Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM 2

2013-02-25 Thread Lars Ahlzen

On 02/25/2013 03:06 PM, Rick Marshall wrote:

Serge is right though, the blue text with the white halo for the water
features is difficult to read.  Sometimes it appears a little blurry.
I am not sure a black halo will do the trick either.  What about
changing the color of the text; maybe making it a darker shade of

I completely agree. This is far from the finished map and it needs a lot 
more work. In addition to hard-to-read labels and layering issues, there 
are many basic features still missing from the map.

Most importantly, the demo uses all pre-rendered tiles. That works for a 
small area like this, but becomes impractical for a nationwide map. The 
biggest challenge may be to get acceptable rendering performance so that 
tiles can be rendered as they are requested. Nevertheless, I'm hopeful 
it can be done without too many compromises.

- Lars

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM 2

2013-02-25 Thread Rick Marshall
I agree with the previous replies.  It looks wonderful.  The
cartography is beautiful.

Serge is right though, the blue text with the white halo for the water
features is difficult to read.  Sometimes it appears a little blurry.
I am not sure a black halo will do the trick either.  What about
changing the color of the text; maybe making it a darker shade of

I love the hillshading.  It makes the contours "pop".

And your project covers my old stomping grounds.  Couldn't like it any better.

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall, PhD, GISP
Vertical GeoSolutions, Inc (VerticalGeo)
130 Sawgrass Ln
O'Fallon, IL  62269
(618) 670-4259
Vertically Thinking Blog:

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM 2

2013-02-25 Thread dies38061
Agreed -- looks very nice.  Thank you.  It would be very useful, I think, to 
have a layer which presents the currently available USGS topomaps for two 
reasons:  first, as a reference to illustrate improvements; second, as a 
reference to illustrate gaps.  Also, I should know, but what is the origin of 
the elevation data to provide the hillshading?  Thanks. --Ceyockey

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM 2

2013-02-25 Thread Serge Wroclawski
Looks very pretty, and I think this would be a great thing to have on
the new US servers!

One small styling thing... It's sometimes a bit hard to read the text.
Could you replace the white halo with a black one, maybe?

- Serge

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] TopOSM 2

2013-02-24 Thread Lars Ahlzen

Hi all!

Since Ian Dees recently brought up the OSM-US servers, I thought I'd 
mention that I'm reviving my old TopOSM project which - for those who 
haven't seen it - is a US-wide topo map using OSM data [1]. This time 
it's updated with carto styling, tilestache compositing and support for 
on-the-fly rendering.

Ian already helped me set up a small demo: 

It's a little rough around the edges and still missing many features, 
but I think it could become useful. I was playing with the idea of 
eventually offering this as a US-specific map layer on the OSM-US 
server. Does this sound like a good idea?

Besides the cartography, a fair amount of performance work will be 
needed to make this render fast enough. If anyone is up for a challenge, 
feel free to join in!

The code is on github:

- Lars

[1] Mostly, anyway. It's using NED to generate hillshading and contours, 
and NHD for most hydrographic features (though the latter may eventually 
switch back to OSM).

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