Re: [Talk-us] Night of the Living Maps

2012-10-26 Thread Matthias Meisser

this is Matthias from the german OSM community (aka user:!i!).
I was the one who started the first NOTLM party and asked Martjin, if 
the US would be a good area for another global mapathon.This idea came 
up, when I noticed how "empty" the US still is (or let's say how big the 
country is ;)) even with the TIGER import and all of your hard work.

I'm absolutly ok with the idea of improving TIGER and add buildings and 
all the details you can see on the high res BING imagery. Please keep in 
mind, that we over in Europe *have no idea*, about what the problems of 
the TIGER import is in detail. So a detailed short instruction as 
"mission statement" would be great, and of course a map/list of places 
where help is needed would be useful.

As I have no idea, about how many people will start contributing this 
time, should we care about conflicts? (maybe using the HOT team server)

How about the date? Just a friday at end of November or after the X-mas 
troubles in january?


Am 26.10.2012 04:24, schrieb Brian DeRocher:

For reference here's the "TIGER reviewed" and "TIGER roads comparison"
maps Peter demonstrated at SOTM US.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ideas for OSMF US Swag

2011-05-29 Thread Matthias Meisser

Am 29.05.2011 15:49, schrieb Mike Dupont:

My idea was to write letters to the editors of all the local
newspapers, in each letter we would tell the about the map and invite
them to look at the local map of thier area

I wrote a script to automate the usage of the press center :

here is the code, you can use that to send ca. 5000 letters
Sounds like a good idea. But wouldn't it better to make it a bit more 
distributed and personal? To my experience the local reporters like 
personal stories and somebody as main actor for the whoel story 
('somebody out of our middles does this and that').

For that kind of working, we created a german press kit, that reporters 
like very much (got some feedback). If you would say that PR works 
similar in US, I might ask the folks to translate the press kit to 
english, so you can adapt it.
(still not sure if this might get in conflict with a personal press 
portal for GB for instance...)


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