Re[2]: vampirex plugin naw ruz edition avalaible to download

2003-03-26 Thread NetVicious
Hello Jonathan,

On Delphi you could use TNMUrl component to decode these urls

El lunes, 24 mar 2003 a las 03:35, escribiste:

 http://W%57%57.%42%49%4cET%49%4b.G%49S%49S.R%55 instead of real URL?

 url decode :) I'll write some code, and post it shortly.

 /  \  / \  /
/\/ e t   \/ i c i o u s

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5 on Windows XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 1)

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Re[2]: vampirex plugin naw ruz edition avalaible to download

2003-03-26 Thread NetVicious
Hello Jonathan,

I  only  said this component make this, I'm sure it exits functions on
the web to decode uuencode easily.

As a programmer I apreciate a LOT it contains
all USENET messages from it's beginnings.


El miƩrcoles, 26 mar 2003 a las 16:34, escribiste:

 I know... just means you have to include another library with your
 plugin, and/or runtime libraries, increasing the size of your code.
 The code I wrote isn't long ;)

 /  \  / \  /
/\/ e t   \/ i c i o u s

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5 on Windows XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 1)

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Re[2]: vampirex plugin naw ruz edition avalaible to download

2003-03-23 Thread Task Control
Hi tbdev at

In the past Alexey was post:

ANV Hey! Remember me? I have translated an interface of PacSpam (aka
ANV Vampire) some time ago...
if you make a translate of the actual files, i'm very happy.

ANV Now  I  am  about  finishing  my own filter
congratulations, i woulfd like test it.

ANV -  based  on  completely another principle of regarding spam. The
ANV idea  is  baesyan  method. Good [...] the moment I collected only
ANV 500 :(.
Yeah, i was read about this, i do not like it, because your collected
spam files are not my spam files, the method is great, but, each user
need have a spam collection.

ANV I  just want to ask some question to you - because you also wrote
ANV your  own  Vampire  and of course know what to deal with The Bat!
ANV interface.

ANV how  it  is possible to know EXACT size of a part? If I just call
ANV the  function  with  NULL  as  a bufer and zero as a size - can I
ANV receive a necessary size as result?

  procedure GetStr(Idx: Integer; VAR str_part: string;
 VAR size_part: integer);
I : Integer;
Result := '';
  I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, nil, 0);
  if I  0 then
if I  Sz then
  ReallocMem(P, I);
  Sz := I;
I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, P, Sz);
size_part:=I; {  LOOK HERE }
if I  0 then SetString(Result, P, I);
  Result := '';
  end; {GetStr}

ANV And two other question - when you filtering a text letter by Vampire,
ANV what are you doing with such things:
ANV POR!--25413--NOG!--25413--RAPHY, or
ANV http://W%57%57.%42%49%4cET%49%4b.G%49S%49S.R%55 instead of real URL?

I'm looking for a external library that change valid html code to a
simple text code.

I'm waiting the complete interface with decoded body support.

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

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