regex and...

2002-04-01 Thread Brano

Hi all,

I have a little problem, I have subscribed into Verba Volant, I get
every day some nice quatation. But I need to save it in file, but only
Slovak, Czech and English language. Every language to different file.
It is possible to do such a regex, or filter ?

Mail looks like:
German - wenn wir einen Menschen hassen, so hassen wir in seinem Bild was in uns 
selber sitzt
English - if you hate a person, you hate something in him that is a part of yourself
Italian - quando odiamo qualcuno, odiamo nella sua immagine qualcosa che sta dentro di 
Spanish - cuando odiamos a alguien, odiamos en su imagen algo que está dentro de 
French - haďr une personne, c'est haďr quelque chose en elle qui fait partie de soi
Albanian - kur urrejmë dikë, urrejmë në figurën e tij diçka që është brënda nesh
Basque - norbait gorroto dugunean, bere irudian gorrotatzen dugu geure baitan dagoen 
Bolognese - quand t ňdi una parsĺNna, t ňdi in lî qučl ch’l é una pčrt ed té
Bresciano - quand che ta ga l'et con argů ta dŕ fastide en lů argot che l'č deter de té
Calabrese - quannu nun putimu vidi 'na pirsuna,picchě nun putimo vidi quaccosa 'int'a 
isso ca č cumi a nui
Catalan - quan odiem algú, odiem a través seu alguna cosa de nosaltres mateixos
Croatian - kada mrzimo neku osobu, tada mrzimo u osobi ono što se i u nama krije
Czech - když nekoho nenávidíme, tak v nem nenávidíme kousek sebe sama
Danish - hvis du hader en person, hader du noget i han, der er en del af dig selv
Dutch - als je iemand haat is dat omdat je iets van jezelf herkent in die persoon
Emiliano Romagnolo - quand cl'un l'č sgudčbel ma noun, an sportem qualcousa ad lo 
ch'u'i é dintri da noun
Esperanto - se vi malamas personon, vi malamas ion de li kiu estas parto de vi
Estonian - kui te vihkate kedagi, vihkate te temas midagi, mis on osa teist endist
Ferrarese - quand c'udiem qualcdun, a udiem dě quči dla sň figura ca g'avén anca nu 
Finnish - kun vihaat ihmistä, vihaat hänessä jotain joka on osa itseäsi
Flemish - als je iemand haat is dat omdat je iets van jezelf herkent in die persoon
Galician - cando odias unha persoa, estás a odiar algo del que é parte de ti
Griko Salentino - motte 'misůme cančna, 'misůme i ccino canne pprama pu 'stei cessu 
Hungarian - ha gyulölsz valakit, akkor azt a valamit gyulölöd benne, ami benned is 
Latin - cum aliquem odimus, in eius imagine aliquid praesens in nobis odimus
Latvian; Lettish - ja jus ienistat cilveku, jus šai cilveka ienistat ko tadu, kas ir 
dala jusu paša
Leonese - si odias a una presona, odias daqué d'elli que ye parte de ti
Mantuan - quand a gh volema mal a 'n qualdun, gh volem mal da lu quel ch'č nostar
Mapunzugun - üzefiyiń ta iniy rume, üzeńmakefiyin ńi az inchiń mew konkülelu
Mudnés - quand a udiŕm quelchidůn a udiŕm in dla sô aparčinza anch 'na pčrt ed quall 
ch'a gh'avam dčinter
Neapolitan - quanno nun putimmo vedé a na perzona, č pecché nun putimmo vedé quaccosa 
'int'a isso che č cumme a nuje
Norwegian - hvis du avskyr en person, sĺ avskyr du noe i ham som er en del av deg selv
Occitan - quora suportem ren quarqu‘un, suportem ren dins sa figura quarqueren qu‘es 
dedins nosautres
Papiamentu - ora bo ta odia un persona, bo ta odia algu den dje ku ta forma parti di 
bo mes
Parmigiano - si odiéma 'na personna odiéma in lu col ch'é part 'd nojeter
Piemontese - quand ch'i l'oma quaidun an ghignon, i l'oma an ghignon, an soa figura, 
quaicňs ch'a l'é andrinta a noiautri
Polish - kiedy kogos nienawidzimy, nienawidzimy w nim cos co jest czescia nas samych
Portuguese - quando odiamos alguém, odiamos na sua imagem algo que está dentro de nós
Reggiano - quand sintňm d'odier un quelchidun, l'č un ch'as fa da specc ed quell che 
gom dčinter nueter
Roman - quanno odiamo quarcuno, odiamo ne l'immaggine sua quarcosa che c'avemo dentro
Romanian - când urâm pe cineva, urâm în el ceva ce face parte din noi însine 

All languages, please click on this link

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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 21:42:41 -0300, Thomas Martin [TM] wrote these
TM> i was to fast, the filter works in waz waz fine. But if the email
TM> Adressen are filtert from a a mailingslist like Yahoo, the return
TM> mail will be send to the yahoo mailinglist adress, not to the
TM> original sender (the person who sends to the group)

You'll need to adjust your auto-reply template.

Try adding %To=""%To="%OFROMNAME <%OFROMADDR>" to the autoreply
message template. You can put it at the end of the message.

It will change the address from the reply-to address to the sender

- --
Allie C Martin   --   List Moderator

[MUA: TB! v1.60c (*) OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600]
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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Allie,

i was to fast, the filter works in waz waz fine. But if the email
Adressen are filtert from a a mailingslist like Yahoo, the return mail
will be send to the yahoo mailinglist adress, not to the original
sender (the person who sends to the group)

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Allie,

On Monday, 1.April 2002, at 17:10:20 [GMT -0500][19:10 where i live] 
you wrote in: "makro and adressbook":

> At first I thought it couldn't be done (my faith faltered for a sec
> ) but now I see that it's possible.

Thanks a lot for help. Sometimes i dont see the forest because of alot
trees...Works fine!

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

@ 18:26:41 -0300 [ Mon, 1 Apr 2002], Thomas Martin [TM] contributed
this to our collective wisdom:
TM> 3. But now! I want, if the adress is NEW that TB automaticly
TM> creats an email to this new sender If i do it with "Adress
TM> hasnt to be in the adressbook", even the first filter which sorts
TM> the email into the special folder doesnt work if the email is in
TM> the adress book. I want that each eamil is filtered into the
TM> special folder but only for new senders created a responding
TM> email.

At first I thought it couldn't be done (my faith faltered for a sec
) but now I see that it's possible.

Create the following filter *above* the one for the special folder.

o  String search is the same as for the special folder.

o  Source and Destination folders should be the Inbox.

0  Action - Generate an auto-reply. You can then create a message
 template as you like.

o  Under the options tab, enable 'continue processing with other
   filters' (and 'send immediately' if you like).

o  Under the advanced tab, enable the option 'Address(es) must not be
   listed in the address book' and define the special list group.

o  You're done.

What will happen is that incoming messages for your special folder
will first match the above filter. It will check if the sender address
is in your special address book group. If the address is not there, it
will send the message you defined in the template. The messages will
then continue to be filtered (the continue processing option) where
they will be caught by the next filter that will place them in your
special folder and add the sender addresses to the special address
book. If the name is already added, then the very same thing process
will happen except that the message autocreation will not occur since
one of the criteria for executing that action would not have been met.

- --
Allie C Martin   --   List Moderator

[MUA: TB! v1.60c (*) OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (on WinXP)


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makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hello TheBat! Tech List,

 i want to do following:

 1. Incoming mails are sorted into diferent folders. Works fine!
 2. The email adresses of this sorted emails were entered automaticly in
 a special adressbook. Works fine!
 3. But now! I want, if the adress is NEW that TB automaticly creats
 an email to this new sender If i do it with "Adress hasnt to be
 in the adressbook", even the first filter which sorts the email into
 the special folder doesnt work if the email is in the adress book. I
 want that each eamil is filtered into the special folder but only for
 new senders created a responding email.


- --
Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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