Englisch Board/Forum

2004-05-04 Thread Thomas Martin
Hello TB Fans,

because the Forum of Ritlabs is constantly down , i opened yesterday a new English
Forum. It is in development but well working and frequented from TB! fans
since one day. Hope you like it.

For now these Url's. Will be changed in a proper domain  soon.




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Re: TBDEV now up and running

2003-01-16 Thread Thomas Martin
Hallo Marck,

On  Thursday, 16. January 2003, at 16:37:56 [GMT +] you wrote:

>  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subscribe

I think this way it is correct, no?

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe



Mailer: TheBat! 1.63 Beta/4
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 1
PGP:PGP 6.58ckt Build 08 | Key: 0xABBB7287
HP: http://thebat.ist-super.de/

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: makro " Which was 14:24:51 where i live"

2002-04-13 Thread Thomas Martin

Hello Luc,

On Saturday, 13.April 2002 @ 21:08:43 [GMT +0200][19:08:43 where i live] 
you wrote on: "makro " Which was 14:24:51 where i live"":

AL>> OTIME :-)...
>  This one will not show the seconds though, which i believed he
>  wanted also.
i just wanted to know that one..the original time of the sender i
solved with a regex. But didnt OTIME also show the original time of
the sender. I want to have my local time when the sender sended his
email. he sendet it at 3 o clock his time which means for example 6
o clock my time (where i live). This 6 oclock i want to do!


Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
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Key Request: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xB3DC67A3
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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makro " Which was 14:24:51 where i live"

2002-04-13 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Luc,

On Friday, 12.April 2002 @ 16:32:57 [GMT +0200] 
you wrote on: "Reply Format":

> It was foretold that on 12-4-2002 @ 05:42:51 GMT-0700 (which was
> 14:42:51 where I live) Ken & Marilyn wrote and spread these wise
> comments on "Reply Format":

With which Makro o Regex you do: "which was 14:42:51 where i live" ?
Of cource only for the time! :)


Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt | Key ID: 0xB3DC67A3
Key Request: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xB3DC67A3
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
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regex and...

2002-04-09 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Allie,

you remember this thread? was there a solution found for filtering the
different languages into different files!  One that finaly worked!

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt | Key ID: 0xB3DC67A3
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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TheBat and PGP

2002-04-07 Thread Thomas Martin

Hello TheBat! Tech List,

 is there a posibility to tell TB with which key (i have 2) he has to
 sign a message. I know the makro: %signcomplete. But only with this,
 the as default marked key apears and i have to change the key by
 handknow..but i am lazy..

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Allie,

i was to fast, the filter works in waz waz fine. But if the email
Adressen are filtert from a a mailingslist like Yahoo, the return mail
will be send to the yahoo mailinglist adress, not to the original
sender (the person who sends to the group)

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
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Re: makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hi Allie,

On Monday, 1.April 2002, at 17:10:20 [GMT -0500][19:10 where i live] 
you wrote in: "makro and adressbook":

> At first I thought it couldn't be done (my faith faltered for a sec
> ) but now I see that it's possible.

Thanks a lot for help. Sometimes i dont see the forest because of alot
trees...Works fine!

Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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makro and adressbook

2002-04-01 Thread Thomas Martin

Hello TheBat! Tech List,

 i want to do following:

 1. Incoming mails are sorted into diferent folders. Works fine!
 2. The email adresses of this sorted emails were entered automaticly in
 a special adressbook. Works fine!
 3. But now! I want, if the adress is NEW that TB automaticly creats
 an email to this new sender If i do it with "Adress hasnt to be
 in the adressbook", even the first filter which sorts the email into
 the special folder doesnt work if the email is in the adress book. I
 want that each eamil is filtered into the special folder but only for
 new senders created a responding email.


- --
Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
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