Re: Does anyone know of a FREE, reliable, Windows 95 supportinganti-virus program?

2003-05-29 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Ken, 

Tue, 27 May 2003 17:00:27 [GMT -0700] (8:00 PM EDT here) you wrote:

> Here's a question not an answer. If I'm running McAfee is it actually
> being used by TB or do I need to do something within TB to use it?

As I recall, VirusScan starts when you boot up. You have to enable
System Scan, Download Scan, and the scanning of E-mail attachments.
(Once you do the enabling, everything should come up enabled
thereafter.) Also as I recall you should to look at the various check
boxes associated with what you're enabling and check the most
stringent of each of the choices.

Using The Bat! v1.62r 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build a


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-20 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Miguel, 

Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:18:39 [GMT +0100] (11:18 AM EST here) you wrote:

> Hello all,

> I need/want to set up a manual filter to flag messages that include a
> MID from me (my domain) in the References header line. I'm certainly
> no expert with Regexp and, aside of that, I didn't have a good night
> sleep last night.

> I have set up the following:

> Strings: <.*\[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Location: Kludges Presence: Yes

> And I have selected Regular Expression on the Options tab.

> Note: I use the \d so it will look for a digit before @ and therefore
> not have a match with my e-mail address in X-Envelope-To.

> But this is not working, not finding any. Any idea why?

To be sure it is less elegant, but I'll bet the following will
work. (I fit works, you won't have to resort to any regular expression
except, possibly, a smile of satisfaction .)

TheBat! --> Sorting Office --> New

In the slot for the string, type in the logically ORed expression:


Under Rule is,

  [x] manual only

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build a


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: external editor in BAT?

2003-01-15 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Alexander, 

Wed, 15 Jan 2003 22:06:53 [GMT +0500] (12:06 PM EST here) you wrote:

> Hello Daniel,

>On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:09:45 -0500 (15.01.03 19:09 my local time)
>you wrote about "external editor in BAT?"
>at least in part:

DG>> TheBat! knows to respond to a double-left-click on a URL shown
DG>> in a message, by calling your default browser.
>   No...
> The Bat always uses only action "Open" for found protocol and _ignore_
> "default" action, which can differ from Open (and even if you kill Open,
> Windows restore it)

To be absolutely certain, I just tested my system for two cases.

Case 1

I rebooted the system. Then I connected to the Internet via my
Internet Service Provider.

I started TheBat!. I displayed the content of a message that had an
http link. I left-double-clicked on the link.

Opera, my default browser, started, and Opera displayed the linked-to

Case 2

I started by rebooted the system. Then I connected to the Internet via
my Internet Service Provider.

I started Netscape Navigator. This made Netscape Navigator my open

I started TheBat!. I displayed the content of a message (the same
message as in Case 1) that had an http link. I left-double-clicked on
the link.

Just as it did in Case 1, Opera, my default browser, started, and
Opera (and not Netscape Navigator) displayed the linked-to document.

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
on Windows 95 4.0 Build a


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: external editor in BAT?

2003-01-15 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Dierk, 

Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:29:04 [GMT +0100] (2:29 PM EST here) you wrote:

> Hello Charlie!

> On Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 5:54:20 PM you wrote:

>> And will V.2 be able to launch a URL 'handler' of one's choice with
>> say, 'one click'? I mean there are a lot of 'email clients' that are
>> not in the same league with the bat that don't have this problem.

> How do you copy a URL into the clipboard in those mailers?

TheBat! knows to respond to a double-left-click on a URL shown
in a message, by calling your default browser.

The trick is to inform your system that a particular browser is your
default browser. Look up "default" in your browser's help index to
find out how.

You also must tell your browser how to find TheBat! See "Making TB
work with browsers" under:

TheBat! | Help | Help Topics
 | Contents | Help and Troubleshooting | Common Errors

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
on Windows 95 4.0 Build a


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Automatic time zone change in the spring and fall

2002-11-18 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Januk, 

Sun, 17 Nov 2002 22:55:10[GMT -0800] (1:55 AM EST here) you wrote:

> Hello Januk,

> It was Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 11:47 PM, when I [JA] wrote:

JA>> Yes, use the following to compute your timezone offset:
JA>> The TZOffset QT seems to work on all sample messages here, but your
JA>> mileage may vary.

> Unfortunately this fails when the two timezones (yours and your
> correspondent) happen to be on different days at the time the original
> message was sent.  The general fix is not trivial with TB.  I can give
> you an error-prone fix right now, but the general fix is still
> elusive.

I think that if we calculate/read the message's GMT hour, we can only
be off by 0 hours, + 24 hours, or -24 hours, because GMT is GMT no
matter which side of the International Date Line the message was sent
from. I infer that there are only twelve (a very finite number) of
possible offsets:

EDT:  -4, -28,
  -4+24=+20, -28+24=-4
  -4-24=-28, -28-24=-52

EST:  -5, -29,
  -5+24=+19, -29+24=-5
  -5-24=-29, -29-24=-53

I can modify TZSelect to check for twelve (rather than four) offsets,
if you think it necessary.


It occurs to me that Windows knows what time zone my clock thinks it's
in, and Windows knows (or has calculated) whether to keep Daylight or
Standard Time. Can Window's brain be picked?

What do you think?

Using The Bat! v1.61 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Local name of day, when different from replied-to message's name ofday, template.

2002-11-18 Thread Daniel Grunberg
I have no idea of how to do it, but I'd like to determine the name of
my local (EST/EDT) day that corresponds to a message's day. If and
only if the message's day is different from my local day, I'd like to
include my day in the "you wrote" line above the quote. For example,
by INCLUDEing a template(s) in my "you wrote" line template, I'd
automatically be able to say:

"Sat,16 Nov 2002 23:47:10[GMT -0800] (2:47 AM EST Sun, here) you wrote:"

  - or -

"Sat,16 Nov 2002 23:47:10[GMT +0800] (10:47 AM EST, here) you wrote:"

  - or -

"Sat,16 Nov 2002 13:47:10[GMT -0800] (4:47 PM EST, here) you wrote:"

  - or -

"Sat,16 Nov 2002 09:47:10[GMT +0800] (8:47 PM EST Fri, here) you wrote:"

I have a system of templates every thing in the "you wrote" line,
except the inclusion (when necessary) of the local day.

Ideas, anyone?

Using The Bat! v1.61 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Automatic time zone change in the spring and fall

2002-11-18 Thread Daniel Grunberg
Hi Januk,

Sat, 16 Nov 2002 23:47:10[GMT -0800] (2:47 AM EST here) you wrote:

(Please note that the above line was written by QINCLUDEing TZSelect
in place of EST (or EDT) in my reply template, but I had to change
TZSelect slightly.)

> On Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 11:39 GMT -0500, legend has it that
> Daniel Grunberg [DG] recited the incantation:

DG>> Is there a way I can fix my template, so that "EST" or "EDT" will be
DG>> given in the quote, in automatic accordance with my system time?

DG>> I have no idea of how to do it, but I thought that I might want to:
DG>>   1. Compute (or get) the original message's GMT hour.
DG>>   2. Compute the difference between the message's GMT hour and the
DG>>  %OTIME hour.
DG>>   3. If the difference is 5 hours, "EST" will be used.
DG>>   4. If the difference is not 5 hours "EDT" will be used.

I forgot that for any given time zone, there are four (NOT two)
possible differences. (See below.)

> Yes, use the following to compute your timezone offset:

> =[Begin TZOffset QT]=
> %Calc='%-
> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?im-s)%-
> %-%-^Date\:.*?\s(\d{0,2})\:\d{0,2}\:\d{0,2}\s.*?([-+]\d{2})\d{2}"%-
> %OTIME="hh" - (%SUBPATT="1" - (%SUBPATT="2"))'%-
> =[ End  TZOffset QT]=

> Then replace your EST with:

> =[Begin TZSelect QT]=
> %IF:"%QInclude='TZOffset'"="-5":"EST":"EDT"%-
> =[ End  TZSelect QT]=

> The TZOffset QT seems to work on all sample messages here, but your
> mileage may vary.

Thank you for your answer, Januk.

Fortunately your message's time, 23:47 in the GMT-8 time zone is the day
before GMT's day. So your TZSelect yielded "DST" (the result that
would be yielded when TZOffset yields anything other than "-4" in the
problem I originally outlined), instead of the "EST" I expected.

I decided to test TZOffset, by QINCLUDEing TZOffset in my original
reply template instead of QINCLUDEing TZSelect there. Sure enough,
TZOffset yielded "-29". After some thought, I realized that for a few
hours each day, GMT's day is Eastern (Standard/Daylight) Time's
tomorrow. Since midnight is 00 hours, 1 AM is 01 hours, ..., TZOffset
yields a difference that's off by 24 hours, during the time when GMT
day is ahead of Eastern (Standard/Daylight) Time. As a result, there
are four (NOT two) possible differences that TZOffset can yield:

 -5 during Eastern Standard Time (EST), when the message's GMT
day is the same as EST's equivalent day.

-29 during Eastern Standard Time (EST), when the message's GMT
day is EST's equivalent day's tomorrow.

 -4 during Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), when the message's GMT
day is the same as EDT's equivalent day.

-28 for Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), when the message's GMT
day is EDT's equivalent day's tomorrow.

Fortunately for me, TZSelect was just an IF, THEN, ELSE statement in
disguise , so even an old hardware engineer could understand it
. I was able to account for the four possibilities by
changing TZSelect to:

=[Begin TZSelect QT]=


=[End TZSelect QT]=

I tested everything with "today messages" and "tomorrow messages."
Then I set my clock back to August, and rechecked everything in
Eastern Daylight Time. Everything works.

Januk, thank you again for your help. Particularly, thank you for
making me think.

  -- Dan

Using The Bat! v1.61 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Automatic time zone change in the spring and fall

2002-11-16 Thread Daniel Grunberg
At the end of October, my system's clock automatically changed back
from Daylight to Standard time. But my TheBat! reply template changed
only partially. The time show is right, but I noticed today (several
weeks late!) that the time zone had to be corrected manually.

I %INCLUDE the following file in my reply template:

 (%OTIME EST here)

Is there a way I can fix my template, so that "EST" or "EDT" will be
given in the quote, in automatic accordance with my system time?

I have no idea of how to do it, but I thought that I might want to:
  1. Compute (or get) the original message's GMT hour.
  2. Compute the difference between the message's GMT hour and the
 %OTIME hour.
  3. If the difference is 5 hours, "EST" will be used.
  4. If the difference is not 5 hours "EDT" will be used.

Using The Bat! v1.61
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: attached files in replies

2002-07-13 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:51:12[GMT -0300]   (6:51 PM EDST) you wrote:

> Can I make to include de original attached files in replies ???

While in Edit Mail Message

  Utilities | Attach files | MIME Coded

Using The Bat! v1.60q/Post3 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Re: The Bat Crashes

2002-05-29 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Wed, 29 May 2002 15:33:23[GMT -0700]   (6:33 PM EDST) Mike Dillinger wrote:

> Since I've upgrade to v1.60m, The Bat! crashes on a daily basis, and over
> the past two weeks I've lost my mail account settings and numerous
> messages.

> [SNIP]

> Can I go backwards in versions?  v1.60k did not do this to me and
> seemed to work fine, at least in this respect.

I just went back to 1.60h, from which I had "upgraded" to "m".

1. Backup your accounts and common folders [Tools | Backup | when
you're asked what to backup, check every box].

2. Uninstall TheBat!; uninstall everything (registry etc.) the TB!'s
unistall asks about.

3. Download and run thebat.exe for (in your case) 1.60k.

[I just FTPed over to where I found tb160k.rar in
/pub/the_bat/beta/ . (UltimateZip is freeware, and UltimateZip will
decompress .rar files.)]

4. When thebat.exe asks, elect to restore your your account from the
backup file you made in step 1.

Good luck.

Using The Bat! v1.60h 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Re: RegExp: pls comment on/help with popular regexps (fix subject)

2002-05-05 Thread Daniel Grunberg

The tutorial "Special: Regular Expressions in The
Bat!" looks like something I really need to study. Unfortunately, I
have no German. (I tried an online translation service, but the
English translation was almost impossible to follow.)

Is there an English version of Pro-Privacy's tutorial?

Does anyone know of a good, TheBat!-oriented, regular expressions
*tutorial*, that was written in English?

on Sun, 5 May 2002 13:58:42[GMT +0200] (7:58 AM EDST) Gerd Ewald

> Tutorial for using PGP with TheBat!

Using The Bat! v1.60c 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Re: May be the wrong list but....

2002-04-29 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:32:54[GMT +0200]   (4:32 AM EDST) you wrote:

> [Daniel: export to "Comma Separated Plain Text" does not quite do
> that job as you cannot select the order in which the data is
> given...]

Comma separated plain text can be imported into a spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet can be formatted to make a nice, printable address

Using The Bat! v1.60c

on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Re: May be the wrong list but....

2002-04-28 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Sat, 27 Apr 2002 22:33:19[GMT -0700]   (1:33 AM EDST) Grimnir wrote:

> But why does the The Bat! have an address book that includes all
> kinds of personal information, but there is really no way to access
> it without opening the address book separately, and copy/paste the
> info you need?

Look at:

TheBat! | Help | Index | "export email addresses"


TheBat! | Tools | Address Book

highlight THE address book's name

File | Export to | Comma Separated Plain Text

name the exported file

choose the fields you want to export

Using The Bat! v1.60c 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Re: Red X questio

2002-04-25 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:09:18[GMT -0700] (12:09 PM EDST) Grimnir wrote:

> Is there a way that i may send 'dummy' messages to everyone in my
> address book, to make sure they still have a valid address?

> These people don't have to receive the mail, just something so I know it
> is no longer working?

> Not a line in the e-mail saying they must respond, but I was thing some
> more along the line of a reg X that will check each mail as it goes out,
> and if it bounces 3 times in a roe it will remove it from the address
> book, or marked it as 'not valid'

1. Create a new address book (Address Book | File | New Address Book)

Call the new book NEW

2. Select address book NEW

Create a new group (Edit | New Group)Name: ALL   Handle: ALL

3. Select your original address book then select all of your entries
(Edit | Select All)

4. Copy the entries (right-click | Copy)

5. Select group ALL of address book NEW

6. Paste a copy of your list in group All (right-click | Paste)

7. Compose a message with no text

To: ALL (which will self complete as ALL)

Subject: Test --please DO NOT read and no text.

Send the message.

Sit back and wait messages notifying you of any bad addresses.


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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