Re: Difference(s) Between The Bat! 3.0's Two Versions

2004-10-10 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
DMD Ever since the release of The Bat! 3.0, I have been
DMD wondering what the difference(s) between the home
DMD and professional versions is (are) -- besides the obvious
DMD difference of price, of course.
It is easy (for me) to answer.

Ohh...  Ok,  I  saw,  someone  already  answered  it. Then I write the
financial  part:  companies  MUST  buy  professional  version. Private
persons can choose.

All the best, Vili
Kertesz Vilmos
Macasoft Bt.
Hungarian dealer of TB!

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Mod: Top posting (was: Save decrypted PGP messages?)

2004-10-08 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
RO On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:15:11 -0700GMT (8-10-2004, 0:15 +0200, where I
RO live), you wrote:
KV I  am  not  a moderator, but if Kevin has violated some rule, you too.
KV Why is it important to mention your local time over and over again?
RO It's nice that you say that, but I'd like you to point to the
RO following facts:
RO 1) I wasn't moderating Kevin, but Jack
You got the point :))

RO 2) Kevin who wasn't breaking rules, uses something like my own header
ROline to tell you his local time too. ;-)
Moderate him...

RO 3)  That line is in my AB template for this list, I'm not going to
RO change templates just because I have to moderate somebody
Why not? Anyway, you dont have to change it, you can delete it
manually, too.

RO 4) Since this is an international list, that line has some use. It
RO shows  to both authors in a thread the time difference between the
RO respective  time  zones, so it gives an idea when you could expect
RO an answer or why you didn't get it any sooner.

All I wanted to say that you (I mean the moderators) jump on every
small stuff and send a mega-length mail explaining what was wrong :))

KV We  have  a  term  for this case: He's talking about water but drinks
KV wine...
RO My country was a bit more biblical oriented and we say: He sses the
RO splinter in the eye of his neighbour but not the balk in his own eye.
Yes, we have the same, too.

It sometimes happens with me, also. So dont take it as an offense, I
used to fall into the same trap... We are humans.

KV No  offense,  really, but you jump on every small error...
RO Actually, I don't. Follow this thread back and you'll see that Jack's
RO previous message has the same failing as the one I moderated, but that
RO one got no reaction from any moderator. When you check his messages
RO before this thread (including his replies), you'll see that those
RO didn't break the list rules. Apparently he made he conscious adaption
RO and now he's made conscious of the error in his way. (for this list)

KV A moderator should work in the background, not in the spotlight, I
KV think.
RO With such an opinion, you should start a discussion  off list.
RO Besides you could have read my message completely, because that says:
RO To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
RO private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you
RO subscribed.
RO So you could have read the welcome message , so that we wouldn't have
RO this part of the discussion. But in short:
RO When we moderate off list, nobody sees it, so nobody is remembered to
RO the fact that it's against the rules, that's likely to cause more
RO offenses than less. Thus causing unhappiness to those who prefer the
RO rules etc.
Ok, ok.

RO When you've lost your welcoming message and like to receive a copy,
RO I'll be more than happy to send it.
:)) You are sarcastic. You know that I have but I just briefly read it

Ok, thread closed.

Minden jot, Vili
Kertesz Vilmos
Macasoft Bt.

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: How to create a list of messages for printing?

2004-10-07 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
JVA Need help with the following: lots of messages in INBOX, and I have to
JVA somehow create a list of them (fields FROM, TO, TOPIC, DATE) and then
JVA print it.  Printing out of messages themselves is NOT required.
JVA Printing screenshot of the Inbox? No, thanks. ;)
JVA Is there any plugins or standard features that can help me?

I wrote a software sometime, it is called BackupTheBat. Freeware.
See :


automatically  exporting  selected  The Bat! account/folder structures
using  given  filename  templates in Unix mailbox format (one file per

automatically  exporting  selected  The Bat! account/folder structures
using  given  filename  templates in RFC-822 .msg format (one file per
mail). In this mode the given account/folder structure is recreated as
subdirectory system in the target directory.

enable  the  user  to  read  his/her mails with any text editor in the
absence of The Bat!

enable  to make backups with filenames referring of the content/source
of  the  mails  (i.e.  account,  folder,  sender,  subject,  date etc.
property of the exported mail.)


So, if I were you, I would export the mails with BackupTheBat (BTB) from
Inbox as MSG, using e.g. this BTB template:
or whatever you want.

When it is complete, in the directory where the mails exported I would
do this:
list *.msg  1.txt
where 1.txt contains what you want.

An other possibility:
-make a new folder
-copy every mails from Inbox there
-make a new filter, set it first in the row for Inbox, DO NOT process
the mail with further filters, if the sender has @ in his email,
export the mail to X.txt file. Append. Template: create the template
that will be printed later.


Maybe this second possibility is easier.

Hungarian dealer of TB!

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mod: Cut mark (was: Purge unread messages?)

2004-10-07 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
K Vili
K Hungarian dealer of TB!
G moderator
LG Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. This consists
LG of a dashdashspacereturn, i.e., a '-- ' by itself on a line.
Ok, ok, I will do that...

Minden jot, Vili
Kertesz Vilmos

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[5]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-07 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
KV Select the mails, or all mails and Ctrl+M. No read, no headache
L No, but they'd still be sitting there ... I'm not so
L obsessive as some people are (my husband, say) about
L cleaning out my mail, but I hate for it to just pile up
L :-)
Ok, but for Read mails the Delete if this is x days old works fine.

Kertesz Vilmos
Macasoft Bt.

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mod: Top posting (was: Save decrypted PGP messages?)

2004-10-07 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
RO On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:15:11 -0700GMT (8-10-2004, 0:15 +0200, where I
RO live), you wrote:
I  am  not  a moderator, but if Kevin has violated some rule, you too.
Why is it important to mention your local time over and over again?

We  have  a  term  for this case: He's talking about water but drinks

No  offense,  really, but you jump on every small error... A moderator
should work in the background, not in the spotlight, I think.

Kertesz Vilmos
Macasoft Bt.

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-06 Thread Kertesz Vilmos
L Well,  no,  because  sometimes I don't need something like that for
L weeks,  or  days at least .. lol But when the traffic gets heavy on
L some  of the lists, and it looks like being an all day project just
L to get all the mail read once, then I sometimes have to do a triage
L thing :-)
Select the mails, or all mails and Ctrl+M. No read, no headache

L It would be kind of nice to be able to right click on the
L folder and just do 'delete unread messages' ...
There is the Unread Virtual folder. Go there and delete the mails (you

L I  suspect the reason we don't have one is that it's really kind of
L counter-intuitive  ...  it's  not really obvious that someone might
L want to dump just the *unread* messages.
Yes. But, as always, there are solutions.

Hungarian dealer of TB!

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: