Re: Automated response(?)

2003-07-11 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Greg Strong,

on 2003-06-13 at 20:07 CET you wrote:

GS Hello Mike,

GS On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, at 13:47:09 GMT -0400 (6/13/2003, 12:47 PM -0600
GS GMT here), you wrote in

MA Well said, and I fully agree. Yes, the on-line experience for me has
MA much more up than down and that's why I am here.

MA Nice post. Happy to have seeded it. ;-)

GS What can I say? Glad you like it! It pretty much sums up my feelings
GS after years of on-line experience.


TheBat! 1.62i on Windows 2000

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orphan directories?

2003-01-21 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello listmembers!

I'm not sure if this has come up earlier - I couldn't find it in the
FAQs or the groups.
On one of my accounts with a large number of subsubfolders (664 to be
exact) in a subfolder, there are some folders with complete .tbb and
.tbi files, but these do no longer appear in the folder view in
I re-imported the .tbb of one of these directories correctly into
TheBat, but its a bit hard to cross-chek every time which folders are
lost. Somewhere I read the tip to re-index messed-up folders, but
since I don't even see these folders in TheBat, this is a bit hard to


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: orphan directories?

2003-01-21 Thread Uwe Zimmermann

JA On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, Uwe Zimmermann wrote...

 On one of my accounts with a large number of subsubfolders (664 to be
 exact) in a subfolder, there are some folders with complete .tbb and
 .tbi files, but these do no longer appear in the folder view in


JA   It'll recover the folders you think you lost.  Hope that helps.

Hello Jonathan,

thanks a lot! That did the job. Is this function documented somewhere?


Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Newbie Q: text attachment visibility

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello listmembers!

First I would like to introduce myself briefly. My Name is Uwe
Zimmermann, I come originally from Germany but chose to go to Sweden
to become a PhD student in Stockholm, five years ago. Privately I have
become involved in the software support of an image database program
which I discovered (after long time searching).

I have converted to Heat! only a few days ago and I am quite sure that
I finally have found my future email client after about a year's
trial-and-error. I was driven to look for a new email client by the
introduction of Opera's new M2 mail engine which I find everything but

Originally I was using (and still am for my main email account)
Netscape, but when I started as a freelancer in email support for a
small company, I needed a program which could handle
a) multiple accounts separately
b) would offer backup features

Opera has never (in spite of advertising) been able to import my main
email account from Netscape, so it stayed where it was, but everything
else I managed from Opera - until last week.
Therefore I searched the Web for alternatives, I had already tested some of them
like Eudora (at work), Pegasus, but this time I found PMMail and

After about one hour of testing everything was clear and here I am...
I like about everything about the program and whenever somebody asks,
I will recommend it.

Now I come to my questions, I hope somebody has made it through the
blurb above and is still reading this.
In the support emails I often get attached plain-text documents to the
email. These normally have the extension .log, but may also come as
.txt. I wonder if there is any possibility to make TheBat! display
these attachments - it's all plain ASCII text - much like it now
displays attached image files in a tabbed separate window. If not, is
there any possibility somewhere in TheBat! to set, which program is
used to handle which type of attachment? On my system TheBat! does not
open any external viewer when I try to double click on attached .log
files, instead I first get the warning that these files can contain
viruses (it's pure ASCII and a non-macro text editor is associated with the files in
Windows) and when I insist on opening the file I get the error message
that the application for these files was not found...


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Newbie Q: text attachment visibility

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Allie, Roelof, Miguel and Peter,

thanks for your answers!

UZ double click on attached .log files, instead I first get the
UZ warning that these files can contain viruses (it's pure ASCII
UZ and a non-macro text editor is associated with the files in
UZ Windows) and when I insist on opening the file I get the error
UZ message that the application for these files was not found...

ACM TB! uses the systems associated application. Therefore, if the log
ACM file is not being opened, it's because there's something wrong with
ACM .log file associations on your system. Do you have .log files
ACM associated with your text editor?

LOG-files have always been associated with my text editor WinEDT. This works nicely
in Windows Explorer, the LOG file shows the corresponding icon and if
WinEDT is running, the file is opened within the running instance of
the program, when WinEDT is not running, the program is launched and
the LOG file displayed.
However in TheBat! I get the Windows flag as icon for LOG files and
the above mentioned error message persists.

Thanks for showing me how to disable the warning, now it's only the
error message which is left.


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Newbie Q: text attachment visibility

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Allie,

on Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2002 you wrote:

ACM It usually just uses the system associated application.

ACM I have WinEdt installed here and am trying to get it to associate it
ACM with .log files. I can't seem to. Notepad opens the file instead,
ACM even though I manually created the association in the Windows
ACM filetypes.

ACM I then switched the association back to textpad ... textpad opens
ACM the file just fine. shrug

OK, I managed (easily) to associate LOG files with both Windows
Notepad and Wordpad, I have no idea why WinEdt doesn't work, but for
these files I can live with Wordpad...

It would be nice though, if there was a more flexible way to handle
attached files in TheBat! 2.x 


p.s.: as you can see above, I still have work to do with my templates
TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Newbie Q: text attachment visibility

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Allie C Martin,

on Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2002 you wrote:

UZ It would be nice though, if there was a more flexible way to
UZ handle attached files in TheBat! 2.x 

ACM How so? Do you mean TB! determining which file-types are opened by
ACM which applications? If TB! did more than simply open attachments
ACM then I'd agree. Applications like Opera can handle filetypes in
ACM different ways, i.e., download them, handle them with a specific
ACM plugin or just open them with the system associated application.
ACM Because of this, it's best to have Opera handle filetypes.

ACM With TB! it does seem unnecessary in the main.

ACM If WinEdt's associations were working as they should, then you'd
ACM have been a happy camper.

I agree that in this case the problem is either WinEdt or Windows
related, but what I meant what that it might be neat to have a table
where one could tell TB! for certain MIME attachments to handle them
in a certain way by default. For a program as configurable as TB! this
would IMHO fit into the concept of the program.

It also/alternatively would be nice to (optionally) have a tabbed page
for the full header and/or message source. I know how to access these
now, but again, I think this would make a nice addition to the

Is there by any chance a possibility to switch the language of the
predefined macros, such as %odate on the fly or on an account basis?
Since I use the program for messages in at least three languages, this
really would be nice
Switching the spell checking with the
%language macro is a very nice feature in this respect...


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Newbie Q: text attachment visibility

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Allie C Martin,

on 2002-12-15 at 15:40 CET you wrote:

UZ It also/alternatively would be nice to (optionally) have a
UZ tabbed page for the full header and/or message source. I know
UZ how to access these now, but again, I think this would make a
UZ nice addition to the program.

ACM I don't think so but that's just me. :) I'd prefer just buttons to
ACM easily access these (currently they're only shortcuts). They could
ACM then be displayed in tabs though the independent window approach for
ACM the source view makes one more flexible.

ACM Have you looked at the tbudlinfo page? The URL is in the list footer
ACM for all the list messages. You could submit a feature request.

Yes I have, but as a newbie to TB! I first want to make sure that
a feature is not already there and I'm just too damn stupid to find
it. And then I personally prefer to hear others' ideas/considerations
before going to ask for new features.
That's the way things are handled for ThumbsPlus, where suggestions
are directly placed into an open discussion group

UZ Is there by any chance a possibility to switch the language of
UZ the predefined macros, such as %odate on the fly or on an
UZ account basis?

ACM I don't think so. Complex macros have been created to do this
ACM translation. I thought they would be in the macro repository but
ACM they aren't. Someone on the list should have an example. Hopefully
ACM one will chip in. If not, you could post this to TBTECH where regex
ACM macros are often discussed.

I found a way around it: the ISO date should do for all my
purposes ;-}
However, the fact that the output of the %odate macro can be
influenced by a command string is not directly described in the
help nor in the FAQs


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

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Re: Leave on server woes.

2002-12-15 Thread Uwe Zimmermann
Hello Andre Wichartz,

on 2002-12-15 at 21:31 CET you wrote:

AW Hello Craftsman,

AW On Sunday, December 15, 2002, 14:53:04 -0500 GMT (which was 20:53
AW local time), Craftsman wrote:

C If I set The Bat to leave files on the server, it will continue to
C download *all* the files left on the server over and over.  It doesn't
C take long to end up with a gazillion dupes.

C Anybody know a cure?

AW I have set the Bat! to leave messages on server for two days just in
AW case. I never experienced your problem..

Neither do I.
I'm using 3 different POP3 mail servers, all are configured to leave
the messages on the server for now.
Everything behaves well, no duplicates and yes, the messages are still
on the server


TheBat! 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000

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