Re[2]: Bye Bye The Bat.... Say Hi to Becky!

2001-08-31 Thread Andrew Ferguson

Hey Dierk,

  My point was, and I think is still valid for others on this list,
  that The Bat! shouldn't be assessed on the weight of its BETA
  releases. I was in no way having a dig at Becky, I was merely
  pointing out that I see testing Beta software almost as a privilege
  that an individual can either take or leave, bug slagging The Bat!
  based on its beta code is unfair.


Friday, August 31, 2001, 4:25:44 PM, you wrote:

DH Hash: SHA1

DH Hello Andrew!

DH On Friday, August 31, 2001 at 6:23:35 AM you wrote:

   See you back here when you figure out that Becky is not all that The
   Bat! is. I have tried many email clients, but nothing has ever
   topped The Bat!

DH I haven't ever used Becky, so won't say anything on that point. But,
DH maybe it caters his needs. If he needs only what Becky can offer,
DH well, why should he use any other mailer.

DH Actually I only wanted to ask one question: Why on earth do we talk
DH with someone who isn't here anymore? And left with flimsy
DH argumentation?

DH To cite Herman's Hermits: Let bygones be bygones ...

DH - --
DH Dierk Haasis

DH PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

DH The Bat 1.54 Beta/7 on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

DH If all the world's economists were stretched end to end, they still
DH would not reach a conclusion. (George Bernard Shaw)

DH Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt
DH Comment: Privacy is the core element to Freedom!

DH iQA/AwUBO48f2fTo1oA8g8dLEQK9QgCfaEaYngE0Uy/A3ZifqfnQk8/dl40An3DI
DH wIUy6rQXrCzcPVWfxENiim/Q

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Re: Bye Bye The Bat.... Say Hi to Becky!

2001-08-30 Thread Andrew Ferguson

Hey Alexander,

  How on earth can you base your decision to dump The Bat! on the
  quality and stability of it's BETAs??? Beta releases are announced
  as buggy and usually come with a disclaimer stating that they are
  far from perfect. If you are not prepared to put up with buggy software
  that is still in development, then don't use beta software.

  That The Bat! is a dog based on its betas is a lame point of view to
  take. Go back to the stable release.

  See you back here when you figure out that Becky is not all that The
  Bat! is. I have tried many email clients, but nothing has ever
  topped The Bat!


Friday, August 31, 2001, 6:24:39 AM, you wrote:

AT I have been a faithful TB user for over a year. However, the last betas
AT were more than disappointing. Bugs over bugs. And the essential missing
AT features were still not fixed or implemented (did someone say true IMAP4
AT support?). Another major complain of mine is the increase in memory
AT usage. TB also feels more and more like a slow old animal, that needs
AT its time to browse through my folders with hundreds of mails. 

AT Now... has anyone tried Becky! V2.x?! I did, and I must say, that this
AT is a wonderful little gem. It does everything TB should do (excluding
AT the TB macro features, which I virtually never use)...and it does it
AT without screaming or bugging or crashing my PC. Just have a look at its
AT filter technique, and you will feel really tired of using TB's filters
AT again.

AT Anyways, I say bye to this newsgroup for I am not any longer a TB user.

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