Re: [talk-ph] Increasing demand for OSM talks and workshops

2014-01-29 Thread Mark Cupitt
Hi Maning Hi Eugene

I would be happy to promote, lecture, run or assist in workshops on OSM,
especially in the light of crisis/disaster relief efforts.

I am based in Dumaguete so could respond in Negros, IloIlo and Cebu!

I am not an experienced on line mapper (more on the programming WMS/map and
database side), but am Ok with ID and at 50% on Josm, so would would be
better suited to the introductory stuff and basic workshops. Advanced
training could be handled by more experienced people (I would attend :)




Mark Cupitt

"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"

See me on LinkedIn 

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On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:40 PM, maning sambale

> Dear Eugene,
> > Might it be more prudent if we can consolidate several of the requests
> into
> > 1, preferably in Manila? Outside of Manila, there is no group of mappers
> who
> > are also interested in spreading the word or giving lectures, workshops,
> and
> > tutorials.
> Yes, if there is a chance to consolidate the requests we can do that too.
> Even if there are no interested group of mappers outside of Manila, we
> also need to look
> for willing volunteers to travel if necessary.  I already got a
> message of interest for one willing to travel to Vis/Min.
> > I think it would also help if we can create a PDF (brochure?
> presentation?)
> > of some sort to provide to these requesting groups as a basic
> introduction
> > to OSM. If they would like to learn more, then we can proceed with
> > coordination.
> Agreed on this.  All my presentations are in
> if anyone wants them.
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> --
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> wiki:
> blog:
> --
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Freshly arrived in the Philippines

2014-01-29 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
Hi Sébastien,

Welcome to the Philippines! I'm guessing your OSM username is WingedStone
based on this changeset?

Anyway, some local mappers that I think are in the area are Jay-Ar (OSM:
jay-ar) and Ronel (OSM: Ronel). You might want to contact them through the
OSM website since I'm not sure if they are subscribed in this mailing list.

There's also Bryan (OSM: bryanpiczon) who is editing in central Samar

Hope you have a fruitful visit in Eastern Visayas! :-)

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:52 AM, Sébastien Pierrel <> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I've just arrived in Manila. I am going to spend the next 5 weeks in
> Tacloban and Guiuan to support the Emergency Telecom Cluster (ETC) in the
> relief effort of the typhoon disaster.
> I'm not sure if I will have any time to spend on mapping, but let me know
> you need some ground check in these areas.
> Of course, it would be a pleasure to meet mappers in the region! :)
> Cheers,
> /Seb.
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] [HOT] OSMAND for Philippines

2014-01-29 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks to HTH for this response. 

I cc this answer to the talk-ph discussion list.


 De : nebulon42 
À : 
Envoyé le : Mercredi 29 janvier 2014 9h15
Objet : Re: [HOT] OSMAND for Philippines

Regarding OsmAnd:

The download limit is in the free version on Google Play to encourage 
users to upgrade to the paid version and so to support development.

Since OsmAnd is open source a custom build would not have this limit. 
Such a custom build can be found at
Installing F-Droid itself could also be beneficial, from their site: 
"F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source 
Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it 
easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device."

If you use the F-Droid build of OsmAnd I suggest donating to the OsmAnd 
project to support development. (Please note that I'm neither involved 
in F-Droid nor in OsmAnd.)


Am 29.01.14 14:45, schrieb Pierre Béland:
> For Disaster crisis like the Haiyan Typhoon, it is important to collect
> geolocated data about vital infrastructures and the OSM contributors
> cannot do this remotely. To do this, we have to find innovative ways to
> collect data adapted to humanitarians and various people that circulate
> in the area.
> On the Typhoon Haiyan Wiki page
> (, we are promoting
> OSMAND. An Experimental hourly updated Philippines map for OsmAnd
>  is available here: Many

> thanks to the developpers that contribute to offer such softwares and
> services in the context of these humanitarian actions.
> On the talk-ph list, a contributor mentions the limit of 10 downloads of
> maps. Is this limit in the Application itselft, and if so, could it be
> removed for downloads from ?
> Regard
> Pierre
> - Mail from Talk-ph -
> *From :* samuel cruz 
> *To:* "" 
> *Sent :* 29 janv 2014 4h56
> *Objet :* Re: [talk-ph] talk-ph Digest, Vol 66, Issue 18
> OsmAnd can only be downloaded using you android phone. there's non for
> ios. for the free version, you can download only 10 times whether maps
> or add ons like tts but this is what i noticed.  i downloaded the
> application and installed it. i copoied the downloaded map to my ext
> sdcard coz i needed to reformat my cell phone. after reformatting my
> cellphone, i reinstall OsmAnd and allow me to download 10 time like its
> my first time to dl from what they allowed, on top of what i have dl before
> ___
> HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] OSMAND for Philippines

2014-01-29 Thread Pierre Béland
For Disaster crisis like the Haiyan Typhoon, it is important to collect 
geolocated data about vital infrastructures and the OSM contributors cannot do 
this remotely. To do this, we have to find innovative ways to collect data 
adapted to humanitarians and various people that circulate in the area. 

On the Typhoon Haiyan Wiki page 
(, we are promoting OSMAND. 
An Experimental hourly updated Philippines map for OsmAnd is available here: Many thanks to the developpers that contribute to offer 
such softwares and services in the context of these humanitarian actions.

On the talk-ph list, a contributor mentions the limit of 10 downloads of maps. 
Is this limit in the Application itselft, and if so, could it be removed for 
downloads from ?


- Mail from Talk-ph -
From : samuel cruz 
To: ""  
Sent : 29 janv 2014 4h56
Objet : Re: [talk-ph] talk-ph Digest, Vol 66, Issue 18

OsmAnd can only be downloaded using you android phone. there's non for ios. for 
the free version, you can download only 10 times whether maps or add ons like 
tts but this is what i noticed.  i downloaded the application and installed it. 
i copoied the downloaded map to my ext sdcard coz i needed to reformat my cell 
phone. after reformatting my cellphone, i reinstall OsmAnd and allow me to 
download 10 time like its my first time to dl from what they allowed, on top of 
what i have dl before___
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Increasing demand for OSM talks and workshops

2014-01-29 Thread maning sambale
Dear Eugene,

> Might it be more prudent if we can consolidate several of the requests into
> 1, preferably in Manila? Outside of Manila, there is no group of mappers who
> are also interested in spreading the word or giving lectures, workshops, and
> tutorials.
Yes, if there is a chance to consolidate the requests we can do that too.
Even if there are no interested group of mappers outside of Manila, we
also need to look
for willing volunteers to travel if necessary.  I already got a
message of interest for one willing to travel to Vis/Min.

> I think it would also help if we can create a PDF (brochure? presentation?)
> of some sort to provide to these requesting groups as a basic introduction
> to OSM. If they would like to learn more, then we can proceed with
> coordination.
Agreed on this.  All my presentations are in if anyone wants them.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] talk-ph Digest, Vol 66, Issue 18

2014-01-29 Thread samuel cruz
OsmAnd can only be downloaded using you android phone. there's non for ios. for 
the free version, you can download only 10 times whether maps or add ons like 
tts but this is what i noticed.  i downloaded the application and installed it. 
i copoied the downloaded map to my ext sdcard coz i needed to reformat my cell 
phone. after reformatting my cellphone, i reinstall OsmAnd and allow me to 
download 10 time like its my first time to dl from what they allowed, on top of 
what i have dl before

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:04 PM, "" 
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: latest map download (rem zamora)
   2. Re: latest map download (tutubi)
   3. Re: latest map download (Jim Morgan)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:29:39 +0800
From: rem zamora 
To: tutubi 
Cc: osm-ph 
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] latest map download
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

If you use OSMAnd on your android, you can also get the latest OSM map for
PH Tutubi. :) That's what I use in android. There's a freeware version
where you can download new maps in a limited number of times :)

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:27 AM, tutubi

> i see
> can't see it on top of Google search, needs some push up the SERP :)
> thanks,
> ---
> I explore, therefore I blog!
> Twitter: backpackPH
> Instagram: backpackPH
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 11:07 AM, maning sambale 
> wrote:
> Dear Tutubi,
> Ervin took over the the garmin map compilation.
> Download here:
> Last update was Jan 27, 2014
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:12 AM, tutubi
>  wrote:
> Hi!
> i may have missed it here or not really available but where can I download
> the latest Ph map? january 2014?
> my Nuvi's map is soo outdated now, I'm only using Citymap2Go on iOS and
> other apps in Android
> thanks
> ---
> I explore, therefore I blog!
> Twitter: backpackPH
> Instagram: backpackPH
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> --
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> wiki:
> blog:
> --
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list

Rem Zamora
-link to my 
-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:52:00 +0800
From: tutubi 
To: rem zamora 
Cc: osm-ph 
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] latest map download
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

hi Rem,

yes, i have the free OSMAnd :)

i just need to update my now seldom used Garmin Nuvi :(


I explore, therefore I blog!
Twitter: backpackPH
Instagram: backpackPH

On Jan 29, 2014, at 11:29 AM, rem zamora  wrote:

> If you use OSMAnd on your android, you can also get the latest OSM map for PH 
> Tutubi. :) That's what I use in android. There's a freeware