Am 29.05.2011 15:49, schrieb Mike Dupont:
My idea was to write letters to the editors of all the local
newspapers, in each letter we would tell the about the map and invite
them to look at the local map of thier area

I wrote a script to automate the usage of the press center :

here is the code, you can use that to send ca. 5000 letters
Sounds like a good idea. But wouldn't it better to make it a bit more distributed and personal? To my experience the local reporters like personal stories and somebody as main actor for the whoel story ('somebody out of our middles does this and that').

For that kind of working, we created a german press kit, that reporters like very much (got some feedback). If you would say that PR works similar in US, I might ask the folks to translate the press kit to english, so you can adapt it.
(still not sure if this might get in conflict with a personal press portal for GB for instance...)


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