Corrupted mailbox?

2000-09-28 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi all,

For a few days by now, TB! refuses to import messages for one of my four
accounts specified. It retrieves all message headers correctly, but
things are starting to get tricky when TB!'s downloading them. The circle
indicating the total amount of bytes to be retrieved, is filled for
only a tenth or so with black space when all messages are retrieved.
Subsequentially, TB! hangs itself stating it's busy importing

The only reason for this strange behaviour that crosses my mind is
some kind of corrupted mailbox. What would be the best way to solve


 Arno van Stralenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using TB! 1.45

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Creating templates / automatizing processes

2000-08-29 Thread Arno van Stralen

Dear all,

Since I'm an absolute novice at this point, I would like to call for
your help.

I'm doing the administration of some association. Whenever a new
member joins us, I'm sending a confirmation mail containing some words
of gratitude, his or hers membership-number, and the personal details
the new member specified to us when subscribing.

The relevant data [1] for sending this mail are saved in a spreadsheet in
Quattro Pro. Now, since I'm an extremely lazy person, I would like to
automatize this confirmation-mail-process, thus allowing me to do even
more pointless things as before. ;-)

Is it possible in TB! to import data from, say, a spreadsheet and
calling these variables into a message template? If not, what would be
the best solution to achieve what I'd like?


The mail should contain the following variables: (snipped for brevity)

Dear Mr./Mrs. [LastName],

(...) Your membership-number is [Number].
(...) All emails will be sent to you at [Given e-mail address]

Regards, (etc.)


Best Regards,
 Arno van Stralenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: moving folders

2000-08-19 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi Daniel,

Saturday, August 19, 2000, 10:20:48 AM, you wrote:

Daniel how can I move folders into another folder and

You can move folders by calling their properties (rightclick a folder
or hit ALT+ENTER when it's activated) and subsequentially alter the
path of that folder by pressing the little question mark button.

Daniel  how do I sort my tree
Daniel individually?

I don't understand what you mean with individual sorting. You can
simply sort the folders in alphabetical order by pressing the Folder


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Re[2]: VOTE against the newsreader integrated in the next version of the bat? E-mail ritlabs?

2000-08-17 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi Ming-Li,

Thursday, August 17, 2000, 3:00:46 PM, you wrote:

 Perhaps not a need, but a desire to be able to organize, manage,
 store messages from both sources together.

Ming-Li I also happen to find newsreader and email client fit quite nicely
Ming-Li together. Agent became so popular in no small part because it
Ming-Li incorporates email into newsreading, thought its lack of
Ming-Li multi-account support proves to be quite devastating for email
Ming-Li purpose.

However, Agent's position is the opposite of TB!'s. Agent had made an
extraordinary good newsreader - the best commercial one AFAIK - and
probably wanted to add some functionality that made them stand out
against the "others". Subsequentially adding simple but effective
email-functionality isn't an extremely weird choice IMHO. It's rather
simple to do so too: you just make it look and feel like a newsgroup.

It lies differently when having a look at TB!
Firstly, The Bat! is just a kick-ass email-client, so to speak. Users
of TB! use it because of this kick-ass-element. Integrating a
newsreader in TB! would put it beside it's specialism. And, as we all
probably know, widening your range of products way well cause a lack
of all those tiny details that make a product stand out against the
others. As already mentioned, email-functionality for Forte Agent was
such a detail. Integrating a newsreader in TB! isn't a detail at all:
it's doubling your capabilities, your must-haves etcetera.

Latter will probably have it's effect on TB!'s handiness and overview,

Moreover, TB! attracts more experienced users, generally spoken. It
does not need to offer a complete package of all sorts of functions,
as Outlook Express OTOH *does*, since most users already have laid
their hand on some good newsreader as XNews or Agent. At least, that's
what I think.

Ming-Li Newsgroups are similar to mailing lists in many ways. That's why TB
Ming-Li has so many features that are designed for mailing lists which are
Ming-Li of much less use for private email (e.g., threading, mail
Ming-Li expiration, etc.).  While TB is very good, however, I still feel it
Ming-Li lacking when browsing through mailing lists, compared to Agent or
Ming-Li XNews. (The lack of "ignore", "watch" and "keep" functionality stand
Ming-Li out.) If TB (maybe in v2) can improve in mailing list reading, then
Ming-Li why not using it for news reading?

Because there are a hell of a lot functions you will have to add, that
have nothing to do with email or mailinglists.
You can either choose to add these features or not. If you *do* add them, TB!
will get larger in size, and it's overview and functionality will
suffer. If you do *not* offer the mentioned features, you're stuck with some average
newsreader integrated into a wonderful email-client.


Ming-Li I understand some people are wary about bloatware. I know I do. I
Ming-Li also agree with many that RIT should make it their first priority to
Ming-Li strengthen TB's position as an email client. I just hope TB can
Ming-Li succeed at both. Just a wish.

That would be my wish too - but I doubt it seriously that TB! will be
able to do so.


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Re[2]: Mail Ticker

2000-08-15 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi Thomas,

Tuesday, August 15, 2000, 5:41:35 AM, you wrote:

AvS It's impossible for me to position the ticker in such a way, that
AvS it will never cover up some important / handy / informative
AvS function of a program.

Thomas Hmm. This may be an issue of screen organising.

That may well be so :-) When working in Windows, contrary to MacOS,
I tend to open all of my windows fully, which causes problems when
something is floating around ;-).

AvS Bearing in mind that a screen resolution of 1024*768 or higher is
AvS getting standardized, such a toolbar won't do serious harm to your
AvS working space.

Thomas Here it would. I have the following taks bar on the edges:

Thomas Bottom = Windows task bar. Top = Firewall. Right = Office task bar.

Thomas Should I put the "ticker task bar" on the left? I'd make me feel kind
Thomas of "framed". Also, I might have to tilt my head by 90 degress to read
Thomas the ticker ;-)

;-) Ah well, it would be an option of course.

It just seems to me, that if the Mail Ticker *has* the option to be put
at the upmost top or bottom of your screen, one could better make it
work more easily and efficiently than it does now.


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Re: Tardis is A-OK(was(Re: Re: Clocks, oh look at those clocks (was: Re: Replies arrive before originals))

2000-08-15 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi Patrick,

Monday, August 14, 2000, 11:50:35 PM, you wrote:

 With this discusson about time keeping I use Tardis to keep my clocks up to date.

Patrick  Truly a useful application.  Have been using various versions for several 

I will give it a try then. I tried Dimension 4 as mentioned by another
list member, but for some particular reason it won't work. Probably
this is caused by my ISP which is blocking almost every communication
other than regular site-visiting. Thanks for the tip!


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Re[2]: Address Book Problems Mail Ticker

2000-08-15 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi Jamie,

Monday, August 14, 2000, 9:48:46 PM, you wrote:

AvS After a nice, clean format and some efforts to get Windows 2000
AvS installed on my system - which seems as impossible as jumping off
AvS Mount Everest and only having a broken toe - , I re-installed TB!
AvS Everything works perfectly fine, luckily, except for the address book.
AvS F8 gets me into it, but adding someone's data will not succeed. My
AvS system hangs for a few seconds, and when running normally again the
AvS new entry does not appear in the AB. Even creating a new group won't
AvS work out; it causes some memory error. Is this a known problem or some
AvS failure in my RAM?

Jamie Ah  ha.  I know this problem well it vexed me merrily for a few weeks.
Jamie The  problem is that sometimes the address book file sometimes decides
Jamie to  become  read  only.  Change  the  attributes  and the problem will
Jamie hopefully vanish.

Ha, thanks a lot Jamie! :-)


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Re: How to make the bat work like newsreader?

2000-08-14 Thread Arno van Stralen


Friday, June 30, 2000, 1:00:53 PM, you wrote:

starc 1. I want to be able to browse the messages while they are still on my
starc pop server. I want to read the subject and then be able to download
starc only the messages which I'm interested in. One user told me that this
starc is possible, so how do I do it?

Account - Dispatch Mail On Server

starc 2. I want messages that are not from TBUDL to be downloaded directly
starc to their specific folders, so only the messages from TBUDL are kept on
starc the server for browsing.

This will probably be possible through some (signal) strings. However,
since I've just discovered that TB! can do a hell of a lot more as I
was thinking, I'm not able to give you a hint.

starc 3. I want to be able to make some sorting of the messages accordint to
starc the thread. Is the only way I can do this to sort them by subject?

No, you can choose between references, subject, author and date.
References is the most convenient way to read your mail, especially if
you want to have that "newsreader look-and-feel".

You can choose your desired option by clicking View - View Threads


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Address Book Problems Mail Ticker

2000-08-14 Thread Arno van Stralen

Hi all,

After a nice, clean format and some efforts to get Windows 2000
installed on my system - which seems as impossible as jumping off
Mount Everest and only having a broken toe - , I re-installed TB!
Everything works perfectly fine, luckily, except for the address book.
F8 gets me into it, but adding someone's data will not succeed. My
system hangs for a few seconds, and when running normally again the
new entry does not appear in the AB. Even creating a new group won't
work out; it causes some memory error. Is this a known problem or some
failure in my RAM?

Secondly, I'd like to offer a feature request. The Mail Ticker can be
pulled at the upper or bottom "line" of your screen, which causes it
to expand to the widthness of your monitor. This will cover other
applications though; Opera for example is unworkable.
Would it be possible and wanted to treat the Mail Ticker as a toolbar
when it's on the edge of your screen, as for example ICQ does?


Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Arno van Stralenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Mail Ticker

2000-08-14 Thread Arno van Stralen


Monday, August 14, 2000, 6:09:59 PM, you wrote:

Thomas Hallo Arno,

G You even adjust your intro to the native language of the person
you're replying too? :-)

AvS Secondly, I'd like to offer a feature request. The Mail Ticker can be
AvS pulled at the upper or bottom "line" of your screen, which causes it
AvS to expand to the widthness of your monitor. This will cover other
AvS applications though; Opera for example is unworkable.
AvS Would it be possible and wanted to treat the Mail Ticker as a toolbar
AvS when it's on the edge of your screen, as for example ICQ does?

Thomas The width of the mail ticket is variable. Mine is about 10 cms long.
Thomas It also floats some 3 cms under the top of the screen to allow for
Thomas some info in some apps that are at the top, and is off the right edge
Thomas by the width of the Office toolbar.

Thomas Basically, you can put it anywhere on the screen you want, at any
Thomas width. The height has two options only, but you cannot put all on the
Thomas edge like a toolbar.

This all being true, I still think that adding some kind of "toolbar
option" improves the functionality of the ticker. I personally tend to
turn it off when using multiple applications within short time
intervals. It's impossible for me to position the ticker in such a way, that
it will never cover up some important / handy / informative function
of a program.
Bearing in mind that a screen resolution of 1024*768 or higher is
getting standardized, such a toolbar won't do serious harm to your
working space.

Or am I just whining about details? ;-)



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Re: Printing from Outbox not possible?

2000-04-18 Thread Arno van Stralen


Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 6:42:02 PM, schreef je:

Michael just realized that I was not able to print a message sitting in the
Michael outbox (using the print button and the menu command, forgot to check
Michael with Ctrl-P).

Michael Is that a bug or intentional?  After I sent the message, I was able to
Michael print it from the Sent folder with no problem.

Michael Not even sure if this is a Beta/17 issue only ...

It works perfectly fine with 1.41 Educational.

Michael [some minutes later]

Michael Just tried to print this very message from the outbox three times.  The
Michael first time it didn't work, the next two times it did.  Looks to me as if
Michael TB! would not always be aware where the focus is?

That's very strange. Anyone else experiencing this?


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2000-03-22 Thread Arno van Stralen

Dear all,

Since my ICQ connection was failing every minute, some friend of mine
sent me some MP3 files with a total file size of 10 MB via mail. Nice
and all, but when I try to download these files with The Bat!, I
consequently get a memory exception error at some address. A gut told
me the reason for this was the version I was using ( 1.39 Christmas
Edition) so I upgraded to 1.41. Still, the same error hits me :(

The prob is I haven't written down my mail passwords and thus, I
cannot retrieve the mail with for example Agent or some other mail

Does anybody has a solution to this?


Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Arno  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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