Re[2]: Group by date

2007-08-20 Thread Fredrik Bergström
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:48:11 +0200 GMT, Peter wrote:

> Fredrik,

> On 20-08-2007 11:19, you wrote in
> :
>>   Any ideas? Is this a known problem?

> I complained about this a long time ago
> ( but nothing has
> happened...

  Ok, good to know that I'm not alone.


The Bat! 3.99.17 (BETA) on Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0 6000

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Re: Group by date

2007-08-20 Thread Fredrik Bergström
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 11:19:41 +0200 GMT, Fredrik wrote:

>   I have the view mode configured to sort on Created,
>   "Thread by Recipient" and "Group by date".

  Ah, sorry. I just reloaded the non beta The Bat! version and noticed
  the problem there as well.

  Should I post the question the Users List instead?


The Bat! 3.99.3 on Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0 6000

 Current beta is 3.99.17 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Group by date

2007-08-20 Thread Fredrik Bergström
Hello The Bat! BetaList,

  I just found a small problem with my view mode for my Sent E-Mail

  I have the view mode configured to sort on Created,
  "Thread by Recipient" and "Group by date".

  What happens is that the oldest e-mail in the thread defines the
  grouping. So if I have sent an e-mail to someone 2006 and then again
  last week the e-mail will be listed in the "Last year" group.

  I've attached a small image to show my configuration.

  I have not noticed it before, and since I run the latest beta I
  thought I better ask here first.

  Any ideas? Is this a known problem?

The Bat! 3.99.17 (BETA) on Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0 6000
 Current beta is 3.99.17 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: The Bat! 3.99.14 BETA

2007-08-16 Thread Fredrik Bergström
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:08:13 -0400 GMT, Ron wrote:

> Under Preferences - General "Icon animation when unread messages are
> detected" is unchecked here, yet the TB! is still flapping its wings
> in the sys tray. Doesn't matter whether I tick this setting or not,
> animation continues.

Confirmed here as well.


The Bat! 3.99.14 (BETA) on Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0 6000

 Current beta is 3.99.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Lots of conditions in filter

2007-05-15 Thread Fredrik Bergström
On Tue, 15 May 2007 20:10:46 +0700 GMT, Thomas wrote:

FB>>> Is this a known problem?

> Yes, it is. The New Filtering System (NFS), which is not so new
> anymore, uses Windows handles in abundance, which is the problem.
> There is no BT entry, because Ritlabs says it works as designed.

> The workaround is to use only one filter condition "header contains
> any of", followed by the different headers, instead of many "header
> contains" conditions.

> Another workaround (not so elegant, but faster) is to create a new
> filter when you want to add conditions.

  Great to know that I'm not the first to stumble upon this problem.

  I switched my filters over to "contains any of", but do now quite
  understand what the separator should be. But I will ask this on the
  UserList instead.

  To stay on topic I can say that enabling the "contains any of" and
  adding all the search words to one line gave me this result:

  I can get around this by maximizing the Sorting Office window and
  re-selecting the filter in question, then the line will be visible

  Scary stuff.


The Bat! 3.99.3 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Lots of conditions in filter

2007-05-14 Thread Fredrik Bergström
Hello The Bat! BetaList,

  Found a small problem,

  If I go into the Sorting Office and create a new incoming filter,
  and add as many conditions so that I get a scroll-bar at the right.

  Now start filling in and changing the different fields. The fields
  will at first only jump around so that you have to scroll to find
  them, but if you fill all the conditions with text and then go and
  change the type or function of the condition at the bottom the
  editor will hang and everything will jump around for a bit.

  Is this a known problem? I've not created long filters before.


The Bat! 3.99.3 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Error on opening URL with Firefox closed [was Re: (no subject)]

2007-04-13 Thread Fredrik Bergström
On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 13:20:05 +0100 GMT, Jens wrote:

> Guten Tag Perry Nelson,

> am Samstag, 3. März 2007 um 12:06 schrieben Sie:

>> , so I conclude the error is being thrown by Firefox,
>> not by any of the recent betas. I am using Firefox version

> It seems like you are using some kind of DynamicDNS Service - such a
> page is usually needed to find your external IP Adress.

> Answer: The IP that just fetched this page is

> If you cannot find any problems, try to enter into your Adress-Bar:
> about:config
> And search for keyword "url" try to find "dslreports" in the
> Content of the keys (last row).

  Sorry for going both off topic and replying to an old e-mail.

  Since this was nagging me almost everyday I did a quick search and
  this fix solved this problem for me. Running FireFox


The Bat! 3.98.4 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.98.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Specials/Create Filter

2000-04-05 Thread Fredrik Bergström


I tried beta 11 after some time away from the list, and it works fine.

But i think i found a bug, when I join mailinglists i usually create a
filter basing on the first message i get, using
"Specials/Create Filter" and then i select to filter by to or from, i
chose the "Move to folder" name and lets The Bat create this folder
for me, then i take "Folder/Re-filter" and usaly this works fine.

But with the new betas the new folder has ? number of messages and
the "Folder/Re-filter" function will only tell me that I cannot copy
messages to the specified folder. If i select the folder, the
messagecount will turn to 0 and then i can Filter messages to it.

Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom

PowerWebs AB
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Attached dupes.

2000-01-28 Thread Fredrik Bergström


I found that when killing dupes, the attached files to the dupes is

When A e-mail with an attached file is received, and the file already
exists, the file is renamed to 'name1.ext', If the mail is a dupe, the
mail is removed, not the file.

I know that the file if removed is lost forever, but its a dupe,

Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom


What has 2000 arms and 2000 legs but no pubic hair?
- a Hanson concert.

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Translation to swedish.

1999-12-15 Thread Fredrik Bergström


Who do I contact if I'm interested of translating to Swedish ?

Regards, Fredrik Bergström

-- I'd have a really cool .sig, but right now I can't even remember my own damn name.

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Re: Confirmed: Unable create filter.

1999-11-27 Thread Fredrik Bergström

Kära Christopher,

torsdag, den 25 november 1999, skrev du:

CJT> On Thursday, November 25, 1999 Fredrik"Bergström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:


CJT> You  I  right.  I reproduced this bug. Also one thing -- when I clicked
CJT> "reply" on your message I got this in To: field:

CJT> "Fredrik\"Bergström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CJT> Pretty  strange/buggy,  isn't  it?  I wonder why is your ordinary mail
CJT> address  present  in  this  string.  I  haven't found anything in your
CJT> kludges that would force it...

Our companys mailserver (MERCURE) is quite strange and we give them
some bug reports now and then. Also, when i reply on my message it
will look ok, with no extra quotes.

>> From: =?ISO-8859-1?B?RnJlZHJpayAiQmVyZ3N0cvZt?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Ali Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Would the problem be because a errorous ISO thing ?


CJT> Or  maybe it's just because of this quote before your surname? Anyway,
CJT> isn't it a bug?

Strange because i never put any quotes anywhere =)

Regards, Fredrik Bergström

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Unable create filter and use spellchecker.

1999-11-24 Thread Fredrik Bergström

Dear TheBat Beta list!

  Well, I tried some different designs of The Bat! turning off and on
  things in the View-menu. And i found out that when
  "View/Message Auto-view" is of, you can't right click on e-mails and
  use "Specials/Create Filter".

  Another thing, the spell Checker is quite strange here, I have
  Office 2000 in Swedish installed and in the "Spell Checker/Language"
  I got both "American English" and "Swedish" infront of American.. is
  a circle and infront of swedish is a Check. I cannot chose any of
  them and swedish is always selected and used.

Both of this problems is new i think ?

(sorry for bad english... my spellchecker is not working)
Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/3
under Windows 98 SE SWE

Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom

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