Re: Mod: Cut mark

2004-10-31 Thread Keith Russell
Marck D Pearlstone wrote:
Please include a signature delimiter in your messages.
Ouch! First time ever (I think), and now twice in one day! Things 
are smelling awfully fishy here. :-(

I've been having email problems today and switching back and 
forth between clients, and somehow my signature got deleted. Sorry!


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: OT: Localhost Help Needed

2004-10-31 Thread Keith Russell
My apologies, Marck (and all subscribers).
You're right, of course. This is ABSOLUTELY off topic!
I intended to post this to another list. I wondered why it hadn't
appeared there, so I finally did a search and discovered it in
TBUDL. I don't know HOW I managed to do that, but I do surprise
myself sometimes
Off to TBOT to check for followups. :-)
...Never mind the facts - I know what I know.
Using The Bat! Rush under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 on a 
2.4 GHZ Pentium IV with 512 MB.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: HTML displaying in V.3.01

2004-10-31 Thread John Phillips

Hi Thomas,
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, at 22:32:37 [GMT+0700] (which was Thu, 2:32:37
Australian Eastern Time) you wrote:

> Are you sure you are seeing HTML versions, or are these users posting
> in TUF, causing TB to switch to the RTV by default?

Still get this problem from Chinese senders.  Not sure what you means by
above, can you explain further?  (Technically challenged!)

John Phillips, Sydney, Australia

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2 

1024x768x256 Sounds like one mean woman.

Winamp currently playing:  Nothing

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Move From 3.01 Home to 3.01 Pro

2004-10-31 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Roelof!

On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 6:21 PM, you wrote:

MR>> Should I just install the Pro over the Home version? Any other
MR>> potential issues?

RO> No real need for that. The only difference between the
RO> installation for home and pro is the international pack. It's the
RO> license that unleashes the full power of the pro version. When you
RO> didn't install the international yet, that would indicate that you
RO> don't need/use it, so there would be no need to install the pro
RO> version on top of the home version. When you already did download
RO> the intpack, there's no need to install the pro version either,
RO> since you've got everything.

Roelof, what about the hardware token capability? It's my
understanding that it is already written into the Pro version, and on
November 30 further improvements will be available.

Best regards,
The Bat! (Professional Edition) Rush
on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

TBUDL Mission Statement

2004-10-31 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Greetings TB Listers,

This is your monthly message from the moderation team to remind you
of the primary purpose of this discussion list.

To review the list rules, follow the link at the end of this message.

Before  posting a question to the list, please check The Bat! User's
FAQ  at:  and  the list
archive  at[EMAIL PROTECTED] To
subscribe,  send  a message to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
There  is also a beginners 'MAQ' (Most Asked Questions) available by
clicking  here:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  and
sending the resulting message.

 TBUDL Mission statement

The  TBUDL  list  has  been set up for the purpose of discussing The
Bat! and how to use it. It is a community of users ready and able to
help  new  users  get to grips with some of the capabilities of this
flexible  email  client.  More  complex  issues are discussed on the
TBTECH list (see below for details).

Simply  send  messages to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] to send it
to the whole list.

See  the  notes  at the end of this message for details about how to
manage your list membership or to leave the list.

It  would probably be a good idea for you to set up a folder to keep
TBUDL  messages  in.  If  you do this, the next most useful thing to
have  in  place  is an automatic filter to move mail from your inbox
into your TBUDL folder.

Set up a filter for incoming mail which looks for:

Header Field [Reply-To] Contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Roguemoticon Project

It's  nice to see your contact's face in the header ... and for them
to  see  yours. That's what roguemoticons are all about. If you wish
to add yourself, then you'll need to visit this site
What  this  place  will  do  for  you  is  to allow you to create an
account,  add  your  image  and  then  let  you download a .ZIP file
containing  all  the  files  you'll  need to be able so see people's
faces  without  having  to  send  or  receive any real images in any

To trigger the roguemoticon display in the message header for anyone
reading  your  message  using  TB,  you have the choice of using the
X-Rogue: header or a signature trigger.

  How to use a signature trigger
The  image  is  triggered  by  a 'Handle' you've defined in your
account,  and  when  that  Handle  appears  in a message it gets
replaced on the client side by the corresponding image. A handle
could  look  like anything you want it to look like pretty much.
For example:
Just add this text to your standard message signature block.

  How to create the X-Rogue: header
You can do that with this macro:
%SetHeader('X-Rogue',':your_handle:')%-  in  your  templates for
this and other tb-lists.
However, the macro alone won't do the trick.
TB'll  say: 'Hey, that's not any RFC822 header I know about', so
you'll have to define it as such:
Options  ..  Preferences .. Messages .. Message headers .. 'Add'

Now you'll get a pop-up to define the header

  Display as: X-Rogue (or whatever, it isn't very important)
  RFC header: X-Rogue
  Uncheck: 'This field is an address list' (because it isn't)
  Check: 'Allow this field to be edited in the message editor'
  Uncheck:  'Display  this  field  in the scrollable part of the
  header pane'

Now you're done and every TB-user can see your lovable face when
they've installed the roguemoticons.

For you to see peoples faces:

  To get this going, you should be running TB! v2.12 or later. Fetch
  the following file:

  Unzip it to the 'Images' directory that's in your TB! installation
  directory: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images
  You  should  now  have a directory called 'rogues' containing many
  images  as well as the file 'rogues.msl' in your Images directory.
  Go into the preferences, and bring up the View/Editor options. Now
  hit  Shift-CTRL-Alt-T  while  TB!  is in focus. This will re-fetch
  TB!'s smiley set from disk and load the new images.

TBOT - The Bat off topic discussion list

One of our members has created a list for those occasional off topic
discussions  of public interest. Please feel free to join this list,
where many of our readership currently participate.


Re: Move From 3.01 Home to 3.01 Pro

2004-10-31 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Michael,

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 17:09:32 -0500GMT (31-10-2004, 23:09 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

MR> Should I just install the Pro over the Home version? Any other
MR> potential issues?

No real need for that. The only difference between the installation
for home and pro is the international pack.
It's the license that unleashes the full power of the pro version.
When you didn't install the international yet, that would indicate
that you don't need/use it, so there would be no need to install the
pro version on top of the home version.
When you already did download the intpack, there's no need to install
the pro version either, since you've got everything.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, Vacancy.  (I came, I saw, I managed to find a room.)

The Bat! Rush
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Move From 3.01 Home to 3.01 Pro

2004-10-31 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Michael!

On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 4:09 PM, you wrote:

MR> I tried out the 3.01 Home version and decided to spend the extra $6
MR> for the Pro version. (You can tell that I'm a big spender .) I'm
MR> waiting for the registration key and have downloaded the Pro file.

I'm running the Pro version. I installed it directly over v. 2.12.00
as v. 3.0.

I have since installed numerous betas leading up to v. and I
installed each of them directly over the previous version. Only one
failed to open, and installing the immediately supplied beta to fix
it, did the trick of providing a working application. Since v. I have proceeded through several betas to the beta v.
which I am presently using.

The advice of the developers is to install directly over the previous
version without removing it.

MR> Should I just install the Pro over the Home version? Any other
MR> potential issues?

Yes, install the Pro over the Home version. Make a back-up of
everything first, as you normally would before any change of your

I would think you face few if any potential issues. A faulty download
or difficulty with the .msi installation come to mind as remotely
possible problems.

In which case you could re-download the Home version until you could
get some help. Or, simply try re-downloading the Pro version and
installing it over what you already have, again.

In the absolute worst case of a non-working application--highly
unlikely scenario--you can get help here on tbudl. Many very
experienced people read here and are happy to try to help.

Best regards,
The Bat! Rush on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Move From 3.01 Home to 3.01 Pro

2004-10-31 Thread Michael Rudnick
I tried out the 3.01 Home version and decided to spend the extra $6
for the Pro version. (You can tell that I'm a big spender .) I'm
waiting for the registration key and have downloaded the Pro file.

Should I just install the Pro over the Home version? Any other
potential issues?


Michael Rudnick 

Using The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 (2600) Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Localhost Help Needed

2004-10-31 Thread Martin Webster
Keith Russell [KR], wrote:

KR> Generated Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:57:34 GMT by
KR> (squid/2.5.STABLE6)

Is XMission your ISP? My guess is you're using your ISPs proxy server
and need to disable it for local addresses.

.\\artin | ICQ 15893823

"Thus, the task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to
think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody sees."
IMAP Client: The Bat! Version Rush | Horde IMP WebMail
IMAPS Server: Dovecot | OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Localhost Help Needed

2004-10-31 Thread Keith Russell
Hi, everyone.
I posted my problem to the Microsoft networking newsgroup and 
didn't get any help, so I thought I'd try here--since several 
others have received good help with network issues.

I'm running Windows XP SP2. A few weeks ago, I installed the 
SpamBayes antispam program. When I tried to access the SpamBayes 
user interface at http://localhost:8880 (SpamBayes comes with a 
script to do that), I found that I got a "page unavailable" 
error. When I ran it, it generated all the correct messages with 
no errors, but the browser page didn't open. If I entered the URL 
manually, I got "The page cannot be displayed".

In doing some further checking, I found that I could ping 
localhost, but I could not telnet to it.

When I checked the event logs, everything looked fine; in fact, 
the latest entries were from four hours earlier.

This had all been working a few days earlier. I had made some 
changes to my system to improve performance, so there's a chance 
that I might have done something to affect this, so that the next 
time I started the script, it didn't work.

As I continued my testing, I found that the results are the same 
regardless of port, whether 23, 8000, 8080, or 8880. I get an 
error message saying, "Connecting to localhost...Could not open 
connection to the host, on port : Connect failed."

When I learned about the new new Google Desktop Search, I was 
excited to try it out, but found that I can't use it, because 
it's all browser based. If I right click on the icon in the 
status tray and make a selection, whether About, Status, 
Preferences, or Search, it fails.

For example:
The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:
Connection Failed
The system returned:
(111) Connection refusedThe remote host or network may be down. 
Please try the request again.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Generated Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:57:34 GMT by 

Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Is there a service I need to 
start, or something else?

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: [the_bat] Re: Menu Pulldowns Blank

2004-10-31 Thread Michael Acklin
Sunday, October 31, 2004, 11:54:32 AM, (Internet Time - @787) you wrote:

Hello Jeff,

JG> I just wondered if it might be a resource issue on a 9x based PC, or a
JG> dual monitor issue that some people have.

JG> The only time I have seen this on XP is testing programs I have
JG> written that poke into the innards of Explorer's context menu.

JG> Perhaps somebody else will have some ideas?

 Thanks again, Jeff. I have never seen this before and I was wondering
 if anyone else had seen it. I know on another list I am on, some
 people were have problems with their icons not showing up right.
 Someone on that list suggested using TweekUI to correct the icon

 So I thought I might ask on here as it was happening with The Bat!,
 but I guess it might not be happening with no one else.

 Again thanks for the reply.

Best regards,
 Michael   :texasflag:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daily Bible Verses at

Registered Linux User #367776

Difference between Hilary and liquid helium?  About 1 degree C.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: [the_bat] Re: Menu Pulldowns Blank

2004-10-31 Thread Jeff Gaines
Hello Group

On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 5:42:11 PM,  wrote:

MA> Sunday, October 31, 2004, 9:56:19 AM, (Internet Time - @705) you wrote:

MA> Hello Jeff,

 JG>> Hello Group

JG>> On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 1:34:03 PM,  wrote:

MA>>> Hello all,

MA>>> When I click on any of The Bats! menus, the pulldowns are completely
MA>>> invisible. But if I move the mouse down the list, the items begin to
MA>>> show up. If I close the menu pulldown, then open it again, the same
MA>>> thing happens.

JG>> Hi Michael

JG>> What O/S, 98X or NT based?

JG>> Are you running dual monitors?

MA> Sorry about that. I am running Windows XP Pro and not running dual
MA> monitors. As I mentioned, it only started happening when I added the
MA> extra memory. I am hoping that it is not a bad memory chip as
MA> everything is working fine except for that little problem.

MA> I have Windows XP SP2 running and running The Bat!, but as I
MA> said The Bat! is not the only program that this is happening to.

MA> Thanks for asking... :)

I just wondered if it might be a resource issue on a 9x based PC, or a
dual monitor issue that some people have.

The only time I have seen this on XP is testing programs I have
written that poke into the innards of Explorer's context menu.

Perhaps somebody else will have some ideas?

Jeff Gaines Damerham Hampshire UK

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [the_bat] Re: Menu Pulldowns Blank

2004-10-31 Thread Michael Acklin
Sunday, October 31, 2004, 9:56:19 AM, (Internet Time - @705) you wrote:

Hello Jeff,

 JG> Hello Group

JG> On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 1:34:03 PM,  wrote:

MA>> Hello all,

MA>> When I click on any of The Bats! menus, the pulldowns are completely
MA>> invisible. But if I move the mouse down the list, the items begin to
MA>> show up. If I close the menu pulldown, then open it again, the same
MA>> thing happens.

JG> Hi Michael

JG> What O/S, 98X or NT based?

JG> Are you running dual monitors?

Sorry about that. I am running Windows XP Pro and not running dual
monitors. As I mentioned, it only started happening when I added the
extra memory. I am hoping that it is not a bad memory chip as
everything is working fine except for that little problem.

I have Windows XP SP2 running and running The Bat!, but as I
said The Bat! is not the only program that this is happening to.

Thanks for asking... :)

Best regards,
 Michael   :texasflag:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daily Bible Verses at

Registered Linux User #367776

Hey, Skoie. That's some outfit. Makes you look homosexual. (McBain)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: That double Firefox window fix?

2004-10-31 Thread Perry Nelson
Hi Marten,

Sunday, October 31, 2004, 11:46:54 AM, you wrote:


aacu> That was the one - thanks

  Glad I could help.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: That double Firefox window fix?

2004-10-31 Thread admin
> Hi admin,

> Sunday, October 31, 2004, 8:26:57 AM, you wrote:

aacu>> Can't find it - can someone remind me of the double window
> opening of
aacu>> Firefox fix?

>   You might try this URL ...


>   ... and the other links contained therein.

That was the one - thanks

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat!
with POPFile 0.22.1
on Windows XP 5.1 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Menu Pulldowns Blank

2004-10-31 Thread Jeff Gaines
Hello Group

On Sunday, October 31, 2004, 1:34:03 PM,  wrote:

MA> Hello all,

MA> When I click on any of The Bats! menus, the pulldowns are completely
MA> invisible. But if I move the mouse down the list, the items begin to
MA> show up. If I close the menu pulldown, then open it again, the same
MA> thing happens.

Hi Michael

What O/S, 98X or NT based?

Are you running dual monitors?

Jeff Gaines Damerham Hampshire UK

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: anglopone help needed

2004-10-31 Thread MAU
Hello Mica,

> 2) WordWeb  - a very good dictionary with
> thesaurus, a UK "product". Defines terms/words in English. (It can be
> "integrated" in Word, and in many other word processors, as well.) It's
> free. (A paid version has some additional "features", but they really
> are not that essential.)

Great tool that I've used for years :)

> 3) Ultra Hal Assistant  - with its Dictionary
> "department" has even more: a HUGE base of Definitions, Synonyms,
> Antonyms, Hyponyms, Hypernyms, Sisters, Meronyms AND Pronunciation. It's
> free.

Never heard of it but I'm going to try it.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: That double Firefox window fix?

2004-10-31 Thread Perry Nelson
Hi admin,

Sunday, October 31, 2004, 8:26:57 AM, you wrote:

aacu> Can't find it - can someone remind me of the double window
opening of
aacu> Firefox fix?

  You might try this URL ...

  ... and the other links contained therein.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: That double Firefox window fix?

2004-10-31 Thread Raymund Thomas Tump
Hi admin,

> Can't find it - can someone remind me of the double window opening of
> Firefox fix?

Open Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder options, File types and search
for URL:HTTP click Change and deselect DDE and get rid of ,,,1,, or
something like that. You have to be admin for that, but I guess that's
no problem :-)


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Menu Pulldowns Blank

2004-10-31 Thread Michael Acklin
Hello all,

I am having a problem with my Menu Pulldowns. I don't think this is
associated with The Bat! itself because it happens with other
programs, but not all.

When I click on any of The Bats! menus, the pulldowns are completely
invisible. But if I move the mouse down the list, the items begin to
show up. If I close the menu pulldown, then open it again, the same
thing happens.

I have never seen this before and was wondering if any one else has
seen this and know of a remedy. The only thing I have done since this
started was added 512 meg of Ram to my machine. Is there something I
need to do to let the system refresh? When I do a System/About/System
Info it shows the added memory just fine.

If anyone has seen this before please let me know how to fix it.

Best regards,
 Michael   :texasflag:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daily Bible Verses at

Registered Linux User #367776

When your chocolate bar melts in the fridge... You're in Arizona!

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

That double Firefox window fix?

2004-10-31 Thread admin
Can't find it - can someone remind me of the double window opening of
Firefox fix?

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat!
with POPFile 0.22.1
on Windows XP 5.1 


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: anglopone help needed

2004-10-31 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sun, 31 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 12:44:43 +0100, when WilWilWil wrote:

> I don't want a simple correction like spellers do. I need a
> highlighting on errors, with explanation of error, and not just
> proposition of correction. The most would be to have possibility of
> right click on an error, like in Antidote, to have correction
> propositions, a dictionary link for explanations and definitions,
> synonymous propositions, grammatical corrections and explanations,
> nature and function of a word in the sentence, and conjugation and
> exceptions... A kind of english teacher at home.

> But I don't need a method for English practising (hear & speak),
> with tape or Compact Disc with help for pronunciation and so on...

> No, just a powerful writing assistant.

> An idea ?

1) When you already mentioned MS Word, it *has* a pretty good *grammar*
checker, with offered corrections - and with explanations *why* it
should be corrected. The free solution, Open Office, has this "feature"
too (and you may run it under Linux as well).

*** That's one of things I would like *very much* applied in TB. ***

2) WordWeb  - a very good dictionary with
thesaurus, a UK "product". Defines terms/words in English. (It can be
"integrated" in Word, and in many other word processors, as well.) It's
free. (A paid version has some additional "features", but they really
are not that essential.)

3) Ultra Hal Assistant  - with its Dictionary
"department" has even more: a HUGE base of Definitions, Synonyms,
Antonyms, Hyponyms, Hypernyms, Sisters, Meronyms AND Pronunciation. It's

I would stop here, since today is Sunday and 3 goes well with 7. (-:

- --
PGP key uploaded at:  once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 60 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

anglopone help needed

2004-10-31 Thread WilWilWil

Warning : it is an Out of List subjects but I need a piece of advice for english 
practising and you are my only english-speaking close relations.

I apologize for those who don't want to be bothered with this question. If this topic 
is a problem for you or for moderators, I invite those who want and can help me to 
answer in private on my personal e-mail

I try po improve my english speaking and writing. I'm searching a software it can help 
me in writing in english. Not a simple speller like in TB or Winword, but a real tools 
kit for english writing. Like Antidote (Druide) does for french ( )

I don't want a simple correction like spellers do. I need a highlighting on errors, 
with explanation of error, and not just proposition of correction. The most would be 
to have possibility of right click on an error, like in Antidote, to have correction 
propositions, a dictionary link for explanations and definitions, synonymous 
propositions, grammatical corrections and explanations, nature and function of a word 
in the sentence, and conjugation and exceptions... A kind of english teacher at home.

But I don't need a method for English practising (hear & speak), with tape or Compact 
Disc with help for pronunciation and so on... 

No, just a powerful writing assistant.

An idea ?




BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Install problem

2004-10-31 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Alexander,

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 09:40:01 +0100 GMT (31/10/2004, 15:40 +0700 GMT),
Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

>> So is part of the MSI file, not some part of XP Pro?

ASK> Yes. If you happen to be a user of Total Commander (I couldn't live without
ASK> it *g*,

I do use Total Commander, paid for it many years ago and can still
download free upgrades - about which I am informed by email. I get no
spam from Ghisler, just these always timely upgrade infos.

TC is one of the programs I wouldn't want to miss, and it is a
software that I consider bugfree.

ASK> you can use MSI files like ZIP archives
ASK> with a plugin:

I didn't know about this plugin, downloaded and installed it, works
like a charme, and I can see the contents of the MSI file. Thanks for
your help! That totally answers my question, and also shows that MAU,
Raymund and you were right in that it was a corrupt download that
prevented me from installing.



Was ist das fuer eine Zeitform: "Ich haette kein Kind werden sollen"?
Preservativ defekt.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Install problem

2004-10-31 Thread MAU
Hello Thomas,

> So is part of the MSI file, not some part of XP Pro?


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: kav plugin?

2004-10-31 Thread Chris Weaven
Hi Dave,

On Monday, October 25, 2004 11:23 your local time, which was 10:23 my
local time, daveiw daveiw [D] wrote;

D> I use nod32 as my primary av program, but I also have kav
D> pro version 4 for on demand scanning. My question is; is there a kav
D> plugin for TB! 3 and if so, where would I get it please? I have tried
D> googling to no avail...:-(

Check out 


Created using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush & IMAP
OS of Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
Cleaning up SPAM with Bayes Filter Plugin v1.5.6

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Install problem

2004-10-31 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Thomas Fernandez & everyone else

31-Okt-2004 04:34, you wrote:

> So is part of the MSI file, not some part of XP Pro?

Yes. If you happen to be a user of Total Commander (I couldn't live without
it *g*, you can use MSI files like ZIP archives
with a plugin:

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using TB! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Deliplayer2 is playing: "Tshoogy Beatbox" by Pete Namlook & Wolfram Spyra
 from the 2000 album 'Virtual Vices II'

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mod: Cut mark

2004-10-31 Thread David Elliott
Hello TBUDL,

Historians believe that on 30 October 2004, at 20:32:07 +0100 (which
was 20:32 where I live) Marck D Pearlstone wrote (and possibly edited)

>>> Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. [...]

>> Well, as has happened to me once, he simply didn't have a signature
>> and such, no delimiter is required.

> Incorrect. This list *requires* a signature delimiter, supplied by
> the user. It's a rule. Please do NOT argue with moderations and list
> rules .. particularly not on list.

But I have got away with it (but I only tried once).


 HAND, ___
  David   |David  Elliott|   Software  Engineer   |
 _| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID 0x650F4534  |
| A Berzerker Death Lord/High Priest? I goose him!|
| Using The Bat ! Rush pro|
| but crippled by Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2  |

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: kav plugin?

2004-10-31 Thread Tony
Hello daveiw,

Monday, October 25, 2004, 11:23:16 AM, you wrote:

dcn> Hi all,

dcn> I use nod32 as my primary av program, but I also
dcn> have kav pro version 4 for on demand scanning. My question is; is
dcn> there a kav plugin for TB! 3 and if so, where would I get it
dcn> please? I have tried googling to no avail...:-(

I've Coperniced a bit for you and found the following.
I'm not a KAV user so have no clue it still works.

Best regards,

Heck is for people that don't believe in Gosh.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Spell checker

2004-10-31 Thread Tony
Hello MFPA,

Sunday, October 31, 2004, 4:49:33 AM, you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Friday, 29 October, 2004, at 7:59:12 PM, MAU wrote:

>> Hello Allie,

 Maybe it was in a dream but I remember the spell checker suggesting to
 splitting up words.  For example when I typed "spellchecker" it
 suggested "spell checker" Or "mailserver" "mail server"
 Was I dreaming or fully awake?  
>>> No, you weren't dreaming since I got a number of those suggestions just
>>> today.

>> It doesn't not work with CSAPI, only with normal TB dictionaries.
>> However, for this to work, in Spell Checker/Options you must select
>> "Suggest split words".

M> I get very odd suggestions for "spellchecker", including
M> "Seychelles" and "belched". I am using "British English,
I get those suggestions too but only under 'suggest more'
'suggest more' almost works like  an anagram solver :)

M> yet I also
M> get "paycheck" (which should be "pay cheque").

According to my paper dictionary it should be paycheck.
Also according this on-line dictionary

For my level of English the spell checker comes close to perfection.
I hope RitLabs is also considering grammar checking.
I've seen it in MS Word. It's far from perfect but does detect a fair
number of errors.

Best regards,

Trucks of a local plumbing company in NE Pennsylvania: Don't sleep with a drip call 
your plumber.

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