Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread John Hinson

Hello Marck and all,

Thursday, September 14, 2000, 5:54:55 PM, you wrote:
 While  you can (with a great deal of effort), it is not part of the TB
 remit  to  cover  HTML  mail  creation.  There  are  a number of other
 products  which  do this. There are also a large majority of dedicated
 TB  users  who don't want TB to be able to do this. Theory states that
 V2 (currently in development but not yet even in beta) will be able to
 do  this. I would prefer that it didn't, but then again I get told I'm
 an old dinosaur in that respect.

Hmmm, that gives me a problem. I can understand that if the software
currently doesn't let you send HTML email easily, then its likely to gain a
strong following of hard-liners in favour of text-only posting.

I shall watch for version 2 with interest - I certainly don't /always/
want to send in HTML, but I like to have the choice.

 I'm afraid you are. Please refrain from posting HTML here.

My apologies on that to all, it wasn't intended. The competitive product I was
trying seems to have turned out equally unhelpful in reverse - it only
posts HTML, even when there is no reason to.

 The  Bat  is  the best e-mail client there is. Period. HTML is not for
 e-mail - it is for presentation. You wouldn't expect TB to include all
 of  WordPerfect's  capabilities  -  you would sent a WP document as an
 attachment.  Thus  you  can attach a prepared HTML file to an email an
 and  in  that  way  send  an  "HTML mail". I don't want to get into an
 argument  about  OE and Poco and all of the others that "let you do it
 properly". That doesn't make it right IMHO.

Understand your views, but to be fair I think most users on this group
are likely to be biased. I'm not saying that to be unkind, but I'm
talking to the converted. Those who preferred something else to The
Bat! will be on that software's mailing list or NNTP group. :o)

 Now,  show  me  another  client  that  handles multiple accounts, with
 template  facilities  like TB offers, as powerful a sorting office and
 the  very  useful  ticker  and its' virtual folder for reading all new
 mail. I don't believe there is one.

Well, on multiple accounts I think Poco has the edge. I find the size
of the multiple list of inboxes in The Bat! to be one of its disadvantages,
Poco manages to combine the Inbox, Outbox, Sent etc. into one. I think
that's a lot neater if you use multiple accounts. On the other hand,
The Bat! is A1 perfect with the templates and signatures, allowing a
lot of flexibility. There are some other excellent features, too - I love the little 
"P" for
parked messages etc.

My other irritation with TB's handling of multiple accounts is that
there is no easy button/key combination to collect email from all
accounts. I keep collecting from just one in error. perhaps I have
missed something here.

 If you hang around, you may also discover that this list is itself yet
 another asset in the TB armoury g.

I'm sure you are right, Marck. I do intend to hang around for a while
- I've got a month of the trial in which to make my mind up, but I'd
like to make my decision sooner rather than later.

 Of course, the choice is yours.

Indeed. For your interest, I have been using Eudora which is quite
good but slow and clunky against The Bat! and Poco. I am also getting
seriously annoyed with it for pestering me for registration and other
personal information when I have paid for the wretched product. I feel
it has turned from a good product into an over-bloated information
harvester with upgrades.

I've also tried to test Calypso but I can't stop it crashing -
probably a clash with other software I have rather than a direct fault
with the programme.

Best wishes and thanks for the help and guidance,

John Hinson (in plain text, I hope!)

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Re[3]: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread John Hinson

Sorry Curtis (and Thomas and Jamie), I only said half of what I meant to.

It seems to me you can do all this at the click of a button or key combination
1. Collect for an individual account
2. Send for an individual account
3. Collect/send for an individual account
4. Collect for all accounts
5. Send for all accounts
but not
6. Collect/send for all accounts.

Obviously different people have different uses of the software, but for 
myself I will write a lot of my mail off-line, then dial up and send them 
and download new stuff. Doubtless I could get used to it, but getting to 
the right command in the menu or button systems seems unnecessarily 
difficult. Something that may be addressed in the next version.

Kind regards,


At 10:24 15/09/00, you wrote:
JH My other irritation with TB's handling of multiple accounts is that
JH there is no easy button/key combination to collect email from all
JH accounts. I keep collecting from just one in error. perhaps I have
JH missed something here.

Try:  Options /  Define System Hot Keys

And you'll see the way to set that up.

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HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread John Hinson

Hi Folks.

I've recently started a-plating with a trial version of The Bat! It has some pretty good features and seems quite a superior product.

One feature defeats me, though. Is it possible to send HTML (styled) text? Certainly, it receives such messages fine, but I can't figure out any way to send such messages.

Even the font for your view of writing messages seems to be fixed-width only.

I know that HTML email is sometimes considered bad manners, so I hope I am not treading on any toes here.

And finally, I plead guilty. I'm writing this using a rival product (Poco) which lacks some of The Bat's features but does seem more flexible in this respect. Can you chaps convert me 100% to The Bat!?

John Hinson

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