Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Allie!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7:10 PM, you wrote:

AM I can't duplicate this problem. I don't know if it's because I
AM have other folders using specified view modes or because I have
AM other view modes defined.

Did you make the changes using the Drop-down menu from View in The
Bat!'s main window?

This is the place where the problem occurs. According to Stuart
Cuddy's analysis and your other message to me in regard to the
View/Global View Mode settings, the problem I encounter is by design.
In other words, View drop-down menu, after v. 2.11, is designed to
make only a temporary change to the settings of the folder which one
is in.

So, I think what's needed is a change in the wording of the settings
choices in The Bat!/View/Sort-by to reflect that changes made using
the drop-down menu are temporary.

Otherwise, the potential for confusion still exists for the new user,
and especially for the pre-v. 2.11 user who is upgrading to v. 3..

I am now trying to think how to amend my BT note

to reflect that I still believe the programmers have a problem to
address with this behavior. Either make The Bat!/View/Sort-by behavior
consistent with what happens when clicking on the Column Names and
consistent with the settings in Options/Preferences/Messages/View
Modes--or re-word The Bat!/View/Sort-by such that it is clear that
settings-changes made in the drop-down menu are temporary for the
particular folder.

Have I said this clearly to you? Would some such wording for me to use
in an amending Note to my BT report be appropriate?

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Allie Martin
On Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 6:09:27 AM [GMT -0500], Mary Bull

 Did you make the changes using the Drop-down menu from View in The
 Bat!'s main window?

Yes, I did.

 This is the place where the problem occurs. According to Stuart
 Cuddy's analysis and your other message to me in regard to the
 View/Global View Mode settings, the problem I encounter is by design.
 In other words, View drop-down menu, after v. 2.11, is designed to
 make only a temporary change to the settings of the folder which one
 is in.

Unless I'm missing a step things stick here. Your steps seemed quite
clear. I have a number of view modes already created here. All I did was
to set a single folder to use no view mode and then attemtped a sort
change via the menus. I moved away and back to the folder to see that
the sort change I made was still applied.

 I am now trying to think how to amend my BT note

 to reflect that I still believe the programmers have a problem to
 address with this behavior. Either make The Bat!/View/Sort-by behavior
 consistent with what happens when clicking on the Column Names and
 consistent with the settings in Options/Preferences/Messages/View
 Modes--or re-word The Bat!/View/Sort-by such that it is clear that
 settings-changes made in the drop-down menu are temporary for the
 particular folder.

 Have I said this clearly to you? Would some such wording for me to use
 in an amending Note to my BT report be appropriate?

My only problem is that, though you're clear, and you make sense, I
can't duplicate the problem. The other thing is that I doubt that this
will stop any confusion.

The more popular cause for confusion is setting a global view mode and
then trying to set another folders view mode where the new settings will
not stick.

-= Allie =-
. Religion without heart is enslavement.
The Bat!™ v3.0.1.33  -  IMAP mail  

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Allie!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7:19 PM, you wrote:

MB However, if one cannot choose, in View/Global View Mode the
MB option No View Mode, why is it there and why does it allow me
MB to put a tick--a dot--beside it to choose it?

AM You can choose it. What you're doing when you choose this option
AM is specifying that you do not wish all your folders to be using a
AM single view mode. You're freeing up the folders to be configured
AM to use their own specific view modes. I have that options
AM selected.

Allie, my question above to Nick Andriash was in the nature of a
rhetorical question because he had stated that No View Modes was not
a choice option. I think perhaps he was looking in
Options/Preferences/Messages/View Modes when he wrote his argument to
me, although I didn't figure that out when I replied to him with the
comment to which you have replied.

Obviously, I can *choose* it, in The Bat!/View/Global View Modes. I
*have* chosen it.

And if your analysis and that of Stuart Cuddy is correct--and i
believe that it is--the drop-down menu is working as designed.

But the wording is quite confusing, as I said in my other post in
Reply to you this morning, in that one has no clue when using The
Bat!/View/Sort-by that settings chosen there are now, since v. 2.11,

So. Either keep the function of The Bat!/View/Sort-by temporary.
Stuart Cuddy regards that behavior as useful. And re-word the
drop-down menu to reflect that changes made here in Sort-by are
temporary and specific for the particular folder.

Or: Change the behavior of The Bat!/View/Sort-by to make it consistent
with what happens when one clicks on a Column Name or when one
configures the parameters in The
Bat!/Options/Preferences/Messages/View Modes.

I may be getting there. I'm heading toward putting an amending note to
my BT report on this issue,

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Mary,

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 08:00:27 -0500GMT (19-10-2004, 15:00 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

MB An old bug that I complained of on tbudl in v. 2.11, but got no one to
MB confirm, is that Column settings and View/Sort-by settings do not
MB stick when using No View Mode.

Still cannot confirm.
I'm using no view mode for most of my folders.

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows:If I wanted a MAC, I woulda BOUGHT one!

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Allie!

On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 6:17 AM, you wrote:

MB Have I said this clearly to you? Would some such wording for me
MB to use in an amending Note to my BT report be appropriate?

AM My only problem is that, though you're clear, and you make sense, I
AM can't duplicate the problem. ...

Ah. But Stuart Cuddy has duplicated it. And David Boggon (posting to

So, it may be, as you said, because of settings you made in

The behavior does occur for Stuart and David and me. (As I realize
that you are not disputing.)

AM The other thing is that I doubt that this will stop any confusion.

So, maybe we wait for the professionally written Help file. :(

AM The more popular cause for confusion is setting a global view mode
AM and then trying to set another folders view mode where the new
AM settings will not stick.

Yes, I can see how that would bring a major feeling of disaster to the

I was lurking on tbbeta when all this View-Modes stuff was being
tested, but it was so technical-sounding to me that I blocked it all
out even as I read.

I made up my mind that I was not going to use View Modes or Virtual
Folders. I liked TB! very well just the way it was functioning for me
in v. 1.62 and v. 2.06. But then, Leif lured me into loving Smileys.

That's why I'm where I am now. :)

But, willy-nilly, I *do* have View Modes. They're not escapable. So,
I'm trying to get with the program. And trying to see how some
confusions can be headed off at the pass for future new users of The

Thanks a million for discussing this with me. :)

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-20 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Roelof!

On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 6:28 AM, you wrote:

MB Column settings and View/Sort-by settings do not stick when using
MB No View Mode.

RO Still cannot confirm. I'm using no view mode for most of my
RO folders.

Did you make your Sort-by changes from The Bat!/View/Sort-by?

Thank you so very much for participating in this, Roelof. I think
there is no doubt that the behavior is occurring. It has occurred for
Stuart Cuddy, David Boggon, and me.

So, the testing phase is about over.

The behavior of The Bat!/View/Sort-by is apparently by design.

It is just that it is not clear on the first-time encounter that the
changes to the folder settings made in The Bat!/View/Sort-by are
temporary. And they are, at least for Stuart C., and David B., and me.

I'm going to amend my BT report in some way. Haven't decided yet
exactly how to word it.

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Mary Bull
Hello fellow tbbeta subscribers!

An old bug that I complained of on tbudl in v. 2.11, but got no one to
confirm, is that Column settings and View/Sort-by settings do not
stick when using No View Mode.

This morning (Tues. 19 OCT 2004) in


David Boggon reported on tbudl experiencing this problem, using the
subject line, Column Settings That Don't Set.

Subsequent short thread ensued, to which Marck D. Pearlstone and I
posted. Result: I confirm that the problem still exists in v.
and in the current beta which I am running.

If you can confirm this bug, please support my BT report:
Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Mary,
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 8:00:27 AM, you wrote:

MB Subsequent short thread ensued, to which Marck D. Pearlstone and I
MB posted. Result: I confirm that the problem still exists in v.
MB and in the current beta which I am running.

MB If you can confirm this bug, please support my BT report:

 Mary I am a little confused by this. What Viewmode do you use for
 TBUDL? You seem to be saying you use No Viewmode. I do not have a
 Folder Viewmode by this name, just a Global Setting by this name.

 Stuartmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Stuart!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 8:35 AM, you wrote:

MB If you can confirm this bug, please support my BT report:

SC  Mary I am a little confused by this. What Viewmode do you use for
SC  TBUDL? You seem to be saying you use No Viewmode. I do not have a
SC  Folder Viewmode by this name, just a Global Setting by this name.

In TB!'s main window click on View/Global View Mode (scroll way
down)/No View Mode.

Then, again in the TB! main window, click on View/Sort-by , and change
your Sort-by choice to a different one.

Go to another folder. Then come back to the previous folder. The
change you set will not have been retained. The folder will have
reverted to the one before you made the change.

It is so hard for me to tell things clearly! Please ask some more, if
I haven't explained the problem well.

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Nick Andriash
On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at 7:52:00 AM, Mary wrote:

 An old bug that I complained of on tbudl in v. 2.11, but got no one to
 confirm, is that Column settings and View/Sort-by settings do not
 stick when using No View Mode.

Just curious Mary, but don't you have to set your View Modes using
Options/Preferences/View Modes? What happens if you create, under Options, a
new view mode named No View Mode, set the parameters, and then Ok the
formation of that view. Now go ahead and make changes to that new mode as
you earlier suggested. Do they set properly?

 -=Nick Andriash=-
  -=Creston, B.C. Canada=-
The Bat! Pro v3.0.2.1 on Win XP Pro

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Nick!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 9:55 AM, you wrote:

MB An old bug that I complained of on tbudl in v. 2.11, but got no one to
MB confirm, is that Column settings and View/Sort-by settings do not
MB stick when using No View Mode.

NA Just curious Mary, but don't you have to set your View Modes using
NA Options/Preferences/View Modes? What happens if you create, under
NA Options, a new view mode named No View Mode, set the parameters,
NA and then Ok the formation of that view. Now go ahead and make
NA changes to that new mode as you earlier suggested. Do they set
NA properly?

The default choices given to me on the View/Global View Mode drop-down
menu of the main window are:

Generic View Mode

No View Mode  (with o underlined, which I cannot reproduce in my

I did as you suggested and created a New View Mode, named No View
Mode without the o underlined.

Choosing that, the parameters stick, and changes made in the drop-down
menu View/Sort-by stick.

But on the default choices No [underlined o] View Mode they do not
stick. Therefore, I think it is a bug.

I long since have a work-around. This was my problem in v. 2.11 ,
before I was ever a beta tester, which I reported on tbudl but no one
confirmed. So I did not make a BT report.

There is now a BT report, describing the problem and how to reproduce
it, for those who wish to help by testing the steps described here:

I believe it is a bug, because using the default menu choice No
[underlined o] View Mode, this behavior occurs for both myself
(tested several times with different Sort-by choices, today, before
making the BT report) and David Boggon:


subject line, column settings that don't set

I shall greatly appreciate it if you do have the time to test for this
bug, using the exact steps given in the BT report, and if you can
confirm it, put a note to my report.

While David B. and I have a work-around now, every new user of The
Bat! is likely to run into this behavior and be very annoyed until
he/she either figures it out by himself/herself or posts to tbudl
about it.

That is, if it is the bug that I truly believe at present, it is.

Thanks again.

Best regards,
The Bat [Professional Edition] on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Nick Andriash
On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at 10:42:19 AM, Mary wrote:

 But on the default choices No [underlined o] View Mode they do not
 stick. Therefore, I think it is a bug.

On my copy of TB there is no underlined 'o', they just have (No View Mode)
in brackets. To me, that says simply no view mode, and I believe trying to
make it one of your view modes is where your problem is. There just isn't
any such thing as a (No View Mode) least that is how I look it.

 -=Nick Andriash=-
  -=Creston, B.C. Canada=-
The Bat! Pro v3.0.2.1 on Win XP Pro

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Nick!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 12:45 PM, you wrote:

MB But on the default choices No [underlined o] View Mode they do
MB not stick. Therefore, I think it is a bug.

NA On my copy of TB there is no underlined 'o', they just have (No
NA View Mode) in brackets. To me, that says simply no view mode, and
NA I believe trying to make it one of your view modes is where your
NA problem is. There just isn't any such thing as a (No View
NA Mode) least that is how I look it.

So, that your No View Mode is not underlined with the lower case o
and mine is, says to me that I may have a faulty download of TB! in
which this has been conserved through all the versions, including the
rars, which I have run since v. 2.11.

However, if one cannot choose, in View/Global View Mode the option No
View Mode, why is it there and why does it allow me to put a tick--a
dot--beside it to choose it?

To me, this is still a bug that I am offered to make a choice and
allowed to make a choice when it is a choice that (by design?) won't

What do you think?

P.S. Did you do my steps to test?

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re[2]: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Mary,
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 8:53:55 AM, you wrote:

MB In TB!'s main window click on View/Global View Mode (scroll way
MB down)/No View Mode.

MB Then, again in the TB! main window, click on View/Sort-by , and change
MB your Sort-by choice to a different one.

MB Go to another folder. Then come back to the previous folder. The
MB change you set will not have been retained. The folder will have
MB reverted to the one before you made the change.

I see now what you mean. And actually what you are seeing here is what
I would like to see when you click on on a header to change the sort

See bug report:

Maybe our views of how Viewmodes work differ. Here is my take on it.
Others can correct me where I am wrong.

There are two types of viewmodes, global and on a per folder basis.
Global viewmodes affect all accounts and all folders. So for example,
if I have 4 Global viewmodes as follows:

1) No Viewmode
2) Generic
3) By Date
4) By Sender

If I select one of the bottom three, then all of my folders will be
sorted by the appropriate definition in that viewmode.
If I on the other hand select the first one No Viewmode, then I will
be able to select a different viewmode for each folder.
(As an aside here: I believe that this is really the only selection
necessary as I see no real reason for Global Viewmodes. This is just
me though and others may have a good use for them.)

Now, once you select No Viewmodes under the Global Option, any
folder that is not using By Date  or By Sender will automatically
use the Generic Viewmode. In your explanation above I believe this
is what you are describing. You are actually changing the Viewmode,
albeit temporarily, of the particular viewmode of the folder you are
currently viewing. If you really want a permanent change to that
viewmode then you can use Right click on the header bar and select
manage viewmodes.

Having said all this I think that viewmodes need to be streamlined so
they are easier to understand. When you click on the view menu you
should get an option for Manage Viewmodes and do away with all those
choices for sort etc. seeing as they only work temporarily.

I may have this all wrong but I think this is the way it works and
think it needs some changes. Any comments would be welcomed.

 Stuartmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Stuart!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 1:09 PM, you wrote:

SC I may have this all wrong but I think this is the way it works and
SC think it needs some changes. Any comments would be welcomed.

I think you have laid it out very clearly and it fits into the
conversation which Nick and I are having about it very well.

As I said, it is no longer a problem for me. Even though I didn't even
know where in Options/Preferences to find View Modes--way back when I
was running v. 2.11--the hint from a kind poster on tbudl to set my
parameters using the Column Names at the tops of the columns solved my
problem. Set there, the parameters stick for that folder.

However, at least one other person--the poster to tbudl this
morning--was confused and frustrated by the drop-down View/Global View
Modes menu.

Therefore, it is a sort of bug--or at least a poor design--and worth
the attention of the programmers before the release of the Christmas

Only my tbbeta-newbie opinion.

Further comments welcome.

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Allie Martin
On Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 8:53:55 AM [GMT -0500], Mary Bull

 In TB!'s main window click on View/Global View Mode (scroll way
 down)/No View Mode.

Already selected.

 Then, again in the TB! main window, click on View/Sort-by , and change
 your Sort-by choice to a different one.

I have all my folders using a view mode that I had created, so I
selected a folder at set it to use 'no view mode'. I then changed the
sorting to something else.

 Go to another folder. Then come back to the previous folder. The
 change you set will not have been retained. The folder will have
 reverted to the one before you made the change.

I can't duplicate this problem. I don't know if it's because I have
other folders using specified view modes or because I have other view
modes defined.

 It is so hard for me to tell things clearly! Please ask some more, if
 I haven't explained the problem well.

Actually, you were quite clear. :)

-= Allie =-
. For exercise, men can walk. Women talk.
The Bat!™ v3.0.1.33  -  IMAP mail  

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IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Old Bug Column Settings do not stick, using No View Mode

2004-10-19 Thread Allie Martin
On Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 12:53:36 PM [GMT -0500], Mary Bull

 However, if one cannot choose, in View/Global View Mode the option No
 View Mode, why is it there and why does it allow me to put a tick--a
 dot--beside it to choose it?

You can choose it. What you're doing when you choose this option is 
specifying that you do not wish all your folders to be using a single
view mode. You're freeing up the folders to be configured to use their
own specific view modes. I have that options selected.

However, for each folder, there's a particular View Mode selected. For
my discussion list folders, I have them set to thread by references and
have the columns set up for that. For others I have them set to an
unthreaded type view mode. For my sent and outbox folders, I have
another view mode configured for them.

If I had defined a particular global view mode, then it would take over
and I couldn't define a specific and unique view mode for any one folder.

-= Allie =-
. For exercise, men can walk. Women talk.
The Bat!™ v3.0.1.33  -  IMAP mail  

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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