Re: My new 20 lines filter

2003-09-08 Thread Paul Richardson
Leif Gregory wrote:

 Ouch. Now we're junk :-(

Grin noted, but I really didn't intend any offence.
I just think sometimes the cure is worse than the disease :-)

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Scheduler - reasons to go V2

2003-09-07 Thread Paul Richardson
Bill Blinn Technology Editor wrote:

 final analysis, I'd prefer that RIT Labs spend limited resources on
 continuing to develop the best MUA on the planet even if that means
 documentation doesn't get done.

I have trouble with the view that a Help file is some sort of optional
extra. Information on how to use a program's features, and indeed what features
are available, is in itself a vital feature. Failure to provide one is
poor programming, IMO.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Scheduler - reasons to go V2

2003-09-06 Thread Paul Richardson
Steve  Mary King wrote:

 The documentation of the new features,
 if they work, is mostly incomplete and/or nonexistent.  Perhaps they should
 have waited until things were together instead of rushing to meet schedules

The documentation for 1.6 is similarly very poor, so I don't think
schedules are an excuse for that aspect of TB's shortcomings.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Scheduler - reasons to go V2

2003-09-06 Thread Paul Richardson
Steve  Mary King wrote:

 We didn't start using The Bat! until the first week of July '03.  We moved
 from Poco because, after 2+ years of using it, the unfixed bugs and poor
 documentation were driving me nuts.  Everybody raved about The Bat!'s power,
 so I decide to switch.  I'm beginning to feel that the standard 30-day trial
 period just isn't enough, and that maybe users should push for 60 to 90 days.

I sympathise. I too am a refugee from another program, and haven't even
been using TB as long as you. Powerful it may be, but what's the use
if a substantial part of that power is undocumented. It's pretty
shabby, IMO. Without the kind help of this list, I would probably have
given up on TB by now.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: My new 20 lines filter

2003-09-05 Thread Paul Richardson
Tim wrote:

 I agree completely with your sentiments about all the junk that
 precedes the content of many replies.

 email. I'm very interested is seeing if it attracts a moderators'
 top-posting  warning.

At least the mods consistently use the same format when complaining
about top posting, off-topic posting, etc., etc. That makes it easy to
eliminate such mails - I've got 18 in my Trash folder currently. But
now I think about it, it would be better still if I deleted them on
the server before downloading them.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: My new 20 lines filter

2003-09-05 Thread Paul Richardson
Urban wrote:

 Would you mind terribly posting how you do that.

I've had a great deal of help from this list; no problem to repay just
a little.

These mod postings usually begin with:

 Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers

I set up a filter based on this. That is, in Accounts/Sorting office I
make a filter which looks for this text in location text and sends
the message to the Trash folder.

One caveat, though: sometimes the mod's make an actual contribution to
the discussion in the same message, so you run the risk of missing out
on this contribution if you trash the message. An alternative might be
to send them to a junk folder instead, and check this occasionally to
make sure you haven't missed anything useful.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: so is version 2 here yet .... :-)

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Richardson
Allister Jenks wrote:

 Having just taken the plunge and upgraded, I can give you the
 following text from the help topic About Spam...

Does this mean the Help file has been revised? This is a badly needed
improvement. Is it any good?

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Fwd: It appears I have screwed myself by registering v 1.62rearly

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Richardson
Craig Westerman wrote:

   I sent the following to The Bat! developers a week ago. I never
   received a response. Can anyone tell me who the best person is to
   contact to get an answer? E-mail address?

I purchased 1.62 on 2/8/03 and was told then that upgrading to version
2 will be free.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Changing From in Address Book template

2003-08-28 Thread Paul Richardson

Is there any method of changing the Identity for an address book
template? There is no such tab when creating an address book template,
and the template created inherits the folder's Identity setting.



Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Changing From in Address Book template

2003-08-28 Thread Paul Richardson
Allie Martin wrote:

 You can just use the %From=name email address  macro in the

Thanks to all respondents. This particular one identifies where I have
been going wrong: I was not including my email address in the macro,
so the server would not accept the results.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: OT: Vote for The Bat! :-)

2003-08-27 Thread Paul Richardson
Allen wrote:

 after all, what -can't- TB do?

Provide information on how to use its features.

Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Help file

2003-08-23 Thread Paul Richardson

While I'm generally happy with The Bat! as a powerful and versatile
tool, I have to say that its Help file is probably the worst I've seen
in a complex program.
It's probably good for the soul to find kindly support here, and even
better if you're actually able to provide it, but I'm sure the traffic
on this list could be drastically reduced if The Bat! had even a
half-decent Help file.
I wonder if there's any hope of an improvement in the forthcoming


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

TB on a small network

2003-08-20 Thread Paul Richardson

I am wondering about using TB on a small home network so that mail
could be written and read from either machine (that small!). I guess
that if I set automatic checking, I would get duplicates as a result
of each machine performing this function. Is there a way around this,
and would there be any other problems?


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TB on a small network

2003-08-20 Thread Paul Richardson

Thomas Fernandez wrote:

 Have you checked this?:

 Help / Topics / Index / Networking / The Bat! Networking Course

I can't resist an ironic chuckle. I usually check the Help file before
I start wailing here, but have got used to it offering no
assistance. And the first time I don't check...

Many thanks for the pointer; that seems to offer the solution.  I will


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:


2003-08-19 Thread Paul Richardson

What's it for?
It appears to be a text editor, but what is its purpose?

Not mentioned in the help file.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Smartbat

2003-08-19 Thread Paul Richardson

Allen wrote:

 in the future
 it can act as a scheduler

TVM. Sounds as if that could be a useful feature.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Common folders

2003-08-18 Thread Paul Richardson

Kat Armstrong wrote:

 In XP the common folders are visible to all users whereas only the
 accounts specific to that user are visible.

Interesting. TVM.
Is this the case with other OS too?

It's lamentable that basic but important information like this is not
in the help file.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Common folders

2003-08-17 Thread Paul Richardson

Allie Martin wrote:

 It's a folder that when created, doesn't belong to any particular
 account. Collapse all your accounts and the common folders will be

I can see how that might be useful. But it must be independent of
Inbox/Outbox folders, so could a common folder be filtered?


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Common folders

2003-08-17 Thread Paul Richardson

Allie Martin wrote:

 Yes, you can filter messages to common folders

Thanks again. I meant filter messages within common folders.

 and you can create read and replied message filters for common folders.

Yes, I've taken the plunge and created one to experiment with.  I
can't presently see a use to which I might put it, though :-)


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Common folders

2003-08-16 Thread Paul Richardson

What is a Common Folder? How does it differ from any other (rare? :-))

Nothing in the Help File.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Keep messages in the base for n days

2003-08-15 Thread Paul Richardson

If this setting is exceeded, will TB split an existing thread,
removing those that exceed it and keeping those that do not?

Nothing in the Help file again.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Keep messages in the base for n days

2003-08-15 Thread Paul Richardson

Peter Meyns wrote:

 Yes, indeed. It will mark the messages out of range as deleted, and
 with the next Purge and compress they will be actually deleted.


It strikes me this could be somewhat inconvenient.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Keep messages in the base for n days

2003-08-15 Thread Paul Richardson

Peter Meyns wrote:

 Why is that?

TBH, I suppose mainly because my previous e-mail client did not split
threads in this way; it wouldn't delete until the last message passed
the sell-by date.

 If I want to save a thread, I copy it to my archive
 folder, and let the mailing list continue its purging on time.

Which of course splits the thread.

 you could set your list folder to not expire messages at all

Better, IMO. Then I could copy or delete the entire thread manually.

It's not a huge problem, of course, just something that might have
been more thoughtfully designed, IMO.

Anyway, thanks for your help: it's saved me finding out the hard way!


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Secret features

2003-08-05 Thread Paul Richardson

Jonathan Angliss wrote:

 The license isn't that much, and TB is well worth the money in my

I wouldn't take too much issue with that, although the Help function,
from which the quote was lifted, is  poor. Now it appears to be
misleading, too.


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Secret features

2003-08-04 Thread Paul Richardson

Features for registered users can also be used once The Bat! has been

What features are these?


Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

English dictionary

2003-08-03 Thread Paul Richardson

My copy of The Bat only offers a US dictionary, which is of limited
use to me. Where can I get an English dictionary?

The Help file, which must be The Bat's weakest feature (I've just
spent an hour trying to find out how to edit an e-mail in the Outbox), is of no help.



Paul Richardson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: English dictionary

2003-08-03 Thread Paul Richardson

Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

 You need to install the International Support Pack to enable British
 English dictionaries.


I thought there might be an easier option. This file is bigger than
the program file (!) and contains masses of stuff which is of no use to

 Just double click on the message in the message list.

TVM again. That escaped me. The solution I eventually found was a
context menu click with the message highlighted.


Paul Richardson

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information: