Re[2]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-10 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 3:11:20 PM, you wrote:
MDP HTML was *never* developed or intended for use as a formatting
MDP system for email. It is a presentation system for served pages,
MDP intended for transmission with the HyperText Transfer Protocol
MDP (HTTP, yes?). Mail is simple text intended for transmission with the
MDP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, yes?). The fusion of the two
MDP has led to over-use of bandwidth, bad taste and imposition on the
MDP recipient, whose choice it *should* be!

You're turning things around here. With all communications, the
presentation and formatting lies with the originator. This is true for
newspapers, slide show presentations, snail mail letters, email, etc..

With the introduction of HTML, the contents and its presentation
were separated and it became possible for the recipient to
have control over the presentation. The use of tags like body, h1,
h2 leave it completely open on how to display the text.

So, I would agree with the bandwidth issue but if you want recipient
choice, then HTML is the better way. Concerning bad taste, people can
write horribly in plain ASCII too.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

TB 2.00.6 not indicating new mail in folders

2003-09-10 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello list,

I am experiencing some problems with TB. It no longer shows that there
is new e-mail. The account icon shows empty, the folder name is not
printed in bold, the message ticker remains quiet. Only when I click
on the folder that I know has new e-mail in it, TB wakes up and puts
out all the a.m. signals.

Strangely enough, this is the case for only one of my 7 accounts. The
others seem to work okay.

What could cause this?


Best regards,
Frank de Bruin

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: how to send email to one particular address

2003-09-08 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello pkroy,

Monday, September 8, 2003, 1:52:20 PM, you wrote:

p want to send email to one particular address..want bat to open
p with the compose window every time with this email id in TO field

Use the following command line parameters:

More parameters exist; check the online help and search for 'Command
line parameter'

I tested this by creating a shortcut on my desktop, right-click,
properties, and pasting in the parameters in target field (outside the
double quotes ()).


Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

The Bat v2.0 crashed and failed to restart

2003-09-07 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello list,

I added 5 years to my life today. It is a bit of long story but there
is a question at the end.

Cleaning up my mailboxes, TB (version 2.0) crashed on me. Trying to
select multiple messages it produced an access violation of some kind
(sorry, didn't have the wits to capture the pop-up). Because  TB kept
running, I deleted the messages I had selected so far and exited the

After it wouldn't start. At all. A restart of the PC and a motorcycle of
the PC didn't work either. I figured out something was wrong with the
Bat executable and I downloaded the most recent version from the
Ritlabs site. I installed this over the current installation.

I agree, this was not the best thing to do. Because after this, I
decided to backup my complete The Bat! directory on a CHROME. I
should have done this the other way around.

I struggled to get it all operational again. In the end I did this:
  a) installed the clean version of the Bat! in a separate directory
  b) copied the old directory tree from CHROME
  c) copied all the files from the new installation over the old one.

This seems to have worked. All my folders were there and TB
repopulated them with the message when I clicked on them. The filters
are there, as are the colour groups.

I had to re-import my address book but was on the CHROME. The Bayesit
plug settings were gone, but I leave that for the time being.

Upon the next sync with the servers I got some duplicates but that is
because I keep messages on the server for a few days before deleting

Now the question, is there anything else that I have overlooked and
that need to be restored? What else is kept in the configuration files
in the directory 'Program Files/The Bat!'

Time for a strong coffee.


Best regards,
FJ de Bruin  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: so is version 2 here yet .... :-)

2003-09-02 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello Avenarius,

Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 2:33:44 AM, you wrote:
A However, the few hours that I've been using version 2 have convinced
A me that v2 is worth paying the price for upgrade. There are lots of
A cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes in version 2 compared to 1.61 that
A I wouldn't want to live without any longer. Such as,

Can you (or someone else) confirm that Bayesian filtering made it into
the final 2.0 version?

I tried to look for this info on the ritlabs site but I could not find
any reference.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[4]: so is version 2 here yet .... :-)

2003-09-02 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello MikeD,

Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 2:37:33 PM, you wrote:
M3 Work continues on the Bayesian plug in. It is not included, though.
M3 You do have to go out and get it separately.

Could you give me a pointer to where to get this plug-in? I tried to
google but everytime, I end up at programs like Spampal, K9, Popfile.

While they do the trick, I would prefer a solution that does not need
yet another active process on my machine.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: invalid HTML

2003-01-15 Thread FJ de Bruin
Hello Daniel,

Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 6:14:52 PM, you wrote:
DR Get The Bat! 1.62h, the problem is supposed to be fixed.

Where would I find that version?

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Adding addresses to Address book

2002-08-10 Thread FJ de Bruin

Hello Marck,

Saturday, August 10, 2002, 10:56:01 AM, you wrote:
MDP Indeed it does. N.B: For any potential defenders of that hideous habit
MDP - - email presentation is not about *your* preference or ease, but that
MDP of your recipients.

As a recipient I prefer to get a top quoted reply that is
well-written to a convulated message that is quoting in-line.

Instead of using the dogma 'top quoting is always hideous', I judge a
message on its understandability. I find that, especially in longer
threads, in-line quoting leads to an abundance of subthreads inside
the messages. A top-quoted summary can help to seperate distractions
from the main topic and to refocus the discussion.


Best regards,
 Frank de Bruin

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Adding addresses to Address book

2002-08-10 Thread FJ de Bruin

Hello Adam,

Saturday, August 10, 2002, 11:51:10 AM, you wrote:

AR Without appearing to seem rude
AR Read  what  Marck  was  saying,  it's  not  what  YOU  or I want, its what the
AR recipient wants - and in this case its the list.

I read what Marck said. He said that top-quoting is hideous and that
an author should be led by the convenience of the recipient. I
responded in my capacity of a recipient, so it is about what I want.

In a later email you refer to

I find that point 6 of this reference is actually argueing my case.


Best regards,
 Mailingmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Adding addresses to Address book

2002-08-10 Thread FJ de Bruin

Hello Adam,

Saturday, August 10, 2002, 12:20:58 PM, you wrote:
AR A snippet taken from 
AR Why should I place my response below the quoted text?

I fail to see what point you try to make here. That there are
different schools of thought? I know that.

Maybe we should discuss whether the second URL you posted is more
authorative than the first URL you posted? Or why point 2.3 of the
second URL seems worth adhering to but point 3.3 is not?

It will drive the thread even further off-topic and I doubt we'll
ever reach consensus. I will put the topic it to bed.


Best regards,
 FJ de Bruin

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Adding addresses to Address book

2002-08-10 Thread FJ de Bruin

Hello Allie,

Saturday, August 10, 2002, 1:46:36 PM, you wrote:
ACM You and others seem to defend top posting for all replies. This is
ACM what I disagree with.

I can't speak for others, but I do not defend that position. I questioned
the statement that top posting is always bad. I argued that one should
not be led by dogmas but select which way to quote based on the
situation, the nature of the question/reply, the audience, personal
taste etc..


Best regards,
 FJ de Bruin

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information: