Sorry Curtis (and Thomas and Jamie), I only said half of what I meant to.

It seems to me you can do all this at the click of a button or key combination
1. Collect for an individual account
2. Send for an individual account
3. Collect/send for an individual account
4. Collect for all accounts
5. Send for all accounts
but not
6. Collect/send for all accounts.

Obviously different people have different uses of the software, but for 
myself I will write a lot of my mail off-line, then dial up and send them 
and download new stuff. Doubtless I could get used to it, but getting to 
the right command in the menu or button systems seems unnecessarily 
difficult. Something that may be addressed in the next version.

Kind regards,


At 10:24 15/09/00, you wrote:
>JH> My other irritation with TB's handling of multiple accounts is that
>JH> there is no easy button/key combination to collect email from all
>JH> accounts. I keep collecting from just one in error. perhaps I have
>JH> missed something here.
>Try:  Options /  Define System Hot Keys
>And you'll see the way to set that up.

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