Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Jack,

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:41:40 -0500 GMT (07/09/2000, 23:41 +0800 GMT),
Jack LaRosa wrote:

JL I recently "upgraded" my OS from Win95 to Win98 and after having done
JL so I noticed the "favorites" down-arrow (next to the CREATE A NEW
JL MESSAGE button) no longer produced a drop-down list of favorite
JL addresses as it used to.

Works fine here; but never un-installed and re-installed.


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Jamie Dainton

Hello Jack LaRosa,
On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:41:40 -0500 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, September 07, 2000, 16:41:40 (GMT+0100) (BST) my local time,

Jack LaRosa wrote:

JL Now, having properly prepared the machine, I re-installed Win98 and
JL once again, the favorites arrow no longer works. If I click on the
JL arrow, the arrow is depressed and remains so until I click on it
JL again. At no time will the list of favorites drop down. Checking,
JL un-checking and re-checking an address book entry makes no difference.

Hmm that would mean that your registry keys for TB! were deleted
unless you'd backed them up. The drop downs are stored in the
registry. Therefore if you delete your favorites list it won't be
able to drop down.

Also the blue arrow is add address to address book not favourites. The
down arrow shows the history. The favourites are accessed by right
clicking on the address bar, also the favourites check box has to be
checked in the address book. If you hover over a button the fool tips
gives a short description of it.

 Jamie Dainton  
 On Friday, September 08, 2000 at 08:49:44  
 The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5
 Windows 98 4.10 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=sendKey
 665.9238429876 - Number of the Pentium Beast

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread A . Curtis Martin

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 08:53:00 +0100, Jamie Dainton wrote:

JL Now, having properly prepared the machine, I re-installed Win98 and
JD  ^^^
JL once again, the favorites arrow no longer works. If I click on the
JL arrow, the arrow is depressed and remains so until I click on it
JL again. At no time will the list of favorites drop down. Checking,
JL un-checking and re-checking an address book entry makes no difference.

JD Hmm that would mean that your registry keys for TB! were deleted
JD unless you'd backed them up.

When he uninstalls the upgrade, things are back to normal with TB!. :-/
Doesn't sound like registry key deletions if this is the case.

JD The drop downs are stored in the registry. Therefore if you delete
JD your favorites list it won't be able to drop down.

Seems like a Win95 to 98 upgrade 'spook'. :-)

A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
** "Variables won't; constants aren't. "

Using TB! v1.46 Beta/5 «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re[2]: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

The saddest part of this is that it is another example of why most
developers do not use the registry to store anything.  The only
'problem' i have had since moving to TB has been the use of the

I have sent a couple of messages to the 'bug' email box but have not
received one reply.  They are probably to busy adding a newsviewer to
fix/remove the registry concept.

I almost went back to Eudora the other day .. but their newest beta
gave me reason to stay with TB until I find something better. G

Friday, September 08, 2000, 5:16:08 AM, you wrote:


JD The drop downs are stored in the registry. Therefore if you delete
JD your favorites list it won't be able to drop down.

ACM Seems like a Win95 to 98 upgrade 'spook'. :-)

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Ming-Li

On Friday, September 08, 2000, 6:56:08 AM, David wrote:

 The saddest part of this is that it is another example of why most
 developers do not use the registry to store anything.  The only
 'problem' i have had since moving to TB has been the use of the

Though I agree with you to a degree about the use of registry, this
is not another example. As I pointed out earlier, the favorites Jack
was asking are not stored in the registry.

I'm not sure most developers don't use the registry, either. Most of
the programs I use do. The concept of a central registry has its
merits, too, IMHO, though I do want TB to make less use of it.

 I have sent a couple of messages to the 'bug' email box but have
 not received one reply.  They are probably to busy adding a
 newsviewer to fix/remove the registry concept.

Well, it's actually not a "bug". And since it's related to the
structural design of TB in general, I happen to think it appropriate
to be dealt with in v2.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Ming-Li

On Friday, September 08, 2000, 12:53:00 AM, Jamie wrote:

JL Now, having properly prepared the machine, I re-installed Win98
JL and
JL once again, the favorites arrow no longer works. If I click on the
JL arrow, the arrow is depressed and remains so until I click on it
JL again. At no time will the list of favorites drop down. Checking,
JL un-checking and re-checking an address book entry makes no difference.

 Hmm that would mean that your registry keys for TB! were deleted
 unless you'd backed them up. The drop downs are stored in the
 registry. Therefore if you delete your favorites list it won't be
 able to drop down.

I think you misunderstood what Jack meant. The arrow he was
referring to was that beside the "New Message" button on the toolbar
in the main window (instead of the message editing window).

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread A . Curtis Martin

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 06:56:08 -0700, David Tod Sigafoos wrote:

DTS The saddest part of this is that it is another example of why most
DTS developers do not use the registry to store anything.

Actually, my experience is quite the contrary. Most developers seem to
use the registry to store stuff. :-)

DTS The only 'problem' i have had since moving to TB has been the use
DTS of the registry.

I haven't had any problems in this regard. I, however, tend to be a lot
cleaner than most with my movements and migrations. I avoid MS OS
upgrades like the plague. The only time I'll tolerate the concept is if
you do a clean install of one and then *immediately* do the upgrade
without having installed anything else. I've done this for a couple
buddies and their systems are fine and trouble free.

DTS I have sent a couple of messages to the 'bug' email box but have
DTS not received one reply. They are probably to busy adding a
DTS newsviewer to fix/remove the registry concept.

But The Bat!'s storing config data in the registry is not a bug. :-)

DTS I almost went back to Eudora the other day .. but their newest beta
DTS gave me reason to stay with TB until I find something better. G

Eudora?!! Yuk. :-) ducking

A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
** "Useless Invention: Solar powered flashlight. "

Using TB! v1.46 Beta/5 «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread A . Curtis Martin

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 18:11:55 +0100, Tony Boom wrote:

TB I've just installed Windows ME after using 98se. I ran this little
TB utility from a sub folder of TB! and then saved the whole TB! folder
TB as is to zip disc. I installed ME put TB back where it was, double
TB clicked the .reg file and TB! is just as if it had never been moved.
TB No recreation of accounts or folders or anything.

There you go. ;-) I do a manual registry export. It doesn't take long at

TB   PS to Allie: Even my filters and address book remained intact this
TB   time.

Good. :-)

A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
** "A man needs a good memory after he has lied. "

Using TB! v1.46 Beta/5 «» Win2k Pro SP1

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NetscapeTB!folderdefault template

2000-09-08 Thread Jack LaRosa

Hello Bats!,

I tried to make the subject as short as possible but it wound up being
somewhat cryptic. Here's what it means:

I just found out that if I'm in Netscape and I click on a mailto, TB!
launches automagically just as I want it to, however...the new message
screen that appears is the *folder* template from whichever folder I had
open last time I closed TB! Not only that, but the Netscape mailto
address appears first on the address line with the last-open-folder
addressee following it.

I expected to see a completely blank message screen. What ridiculously
simple setting am I overlooking? Will I have to remember to select my
mailbox folder every time I close TB!? I haven't tried that so I don't
even know if it works.

Jack LaRosa   mail to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alabama, USA

Message created 6:32:48 PM  (GMT-6) on Friday, September 08, 2000
Using The Bat! ver. 1.45 (reg)
under Windows 98  ver.4.10  build   Service Pack  A 

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2000-09-08 Thread Jack LaRosa

Hello Bats!,

Thanks to all who replied regarding this problem. Since it isn't a
major annoyance I'll probably just live with it (or without it) and
wait for the next TB! upgrade. Maybe that'll have some effect on it.

Best regards,
Jack LaRosa   mail to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alabama, USA

Message created 7:18:17 PM  (GMT-6) on Friday, September 08, 2000
Using The Bat! ver. 1.45 (reg)
under Windows 98  ver.4.10  build   Service Pack  A 

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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Tony,

On  Friday, September 08, 2000  at  18:11:55 GMT +0100 (which was 10:11 AM
where I live) witnesses say Tony Boom typed:

 This message: 08/09/2000 17:51 GMT.

   A reminder of what David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
   08 September 2000 at 06:56:08 GMT -0700

DTS The saddest part of this is that it is another example of why most
DTS developers do not use the registry to store anything

 Hello David,

   I've got a little utility that saves every reg entry needed for the
   reinstallation of TB! I can't remember who sent it but it was
   someone on this list.

   I can't remember who the originator was but I am sure he would not
   mind if I made it available to this list once again. It's just a
   simple but very effective batch file but there is no mention of the
   author in it.

 I had written and posted a batch file several moons ago.  Since
 yours didn't  come through, I'm posting the "source code" here.  Just
 cut and paste it into a file called TBbackup.bat and put that file in
 your TB folder (or where ever you want the backups to be stored.)
 Also note that this will only backup the current Windows Profile's
 registry settings.  For other profiles, you will need to run this
 while logged into those profiles.  Remember, different profiles mean
 this utility needs to be run in different folders for each Windows

Begin Backup Batch file

@echo off
rem Written by Januk Aggarwal
echo Welcome to your The Bat! Registry Backup program.
echo  ___
echo *   *
echo *1. Back up my registry NOW!!   *
echo *2. Don't you dare!  Get me outta here! *
echo *   *
echo *___*
choice /c:12
if errorlevel 2 goto end
if errorlevel 1 goto begin

echo Good choice, I'm just checking for previous backup attempts.
if not exist TBbckup2.reg goto continue
echo Your previous backup is being stored in TBbckup2.reg
if exist TBbckup1.reg del TBbckup2.reg

if exist TBbckup1.reg rename TBbckup1.reg TBbckup2.reg
start /w regedit /e TBbckup1.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!"
if not exist TBbckup1.reg echo Error!  Something went wrong.  Backup not successful.
if exist TBbckup1.reg echo Success! Your registry entries for The Bat! are backed up!

echo Thank you for using this backup utility.

End Backup Batch file


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: NetscapeTB!folderdefault template

2000-09-08 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jack,

On  09  September  2000 at 18:49:12 GMT -0500 (which was 00:49 where I
live) Jack LaRosa wrote and made these points on the subject
of "NetscapeTB!folderdefault template":

JL ...the new message screen that appears is the *folder* template
JL from whichever folder I had open last time I closed TB! ...

JL ... What ridiculously simple setting am I overlooking?

You're not, unfortunately.

JL Will I have to remember to select my mailbox folder every time I
JL close TB!? I haven't tried that so I don't even know if it works.

When  I  discovered  these and other tragic side effects of relying on
folder  templates, I spent a couple of days ripping out every last one
of  them  and switching to use *only* account default and Address Book
templates. IMHO this was a sound investment of time and effort.

AFAIAC  it  is  the  recipient that commands the format of an outgoing
message rather than whichever folder last had the focus.

Not what you wanted to hear, I expect :-(.

- --

[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]

 Sign on an electrician's truck: Let us remove your shorts
TB! v1.46 Beta/5 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness!


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Re: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Januk,

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 18:31:01 -0700 GMT (09/09/2000, 09:31 +0800 GMT),
Januk Aggarwal wrote:

   I've got a little utility that saves every reg entry needed for the
   reinstallation of TB! I can't remember who sent it but it was
   someone on this list.

JA  I had written and posted a batch file several moons ago.

I also uploaded your batch file to the "files" section of TBOT.
Anybody can go to, log in to "tbot", look for the
"files" section, and download it from there.


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.46 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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