are an integral part of the association in order to achieve tangible

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Your experience with Wikimedia Italia being a local OSMF chapter

2018-12-13 Per discussione Marco Minghini
Hi Michał,
just some additional information.

WMI organized the 2017 State of The Map conference in Milan.

Clearly it was 2018 :)
At the time of the conference I was working at Politecnico di Milano (that
co-organized and hosted the conference) and I can say that this was a
successful joint result, achieved after an already stable collaboration we
had with Wikimedia Italia. Among others, we organized mapping events and
also wrote research projects together - and Wikimedia Italia is doing this
kind of OSM-related work also with other research institutions in Italy.

In addition, since 2017 Wikimedia Italia has partnered with and
ArcheoFOSS in the organization of FOSS4G-IT, the annual conference that
merges together the previous "geospatial" conferences of the 3
associations, including OSMit. After two editions (Genova
 and Rome
) we can say that this model works, since
it brings together communities with (partially) different roots but with a
lot to share. Next edition  will be in
Padova in February and the high number of submissions received is again a
clear measure of the interest.

In additions, I joined the last itWikiCon conference
 and there was an
explicit request by Wikimedia to the OSM community to represent OSM at the
event by submitting talk and proposals :)

> While at the beginning we discussed about level of independence between
> the two "area of interest", by the end of the day both Wiki* and OSM are
> well interconnected and it's quite common to mix the topics when presenting
> the projects to the wide audience.


> IMHO, having been one of the original proposer of WMI as OSM Chapter, the
> coexistence is natural and as far as there isn't attrition between the
> groups, will be a successfull integration in Poland as well.
> Regarding the other questions you are asking, I'm hopeful that someone
from Wikimedia Italia can directly reply :)

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Re: [Talk-it] Your experience with Wikimedia Italia being a local OSMF chapter

2018-12-12 Per discussione Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
Hi Michal,
my 2 cents:

Wikimedia became an OSM Chapter on mappers members request.
To become chapter mapper members were requested to raise their hand and
identify themself as OSM contributors.
As far as I can remember more than 30 members were OSM contributor as well
and more OSM contributors became members afterwards.

WMI is well involved in promoting OSM both at schools/universities, funds
hackatons, conferences and mapping parties.

In the last 2 years coordinators position were opened at national and
regional levels about different area of interests (GLAM, Universities, Wiki
Love Monuments and OSM). Not all region got covered but where the
coordinator has been present many activities has taken place.

WMI organized the 2017 State of The Map conference in Milan.

While at the beginning we discussed about level of independence between the
two "area of interest", by the end of the day both Wiki* and OSM are well
interconnected and it's quite common to mix the topics when presenting the
projects to the wide audience.

IMHO, having been one of the original proposer of WMI as OSM Chapter, the
coexistence is natural and as far as there isn't attrition between the
groups, will be a successfull integration in Poland as well.

Just as background, we (me and fellow OSM mappers from the very beginning)
had a lot of discussion about asking WMI or to become Chapter.
GFOSS was the more logical choice as made of GIS professionals, but WMI
looke more "active" and "alive" and more aligned to the Open Knowledge side
while GFOSS was more leaning on the Free and open source software topic.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 1:34 PM Michał Brzozowski 

> Hi to all Italian mappers,
> The Polish OpenStreetMap Association is on the verge of dissolution due to
> lack of enough people at the last annual general meeting to run for the
> board and the revision commission.
> Depending on what the next general meeting will vote for in the January
> and what the attendance will be, one of the likely outcomes is dissolution
> and transfer of the assets (web domain and funds) to Wikimedia Polska.
> As Wikimedia Italia is a local chapter of the OSMF, I'd like to ask you a
> few things that hopefully will inform the discussion of our Polish
> community and if the dissolution-transfer occurs, could give WMPL an idea
> what to go with or improve on.
> - How many members of WMIT are actively interested in OSM or joined
> because of OSM?
> - What part of expenses is related to OSM?
> - What types of OSM-related activities does the WMIT organize, finance or
> promote? E.g. do you organize conferences, smaller meetings (like mapping
> parties), distribute promotional material, run servers (for maps, QA) and
> so on?
> - Is there demand among companies and government institutions to have some
> tangible entity they can talk to about OSM? (In Poland certainly there is.)
> - How do the members interested in OSM organize within WMIT? What is the
> level of autonomy if any or necessary at all?
> - Do you form strategic or one-off partnerships related to OSM with
> outside entities?
> NB: to be clear, I am not writing this in official capacity.
> Greetings,
> Michał Brzozowski
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Your experience with Wikimedia Italia being a local OSMF chapter

2018-12-12 Per discussione Michał Brzozowski
Hi to all Italian mappers,

The Polish OpenStreetMap Association is on the verge of dissolution due to
lack of enough people at the last annual general meeting to run for the
board and the revision commission.

Depending on what the next general meeting will vote for in the January and
what the attendance will be, one of the likely outcomes is dissolution and
transfer of the assets (web domain and funds) to Wikimedia Polska.

As Wikimedia Italia is a local chapter of the OSMF, I'd like to ask you a
few things that hopefully will inform the discussion of our Polish
community and if the dissolution-transfer occurs, could give WMPL an idea
what to go with or improve on.

- How many members of WMIT are actively interested in OSM or joined because
of OSM?

- What part of expenses is related to OSM?

- What types of OSM-related activities does the WMIT organize, finance or
promote? E.g. do you organize conferences, smaller meetings (like mapping
parties), distribute promotional material, run servers (for maps, QA) and
so on?

- Is there demand among companies and government institutions to have some
tangible entity they can talk to about OSM? (In Poland certainly there is.)

- How do the members interested in OSM organize within WMIT? What is the
level of autonomy if any or necessary at all?

- Do you form strategic or one-off partnerships related to OSM with outside

NB: to be clear, I am not writing this in official capacity.

Michał Brzozowski
Talk-it mailing list